

One of the things which is key to understanding the very real and documented Nephilim related family are when the very non-dominant DNA of a Nephilim comes out and presents itself.

One of the key aspects of what they can do in both ancient history and, of course biblically, is they have libraries with information contained within which have technology explained that goes so far above and beyond other advanced libraries the two are almost unrecognizable.

The Nephilim in the Genesis chapters 6 and 7 presented Noah with the technical details to build his Ark . Which likely was also in part built to house and move the Nephilim library from x location to Y location.

But in the modern world descendants of the Nephilim can be identified as people who “think different”, operate different, and have some type of “neuro-A-Typical” nervous system issues. Forcing them to become like other humans is a total waste of time. They must suppress most of their mental capacity to achieve the “normal” goal.

So instead of suppressing, enhance and work with people profoundly smarter.

In real life there are a percentage of humans around the world with either savant like tendencies and or are autistic/ Asperger’s who is a higher percentage but can do amazing mental leaps.

Those are the people who likely have hidden Nephilim DNA, unknown how the recessive situation occurs with them. However, there are documented people who have had brains which have operated so far above and beyond the structure of normal humans it becomes close to impossible for the Nephilim as a culture to be anything other than with an easy to assume 200 plus IQ and likely savant- like tendencies. Especially if the “difficult relating to humans” aspects are added. Then they would appear to be even more angel and or demon- like in their interaction with humans.

More than a few of those gifted with extremes in intelligence have been hunted down and killed because their cultures assumed they were “devil touched”.




Nephilim Society

The problem with most cultures from 4000 bce to present and with absolutely zero end in sight for the next 6000 years is the following. People and cultures within a deviation of just one deviation from the mean IQ hate with a rather insane and in some cases homicidal need to harm those in the culture with a plus 5 to 10 IQ. Those with a two to four deviation are tolerated because they still function close enough to that of the mean that they can “fit in”, they are just technically skilled. However, when you start producing children with extremes in IQ, the culture becomes uncomfortable almost instantly. In the past said types of children were usually abused to a point of murder by their family, friends, the community, or various accidents. But there is a solution. That solution is and was to isolate the “best and brightest” from the mean and create places those with extremes in IQ can think, function, etc. without being harmed by those who hated them for being smart. Although it is a serious situation when you get someone who is smart but not as smart and they become just as nasty a bully to those with 2 to five deviations above them.

In the ancient world, it would only make sense to create a special “think tank area” so the king and the army could protect the super smart and get the brain trust going and leave the normal citizens alone. The isolation would remove the problem of bullying and allow for the inventions the smart create to be delivered to the city and the citizens could then benefit their lives by the invention, but not have to deal with and or interact with the people who build said invention.

The super intelligent people are of course part of a larger issue, because to a mostly illiterate and generations upon generations of ignorant people. Where the last family member who knew how to read was centuries ago. They would look at someone born with a killer high IQ with a very low EQ and assume that person was touched by the divine, or worse half demon. Since that type of intelligence is only to the illiterate and ignorant is god touched.

But god touched intelligence is a rather difficult thing to understand. The only real solution would be to literally have the leaders remove those “super intelligent” and have them form their own city. Protect that city with a full army, and the other technically skilled people who can take the ideas produced, produces, services, etc. and market them to benefit the entire society. The Leaders look good for removing the “problem nerds, geeks, dweebs, etc.” from the general population, and the leader benefits from isolating them into their own community. Like the modern equivalent of Menlo Park, the Microsoft Campus, the World Fair, etc. where the best and brightest come together and produce what they do. The leaders then profit profoundly form that brain trust.

This is found in the bible through the story of Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis chapters 18-19.

But what happens when a leader takes a perfectly solid and nice tool, produced by the “brain trust community” and figure a way to turn that tool into a weapon. A weapon capable of being Weapon of Mass Destruction. Then the citizens that weapons were used against become angry and resentful, that anger and resentfulness grow and grows till the rage is directed not at the leader and or the culture itself. But against the “Brain Trust Community”.

The community who are likely entirely oblivious to the use of their weapon and have no idea their invention killed a high percentage of the city itself or several cities.

Thus, is the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, a perfect but not entirely stated example of a “Brain Trust Group of Cities” which were determined by the Hyksos to be the definition of Evil. Why mostly because the cities and the protective rulers refused to share the technology and weapons those cities thought of. As well as, people with extremes in intelligence have rather difficult times expressing themselves emotionally. Some of their intimacies come out as what their cultures would call “deviant behavior”.

But just because the word deviate might be used, does not mean for a single second that the same word means the same thing to every single human. Some humans find deviate behavior to mean anything other than missionary on a birthday or some type of special day, which was portrayed comically by the TV show “Married with Children”, where Al Bundy would only be with his wife when he was absolutely forced to.

Some people perceive attraction to late teens early 20-year olds of the opposite sex to be perfectly great, and others view it as on the edges of pedophilia. The entire definition is person and of course culture based.

Not long ago in Rome a party during the Roman Empire would result in an Orgy, conducted right in the middle of what they would call “the living room”. Married couples on their wedding night would be expected to consume their union with key members of their families in the room and in full view of the biochemistry. Those were not considered deviate in any way.

But with the shift toward Puritan, the items which are considered deviate has grown exponentially.

The brain trust cultures as well as their intimacy issues was a huge problem for the Hyksos. And all their descendant cultures. Attacking intimacy issues as well as the super smart has been a hallmark for the Hyksos from 2100 bce to present without end. Almost a “unless we are directly benefitting, we hate it and want to stop it or control it. how dare someone think they can be intimate with that girl, when I can kill him and take her as myn. I want to kill him and take her as myn”. Which has been a 100% repeat pattern for 4000 years, accounted for every single day.

The Nephilim are likely the residence of Sodom and Gomorrah, a brain trust of people.


Altered DNA Nephilim


Holding with the premise which is just as much true today as it was 1000s of years ago. People with normal Intelligence Quotions literally feel uncomfortable around people with a 170 or higher IQ.

Consequently, there is no reason to assume that various cultulres have not isolated their best and smartest inot their own communities. Example Soddom and Ghamorah, hwere incredibly smart people were housed like a consentration camp but with all the amenities of proper care. However hteyr were directed to literally produce to keep their keep. Their ideas, produces, services, etc were then used by the person ro persons who seized control over them.


Now is the important part.

If those issolations occurred with a population of mostly above 170, with a mean of 200. That mens that within 100 years, the cultural affects would be something. 1000 years and the DNA of the group would begin to alter to match the needs of the entirely issloated group. Minus the addictiosn to the community who were just like them. Adding a small amount of diversity every randomly once in a while.

1000 more years and the diversity would begin to isolate and create its own unique DNA sequnces. Not only would the population for the most part be kept very smart, but the offspring would be able to learn from the mistaks of their family and improve technology into astronomical aspects.

The good part about that is, eery time one of those communities was formed the rulers could guarantee they were abougt to be fed a steady diet of the best and greatest both weapons and technology improvements which would then improve the lives of anyone in the greater community.

However it also would shift the DNA of the issolcated community to the point of being an anger point for the enmeies of the that society at large. Enmies would want to have those “thinkers” working for them, instead of against them.


Capturing them, or conquering the civilization to force access to the camps/cities where the really smart people lived would be high on there lists.

But hwen this happened, isolated DNA would then become mixed to an extreme level with normal IQ people. This could be an idea to explore regarding the functionability of neuro-a-typcial people. Austistic, Asbergers, etc. half normal DNA and half super genious DNA which might not mix that well.

Example putting an engine from a stock car into a regular street legal sedan would make the normal car never be able to get out of second gear. Since second gear does not end til about 90 mph.

If the neruopathways of a super genenous DNA altered community; extremely intelligent breading with super intelligent for 1000 years or 2000 years did occur than the brain of the super intelligent would be traying to create super intelligent neuropathways inside a brain also designed to produce normal thinkgn patterns.

The war between the neuropathways would not be pretty. Depenign on what DNA won which in which neuropathway would determine what was extremely advanced and what would operate normally. Supper neuropathways next to normal pathways, this could litarlly cause extremes in thought creation.


Angel v Demon

Every portion of history from Noah to present has been a battle between in effect Esau’s ancestors and descendants and those they are entirely convinced in all ways are half humans half demons. So, anything done to demons is entirely acceptable in all ways. From Noah to present the enemy culture has been on a demon hunt, to find and kill demons and possess the library to rescue the library from the hands of evil and put the library in the hands of good. Even though they want to use the library for evil purposes. Most bad people are use they are not only good but are the hero of their life and those around them.






Eg Y Pt


Eg; Soul.

Y; of the.

Pt; Ptah is the name/title or some type of metaphoric issue regarding Creation. 

The Elder Futhark and Hebrew are one in the same language.

The Elder Futhark is time/calendar and a language which is rather cerebral, while Hebrew is very physical and religious. The two parts of the job of Ptah. It also cranks the invention of a form of Hebrew back way back to previous to 4000 bce. Which would be the first Cuneiform language.

In a very real effect Ptah and Adam eg Adam and Eve, have the same code and of course job descriptions.

Genesis 2; 21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.”

The creation of Adam, and Eve.

The Job of Steward and the Job of Ptah is almost identical,

Genesis 2; 19 And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.”

Things named and of course created to and through the process of God and “Red Earth”

Ptah has a more complex code built into his name. He is actually Red, but his skin is Green “cloriform” to turn the Amber raise of the sun(ATEN/Amber) in the Sky (North/Vertical), into photosynthesis (Garden; specifically designed area), to produce life.

Adam’s Job was to name and work with all the things which came out of the Primordial oze which the Ben Ben Stone (Garden of Eden) floated on.

The description of Adam and the description of Ptah are only a few variables apart from each other. The Green Photosynthesis, requires Amber and a solid place to perform the chemical transfer. Ptah has the code built in. Adam’s name requires a bit of a different type of translation. But since they come from different languages, at different points in language development, some poetic license is allowable. A man(standing Vertical in worship of God/Vertical/Amber), Red (Amber/Sacred), Earth (Specifically designated area).

In a very real effect the name Ptah is not exactly different than the definition of the Job/task “Steward” which is the job Adam was given. To form and manage the items in the garden of Eden.

The Job of Steward and Adam are difficult since those tasks are covered under specific names.

Adam actually means “Red/Amber Earth”. Which is just a little shy of the same exact code of North, Umber, Land . Which is the exact area identified as being the ancestors of King Tut. Tut’s oldest sister, mother, and most of the older court evacuated out of Egypt to Northumberland after establishing Theseus at ATHENS. The deity of the 18th Dynasty which Tut was the last pharaoh of worshiped the ATEN. Now take the H out and the possessive ‘s out of the name ATHENS, leaving ATEN. The Jews were not forced to evacuate Egypt just once. The were forced to evacuate several times in the past.

First 3800 bce when the army from Mecca invaded upper Egypt. They were forced to move north. Although they would not be called Jews for more than a 1000 years. They were forced to leave the Memphis/Luz area circa 3500 bce, and were forced to evacuate the Nile Delta from Heliopolis north shortly after. But were allowed to return when Pharaoh Narmer (who is absolutely connected to the Nephilim People) seized control over all of Egypt circa 3200 bce. Some of the ATEN worshipers simply traveled north to the north side of the Mediterranean to wait it out. Others Headed to what would be called Britain to life and thrive 1000 miles outside the reach of the enmy who hate education to the point of burning every library they an get their hands on.

Consequently, the defenses at Northumberland were built, rebuild, and refortified 100s of times over the course of millennia. Sufficient to defeat both the entire Roman Army from 50 bce to 500 ce, and then the PIctish battles from 500-650 ce.

But there is a problem with the Ptah thing and Narmer. According to the Narmer Passport, a scroll copied over the course of more than 1000 years 3200-2100 bce; Narmer selected the West side of the Nile from Absure to Giza as the perfect place for the Jews to live as a reservation to call their own. Where he divided lands far away from their for anti-Semitic cultures to be too far away to bring harm or harass the not call that yet Jews in their area. Abuses still occurred, but they were  much more difficult and the perpetrators were more easily caught. The not yet Jews were allowed all but free reign over their area. Of course the story is much more complex and detailed, since the areas of the future pyramids circa 2500 bce some 600 years later were already full of Megaliths like Stonehenge. Which is an extremely similar concept, but different appearing engineering. However the same basic architectural principles are present in each. Obviously in a different shape.

Which is one of the major reason the Hyksos from Mecca invaded, to erase all traces of the real reasons the Pyramids were created in favor of fictions they preferred.


Adam the first Man

With the above Evidence and the combination of how close the definitions for both the jobs are as well as the names Ptah and of course Adam; the likelihood that Adam was a Nephilim is statistically 99%.

The Likelihood Eve was also a Nephilim is also 99%, since her body was made directly from the hand of god as well as in part the DNA of Adam. Adam based on being a divine creation, and Blew air into his lungs. Adam is absolutely Half God, Half human. Eve is half God Half human or in another way of looking at it Both of them were Nephilim.

However the concept of Lilith which the documentation states unequivocally Lilith was Adam’s first helper but she was entirely a descendant from God.



The Character of Lilith comes directly from god sharing no DNA with Adam at all. However, her task is a much more difficult task. Her task was to start the sequencing of the garden and other aspects of Adam’s life, in effect teach him his job. But then her job was to leave and work with others and angels to produce other results.

It is said her actual mate is Samuel’ which that story is hard core complex.

Samael is both the Lord of the 7th Layer of Heaven, but he lives in the 5th layer of heaven.

Samael and Lilith are supposedly a couple. Samael it has been speculated that said archaengle is literlaly the Angel of Death. Which is different then the Norse female deity of Hel and the Valkeryie’s job. Hell oversees the valkeryies as they select the hero's to escort them to heaven/Valhallan.

Death is the one who choses when the person will die.

How long their life is the job of Adam.

Adam’s earthly throne is located in the fourth or first Taberancle of Adam System. Symbolized and a code to trace the secrets the Rib  holds. However that thrones mirror is in the 7th kingdom of Heaven, and Samael sits on that throne. They are the Rib could very well be a code to show the Tabernacle System of Adam, and the absolute need for sacred intimacy between the partners as they engage to both be with each other and to power the machine.


The problem is, Lilith and her “offspring” are absolutely considered to be Demons, but that is from the perspective of the Hyksos. Who perceive the Nephilim has half demons half humans, same culture loves burning libraries and killing scholars. So their option is obviously to the maximum degree so bias it is not worth anything at all minus being food for plants.


Adam needed someone to teach him how to perform his job. That job being to understand the instructions from god and how to build things from the primordial ooze which surrounded the Ben Ben Stone, or was pulled from the fountain/pool/rivers of creation.

This concept is most easily translated into English as “Figment” from the Disney Character “Figment of the Imagination”. Which takes a huge amount of hard work and innovation to make the ideas into a reality. Whoever some ancient cultures “love Ideas, or Figments” but other cultures “Hate ideas/Figments more than can be measured”.

From Idea to a finished produce the bad cultures perceive as “A Monster”, not unlike the Frankenstien Monster. An unknown variable is added to the community, which disrupts the flow of the power dynamic. Those who are afraid of losing their power/political positions in a community are almost always threatened by anything new. Unless they can seize complete control over it.

The ideas which result in a threat to their power were referenced to be from Lilith, because what other type of creature would inspire the psychopathic leaders to lose their power. Evil monsters are the only ones which would cost psychopaths to lose their power.

But you have to remember most bad people are entirely convinced they are actually good people. Who simply need things to go according to what will make them happy. More power, more money, more pleasure. Anything which deviates from those are enemies which need to be removed from being a threat to those three goals. Almost no matter what bad people do, they are almost always convinced they are simply great people. They are great but are misunderstood.

This makes Lilith associated with the Holy Ghost or the spirit of the Lord.

“And God Flew, over the waters” the flying part is in art the job of Lilith.

The Spirit/Holy Ghost/Figment of Imagination is the definition of Lilith when the junk from bad people and bad cultures are removed. God used “spirit” to fly over the 4 base elements to combine them. The combination or “water”, is the same as the Primordial ooze of Ptah. Same thing.


The Epic of Gilgamesh additional attribute story. The monster Lilith has been described as part Snake Part Bird.


The Snake is an obvious metaphor for the Earths Orbit.

The Bird is also an obvious metaphor for the same thing which God Flew over the Waters. Those Waters are the Earths Orbit flow, the wave current flows of water. The same exact water the lord flew over to combine into the 4 elements. Which are not exactly different than when god began to flow of time for planet earth.

However there is something else just as interesting.

To fly requires the talent and skills of flight.

Flight as in birds are what the lord did over the water.

Water and Flight for the Lord, Snake (shape of water itself) and flying. Makes Lilith in part a creature/Nephilim of the primordial ooze who can exist both in side and outside the ooze. That ooze being in part

Lilith and Ǽtt’s

The thing which is the most important to remember is, eggs are a metaphor regarding an aspect of mathematics and of course ancient science which up to this point has been entirely ignored.

Lilith taught Adam how to use his blade which had three lettrs one repeats on it. which is the exact description for Ǽtt. The Blade of Enoch was given to Enoch by his grandfather Adam. That blade was a blade Adam possessed in heavan and used to perform his job.

His job was not to create “new things” that was between God and Lilith, but to name then and determine their placemnt in the weave of time. From birth, what they would interact with, and die. And hwere they would perform those three tasks.

But the eggs are not egg’s that is a metaphor for the Ǽtt she created.

Which goes along also with the Ǽtt’s needed to deliver humans out of their body to the afterlife.

The spirit goes from being in the physical form to being in what has been defined as an Orb, those Orb’s are with this exact examination of facts from linguistics are Ǽtt spheres. The soul is not comfortable existing on its own. But the soul travels into the Ǽtt after the last connections to the physical form are done.

It is a huge job. To deliver souls from god to the body, and hten from the body to the afterlife.



Line from Adam to Noah

The largest problem is, the line from Noah’s Great Grandson was Nimrod, who was by several different books of the Bible claimed to be literally a Nephilim and the building of a dozen or more Library’s. Specifically libraries with technology so advanced they make even current most advanced libraries look antiquated and centuries out of date by present standards.

The good part is, each “Marked” Nephilim makes it easier to determine the line of Nephilim from Adam and Eve down to Nimrod.

Of course Nimrod supposedly was born about the end of the life of Abrahaam, being his great Grandson. Adjusting the life of those people from extremes down to a normal 60-80 years, with a few pushing 100 years old.

Noah, his son Ham, his son Cush, his son Nimrod.

Cush was considered the Kingdom and of course the King of Kush which was associated with either or both sides of the Red Sea.

 The west side of the Red Sea the northern portion is literally Egypt. The southern portion is the Sudan.

Kings of North, Umber, Land is very close to the definition of Yr Hen Ogle dd.

Which would literally be the name and title of Egypt.

The name King would be developed several millennia later. Ptah would pre-Date Pharaoh by centuries. Ptah is straight from Indo-European language.

On the Ben Ben stone Ptah build the Universe under the direction of the ATEN/God.

On one of the Ben Ben stones (a specifically defined area) or ships since Ptah was given to build more than one. Ptah built a lteast one master Tall House of the Lord. The Title given to the person who was in charge of that Tall building was “Leader of the Tall House” or in Heiroglyphics Pharaoh

Pharaoh would be a step from the job of Ptah, being in effect the same defintions as Adam. Adam/Ptah hbeing honored to the ultimate just under god. But the leader of the House of the Lord would also need a title and of course Honor.

But the honor of the being who build the house is more important than honoring the person in charge of running the day to day.




1. Adam----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+(930) Adam
2. Seth (130)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+(1042) Seth
3. Enos (235)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------B
4. Cainan (325)----------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Mahalaleel (395)---------------------------------------------------------
6. Jared (460)------------------------------------------------------
7. Enoch (622)---------------------------------+(987) Was Translated
8. +Methuselah (687)----------------------------------
9. +Lamech (874)------------------
10. +Noah (1056)



Bible Genesis Chapter 6

The Nephilim appear by name in the second sentence of Genesis Chapter 6 with a solid description.

1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2 That the Nephilim sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4 There were Nephilim in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bear children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

10 And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood ; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.

15 And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.

16 A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.

17 And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and everything that is in the earth shall die.

18 But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.

19 And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.

20 Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.

21 And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.

22 Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he.

Ptah is entirely unique within the structure of the Egyptian Deities. First, he is the oldest next to the ATEN.

The ATEN is the oldest, and Ptah is the first after the ATEN.

Ptah is said to stand on the Ben Ben Stone in the middle of the pool of creation and thinking speak everything into existence.

Which is so close to the definition and library actions of the Ogle family it is almost a custom fit definition

Yr Hen Ogle dd

A person blessed by the divine to see and work with the world around. To assist in stewarding the earth. Every Ogle family member has this as a base nature. The question becomes how strong is their nature and how strong is their will power to empower its implementation.

Noah’s Ark is courtesy of the Ogle family library.


Jews Hiding Secrets

Every single letter in the Torah has a secret code behind it.

Consequently when the Jews wanted to hide very deep and important things inside the structure of the Torah to hide from their enemies. They would leave clues which for the most part make no logical sense. But as a clue they are perfect.

The Ark was make of Gopher wood. That wood is actually one of the worst woods to use for said project. It is not that buoyant, it is not good for building with, etc.

But symbolically it is perfect since gophers are diggers. They build huge underground tunnels to live in, find the insects they eat, and raise their young in.

The Gopher wood is a driect reference to dig into this Ark mystery to undevoer a secret of the divine inside the structure of how the riddle was spelled out.

Dig into this mystery, to find the hidden treasure.

One of the mysteires is the size of the library the Nephilim possessed.




The Nephilim are an extremely difficult subject to bring up, but they do have a realistic aspect to their existence.

Even though they are “documented fiction”, does not mean a single thing when it comes right down to the facts of the situation.

Example the code built into the Nephilim name definition is the same exact code built into the definition of North Umber Land.

Any reasonable to extremely advanced civilization is indistinguishable from magic to insufficiently advanced cultures/people. The hard-physical evidence is the following.

That description is

The Nephilim Sons of God" and the "daughters of men" before the Deluge according to Genesis 6:4

The best and easiest way to translate this word from Indo-European into English would be North Umber Land.

Let us break it down by word

Everywhere in both archaeology and the bible you see “The Code” assume it has some connection to the Ogle family. Including what Jesus was doing just before he walked on water. He went to a tall hill (vertical), communed with god (amber), and prepared to perform (hill and preparation would both be claiming a specific well-defined land/area)

North’ Half divine/Sacred/Umber/Amber, from the Vertical. Vertical in English before the invention of the compass was not magnetic north since what is magnetism to a pre-magnetic culture. North was Polaris. North would be GOD straight up, God/Vertical/Sacred/Divine/etc.

Umber; Sacred, Amber, Umber, Divine, the ATEN. Since the sacred part is clearly plural, in several aspects of plural.

Land; a human takes up a very specific location and of course has a specifically defined boundary of life. Which is described in the chapter of “surely die”; a firm born date in a very specific location, raised in location, started their own family in each specific location, died in each specific location. Each event from birth to death are all specific to a given location. All the necessary definitions to produce the name Castle. The Ogle family are the Rulers of the Sacred Castle of God on earth. The offspring of god and the offspring of female humans.

= North Umber Land = Yr Hen Ogle dd.

The Nephilim, the Trojan War, the founding of the British Culture, the Pyramids, Stonehenge, etc. by 100,000 different subjects the Ogles have had direct interaction with. If not different names for the same people.

