NAZI Time War


Saying this book is long, detailed complicated, layered, etc. is an extreme understatement of mythic proportions.


The NAZI’s most likely started a Time War not long after the high command figured out that they did not have the capacity to win against America and Britain.



Despite the facts that the following list is semi-out of linear sequence, every piece or cog in the machine is interconnected with each other. Despite the fact that more than a few of the pieces are redundant to each other.


·     The Single Number line

o  Of course time travel or most things associated with time travel are impossible. The reason is not the concept. The problem is the mathematics to do it.

o  To create a map requires x and y right to left and up and down measumrents in order to create a map. Even if that map is only in your head.

o  The single number line is not designed to identify time let alone be able to measure it. hard evidence the Atomic clocks are about 1/16th off. every single one. To come up with the time, several horned clocks are averaged between them in order to come up with an accurate statistical model.

o  However, time does not operate that way.

o  Time operates based on a set of measurements which the single number line cannot in any way identify, let alone measure. Being able come up with a solid map of time is so far outside the scope of what the singl enumbe rline can do it si not al lthat different from a Ferrier trying to apply said skills to the tech required for the Apollo missions. Horse shoeing, making a bit, a bridle, a saddle, ropes from twisting leather together, etc. are great skills but all but useless in the moon. A few of the skills can tranfer over, but very very few. However if you change the mathematics to a multi-dimensional format one designed to identify and mesure the sequences of time. Than yes all things which are impossible for the single number line become possible when the aforementioned ferrier skills are replaced with rocketry skills.

o  It is all a matter of perspective. Sometign perfect for chariots, is all but a total waste in a Saturn 5 rocket.

·     The Trojan War

o  The Trojan War is one of the most complex Wars in Western Ctlure history.

o  First off the War started circa 1335 bce at the Palace at Knossos. When Theseus conquering the minotaur and killing the ruling King. He also freed his wife from her bondage to that king. That Hyksos King had seized a Jewish Rabbi as his wife and used her the same way the NAZI’s would use the Lebensborn Proejct against both Germans and of course Jews. Forced sexual slavery, to channel the Electro-Magnetic waves, frequencies, and signatures into machinesot achive specific goals.

o  The Tojran War began at Knossos, Agamemnon who ahd plans to conquer Knossos, kill its king, then take the WMD present and use it to make himself powerful.

o  However Theseus beat him to it. Since Agemonon had special and break the bank plans for the WMD which forced the cities around to send him tributes. Agemonono was annoyed that the king was not taking full advantage of the tribute system. He was going to take full and complete advantage.

o  Theseus stole this opertuniaty from him. Which became a source of infinite rage for Agemonon and his fmailyl.

o  They followed theseus to Athens, hwere theseus proceeded to conquer the city with the Knossos WMD, then turn this impressive amry against Agemonon. All but erasing that army as well.

o  AGemonn left to rebuild another army.

o  But instead of coming back to Athens, he chose to attack the army which helped Theseus conquer the city which was name changed to Atehns.

o  That Army Agemonon chose to shift his attention to was the Trojans. Although they were not called that, the true name has been long lost to history.

o  10 years later, and a huge number of differnet occurrences taking place at the battel of Troy and associated people and cities. The Trojans for the most part has evacuated out of the entire Anatolia peninsula in order to relcated to another city seemingly outside the reach of the Hyksos/Dorian/Avaris of which Agemonon was a member of that culture.

o  By the time the war was over, Agemonon and his senior generasl in his army were too old to follow to Alba longa. But their leutenenat were mature enough continue the fight. So he sent people like Odysseus, and others of similar age and rank to Alba Longa to continue to kill all Trojans who resisted becoming slaves for the greater glory of the Hyksos culture.

o  That section of the war lasted from 1310-753 when the city of Alba Longa and Samhain fell to the forces of Romeulous who was a descendant of the Hysoos/Dorian/Avaris culture.

o  WMD


·     The 18th dynasty

o  The mysteries surrounding the 18th Dynasty are intense to say the absolute least. The 19th Egyptian Dynasty aka the Avaris aka the Hyksos did their absolute best to erase any and all evidence of the existence of the 18th dynasty. Most records from the time were destoyred, several of the bodies of the pharaohs were destroyed or at the very least desecrated.

o  This only happens when the new culture fears the old culture is more powerful than they are. They have to erase them to ensure they do not pose a new threat. 

