Hebrew Brain Time and Neuropathways.


As the earth rotates around the sun in its orbit.

That Orbit contains various and assorted actions.

Those actions of course have fixed points to them.


You were born on x date.


You get up at A time,

It takes B amount of time to get through your wake up ritual. Clean yourself, clothing, food, transport to work, etc.  possible ineractdion with friends/relatives/family.

C you arrive at work at a given fixed point.

D you achieve whatever tasks you were hired to perform

E first break

F more work

G lunch

H more work

I third break

J more work

K heading homd

L any type of errands needed on the way home.

M home.

N whatever is needed to achieve at home

O preparing for bed


Each of those fixed points and of course tasks between can be mirror statistically compared to the brain and synapse firing.

Over the course of time, each synapse is a given fixed point variable.

Say J “more work”. Whatever you do in a day. You rarely in most jobs do the same exact task every single time. on an assembly line, you do not work on the same exact part from 20 years of a career.

You work on different parts for any given amount of time.

Say you built a fender, you make y number of fenders an hour/day.

Over time, as you improve in your work. Your tasks will change.

Those tasks will of course alter.

Which means if a task if a synapse, which leads to collection of synapses.

The larger the collection of synapses the larger the neuropathway you build in your life.

Over time, your neuropathway and that of those around you will merger. Ideas will be generated and spread across all the different external neuropathways.




Image result for neural pathway

Image result for neural pathway












TR Welling