Joseph Smith Life


·       Conspire as in Conspiracy

o   Most of what you will see below are not the enemy is conspiring against. The Hyksos/Prussians/etc. are not conspiring against, they are simply following a set of instructions set forth by ancient ancestors. The list of why has been lost so long ago, no one inside the organization questions it. to them it is simply a fact, which for the field of science is like what hydrogen does, or the force of gravity is 32 feet per second(2). To them it is a universal fact, and they simply ignore when what they think will happen does not come true.

·       Born

o   Smith was born into a very poor family. So poor that they were forced to turn to one of the only jobs low class whites would be allowed to do in the area. They turned to fortune telling, and other “Spiritualist” form jobs. Dowsing, and other forms of Electro-Magnetic sensitive devices to search for things.

o   He formed a company with partners to dows and other activities together. His partners were more than a little upset when he found his largest treasure and in effect did not share it with them. The item and or the profits form the discovery.

o   As a teenager he was actually good at it, it was out dowsing for a variety of things when he found the library cache the British Ogles had left behind. He found the cache and all but immediately had little idea what to do with it. he invited a few friends who might know, but mostly it was interesting but still no idea.

o   Then he invited linguistic scholar to the discover and the linguist made several rather interesting statements. Which were later recanted based on political influence and social pressures. The Prussian Empire was just as strong in America as they were in their duel capital cities of Konensburg and of course Berlin.

o   Smith had tripped himself into an extreme problem. He tripped into being a major player in a War which had been going on since Noah’s flood. A war which the always loosing side in the wars would never get over their losses. Always seeking revenge on those that caused them harm. Always demanding to have and control the divine tools they have been denied since Noah. The flood was designed to destroy them, but they have convinced themselves they are the good ones and the people who always win the war are the bad ones. Since despite all they do evil, they are still the good ones acting on behavior of the will of god, and there enemy are the evil ones for denying them access and the power of god.

·       170 plus club

o   The pilot eposide of the TV show “Scorpion” described what it is like to have an iq above 170. The child was sitting at the counter stairing at a clock, his mother came up to him and said “just a few more minute kid, and my shift if over.” What she di dnot realize is that her kid being 10 was not looking at the clock, ticking down the seconds till his mother was off work. He was capculating the surface tension of the plastic over the clock. Or the air pressure inside between the plastic and the paper. Or thinking about the gears and how they work in order to have the seconds, minutes, and hours move in syncronicity. And determining if the clock itself was keeping accurate time. his mother had absolutely no idea that among 1000 other htings is what her son was thinking. However the other characters around not only did, but they could explain her son to her. They could bridge the gap between her and her son; finding ways her son could communicate with her and she could communicate with her son. Which both ways are nt the same language, or ways to communicate.

o   The British Ogle family possessed books written ver the millennia by a large number fopeople with an IQ which would literaly make Einstein look not exactly smart. Leonardo Da Vinci is one of those 170 plus IQ club members.

o   It is an unknown if Wundt was a member, or if Smith was. But what is absolutely well ducmented is the books from Heidelberg Tiffin oHio could not have come from anywhere else but the Ogle family library in Northumberland, aka the kingdom of Ogle.

o   Almost everything below is a chess match between a couple dozen sides all trying to play their own versions of chess with different rules, different strategies, and different actual games. Some are playing checkers, some are playing chess, some are playing 3e chess. Some are only interested in blood sport and have no idea how to play the gaem. But they are playing anyway and will occasionally kick their ball into the middle of the chess board just to watch the ereactions from the serious players. This is the case of hwere Protstenatnismm began which led directly to the Great Awakenign movements, which led directly to the formulation of the LDS church. But Smith was not playing the same game Young was. Smith was playing the “what is this” game, and Young was a Prussian Spy working to sieze control over the church and accept command control from his Prussian commanding officers.

o   The problem which exists is the events of 1400 are in large part what played out

·       The First Crucade

o   Despite what might seem obvious, teh actions taken by Smith which led directly to the creation of the field of Psychology as well as WWI and WWII, did not start with smith, he was simply a player in a  much larger and vastly complex set of actions.