o  The deity of the 18th dynasty was the ATEN. The ATEN is the oldest deity in Egypt. Oldest by several centuires. Although anti-Semitic scholars will argue to their dying breath that the ATEN is not Jewish. The evidence points in that direction strongly. However the ATEN is not Hebrew. That is a different concept entireliy, Hebrew is based on the philosophy of Esau not Jacob. The Language, customes, etc. of Hebrew are almost exclusively from Esau. Very little of the original Jacob is present. There are many reason for this.

o  Non the less. The 18th  dynasty possessed not only sophisticated mathematics but they also knew when their civililzaitona was at an end. Other than being able to create a long and detailed plan which took some 1400 years to play out. More knowegle and information regarding this kingdom is difficult to find. From the start of the 19th dynasty 1320 bce up to Alexander the Great at 356 who claimed to be a direct descendant of the 18th dynasty. That close to a full millennia of time the Kingdoms of that 1000 years did their absolute best to erase the 18th dynasty in total.


o  WMD; did the 18th dynasty have a WMD, the basic evidence says no. but the access to mathematics says they had the math but likely not the machines. Or they took their WMD machines with them.

·     Samhain

o  This city was founded courtesy of a long line of invasions of Egypt. It became very clear circa 4000 bce, that the bad people of the earth were never going to back down. That they in a way could not back down. They were incapable of it, not only that but they were and to this day still are entirely convinced as long as they get their 30 pieces of silver they are acting according to the will of god.

o  The city of Samhain which would have a name change at 753 bce to Rome and keep for the most part that name from then to present. Minus a Nick name attempt by Julius Caesar when he invented the title Emeperor of Rome shortly after he arrived back from Egypt. He was one of the richest men in ORMe. He had the elargest army by a considerable amount. He was proclimaed Pharaoh of Egypt when he married Cleopatra. He had conquered Ga’al, and a sizable chunck of the homeland of Britain. From Cardiff to agout 20 miles south of the city of New Castle. New Castle translates to Jerusalem.

o  All in all Caesars Nickname of the city “The Eternal City” of Rome is what Samhain means in Gaelic. He was attempting to remove the name Rome and replace with its original name Samahin. But using Latin instead of Gaelic.

o  The effort for the most part proved to be a nickname.

o  However it does prove that the Julii family had been working on their own instres and not nessessarily with the Roman Senate since day one.

o  It also goes to show that the hitoyr of the city dates back 1000s of years from 753 when Romulus’ battle plan was to conquer the city of Alba Longa. Which would draw out the Samhain amry, and he would lay in wait for the Samhain amry, at the right now jump out and destroy them. Which is what happened. He then sent word back to the city.

o  “Throw open your gates and accept me as your new ruler, or leave my city. You have till I arrive to stay and obey me or leave.”

o  A huge chunck of residence evacuated the city throuthe north and easter gates. They evacuated north and then some to the sea some to the north to cross the alps. To make their way out of the Roman Army.

o  In addition



o  WMD; the original forum senate chamber were orignaly an Electro-Magnetic weapon of Mass Destruction. But few if anyone in Rome knew anythgina bogut how to use it. however the Romans tried in vain for most of the first 800 years they controlled the city to find ways to make it work. But being ignorant of Electro-Magnetic, they had no idea hwere or even how to start.


·     Alba Longa


o  WMD


·     Carthage

o  The details regarding the life and issues regarding the civilization of Carthage are as difficult to udndersstnad today as they were when the events were occurring.

o  The here are some basic facts.

o  First the Carthage civilization itself was a large and established military force millennia before the spart of the Punic War

o  The Carthage people knew that at some point after Alba longa and Samhain fell to the Romans. That they were not only next but their entire civilizzaiton would be erased from existence in order to make Rome feel better not hahving an enemy in their back yard.

o  However; knjowing rome would never back down. This gave the Carthage people plenty of time to plan their evacuation, exile, crfeate a cover to allow millions of people to slip past the romans without anyone being the wiser, and allow them to make contact with roman jiewohsh families who stayed in rome to work out deals so that when it was time for the invasion. The jewishh families would feel entirely comfortable working with the first Hannibal Barka, and then Spartacus, and then work the plan to put their own high ranking roman citizen who was a secret Jew into the not yet in existence Emperors Thorne. It as a detailed and complex plan

o  What does this have to do with a time machine you might ask.

o  That is an extremely easy answer.