There is a huge amount more going on than just the Ogle family and the Nephilim meaning the same thing. There is a library hinted at in Chapter 6, of course the library is not actually stated “a library” but it is mentioned in at least half a dozen sentences first in the measurements of the Ark. The measurements are as follows, “x cubits, y cubits, z cubits”. In addition, each major description of the ark, what to do with it, the animals, etc. are all part of the library the Nephilim possessed and Noah possibly being a Nephilim gained access to. The problem is, just because a word means A in B millennia centuries before the invention of Sumerian and Hieroglyphic does not mean for a single second that same word means the same thing 3000 years later when translated into Hebrew. Cubit has a specific meaning in Hebrew, a language which would not in basic exist until circa 1330 bce. Which is an extreme problem since, one word used in four languages over 3000 years and linguists are assuming it meant the same thing the whole time. Even though the same people and the same family e.g. the Ogles have the family personal symbol with literally meaning Ogle on documentation related to the Pyramids. The enemy of the Ogles, identified with ease regarding their constant and extremes in violence towards the Ogle family, if a group of people on a soul level will never stop attacking no matter how far away you as a group travel. That is the definition of an enemy. The problem is the enemy of the Ogles are always entirely convinced they are good, and fine with their intent to kill the Ogles is their divine right and direction from god. Good chance that is why the “lost 13th tribe” refused to come back to Levant lands to be ruled by Moses, first they did not need to be ruled by anyone, and second they would have come back to unhinged genocide. The Ogles built the Pyramids, as 1000s of documents from 2600-2100 bce attest, aka the “Old Kingdom”. The highest ranked officials from the 3-5 (2600-2100 bce) Dynasties were given said Ogle family symbol, presumably because they were officials directly in charge of various portions of construction. This means based on all those centuries of documentation and the symbol of Amber Flower of the Most High, change the order and you have North (most high), Amber/Umber, Flower (defined area), which means that translates to the Ogle family were the Pharaoh’s during the same exact time both the Pyramids were constructed, as well as when Jacob and Rebecca ruled the Jews. When Jacob’s 12th son was sold to Esau by his other sons out of jealousy and hatred.  But the Hyksos could not handle that information in any way, shape, or form. Somehow Judah??? let it slip that his father was building the Pyramids as a physical indestructible version of Genesis, his uncle directed his culture to build citizens as quickly as females could produce children to have sufficient forces in 200 years to invade. When the invasion took place, Esau’s line from Mecca invaded Egypt with extreme violence and genocide toward Jacob and his line. Those that survived the initial slaughter, were put into slavery and used as a shield wall to follow their “tribe” into Sinai, Levant, Anatolia, the Ǽgean, over to Italy to find and kill them all. The Hyksos with their Jewish slave army did not have sufficient numbers to arrive in Italy. Also, the subject of Sacred Intimacies comes up again with one of Esau’s wives and his nephew Judah. That pairing with the nephew and in the Kaaba, gave Esau a powerful weapon in which to achieve some of his nastier goals. The first time Esau performed said, he was inventing the Hajj. If you are going to do something clandestinely, best not brag about the results. If it is a secret, keep it that way. “We did nothing, we are entirely innocent, but WE WON THE BATTLE, WE DESTROYED OUR ENEMY in that operation we had nothing to do with”. Which is in essence him selling his soul to the devil in order to send a fallen to find Jacob and kill him before he could accept the title of Pharaoh. Sacred Intimacies are part of most of the battles and wars fought over Esau’s line versus the Ogles. The descendants of the Hyksos erased and edited that information to make it sound like they wanted. First from 2100-1530 bce, and then when they name changed to Dorian and forced their philosophy into the structure of academics in Ancient Greece circa 800-200 bce. The end of the Dorian Dark Age occurred circa 800 bce, they might have been defeated as a culture, but they still possessed a strong army. They might have surrendered, but that was strategic to infiltrate into academics and shape academics away from facts and evidence, and towards what their ancestors had pushed toward since Noah. Another example of the same thing directly related to the Ogle family can be pointed out with extreme ease by Esau’s line bragging about it 10,000 separate times in different battles and wars. Same equation, same library, same level of technology, same family code, for the last 3000 years same labeled characters Ogle or the English Northumberland, same hatred and genocidal attacks from the enemy. The Pyramids beyond current human species comprehension, was based on all the assembled evidence so far, used a mathematics which might use the same words as Hebrew 1300 years later (you can place the entire Roman Empire in that whole in time with a few decades on each side. The city of Rome at the start spoke and wrote Italic; by the time the Roman empire became the Papacy, they were on their fifth version of Latin. First to Papacy Latin are rather different in key ways.), but those words obviously meant something else between the different millennia. Must remember that the Hebrew authors hated the Jews equal to if not more than the Nazi’s hated the Jews.  The library is mentioned as a concept “Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.” In the specifics. The details would have come from a collection of books, not a “booming voice from the heavens”, why else mention the Nephilim before mentioning the details of the construction measurements. If the information came from a booming voice from the heavens, why not mention that again as the previous times said occurred and was written down? Since the measurement is not clear if it is Noah’s arm, or it is a “Nephilim’s” arm. Which could be up to a foot difference in length depending on how large the average Nephilim was. Also consider the fact that the Ogle family are from northern Europe and have reputations for being extraordinarily tall, over 6 foot, sometimes reaching 7 feet. While most Mediterranean cultures were hardly more than 4’6” on occasion like Caesar was 5’7” but he was considered for that time to be what we would consider a 6’6” man. Half a foot taller than most people around him. But this does not mean for any reason that a cubit was a length of any given body part, it simply was translated as such. In part because naval technology had dropped so hard by then that a couple hundred-foot-long ship was considered what we would consider an aircraft carrier of over 1000 feet in the present. That is what happens when you burn libraries the scholars and technical people once they die out, there is no ability anymore to build large ships. As the libraries are burned/destroyed the next decades to century of engineering to the civilization drops out almost entirely. Five story buildings are replaced by 3 stories and then one story, then tents.

The most difficult aspect of this entire chapter is the fact that it has been edited to a point of almost fiction. The Ark was in the shape of a Kaaba, with a ground floor, second floor, and upper floor. Which is the exact configuration of the Freemasonic temple, which was recreated in Britain by the Ogle family shortly after they arrived back in Northumberland renamed from the Gaelic original Yr Hen Ogle dd from the first crusade. After the Ogles returned from their triumph at Hastings 1066. Their success because they were in charge of the army, and De Ogle is who travelled to Germany to obtain the German Long bowmen who were the deciding factor. The Ogle family installed William on the English throne and kept their Ogle Kingdom intact. But were forced to rebuild since the namesake castle was obliterated sometime between 700-1000 ce. Previous to the age of the Viking, the Ogles owned the majority of the entire Island including Northern Ireland. Which the Ogles still own, but the English refuse flat out to acknowledge. The English have to first acknowledge they are not British, then they have to acknowledge the Ogle family, then the ownership of Northern Ireland can be discussed. Till those three things happen, Northern Ireland will always be disputed. The problem the Ogle family has faced for the last 5000 years, is unrelenting attacks from descendants of Esau. True during the Great Flood (although the word is Laguz, which means a wash over, in other words a political sea change not necessarily a deluge of water. Example the 45th president of the United States. His actions are a sea change or Great Flood of actions which affected a huge portion of the Human Species) true in the present. Elements from each of the great battles the Ogles have faced from when they were called Nephilim to present has not stopped. Referencing various and assorted different portions of the same library and equations randomly builds a solid picture and statistical equation regarding the same information is present over in extremely similar variable configurations from 5000 bce to present. Which is more than 7000 years. That is something which proves the statistical concepts, most medical procedures cannot even come close to matching those types of statistical averages with control groups over 1000 years longer than translated languages allow. Same equation Nephilim to present, radically advanced technology, libraries, the same family, and very bad men challenging and will stop at nothing including genocide to possess the technology and the library for their own evil purposes. One of those purposes is to resurrect their infantry to have an endless supply of soldiers, the second is to resurrect their key leaders in order to rule the world again. Which according to the Tower of Babel, Tarah wanted to seize control over the Eridu Ziggurat in order to specifically challenge god for supremacy over the heavens. Since he and his kind were given a raw deal, they wanted to have a chat with god and argue they did not have sufficient domination over the working parts of the planet earth. God chose to end the battle by making Tarah’s army those bad men who were working against his will an EST lobotomy. This was done presumably to give the books, plates, and other tools to Abraham, so he could be a good leader to his people. Since his dad and older brother were only interested in power, control, and genocide. Abraham as the bible states, is a good man. But there is a problem, Abraham based on a variety of situations was around circa 2600 bce. But was not allowed to stay in Egypt, he was only allowed to be in Egypt for a round trip to southern Egypt and then out. Shortly after his arrival and meeting with the Pharaoh of Egypt, which at 2600 bce would be the Ogle family. He was ordered to leave, but his family and descendants could stay. This is more than a bit confusing. However, his descendant by about 4 generations came back to Egypt and is most likely primarily responsible for the construction of the Pyramids. And the information was provided by the Plates of Destiny (be interesting if the plates of Destiny were what the Book of Genesis was called before being renamed by Moses) and un undocumented idea would be also from the Pharaoh. The story of the Pyramid construction is obviously intensely complex. It is also directly dependent on the Ogle library to achieve. A library which contained information directly regarding Electro-Magnetic tools used to move the blocks with extreme ease. Huge blocks which would have literally had to be put into place one every few seconds for 8 years to make the archaeological evidence. Plus, the fact that the Pyramid Causeways are also part of a global measurement device. That device is beyond our current understanding of technology, and exactness regarding measurements. But not beyond finally being able to prove the Khufu causeway bisects Mount Everest 4 mountain ranges, and more than half an ocean between. Not to mention bisecting nearly the entire continent of India. Now something occurred at this time of the Pyramids construction which is entirely connected in enumerable ways to the structure of literally the construction of King Solomon’s Temple, Freemasonry (built and rebuilt by the Ogle family), and the nativity. The Bent, and Pepi I pyramid were built with causeways which to the mm bisect the very center of each of those architectural sites. Which are only a bit under 300 miles away. Across the Red Sea and of course a different continent, but most of the way through Levant Lands. In other words, minus GPS, the ISS, and a huge amount of computer power and graphics it is impossible to even recreate said type of measurements in the present. But the Ogles since they were the ones who built the Pyramids not only obviously did, but the Ogles knew a form of engineering which dwarfs current engineering by such a huge margin is like comparing a 60-year experienced engineer with 1000 patents and entire aspects of architecture and engineering named after that person, with an 18-month-old who just figured out that you can put one block onto another block. It was not until 2004 that modern technology rose to the point of proving the old kingdom did that level of global identification and measurements. Forget how they performed the tasks. Although, since we in the modern age simply to prove they did it, require two separate types of space both moving and stationary orbital types of machines to achieve our micro-goal. We proved it existed, how to recreate it without using space craft. Good luck solving that mystery. That does not mean for a second humans had help from extra-terrestrials. We went from ships of the line to boots on the Moon. Remove the junk between and it could have been done in less than half that time, with only human interactions. Let the scientist work, with unlimited budgets and colonizing Mars is possible. If the hate mongers and theocrats get out of the way long enough. The books from which the Ogle’s reformed Freemasonry out of in their own named by the Picts from Yr Hen Ogle dd to Northumberland Kingdom circa 1080. Similar books built Noah’s Ark, the Pyramids, the city of Poseidon, Samhain, the Megaliths (Stonehenge), Edinburgh, Newcastle, the Palace at Knossos, the defenses at the city of Troy, King Solomon’s Temple was built with the same configuration as Noah’s Ark, interesting enough so was Emperor Caligula’s Lake Nemi Ships. The Lake Nemi Ships were also directly associated with the founding of Christianity, being used as a Cathedral where the Roman Army loyal to Caligula would not allow the services of either Jesus or Simon Peter be interrupted. Since they were kicked out of by seizing the city of Heliopolis renamed to the Vatican by the Senate and the followers of Paul.  Eight huge towers 2 on each bow 2 on each stern, were configured the same way about 30 feet to each floor. However, wrapped in protective walls so the workings inside could occur and not be disturbed from the outside. The vertical 30-foot ceilings were needed because they grew trees inside, to represent the 4 Trees of Creation from which the whole “forbidden” fiction was invented to keep citizens of Esau’s line ignorant. Ignorant citizens do not question authority, educated citizens do. Edit a few words and something wonderful turns into something hated and feared. The Ogles had based on both DNA and legends began building the defenses and a new Kingdom in Northumberland about two decades before the Trojan War began. They were sitting happily behind their defenses for two millennia 1340 bce – 630 ce, simply defending their lands, when a new threat came up and pushed them to evacuate the island 680 ce. That threat came from the offspring from one of their ship captains ferrying academic books from Constantinople to other libraries in northern Europe. Bypassing the rather unpleasant Vatican. But one of their female ship captains was captured, the contents of the ship were seized by the Persians, and the captain was sold into slavery. Her fourth child was a girl who was fathered by Mohamed, that child was called “Fatimah” and about 15 to 18 years later Fatimah followed her mother out of Mecca back home. All be it several years later, since her mother was a born and bred person from Northern Europe and Fatimah was her father’s daughter. She wanted to stay with dad, so Mom evacuated and headed back home. Daughter followed with an entourage and army. Arriving in Britain, Fatimah chose to claim her rightful heritage and of course convert her relatives to her new religion. Being all but entirely ignorant of the facts of the Jacob Esau War, she chose Esau. Her family would not tolerate Esau’s philosophy one small bit. Her relatives rejected both her and her junk philosophy from Esau, war followed. That war was called “The Pictish Revolt”. Which ended circa 650 bce, but another wave started almost immediately, and descendants of Fatimah in Britain were able to achieve the goal. Providing the Island of Britain, a huge brand new unfamiliar territory to expand Islam into. 700-1066, the population was forced to follow the teachings of Islam. The Ogle army venturing to the Crusade's was divided into two parts, the first was to fight on the front lines to keep the Ottoman Muslims back, the second was to find the caches of books and other research materials and carry it back to the libraries of Northern Europe safely out of the hands of the Catholic church and Muslims who only wanted to make the weapons and burn the original. The Ogle family itself has carried on a tradition of both libraries and possessing the greatest technology from pre-history until around 1880. When the last pockets of the libraries were finally seized in America from Ogle possession. The good part about that is, even the Bible documents in Genesis in two separate chapters the sheer hatred that man presents to the Nephilim and those good men connected to the Nephilim have been hunted down and genocided for 1000 years or more since the Sumerian and Hieroglyphic languages were invented. But they brag about the conquests non-stop. The bragging about the battles is the best evidence to find out who and why. The problem is the evil men performing sin are always in all ways convinced their actions are not only good, but their actions are the “will of god”, to seek out the Nephilim, their libraries, their technology, kill them, seize control over, and then find their other enemies and kill them too. Samson is also another good example of a son of a Nephilim who was betrayed by “wicked men” and forced to be humiliated and reduced to nothing just to make the king happy. But the King forgot the primary rule, first keep his hair cut short, and two a part of Samson’s power came from his removal from intimacies. The King loved to perform with his Harem just out of reach of Samson; that Samson could gain no interaction and no power from the acts. But likely Delilah with a guilty heart took pity, possibly because the King used some type of lethal leverage against her to force her to commit said evil against her lover. But they were not just lovers, they were Temple Sacred Lovers, which has been all but entirely erased from the structure of Puritan Culture and almost all from Moses line teachings. Moses and his descendants reshaped the old stories to edit out the Sacred Intimacies which used to be part of many Jewish ceremonies. But Esau’s line which Moses is absolutely a member and proud of from day one to his last breath, hated the power of the Sacred Union Rituals. However, plenty of evidence can be found for this in the Lebensborn Project the Nazi worked on for two decades and of course very real events which were fictionalized for the book and later movie audiences in the forms of “the Night Porter” and “the Reader”. Those intimacy themed concepts connect to the stories surrounding “The Whore of Babylon”, as well as older stories. Since lots of children were mentioned, that Sacred Intimacies were part of Chapter 6 in at least three separate sentences. Edited down to try to hide, but the Offspring could do miraculous things with the power of god. But without the technology the acts between two consenting adults is a total waste of time. The acts and the technology appear based on an examination of several non-bible based rituals and a dozen or so in the bible itself including “Jesus knew the ladies of Jerusalem”, the word knew has been used several times in the bible and it usually means intimacy of some type. The ladies are mentioned literally two sentences before Jesus is put on the cross.

There is also a huge amount of evidence from Smith and the early Latter-Day Saint movement regarding these ceremonies that Smith attempted to include for over a decade. His Great Awakening Followers were entirely disgusted with said and removed him from power because of it. Then to remove the “evil” amongst them completely, the official story is, Smith was martyred for his beliefs. However, that is not true. He was not killed in America. He was kidnapped by the FreiKorp because he was much more valuable as a linguist then a dead cult leader. The FreiKorp are a paramilitary spy organization specifically designed by the Prussian Military to seek out Ogles and associated libraries and capture them. Kill the Ogles and capture the libraries. The Prussian Military is part of the Prussian Empire government organization. The Prussians had been at war against the Ogles since the first Crusade when they were called “Teutonic Knights” noticed the archaeology being performed under the Temple Mound, that archaeology found caches of libraries. Which the Ogles and Templars took back to Northumberland for safe keeping. The Prussians demanded to have access to this ancient language knowledge, and of course the secrets to the intimacy ceremonies. Strong physical tangible evidence of that is the Lebensborn Project which was a selective breeding program the Prussian Nazi’s created to have an entire generation of Aryan’s born into the Third Reich to take over for the when WWII was over. It appears that just because Puritan culture hates to admit it, they use and need Sacred Intimacy to function just as much as every other culture. They just hate to admit it, and the Vice Squads produce massive amounts of profits for each city they operate in. Vice cops are more like tax collectors but depending on the situation, they collect well over 50% of each prostitute’s earnings when arrested. Which is a very clear violation of the constitution, “unfair taxation, without representation” but trying to get Puritan based communities to admit that would be impossible minus just a few places. Namely two counties in Nevada. Sons of God e.g. some type of divine creature created by god and human females mated and produced children. There is nothing about that sentence which is not about Sacred Intimacies. Everything about that sentence is unavoidably about sacred intimacies. The Descendants of the Half sons of god and human females Sacred Intimacies helped Noah design and build his Ark. Which is the exact basic blueprint for a Freemasonic Temple. That Temple structure is based on King Solomon’s Temple, which is an exact copy of the Temple of Tier on the island of same name. Which was built as a replacement for El Beth El both copies in Egypt, the Jews were forced to give up when Moses placed them under slavery to fight in his army.

The Freemasonic Temple or Lodge is the basis for what Joseph Smith claimed to find in Upstate New York at Palmyra, he worked directly with the Ogle family from 1825-1844. He designed his new church to reflect the original ceremonies that Adam and his immediate descendants designed as closely as possible. But his organization was soon infiltrated by Great Awakening Followers and they like a cancer infect any organization they are part of and force changes away from facts and evidence towards the philosophy of Esau. The one not chosen by god to be Israel. Smith soon after being made a Master Mason on sight, encouraged all his male followers to join the Masonic organization. After Young seized by violence control over the church, he removed all references to the Sacred Intimacies, despite the fact that they were started and founded by the offspring of god himself.

The Queen of Sheba, her son with King Solomon had “special permission” to not only seize possession over the Ark of the Covenant, but to remove it from Levant lands and take somewhere. That offspring was likely part Nephilim from both sides of his parents. His father Solomon and his mother who could have been a first-generation Nephilim, from heaven not entirely long before. Or had spent a huge amount of time on planet earth waiting for Solomon to be born and mature to step in right before things became difficult through the Hebrews being nasty to the Jews. The description of the map of the Queen of Sheba has two circles built into it, indicating either a ritual in a temple, or an upward spiral from heaven to earth. God does not value gold, he values education. You cannot value something you own everything, he has no one to buy anything from. He has no need for gold in any way. Plus, he already owns it all, since he created the entire Universe, and all the gold and money in it.

Digging into the structure of Indo-European language IE, a word which has not really been translated into any other language accurately has all the key words our name has in both Gaelic and English. That word is a key word in the book of Genesis. As well as the code used immediately before Jesus walking on water e.g. the sea to rescue his friends from drowning. Now is it entirely unknown if any of his friends were already drowning or even dead before he arrived, that might be an unattributed miracle. So, in an extremely tricky situation, the family name linguistically is to a very literal way and with zero middle ground mentioned at least once using this actual word, in the IE version of the name Yr Hen Ogle dd. Our family in the IE version is directly named in Genesis 6;2 using the IE spelling, since Gaelic and associated letters would not be invented for several millennia after 4000 bce, it is entirely a fair linguistic statement to say the original spelling for the name in English Northumberland in Gaelic Yr Hen Ogle dd is spelling in IE Nephilim. 


Ogle Coat of Arms, represents Three Angels. Two above the boundary between earth and heaven, and one below. The One below would be angels who  mated with a human to produce children. The word Nephilim comes from the Hebrew which comes directly from the Indo-European (IE) Language.


Nephilim in the Bible*









Ham, Shem, Japheth; shemitic/Semitic are the line which produced Jews and Hyksos.



Ham is likely not cursed, but did not take a human mate but rather a divine being as a mate. Making Cush a Nephilim. Since Noah was a Nephilim, and Ham took a divine being bride, that makes Cush ¾ Nephilim.

This is backed up by the descrptions similar to that of “knowing” Adam and eve knew each  toehr were naked. Pointing to intimacy between Ham and his female mate.

What part of that occurred on the ship is another very good question.

Did the encounter take place on the ship, as part of some type of ritual that enabled some type of Electro-Magnetic technology built into Noah’s Ship. Did the intimacy fuel the ship.

There are more than a few dozen examples of said referenced directly from LDS and of course Third Reich writings. Not to mention a key aspect of OTO rituals, where sacred sex is the goal.



Cush the oldest son of Ham







Jonah *


Samson and Delilah *




The Ogle family and the Nephilim thing causes for the most part huge problems. Those huge problems can be outlined to cover specific and sequential areas.

The Nephilim were around previous to Noah and his Ark,

The Nephilim are obviously connected to the Sumerian extremely advanced culture e.g. Nimrod, and other great figures from the ancient past who have had their history written for them usually centuries but more like several millennia after they died. They were known to have extremes in advanced technology.

The Nephilim cascade directly into the structure of the Ancient Gods of or radically advanced people who inhabited Egypt pre-3200 bce, but were fought to stagnation and eventually evacuation by the invaders from Mecca aka the Hyksos circa 2100 bce. The Hyksos had several motivations, but one of the primary goals was to erase the fact that the Pyramids are both a navigation tool and or possibly some type of interstellar identification technology modern humans are still way too not ready for said thinking patterns, outside of the fringes of technology and academics who have thoughts and theories revolving around alien visitation. However, the layout of the Causeways is more of a time structure. That time structure and interstellar could be some type of a x marks the spot to aim at, but it packed with time designation information. Unfortunately, this marks an academic thought into the structure of the fiction of Stargate both the movie and the TV show. That the Pyramids were landing sites for ships which dwarfed the size of the largest pyramids at Giza. But to interstellar travel, to aim at a point. say for example fictional ship 65 million light years away. Might be able to use Quantum Electro-Magnetic Physics to hone in on an electrified causeway lines built into the pyramids. Those lines used to be electrified, so there might be a way to target those Electro-Magnetic lines through a quantum field. If that idea with little if any real basis has any basis in cutting edge science, then it might be possible to take the shape of the ATEN built in and connect between those interstellar distances using the Electro-Magnetic causeway field.

This Electro-Magnetic causeway interstellar targeting system does have the smallest amount of merit which has survived over the millennia since 2500 bce. All be in a couple words. Jacob ventured out of the city of Luz, which is what Memphis was called before being renamed by Jacob to honor Pharaoh Mem. Pharaoh Mem was of course Abraham. The center of where Memphis used to be, drawing a 45’ angle north west from that location the line bisects the Bent Pyramid. The Bent Pyramid Jacob was stopped at the “light place” aka a megalith and slept. In this sleep he saw a vision of a grand Ladder to Heaven , where angels could ascend and descend from heaven using e.g. a couple words regarding a targeting system to travel from heaven to earth. Although that concept which is not even an idea at this point is still pure fiction with about 20 points of hard science to back it up. 20 out of about a million needed to even create a solid hypothesis. 10- 100,000,000 thoroughly tested to produce a solid theory. However, those 20 and the description form the bible of Jacobs Ladder do point in the same direction.

While the invasion from Mecca was occurring all the above was erased as much as the Hyksos could from history. They proceeded from 2100-1530 bce to send troops to every location the Jews of the old kingdom had evacuated to. To find them, kill them, and either destroy their library/take possession of the weapons found in the books. But being ignorant, and illiterate they had no idea most of the time what they were looking at. Which was fixed a millennium later, when they re-seized control and cascaded another dark age this time using the name “Dorian”. But the intent was identical, find the Ionians/Jews/Ogles/etc., kill them, take their library, and use it to make themselves the most powerful.




