Masonic Ogle Rite


The Ogle Rite is the information from which the Temple of Jerusalem was based on.


The rites and ceremonies of FreeMasonry are in very large way based on what I have come to call “Ogle Rite”

Which is a collection of Rites and ceremonies which were Judiaism pre-exodus.


The Ogle Rite I have recreated used the reassembled Adam rite of resurrecting Able (aka Anubis aka after the Hyksos Osiris) after being murdered by Caine. Adding the Rites of the Legend of the Noachite Rite. Combining the two creating part of what the Adam rite was and the rite of Noah.


This rite was used immediately following the death of Abraham’s father; following the sacking of the city of Eridu aka Tower of Babel on the planes of.


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