Hypothesis the Founding of Psychology

Wundt was in Tiffin Ohio working with both Oliver Cowdrey and Joseph Smith to begin to write the notes which turned into the first modern psychology textbook.

Wundt specialized in neuropathways, and by extension the nervous system.


In a very small amount of the book of Mormon; book of Nephi, the  first pages are constantly changing language formats.

From middle English, to kings English, to a mixture of Gaelic grammar rules, to a form of American used in the early 1820s, etc.

If you take each of those language changes as a fixed historical point. and convert to a 3d model. Location of language as well as timeframe, the zig zags take on an image similar to a neuropathway.

In effect a neuropathway which represents a cross section of the brain thinking.

Translate enough of it, and which lobes are communicating with each other.

Iit also creates  a map of time. since old English, middle English, Gaelic, etc. have specific time periods associated.


The next problem on the list.

If you see the original structure of the LDS, then compare to the structure of Pan and his wood nymphs, this can be statistically compared to the formulation and structure of the AErdology map; a very distinct pattern arises.

That pattern is. a man (the sun) in the middle, and each of the 8 plus fixed points is represented by a different female. The females interact with each other (intimately) and of course interact with the man (sun), which is exactly how the AErdology counts work in the calendar.

This is exactly how the brain works. Each lobe and specialized portion can be compared to a female which the "will/sun" interacting by the use of electricity. How they interact sending electrical signals back and forth between the different lobes is the basis of cognition.

Which is also the basis of a concept that the sun/earth electro magnetics is in some affect the brain of god using the solar wind as a structural scaffolding to hold onto the thinking and of course the memories created.

Not to mention the facts surrounding the fact that the original city Tiffin was renamed after the FreiKorp conquest was founded by the British Ogle family of Northumberland. 3000 years ago, formerly of Rome aka the City of Samhain. But that is a very complex set of questions and answers.

Previous to Rome/Samhain, the Ogles before they named and founded the British culture were the Trojan Royal family, previous were part of the 18th Egyptian Dynasty, previous were part of the Old Kingdom which were the ones responsible for designing and building the pyramids.

The Prussian Empire that founded the FreiKorp would stop at nothing to obtain the knowledge and most importantly the weapons which built the pyramids in the first place. Those were powerful weapons, that hopefully could be turned into the worlds most powerful WMD’s. It was assumed and based on all the evidence which cascaded from the FreiKorp conquest of the city they renamed Tiffin exactly how the behavior patterns of Samhain to be renamed Rome occurred.

The Ogle family were still in Tiffin from the  date of conquest up to and through 1980 when Helen Shaffer (Ogle) died. Her child, grandchildren, and great grandchildren had already moved to other locations outside of Ohio by 1979. But the Ogle library was the key to what the FreiKorp wanted.

Immediately upon the Prussian empire seizing control over the Ogle library, the industrial revolution was kicked off almost instantly.

Within 5 years of the library falling out of Ogle hands, the following inventions were “invented” within 100 miles of Tiffin, Ohio.

The steam engine, the steam boat, the Singer sewing machine, the transmission, etc.

Without those inventions the entire industrial revolution would not have occurred period.

Within 17 years, the Mississippi was full of steam boats operating a full-service trade route up and down the Mississippi and its tributaries. 100s of steam boats, in just 15 years. Nothing to full scale operations. 1840-1855. A huge amount of work in an extremely short time.

Which is exactly the same as the behavior patterns Rome bragged about from 40 bce when the “supposed” Alexandria library was destroyed. Within 30 years the ballistic advances in every area of science, academics, mathematics, etc. occurred. The Romans went from bronze to steel to a blast furnace in just 35 years after the library was burned. Evidence the library was not burned, an empty building was burned the scrolls, codex’s, etc. were shipped to Rome and the empty building burned.

The pattern is the Romans and their descendant armies/cultures love to steal and then claim they did it. The conquered is present each time and they have a library the enemy “poof” suddenly obtains from nowhere. The Tiffin Heidelberg library circa 1840 itself was the most advanced library within more than 500-mile radius. It is obvious that the Heidelberg library came from in part Edinburgh library, which was in part still under the control of the Ogle family as of just a short time previous to 1810.