The Ancient Gods of Sumer and Egypt were noted to be Tall and or Giants


The technology for the Pyramids had to come from somewhere. Based on the Tower of Babel aka the Eridu Ziggurat the functioning structure of the situation makes that technology available and in most part developed before 2600 bce. But working backwards from 2600 bce makes life very difficult since dating backwards things become infinitely complex. Mountains of technology, and a language which was in essence both language and a calendar in one. The ancients who used the IE language obviously possessed an understanding of time which is equal to if not superior to their understanding of engineering of Pyramid construction. Pyramids, there are still engineering details which to this very day are still a mystery to the field of Egyptology. Not to mention the fields of Academics, Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Linguistics.  The Ogle family being directly part of the Nephilim name, there is a solid aspect of that situation. The Ogles at least the same exact meaning of the three and four parts of the Ogle name are part of the Royal Seal of the Old Dynasty of Egypt 2600-2100 bce, the exact same Kingdom which built the Pyramids in the first place. Nephilim and the Old Kingdom, the evidence is beginning to mount up in huge ways that as a matter of the strongest facts, there is much more to the Ogle libraries than has been understood for the last several thousand years. In addition, the entire field of Psychology came directly from a proven beyond a doubt Ogle family library in Tiffin Ohio. Thomas and Joseph Ogle of Tiffin, this authors great x and y grandfathers had their library at Heidelberg stolen from them by the FreiKorp; who brought in Oliver Cowdery, Joseph Smith, and of course Wundt from Prussia to force them to translate the stolen books from the Ogle Library aka Heidelberg library. But renamed in 1850 to Heidelberg University Tiffin Ohio.

The Prussians in a way claimed they demanded the technology of resurrection. Which has a huge amount more evidence now that the family crest of the old kingdom has been translated to Ogle. The Prussians were entirely convinced based on the stories released for publication in the 1800’s of Frankenstein and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Both were about resurrection and both contained direct Ogle family code references. The Orange/Amber Pumpkin on the Horseman’s neck. North/Vertical, Umber/Amber/Orange(Samhain), the area that the Horseman claimed as his own. Which the protagonist was attempting to ride through.

Previous encounters, between the Ogles/British and the Prussians and the dozen cultures that made up the Prussian Empire including the Persians had convinced the Prussians and their troops at Fort Ball the best books were in Tiffin and that said library was the library to seize to take the technology so long kept from them. What all the enemies have not figured out yet is that the Ogles by name description are literally half human half divine likely some type of half angel. It is the divine part of them which makes the tools perform as they do. Those tools outside of Ogle family work and control are just paperweights by anyone else’s use. However those tools and associated library have a differnet and much more difficult aspect. That aspect are that the statistics’ point to Heidelberg University was simply another in a very long line of Copies of what Noah’s Ark looked like. With a huge amount of Architectural  changes over the millennia to hide the basic facts. But the key elements were still present.


Noah’s Ark

If correct than Noah’s Ark was designed from the original Floor Plan for the Tabernacle of Adam Structure from the Center of the Garden of Eden. The Tools god built for Adam to perform his job.

Those tools the Hyksos philosophy people want to use those tools as weapons to force the rest of humanity to be their slaves.

In Tiffin that would be Heidelberg University and of course the Ogle family. Which has already been determined to be of either extreme’s in IQ culture and or Half Angel descendant. The extremes in IQ can also point to why the Ogles and their relatives can make the tools work and everyone else cannot. Along with the Ogle DNA frequency, vibration, and Electro-Magnetic signature.

To show some limited evidence of this would be a sequence of temples which have sufficient similarities and cultural connections to warrant another look. We only know what the Lake Nemi Ships looked like. But there are hints in the other older temples, since their design is reflected within the structure of the Persian Garden. Just modified a bit to remove the full Tabernacle of Adam System design. *

The evidence is of course sketchy, but as a matter of the hardest facts. There are a few things which occurred between x year and 4000 bce when the Khufu Pyramid 2500 bce timeline indicates that Noah arrived with is Ark from Mount Ararat. He landed at Ararat, but did not stay, he traveled with his crew to the mouth of the Nile and Docked his ship. Where the next sentence takes over, and began to found civilization from that location. Which would be IWNW, since that is the original location from which it is rumored that Adam arrived in Egypt at some point after the exile and began to build his Tabernacle Systems in Egypt. The Ark after the flood was supposed to be a replacement for that now 1000 plus year old temple which likely was destroyed or at least half a millennium out of repair. Parking a bran new temple right next the ruins of the old one. One of the major questions comes up as, “why did the Hyksos/Avaris hate the idea of any Jewish association with Egypt”. What was and or is the huge deal regarding Jews in Egypt. The Entire country is all but named Israel, in a manner of linguistic sequencing. Where the Hebrews/Hyksos that jealous that they could not allow even the smallest reference to the Jews in Egypt as anything other than slaves, did the Jews pose that hard core of a threat that the very idea offended the Hyksos/Hebrews to the base of their being?

Noah docked his Ark either in the ruined location of the city of IWNW, which by legend was an exact copy of the Tabernacle of Adam, or it was a temple literally built by Adam, or some combination of said idea.

Despite being a capital and of course from 4000-0 bce city of more than 100,000 most of those millennia. There are almost no drownings, depictions, etc. of the entire city for that 4000 years. The only depictions of the city are only after the city was moved to the plane next to the Vatican Hill aka the Rock of Mars by Caligula circa 30 ce. The shape is the fascinating part, the shape of the remodel was a huge huge almost 1000 foot long ship, built so well that it had a horse track for racing horses installed on the roof. The stands could hold more than 120,000 people. But the entire infrastructure below the horse race roof was entirely off limits to all but those with a Royal Seal of entry.

That seal is a very good bet was where the first post resurrection ceremonies took place. Till the Senate ordered that Structure Seized about 6 years later and given to the Evil Priest Paul to found his new religion in. A religion which directly contradicted and violently opposed the teachings of Jacob. Paul's philosophy is straight out of the Hyksos handbook, Simon Peters philosophy is an attempt to rebuild the original Adam and Jacob versions of original Monotheism.

But knowing that the Hyksos despite the fact they did not exist yet using that name already existed and had been identified as the “bad Men” killed by gods flood. But even that did not get their masses to understand “their actions are wrong”.

So instead of paying attention to the orders of god to “not be nasty to others”, the bad people continued to believe they were the best of the best and their evil actions were in accordance with the will of god. Not only that, but they were convinced that the nastier and more disgusting their actions, the better place in heaven they were building for themselves. By killing all of those who were not acting according to their theology regarding god. Which is the exact argument God had with Satan, Satan lost. Erasing all records of what IWNW/Heliopolis looked like, is just another way for the Hyksos/Dorians/Avaris to control the message and make 100% sure their theology is not questioned in any way by anyone.

It would be interesting if one of the reasons Caligula brought Heliopolis to Rome was to ensure that the Empire did not destroy it or worse the about to rise up and be extmreely violently nasty Persians were not going to do the same thing. 600 years later, the Persians renamed and did destroy as much as they could in all the areas they have had entire military control over. They were not formed ro named yet, but the violence and the wave was clearly in evidence more than half a millannia previous.

Caligula brought the city to Rome, and parked it on Julii lands. Just as Caesar brought Memphis to Rome and parked in on a differetn Julii estate.

Which points to both cities were originally ships, which needed some very tender care to be refloated and of course sailed in one piece to Rome.

The Dates of these things are marked in side the Khufu Pyramid upward shaft, from the old ground level outside up to and through the Kings Chamber.

The Queens chamber on the other hand marks a divergence from the main shaft. Which ends in the Actual chamber a few years preivous to 1844.

What is really interesting thing about 1844, that is the year Joseph Smith was kidnapped by the Prussian paramilitary group the FreiKopr and transported to Tiffin Ohio. Where he was placed next to Oliver Cowdery, Wilhelm Wundt, and cooperating Ogle family members to translate the books in the former Ogle family library Heidelberg at Tiffin, Ohio. Those translations of ancient texts led to many advanced weapon the Prussians, Russians, and of course the Confederacy were able to work within the Wars which followed.


1475 bce

Hatshepsut of the 18th aka Jewish Egytian Dynasty rules Egypt at the hight of the 18th dynasty power. Within 150 years the dynasty would be gone and replaced with the hidden and secret 19th Dynasty and the incorrectly labeled 20th Dynasty.

You see the problem occurs thsat the second the walls of Troy were breached, Menaleus rushed into the Royal chamber to find a female who was a close enough match in descritiopn to Princess Helen of Troy. Forced a marriage, nd then traveled immediately to Egypt to force a claim to the Throne.

He took on the name “Ei”, as a pharaoh name. he was allowed because his army was so huge, and because the bulk of the Avaris army were still out fighting other battles including the Trojan War.

He was allowed to perform those actions because the rest of the Avaris knew that he would rest on his old and lazy butt. He was allowed to stay on the throne, but when the bulk of the army returned from their varous advantrures the renamed with at least one PHraoh name “Ei”. Would not have his army together, his army would be only a small token of the force he arrived with. He would not work hard to seize power over the entire country of Egypt. He did not work to pull the Avaris into his power circle, or better kill them all. He sat and enjoyed power. Of course he was also rather old.

He was the former king of Sparta and could not return home, he was replaced by a differetn king. Wh was young and trained a huge entirely loyal to ohimself army which would whip the floor with Menalaeaus.

He arrived in Egypt lived a few years, and either evacuated out of the area or was executed to allow Seti I of the Avaris to assume the throne. When Ramses  returned with his arge and genocidal army.

Ei had no chance.

Each different dynasty either pushed to have the ancient secrets of eGytp preserved and supported, or wanted them all destroyed. Mostly destroyed. But the pyramidis minus a few were simply too big to dismantle. The ones close enough to population zones were destroyed. But the ones fartherest away were not possible to dismantle.

Hwoever each fothe destroyes had one very defined thing in common, they all hated Jews nad wanted all references to the Jews and monotheism destoyred.


That Ark became over the centuries the new Temple of IWNW 4004 bce, name changed after the invaders from mecca managed to conquer their way from Hierakonpolis north to Heliopolis circa 3500 bce.

Where they conquered the city and renamed it Heliopolis, which means Jerusalem.

To hide those details. When the Hyksos/Avaris rose to power again, they brought with them the mistakes they did not undo the first time they ruled Egypt.

Their was a solid and substantial reason of the Jews to come mback to Egypt and claim it. that was the first on the priority list after seizing the throne from King Tut.

To place all the Jews bkc into slavery, march them straight to levant lands. And then rename Levant Israle. So their was no reason at all for the Jews to even thing about Egytp being Israel.

For the alst 3300 years, it worked minus about 200 years after the foundation of Christianity. But the ROMans, and them the Muslims took care of that perfectly. The Jews every since the Exodus have not thought of returning to Egypt, they focus only on returhing to Levnt. But hten the wonder why they face such harshness and really nasty condictions, with consonant really bad treatement. Buy a clue culture, your capital is in Rome, and your country is in Egypt. But please keep listening to the Hyskpos/Hebrews since their advice since Moses has been so helpful. Lead a huge chunch of the pulation directly into gas chambers. But that is a small price to pay for ignoring the word of god.

The amount of work which has done into removing Egypt as being Israel, and the truth behind Noah and the Nephilim has been significant to say the absolute least.

The Levant lands city of Jupiter was renamed, and a huge illusion was created in its place.

It is simply amazing the amount of pure hard core damage and work which has gone into the destruction of actually a rather simple set of facts. The facts are easy to layout, however the ramifications for those facts have scared the enemies of the religion of the ATEN so much they have spent every single day from 3800 bce to present working lifetimes to seek those facts out to destroy them.

Inside the structure of Noah’s Ark carvings around Mount Ararat.

The four Rivers of Creation from the Fountain.

The four Trees of Creation listed.

In Sumerian it is not one tree but 4, the , , , are differnet trees not different attributes to the same tree.


The external Shape of Noah’s Ark is not in all that much debate. Example what both King Solomon’s Temple and Zerubbabel’s Temple. Appeared to be. Zerubbel simply laid the internal structure of just one huge Kaaba on its back, but made the ceiling huge.

King Solomon’s was for most intense and pruposes a hollow Ziggurate built on a huge ship hull. Not al lthat different than an aircraft carrier. But with a hollow inside, so that the at least 4 Kaaba could surround 4 moving water streams. But more likely 8 Kaaba, in order to facilitate more of what could be done in the internal portion of the building. Closer to the library Noah built under the direction of the Nephilim, which it appears King Solomon attempted and in some ways achieved a recreation of at least a portion of that library.


 this graphic of the rebuild Zerubbabel’s Temple circa 500 bce. That building was altered from standing up and proud to being laid on its back to have its entire body point to the Bent Pyramid in Egypt. To solve a 500-year-old problem, the Jews were beginning to forget Israel is actually in Egypt. Since every Jew in the area knew the temple was going to be destroyed by the Romans the second they were strong enough to invade. They did not want to give the Romans the secrets of King Solomon’s Temple, so they changed the design.

The design of course is entirely about hiding the secrets from the Romans and other Hyksos enemies.

Said documentation shows in very conclusive manner, that the inside was more of a Kaaba Style building. But not one Kaaba but at least 4. Based on the evidence from the Ararat Carvings.

Which match the evidence of the Lake Nemi Ships, which match the evidence the Thule Society was able to cobble together, which matches the evidence the Third Reich was also able to put together

Inside the Ark or at least one of many copies. Fact as both the historical/archaeological record clearly shows as well as the bible describes. The genocidal attack on the Jews was aimed at the Nephilim. The Nephilim the first-time god interceded and killed many of the enemies of the Nephilim, the second-time god allowed the Nephilim to be whole heartedly genocided to make descendants of those same people happy. It is a strange dynamic that god allows Nephilim to just be whole sale murdered, but gives them libraries, and the drive for each generation to rebuild the library. The library, those who refuse only build small personal libraries. Those how follow build huge massive libraries. The Nephilim are given all the favor of heaven, but are subject to being slaughtered over and over gain. Not entirely dissimilar to the Titans in Tartarus, the Titans and the Nephilim are close enough in a statistical analysis to be considered the same thing just told from differetn cultures perspecgtives. Be curious if the Nephilim descendants are wondering around the earth experiencing Hell on Earth, but are being constnatley given gifts to avoid being oblitated.

Makes one wonder how many of the stories in the bible are actually stories about the descendants of the bad people going up against Nephilim descendants, doing their ultimate best to erase the Nephilim from existence while the Nephilim are just trying to lvie their lives.

So far most of the Old Testiment is literaly a constant retelling of Noahs’ flood minus the flood part. The bd people constantly trying to rid existence of Nephilim but the Nephilim manage to survie and thrive every time.


 Not because it made god happy, but that free will thing. god as it appears, wants humans to “make up their own minds through free will”. But if they choose hatred, rage, human sacrifice, genocide, etc. then god allows them to choose evil over good. However, a lot of the time. The writers of history are the leaders and survivors of the evil people, who altered the story of the flood since they could not be the bad people god was talking about. it is impossible for them to be bad, because they are good people who only genocide the enemies of god. So through the historical and in most cases mythology accounts from the ancient past. The documents record events but from a pure “bad people pretending to be good people” perspective.

Which is a perpsecitve which ranges from.

Yes we as a culture killed all those people other their, but can you blame us they hurt our feeligns relaly badly.

To “we did nothing, we were not their, we as a culture were 100s of miles in the opposite directdion. However if that event did take place, we were entirely victorious over those people who hurt our feelings and spoke badly of us”

Or the absolute worst which is of course we genocided them all, they were all evil and god direcgted us to kill every last ne of them. Minus a few we took into slavery, and of course took all their cattle. Because they stole all our money first by profiting off of us and not sharing. Not if they would have ismply shared all of their money to us, we would not of had that problem in the firsrt plce. But they refused to give us their population to sell into slavery, their females to take as our mates, take all of their valuables, and of course erase them from existence. If they would have imply cocoperated and gave us everything and committed mass suicide, it would hve saved us so much time and effort. So in the end it was all their fault.

From those wide ranging stories from the Palace at Knossos, Caligula, etc. you can reassemble the pieces of the ancient library and of course the ancient technology. You can on occasion find architectural structures which have been either described and or left in tackt which will aloow a cross comparrision between the same “erased” culture and their conqueror.

Which the Palace at Knosis, King Solomons Temple, and the Lake Nemi ships have a statistical analysis which show links and evidence they are literally copies of the same ancient buildigns.

Those buildings are rather close to the design of Mecca, the Kaaba, and the PYraids. Specificially as shown above inside structures of the Khufu pyramid.

The Khufu Pyramid match architecturally so closely to that of a Freemasonic ritual it is difficult at best to not assume they are not based on Khufu , and Khufu itself is based on Heliopolis, which itself is designed based on Noah’s Ark, which itself is designed based on the Garden of Eden.

Inside the Ark it was not designed to be just a storehouse for animals, that is Hyksos/Avaris/Hebew fiction designed to ensure the facts of the ancient technology and of course the Nephilim library were not included. The Pre-Jews and through the Jews to present have had to rebuild their library, temples, etc enumerable times from 4000 bce – present. The Palace at Knossos is just one example of a rebuild. The Maze inside is simply Eight buildings inside a large cavern. Those eight builders or Kaaba were both a maze, and simply a large structure enclosed with a larger structure. That maze was designed to perform an edited-out ceremony. Although references to what the Ceremony was still exist, as insults and bestiality regarding Poseidon, a Bull, and the Queen of Knossos.  

Which brings up a very interesting point. Since the library belonged to the Nephilim, and their was their technology, education, mathematics, etc. than it stands to reason that the majority of the Torah are stories which have the Nephilim playing a key roll. Almost lawasy the people being hurt harassed and degraded by “bad people” who aer entirely convinced tey are good and the nephilim are spawn of satan.

The Labyrinth at the Palace at Knossos was originally written in either a language which no longer exites of Linear A. because previous to 1200 specially in that area, Hebrew not only did not exist it would not be used by anyone but Moses’s people 100s of miles away for a conciderable amount of time.

However the story about the Ship/ark which the Hyksos King would use that ship and its library to force his Jewish slaves to turn a solid tool into a working wesapon. But he was missing the primary ingredient. People who could effectively work together and charge the weapon. Despite the fact the tool is not designed to work that way.

The Ship which landed much like Noah’s Ark did so basd on being pushed by the Thera Volcano from the Ǽgean sea to the Palace circa 1530 bce. The ship/Ark was used for a variety of purposes but mostly miss used, since the time between the eruption and hwen the Palace at Knossos was seized by a Hyksos descendant was a couple centuries. The date of the events are within reason have been identified.

Since the Minotaur existed previous to Theseus, since it was that whole Minotaur and the whole weapon of the Ark thing which forced the Tribute system to begin with. That tribute system is why Agemeomn wanted to conquer the palace at Knossos, to seize control over those tools and use them to become King of the entire Ǽgean including the city of Troy. Despite the fact Troy was not called that. The city was not called “the City of the Jews”, that is an insult built into the Iliad when the esotry ws translated from Linear B into early Lniear C or proto-Greek.

But it was that story and related stories which have the foundation tools for Psycholgoy which Wundt used to write his textbook from.

The Ship/Ark itself did not work and was in disrepair.

However just because it was in disrepair does not mean it could not be repaired, and select educated people could not be used to make it work.

Now this is where things become interesting.

The King of Knossos, his wife was likely a Nephilim. He forced marriage to her in order to seize her power, and use it to make himself more powerful.

The Poseidon Bull is not a bull, that is a huge and nasty insult to identify a Jew. But it could be, an even deeper insult regarding not a bull but an offspring of Satan. Making that Jewish Man not only a Jew, but it makes his a Nephilim. This concept would be remodeled and of course reshaped through the lens of the Greeks, then the ROMans, and finally the vAtican. Would take the Horns of the Bull and have said be the horse of Satan. All those “Bull” Temples in the Mediterranean, the Romans and Vatican perceived them as being temples of satan. Despite the fact those temples have absolutely nothing to do with the concept of satan.

But having an enemy to fight is how the Hyskos control their populations. They control their poplations by either focusing the population to treat “those different” as the enemy “or foreigners” as the enemy. Sometimes both at the same time. Distract to seize more power.

The Minotaur half demon aspects of the Nephilim and of course the disgusting Jews. They eat the flesh of their young. Which is both a reference to the not that well formed Satan concept as well as to the descendant of Adam and Lilith. Lilith being a demon. a perfect propaganda tool. Which has been used none stop from 3800 bce – present. The Lilith part is of course part of the egg tool which is translated as the Elder Futhark Ǽtt which is the mathematics used to create ideas out of the primordial ooze.

But what do you expect from a story were a Jew/Rabbi is described as a bull to be sacrificed to the god of the sea. Of course, since at the time the city of Athens was still called Poseidon the actual sacrifice too, is very confusing. Is the sacrifice intended for the sea itself or for the city of Poseidon. That is an enduring mystery, which since only a small percentage of Linear B has been solved and the original story was written in Linear A. One version of this story was in Lienar A, which has not been solved at least according to academic standards. There is no way of knowing what lanfguages Agamemnon, Menaleus, the King of Knossos, etc spoke and or wrote in. their si also no guarantee that they were even literal at all. They coud have simply hired scribes to record their actions, which those scribes would have written anythgn they felt like and got away with it. Few in the Hyksos work knew how to read/write. The scribes could write anything, their only overseer would be eiter no one or a very loyal assistant who did kow hw to wread. But the next question becomes, how well did the overseer know hwo to read. Different overseers would have different levels of compentance when ti comes to reading comprehention. According to the rules of both the Hyksos and each specific leader/war lord. Some only wanted their overseer to have the absolutely least amount of education possible in order to function. Others wanted there oversser to have as high a comprehention level so oversee their scribes. This goes to the level of paranoia each leader possessed. Some leaders would be very paranoid about the scribes writing bad things, others would be paranoid with literacy period and want records so they could bragg to their friends about their accomplihsments. But did not want that many details included.

Makes tracking those details diffciult since codes were almost always included in what the scribes wrote down. Differetn leaders would demand the scribes used different codes based on which specfici mental illness the leader and overseer possessed. But leaving codes of the truth is very high on the list for scribes. It is possible to rebuild what happened based on the differetn statistical codes each scribe left in their work.

But pre-the Palace at Knossos and post there is a huge amount of evidence regarding that Labyrinth.


the problem with the Noah story and the other situations revolving around this is. it is described Noah was a drunk. Not because he was a drunk, but because of the bowl he used. And of course, the crushed fruit in the bowl. But that is how you make vinegar. You crush fruit (fruit from the forbidden tree), and let it ferment, then let the fermentation process spoil to make vinegar. Vinegar is the ingredient in most batteries.

Which means that Noah and the Nephilim had access to Electro-Magnetic technology. Which is probably why the bad people wanted them killed. but it also is physical evidence (the Bagdad battery) of the ancient pre-Exodus Jews were educated in the ways of Electro-Magnetics, electricity. And could use said technology in their work.

Which is backed up very strongly by the basic function of the legends of King Solomon’s Temple.

The huge stones carved to a point of exactness which were too large to be lifted into place by even conventional means were lifted into place by as the legends state “King Solomon Harnessed Demons” e.g. Nephilim ancestors since the Nephilim according to the bible are half angels. The cousins of the angels are the fallen.

And the only way to achieve the construction of the retention wall around the Temple Mount which used to surround the entire Mount not just the Western Wall, the only realistic explanation is they had to use super heavy lift cranes one on either side. Cranes which have only been developed in the last few decades. we are talking about solid rocks which each one weights a bit less than an aircraft carrier. Not a section of an aircraft carrier the whole thing, just shy of the whole thing.

Rocks which weight about as much as the titanic did.

Nowhere in the neighborhood of light. And there was zero way to lift one of those things in one piece previous to just a few decades ago.

So how did they lift 1000s of those into place making about 10 layers, the last being about 50 feet in the air.

This is the absolute definition of “no joke” regarding construction. The use of Electro-Magnetic levitation is almost an absolute that is how it was done.

Since there is almost no other option. Unless the whole 500 men pushing and pulling the stones into place using logs to roll the carved stones into place. But at that weight, unless the logs are hard woods. The logs would crush under the weight. We are talking 10000s of tons.

Unrealistic in all aspects minus Electro-Magnetic levitation,

Magnetic Levitation, no problem at all. Hold up 10,000s of tons and move it along as x speed even less of a problem.

Seriously, this is what Electro-Magnetic levitation is good at. Which could be another reason why the 200 iq folks were compared to be half gods, because they possessed the technology of god. At least that is what ignorant and illiterate people thought, when they witness the construction of King Solomon’s Temple. Which points to some very serious implications for the construction of the Pyramids, being done with some type of Electro-Magnetics devices to move the blocks using only a couple people or a group of less than 6. This would also explain how they were built so fast and did not disrupt any of the economic structures of the rest of Egypt. Food, irrigation, flood controls, the army, the navy, etc. nothing was interrupted. However, 100 of these amazing things were built, which modern science cannot recreate any of it.

