Mathew 16;18


18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter(earth), and upon this rock(peter) I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.


This is an intensely complicated sentence. the gates of hell is a hidden reference to a megalithic structure; which all churches/temples/mosques etc. are built on top of. A tradition stretching back to Adam. Adam means; Red Earth.


This is my blood; this is my body/earth. Jesus was declaring himself a direct descendant of Adam. Red/blood earth/body.


In away; he was also declaring myself a direct descendant of Jacob (foot holder/embracer).

Which both definitions are the definition of Northumberland.


Simon Peter; the first pope, name change tradition connection between


The last supper; this is my body this is my blood,


Feet which were removed from theoriginal painting when the door was expanded.


This could be literally when the group elected Jesus to become the next king of kings of Israel the Latin name for said is Pope.