o   Actdions which actually did not start with the First Crucade, the efirst crusade was merely what led to the creation of the Prussian Empire. which ultimately ended the German Empire. all in all very complicated sets of actions by differnet competing political powers. Some political people have a larger grasp of the big picture some only see what is directly infront of them. Their citizens are also mixed in, since the citizens are forced to fight wars which both sides are lying about what the war is actually about.

o   The first cdrucade began as a direct affect from the British retaking their Island of Britain back. They installed King William on the English Throne, and continued to rule all of Britain from their Kingdom of Northumberland. Although its former name is Yr Hen Ogle dd. But once this occurred, the British and Germans immediately had two problems. First the Muslims were never going to back down. They had conquered Britain in 680 and had zero intention of allowing their defeat at Hastings 1066 bring their foothold of Europe to an end. They had Spain, but that is not really a foothold. The Iberian peninsula is itself semi-isolated. It would not be for another 700 years that a version of Islam would finally break into France and begin a slow revolution to place Islam in power in France. That would be the libertine government. But that is a very long and extremely complex set of situations, wich involve how the Prussian Empire began in the first place.

o   A group of mostly European descent cultures who had generations previous converted to Islam formed in Acre Levant lands. That Culture formed a Knighthood called the Teutonic Knights. That group of warriors and the culture which backed them up were public Catholics but privately they were hard core Islamic fanatics. Bent on a soul level to find, capture, and use the information they saw the Templar Knights pulling out of an underground Cache from the Temple Mound.

o   Obviously as Muslims that “temple” had been dedicated to Islam of the pervious 300 years. So any and all htings which were at said temple including the unknown library and gold caches the leaders of sunni and shia decided belonged to them. Despite the facts that said location Mohammed was never within 100 miles of the area. He did not travel to Jerusalem, he knew the facts of the case. He knew that the events in question did not take place in Levant but in Egypt. He knew that Jesus did not enter Levant Lands Jerusalem, what a waste of time. He traveled to Rome and entered Jerusalem there. But that is an extremely long and unbelievably complex story.

·       NOahs v the bad people

o   The bad people from the Flood, only see how they have been wronged, they never take into account the evils they do. They are almost always shocked when someone out of no hwere suddenly hits them in the face, they are toally shocked and upset they were hit. They have to ignore their bloody knuckles and the other persons black eye, but they as some type of situational blindness and cognive dissonance work hard to ignore the evil they do and blow out of proportion all that is done to them. They are always innocent and all that is done to them is unjustified. Any and all personal affronts are the worst thing possible, and all they are always innocent. Or they did it but they are sorry, they feel bad so therefore what they did is entirely justified. “I am sorry”, so to them sorry is the end of it.

o   No amount of sorry is acceptable to things done to them. They demand lbs of flesh, money, power, etc.

o   When the bad people began to reform after the flood, they were just as bad after as before. But what became clear over the ecentures is, to avoid being mass destoyred again. They every few years name change and remove the previous leaders. Then claim the new name has zero to do with the past and all the previous leaders have been punished. Then it comes down to “give me a chance to be good. What is your evenence I am bad like this group under itse previous name. Bring me hard physical evidence I and this current named group are bad, and then we can talk. But till then, do not punish me for the sins of old.” By the time the new named group does the evil, (which they work as hard as they can to hide all the evidence they did anything wrong) they repeat the same exact pattern. Remove the old leaders, name change, and deny any involvement with the previous actions. Thus starting the sequence and pattern again. B.Y. was part of this “Bad People” group and was a FreiKorp spy. He was sent into the LDS in order to both spy, and to ensure that he was able to seize control over the group and turn it into a branch of the FreiKorp. Which for the most part worked from 1844-present