Which also points to some very interesting evidence the Thule and of course the Third Reich collected circan 1917-1945. A huge portion of the secret laboratoires the American army found became instantly classified. Those secret labs were filled with 1000s of experiment's most of which were based on ancient technology they found in various and assorted lcoations. Brought it all back to the Third Reich, and worked to recreate said technology.

Amongst said were the Lake Nemi Ships, where were copied down to the last ship nail, and replicas were built in Berlin. Plans were drawn up to build a grand building an enclosed circus maximus so that Adolf could have 150,000 spectators in the stands has he rode atop the raised platform over the fountain of the ship without the outer Noah’s Ark Shell. The Building itself would be the outter shell. So he could be floated around on a huge Noah’s  Ark Class Ship for the enjoyment and spectacle of the Crowd. Only a portion of the plans were created. The models of which were destroyed when the allies invaded and captured that building.

Adolf demanded to literally replace Pharaoh Narmer as the next Noah of his Aryan’s . he would steer his people away from the Evil nasty people (the assumption was that the Third Reich eg the FreiKorp eg the Prussians eg the Russians, eg the Muslims from Mecca, were good and everyone else was bad) and chart the course Noah and Narmer intended to.

Adolf built the building based on the ideas of what the Vatican was supposed to be. The Vatican itself was supposed to be a copy of the city of Heliopolis aka IWNW. Which was oringlaly built by Adam (of some statistica combination) and then Noah sailed his Ark to the location after figuring out its location based on Mount Arrarat.

Be very curious if the Cermeony Adolf watned to perform, but never did. would include a huge stadium for 200,000 people, a huge mote, at least 2 of not 4 Noah’s Ark Class ships, the infield being various accomplihsments (military, civilian, aviation, etc). to have huge rallies inside.

I am beginning to think evil adolf was trying to rebuild Noah's fleet, and possibly the Pyramids in Berlin to turn them into some type of divine weapon. since that is close to the exact reason the Prussians attacked for 800 years the British Ogle family. to conquer them to take their secrets. one of those secrets was directly regarding a theory (not hypothesis) I have regarding the oldest still in existence copy of genesis. which would be the pyramids of Egypt. Adolf was not the first or the last to do this. He was simply the most evil, but not by much. The city of Rome was also a copy of the Pyramids. recently hypothesized so was Walt Disney World Florida. Mr Evil is just a link in the chain of evidence. I am sure I can find others I just have not done the research. but every recreation does add variables previous copies/recreation portions might have missed or were destroyed. Most of the original buildings of Rome have long since been obliterated. the overwhelming majority of the city sits 50 feet below current street level. their is an older city 10 feet below that. Just like the space race was pulled from Adolf investing in Von Braum, and aviation was given a huge boost by the ME 262, good can come from abject evil. No reason that that one evil link in the same chain cannot be used to find good, even if it was formed and paid for by evil. Rally Grounds Nuremberg there was a huge building planned but only semi-built behind it. a huge housed building but the plans and design are very difficult to find. I think that was intended to house NOah's Fleet. for Adolf to perform the same ritual Narmer did to replace Noah with himself. Reference Pharaoh Narmer Monolith very southern Egypt. 

He wanted that building so he could stand on the deck above the fountain of life (reference st Augustine florida, same thing) which feeds the 4 rivers of creation. And have the Ark/Lake Nemi Ship replica in a mote like oval to have various achievemets of his Reich in the middle in the three rings area, and he would then be his own parade in the middle. Not unlike the water rides at Disney    but instead of being a Ride. It would be mostly just one or a collection of ships in a repeating parade around the  the inside of the building. The center would be for either military, or some type of crowd pleasing displays. While 200,000 people watched the spectacle. But only models of the building were constructed. The models and the plans were immediately confiscated by the OSS and obviously used the connected American Corporations.

Namely and most obviously the Walt Disney Corportion. It took about 8 year to convert the mathematics from a simple oval to a more intricate and curvy design. But those were designed and in place for day one Disney Land. Updated to an extreme amount for Disneyworld two decades later.

This would not be the only design Disney built into his theme parks to assist in the now called CIA and oviuosly other Military Intelligence services operations. SpaceShip Earth would be another Copy over from the Technology the Thule and Third Reich spent decades building and desigiing. Space ship earth, the levitation system of the Monorail, and the ride pavilians, have more than one purpose in their design.

Would be entirely fascinating to find the physical connections between Noah’s Fleet and the Fleet of buildings. One of which is literally a Pyramid shape (Figment of Imagination) which contains the Figment ride. Not a water ride but an imagination ride.

Spaceship earth, bottom center and the Pyramid’s building to the upper right. The living seas is middle right.

All electricity of catalyst to the left (east) and Water (cognition) to the right. The Buildings are oriented East to West the Water on the West and Fire/Electricity to the East. the Earth to the South, and the nations of the world to the north.

Or in other terms, the layout of a Sacred Circle.

It would be fascinating to determine how closely Walt Disney World is associated with the layout of the pyramids of Egypt Noah’s Fleet, and how closely it tells a similar tail to Genesis.

Since the Pyramids are the oldest surviving copy of Genesis.

This suggestion that not only are the Pyramids part of the oldest surviving copy of the book of Genesis. But that Epcot itself was design with this same engineering in mind. Although configured different, as long as the engineering matches, matching the number of buildings to the pyramids. Just because they are in a circle, only points to Memphis. The Place Ptah was not only the place or, but also

1.     Epcot Memphis

2.     mgm

3.     magic kingdom

4.     animal kingdom

5.     water park 1

6.     water part 2

7.     Disney springs


9.     Celebration Heliopolis


Which is similar to the layout of Rome.

The 7 hills of Rome

·       Aventine Hill (Latin, Aventinus; Italian, Aventino)

·       Caelian Hill (Cælius, Celio)

·       Capitoline Hill (Capitolinus, Campidoglio)

·       Esquiline Hill (Esquilinus, Esquilino)

·       Palatine Hill (Palatinus, Palatino)

·       Quirinal Hill (Quirinalis, Quirinale)

·       Viminal Hill (Viminalis, Viminale)


























The 8th being the Vatican/Heliopolis

9th being Lake Nemi Ships.

Several copies of Noah’s Fleet

The first of course being Narmer depicted on the Narmer Monolith. But that fleet  only presented at least three ships.



However a very small portion of the evil actions of Adolf Hitler had some basis in reality. The Race is pure evil and is pure fiction, however his war was against those who were entirely for the purification of the original DNA of Adam and Eve. Despite the fact Adolf and his Prussian puppet masters were all but entirely ignorant of the Nephilim were a very real thing. A very real family, and it was their library the Nazi’s were demanding access too. But the facts of the case have been so radically twisted by bad people, who are entirely sure the ends justify their actions and the actions of the Protestants who are 100% in line of Esau/Moses/Paul. Who hate the philosophy of Jacob to their dying breath. The cornerstone to the hate would be the above information. That micro amount of good surrounding waves of evil are the technology the Thule and Third Reich were able to find and reassemble based on

The nazi plan was to genocide those with the darkest complexions. The Assumption was by Adolf Adam and Eve were blond hair, blue eyes, tall, pale skin, etc. Adolf wanted to return to that structure. Based on some evidence he was correct, that Adam and Eve were of said DNA background. However his actions were pure evil. A Quark of accurate and Adolf turned that Quark of information into abject evil.

Part of that Quark of good is the money and power poured into the Electro-Magnetic technology and of course rocketry. Without all that money and research, Americas Space Program would have needed at least another decade if not two to formulate. Trying to have funding for that much reerach and deveoplmnet would be close to impossible.

American was just starting to get good at exploring the moon, and all the related technology was proven. Going back in one or two simultaneous trips was not only realistic, but on the drawing board. However the race was over and the politicans wanted to spent the money on other htingns. Like massive and violent tax cuts for the rich.

In addition if the enigma machine was not used to unbelievably successfully, Alan Turing would have never ever in a million years been given the 100,000s of lbs of  money to built his Christopher. The machine which not only solved the enigma code, but at the same time was a primary late member of Operation Paperclip and was shipped to Nevada to built a 1000 acre large Chrisipher with sevarl unlimited bank accounts. Drain one dry, move to the next, drain that one dry, move to the next, drain that one dry, move back to the first which is back to full. Each one would have a full accounting of every penny spent, in the time frame it was drained dry.

Or do you think that the millions of slot machines next to a Nuclear Test site were just by chance. Knowing full well with the hardest evidence imaginable, that radiation will kill humans. The destructive force will bring harm x miles away.

Then this call came from the research the NAZI did thanks to Adolf, and his puppet masters the Prussians. Working very hard to reassemble the technology of Noah, and the Nephilim/Ogle family library. The Technology which was just scratched at by the NAZI’s despite the fact they assembled the technology of the Prussian Empire and in part the Russians. Which dated back 800 years. Almost a full millennia of trying to decode, find, research, and rebuild ancient technology. The Space Race, the NAZI Bell, radar, sonar, Electro-Magnetics, Noah’s Fleet (U-Boat technology), etc. all pulled from the pages of the Nephilim/Ogle family library.

Imagine the technology if they actually understood what they were looking at and for. Imagine if they had instead of working against the Nephilim/Ogle family they had worked with them and funded them. The last two centuries would have gone by entirely different.

But the English, Prussians, Ottomans, Al-Quida, Muslims, Italians, Romans, etc. cultures cnnot cooperate with the residence of the hypothetical Nephilim/Ogle cities of Sodom and Gamorrah, they ahev to put them into slavery and take their stuff. Entirely shocked when the Nephilim/Ogles fight back. In fact most of the time from Noah to present the enemy has always been entirely shocked when the Nephilim Ogles fight back. And fight back hard enough to whipe the floor with the enemy. But what mkes the enemy who uses all kinds of names, their rage is only strengthened when the Nephilim/Ogles not only do not bring them harm and punishment. But let them live their lives, back behind their own boarders. Which to the enemy this is close to the ultimate humiliation. To them they take it as being sent to their room, without dinner. So they create an even larger head of steam and come back to the boarder and attack harder. Which is met with equal to greater resistnace, and they are again pushed back to their “room, without dinner”.

Over the course of the history, the rage and soul level hatred has only increased.

Eveyrhtign about this is idenfiying puzzle pieces, which stick out in time. The puzzle pieces each piece appears to be slightly differnet example the Pyrmiads, the city of Rome, and the layout of Walt Disney World. Each of those locations as well as the work done to show Israel is also build into the structdure of Northumberland. However there are huge wholes in that part of the evidence. the wholes are not archicturecal, but theological. The people who have been working on those theories are coming from a strict  non-Ogle family perspective.

The Ogles left puzzle pieces all over the place, to reassemble into a coherent image. Requires a huge amount of statistics. Both for identifying each piece as being the same as every other puzzle piece. Example Memphis and Epcot. Disney springs being simila to the Vatican which is Heliopolis.

Each new puzzle piece has to be fit to its current statistical analysis and with its similar puzzle pieces. Which requires dancing around back and forth with different time periods. To connect to as many different types of puzzle pieces the ancients left behind. To build a consistent picture of what proto-Judiasm was like. In philosophy, ceremonies, language, rituals, satires, and above all ethics.

The Evidence of the technology the Nazi’s and of course the Thule Society built were classified, but they where also experimented on after they were shipped to the states. The double circle carved into the bowl of Noah reminds me of a different double circle in the Nazi Bell.

The Nazi Bell or Die Glocke was classified at the highest level of classification about 1 second after the top brass arrived at the scene. They saw the bell saw the research and had their own OSS troops remove the contents to boxes, then had those boxes shipped immediately to the States for further study. That further study of course had been ignored from that day to present as “never happened”.

It also reminds of two fictional sources

The Stargate from the movie and TV show Stargate. There is a inner ring and an outer ring.

The Stargate can be used as a time machine, provided another step in technology is applied and used in real time.  The Real Time Satelinets orbiting 1000s if not 10,000s of stars for the Stargate tunnel to interest with.

And Timeless the actual machine has a double row of rotating circles.

That machine is clearly a time machine as the plot of the fiction revolves around.

The fiction of both the stargate and timeless are obviously not true, however there is no reason to assume the fiction of the concepts are not based on in some small fraction scientific facts and the Nazi Bell.

Noah’s Bowl points to the hint of the Nephilim library used to build the Ark. A library required to build that level of technology.

However, there is a problem with that statement, no matter how much evidence is presented. The 2x2    . 2 towers on the bow, 2 towers on the stern, and 2 ships total making 8 towers. Inside a protective structure surrounding but not touching the walls. The walls of the Noah’s Ark Class ships and a Tabernacle System were different things entirely. The ship was the ship, the Tabernacle 2x2 is something which was fitted inside. However they were in effect two entirely separate things.

Those two things

The epic of Gilgamesh is very difficult to follow since most of it is not translated yet. And the guesses are filled in by people who were about as anti-Semitic as the Third Reich just less genocidal.

However, it is a reasonable hypothesis to start the testing process that the same architecture was used on the following but not limited to Temples

Noah’s ark

The pyramids, specifically Khufu

The Roman Forum

Temple of Athena (Athens Greece, just take off the H and the personal grammar of the ‘s. you have ATEN)


Palace at Knossos Labyrinth



King Solomon’s Temple

The Lake Nemi Ships.

Why because each ere build by Jews, specifically pre-exodus Jews. and each was a target of specifically selected to be destroyed and as much of the evidence erased from existence including but not limited to the people who build it, and the books they used.



The half human half divine being cascades into most of the events the Ogles are connected to from before Noah through to present. Which includes the Trojan War, the Palace at Knossos engineering, obviously the Pyramids, the library at Hierakonpolis, etc. which includes one of King of Troy Priam’s daughters Cassandra with his second wife Hecuba aka her pre-Royal name Meketaten. Their daughter Cassandra has most of the primary indicators regarding their Nephilim background.

Princess of Troy Cassandra was a legendary Prophet whom like most extremely skilled prophets was cursed with not being believed by most. The Classics are where Wundt found the secrets to reorganize the field of Psychology through. The Ogle family were only a couple 1000 feet to the west, less than a mile. Wundt was called in and transported clandestinely from Prussia to Tiffin Ohio to translate the newly seized books from the “evil” Ogle family, in what would be called “Heidelberg University”.

Wundt worked side by side with Oliver Cowdery, Joseph Smith, At least two generations of Ogle scholars, and of course referencing previously seized libraries the Prussians had conquered away from the Ogle family in the years, decades, centuries, and millennia. Not to mention the publishing of “Frankenstein” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. Both encouraged the Prussians and their axis that in fact the Ogles did possess resurrection technology. The Ogles cooperated because they wanted to ensure their scholastic legacy would remain intact and inside the new field of Psychology. However, the books which were the base of the Classics did not start at Troy, Hecuba was the Queen name of Meketatan second Wife of King Priam. Her son Paris and his betrothed Helen the daughter of Theseus the granddaughter of Meritaten, and the great granddaughter of Akhenaten was the real prize of the Trojan War. Seize her from the ashes of the city, and Agamemnon and his brother could claim to be the Pharaoh of Anatolia Peninsula and Egypt respectively. The stories which followed are what created the “Classics” which created the tools that Wundt used to reform Psychology from. The Trojan War and those details are the core of Psychology, and as it turns out the core of the Ogle family. The Ogles are by legend and DNA direct descendants of both the old Kingdom e.g. 3-5 dynasties circa 2600-2100 bce and the 18th Dynasty of Egypt circa 1530-1330 bce. The 18th dynasty are directly connected to that of the 3rd -5th dynasties of Egypt aka the Old Kingdom and previous the first Pharaoh Narmer circa 3200 bce and the family of the Scorpion King. The Symbol for the Scorpion is also like that of the name Ogle. The vertical/north, Amber/poison, scorpions like to have specific territory which they defend to death. One of the major deities of Egypt was the female Serket. Was at times noted for her holding scorpions and other times being a scorpion. Divine, goddess (intimacies), the ready to strike tail/vertical/north, and specifically designated areas. The Scorpion King and the dynasty of Narmer what his nickname “The Striker” meant as a “strike with the power of heaven/the divine”. This is all very interesting. The subject of the Nephilim is directly connected to both the Pyramids and the city of Heliopolis which was by legend built by Adam himself. The city of Heliopolis brings up the next most important aspect of Noah, which is the very next chapter.

The next chapter of Genesis outlines the flood and after the flood.

Since the book of Genesis was only from what we understand to be from chapter 1 to 7. There was not much present. But the details are to an extreme amount more significant. Instead of being just a few dozen sentences per book. Each book would be 100s of not 1000s of words. Since the information had not of been lost yet, edited down, rewritten by enemies, etc.

The city of Heliopolis was destroyed at some point in the ancient past circa 4000 bce likely centuries previous.

Noah having arrived at Mount Ararat, again with the definition of Ogle clearly part of the equation.

The rains stopped, and the waters began to recede, and the top of a specific mountain emerged. That specific mountain e.g. Land, which the very tall Ark with its in-part Nephilim Crew members and of course library construction. Which makes the Ark equal too if not more sacred to the Ark of the Covenant in about 3000 years.

North/Vertical Specific Mountain(land), and this Nephilim Ship itself would be entirely Sacred/Amber/Umber. Finding Mount Ararat was important, but what has been edited out for the most important purpose imaginable. To hide the next part of the situation. The next part is, after Adam arrived on the earth, he began to make copies of his Tabernacle in the middle of the garden. Those copies were placed in strategic locations, but the capital of his systems was a place called IWNW, which was conquered, and name changed to Heliopolis.

When that occurred, another editing process had taken place. Although this editing process would not stick until all those different words and languages were by extreme force translated into Linear C and as many of the older languages minus Hieroglyphics were erased from translation. All the people who knew them were either killed or forbidden from teaching the next generation about them. So that the secrets that Heliopolis was both the resting site of Noah’s Ark as well as the name of Jerusalem. Helios in Greek a language which would not exist until post 800 bce means “new day”, the Futhark character for new day is Jera. Salem in Hebrew is the word Opolis in Hieroglyphics. So, Jerusalem was renamed using two separate languages, to hide all facts and details of its origin from common knowledge.

A sequence of edits and fictions to hide the basic facts that Noah used his ship and docked it in the upper mount of the Nile in order to restore the Capital City of Pillars aka IWNW with a brand-new build under strict Nephilim supervision Temple complex.

That temple complex would stand until 3500 bce when the invaders from Mecca arrived and seized control. Very likely they repaired the ship, made is sea worthy, and sailed it north to avoid being used for evil purposes.

Then when Narmer conquered them, the ship was sailed back.

Centuries later a duplicate was built in the brand-new city of Luz. About a century later Jacob or Israel would rename the ship/city to honor his ancestor Abraham.

The problem is, the name Abraham would not be invented for about 1500 years until Hebrew. So, the name used to identify Abraham was not that, it was likely Mem. The city of Mem, or in Hieroglyphics Memphis.

The city was fine and wonderful until the Hyksos invaded and caused all manner of problems. The cities of Mem and Heliopolis were both made seaworthy again and sailed away. To ensure they could not be used for evil purposes. Like the Temple on top of the Rock of the Vatican aka the Rock of Mars.

The events which took place at that location after the end of the Trojan War are both barbaric and crimes against humanity. more than a few Jews and other “undesirables” were executed in horror show ways on that Rock to try and bring the city of Samhain to its knees.

For the next 600 years, it did not work. Despite how much pleasure it brought to the descendants of Agamemnon to kill in the nastiest ways imaginable their slaves on that Rock to get the city to surrender, knowing full well that once those city gates were breached, that a worse fate was in store for them.

The Hyksos hate being told no, and hate even more being told they are wrong.

Back to the Hyksos invasion. The Pyramids were shut up and sealed. The construction was so solid and substantial that for the next close to two millennia the interiors were unbreeched. Minus those closest to the population zones, which were only breached because the citizens of those cities used the carved stones as their quarry to build their own homes, palaces, etc.

But that is a different aspect of this situation. Events which led up to the Rock of Mars would in some aspect begin with the Hyksos invasion, but most of it took place after the Fall of Rome. Although a considerable portion took place shortly before the Thera Volcano eruption .

But the city of Samhain was not in danger from invasion until after Troy. But when the danger came it was unstoppable until Samhain was conquered and renamed Rome. When most if not all of the previous 2500 years of history were erased to make the Romans happy.

Then the Hyksos invaded Egypt, they did so with the same intent as when a culture from the same location invaded 2000 years previous. Same location, same intent, same behavior patterns, and same need to erase the Jews from existence, destroy everything they touch, etc.

Most of the rich, powerful, and of course those with the means to evacuate did, but a sizable number were left to their own. Which was a difficult decision to leave the majority of the population to be either genocided and or put into slavery to be workers and soldiers in the invaders army.

The brand new Jewish slave shield wall the Hyksos used to conquer around to the city of Poseidon from 2100-1530 bce. What does Poseidon have anything at all to do with the Ogle family and the Nephilim, first the situation is Poseidon is the pre-1340 name of the city and two Poseidon is the name of one of the Olympic Deities.

The family might be called Nephilim, but that does not mean each family member does not have their own names and own family lines.

All mythology including the original of each of the major western cultural pantheons began as facts. Statistically it is just as likely to have the original deities of ancient Egypt be a family of people with what would be considered to be close to 200 IQ and likely at least a few with some level or ratio of savant. To think so far up and above the average human, that they appear to think and act according to divine rules. Which is what the definition of Nephilim is.

The Nephilim being directly connected to, though, and with the ancient gods of Egypt.

When the Hyksos moved on, those names were changed to first the Greek then the Ǽsier, and then finally the Roman Pantheon. But only then changing a few aspects of their behavior patterns, each “deity” which was not actually a deity but more of a super intelligent person. Examples in real life

Walter O’Brien, Einstein, Tesla, etc.

Fiction examples

Captain Nemo who invented nuclear power decades previous to western culture.

Sheldon Cooper from the TV show The Big Bang Theory, he is a foot smarter than his closest friend.

Gregory House MD, from the TV show House.

Etc. the list of super intelligent characters goes on but not that long. Most are extremely observant detectives in murder mystery stories.

But observations and skills with strategies does not make a 200 IQ, it only requires three to five deviations from the mean.


The story of “King Kong” is a retelling from the perspective of The Trojans and of course Achilles of the Trojan War. But replaced is the mythology of the gods, the Nephilim (although not defined by name), Moses and his Jewish slave shield all, the big bad monster e.g. Kong is the Trojan Army backed with weapons so advanced they appear to be divine. Defenses which have been built up to a point of the gates of heaven would be easier to breech. The only way in was through a trick, in the case of the movie in the form of a female e.g. the Trojan Horse.

Virtually every aspect of modern culture stories and academics comes from the Trojan War and the associated characters of it. including the several centuries previous story of Medusa who was part of the city of Poseidon before it was invaded.

Paris is her “love interest” in the film/story and it is a true love. King Kong is Menelaus who is presented to be just nasty and cruel to capture Helen to make her his wife, so he can return to Egypt and claim the granddaughter of Akanaten as his and sit as the King of Egypt. But the entire Trojan Army prevents said, e.g. the advanced technology of the guys on the ship are able to fight off the natives e.g. Agamemnon and forces to recapture Helen from the grip of Menaleas. Which is in basic what happened, however many poetic license changes occurred from the first telling to each of the versions of King Kong which have been filmed.



But the Medusa part is more about the language, technology, and intimate ceremonies which are for the most part removed from all western culture references post the Exodus. Why, because the overwhelming majority of the leaders of western culture tolerated females only to limited amounts. And mostly only wanted them around as a small half step above slaves. To use, abuse, and usually treat with disdain for the most part culturally. Some good men were different, but the culture itself treated females with various levels of misogyny.

This pattern of reaction has been entirely consistent from Esau to present, and very likely for several millennia previous. The present being one of the most violent acts of world misogyny breaking most records of hatred toward both a single female and the concept of the female homosapien itself.

Which could be one of the reasons the Ogles have spent a huge amount of time being genocided, the culture itself does not limit education or the voice of the female. It also does not punish females for being open about their wants, needs, desires, and of course boundaries regarding acceptable behavior.

The marriage contract which although did not actually start the Trojan War, absolutely contributed to it. The marriage between Akhenaten’s second daughter and the King of Troy Priam, who had already had a violent encounter with Hercules.

