Loom of Fate


The original Greek Mythology of the Loom of Fate


The loom sits on the ledge.


The ledge is suspended over the fountain of life. The ledge is suspended by 4 catwalks, each of which descends from a specific Kaaba.

Each Kaaba surrounds one of the 4 trees of creation.


Each Kaaba sits in the four quadrants of the four rivers of creation.


The four rivers come out from the fountain and form a cross; exactly the same as the templar cross.


The Kaaba sit equal distance from the 2 rivers which make up that quadrant.



How to read this chart;  

The vertical column based on dates is your day to day counts. Put the letters together with as many other fixed points you can, and you have huge strings of letters.

The horizontal column of dates is what is happening to others in your life right now.


My 3 8 is K M when Emmas F F is present.












TR Welling