·       The Ogle family

o   The Ogle family and

·       Great Awakening Movements

o   Are a series of covert military experiszes involving covert troop moments who are actually spy’s for the Prussian Empire. they move in, destabilize the countyr, and work very hard to infiltrate a small politicalmovment, or found a politicalmovmnet, then use that movement through the use of Evangelical Tools to convince the population they are good and there leaders are either bad or evil. They would be much better leaders than the current ones, then either revolt against a monoarchy and or they create huge voting blocks and simply vote themselves into office then seize control that way. but the entire thig from the start of the Evangelical MOvmemnt to present has been a carefully constructed clandesntine political/military experize designed to destroy the philosophy of Jacob and install the philophophy of Esau. Esau is the second LRge biblical figure to be incharge of what would become the Hyksos, who then name changed enumberable times. Same philophsy from the bad people through terah, through Esau, through the Hyksos, through the Prussians, to present. They use any and all tools they can to convince the population they need to be incharge and that all evils done under their authority are not only acceptable but entirely justified. All is forgiven under the leadership, since the leadership are in direct communication with god. God leader the eladers, and the leaders lead the community, so any thing the leaders order there people to do is for all intense and purposes directly from the will of god. Which is fore most intense and purposes entirely disgusting to say the absolute least.

o   But the founding of the great awakening movmment did not just “start” in 1700 from a fork in the evangelical moment,

o   The evangelical movnetn di dnot just start from the teacxhings of chrst. The evangelical movement began as an offshoot of the Roman Senate and the teachings of Evil Priest Paul, who was  a direct blood line Hyksos descendant. He was not only a Hyksos descendant but he was also a rather upstanding roman citizen. Although Jesus was also a Roman Citizen, but he was also a Jew. His uncle Joseph from his mothers side, was a member of the Jeiwsoh Counsel overseeing Levant lands Jews.

o   Which means that Jseoph was a Roman Citizen, he owned lands in Rome proper, he was in the military, and he was incharge of the Blade of Longinous. The name is the blade not the man holding the blade. The blade was not a simple senturians spear, the blade was the Sword of Alba Longa. But that is an equally huge and 100% embarrassing to the Roman Empire and the descendants of Paul story. It is embarrassing since the story tells about the enumerable war losses the descendants of Agemeon had to endure before they finally won a victry at the city of Alba Longa which led to a victoty over the city of Samhain. That city was immediately named changed to honor its conquering general Romulus. What is so imporntat about a War which took place at 753 bce. That War was the end of the fourth Great Movement set of Wars from the Trojan War. The first was at the Palace at Knossos, the second was at Poseidon/Athens, the third was Troy itself, the efourth was Samhain/Rome, the was at Carthage, etc. till you reach the Pacific North West and the City of Bellingham. Although the overwhelming majority of the city of Bellingham itself, the history of it has been long ago way lost to the ravages of time. the city was built first in the mouth of the Nooksack. But the Third Great Awakening mmnet could not stand in any way the city in the Mouth of the River. They felt the city was a core of evil, and must be destroyed to save Whatom County from the cancer the city was. So they created an artificial flood and destroyed the city itself. Although a small percentage of the city itself remains.

o   The Great Awakening mvomments with the most extreme evidence presented in the first and fifth are in effect reverse Crusade's. The mulsims from Mecca know they cannot mount military exerisze, the west is far too good at military technology. The muslims in the middle east are far too inersed in other things than to have most of the population eduationed in science, technology, mathematics, engineering, etc. they prefer other ations. So they cannot get their ppulations to create military equipment. But creating weapons is one of the things western culture is the best at. The west specifically American has advanced enough technology to put 100,000 troops anywhere on the globe inside of 24 hours. That includes the south pole. The ability is different than “going to do it”. to achieve this goal, the military would have to shut down most of their operations and use most of their equipment to move 100,000 soldiers to anywhere in the world in 24 hours. They would require taking over several dozen if not a couple hudnrd civilian aircraft, as well as fuel supplies of those airlines. Cargo planes, civilian aircraft, they could achieve the goal. However, can and will are entirely differnet stories.  They could bring in in the next 24 hours the supplies said 100,000 troops need to live, the next day bring in another 100,000 troops. However, there is little if any real reason to achieve this goal. But it can be done. The only other nations capable would be Russia and China, but they would have to in effect steal the needed planes from American companies to do it. Russia and China do not have the planes to achieve this goal.

