Memento Mori Part 1a


The actions and activities regarding violence. The action of having skin interfered with, having a limitation regarding where an individual can place their skin.

Fighting having a conflict between two objects attempting to break newtons 4th rule, two objects cannot be in the same place at the same time.

Violence the actions and counter actions regarding the first 3 rules of physics (objects at rest tend to stay at rest. objects in motion tend to stay in motion. All force is equal and opposite.) as regarding to what happens after the initial fight begins. in other terms thing a punches thing b, b punishes thing a. Fighting to Violence; usually the violence escalates from no big deal up to and through if it does not stop death. However, there is another avenue. Sometimes things have to sie the other up, can you handle yourself are you strong enough. Fighting and violence 1a produce a friendship 1b. That friendship becomes known by the community 2.
Good Actions
there are some aspects of good behavior which does involve 1a violent activities. Creating good solid boundaries for both children and adults does literally require enforcement of boundaries. Interact with a boundary and boundary does not move hence the concept of violence.

Neutral Actions neutral actions are a very odd aspect of the 1a process. This is only measurable based on both each individual as well as each cultures own rules and regulations are specific. Some people simply do not care and what is an unforgivable assault to one person or one group and or an expected thing in another person or another group, to some people and groups the action is entirely arbitrary. The person and or the group simply could not care less.

Neutral Actions

Neutral Actions Masonic this part every single mason in the world knows about the 1a aspects of how to be a mason.

Neutral Actions Queen of Sheba being both 1a and 1b. The Queen of Sheba is 1a (violence) for at least two reasons.

Bad Actions

Bad Actions Violence/Assault

Bad Actions Domestic Violence those who are drawn to perform 1a against a supposed loved one, but then still want/need/desire 1b with that same person. A great deal of the abusors are simply building themselves up to kill the object of their 1a behavior.

Bad Actions Serial Rapists Similar to both Violence/Assault and DV but in this case rarely is the victim someone close. Raping a significant other in the modern age is not generally a socially acceptable performance. Obvious exceptions do apply, and when they apply those exceptions need to be addressed. But not all human cultures perceive domestic violence the same way, nor serial rape. In a lot of cultures, the male possesses the female and sex in whatever way, shape, form is perfectly within the culture’s laws. Even if the intimacy is entirely nonconsensual. 1a bad intimacy, those that follow these behavior patterns obviously

Bad Actions Serial Killers Lynchings the closest to the ancient Roman and of course the ancient Egyptian rite. To kill the victim, to then use 1b actions to seal the soul transference, then parade around some length of time later to give celebration and honor to Janus for allowing the actions to occur. Did the southern Masons continue to perform the Queen of Sheba roll well after 1810, the evidence says absolutely. Both the Southern Masons and the LDS continued to perform this rite. For how long is an extremely good question. For the south and hard core conservative Sons of the Confederacy they continued to Hang Strange Fruit till sometime between 1970-the late 1980s. Police reports of natives and blacks being found dead attest to the Strange Fruit aspects. Not all lynching’s were in association with the splinter KKK from FreeMasonry (FreeMasonry and the KKK) but those that were very likely were to perform this Memento Mori Ceremony for good luck and to achieve military and political goals. The direct evidence for the Queen of Sheba Roll and or the need to perform the 3 acts of this play date back from several sources for both centuries and millennia depending on source. There was/is a law in England that females could not be within the throwing distance of a Mall from a FreeMason lodge as early as the 1300s. Incapacitate a wondering “female” out with the maul 1a, bring her into the Lodge 1b to perform acts, 2 the performance of said acts usually with some type of payment for services or the disposal of the body.

Bad Actions Serial Killers Lynchings Roy Blunt Emmitt Till Lynching 1a, 1b, 2 Parade. 1a a black man violated (1a, violence towards Roy’s wife) Jim Crow Laws (Memento Mori being a foundation for said laws), 1b Emmitt interacted with Juanita Milam which in the doen stories about that event each have an element of intimacy (from just the most basic of interactions, to the worst of the fiction claims), she went to get her gun to shoot Emmitt he and his family drove away quickly Parade her actions were public his actions where very public his family actions were also extremely public. To counteract the events; 1a Emmitt was pulled from his bed at 2 am, to the extreme level of beaten with various assaults on his gender 1b, and killed 1a, to make up for his 1b on his killers wife, 2 those responsible paraded around proud of their Lynching Actions even bragging about it. Days later the lynched body floats up in the River, the body is on full and open display 1a, 1b, 2. The funeral was open casket, his mother wanted the world to see 1a and 1b what they did to her boy 2. The trial was the same, 1a violent suppression of facts and evidence, 1b inappropriate trail proceedings, 2 acquittal then bragging about the murders after. Both communities using the execution of Emmitt and 100s of others as a rally cry for Civil Rights 2. The white supremacists used the events of 1a and b in a huge parade and publicity stunt to mainting the status quo. Roy was either a mason (although that is in doubt based on being extmree poor and his money came from the black community. His grocery store was on the boarder between the white section of town and the black section. In white society he was considered one tiny fraction above the blacks he served. However if he was not a FreeMason he absolutely knew southern FreeMasons in the city. Whether or not there was coordination between the KKK FreeMasons (I am a Proud FreeMason, but some bad apples can be found in all large group activities. The point is when good people find bad people, remove the bad influences from the group.) and Roy can only be brought up as a question. The chances there was not at least one FreeMason in the trial is not all that possible. The Judge, the Police, the Attorneys, the jury itself, etc. in that small of a city those are the jobs and education most freemasons have/had over the decades. There is little to less than ero change KKK FreeMasons were not involved. Using Emmitt as the 1a execution victim to perform 2 actions is not in question; both sides used his 7 gramms to power their future group activities.

Bad Actions Serial Killers KKK White Supremacy this section is a bit on the very complex and layered side. There is an absolute statistical connection between Memento Mori (from Rome, which same ceremony changed names to Gladiator Games) Rome, the Gladiator Games, and the foundation of among doens and doens of other names White Supremacy.

However, NAI, Neo NAI, Aryan, Anti Bellum, the Confederacy, etc. also apply.

Bad Actions Serial Killers Gladiator Games The Roman culture depended on the foundation of Memento Mori and the Deity of Janus so much they literally had two separate ceremonies operating at virtually the same time. They had the events at the Temple of Janus they also had the Gladiator Games. Same 3 actions but slightly different packaging. The different packaging centered around the concept of performing the 3 acts focused more on the possibly portal (creating a EIstine Rosen Bridge) and or pure energy/electricity into

Islam and 1a b and 2 Jihad is beyond doubt Bad Serial Killing 1a actions. But the 1b part is beyond doubt 72 virgins, with the parade aspects being in more than a few aspects. One the goal is to sacrifice as many “Minotaur’s” as possible

Islam being a direct result of the end of the Roman Empire and the Rise of the British Empire. The eventually called Muslims were beyond afraid that as they say it the descendants of the Minotaur (Helen, Theseus, Helen and Paris; Thee Trojan War Paris, Parissi, Philistines, The Beast with Two Backs= aka JanusJanus aka Minotaur, )







TR Welling