Writing Equation 

Historiography Physics

Memento Mori Ceremony

Several of the following leaders, kings, etc. were the offspring from the 1b aspect of the Memento Mori Ceremony, which according to the Greeks provides the definition of the offspring are Demi-Gods.

The Memento Mori Ceremony included the following 3 acts

Part 1a to strike

Part 1b some type of intimacy (from the most innocent, to the most not), which means offspring are a not all that uncommon occurrence. The offspring of said 1b ceremony in the Ǽgean were considered Demi-Gods, having been conceived in a divine ritual. This was in part mentioned in the adult ceremony in the book and movie “The Da Vinci Code”. That ceremony was called Memento Mori. In World War II, the Third Reich used this same exact framework in their Holocaust, Lebensborn Project, and constant rallies and parades. Which means that since Donnie Trump was conceived through said Lebensborn project, he actually does (according to the Greeks) qualify as being a demi-god. His father was a card carrying member of the KKK, the lynching’s and the other mass murder behavior he participated in are the 1a, either with his wife or with an offspring from Adolf's children (some eager female born at least 15 years previous), his life has been entirely about the Parade (Narcissism) community interactions.

Part 1c Pi 3.14 the Einstein Rosen Bridge

Part 2 community involvement, in Rome and associated cultures it is usually a Parade, as graphically depicted on the north inside wall of the Arch of Titus

Part 3 a commoner or said has an inspiration, muse, stroke of genius, eureka moment which produces a cognition through the person, that then presents side eureka cognitive though to their community/word.

Part 4 Leaders/Royals sit back out of the situation of the commoners Memento Mori (which is more like a gladiator game, than the Janus ceremony. Similar actions occur, but in a classier, subtler, and more dignified way. Usually much less bloody.













Elder Futhark

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TR Welling