o   What does this have to do with anything. The West is far too good at creating weapons to fight them shield wall to shield wall. Ambushes, and clandestine operations are the only military actions which mecca can pull off with any level of success. So that is what Mohammed and Abu Bakr’s descenddnats have been doing since war moved past the sword and shield. Although a very strong and determined armgment can be made that noe of the reasons the Dark Age was created by the eVatican was to force the west to lose its military advantange after the collapse of the Roman Empire. The Papal state could not maintain cohesion in its govmenrt and maintain military supremacy at the same time. they wnateed a long stretnch of centuries for their citizens to focus only and completely on the teachings of Jesus. But those teachings were taught only orally, the priests were taught orally and were expected to memorize the gospels. However as evidence has so clearly shown the early gospels were a mixed bag of ocntradictions. The bible as we know it did not exist till guttenburg in the 1450s. previous their were anywhere between 100 and 1000 version/codexes of the whole bible. Some sanctioned by the Vatican others were not. All in all a very mixed bag of information. Which the great awakeking mentments spring forward rom the evagnegincal literature, which for the most part the original literature was lost long before the guttenburg bible was printed.

o   The guttenburg bible is also same as the formulation of protestatism is a direct result of the Prussian Empire. the Prussians wanted to create their own version and make that version widely releasable. They wanted to ensure that their version of the events in question would be the only version most if not all the world knew, at least till the Vatican put out their own version of the bible centuries later. The Vatican  had not let go of the ideas that they could still maintain the office of inquisition and kill all who questioned the authority of the church till the end of the 1700s.

o   Which brings into the equation presented, what part did Leonardo Da Vinci play in the development of the inventions. He was born 3 years after, but he was born during a time when all of the Catholic world was shaken to its core by what the PRusian Empire had done. The purssians had created protestansim which threatened the very fabric of Europe and Catholicism. X 1409, in a very strong way spearheaded the Prussians to contract with Gutenburg to print the bible. Which produced Martin Luther and his theosises. He nailed to a church door, but was not executed for heracy.

o   The Mulsims operate in clandestine cells, being violent when needed, and being spy's when needed. Their aim is to destroy western culture form within. Has been since Esau created Islam in the first place, Mohammed merely rebuild what Esau created.

o   X and Martin luther simply followed in the same philophsy bent as Esau, they both hated with a passion Jews and the message from Jesus. They both loved the message of Esau and of course his teachings begat Paul.  But not being intellectuallys, or the entire point to the creation of PRotestnatism was to distract attention away from the secrets hidden in the printed Gutenburg bible.

o   The secrets which the Catholic church had worked for the previous entire 1450 years to keep as hidden as possible. However, with someone as smart and Da Vinci, his engineering and 8 dimensional mathematical mind at work. Being able to read the bible in its whole Guttenburg form he would see the bible entirely different than most anyone else.



·       First Great Awakening Movement

o   The Prussians first had to have sufficient numbers of their citizens in Britain and the colonies in order to begin to host rallies which would eventually lead to the downfall of the govmenrt. Although the French Royal family had been holding out for centuries against the teachings of Protestantism, the people remained for the most part loyal. In the colonies the English were not interested in loyalty, they were interested in money, power, and money. The English were also protestanist, who had in effect demanded that the colonies had freedom of realigion but that freedom came at the price of 18 hour work days. The English govenrt only cared about how much money the colonies could generate. “have whatever belief system you want, just give us all of your money”. Although this was tested a few times and at the end right before the revolution a huge amount of issues surrounding hard core puritans who had in 1690 attempted to impose their version of radical puritanism on all in ther govmennbt and military sphere of influence. Thus ending in the Salem Witch Trails which ironically in a way began with a 50 year old pedophile molesting an 8 year old girl, and a group of other females playing with a long discarded tabernacle system. Which they proceeded to use and harm themselves with. When their church leders found the tabernacle system, they attempted it us it as well and were also physical and mentally damaged. This hard evidence led to two hard conclusions for the Prussian empire. first that the secrets they ahd been chasing fro nhalf a millennia were true, and that said tools could be turned into weapons. They could use those weapons to destroy all of their enemies, and force all humans to follow their leaders rules and regulations.