About two decades before the start of the Trojan War, Hercules was sent on a task to conquer the city of Troy.

Hercules was obviously written as a Demi-God which to Greek mythology is the equivalent of a Nephilim.

Hercules fought with a young King Priam and they fought to a draw.

For a variety of reasons Hercules required Hesione’s hand in marriage. Podarces the son of Laomedon. After that battle and when all his brothers were killed, Podarces was renamed Priam to honor his battle and victory to become the next King of Troy. But he needed a wife, that would come from the second daughter of Amenhotep iv aka Akhenaten. Royal Jews marry Royal Jews.

Since Podarces first wife was forced by unknown powers to divorce her husband and marry Hercules, that also makes Hercules Jewish. Or at least half Jewish and half Nephilim. Based on what he could do. The events from that point forward become extreme to a maximum degree. In the space of about four decades three things occurred which shaped the entire course of western culture. Event after event cascade into each other.

A plan which began circa Noah 4000 bce, had to be revised at 1350 bce to accommodate the survival of the original Children of Adam and Eve culture. As well as ensure that the Nephilim always had a protective façade around them. The Nephilim over the millennia became the target of the worse and nastiest of actions and behaviors from “wicked men” aka named two millennia later as the Hyksos. Their genocidal, slavery, conquest, blood lust, human sacrifice to appease god, etc. actions place them about as hard into the structure of “wicked men” as possible and not have the stereotypical devil appearance.


This sequence began at least fictionally through the perspective of the Dorian/Hyksos who hated the Jews and the Cycladic people with a passion equal only to the Nazis of WWII.

It is unclear if Poseidon the city or Poseidon the Nephilim sent a monster to destroy Troy. But what is clear, is that the city was already conquered by the Hyksos and still ruled by it apparently based on these sequences of translations. After the Hyksos conquered the city of Poseidon they only named changed it for a short time. Or it was just easier to keep the name consistent until Theseus arrived, and name changed the city to Athens.

Athens has an incredible name which most everyone for the last 3500 years has all but entirely forgotten. Theseus was a Jew, so was his mother and so was the 18th Egyptian dynasty. So was the Old Kingdom. Since their descendants in Britain were Jews. Same family, same codes, same library, about 100 additional points of continuity. So yes, the Nephilim were of the tribe, old kingdom, 18th dynasty, Poseidon’s city previous to the Hyksos, post Athens, Trojans, Samhain, Britain, etc. were Jews.

The problem is, academics hates the Jews and is not exactly quiet even in the present about their hatred of the Jews.


Then there is the other issue with the story of Hercules which comes up at this point. when the Hyksos and related cultures start using the tools for evil they start to do things which have to later be undone by someone or something who has sufficient knowledge as to what they are doing.

Example whenever a Hyksos either cutluraly or one of their descendants conqueres another Temple or taberanacle they attempted to gain access to the divine tools of that structure example the greek mythology of the city of Poseidon to renamed Athens. * Take away the H and ‘s and you have the name ATEN. The deity of the Ogle family. But since the Ogle family are directly connected in enumerable ways to the function of the bible and King Solomon’s Temple, there is very little doubt once the evidence is assembled that the Ogles used to be Jews and flat refused to come under the leadership of Moses.

But when the Hyksos seized control over the city of Poseidon based on the adventures of Hercules, a Nephilim was required to either put the monsters into submission or to dispose of them.

The king of Poseidon attempted to destroy Troy, but the monster he sent backfired and Hercules was sent into deal with the monster.

Not the only monster from said Nephilim tools which the Hyksos forced access to and produced evil results.

The Minotaur being another. Although that story is not really a monster more of a very nasty poetic license to hide the intimacies between two Jews, the slave Jewish wife so the King of the Palace at Knossos and a gift presented to that king form the king of Poseidon. That union produced what can be described as a Nephilim, but they had to edit the details to be a half human half bull creature who only ate human flesh. Which is part of the poetic license to be as nasty to the Jews and of course the Nephilim as possible.

The Minotaur was around for an unknown amount of time, but the weapon at the Palace worked just fine. The weapon forced every major city with a sufficiently high population to donate tributes to the Palace at Knossos in order to appease the Minotaur. To be thrown in the labyrinth to be eaten. What Theseus who volunteered from the city of Poseidon knew that few others did not was that the beast was not going to eat the humans. The beast was just a person who was Nephilim with the associated 200 IQ savant tendencies and was taught by his father and of course the chief designer of the labyrinth how to work and operate the tool to turn it into a weapon. The tributes were to both be intimate with both the head “priest” or the Nephilim and each other to produce the fuel to power the machine as well as children to have an endless supply of infantry for any potential war. But best to keep the truth clandestine in order to keep up the mystery as well as nasty rumors flowing so that the rest of the entire Ǽgean were worried and in compliance.

This worked fine until Theseus well knowing what was happening, entered the labyrinth and being a natural leader convinced the hordes of his people to follow him and he would lead them not only into safety but into freedom. At Athens, at Troy, and or so far outside of danger they would not have to fear invasion for a very long time. That would be to the city of Samhain.

They followed him to Athens, but were followed out of Crete by Agamemnon and his army. That army of course fought over control of Poseidon, but Theseus’ army from both the Palace and the remaining 18th Egyptian dynasty were far too much for the likes of Agamemnon. He was so soundly defeated he left humiliated and degraded. But he vowed revenge.

That revenge took on the structure of promising his brother the hand in Helen in marriage. The daughter of Theseus. Who Helen’s mother was has in most cases been lost to history. Although she has a direct and substantial connection to the deities of the Greek Pantheon since he was a topic of discussion amongst them which angered several of the Greek deities.

Greek Goddess Eris was not invited to the wedding of Thetis to Peleus “golden apple into the party”

Golden/Amber/Umber, Apple from a sacred tree (Eve/Garden of Eden) apples grow vertical to the ground, specifically designed land Area party.

The code of the Ogles is absolutely involved. Which means the Nephilim are involved.

The Goddess Eris was not invited, when the code was placed in the party. Three of the most powerful goddesses in the Greek Pantheon all claimed the apple was meant for them.

Zeus selected to have Prince of Troy Paris to choose. The Trojan War began immediately after Paris chose Aphrodite, who allowed Helen to fall madly passionately in love with Paris. Despite the pure fiction of she was already married to Menelaus the king of Sparta. Centuries before the city would take on the famous society structure of battle formation.

His brother Agamemnon was king of Argos, the worst part is the entire thing after Paris selects Aphrodite is pure fiction. Menelaus never was within 200 yards of Helen and there was always either city walls between and or most of the Trojan Army between. Females by the Hyksos/Dorian culture are and were treated worse than cattle. Since cattle are worth more than females. But a bit better than a slave.





But the wife of King of Troy Priam was a very strong man, whose second wife was the second daughter of Amenhotep iv aka Akhenaten, her brother was King Tut.

Which brings into the fold the 18th Dynasty were in truth direct descendants of the first Dynasty of Egypt under Pharaoh Narmer. They were also directly related to the entire Old Kingdom of Egypt the 3-5th dynasties. The pharaohs and culture who built the Pyramids. The Nephilim building the pyramids, that is an incredible piece of linkage. If you look at the physical evidence of the situation, the library of the Nephilim built into Noah’s Ark blue prints, and likely that ark was used to transport the books from x location to y location are the only advanced library capable of building 120 examples of structures which are for the most part just fine and dandy 4500 years later. A statistical argument can be made that the entire Nephilim culture possessed the only realistic library capable of building the Pyramids. No culture on the planet had a similar library. Or similar engineering, which is still to this very day unrepeatable except by those modern cultures directly connected to the Ogle family and their beyond impressive libraries. In the last 1000 years each of them has been captured and removed from their possession by descendants of the “wicked men” god sent the flood to destroy in the first place. The wickedness is something which just exists within the structure of humans. Kind of like the tendencies to be psychopathic and sociopathic. The Lake Nemi Ships, for example were built during a time when said type of construction was impossible. The Titanic is another example 1800 years later, but those three ships were built in Northern Ireland, a country still owned by the British Ogle family. Despite politics and other junk, the paperwork from long ago still connects the Ogles with the University of Dublin. Larger ships would not be engineered for another several decades. Not until 1935 20 full decades later would slightly larger ships designed for aircraft to take off and land on their top dock would be built. Just 2 decades previous to the Titanic, most ships were still ships of the line and some were being welded together with steam power. But those were only for the rich and extremely large companies. The Khufu Pyramid would be not surpassed in size until the Ogle family allies the French Royal family would commission a Cathedral to be taller than Khufu 3500 years after construction on Khufu ended. The list of extremes in engineering coming either directly from the Ogle library, or immediately after another Ogle family library was conquered and “burned” the conquest culture “suddenly invents” all kinds of technology out of nowhere. Which is the definition of mythology. They stole the library and advanced their culture technology into areas they could hardly understand. Virtually every single time the Ogle family library is involved technology shoots up overnight. Shoots up to a point of just shy of the industrial age and in one case a moon shot. But that is very complicated stuff, which is directly from the work the Thule and Nazi parties did during WWII. When the allies and Russians seized control, they suddenly had a boom in technology. From it appears nowhere. Below you will see physical evidence of the family name of Narmer being that of the Code built into all Ogle family endeavors. That being North, Umber, Land. Or in Gaelic Yr Hen Ogle dd, however the Gaelic version is a bit more accurate since it includes the person being ruler as well.

The start of the 18th Dynasty came about because of pure arrogance and raging egos of the Hyksos aka the 17th Egyptian dynasty. They wanted blood and slaves, and would stop at nothing to find and kill every single Jew who had escaped in the previous centuries to live in the Ǽgean. The 18th dynasty seized control over the Throne of Egypt from the ignorant 17th, because they knew the majority of the population and of course the majority of the army would be in the Ǽgean when the Thera Volcano erupted. And they also knew flat out that the Thera Volcano was going to erupt, warned the Hyksos. The Hyksos reaction, promptly ignored the warning from all those cultures they wanted to kill and called the evacuating Cycladic culture “Cowards” for not staying and fighting.

The Hyksos are not satisfied until every Jew either falls off their sword bloody and dead, or work themselves to death as slaves to them. Either way, the Jews eventually will learn their place, as sub-human to the mighty Esau. Being part Nephilim adds some basis to that mythology, that they are either super human or they are sub-human, being part Nephilim makes the Jews part human part Demon and therefore subject to seeking out and killing. His philosophy ancestors and his descendants. This is in part because Esau’s line e.g. the Hyksos are completely convinced that the Jews sold their soul to the devil to obtain the title of Israel and to rule the Semitic Peoples. However, based on the documents both sides left behind the Jews are in part from the Nephilim and it is Esau who sold his soul to the devil to have a fallen go kill his brother. Which seriously did not work.

Sub-humans mate with demons; sound familiar to the “Witch Burning times”. The Catholic church were entirely convinced that the Jews and others had congress with the devil e.g. Nephilim and they needed to find and kill every last one of them. Why because they were completely afraid of the power the surviving Nephilim possessed, being half humans and according to the definition in Genesis half angels or some other type of first generation from god being.

However, as previously stated goes. Sufficient radically even to present science standards attest, goes from being indistinguishable from magic to indistinguishable from being gods work. Primitive cultures in comparison to a rocket launch off an aircraft carrier, that is gods chariots. A population who are all extremely educated, seriously skilled in mathematics, science, and engineering. To a primitive culture, the airplane is something only god can make. Now imagine a rocket, to primitive ignorant cultures that is a device straight out of gods own handiwork. A level of miracle well above a machine capable of flying through the air. Something capable of going past the blanket of the sky to touch the face of god. Obviously based on a map which covers half the globe, which in the present cannot be duplicated is technology well beyond even the Saturn 5 rocket and or the newest super lift rockets.


After the previous Ogle family evacuated Egypt in a couple different waves. They were informed by their cousin Cycladic cultures that the opportunity to win back the throne of Egypt was only a small journey away. A group of Ogles, the Cycladic and others descended from the 3-5th dynasties traveled out of the city of Samhain south to Carthage, then made their way east to Alexandria. Then waited for the Volcano to erupt. Then with a monster army, seized the throne from the Hyksos 17th dynasty. Who were forced to evacuate, a small number went to Scotland. One of them was the daughter of the Pharaoh named Scotia, the entire area is named after her, Scotland.


As the evidence points, the 18th Dynasty is directly connected to and descendant from the 0, 1, 3-5 Egyptian Pharaonic Dynasties. The Pharaoh’s were considered to be god’s representative on earth, not immortal both in a way the Pharaoh during the Initiation Ceremony would become a Demi-God. However, the pre-Pharaonic times includes the Egyptian Pantheon as literally pharaohs of the times. A strong connection to the Nephilim being the Pharaoh’s could be where the legends of the pharaohs being Demi-Gods came from.

Be that 3800-3200 bce or from 5000-4005 bce. That is yet to be found evidence.

Almost all the Gods/Deities/Etc. of the pre-Pharaonic times all have the same attributes associated with them.

Extremely Tall. As in 6-7’ tall in comparison with the Hyksos who through various issues were around 4’6”. But the important part of the “Giant” situation is the non-stop references to “Vertical”.

They were divine beings aka Sacred/Amber/Umber/etc.

They were Kings of Egypt e.g. Defined Land Leaders.

What does that combine to mean?

North Umber Land or in Gaelic Yr Hen Ogle dd.

The Battles which ranging from 3800 – 3200 were between very literally the Ogle family and whatever Esau’s ancestors were calling themselves previous.

Which really sucks for the level of mounting evidence and documentation from the Trojan War backwards to 5000 bce. Because in just a few days of work and research, the amount of gathered evidence tripped over has provided a completely solid theory as to the name Ogle from Noah and the Nephilim to present without stopping.

The Hyksos aka the Prussians their military arm had a sub-group which were paramilitary more like full time spies. The full-time spies at least one branch of them were called FreiKorp. It was FreiKorp paramilitary spies stationed at Fort Ball  Tiffin Ohio, who in effect forced Wundt to build Psychology from the books he was handed to translated form the stolen from the Ogle family library at Heidelberg.

But just because the Prussians knew about the Books of Frankenstein and Sleepy Hollow does not mean for a single second they were not going on previous evidence and mythology from the very ancient past.

The Nephilim were around either at the same time or previous to the Egyptian Gods including Osiris and Seti.

Seti killed Osiris by sealing him into a Djer and shipping him to the city of Byblios. Which would be in the future where the name of the Bible came from. It is interesting that the son of Osiris and x produced a child after Osiris was killed by his brother Seti. Making a solid connection to the extremes in technology, the Egyptian gods, the papyrus, libraries, the Ogles (who in effect wrote the first still in existence book of Genesis, however their version is profoundly longer than the current Torah and English versions. Longer by a huge amount of words and subjects covered.

The problem is, the Ogle book of Genesis is both a collection of stories and an entire library of information on a long-forgotten science. That science is part of the library of information which went into both the construction of Noah’s Ark as well as the letters/numbers of the architecture which created the buildings in the first place.

You see the Old Dynasty possessed a level of technology so far above and superior to modern science has achieved, the two are almost not recognizable next to each other.

Most of science and Egyptology are still arguing over the dumbest aspects of the situation imaginable. They are still arguing the Hyksos/Dorian perspective that the Pyramids were graves of the pharaohs.

The largest problem with that assumption is, there is not a single molecule of evidence to back up the idea. If introduced in the present, those hypothesis regarding the pyramids would not make it past the first 15 minutes into a lecture before being laughed out of the room.

However, since radical anti-Semitism has been around long before the Hyksos/Dorians allowed the Ionians in the Ǽgean to recreate academics under their violent and genocidal supervision there has been no middle ground to question the authority of the Hyksos and their assertions that the pyramids were graves for mummies. Despite zero evidence.

It is amazing how solid theories and facts are thrown out because the leading theocrats force the issue, and pull funding for anything and all which get in the way of their philosophical beliefs.


Evidence the Bent Pyramid was built circa 2500 bce King Solomon’s Temple was constructed 1500 years later. The Pepi I was one of the last Pyramids’ built and its causeway bisects a site which would not be of any type of importance until 0 year of the Julian Calendar or the birth of Jesus according to some sources), etc.  Since Papyrus was for the most part was shipped to Greece and Rome to build libraries from the city of Byblios. The containers had byblios on them, and the name stuck connected to both Greek Libraries and of course Bibliotheca, or in English Bible. Bibliotheca means collection of books, or a library.

But when Osiris’ wife found out that Set has killed her husband in a Djed and sent it to the city of Byblios, it took a while to get the pillar back. That Pillar was part of the basic construction of one of the main support walls for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Another in a long line of ancient technology, modern scholars have less than zero understanding how to replicate. His wife arranged for the Djed to be returned and she performed an ancient rite to resurrect her husband. Which produced the child Horus.

Connect the Nephilim is easy, but along with the Nephilim comes other connections including the Gods of Egypt who possessed technology so advanced they were indistinguishable from deities to illiterate and ignorant cultures. Which is exactly the way the Hyksos like their citizens, illiterate and ignorant. There is no way to question authority if the citizens have no idea what is happening.




A tradition carried over from the Upper and Lower Kingdoms of Egypt previous to Narmer’s Unification.

Narmer was from Upper Egypt, if not Thebes itself.

His father and their fathers previous used the symbol of an amber (divine) 6-7 leafed flower. Meaning; 'high lord'. Amber, High, Lord (lord is the leader of a given selected area). Four Generations of the first pre-and the first Unified Dynasty of Egypt used the title North(high), Umber, Ruler of the Land. Or in Gaelic the name Yr Hen Ogle dd, which ruler of the Land is a much more accurate description.

The First Ruler of a Unified Egypt and of course the First Pharaoh was from the House of Ogle.

Pharaoh Narmer from the House of Ogle.

Also, Ogle was a rank used in the 3rd dynasty; circa 2600-2100 bce. Directly associated with Djoser, Khufu, Khafre, Memcaure, and a few other Pyramids.


The Major Pyramids carry the title Ogle. This is not only beyond significant, it is about as hard evidence as you can find regarding *

Which cascades into my theory about the Pyramids being the first and oldest printing of the Bible. A small secondary theory about the Ogle family being literally also part of the Ladder to Heaven so angels could ascend and descend as they so chose. Which would also point to Rebecca wanting to visit home, by way of a ladder.

She needed a ladder to go home on occasion and see the angels above the horizontal line.



There is a considerable amount of evidence in mythology regarding the demi-god (half human half god/angel/etc.) humans were not believed until it was clear if they were fighting on the side of humans or some underworld figure who sells illusions which turn out to be hazardous and dangerous. *

The British began both genetically and of course technology wise as descendants of the Carthage, Trojan, Athenian, 18th Egyptian, Alba Longa, and Samhain city civilians evacuating out of the way of genocidal armies. Each of the genocides is well documented and bragged about.

The city of Samhain in the year 753 bce, was conquered and renamed Rome. The residents of this city named the city Samhain, which is a very long and complex story. However, the city was likely based on several differing pieces of evidence originally founded by the evacuating Ogle family out of Egypt circa 3800 bce. It possessed the name Samhain from then until 573, when all records of the previous were erased, most of the buildings were torn down. Entire sections of the city were remodeled to hide the past. Huge buildings were constructed on the foundations of the Samhain structures to permanently hide all evidence of the previous to 753 city of Rome founding.

But what is easier to prove with hard physical evidence is the path of the library and its influence with the people around. It is very difficult to hide massive amounts of technology advancements which supposedly come out of absolutely nowhere.

However, this does solve a huge gap in the processing and structure of why put a library with extremes in technology and a world map hundreds of miles away from the nearest “nothing”.

This would also explain part the originals of the Nag Hamadi library, a portion of the Nephilim library was hidden there as a backup of a backup. And unfortunately, that back up proved to be necessary since the other copies were destroyed by the enemy of the Ogles.   The Nile is several miles east. Thebes is directly next to the Nile, but Hierakonpolis is miles from the Nile. This was intentional. This was also to keep the library away from the descendants of Cain. Of course, there is no reason to assume that the core anger regarding Cain ever left him, since the descendants of Tarah, Esau, the Hyksos, Dorians, Agamemnon, Romans, English, etc.  minus Abraham and his line. As a point of fact have followed the example of Cain and killed those that get in the way of their position in the Temple at the center of the Garden of Eden or El Beth El, or its copies on earth. The story of god choosing Abel is mirrored almost word for word in variable actions with the story of Esau and Jacob. Esau could not handle being second to his brother, Cain could not handle being second to his brother.





The Trojan war started minus a small break just before Agamemnon 1330, the Trojan war began previous to the invention of Sumerian and Hieroglyphics. they put the library in the middle of nowhere because they had spent the last while running like hell from genocidal cultures.


The Classics begin with the Trojan War, which means the Nephilim. A straight line can be drawn from the Nephilim through their library and advanced technology can be drawn from Noah’s Ark up to and through the Trojan War, and the Trojans of course. Although Trojan means “Descendants of the Holder of the Foot”. Which is very difficult to accept this translation since in the Sumerian language the “Holder of the Foot” translates as Jacob. Which means, the Trojans are descendants of Jacob.

Which becomes a very difficult concept since Jacob was according to Genesis 32 after he won a wrestling match against an angel (there are three ways to interpret this wresting match. And the specific injury Jacob suffered during.

First it was a fallen sent by Esau from Mecca as Esau was inventing the Hajj. Selling his soul to the devil to send a fallen to go kill his brother.

Second an angel was sent to wrestle with Jacob to prove Jacob could handle being the Next Ptah (blessed man) to stand on the Ben Ben stone and of course bathe in the Light from God. The light/Rays are the feet/limbs/arm/body extensions from the disc which is the ATEN to specifically designated areas on the planet. Those specifically designated areas on the planet one of them is “The Ben Ben” Stone where civilization grew from.

Each leader of the Israelites must pass all the tests needed in order to be able to be the next Ptah and stand on the Ben Ben stone, to guide the humans and specifically his people through troubled waters. The problem is, Esau’s descendants aim for the last 4500 years has been to find the Ben Ben Stone, kill any dirty Jew who makes a claim for it. And stand on it themselves. The problem is, that stone almost always kills the “unworthy”.

For the Ogle Family as a culture, the weight of all that responsibility and facing non-stop genocide for the entire length and breadth of documented history crushed the culture. The 1890s ce was finally the death knell sequence of events to finally destroy the Ogle’s and the British at the same time. The last two well-known British Ogle family strongholds and of course libraries fell to the enemy in the decades which proceeded. But obviously something in the DNA pushed the descendants of the Ogle family to reform and rebuild their culture every time.

Three the angel which Jacob needed to wrestle with was not actually a fight but more of a rough and difficult beast with two backs encounter. To create his own Nephilim to rule in the decades to follow. This scenario would explain a huge amount regarding Jacobs children and his 12th son, the 12th son having a similar gift for prophecy. It also explains why his brothers and sisters only tolerated him. I think the name Sarah the older version of it means Angelic, as in descended from in part an angel. Sarah would be the natural title of Rebecca, since she was the wife of the King of the Children of Israel and the mother of the First King of the Jews. Be fascinating if the title Princess or Sarah in Hebrew pre-dates Rebecca.


Would be extremely interesting is if the family simply chose to include the person Rachael into their lives despite the fact she could have been an angel in disguise. Inventing a history for a person who simply showed up one day with Jacob, with Jacob claiming her as his. All the children from Rachael would be Nephilim half human half angel by academic description. But this is not the first time nor the last said situation has been part of the workings of god.


Straight out of one of the many translations of Genesis chapter 6;1-4 are the facts regarding the Nephilim, they appear by name in several versions including the Torah. In the Torah they are literally named נְפִילִים. The problem is, this name is straight into Hebrew from Indo-European language.

Which is an extreme problem because the translation does not have dozens of junk definitions between it and its Indo-European original.

The definition is in basic “sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives, whomsoever they chose.”

Breaking down the definition into an English format is beyond extremely difficult, not because of any real problem in its translation from IE into Hebrew into English. That is extremely easy. The problem is the meaning is so entirely clear. There is little if any real ambiguity to the structure. Which is the dream to translations, to be able to have little if any real question as to what a word, concept, or phrase means in a language which has been dead for a huge amount of time.

