

Hercules and his legendary tasks,


The 10 Tasks of Hercules are actually 8 major tasks and 4 secondary tasks, whichever there is a 13th task which his nemesis demanded he do in order to make up for his cheating the 2.

He made up for the 2 by doing 2 more, but then the interest needing to do one more to punish for the 2 he tried to cheat.


This extra task was to attack and destroy the city of Troy, previous to Agamemnon who sacked the city two decades later.

Podarces was the given name of the future Pharaoh Priam, pharaoh for a couple reasons. One he was a Jew backed by the facts that the name Trojan itself means descendants of the holder of the foot. The Holder of the Foot is Sumeiran for Jacob.


The Greek Academics were about as anti-semtici as the Third Reich, the Third Reich enjoyed finding and killing every Jew they could find. Cities controlled by Jews were only allowed to exist if they payed huge taxes to their Hyksos/Dorian/Avaris masters and every few years give the older teenage boys to the Hyksos army to be turned into a Jewish slave shield wall to conquer the new Jewish city or Jewish people.

Jewish killing Jews is the absolute most perfect concept for the eHyksos descendants of Esau.


Who would never got over not being chosen to be Head of the Long Tall House of God aka the name Pharaoh. Which interesting is a name and title origin which began with Noahs Ark in Egypt. Noah parked his Ark next to the temple of IWNW which by legend 1000  years previous was built by Adam himself.


Hercules in this case based on all the documentation was a Jew, who had won his freedom but had also won his freedom from the Jewish slave shield wall by upsetting his slave master Dorian overlords. So he had won his freedom but at the same time he had also upset them so his punishment was to perform tasks and labors to make up for insults and humiliating his Hyksos betters.


Hercules has at least one if not two encounters with the city of Troy.

It appears that Hercules challenged the father of the future Pharaoh of Troy and killed him as part of his tasks. After some issue with payment for killing a sea creature which was sent by another enemy of Troy to destroy the city

Hercules was sent to kill the creature by a rival of the Hyksos king who had sent the creature in the first place. The plan was that Hercules would either be killed by the creature and or killed in combat after payment was refused.

Hercules killed the king Laomedon's for not paying him, since the payment was supposed to go back to his overlord. Hercules also killed several of Priams older brothers.

Laomedon and his couple of his sons were killed, leaving one of his surviving daughters Hesione and her brother to perform a divine ritual to bless Hercules and of course his slave master.

Which would be the basic intent Eurystheus had most of the time. He wanted a true and honest blessing from that set of clergy. They would not give it to him under almost any circumstance, so he manipulated the events to force his slave champion to attack till they blessed Hercules with great blessing from heaven and the ATEN.

But since Hercules was a slave to Eurystheus, the blessing would go to himself and only semi-to Hercules.

But by performing the ritual correctly and giving a blessing to Hercules, Podarces proved himself and was them promited by the people and the diving to be the next Pharaoh/King of Troy. This also allowed him to be elegible to marry the second daughter of the Paroah of Egypt Akhenatin.

There son Paris would be betrothed to the oldest daughter of Nephertiti and Akenatan Meritaten. Meritatens oldest son Theseus would eventually become King of Athens.

Theseus’ daughter Helen would be the mythical start to the Trojan War.

Which took place years later when Helen and Paris were both at least teenagers. When Hercles battled Paris’ grandfather Podarces ahd not married Paris’ mother yet.

Theseus was born but was still a young child.


The Labors of Hercules and the Amphora of Pandora are directly related.

Both of those are directly related to the facts of the Ǽrdology calendar functions.

Each major fixed point of the eight have specifc numbered days between.

Those fixed points, the numbers are letters and the letters are numbers.

Those letters have meanings.

Those meanings themselves have specific word sequences.

The labors are a reflection of those words and meanings.











TR Welling