o   Which those facts led directly to a war which has three names; 7 years war, the French and Indian, and the Samhain War. The last is the most accurate since most of the participants did not speak English and would not have used the word 7 or its English spelling seven.

o   There were several wars as a direct result of the first Great Awakening movement. Which based on the available evidence and repeat patterns; shows clear statistical evidnece this was the entire point. Nothing destabilizes a culture faster than war, the rich make hand over first money, so they do not care. The leaders some win some loose, the winners only care about the fact they won. The losers if they survive are too busy trying to heal and regroup. All in all an extremely difficult situation. Which the Prussians then take as hard and massive advantage as they possibly can.  

o   1730s and 1740s

o   This movmenet ended just before the shift from destabilizing to full on war. The War was the Seven Years War, or the French and Indian, or the Samhain War.

o   The Samhain War is the most accurate because this war is simply a continuation of the Trojan War. The combatins were the same just geneartions later. The Trojans Evactuated west and the descendants of Agemeon followed west. First they followed to Italy, then Carthage, then Ga’al, then Germany, then Britain, then a stailmate for the next half a millennia, before the Roman Empire collapsed, then next wave came from Mecca in the form of Fatimah and her army. On her heals was the army of Abu Bakr one of his dying decloration was to have his army follow her and to there last breath find and kill her and all who converted to her form of Islam. Which he found to be absolute evil. The results of his and the Vatican armies seek and destroy the descendats of Fatimah ended up creating the European Dark age 300-1800. The lessons from Fatimah were not invented by her, her actions 300 years after the start of the Medival Times were just enough of a boost to the Vatican to keep up the pressures.

o   It is the writings and philosophy she liked combined with that of her fathers/Esau’s Islam which is the foundation for Protestantism that the Prussian Empire hid behind. They claim any and all htings in order to create whatever façade is needed to not be questioned.

o   The first great awakening began just after the utter failure at the Salem Witch Trials. The Trials were a complete success from a Prussian perspective, but in the aftermath utter and complete failure. The culture and the other colonies around rejected the concepts of the trails out of hand. Infact the outrage was so intense that in the 1770s arguments over independence over the colonies, this subject was a huge part of the debates. The south became adamant to a violent degree over the very idea that Massacheusetts would create a “new nation” only to implement another round of the Witch Trails. The South refused in all ways to agree to anything close to the parameters and laws which led to the trials.

o   In fact the “checks and balances” part of the constitution was created and implemented in order to ensure that a group of religious nut jobs would not be allowed to create a voting block and turn the country away from being a representative democracy and into a theocracy. Although this has been challenged on several occasions when each new great awakening movement again works to create a coupe detant to overthrow America and implement what is in effect the fourth reich.

o   They tried with Andrew Jackson, and then again with most of the Democratic leaders from 1820-1865, then something odd happened.

o   The cultures perception of what the dem party  was shifted from good to evil, which meant that the evil members of the dem party had to resign and join the GOP.

o   Thus began the convergence from the original Dem Party being evil to the members of the Dem party joining the GOP and turning its platform from liberal/progressive and good to in most effects evil. The gop backed with most of their platform Adolf and the Third Reich. If the gop had its way in 1921, America would have been part of the Axis and fought on the side of Adolf instead of against him.

o   The work Smith did from 1820-? Directly contributed to the Prussian Empire’s coupe detant efforts in Euriope and America.

o   They tried again with the various people from 1870-1920, when all but Tammani Hall in New York and growing ever smaller pockets in the deep south converted from the dem party  to the GOP. Then the second great war.

o   The second great war the Prussians lost but they won. The puppet administration lost, but that was totally intended. They created a façade to battle against in order to slip in past the defenses when the “Winner” would not be looking. Then begin to create a larger and more elaborate infrastructure than they had built in America previous to the Civil War. The Prussians learned well from their previous centuries of mistakes and failures.

o   The first great awakening was to learn the lessons from Salem and attack from a differnet and better angle. In the present they have again changed directions and chose to attack again with an entirely different appearing façade. Same exactly behavior patterns, but different leader, differnet names, and of course still pretending not to be evil.



