§  Jesus

The story of Jesus is a great deal more in-depth than the radical amount already covered.

There are a dozen or more subjects which have not only not been covered, those subjects are almost entirely forgotten about period.

The subjects include but not limited to.

1.      The whole last supper and issues with the name concept.

2.      His uncle

3.      Joseph of Aramathea

4.      The Blade/Tome of Longinus

5.      The conquest of Rome

6.      The Roman Jewish Counsel and its rules regarding property in Rome proper itself.

7.      Extremely well defined funeral  rites,  only x people can  touch the body, only so many can view the body, only y can put the body in the crypt, only z can transfer the remains into an ossuary, etc. the rules the higher a priest or a royal family member the more specific. Combine and the rules of conduct increase almost exponentially.

8.      Cleopatra and the Crucifixion; yes as a matter of statical analysis and centuries old heritage Cleopatra and Jesus are not only directly connected their life’s had no choice but to be intertwined.

9.      Cleopatra’s son’s death and the timing of the last supper

10.  Cleopatra’s suicide not a suicide, Anthony ran block to allow Cleopatra to exile herself out of the dominant hands of the Romans. Her location was in the code her step son built into her suicide story. Anthony did not commit suicide in front foo Cleopatra, he committed suicide in front of Augustine’s sister his wife before Cleopatra.  

11.  The name Pharaoh and Jesus

12.  Simon Peter

13.  St Peters Basilica and the Megalith it was built on

14.  The megaliths and Jesus, A dolman is a central theme in the life of Jesus.

15.  The Title  of Olive and the Arc of the Covenant

16.  The Arc and the spear of Longinus

17.  The Impostor Paul; pure hard psychopath Hyksos/Dorian descendent. Did what comes naturally to his culture lied, cheated, stole, impersonated, identity disorder (same condition as the man who killed John Lennon), called the Evil Priest by literally all those directly connected to Jesus.

18.  Mound of Olives and the Tabernacle/Ship of Adam

19.  Adam’s ship sailing ferrying souls into and out of physical form. Jesus and the resurrection; Adam and Jesus interaction.

20.  The Jonah’s fish a crude representation of Adam’s Ship of souls

21.  Jesus time in Egypt in the Temple of Phat Memphis old name Luz.

22.  Narmer

23.  Narmer and the Narmer plate/Passport gave the lands from Sakkara to Giza to the “Children of the Light” aka People of Israel. Israel is in Egypt according to Narmer.

24.  The temple of Ptah itself

25.  Abraham

26.  Jacob and the construction of the Pyramids as monotheistic story devices. I said it but do you understand the code. The code is buried because the Jews have faced genocide more than a dozen times. Including Genocide in American between 1600-1946.

27.  Jerusalem’s in America to hide from the Enemy, 1600 years later those Jerusalem’s were obliterated.

28.  Joseph moving not the UK on the other side of the yet to be built Hadrian’s Wall. Which is exactly where Meritaten by legend went. Her defenses must have still be active 1400 years later.

29.  Heliopolis

30.  “Returning to Heaven” returning to Luz Returning to Israel. After Caesar transported the temple and power from Egypt to Rome, Heaven was then located in Rome.

a.       Be interesting if Caesar had the temple of Ptah disassembled one rock at a time and moved to Rome. Making the Building boom in Rome immediate after the invasion of Egypt Rocks from Memphis.

b.      Would be even more interesting if Simon Peter was working on gathering those same rocks from almost a century later to have the temple shipped back to Memphis and reassembled. Or was he content to have Heaven in Rome, former name “City of Seven Hills” which is by hard evidence named in reference to the Seven areas which contain pyramid in Egypt. That area between Sakkara and Giza on the West side of the Nile. The exact area Narmer gave to be Israel.  

31.  Hotep is a Israel name means master of working with light. Hotep from Sumerian and Hieroglyphic translates to Christian.


Each subject can start as a small book, but there is sufficient information in each to write an entire book.