I have contacted the ada as directed.

Sending exactly one email with 2 questions was made into a “harassment” allegation.

question one “do we have a problem”

question two “can you clarify what you mean for formatting”.

There is little to no chance I will communicate with him again.

So, the Holocaust is not appropriate to bring up. He was offended by the subject of the holocaust. His offense at the holocaust is itself offensive.

Exactly what is classroom acceptable historical subjects? What is acceptable, what is not.

My direct comment which was found offensive is an historically accurate but concise explanation for the events in question. Was that man born illegitimate yes. Can anyone who knows anything about the life of Leonardo Da Vinci question the fact his parents were not married, and at that time said condition was a huge issue in most all aspects. Historical fact. Cannot be argued against. Was he a Jew, more than likely based on a statistical analysis of 100s of events in his life. In a stats class, going on to define a few points why he could be statistically considered a Jew including the facts that painted into the wall is the entire alphabet of Hebrew. Graphics at the ready to prove beyond doubt, the skulls line up. Demonstrating I know how to use several different types of statistics academically, I thought was one of the points to the entire class. Survey, but using the tools of survey to pour through historical documentation to find facts and evidence. Which is identical to every single medical professional in practice, they “take a history” building statistical models of other patients and previous generations to being under examination at that specific medical examination. Pouring over the available evidence to separate the facts from the patient fictions (cognitive dissonance) to find the cause (order of operations close to the zero) of the problem to fix it.

I have talked about battles, genocide, anti-Semitism, the holocaust, the memento mori ceremony which itself has some not that nice actions involved, gladiator games, in more than half of my classes. It has not been an issue at all till him. I have sent you samples of these topics on more than one occasion. I have brought them up in some classes more than a few times per class, and it has only become a problem with him. 8 teachers no problem with those topics, in the last classes I openly talked about the 3 acts (of memento mori) in a pure academic G format etymology. No one had a problem, till him. Statistics point to the subjects are not the problem, his reaction is the problem. His reaction is not a problem with the topics but a problem with me.