·       Second Great Awakening Movement


o   1800–1840

·       Third Great Awakening Movement


o   1850s–1900s

·       Fourth Great Awakening Movement


o   1960s and early 1970s

·       Fifth Great Awakening Movement

o   The Great Awakenign followers are several overriding behafvior patterns in which they absolultly and in all ways hate. The first is they absolutely hate females, hate people of color, are disgusted by having their authority questioned, etc.

o   The presidency of Obama and then Hillary Clinton gave the fifth wave all the ammunition they needed to get up and form a new wave of both military and clandenstin attacks on the country itself.

o   2009 present






·       The Prussian Empire


·       Otto Van Bismark 1815-1898

o   In his late teens early 20s, 1835. Otto being an up and coming politician for the Prussian Empire knew that he had to do something extreme in order to make his mark in that empire. He focused his efforts into the concepts of advanced technology and forcing enemies of the Prussian People to do what he wanted, in order to use their achievements to further his political goals.

o   This model of action was copied for his successors; they figured out through his success that if they created a series of “fall guys”, that the Puppets, they created would do their bidding and the Prusian Empire would obviously take little to no blame despite being the command and control of their sequence of puppets.

·       Brigham Young

o   B.Y. is obviously one such Puppet, he was sent into the LDS church the same way Adolf would be set in to the DAP. He would slowly perform the same exact actions in the LDS that Adolf did 90 years later.

·       Capture

o   Not long after his June 20, 1844. With all the vast amounts of evidence the Prussians had gathered previous, they knew they needed to have “lab rats” expariments on the Electro-Magnetic machines they found and of course had

·       Wundt

o   When Wilhelhm Wundt was a child, hardly more than a toddler, was in effect sold to the Prussian Empire to be taken into the guild system and trained in academics. what field of academics is the question; the answer is whatever they needed at the time. with all that was happening regarding education and lilterature, the Prussians needed linguists. So they trained him to be a linguist. Fortunately he presented an aptidude for linguistics and thrived. Being able to read and translate a dozen ancient langaugages by the time he was about 12.

o   He proved himself so much of an asset that he was shipped from Heidelberg Prussia to Ohio to translate newly captured books from the Britihs Ogle family.

o   Wundt in Tiffin

o   Wundt and the Ogle family

o   Wundt and Oliver Cowdery

o   Wundt and Psychology which statistically can be defined as the Book of Mormon Part II.

o   Wundt and


·       Smith Sent to Bellingham in 1848; for the purpose of The Picket Tower

o   From 1750-1855, the British Ogles from both Tiffin and other places sent their most valuable items and books/codex’s to Bellingham.

·       Sent to The South to help create the Future Electro-Magnetic tech

o   At some point between 1850-1890 Smith playing around with the Tabernacle system of Adam something happened which causes his cells to stop the end sequences and maintain biosynthesis. In other words his cells obtained an equilibrium and stopped the break down process. This revolution was exactly what the Prussians had been working to achieve for the previous several centuries, but it was also a demand that he perform the same situation on first their most experienced soldiers and then if that worked on their politicians. All but his expariments failed.

·       Journey to Immortality

o   Smith became immortal while working with at least one Captured Tabernacle of Adam System.


·       Sent to Prussia

o   Upon said success, he was sent to Prussia to continue to work on recreating the experiment which allowed Joseph Smith to become in effect immortal. Which secured Otto’s rise to power and political position. Which he kept till his dying breath.

o   The politicians which followed knew what they needed to do, well the Emperor’s knew and a few Chancellors did. but the rest were operating entirely ignorant, concerned only with position, political power, and of course money.

·       From 1840-1920 Prussia

o   Based on the above information about the leaders of Germany/Prussia, it took a couple decades to work out the details to put on a convincing “puppet government” aka the “Reich”, but have the Prussian Emperor actually rule the show. His decisions were what counted, the puppet leaders were simply along for the ride, and took all the blame for the nasty behaviors.

o   the entire World War I 1910-1917 was created by the Prussians to lose the war. Losing the war allowed the allies to feel powerful and put into effect political power and measures which did nothing but drive the entire population into the hands of the next hand picked dictator Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – died ?). Who had been a spy since his late teens 1805 or so for the FreiKorp.










