King Solomon’s Mines



1.      A mine in the middle of a  mountain qualifies as vertical

2.      King Solomon’s mines might also be a reflection regarding some type of treasure in Africa or Egypt from which he drew his power from.

a.       Consequently; King Solomon drew his power from Jacobs’s line.

b.      Jacobs’s line built the pyramids.

c.       A mine is a reflection of amber; amber can be gold or it can be the power of god. Amber can also be a reflection of the power found within the concept of knowledge. Since their concept of knowledge was astrophysics based. But unlike modern astrophysics; theirs was based on measuring to and from fixed points.

d.      So in a manner of speaking; King Solomon’s mines might be a cryptic way of saying “the mountains on Giza” since they were both hollow; and the key room in Khufu was red/amber Granit.




The legends which resulted in the fictional character of Alan quartermain. These legends which also manifested themselves into the fictional character and concept of the library are at least in basic correct.


The mines are not mines but an ancient library. That library contained information from the ancient Indo-Europeans.


Their technology has not been destroyed is so far above and beyond what modern science can do; the two are almost unrecognizable to each other.


In truth; modern science is only starting in the last 10 years to develop sufficient technology to identify what the ancients simply did on routine.


Difficult to make a comparison when modern science is roughly in around the second grade. While the Indo-European were decades post PhD.


Several dozen references to this type of library and what it could do have trickled down through hundreds of references over the last 6000 years.


Reference Alan quartermain, the librarian staring Noah Whyle, etc.








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