Heliopolis Vatican



Around the year 33 in around Easter, the close to decade in the making actions occurred.

Those actions were of course to have Heliopolis aka “Jerusalem” moved from Egypt to Rome in order for Jesus to use as his Palace and of course first Cathedral to become both Emperor of the Roman Empire and of course usher in a new age of understanding.

To rebuild what Judaism was previous to Moses and the Exodus, to return to the basic framework of the philosophy of Judah and his father Jacob.


And to create a new Jerusalem on earth, as close to that of the Garden of Eden as possible.


However, the enemies of the Jews would not stand idiolly by and allow the work to destroy original Judaism to be brought back to life.

They worked to hard over too long to simply allow Judaism to return to its previous to the Exodus Format.

Like wake a mole, every time the old philosophy of Judaism appears again. Descendants of Esau have a soul need to seek it out and destroy all aspects of it. most of the time they have no idea what they are doing, they only know that they have to seek out any thing which “hurts their feelings” and destroy it.





Neuropathways of History

Neuropathways and language

Compass Headings

Misspellings Language

Word and Letter Time Maps

Key Letters

What are the key letters/words in this specific documente.







TR Welling