Narmer Plate


Narmer's Palette
















Is a depiction of what Pharaoh Narmer did with the undesirables in his country.

First second undesirables were the already conquered bird people which were partially conquered by a group of early monotheistics.


The Monotheists renamed the city of pillars aka IWNW to the city of Light aka Heliopolis


The people of the birds were allowed to locate where they wanted. Although still second class citizens, they were allowed access.

The monotheistics were only allowed in the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. They needed a passport in order to travel outside of said area. This scroll accounts for who, where they are allowed to go, what areas they control, who they are paying homage too, and most importantly where they are not allowed to go.

Which accounts for why items with Narmer name on them exist for hundreds of years after his death.