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Historiography Physics

Memento Mori 3

At various stages after the Part 1 behaviors were done the culture would then start to look for the in effect “talk back” from Janus wave, or waves.

Depending on what the clinical evidence points to. This ceremony has or had more than 1200 years of Roman documentation regarding the 1a, 1b, 1c, 2 and 3 apsects of the ceremony.

The 1a and 1b are easy because they are required before the Parades could be done.

The direct evidence of the Parades are clearly in evidence because the Parades are the EMpeire celebrating its achievemetns. Erase the facts of the Parades erases the bragging rights the culture had. The families had, and the still powerful descendants of some of the most powerful in Rome. So those records of those Parades are still in existence. The 1a and b parts were mostly erased, as well as their locations. Till after the Cruciixion when the location of the events was simply switched from being from Traitors Post eg renamed after circa 190 ce to the Roman Umbilicus to the Vatican Hill, which was removed and erased from documentation immediately after the Crucifixion of Jesus.

The locations wer moved 180’ to the Coliseum, the Arch of Titus, besides the Temple of Venus and the Temple of Caesar (named after Pharaoh Narmer), into the Forum West, to Traitors Post renamed a bit later Umbilicus or Rome.

Performing the Ceremony

After the ceremony was finished, at least part 1, the culture would then look for the as the Jews put it Mezuzah, as the Romans put it the sparks of Genius from Janus would  implant ideas into the minds of people.

It was then the job of those people to contact the leaders or people connected to give them the input from Janus.



People Involved

Location Involved


UNESCO History


zJanus Jesus

zThe West Face of Janus the Devil

zThe Solar Wind Lilith



St Peters Basilica

Pantheon of Rome    

Capitoline Hill   

Temple of Venus



Cog Railway

Start of the Cog Railway

Miramont Castle 

Spa Building

Cliff House


Memento Mori A

Memento Mori B  

Memento Mori 2 

Memento Mori 3 Genius

Memento Mori Janus










TR Welling