 The Nephilim itself is extraordinarily difficult not because of its clarity but because of what it translates to. It translates to an English word which is entirely known, understandable, the last name of a family, and worst of all the very next topic brought up after the word Nephilim in Genesis chapter 6 this specific family have a documented history of possessing at least until the late 1800s ce a library of extremes in advanced technology. They assisted Noah in his blue print for his Ark. Which 2x2 has been so badly misunderstood by entire generations of illiterate cultures, they went with the simplest and easiest translation out of pure “Having no idea how to wrap their minds around the concept of 2 negative particles combined with 2 positive particles. This is a concept so far beyond a simply illiterate population base, other than the numbers they would have no idea what was being describe in the previous language. Magnetism requires an understanding that some rocks are magnetic and performing certain actions with them will make metals just like them. Those Metals if placed on something which floats a leaf or a cork, etc. the that piece of metal will point to magnetic north. Which is a compass, if the culture in question and its descendant culture x two to y number of cultures are still uneducated enough to understand magnetism. Then trying to explain Noah’s Ark was a huge Electro-Magnetic machine which generated electricity in several different ways, is a total waste of time. Virtually the entire culture minus the followers who will believe just about anything and of course the very smart who can make the logical leaps into concepts their culture cannot accept.

But a few people being ok with the whole concept of magnetism and the acceptance of an entire family who has maintained said library of those facts since they were called Nephilim is an entirely different story in all ways. Accepting that the family that helped Noah build his Ark did not fade into history.

The Flood was caused in very large part because the bad people (let us call them a name they would not use for several 1000 years, but kept for half a millennium before changing to a couple hundred or more. Call them Hyksos, which are derived from Esau, who followed the teachings of Tarah and ignored flat out the teachings of Abraham.) would not stop attacking the Nephilim, to gain access to their library.

Their library contained information specific to the structure of both extremely advanced science, mathematics, engineering, and architecture. But also, solutions to translate IE language.

This next part is extremely difficult to explain but inside each section of IE language is a map of time. Which is echoed directly into the structure of the Hebrew Language.

The Tower of Babel story is about another wave of Genocidal battle 5 chapter later, Genesis 11:1-9. The enemy of knowledge, education, and connection to god have, it appears, decided that no matter what god does, that they will never end their assault onto the framework and structure of the Nephilim culture. No matter what they name change to, once they are identified, it is almost a sub-conscious thought to seek them out and destroy them.

More on Noah and Abraham later.

The Ogle family as a Unified Culture, have directly contributed to the purpose and success of the Western Culture since practically day one. An argument can be made that the Ogle family in partnership with other close families created Western Culture. Despite their contributions, they are hated to the depth of the descendants of Esau/Hyksos/Dorian/Roman/etc. cultures with a passion unmatched in the history of man.

The Enemy (the culture/s who are constantly attacking to destroy, which was achieved circa 1889 Washington State) in basic “We love what you give us, but hate you with a soul level send from the depth of the bowls of hell. Not because you deserve it, but because you have something about yourself which is very disturbing.”



Most people reading Genesis Chapter 6 cannot get past their own prejudice translation that the story revolves around them being good people, and the Nephilim were destroyed by god and the flood because they were so bad.

However, that is not how the language of IE and Sumerian is organized. The sentence structure is clear. The Nephilim themes are good, and are favored by god. The good humans are who pay attention to the laws and walk in the path of the light. The bad people who need to be removed are the people who have non-stop attacked the Nephilim family and culture from z year bce to present and have no intention of stopping anytime in the future at all.

They simply cannot perceive themselves as bad. They are good, they walk in the path of the lord. Their communities thrive in ignorance, hate, rage, superiority, suppression of people and groups they do not like, murder, taking the lords name it vain, etc. The Good People perform the cardinal sins on a constant basis, but live so separate from their actions that they cannot function unless they are either bullying someone into submission or using whatever they can to make themselves superior. Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Pride the 7 deadly sins.

Using any and all things they can between balancing suppression of others to make sure others do not get what they want, and feeling superior by forcing each person and each families deadly sin. Usually “My god is a powerful god, my god is better than your god, I am saved because my god is so much more powerful than your god. I have a piece of my god inside of me and he is more powerful in all ways than anything Satan can throw at me.” The Satan can throw at me, is in part where they are convinced the British (not English, but British. Two entirely separate cultures) since they are good, the British have to be bad/evil. Since the British for a while were being rather seriously nasty regarding their construction of a global power. The problem is, the British built a beautiful Empire and colonies all around the world. Those colonies thrived for centuries. But when the English conquered the British at Northumberland under Henry VIII Tudor he took the name British as his own façade and turned his colonies from really good to all but pits of hell. The English Kings that followed him, became even more nasty and disgusting in their treatment of the natives from around the world. Then worked hard to erase the true history of the British Culture from the history books.

Or in other words “god is great” in Arabic “Allah Akbar”, I am great, but you are junk and a piece of junk I can bring any level of harm to because I am god and you are spawn of evil.

The superior vs. inferior game which is played out in various aspects of genocide from previous to Noah forward are the bad people. The good people are always striving to walk in the path of god e.g. the poem “pathways”. The Bad people are always playing “superior inferior games”.

Those games are of course the bane of existence. Since they are always destructive, and uber nasty. But psychologically speaking, it requires a huge amount of mental effort to break all of Jesus’ rules and still think they are good. It is called Cognitive Dissonance, where A group are facts but ignored, in favor of B group fictions which make bad people feel very comfortable. Comfort is why they got into the really bad stuff in the first place.

The enemy was on a very literal "Witch Hunt" to find a specific type of person and kill every single member of the Ogle family, then take their library/technology to use for good versus evil. Having the extremes in technology begin immediately after the Nephilim family enter the bible by name. The enemy for most of the entire course of documented human history, have assumed that as a matter of hard fact that library was given to the Ogle family or in this case the Nephilim family from Satan himself. That part has mostly been edited out of the descriptions, but go back far enough and the evidence is mostly clear. The Ogle family aka Nephilim sold their collective souls to the devil in order to advance in technology that far. However, something needs to be understood.

1869 the steam engine on ships was an extreme rarity, only a few were constructed and almost no business people or governments would invest in such fantasy. Pilot programs were allowed by the War department, but mostly advanced military technology was still relegated to “ship of the line” tech which had been around for centuries. Go forward by just 100 years and with a huge level of cooperation from the Third Reich, humans put boots on the ground on the moon. Just a century of governmental cooperation, which in truth could have happened two full decades earlier if arrogance and ego had not gotten in the way.

The first plans for the Saturn 5 were drawn up in the late 1930s. They had to be kept in a vault sealed in a wall until the NAZI Party collapsed and Van Braun could give the plans to the Allies. It still took more than a decade to get him and his men cleared through Operation Paperclip. Endless interviews and the state department constantly having to intervene to put the father of the V1 and V2 on trial at Nuremburg. Almost two entire decades lost in development just to ensure all the arrogant and egotistical politicians could count their coup.

How you take that exact equation, each step in the development from the Merrimack to “Houston Serenity base here, the Eagle has landed”. In a tiny bit more than a century, and apply that to just one culture, with 100% of the population backing the science and the scientists who create the tools required from A to B. If the entire culture backs the idea, then it will take less than a century to go from A the B. NASA was already experiencing budget cuts as Neil Armstrong put his foot on the moon. Within 10 years the cuts were so deep it proved to be the end of Americans in space for the next more than a decade.

The British as a culture had no illusions as to budget cuts, they knew exactly what fully funding their scientists would produce. Whatever the academics wanted they got, but they as a culture also did not need to worry about greed in their academics. The cultures were not based on I get mine and you cannot have any. That is a modern invention. The more English merged into the British the more the culture became corrupt and turned away from pure knowledge and became “I have seen the enemy and have become him”.


Masonic Organization

The Masonic organization was founded in Northumberland aka by descendants the Nephilim, but the hardest physical evidence other than the 4-part code in the name is the library. The Ogles have possessed a library of such extremes in engineering they were able to hold off the entire Roman army at Hadrian’s Wall from 50 bce – 400 ce including Vespasian.

Then when the Romans name changed, they held off the Anglo-Saxon Picts from 400-680. But then they had to evacuate out of Britain, to implement the next phase of the ancient plan to come back. Forming a different language version of “Marine” but spelled “Viking”; to hit without mercy Anglo-Saxon and other Islamic settlements and strongholds in Britain and around Europe. Destroying outright the larger areas, killing all involved. The technology they used to achieve those goals while at the same exact time, the other cultures could not sail outside the sight of land. The Ogles could sail point to point anywhere which had a 3-foot draft, otherwise known as Mark Twain.

Which is really interesting since Sam Clemens was a Union spy who wrote Huck Finn in the front room of the Hovander's estate watching steam ships move up and down the Nooksack. Why was he in the Pacific North West, to observe the very end battles of the Trojan War. Mark witnessed some of the very last military operations spy versus spy between the Confederates and the British in Whatcom County.

This is of the most extreme importance because, not only the story of Mark Twain but because of the Western Washington University library which even for its day was to an extreme amount advanced. Many of the residents of the area wanted that library burned, but the married to a Jew Phoebe Judson (descendant of the Judah family, which is about as Jewish as you can get, and if the edited-out part of the Jacob wrestling with an angel portion has even the slightest aspect of facts it, then Holden Phoebe’s husband and born Jewish was himself a Nephilim. She was simply protecting her family and him by protecting the library and not allowing the confederates from Lynden to burn the at that point called “Normal School” to the ground.

The most difficult aspect is of course the function and structure of the British and of course Masonry on the area of Whatcom County. Until 2017, there were 8 or so lodges in a community which did not appear to be able to be large enough to support 8 lodges with the largest city being Bellingham with a population of only 80,000 people. However, there were still 7 lodges up until about two decades ago. In the present there are only three. One for southern Bellingham, one for a long ago destroyed city of Whatcom, and one county lodge Lynden. Although Lynden was originally charted under the British Grand Lodge. Along with Bellingham Bay. Those charters were in existence in the 1850s, but had to be rechartered two and three decades later and the British lost almost everything, the last to go was Whatcom County in 1889. Which when Washington State officially was no longer a territory and became a State in the Union of States aka the United States of America.



Old Colorado City

At first for a very long time, the research it appeared regarding the foundation of Psychology which the Ogles took of direct, first hand, and foundation application in helping Wundt build the subject into the modern age. From Wundt backwards, the evidence stopped at the Palace at Knossos where the Trojan War began.

Working through that entire situation of the Trojan War from beginning to the very end; from the Palace at Knossos circa 1340 bce to 1889 ce when the Trojan War finally ended. Yes, that is well over 3300 years, but then other research and other lines of continuity tracing backwards the whole Palace at Knossos government and its “Tribute System” which was copied into the LDS author books “The Hunger Games”. Those books provided the backdrop for a much more complex and detailed account of what actually happened at the Palace at Knossos.

A similar occurrence happened in Old Colorado City circa 1840-1855 to round up the Jews and “Undesirables” in the area and kill them all.

The 21st smelter was not used first to smelt gold it was used first to dispose of the massive amounts of bodies piling up from the wars and genocide.


In the Latter-Day Saint church there was originally built in the position of Cassandra, a female prophet to advise the males. However, this position was either removed by Young or was so edited down it does not resemble the original in almost any way.



To explore what and why changes occurred to hide the facts of the Nephilim situation. It is important to review each and every step along the construction of both the Old Testament (its supplementary books, which some of those Jewish texts cover the Nephilim to an extreme amount) and New Testament which some of the texts were not canonized because committees which were overwhelmingly pro-the philosophy of Paul and both anti-Semitic and anti-Simon Peter made up the group. They directed the formulation of what would be included and what would be left out. Anything that they did not like, form a theological standpoint was removed. Any books which the whole contents were “not acceptable” despite the facts contained within were also removed and treated as so much garbage.

The problem is a group of theologians deciding what is ok and what is junk are operating almost exclusively from their “beliefs” and not from facts and evidence.

Example the Crucifixion took place in Rome Proper, but the location was changed for a wide variety of reasons. But the largest was, the still semi-in-existence Roman Senate was still disgusted at the concepts that they brought their largest enemy to their own feet and he still defeated them. That fear was still very much alive and well for the next several centuries.


The Trojan War Moses

Moses entry in the trojan war was difficult at best.

The trojan war he was a central and huge part of, but he did not enter under his Egyptian name. he entered under his sponsors name “Ajax the Younger”.

You see according to Hyksos tradition, if you are not invented into a War. You must be vouched for by one of the higher-ranking members of the army. In this case Ajax, who was close to the top ranked in the Agamemnon Menelaus army.

They were the top and the command control leaders of the army, but ajax was a very close second line commander.

Odysseus was relatively low, and his job was to relay orders from the high command to the Jewish slaves. Achilles and his men being just one of the Slave armies under the command of Odysseus.



Assembly of the Bible 600 – 400 bce

The largest and most substantial problem is that the Hebrews through centuries of violence and genocide stripped the Jews of their rights, laws, history, ceremonies, etc. and replaced them with the teachings of Moses. Who was in no way connected to the philosophy of Jacob. He was a born and bred Esau line descendant and lied virtually his entire life for one specific goal. Destroying the Jews and rebuilding the entire structure of Judaism from the philosophy of Esau, the one not chosen by god to rule.

Now a situation comes up, the word Zionist. the Persians began using the words and concepts of Zionists as name calling regarding those that were either pagan and or worked from the teachings of Moses.

A pagan in one definition is a person who has accepted a pantheon without paying enough attention to the original of said religion.

A Pantheon if you are speaking of the Roman is a pure copy over form the Greek. The Greek Pantheon is a copy over from the Sumerian, Egyptian, etc. pantheons.

But go back far enough to the mixture and the gods become humans where “elevated” humans to the rank of god by their descendants. The descendants of say Odin, or the descendants of Set, the descendants of Zeus, etc.

They were the leaders of their family, and generations after the person died and languages changed leaders become gods and gods became pantheons. But the Persians and their mostly Monotheism with specific leaders being elevated after some heroic battle or specifically great sequence of geocoding the enemy grew into a pantheon.

The problem is that the Zionists formerly Romans and formerly Persians of Levant lands added a new layer of lies and illusions to their theology. They decided as a culture that their religion did not come from the Persian base, or the Egyptian, or the Sumer base. There concepts came from their own unique origin. Despite the hysterography of the place.

The wars fought from the time of Moses to present have been over which fictional account people want to die to honor.

Mohammed’s writings and teachings are just as much lies and evil illusions as the Roman Pantheon. The evidence Mohammed stole the books he translated from the transport ships full of scholarly works form Constantinople. The ships were in a regular trade route between northern Europe and Constantinople. Those regular ship routes were tracked, the Persians found out what books were going to be on what transport and decided to capture that one or fleet of ships. Because those books belonged to them, since they were all about Esau. Esau making the Hajj.

The problem is the Hajj is Esau in essence selling his soul to the devil in order to send a Fallen to kill his brother before his brother could be recognized as the Rightful and God Chosen Ruler of the Semitic people. But all Esau managed to do was to send a fallen to battle his brother.

But Jacob one the fight, and was given the name Israel. That battle occurred somewhere between embracing to return to Egypt, or shortly after he arrived on Egyptian soil.

That victory ensured that Esau’s rage would last for the rest of his life. He worked every day for the rest of his life to train his descendants to seek out the Jews and kill every last one of them. To seek out everything they achieve and either seize control over it, or obliterate it from existence. The state for the next 4500 years of actions were set, Esau and his descendants Hyksos would stop at nothing to find and destroy the Jews.

Since the Nephilim wanted little to nothing to do with the Esau’s line and their very nasty and most of the time evil actions. This angered Esau since he was a child. He refused to accept anything other than full and complete domination over all in his control. Which on bad days includes the will and presence of god. Example how many people have heard some jerk say, “No one tells me NO!!”, and they mean it and will happily become violent when told no.

That is the situation which Moses and the first 700 years of the bibles origin in the language of Hebrew faced. The other huge and substantial problem, for that 700 years the Hebrews were demanding outright that all of the Jews in the world would have to follow these rules of acceptable order. That the “lost 13th tribe” needed to be hunted down and destroyed because they maintained the old version of Judaism and the original “Children of Adam and Eve” history and of course the ceremonies. That became so unacceptable, that the Hebrews simply could not mentally process those facts.

So, they had to send their followers and mercenaries to find and destroy them. No matter where they were.

But the Hebrews still possessed a huge problem, they did not possess sufficient amounts of new stories and or acceptable translations in order to create more than just the five “I am the greatest” books Moses wrote. The information that comprises most of the rest of the old testament those events either had not happened yet, or the people who possessed fresh memories of those events would not allow for the pure fiction that the Hebrews wanted to retell and edit the stories into. The Jews knew better but were under such harsh conditions they had little choice but to follow the army and very nasty behavior of the Hebrews. Yes, the two are entirely different. The Jews as a culture date back to the beginning of the construction of the Pyramids, the Hebrews started with Moses. About 1500 years between. And if anyone attempts to say they are the same thing, this just one very simple question to ask in two parts to prove that sentence entirely wrong.

“name me one regularly performed ceremony/ritual that the Jews did previous to the Exodus. Name me why the Jews not as slaves built buildings which absolutely positively no connection in any way to mummies e.g. the Pyramids have less than zero to do with graves, and even less to do with mummies.” Answer those two questions, if not graves for the pharaohs, then what were the pyramids for, and why would the Jews volunteer to build them. The fiction the Hyksos created and their descendent culture the Dorians in Greece created has all but no basis in fact.

The Jews previous to the Exodus were an entirely different culture in almost all ways. First, they did not ignore the Nephilim and want to kill them, second, they did not seek out to hurt people to protect themselves. If god is the greatest, why is there a need to unleash the army to deal with them. If god handles those things, then it is time for god to handle the evil people.

Of course, there is the “figure it out yourself”. But then there are the rules regarding, allow other cultures whose citizens commit terrorist crimes against you to handle it. but this is a huge debate which has only one solid situation.

That solution is for the Hebrews to stay in levant lands and end their illusion they are not of Esau’s line and understand they are Zoroastrians just as the Palestinians used to be. Both come from the Zoroastrian line.

However, the Jews need to return to Israel and of course reclaim the rightful copy of their book of Genesis. The actual original still in existence copy. Why do you think the Nephilim possessed a divine library, because the Nephilim were needed to maintain said secretes in order to assist Jacob and his people to build the pyramids in the first place. God provided a near perfect copy of the book of genesis, and the associated library of its use. However, the dark forces of Esau’s line on some type of cultural level cannot function unless they are being violent. Not admitting their Esau line behavior patterns is one of the major problems of the middle east conflict.

The Jews need to return to Israel which is the area of the Pyramids and reclaim Memphis. Although that is more than a little difficult since Memphis was moved to Rome by Caesar at the same time he renamed the city “The Eternal City” which is what Luz means, which is what Memphis previous to Abraham. Jacob renamed the city to honor him.

One of the reasons the city was moved was to counter the actions of the construction of the bible. Knowing that the bible was going to be permanently the 5 books of Moses. And then other stories which occurred later. Editing out almost to the point of lunacy the book of genesis 1000 points of really important information.

Each of the Pyramids contains in its “theater” of rock and architecture, a story or two regarding from Adam to just before the Hyksos invaded to erase all traces of it.

The five books of the bible itself are difficult to deal with and work around since those 5 books are about as pro-Esau as they can get and not cast Jacob as the literal span of Satan. However older versions hint that Judah is the spawn of Satan. That encounter between Jacob and the fallen resulted in an intimate embrace after the hostilities were concluded and it was clear Jacob had won.

He might have accepted the offer when you defeat an angel in single combat, that the human can ask any reward from the angel in question. Or it is part of the situation, that god knew and agreed with the hajj and sent an angel to first wrestle and then become impregnated by him in order to produce a Nephilim named Judah. The father of the Jews, whom his brothers would sell to their uncle Esau out of pure jealousy. Esau expecting this, could have accepted the sale and used the Nephilim to make himself and his culture as powerful as possible.

The title of Pharaoh is not Egyptian it is Monotheistic. Head of the Vertical House of God.

But that part was edited out by the Babylonians as well, Moses’s descendants did not want their followers to summon a demon and create new generations of Nephilim to build Judaism into something far more powerful than the Hebrews were prepared to fight against.

Best to just keep those ceremonies from being done by erasing them form existence.

Unfortunately erasing them from existence proved to be much more difficult than it sounds. Especially since not all the Jews in the area were able to be brought into the fold and ruled as slaves by Moses.

It is it an amazing thing to be able to write your own history and kill all who dissent from your god like powers.


The Spear of Longinus

This device has been so twisted into fiction it is hardly any elements of the story which are true.

It was not held by a simply infantryman, it was held by the head of the Jewish Counsel to Rome. Which by default means he was an officer in the Roman Army.

The name is not the Officers name, the name is the name of the blade itself.

The blade was not a spear, that is pure fiction in all ways.

The blade was a sword which allowed Adam and Enoch to perform their job of steward correctly.


The blade is part of the conquest of the city of Samhain by drawing out the troops by attacking Alba Longa. The name of the blade is a modified version of Alba longa.

The blade was a sacred blade in part a gift to Ǽneas from his wife Queen Dido from their Wedding. It was taken to Alba Longa; the residents did not think that the invaders would stoop so low as to mess with either the city and or the Blade itself.

Hence the part where Remus after gaining access to the Temple where the Blade was kept went to steal it, and ended up having a very bad and short rest of his entire life. Which pissed off his brother to the depth of his being. Knowing that most likely the blade was so blessed that it kills those that touch it with evil in their hearts.

The brothers one wanted to be the new Pharaoh over the ancient Cycladic and other cultures, while Remus based on this connection of evidence wanted to be literally the controller of history. To finally end the time and culture of the Nephilim. The problem is, never mess with the dealings of heaven and or hell. If you are doing something you should not, either side will not react well in any way.





As the story goes the king of Babylon invaded and sacked the city of Jerusalem, capturing all the treasures minus of course the ark of the covenant. Which had been removed centuries previous thanks to the assistance of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba’s son, who arrived claimed his father and mothers rightful heir, walked into the inner sanctum and carried the ark out. Presumably to safety.

Which would be about three decades after the child was born and just years after his father had died.

With the ark not being available to protect the city, the city was entirely vulnerable to attack. And it was. Repeatedly, however the city was so well protected by the defenses build thanks to unknown libraries the engineering was simply too advanced.

But that was not the case circa 500 bce when at last the Babylonian king arrived with his army and breached all the way into the inner sanctum, and destroyed the temple.

He captured all the Jews he could, and under slave conditions brought them back to Babylon, while the Hanging Gardens were still in existence.

Then facts are a bit different than what was presented. Many cities of the ancient world in levant lands possessed a hanging garden. Although they ranged in size, in Babylon the Gardens were not only huge, but they were built around a core of several ziggurats, which were not built in and or around stone but the Ark of the Covenant.

It appears this city based on etymology has a huge amount more going for it than just a collection of plants growing off buildings.

This city dates to the very ancient past, the adjusted timeline to just 800 bce is all ego regarding the Hyksos/Dorians who hated the fact that this city was unconquerable. No matter how hard they attacked the city was unbreech able. The defenses were just too intense.

Now there is a situation which comes up.

This city is called "the Gate of God(s)” but it does not mean a pantheon of gods, it means the various and assorted subjects which are taught in the Ziggurats. In this case the tiered architecture system was several ziggurats together with bridges every x number of floors. Which helped with both stability and with cooling the place down.

The water needed to feed the plants was built in air conditioning. The plants cut the heat of the sun. and kept the core of the buildings cool. Since virtually every external surface of the buildings were covered in every size and type of plant, inside the walkways of the city even in the middle of the worse heat waves was nice and comfortable.

But the city has the name Babel built in, Babylon is the Greek version of the name Babel. Which means confused. Inside the city was literally a maze of corridors and passageways through at times very dense foliage; the maze not unlike the Hanging Garden of the Palace at Knossos which the Hyksos/Dorians refused in any way to allow documentation. Which is one reason the Dorian Dark age began almost the second the Trojan War began.

One of the reasons the Hyksos/Dorians reinvaded the Sinai, levant, Anatolia, and the Ǽgean after the Trojan War was to erase as much of the footprint of the Jews who had rebuilt outside of the military influence of the Hyksos. So, the descendants of the Hyksos had to come back and destroy as much of the rebuilding process as they could.

Which for some of the Ziggurats was easy, but for the Hanging Gardens of Babel/Babylon proved be a task only the Roman Empire could achieve.

The city was called Gateway to Heaven, which points to the Ziggurat was a recreation in prat of the Ladder to Heaven Jacob built in Egypt. Specifically, the Bent Pyramid, but this structure was more similar to that of the tomb of

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, a solid ziggurat base, with many ziggurat towers, in addition connecting causeways between each tower.