o  It takes insane mathematics to create equations to knon/predict what would happen to friends and enemies over the course of several amillannia. The empeprpr throne would not be possible till two entire cnetures after the fall of Carthage. Part of this plan was created by the 18th dynsty. Who the last surviving emmbers of the 18th dyasty with direct first hand knowdlge of being around Amehnotep iv died a full millennia before the Hannibal Barka part of the plan could be put into effect.

o  The mathematics and being able to calculate over a 1000 years requires a mathematics specific to the pass age of huge amounts of time. And by huge, it does not mean just a few centuries. Huge means concepts like this plan were acdtually first devleped when the Nephilim with Noah landed next to the tempole of IWNW/aka Heliopolis and founded civilization circa 4000 bce. Accoridning to the mathematics build itnoteh Khufu Pyramid.

o  Nepolean spent a night in the kings chamber. When he emerged, his soldiers asked him what happened. He stated “you would not believe me if I told you”.

o  His entire dimener changed from that point that night for the rest of his life. His outlook on life altered so radically that he was almost not the same person as who went into that chamber and say the mytieres of the universe.


·     Hannibal Barka

o  Hannibal inflicted so much damage to the Roman Repulibc that he was still considered a threat a full century after he died. That is because he has chileren and he maintained his pwerful Carthage army in Thrace from the point he entered with permission to the point Rome conquered the country of Thrace. Put most of the citizens into slavery, the army who did not submit were executed on the spot. The problem is, the commanding general ordered his soldiers to give up and submit to roman rule close ti immediately. Of course who knows if that man was the true commander of the Thracian army or some stand in who was incharge of ensuring the plan worked perfectly.

o  Which it did.

o  The plan was to use the megalomania of the Roman Republic against isteslf.

o  To hall the top of their training and expertise soldiers to rome under guard as slaves. To entireain the crowds by being slaughtered in the areans as gladioators.

o  The thracians were better at combat than the romns of 60 bce, but this allowed the Thracian army to be captured and sent to Rome at the expensive of Rome.

o  A reverse trojan horse.


·     Rome

o  Just like the other dozens of dozens of topics, this section is just as detailed, complex, layered, etc.

o  The shear volume of information about the history of Rome which is a complete mystery, is larger by volume than what is known about the history of rome itself. The volume which is known is 2800 years of continuous hsitoyr. However the 2500 years of the cities existence previous to the conquest by Romlous is all but ignored and forgotten. One of the most imporntat aspects, is the crucifixion actually took place in Rome Proper. Which means it took place inside the actual walls of Rome. Well the actulal putting him on the cross took place just a few dozen feet outside the walsl but the rest of the trail, and most of the 13 steps of the cross took place in Rome proper. Unlike the mythology of Levant lands which has all but no real evidence for it, the evidence of Rome is staggering to say the absolute least.


o  WMD


·     The Roman Empire


o  WMD


·     Ga’al


·     Spartacus

o  One of the most difficult aspects of the entire situation regarding the Roman Empire is the events of the Slave Revolt lead by Spartacus.

o  the number of problems which are presented by the sitation of Spartacus’ life are too numerous to hold in a single book. The inconsitanties, the money, the help from the Senate, the amount of time Spartacus and his men cris crossed the entire north south axis of Italy and virtually walked through every army they encountered. Then suddenly at the end are obliterated in a couple final battles at the end. From a pure statistical aspect of the sitaiton. Non of the spartucs legend makes any real sence. Til you add some basic facts.

o  First basic fact, Spartacus was the commadnign general of the Thracian army. His ancestor of more than a century previous was the great and powerful Hannibal Barka.

o  WMD



·     Julius Caesar


·     Cleopatra



·     Merovingians



·     Tours the Battle of 710 ce

·     Frank family

·     Charlies Martell

·     Pepin

·     Charlies the Great aka Charlemagne

·     The French Royal family

·     Leonardo Da Vinci

·     Sistine chapel

·     Fixing the Sistine chapel WMD


·     Fixing the Bastille WMD


·     King Louis XIV the sun King



·     German Tecnology


·     The Ǽgean

·     Poseidon/Athens

·     The ATEN

·     Medusa

·     The Gorgon

·     The Cyclops

·     Britain


o  WMD


·     Anglo Saxon Culture


o  WMD



·     Ogle Castle


o  WMD


·     Bamburgh Caste


o  WMD


·     Perth Castle/Abby


o  WMD



·     Carthage


o  WMD


·     Alexandria Lighthouse


o  WMD



·     The Old Kingdom


o  WMD


·     Napolean

o  By the time Napolean rose to power, the bastille had been long since destoyred. the other Electro-Magnetic mahcines in paris were long since destoyred. and the libertine govemrent were sinking into stupidity and nothingness. They were easy to simply walk through and retake the country.

