2/12/2013 07:50:04

2/12/2013 09:00:50




Leader of the long house


This is probably what Israel originally meant. Although the AE is one character

Which aids to the confusion; since from 3200-1800 the king descendants of Narmer did not use that as a title. They used a different word for king.

Pharaoh “leader of the long house” was not used till the Hyksos took/conquered the reunified Egypt under their schema power.

So the pharaohs previous to 1900bce  were Jacob line descendants.

(Israel means king of the Westies and the arch angel Ismael are very close. Which means in some way the two words are connected through meaning



Now is the interesting part

The Frankish kings and Merovingian used a German version of “leader of the long house” as their title.

Strongly indicating the franks were in fact in some way using Pharaoh as their title.

The European crown is a modified wearable megalith. The sticking up points http://www.pewterreplicas.co.uk/second%20site%20pictures/medieval%20crown.jpg are the standing stones http://witcombe.sbc.edu/sacredplaces/images/stonehengesarsens.jpg.

So in Europe  the crown is directly from the megalithic cultures. And the title is directly from Jacob line descended cultures.




Jacobs line;

Moses tabernacle long house; http://www.graceministrieswindsor2.com/tabernacle_painted.jpg 


Seneca Natives, Longhouse Religion http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/49/Theiroquoislonghouse.png. Which is remarkably similar to the Nordic Germanic longhouse http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4azxgxqOr1rv7qvao1_500.jpg from which the natives of the NE are descended.

Germany Longhouse;