Then tapper slowly inwards the most outer ziggurats being progressively shorter each layer of them gaining height till you reach the one at the center. That center ziggurat would be well past 1000 feet if more putting 2000 feet. Not unlike the tower in Chicago, or Petronas Towers . The sky bridge being an extremely important part of the construction and stability of the complex. Which is one reason it was so difficult to explain its structure. From the outside on the ground level, it would be incredibly difficult to understand the architecture. Inside even more difficult. Its mazes would confuse even the most skilled navigator. However, once you figure out the basics, the rest of the layout becomes easier to navigate. But learning the layout code would be designed according to what the larger and more extensive design of the Garden of Eden Temple structure at the center was built like.

Which would confuse and befuddle most of the people trying to gain access to the middle. The middle it would be assumed would be where the vaults are located. The vaults with the massive amounts of gold to sustain the workers and trade with other cultures. However, in this location is not where the gold and other money would be stored, that would be off sight. In a place not as flashy, a cave or a non-descript vault at least a day’s journey from the Palace.

Academics, education, libraries, learning, scientific experimentation, etc. would be taking place in the Garden. Not greed and really good trade deals.

The center ziggurat would be to reach as high into the heavens as possible. Gaining access to heaven would be almost a guaranteed use of the divine forces of befuddlement to confuse the “not worthy” to gain access. The only way based on legends to gain access to those sacred places is through purity of spirit, purity of soul, intent, and the ability to deal with your personal junk and be entirely indistractable from the goal.

It was in this location that the “Jewish slaves” were captured and forced to live for 80 years. That it was in this location that things became incredibly difficult to an extreme amount. Since the city was built and maintained using the most pure of intent regarding the children of Adam and eve rituals and philosophy. So, they were not slaves, they were slaves under the Hyksos/Hebrews who had enslaved them in Jerusalem in the revolution which occurred just before King Solomon’s Son arrived to rescue the Ark from the clutches of Evil.

But here is where things become truth and irrevocably interesting, to an extreme amount.

It was under not slavery but free will and surrounded by a Nephilim library, and Nephilim support that the core of the Hebrew Torah and associated materials were translated into Hebrew from ancient languages which would soon be destroyed, or hidden so well they would be virtually unfindable for the next several millennia.

But the Jews had an ace up their sleeve. That Ace was the fact that they knew the Hebrew language has a different origin than Moses bragged about.

Hebrew was created using the Scaffolding of the Elder Futhark. The sounds of the Elder Futhark became the sounds of the bran new Hebrew characters.

Every single Hebrew letter is an entire word and time sequence in the Elder Futhark.

The Futhark is both a language and a calendar at the same exact time.

So, knowing the Jews were about to be erased from existence, they chose to hide their secrets inside the working portions of the Torah and since their science and mathematical skills were so high to the almost illiterate Hyksos/Dorians/Hebrews that the changes would be in place and not noticed till the distant future when a Nephilim descendant would have the soul itch to keep looking to solve the “secret or hidden meaning” behind the Elder Futhark.

The Calendar is on the surface insanely complex. The Calendar is not just one calendar there are in basic 8 calendars over the course of any given year. There are more, but those are really complex calendars operating at the same exact time.



Electro-Magnetic Studies

It is difficult for the modern scholar to look back to the definitions of languages which have bene lost and rebuild to translate them more than just about 25-50%. The amount still missing makes the language seem archaic and ignorant.

However, that is not the truth or the case in any way.

The oldest pantheons are not about a belief in multiple gods. That is pure fiction. The oldest western culture pantheons are monotheistic which is actually rather complex.

Yahweh is actually a magnet.

A positive side balanced in the middle and negative on the other side. Otherwise known as a magnet




Sumerian Pantheon


Egyptian Pantheon


Hyksos Pantheon

Ra was a Hyksos deity not monotheistic, they also changed the name to Isis Ra El from the original something else. But that is all part of the Esau line lies and deceit. They have been liars since well before Esau took his first breath.


Greek Pantheon


Roman Pantheon


Celtic Pantheon


Nordic Pantheon







What does Spartacus have to do with the Nephlim, very little other than a huge amount to did with the Ogle family.




What does Spartacus have to do with the Nephlim, very little other than a huge amount to did with the Ogle family.




What does Spartacus have to do with the Nephlim, very little other than a huge amount to did with the Ogle family. He ordered virtually the entire Roman Army to follow Cleopatra to NOrthubmerlad to kill her. Every soldier not doing extremely important work was dispatched to permanent post hwere Hadriens wall would be in 150 years.

He propognda captured and she committed suicide, but in all hreality there is zero reason to send the army unless it was to capture/kill cloepatra.

The army stayed thei for the enext 400 years. Most of the sons of the Senators were killed at the wall. Till their was almost no old guard left who were actually oringial Roman Families. only rich replacments hwo had no idea what being a Roman was. Had no idea how to manage an empire that size.

Hadrien’s wall proves Cleopatra and her Entire Egprian Army were on the north side.


When he was still called octaivan, he kidnapped Caeasiarn, changed his name to Tiberious, and raised him. To ensure that not only would Caesar and Cleopatra would not kill him, but he would also be the next empeor of Rome.

Octavian was entireliy convinced that if he did not take extreme emergency measures, that he would be killed and Caesarian would replace him.

However the Julii family were literally Jews, not Hebrews. So he had to play an extremely careful and long game regarding keeping the senate off his back and staying alive from the domination of his great uncle and his great aunt the emperor of Rome and the pharaoh of Egypt.

Tiberous did become Emperor.. but his birth records are pure fiction. He is not descended from Octavian Minor Octavian’s sister, that is pure fiction. Created to please the senate. His mother and father were Cleopatra and Caesar.

Augustus had a very difficult life, marked by being in battle with his great uncle both on his side firhgint on the fronteri. Defeating both really bad cultures, and rooting out the Hyksos/Hebrews and killing them. Helped by the scouts from Spartacu’s men. The men sent to scout the entire area of Europe to mpa it all out during the Spartacus slave revolt. But the real story behind that is very much different than the story the Romans told.

Octavian was too young for the Spartacus Batttles, but he was more than old enough to enjoy the spoils of the fruits of several deceds and in some cases cnetures of planning by others. Others who were profoundly smarter and more strategic than Augustus.

However Octiavan was not able to figure out that his great uncle was about to be executed for being a Jew in both the military and in politics. capital crimes to the Romans. Jews were hardly even allowed to be citizens, let along high ranking officers in the military. They wee allwed to join the military by roman law, but were only allowed to be in the bottom ranks of others armies. Tey were not allowed to have more than x number of their own troops. And those troops were always partnered with regular romans who were flat out ordered to kill the Jew fi they did antyign against the commander or the empire.

The Age of the Viking is a Vatican fiction, the Vatican hated the fact that the British possessed vast libraries, most of their population could read, and their scholars were highly educated. Whereas the Vatican could not agree to even train most of its priests in how to read. The priests were instructed orally about the bible, and their was in basic no consistnacy.

Their were priests who preached to their congregations who had never been in the same room with the gospels, were entirely relaying upon what their priest teacher tld them the gospels had said. It was up to the priests to memorize and take the memorized infoamtion out into the world to convert sinners.

However since at the time their was no consistant version of the gospels and their were still several dozen if not 100s of different versions of the “New Testiment”, you had priests who could not hae been more wrong with their assumptions regarding the gospels if they tried.

Most of the priests were simply operating from a perspective of “this is my opinion, and anyone who questions my opinion I can charge with herecy and have them executed. Depending on how cose to the Vatican army is”.

The Ogles still recently still possessed fleets, still possessed navigation. So they had literlaly no problem what so ever in sailing from Northumberald to anywhere the ship and the navigation skilsl could reach.

Which the as mentioned ignorance and illiteracy of te vaticn hated to the depth of their soul. But could not stop. The Northumberland army, navy, and marines were simply too tough to defeat. So it left a huge sore spot for the Vatican to deal with.

But at the same time. Did the Vatican make agreements with the nations to allow the msulism amry in and through specifically Iberian peninsula and France to allow the muslims passage so the bulk of the army could reach Britain.

But the Events which occurred at roughly the same time the Age of the Viking occurred are layered, complex, and two of the cultures have no ability to stop lying.

The first attack occurred at the Holy Island of Lindisfarne to conquer the converted over Mosque. The Cathdrils was purpose built, and when Fatimah’s army conquered it and converted it to a mosque that was a step too far for the Ogle family.

They attacked to convert it back from a mosque to a synagogue, but looking like a Cathedral. The Vatican was seriulyl not happy about that in any way. *vik







What does Spartacus have to do with the Nephlim, very little other than a huge amount to did with the Ogle family. She left the Mediterranean shortely after the Battle of Actium, and headed straight to the Kingdom of Ogle.






What does Spartacus have to do with the Nephlim, very little other than a huge amount to did with the Ogle family.




What does Spartacus have to do with the Nephlim, very little other than a huge amount to did with the Ogle family.




Jesus enters Jerusalem


Jesus left Levant Lands










January 25/26, 41 ce – October 13, 54 ce

He was connected to Simon Peter or Saint Peter circa 68 ce. The two men are likely the same man. The first pope and emperor, which angered the Romans and the senate to a point of mass psychosis.



4 Emperors

The following emperors were nothing but Roman lies

The Roman Empire decided to erase the last decade of the life of Claudius and invent Emperors who were around to the post of Emperor even though Claudius was still alive and performing his duties. But he was also almost guaranteed to be

Lies which they were unusually good at since they lied so much. But are horrible since their lies are so easy to unravel and find the facts behind the pure illusions. The Roman Empire created so many lies that it was close to impossible for them to maintain their illusions. Which is another way to decode the structure of the equations the romans used to lie. They lied the same way, about the same stuff. So, the same way with the same variables means that is heaven to a code breaker. Since the codes the romans used were almost entirely consistent for 1500 years, it is very easy to say x variable equals a fact. Y variable equals B fact. Etc. till the entire lie ad sequence/layers of lies are decoded.

The four emperors including Nero are fictions created to hide the fact that Simon peter/Claudius was not only still alive, but he was still a viable and sharp thinking person. Since Simon peter was only renamed Simon peter after the last supper when he was appointed to be Pharaoh and of course the next emperor.

The next emperor when his power consolidated enough to take over from Caligula. Which Caligula was more and happy and willing to do. Caligula did not want to be emperor, he wanted to do other things with his life, being emperor was not something he wanted. Jesus Christ/Simon Peter was more than willing to take on the task of sitting in the stolen and replaced Throne of Adam in Jerusalem. Which is very strange but entirely based on hard undeniable facts.

The city of Heliopolis is actually Jerusalem. Helio = the Futhark character of Jeru, and Opolis is Hebrew for Salem. Jerusalem, was moved by Caesar during his wedding in Egypt from the Nile to Rome and docked on a Julii Estate in Rome Proper. Which angered the Roman Senate to the point almost to mass psychosis. When Simon Peter claimed the building as his own, and began to rule from that building the senate knew as a matter of fact that the plan was to place a pre-exodus Jew back in charge of the city of Samhain.






October 13, 54 AD – June 9, 68 AD














It has been commonly accepted that the Gospels were not even started till about 30 years maybe 20 after the events of the crucifixion. The Crucifixion took place approximately 33 ce. And about 30 years to that and you get 60. Which is about a decade before Emperor Vespasian seized control over the Thorne of the Emperor.

Vespasian was installed by the Senate because he hated Jews and the bran new Christian Religion with a passion more intense than most of the Gestapo combined. He would happily order open and public executions of anyone who questioned the authority of the Roman Empire and more specifically the power of the Senate/Emperor.

But based on statistics, the Emperor just before Vespasian, Minus the jokes the Senate selected but were nothing but figure heads to hide the facts of who the real emperor was.

From 33 bce to 69 when Vespasian seized control over the Government of Rome Proper. Those four decades were something to behold. And the senate spent the next two entire centuries erasing the actually events.

First a very hard and detailed scientific method review of the actual facts of the crucifixion.

First undeniable fact, although it flies in the face of the entire theology of both Hebrew, the Vatican, and Protestantism.

Vespasian and early Christianity

Vespasian actually rose to power as a Jew killer, and in similarities a person who had less than no problem hunting down Christians to torture them to death.

It was Vespasian who ordered Levant lands Jerusalem sacked, Zerubbabel’s Temple dismantled, moved to Rome, and reassembled as the Coliseum. So, the gladiator games could shift from captured warriors and in debt romans to Jews versus romans. Or Jews versus Jews.

The games shifted from being mere sport to being literally the Romans using the games to “Human Sacrifice” Jew in their own most holy place from King David and King Solomon.

But those details were not only hidden from history, those details were not recorded at the time.

How do we know about them, the records of the quarry to mine the stones is fake.


Caesar being Germanicus

they were according to Senate records the great x3 grandnephew of Caesar, Tiberius and Caligula.


that is some very careful maneuvering by the Senate. the actual husband and husband of the progressive generations from Mark Anthony’s daughter were different men entirely. if they were allowed to marry at all.


why invent someone so easy to disprove he existed

why align everyone to be a descendant of Mark Anthony. The amount of pure junk in this situation is heavy, why did Octavian work so hard in his last decades of life to hide the facts so unbelievably hard. It was almost his dying wish to make sure that the coming messiah and his relative Jesus Christ would have absolutely no legal blood ties to himself.

Octavian died 14 years after Jesus was born, and every single minute of the 5 years leading up to, and every second for the next 14 years worked as hard as he could to alter every document to ensure he would not have any connection between himself and Jesus. Despite mountain evidence Jesus was the son of one of Caesar and Cleopatra’s child’s child. The Alba Mary (which means in modern parlance “A double PhD in Astro- and Quantum Physics) to be born about 25 years previous to the 0 year of his actual birth. The pure fiction of the other documents is Octavian worked as hard as he could to create a documentation fiction to hide the facts.

Which is really interesting when you look at Octavian’s name which when run through a couple ancient dead languages directly related to Italic and Linear A Oct is the 8th character in a sequence. The 8th character in the Futhark sequence is also the end of the first sequence of the first Ǽtt of the 3 of the Elder Futhark. The Elder Futhark is of course the language used to build Hebrew from 1300 years previous to the Crucifixion of Jesus.

Oct (Ǽtt) avi (directly related to) ian (the given subject). First is last, last is first, the name translates to; a person directly related to the structure mathematics and advanced engineering of the Ǽtt.

Or in other words a very old name for the female version of Alma.

Alma in Hebrew being a female trained in the mathematics.

Octavian would be Latin for a male trained in the mathematics.

Was Octavian simply a Darth Vader for the Senate e.g. Empire, when compared to the concepts of Star Wars. Darth Vader took the very good information of the extremes in mathematical knowledge and parts of the engineering knowledge which built the Pyramids and turned it about as horror show bad as possible in order to Hide all traces of the Julii family with Jesus Christ.

Next question comes into the picture, was Octavian’s sister Octavia the Younger (69 BC – 11 BC), was the entire marriage to Mark Anthony pure fiction in order to have her marry someone else and use Mark Anthony as cover. Was she married to her great great uncle’s son, and produced a daughter, who also produced a daughter the Alma Mary aka the Virgin Mary. But the word Virgin is wrong since Virgin is the world Bethela, not Alma, alma is specific to sacred divine knowledge. Similar to that of the skill set of Medusa. Which is a very long and complex story dating to when the Hyksos invaded and conquered the city of Poseidon circa 1600 bce. Medusa was exiled to a far-off area. But she was also given her followers and her fellow clergy, which she trained, so when that knowledge was needed again to save the renamed city of Athens Perseus could travel to said location, obtain the services of one of the priestesses, and travel back to Athens to destroy the sea creature.

Which when you take out magic out, is some type of knowledge of Athens possessed some hugely advanced weapon of obviously mass destruction. Which was it appears to be obviously still present in the city and with some repairs could still be used. However, there are issues with how to use the weapon correctly. It was not a weapon but a tool, which could just as easily have EST lobotomized the user if not used correctly.

That knowledge base is what Jesus’s mother was trained in according to documentation. The problem is that documentation let that word slip since most of the audience who read it had no idea what the original meaning was. Ignorance allows those that know to slip codes and information past people who hate.

In addition, there is yet another problem.

If his sister and great great niece of Caesar was married to the son of Tiberius. Then it becomes obvious since Tiberius based on an examination of the hard facts and not Octavian’s fictions, Tiberius was name changed by Octavian from Caesarian. The emperor after him. Tiberius’s son breeding with Octavian’s Daughter, their daughter being married to joseph of Bethlehem.

Which is fascinating if you observe the function and structure of what Carpenters were.

Carpenters were not just hammer users. They were city builders, master craftsman, physics, engineers, the job of a contractor way back then was about 50 jobs of today. Requiring so much mathematics and education that it would be close to impossible for an academic of today to achieve that level of education as they did. Plus, their job was just as much mystical/religious as it was blue prints and construction.

The Octavian job was trained to achieve goals more theoretical physics, language translations, strategies.

Alma job is similar to the linguistic translations of the Latin sequences of Octavian.

However, carpenter’s in the Jewish tradition are not only directly connected to construction. A similar job would have been construction foreman and or some high-ranking supervisor over the construction of the pyramids. The symbol for said would be Yr Hen Ogle dd.

Which places Joseph the father of Jesus with direct Ogle family knowledge, and teaching Jesus his skills till it was time to start his ministry. Which would be more of the Octavian/alma side of the mathematics.

Which change entire sequences of the structure of the life and times of Jesus.

Also, those at the crucifixion and immediately after who were Roman Citizens, they are evacuating out of Rome to Egypt would have taken all that knowledge with them, to Upper Egypt near Thebes and began to live and work with those libraries. Those libraries of course would be dating to pre-pyramids technology through the pyramids time.

They are one portion of the followers who created the gnostic gospels.

But they could not in almost any way tell the complete truth of those events.  



The assumption is that Octavia loved his sister so much that he made her the Matriarch of the Julii Claudio line, for what reasons remains a very intense mystery.



The gospels 70 ce

The situation of the Gospels has an insanely difficult history. Not a single copy or recognized copy of the books exist pre-400 ce. However, there are in the eastern orthodox church copies which the Vatican itself has flat rejected out of hand any references to them in any way, shape, or form. Because they paint a very different and in some cases radically different version of the events of the life crucifixion and rebirth of Jesus than the canonized versions do.

The canonized versions are an entirely different story which occurred centuries after the events in question. the process was conducted in circa 325 ce in Nicaea were votes from the group. A consensus of a group of scholars who were almost entirely composed of people from the Bishop of Lyon’s philosophy which means all inflation, or as much as they could be removed which pointed to any other version of the stories of the gospel as they did not like

However, the actual events based on Roman history, roman reactions to the events, and the true locations of where some of the key events took place is beyond important. The Actual Crucifixion took place in Rome itself. The reasons for this are to an extreme amount important, since the actual location is entirely backed up by history.

Also 7 years after the key event, e.g. the Crucifixion Paul finally showed up in Greece and began preaching the word of Esau and Moses in order to distract attention away from the upstart followers of Jesus. Several people who heard Jesus talk went to Greece to talk about “the word” Paul could not handle that, so he claimed to be part of it and started to preach about the glory of his philosophy. He called himself eventually Christian, but in truth he was just like all other con men trying to fill his pockets with money and silence anyone who told him no. he was also a violent misogynist, he tolerates females only to a point of placing them in eternal servitude.

The Gospels actually could not be based on their origins because most of the gospels were written from people who were present and observing the situation. The main apostles observed the rules of pre-exodus Judaism and could not be close to or associated with death, males to an extreme amount. Males not direct blood relatives could not be anywhere close to the execution, being close to the execution would directly be bad and make them permanently unclean.

So, they had to leave the immediate area. They most likely headed to the Lake Nemi Ships to avoid being captured and executed in a few days next to the corpse of their leader. But they were well protected behind the soldiers protecting Caligula’s lake estate and ships.

Jesus was only surrounded by friends, and close blood relatives.

He was crucified on “The Rock of Mars” which was the absolutely favorite place to execute Jews since the city was renamed Rome form Samhain. It was renamed that to honor the commanding general. However, the several millennia of history of the city was more difficult to ease than Romulus thought and or expected

It is impossible for his apostles to have eyewitness accounted his execution, they were not permitted to be within a mile of the event. Several miles and a few hills to impede any type of distance observation. Was absolutely necessary.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John if they did witness were very low ranked in the Jesus organization and might have been given permission to attend or attended without permission but were able to write down and report back to the elders. But if they did witness, at least one had to be either not very Jewish or a blood relative.

The problem came just a short time later when most of those involved began to write about their experiences and the formulation of the church under Pharaoh Simon Peter aka Jesus Christ. But within a decade there was a genocidal problem, that problem consisted of Paul arriving and was soul level set on infiltrating the brand new Jewish organization, despite the fact he was not Jewish in any way and corrupt it like a cancer to steer the church away from the teaching of Jacob and restoring the ceremonies of the ATEN to ensure that the lessons of Moses would continue to be the central philosophy of both Judaism and his newly not yet named but heading in that direction Christianity. He was not Jewish, but he was so determined to be a cancer to the new movement that he had to infiltrate into the groups and corrupt with the evil which is the philosophy of Esau and Moses.

But the writings from during and right after the crucifixion were entirely unacceptable in all ways. he found every copy he could get his hands on and burned them. He preached it his roman followers to do the same. Find every single copy of the gospels they could and bring them to him, he would review for accuracy and to combine them into a book. Which would become the New Testament. The problem is, any book he found he did not like he simply burned it. He was so full of hatred his next step was to find all of Jesus’s followers and order his followers to kill them on sight, since they were preaching incorrect information. He could not handle the words of “peace”, “love”, “job”, etc. he was so firmly in the pro-Esau line “might makes right”, and “slaves need to be present to service the lord” that he could not break away from those teachings.

Anyone who informed him he was not following the path of either Jesus or Simon Peter was close to immediately executed. Which resulted in his own arrest and being turned into a pawn by the Roman Senate. They could be as nasty and disgusting regarding the bran new Jewish sect as long as they were wearing plane cloths and told everyone they were of the church of Paul. They could use the church of Paul to perform a holocaust on the Jews and Paul would take all the blame, leaving the entire Roman Empire free from suspicion. It also means when they did drag Paul to Roman for his execution for sedition they could hold him on one of their estates for decades while they processed his sentence.

He continued to preach, gather followers, and kill every single person who was more loyal to Jesus/Simon Peter than to himself or the Roman Empire. gathering the gospels in Rome was much easier since most of the participants were still in Rome minus a few who were sent out to Greece, Egypt, Levant lands, and north into Europe to spread the word. Some of their writings remained but those became the “dead sea scrolls” which describe truly barbaric times for the early church. Equal to if not more intense than the Holocaust.

What does this have to do in any way with the Nephilim and or the Ogle family. One the two are mostly the same subject, and two you will not find a single document related to the following but the emphases on what happened next is difficult to explain without the following hypothesis regarding from 40 bce to the very last day of the Roman Empire and the start of the Pictish Revolt.

The Paul versus Simon Peter War continued and continues to rage in Rome; however, the Empire was destroyed because of the following actions.

When Cleopatra left the Battle of Actium, she did so with the understanding that Mark Anthony as the last act of his Political life, and the former Executive Officer of Caesars Army. The last order Caesar gave was to protect Cleopatra and her children with everything up to and including his life. To fulfil that order, Mark Anthony headed his fleet straight into the jaws of Octavian’s fleet and surrendered without incident Cleopatra sailed straight to Italy, gathered the materials needed and then headed out of the med to Northumberland where her entire army was waiting behind impenetrable defenses. Defenses which had spent the last decade being built back up from defenses which were installed by Meretatan and Nephertiti in order to ensure that when the Romans Arrived in the next millennia they were impenetrable.

Cleopatra not only lived, but she thrived in Britain as its Queen for the next several Decades. behind the defenses the entire Roman Army could not penetrate. Egyptian and Northumberland/British Scholars were free to explore and experiment all they wanted for the next several centuries without fear. The Romans were for the most part dead stopped at what would become Hadrian’s Wall in about two centuries.

However, there is a huge problem, just because the Roman Army and Senate lied and denied the entire situation took place. Means less than nothing when it comes to the solid definition of what they ordered next.

