Chariot of RA


The Pyramid location in Egypt

Egyptian Mythology has a very  detailed and complex hidden message inside of it.

Those very detailed and hidden messages are, specifically regarding the concepts hidden within the Ra Atum the rays of the sun cascading onto the earth. That would be the structure of the ATEN the first deity of Egypt, previous to an invasion of Egypt from Mecca circa 3800 bce.

The new military might hated the ATEN and all associated things, consequently they introduced their names for old concept.

The ATEN became first Ra then another Merge and Ra became Ra Atun

But the same emphases on the sun and its journey through the cosmos, pulling the earth in its gravity along for the ride.


After much cultural arranging and reorgaizign nafter conquests. The concedpt of Ra stearing the fleet. The Fleet/chariot is a very edited part of very ancient mythology which is also directly connected to the Narmer Monolith. Which depicts Parhoah Narmer as not only the first Pharaoh of Egypt but also he placed himself as the new Noah, the King of both Upper Egupt and Lower Egypt.

First message is the message of RA. The Rays of the sun touch the pyrids, when the light touches, how long, how long is the full day in seconds specific to each tenth of a second taking into account the earth is rotating at 17,000 plus miles an hour. The amount of .0001 of a second to nullify the motions.

The second is the information of Osiris; where the sun travels on the other side of the planet. The pyramids through the underworld to various points and objects around the world and their locations in association with the pyramids. Pikes Peake for instance. Fixed locations to measure too and from say Khufu to the Peak. Newgrange to the Bent Pyramid. The mouth of the Indus River to any given pyrmid. Those are also fascinating numbers.

It would be fascinating to build a comparison between “the journeyafter death” and what the glob looks like through the center of the earth measuring to and from the mimllions of fixed points around the globe.


Then there is the calculations numbers to letters of each and every pyrmix in association with the toher pryamids.

from the center of each pyramid to the next closest, have the next closest draw a line back. Add up those numbers/letters into a solid sequence.


R from the bottom left and T from the top right.

Now add the motion lines of the day RA

From dawn to dusk the position of the sun in the day draw a line  from the center of each pyramid to the sun. as the sun moves the couple ways to lay out the numbers/letters are extremely important.

Those numbers letters in the dozen ways to lay them out collect all of those 1000 of letters in sequence. Compare them to the already in existence numbers/letters from the layout of Genesis.

"and god created the heavens" that would be RA

"and the earth" down to the earth itself. the pyramid fixed lines

and god flew over the waters

south, north, east west.

That is the order of operations to collect the letters for every single second of the day.

That collection of real and very hard defined letters are the real Genesis. That is the stuff for which god ordered Judah to receive and build the world of god into.

From Jacob's journey north west of Luz aka Memphis Egypt.

He traveled to the location of a former Megalith likely where the Bent Pyramid sits now.

That ancient Stonehenge was used to identify where Memphis used to be since there was going to be an issue when Memphis moved to Samhain in the next 2500 years.

After the journey of the day, is the journey of the night.

The sun on its invisible journey into the underworld.

That underworld journey  can just as easily be traced

However, the sun will pass along and through various fixed points around the globe.

Those fixed points around the globe itself can and likely will add letters over the course of a day

and 365  days.

All in all, the amount of hidden data is absolutely staggering.


EL the reeds of language

Ra the motion of the sun

Isis the position of each pyramid. Think of Isis raising the pyramid to her, the primordial ooze is just the night and the cosmos. The Fleet is Isis, the “captain” is Ra, and in effect navigator is Horus, what allows the navigation is El.

Horus collector of the letters in order to produce language.

Horus aka Able; the collector of the letters to make the words, sentences, etc.

He was gifted with the talent to understand the language of the cosmos.


Who are you, what is your life’s journey in comparison to your proximity to each of the pyramids.

All the motions you do, draw a line from you to each pyramid. Those collection of letters will say something profound.


From the point earth rotates around so the sun’s rays hit say the top of the first pyramids in Egypt. Those rays are coming in from a very specific direction and vertical angle.

Those horizontal and vertical numbers/letters not only add to the number of overall numbers/letters but also an ever-changing sequence of numbers letters.


At 17,000 ish miles an hour the earth is rotating. Each translates to every tenth to hundredth of a second the smaller numbers/letters in the sequence of directions and vertical angles changes.

The number of words present will number in the millions if not billions.

Over the course of a single day the amount of seer knowledge is staggering.

These are only part of the secrets which the Hyksos hate and worked for the last 4500 years non-stop to systematically find and destroy.

In addition

Since the earth rotates in a 365.4-day sequence, mid-summer back to mid-summer where the earth rotates to have the sun’s rays touch the pyramids also changes.

That sheer volume of words alone is by volume more words present than the entire library of congress.

But that storehouse of information would be an absolutely fascinating library of information to read.



 If correct, present are trillions of words in the Pyramids of Egypt. Since after all the function and structure of say .00001 of a second the earth is rotating at 17000 plus miles an hour.

To divide the second sufficiently to have the earth and sun stand still.

There are 10 numbers/letters per tenth of a second.

There are 50 characters between .1 and .00001.

Then you get 60 seconds per minute

60 minutes per hour

24 hours in a day.

You have with just .00001 you have 1500 of those a day x 365 = 51,000 characters in just the 24 hour period. Not to mention the vast amount of numbers/letters on the ground the center of x pyramid to the center of y. 120 pyramids there are millions of fixed point to fixed points.

Each corner to each corner. One given pyramid lines to all the other Egyptian Pyramids. How far away is each one from each other one.

The sun is just the numbers from the very center of the sun to the very center of each pyramid. This also does not add in to each corner, the very top, entrances, down the causeways, any given fixed point on a pyramid to any other given fixed point of the sun.



 But we cannot forget the ATEN structure built into the Praymisd either.

 A couple of the lines are so long they concompass several from dawn to dusk sequences before the suns rays hit the Egyptian pyramids.

Example the Khufu Pyrmiad causeway bisects the very top/summit of Mount Everest, Talk about a fixed poinyt in the journey of Osiris.

AErdology Personal Calendar

Neuropathways of History

Neuropathways and language

Compass Headings

Misspellings Language Chariot of RA

Word and Letter Time Maps

Key Letters

What are the key letters/words in this specific documente.

The 24 months of the T Calendar Elder Futhark.


Draw a line from the center of x to the center of y, both direcdtions give different letter.

Adding in year of culdtrure, year of the building construction, the approximate year when said geological structure formed,

The current generation of said culture.

The current sequence of time regarding the previous equinox/solctice fixed points.

The number of letters involved could reach into the trillions.

These are copies from a book about the Viking ncompass.

The Viking compass used an extremely detailed historical account of when the earth would rotate around to the sun on what exact angel.

Then of course keep track of the length of the day.

That was an actually better system then longitude and latitude.










TR Welling