1/11/2013 15:38:34

1/11/2013 15:46:37




Israel/Jacob versus Palestine/Esau




Esau's line descendants include; the Hyksos Pharaohs, Moses, several of the bad kings of Hebron Jerusalem, the philistines, Paul (the founder of the catholic church), bishop of Lyon, etc. Ishmaels line was absorbed into Esau’s line shortly after Mohammed.

Jacobs line  descendants include; pharaoh’s of Egypt who took over from the Hyksos circa 1600-1330, David, Solomon, Sheba, possibly Zerubbabel, Emmanuelle/Jesus Christ, Several of his Apostles (Not Mathew, mark, luke, or John),


First problem; the great temple is not in Hebron/Levant it is in Egypt. Specifically the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza; the location of the temple is Ptah.

So in truth the capital of the Jewish homeland is the temple and city Jacob the father of the origin of the word Jew. Fighting over Jerusalem when it was an entire Esau line invention is an entire waste of time. If god intended for the capital and temple to be in Hebron; they were in Hebron just before heading into Egypt.


Second problem; following the schema rules of Esau (not the king of kings) and not following the direction of the king of kings Jacobs line.


Each time a Jacobs line descendant rose to being king of kings; their endeavors were successful, each and every time (outside of mecca; Esau's home kingdom) Esau’s line attempted to become king of kings the endeavor failed, sometimes with flying colors.


Esau's line successful to be king; not and never king of kings. Simply was unable to obtain said position for long. Despite 5000 years of trying.


5000 years of losing; Esau’s line has never been successful in keeping, except for once from 2100(1800)- 1600 bce. Times Esau was in charge of the middle east; the Jews have always obtained a major presence within the military grasp of Esau's line. Just because Esau's line became negative and militaristic to the Jews, did not mean spiritually the Jews were not still in charge of the sights. Physical access has nothing to do with spiritual access.



Israel needs to separate out those with the Esau behavior patterns

Palestine needs to recognize they are from two separate Esau line foundations; Zoroaster and directly esau.

Esau based on behavior patterns is and cannot be king of kings.