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Middle Eastern Cities


Most if not all the cities in the middle east were renamed after the Hyksos including Moses invaded and renamed. Like Jerusalem, Megiddo, etc. were cities in  Egypt previous to being renamed by Ramses.


Although Moses’s descendants did rename them again after the exodus invasions; erasing as much of the old as possible. They wanted to erase where the original Israel was; to rename Levant Israel. That way the Jacob line slaves under their control after a certain number of generations would forget where the original Israel was and not feel a need to remove the yoke of slavery that Moses placed on them.


The pathology is simple which happens to be the exact same pathology Adolf followed 3000 years later. Erase the language and reduce the population to a fraction; then rebuild the remaining in your own image. Simple to erase a population all you have to do is erase previous records, then create your own language Aramaic and Hebrew, then list those you killed as “lost”. Since Adolf lost the war; his lost tribe of Israel was called Holocaust. Adolf and Moses/Descendants share more than 20 major behavior patterns. Including a violent reprisals for anyone questioning what the leader did.


Which Adolf would have had direct access to said information from the Roman Library; which would have had direct material relating to said since the Romans conquered both Egypt and the Middle East, taking the libraries back to Rome for sake keeping.


Most if not all the cities in the  middle east are renamed from cities in Egypt. Including Jerusalem, although Jerusalem was a major library and religious center previous to the Hyksos invading the area. What that cities name was previous to the Hyksos is an unknown, but the Hyksos are who renamed it Jupiter. The Hyksos descendants under a number of different name changes named the Roman god Jupiter. Who was a sky god; symbol was thunder. Sky/Sun is a major aspect to most monotheistic cultures. Drawing a strong link between Jupiter and the sky/sun concepts the Hyksos and earlier monotheistic cultures were connected with.


Name changing was an absolutely common occurrence with most monotheistic cultures. Most if not all monotheistic cultures from Adam down to modern times have regularly name and language changed. Most modern western monotheistic cultures use English; some still use Latin, but Latin is mostly used in the Vatican. Changing languages and name identifications is such a common occurrence; that the equation for said is almost 95% accurate in predicting when the next culture name change and language change will occur.


The Name changes the  cultures do now and did then are not only not unprecedented; the behavior patterns are entirely consistent from Adam to present.


So Moses changing the language and names after leaving Egypt are standard procedure.

In effect; new major leader, new language, new names for everything, recreate/rebuild the monuments of the past in the new areas. Which includes building a new Jerusalem.


The modern Saints are a name change language translation mistranslation for the gods of the now conquered cultures. Odin, etc. were not gods but men who did remarkable dead’s; so their previous to modern culture would give them a divine title. Said divine title was mistranslated at god. Most like touched by god in specific ways. Exactly the same framework as modern saints are described.