o  Which he did.

o  He was emperor afterall for a long time of France. Despite the fact he was not French, he was Italian. He was born in Italy and was born to a couple of Italian Royal family descendants.

o  However he did know about weapons, he was an expert in mathematics.

o  He was also a changed man the night he spent in the kingns chamber Khufu.



·     The Third Reich


o  WMD


·     Operation Paper Clip


o  WMD


·     Alan Turning


o  WMD


·     Los Vegas


o  WMD


·     Cal Tech LA


o  WMD


·     Orlando FL Space Race Computers


o  WMD


·     Epcot Center


o  WMD


·     The Koch Family


o  WMD


·     The FreiKorp


o  WMD


·     The Prussian Army


o  WMD


·     The Crusade's


o  WMD


·     The British Empire


o  WMD


·     Willaim of Orange


o  WMD


·     The Viking Age


o  WMD




o  WMD


·     The Nephilim


o  WMD


·     Noah’s Ark


o  WMD


·     Noah’s Fleet


o  WMD


·     The Pyramids


o  WMD


·     IWNW/Heliopolis


o  WMD


·     Heirakonopolis


o  WMD


·     Fatimah


o  WMD


·     Camelot


o  WMD


·     The Julli Family


o  WMD




o  WMD


·     The 650 War at Lake Nemi


o  WMD


·     Emperor Caligula


o  WMD


·     The Crucifixion


o  WMD


·     The Evil Priest Paul


o  WMD


·     The Mathematics


o  WMD


·     Genesis


o  WMD


·     The Pyramids


o  WMD


·     The bible and time references


o  WMD


·     Mary Shelly Frankenstein


·     tiffin

o  the Ogle family

o  the Ogle farm 224-Market Street

o  Fort Ball


o  The Headless Horseman


o  WMD


·     Fort Ball

o  The Prussian Soldiers present at Fort Ball.





·     Sam Clemens aka Mark Twain

o  He was trained a steam boat captain. Which is interesting since he was born in Connecticut. Hence the Connecticut yankee in king authors court.

o  Sam Clemens when not being a steam ship captain was a career spy for the union. He spent time up and doiwn the missisisippii reporting to the union the “unusual” aspects of what the confederacy was doing. As well as keeping careful records of the slave movements and what the islmic cltures were up to. Islamic cultures then is what in the present would be called “terror cells”.

o  However he did not really write his novels till he retired. He turned his advantures exactly like what Ian Flemming did with his Spy/OSS career. After he retirend from the spy game, he turned his adventures into novels.

o  Chitty chitty bang bang is very very close to the detinition of a time machine. However in the story it does not actuall travel through time.

o  It does however have numerous other features which present a powerful and mysteircal machine, which “puts right what would have gone wrong”, which is part of the tagline for “Quantum Leap” starting scott baluka. About a man who sent his soul traveling through time leaping form person to person; enhabiting their body as a “possession” of sorts.

o  Sam clements spent time in Colroado, and Whatcom County as a spy.

o  Evidence the family Hoovander in Ferndale welcomed Sam into home. The not yet born “grandpa” hoovender who as a very old man the second to last worshipful master of Nooksack lodge Whatcom county spent a lot of time visting with the old man as a young child.

o  That odl man spent a lot of time with Sam Clemens as Sam sat in the front room close to the Nooksack river. A river he himself in his 20s and 30s captained a river boat on; spying on the confedeates actidons in the county and the in the respective cities.

o  Part of Huck Finn was written in the Hoovander front room. which was about the slave market alive and well in the 1870-1880s in Lynden Wa. Although the city will never admit they were in part founded as a slave market. That the city was founded by a Jewish slave, oderd to be a caretaker and prepare for his Dutch Friends to arvie as they evacuated out of the west side of the great lakes

o  Most of the impact of the Judsons minus their political actdions have been at leasat in part erased from the city history. Her husbands presence is tolerated, but since she was instrumental in the develomnet of the city. The dutch are a little more kind to her. However her house, her property, most of her belonings were all erased to make room for others who wanted what she had.

o  Sam knew about the Dutch and there violence toward anyone in their way.

o  However he also knew bout the Picket tower which was a three part structure.

o  The Picket Tower which was captured and renamed from Ogle family Bancroft and F street.

o  The Picket House was not actually supposed to be a house, it was step 2 in a 10 lbs sequence.

o  A 10 lbs house is step 2 of 5 to make a huge castle on the top of the hill which is about 200 feet to the east from the Picket house.

o  Sam knew this and know that the Ogle Tower used to be a WMD, which prevented the area from being invaded from that direcgtion for miles. However the enemies simply rallied troops to the north and marched south.

o  The Great battle occurred from 1750-1830; culminating in a large man to man fight in Custer WA. Which today Custer is little more than a couple streets and  about a dozen businesses. However back in 1830 about 100,000 troops from all around the globe gathered and had fought it out over the course of decades.

o  Same witnessed these battles and reported back to his spy commanders of what was happening.



o  WMD

o  Time or time machine related.

o  The WWU library was seized by the Confedraces, and then the Union army. They did not destroy the books because the information the books contained was simply in all ways too valuable. 

·     Whatcom County


o  Garden system set out in a pattern

o  WMD


·     Bellingham WA

·     Seahome

·     Fairhaven

·     WWU

·     Picket Plantation


·     Old Bellingham circa 1860

·     Younger Old Bellingham 1880

·     Rome


·     Lettered Streets

·     X?/Jam/Ferndale WA

·     Lyndeon WA


·     Nooksack

·     Dent

·     Van Zant


·     Castle Bellingham 1

·     Castel Bellingham 2 Nortumberland

·     Castle Bellingham 3 Ireland

·     Castle Bellingham 4 Whatcom Cpounty

·     Fort Bellingham courtesy of Picket


·     George Picket

·     Georgo Picket Plantation Bellingham WA


o  WMD


·     Lynden WA State

o  Despite the fact that Lynden WA is only a bit under 200 years old. The city has a very hard core history.

o  A history which does not being with PHeobe Judson (means son of Judah, the father of the Jews), nor does it begin with Colonel Pattenson. His orders from his Prussian commanding offiders was to go to the last remaining French Court of Louis XVI in exile. They had to evacuate out of what is now called Old Colroado City specifically their Palace at Bancroft Park and evacuate again to the Pacific North West with the help of their British friends the Ogle fmailyl. Who had created a last stand of the Trojan War in the area what cousl be called Whatcom County.

o  The French lived in what is now Lydneon, well the actduall palace was just to the west of downtown lynden. The citizens loyal to the king lived south and east. the location of the Palace was just close to where the Nooksack was still deep enough to allow for Steam Engines come and go.

o  All of the French royal family and the British presence in the area was as best as they could erased. By the Confederantes and the Americain govmenr tform 1840-1910. In fact the land under where Castle/Fort Bellingham sat and an orchard type business operates now is still a military reservation owned by the US Military. If anything happens with Canada or other enemies, the US government demands the right to reestablish that military base at any time and house troops their with just a few hours notice. The Actual land the fort sat on is actually larger than just the orchard which sits on the north west mouth of the Nooksack.

o  Colonel Patterson was a hard core pro-slavery jacksonian. He so solidly believed in the Civil War he could not stand the concept of the confederacy losing. Instead of taking the opportunity to renounce the south and the confederacy an rejoin the union. He chose to travel to the Pacific North West and create a Plantaiton in order to make money based on buying and selling slaves. He also put his slaves to work destoying the French Settlment and the association “new Versii”.

o  He also purchased a couple Jews and called it “indentured servants”; etner phoebe Judson and her husband.

o  They were put in charge. And ordered to ontinue to dismantle the French city, and to build a city for friends of his were on their way from the west side of the great lakes including the Van Dyk family. They were running from Custer and other generals assigned to go clean out all muslims, confederates and of course the native popualtions. The muslims and the confedenreates did not make the news. But they were present non-the less.

o  WMD


·     Western Wa University


o  WMD


·     lds,

·     kirtland,

·     Joseph smith,

·     Wundt,

·     Heidelberg U TIffin

·     kidnapped,

·     psychology,

·     tesla,

·     colorado springs,

·     miramont,

·     bancroft,

·     louis the sixteenth,

·     libertine,

·     steam engine,

·     industrial revolution,

·     new orleans,




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