The Claim was that at some point in some place Octavian Captured the grieving “Cleopatra” no date or location was given. Just “we captured her”, which was more than sufficient for the senate. It was also more than sufficient for the romans who hated her. He put out a statement written in part Hieroglyphics and Latin stating what happened. The Romans only paid attention to the words and not to the poetry behind the words. But the Egyptians knew flat out that the poetry meant something else in the language of Hieroglyphics. The Code was the exact same code as the Nephilim and Yr Hen Ogle dd.

Meaning that Cleopatra did not kill herself in her private chambers in Alexandria, but she evacuated to Northumberland and was living happily there. Cleopatra also took her children minus the oldest with her. The oldest was still under Octavian’s guard for this exact event. She could not kill Octavian and could not rescue her son Caesarian renamed Tiberius, any sense of a disruption in the peace within a mile of Caesarian and the order was to cut his head off without hesitation. With 1000s of troops around the child at all times, there was no way to sneak past from any direction. Ground, air, tunnel, etc. without detection.

Cleopatra had no choice in the situation at all, her oldest son with Caesar would have to live most of not his entirely life without seeing his mother past early infancy.

Octavian did get what he wanted, he got to live, he lived to a ripe old age, but his legacy is built entirely upon lies and deceit. He did not live a happy life, he lived a life of misery and inward humiliation. He destroyed himself and his family just to maintain his power. But he was one of the saddest and miserable men in the entire Roman Empire. He was born into a wonderful, large, supportive family, by the time he was an old man, almost all of his family hated him, wanted him dead, and despite being around him. But at least the Month of August still has his name, and he is still the second emperor of the Roman Empire, if he was born a Sociopath than he would not have cared in the least about his actions. But he still would have been extremely sad, since the only pleasures he had in life were killing, destroying, and humiliating anyone he could.

He died 20 years before the Crucifixion occurred, but most of his reforms and directions are what allowed Paul and the Senate to perform a holocaust against the followers of Jesus and Simon Peter. It also gave them free reign to capture any writings they did not like and destroy them. Hence the original gospels were either hidden in libraries or were entirely obliterated from existence. Not by the hand of Octavian/Augustus but by the rules, regulations, and social structure he built in the decades he was Emperor.

He was born from a Jewish family, but he took special pride in destroying the Jews under his Emperorship. It was like his duty to find his tribe and destroy every single aspect of them, their education, their teachings, the scholars, and most specific their culture.

Shortly after Actium instead of having the Roman Empire working expanding the Roman Mpire reach into first Egypt and Ethiopia, possibly to the Indus River, or to conquer east past the Rhine to Moscow. Octavian/Augustus ordered most of the army to Northumberland to conquer and kill every last person in the area. Which was met with violent opposition so intense that a serious chunk of the Army was obliterated within 10 years. Every push north into the Ogle Kingdom was met with resistance the Romans could not resist. They kept being pushed back. Pushed back usually to around Sherwood Forest but sometimes just south of New Castle. Which has a fascinating translation.

The Roman Army was permanently assigned to the Kingdom of Northumberland till the last day the empire existed. But the army stayed and simply changed names to after a while fist Anglo-Saxon and the English. But that would take from 300-800 ce.

It is said that Joseph of Arimathea soon after the Crucifixion headed to Northumberland to hide behind the defenses and have a very pleasant life. The man who was so personally connected to Jesus that he gave his already prepared and paid for tomb to Jesus, that is a substantial friend and of course would be a huge influence regarding the terror to come from Paul. He would be a huge target to go find and use as weapon to give damage to the early church. However, he was sitting behind defenses the Roman Army simply could not breach. In fact, being assigned to the Kingdom of Ogle for the Roman empire was considered worse than the Nazi’s being assigned to the eastern front to conquer the Russian Empire.

There was a very good chance of being killed in Moscow, but there was a higher chance of being killed in Britain. The Romans were facing a much larger and profoundly better army in the Kingdom of Ogle than they faced in any other place. The Ogles were usually over 6’ some pushing 7’. While the average Roman Soldier was about 5 feet tall. The Romans weight was maybe 100 lbs. while the Ogle’s and their army were easy 200 pushing 300 depending. With at time a two feet and 200 lbs. weight difference, the romans had all but no chance. Usually their tactics and of course huge numbers achieved the victory, but they were outnumbered the entire time. But that is not talked about much by the Senate because that is pure humiliation.

What does this have even the smallest thing to do with the focus and structure of the Nephilim and of course the ogle family the Crucifixion, the Lake Nemi Ships, Jesus/Simon Peter, Northumberland, the obliteration of the Roman Empire at Hadrian’s Wall. That is an extremely easy answer. The problem is the answer is entirely easy.

The Lake Nemi Ships were likely built by a Jew Emperor Caligula in order to create a couple recreation of Noah’s Ark on Lake Nemi behind defenses and an Army entirely paid for and loyal to the Julii family. A Family and Army which would still protect the ships 600 years into the future for a Royal battle between the Ogle, Fatimah, the Picts, the Vatican, and any portions of Abu Bakr’s army who could show up. The Battle was Epic and entirely violent, not unlike the as described in the bible “Armageddon” where the armies of the world arrived on the plains outside of a city and a Ultimate Battle between good and evil is done. In this case the Winners were the Ogle family however the King was Killed in Combat. But his successor was present and able to lead the army and crush the other armies against them. Hence the sudden and radical loss of power by the Vatican in about 640 ce. Fatimah was of course killed in Combat, but she did not expect to live. Her expectation was to resurrect her father from his resting place in the Vatican catacombs where she had place him at least a decade previous. He was supposed to “come back to life” and rule as the Resurrected Jesus and take his rightful place as the head of Jerusalem.

Since Heliopolis translates to Jerusalem and Caligula ordered the construction of both the Lake Nemi Ships as well as the city of Heliopolis moved from Egypt to Rome. Assembling the city of Heliopolis exactly where the Vatican is now. The same stones were used from 4000 bce to present, just remodeled about 6 times.

Based on what occurred immediately after the Crucifixion, the likely location is on top of where the Heliopolis Pillar is. Placed their specifically to represent the location, after the Hill was quarried into a wall around where the Hill used to be. That hill had a name “Mount Zion” it was also called “The Rock of Mars”. The only large and imposing Rock in all of the city of Rome and immediately outside which existed till just after the founding of Christianity. Everyone knew where the Rock was but suddenly it disappeared. That is the only rock of substance and size which was suddenly removed.

Soon after the Crucifixion, the Hill became a holy area which the followers of Christ held vigils to remember and of course perform devotionals. Which again angered the Senate and the army was called in to remove the Hill. Making a Huge Wall around the location. Which only served to create a larger attraction for the earliest Christians. Specifically, because Jesus arose from the dead and began to move around his people and followers which only proved to be more of a draw and the location of the Crucifixion draw more and more people.

Which was a problem the likes of which was impossible for the Roman Army to overcome. So, if you cannot beat them, join them.

The senate then found one of their most loyal, non- Jewish low-ranking government officials who was thirsty for more. But could only be government of a flee spec of a town on the border between Anatolia and Syria and presented an offer.

Claim to be the same person, infiltrate and like a cancer corrupt the church of Simon Peter back to the philosophy of Moses and of course the Esau/Hyksos. You will have full Roman Empire support. You will of course be arrested in a few years, and brought to Rome Proper but you will live on an estate larger than your entire city. Where you will be able to preach the word of Esau and Moses to your hearts content without any real punishment. You are to infiltrate and corrupt this new sect of Judaism from within.

Of course, Paul was entirely interested. Not only was he interested he tackled his new job with the gusto of almost Sociopathic Hatred of Jews. He felt it was his duty to erase the upstart Jews who arrived in Rome less than a century after that upstart and vile Spartacus who Caesar interacted with on dozens of occasions personally. Caesar who was executed because he could no longer hide the fact he was not only a Jew, but his wife Cleopatra was also a Jew.

A Jew sitting on the Emperor’s Thorne of the Roman Empire was the definition of the spawn of Satan sitting on that Thorne. Paul was to the depth of his being disgusted by said revelations.

He in his sermons was always calling the others “evil”, “dirty”, “disgusting”, etc.

Could Paul have been told, informed, etc. that the Ogles were actually direct Nephilim descendants and instead of being from angels it was demons who impregnated females and the Ogles are directly half human half demon. Which would explain the majority of the reactions of the Vatican and Catholic Church to the Ogle family over the next two millennia.

Not to mention the all but outright attacks on their character during the Pictish revolt, the Age of the Viking, and the events leading up to the Ogles being removed from their own named Island of Britain in order to ensure that the facts and structure their possible being half human half demon would be eventually purged from the face of the earth. Their library captured and used for good and not for evil. Despite the fact that it was always Esau’s line attacking and geocoding the Ogles and whatever they were called previous.

But the “good” cultures also have an extremely warped and twisted idea of what good is. they keep slaves, are as anti-Semitic as humanly possible, and worst of all have no problem genociding to get troublesome people out of the way. but despite all those evil actions, they still consider themselves good.

The key part of infiltration is to kill any opposition, destroy all records which contradict, and fill the market with only your products in order to only have your voice available. If questions arise, either humiliate the questioner and or flat out kill them. In not much time, all insurgence against the leaders’ goal is removed and the old powerbase is replaced by a new power base.

That is the foundation of the Gospels. Trying to keep the word going despite the fact that the word and people were subject to extremes in genocide, all of their information destroyed, and the larger their supporters the nastier and more vision the “go and hurt them” the leaders would call for. Any larger group of people who want to be nasty and violent will join any group where they can be as violent as they want to be and instead of going to prison for the rest of their lives, they are rewarded with money, intimacy, and other accolades. It is all a matter of the numbers involved.

Eventually the wandering gangs of Rome formed into a powerful army the regular army was not capable of suppressing, which means it was only a matter of time before the entire Roman Empire faced the challenge of reaction.

A few waves of the crack troops of Rome were brought into suppress the street fighting between the Paul Army, the followers of Simon Peter, to back up the ill trained Roman Garrison. Usually unseasoned teenagers who were still in what would be considered boot camp. Just being in effect police till they got used to the Roman Army, then they would be trained proper. Well trained ex-soldiers and or bar fighters in a gang of a dozen to a couple hundred were no match of the city guard.

A couple waves of just too much violence and Paul's army and the followers of Simon peter would be rounded up by seasoned professional soldiers and executed in various ways. including in the arena for Simon peters, and more beastly actions to Paul's army.

The gospels were supposed to survive in the middle of mass carnage, with the Roman Senate trying desperately to rewrite history in their favor and kill any dissenting opinions against their Imperial Rule.

Which did not help that the second Caligula’s’ body double was assassinated, with him well outside the reach of the Roman Army by then. His successor elevated to the Rank of Emperor, however Claudius is not what the Roman Senate lied about.

Emperor Claudius lived much longer than the Senate records, he was killed about a decade before he was actually dead at least on legal paper from the Senate. He was replaced with a Senate figure head who was in effect his great nephew Nero. Nero was for all affect a waste of space. He loved to act, but hated all things to do with government. As the Senate enjoyed their idiot puppet in Nero, Claudius was still very much alive and with a considerable amount of the government still under his control. Which angered the Senate to a point beyond mass sociopathic tendencies.

The following three were nothing but useless pawn’s the Senate used to replace and distract from the Facts that Claudius (0-68? 79)was not only still alive but doing rather well in his 70s.



Vitellus was executed by Vespasian December 20, 69

Vespasian ruled with a genocidal fist not seen in Roman since Octavian/Augustus almost 60 years previous. Vespasian hatred matched only by Esau and of course the Third Reich, Jews of any shape, size, color, belief system, etc. his hatred consumed every waking action he did from his early teens November 17, 9 ce to his last breath. The happiest is when he witnessed Jews being brutalized to death in the streets and in the coliseum. The only good Jew or Christian for that matter was a dead one. Any literature regarding anything not pro-Roman Rhetoric was searched out and destroyed by the troops of Rome.

However, no matter what he did, he could not get the core of the followers of Simon Peter to end, and he could not break the backs of the Ogles in their kingdom. He did not understand that Caesar was successful because he had two entire decades of scouting reports from both the residence in the area and the Spartacus troops who traveled all through the areas of Europe to report back to Spartacus and Caesar’s men at the northern border what was happening. The Roman Empire was ignorant of what was up there, but Caesar possessed detailed maps and close to exact placements of troops, fortifications, etc. which he had plenty of time to formulate plans in the decade ahead of Spartacus to go into Europe and conquer it. he was mostly conquering Hyksos hideouts where they had evacuated to after the Trojan War and when assorted and substantial other battles occurred. Europe seemed to be the best place for both the Jews and of course Esau/Hyksos to evacuate to. The Jews reported to Caesar who came up and conquered them with little difficulty. Which both pleased the senate and angered them, because as Caesar grew in power, army size, and money he was unstoppable.




Bishop of Lyon Irenaeus

150 ce

This jerk took up where the previous Bishop of Lyon left off. Both were entirely disciples and devoted minions to the teachings of Paul and hated with an equal passion both Simon Peter an females. Both he and his predecessor spent most of their lives working as hard as they could to find and erase all traces of the gospels of the actual saints. This man was more of a narcissist than he was a simple priest. He took credit for actions of his master. Some of this work was done literally while he was still in Turkey learning how to spell. He could not have done the work all the way over in Lyon France. Despite the facts that the names were not called that yet. Neither Turkey, France, or Lyon.

But what Vespasian and the like missed circa 70-80 ce Irenaeus’s mentor and he made up for in spades. However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not remove or erase the most basic facts of the situation that there were copies of the gospels in locations the descendants of Paul could not reach. The Kingdom of Ogle being one of those location. The other is most of Ireland at least not for a few more centuries.

Which is really interesting since when an Esau line descendant follower of Paul arrived in Ireland Patrick was able to perform a huge amount of damaged but ???that would not be till 400 ce. Which would not be for at least 250 years. The gospels were safe and in their original Latin and also likely Gaelic.

There is less than no reason to assume Gaelic was not one of the major languages the original gospels were written in. since it was the Ogle family language that and the Futhark till about a full millennia later when they were forced to learn English. But the was only because the Age of the Vikings forced the population to learn their new language and did their best to outlaw Gaelic. However, that only worked to a limited amount. The language survived three separate waves by the English to erase it from existence.

The Book of Cells is actually a profoundly more intense book than anyone gives it credit, it was also likely created centuries before and the current is possibly a later copy of the original. The book of cells had to be rewritten in various monasteries because the stories were in most cases still the original gospels since it was not till 500 ce when Paul’s priests managed to arrive, and mass killed anyone who know about the original church. Of course, the Vatican followed the same exact tradition of the time of Paul, he was following the same tradition as his Esau line ancestors. Find something you do not like, erase it by fire, find anyone who knows information you do not like either intimidate them into silence or kill them to silence the ideas you do not like forever.

The followers of Paul figured out they had a problem. That problem was that they did not have



According to the best Gaelic translation, the word is pronounced the same as Jew. With the Druid, the brand new but not yet actually owning the Julii lands, that would not happen till the official collapse of the Roman Empire and the Vatican took over. Thanks to Constantine relinquishing control and the emperor’s throne to the Vatican and the senate was of the most part dissolved. But that is the most simple way to look at what actually happened. But by then the powerful and rich senators had mostly evacuated out of Rome and made their way to safety in other areas some to Egypt, Bath England, Paris France, etc. leaving mostly feckless wimps as senators as the new regime seized power. But just because it took a while to make it official does not mean the handover was fast or smooth. The hand over took more than a century, with mostly corrupt jerks in charge of Rome. So corrupt that they were in government for the entire purpose of squeezing every last penny of profit out of the place in order to benefit the most for themselves. They could not have cared less about the city and its citizens in any way, shape, or form. They cared about money and when could they leave that outhouse of a city.

The beginning of that outhouse cycle of Empire Rome turning from being the height of glory to an open sewer of filth in truth began with Vespasian but took 300 more years to die.

But the corrupt and powerful once locked in a really bad pattern, as long as they have huge amounts of profits streaming in, they could not care less about anything else. Everything is fine as long as they have the profits to fill them with joy and security.

Which is one reason from 90-200 ce was fraught with such really bad actions in both Rome and of course the construction of the New Testament.

The version of the New Testament would be bounced around, altered, changed, some items removed, some added, and various to assorted books both added and rejected at the same time by different groups.

Saying this is a single copy of a book would be totally incorrect. But 1000s of copies of an assembly of “the gospels” were created from 40-200 ce. Most would not be canonized, not only that but the overwhelming majority of those not canonized would be sought out and destroyed over the centuries to come. Till at last the couple of Nicaean with Emperor Constantine and his mother to oversee the construction of the final approved version of what books, what version of the books, and what would be the final philosophy the church would operate under the authority of for the next several centuries. But that crisis of faith and materials was difficult at best to assemble, because as time went on. The 1000 different copies became 10,000 different copies. Almost all of which were erased in the fires which occurred after the Vatican seized power and forced additional changes to the book it had in part overseen its construction at the counsel of Nicaea.

However, there was another problem.

Most of the residence of Italy and the Mediterranean were illiterate and the governments in charge could not find a good reason to educate its citizens. Wanting to maintain as high an illiteracy rate as possible. Since illiterate citizens are much easier to control, than literate ones.

But Gaal, Germany, Austria, the entire island chain of Britain including Ireland were highly literate and in some pockets, most of the population were able to have an equivalent education to a bachelor’s in the present. The Freemasons which would have to be reformed after Hastings saw to that. Said organization itself was backed by the Ogle family and their libraries.

The Ogles have believed since the start that an educated population is a happier and more productive population. There will always be those who are entirely convinced they have a raw deal but for the most part the population is happier literate and access to advanced placement books.

Part of the reason there was a huge war called “the burning times” which in small instants began with the construction of the “New Testament” from Romans entirely devoted to either the Roman Pantheon and of course the new Paul philosophy. They were taught that finding the books, burning them, and killing the people responsible for their construction and all associated was a holy act that they would be rewarded by both the priests and in heaven.

Which draws back to the Nephilim, the descendants of Paul at least at that time were completely convinced that they were fighting an epic battle between the forces of good Esau and the forces of the pit of hell spawn. That literacy, libraries, education, etc. were all from the devil. Let the leaders decide what to do based on the rules of the “new testament”. An illiterate population has no idea that just 20 miles in each direction those priests have their own “new testament” books and all 5 of them are nowhere close to the same. But that is ok, since only (depending on the location of the argument) a small percentage of priests in the area could actually read. Several of the early new testament copies were packed with illustrations which taught the stories. The priests according to the rules of the Vatican did not need to learn how to read the words, they only needed to be taught how to be spies and of course read the graphics in the pages.

That their bosses, and of course the popes would have known how to read, and they would give out the direction from god to the priests. Convoyed through troops, and messenger priests. Priests whose job it was to act as a in basic phone system to travel from each church to church and relay needed direction from the pope to each parish.

However, there was less than zero way to verify what each priests message was actually from the Pope and not someone the priest made up to gain more power and money from those parishes he supervises. This is especially true of the violent priests and the serial killers who joined the church.

They could travel around with an army just a few miles back, and perform any kink they wanted to. Be that killing, rape, murder, torture, stealing all the money from an area, etc. their power more than 200 miles from Rome became they had all the power and they were in effect the voice of god. The pope could not understand what was happening in the field, so his word was only as good as those city folks, out in the wilderness they had to make it up as they went along.

Being illiterate helped this. Because if you as a priest say x page says x, there is no one without z miles to say anything about it since not a single person in z radius can read. Plus, that priest has an army backing him up.

This crackdown and genocide of other versions of the New Testament caused some large cultures to protect their versions and become rather violent protecting from forces which would stop and or prevent other versions from existence.


Eastern Orthodox Version

There are differences in the Eastern Orthodox version of the Bible which are in fact so different that they tell in truth an extremely different story.

Example, Pilot was not present at the trial. He and Jesus just before Jesus left the area to head to Rome under his own power were friendly. Pilot had no issue with Jesus, they had dinner at least once together.

Pilot even offered to arrest and send his son in Jesus’ place to Rome to face execution. But Jesus turned that offer down flat.

The differences between the two are substantial to the extreme.

The differences are almost exclusively based on cultural perspective.

Gnostic Bible

This is one of the most difficult collections of banned and unacceptable books created circa 300 ce. This collection of books is not only incomplete, but it has a larger and much more difficult explanation for why it exists.

The Nag Hammadi library is the library name of the collection of materials. The collection of materials was given a Greek Name Gnostic at some point in its history. However, Gnostic in Greek means “Wisdom” which is more of a self-wisdom than an external wisdom. The self-wisdom has been so badly translated it is difficult to understand considering the radical amount of encryption which has been added to the original material.

The Gnostic codices are not about an exploration of Satan as some have claimed. Despite some prominent authors trying to turn god into their version of arrogance and ego using books which are intended to tell an entirely different story to their own rage filled purposes.

However, the codices were mostly written by both the Apostles who were sent to Egypt to “spread the word” as well as some of the court of Emperor Caligula who did not want to live in Northumberland aka the Kingdom of Ogle. Then there is of course the remainder of the Ptolemaic dynasty who either stayed after the Roman conquest or came back.

Then there is the other people.

Some of the Roman Senators who witnessed the Crucifixion had themselves a problem. They with pure hatred in their hearts wanted to see Jesus die, and if possibly be bathed in his blood from the fully and planned intentional stab wound through the right lung to hit the heart and past to hit the left lung or at least puncture it.

But the Whole Longinus thing is simply another in the long string of Roman Senate lies. As a point of fact, it is easier to assume the Roman Empire was lying than to assume they were telling the truth most of the time and lying occasionally. They would occasionally tell the truth, but only if it did not cost them to much money, power, political influence, or their life was in immediate danger.

Some of the senators but a lot of their supporters who witnessed were so radically changed by the experience they immediately converted to the bran new sect of Judaism. But the Romans in charge who refused flat out to let go of their evil, hate, ego, arrogant, etc. ways were unchanged and were only upset they could only kill him once.

When he rose from the grave and walked through the streets of Rome, they were too afraid to even think about attempting to attack him again. To the point they had no problem when he took his seat in the Senate, no one in Rome would bother him. He conquered death, they had no interest in any way of getting in his way. not till at least Paul and other hard line Hebrews and of course Philistines came around to challenge. But only Paull and some of the most Nazi like philistines were capable of holding up an argument against someone most of the rest had seen die and come back three days later. They were experienced enough in battle to know both a heart shot and the moment of death. So, they knew this was not some type of trick. He also poured out water from the wound instead of blood.

Those so changed to a radical amount were forced to either be executed in Rome or find refuge in either Northumberland behind impenetrable defenses and or Egypt. Many chose Egypt.

Which is the sources of the Gnostic library.

The problem comes next.

For the next couple centuries. The descendants of those who witnessed Jesus in Rome and in Levant lands were confronted with a huge and unmissable problem. Jesus told several 1000 of his followers to rebuild Jerusalem and of course Israel in its actual location in Egypt. However, the city of Rome aka Samhain was needed in order to achieve other goals. What those other goals are is difficult to decipher. But sufficient to say, those other goals are just as important snice if correct and Jesus is the great x grandson of Cleopatra, Caesar, and the rest of the Jewish lines from David who was a direct descendant from all the sons of Jacob. Than this is an encryption problem the likes of which has serious and substantial implications well beyond that of just if Jesus the son of god and god or not. Since the library Jesus’ family had access to and he studied from, his mother based on the word alma, and dozens of other different lines of continuity point to an incredibly serious sequence of outcomes which are still unraveling in the present.

The descendants of the Senators and other followers Jesus sent to Egypt to reestablish, were who created the Gnostic gospels but therein lies another problem.

How could they discuss the library, the pyramids, the ogle family, and the like when the Roman Empire was just one emperor away from being angry and sending troops to find and kill them. Or worse the bran new Paul and his genocidal army just itching to find and kill anyone who disagreed with them forcing their Moses story line and Esau philosophy onto all the new Christians around.

It was a race to find out who would send troops first, the Romans or Paul’s people.

According to the events in Alexandria circa Hypatia of Alexandria was a Gnostic scholar despite the facts the Roman Empire tried very hard to sell about her and her pagan beliefs. They are almost guaranteed to be pure fiction.

But all scholars and the like associated with the gospels following the orders of Jesus, and recreating Israel in Egypt as it was several millennia in the past. But the followers of Paul were by the beginning of 300 ce were too strong and pushing violently towards seizing control over the entire Roman Empire, to turn it from being at least a pretend democracy to being literally a theocracy with the Paul philosophy descended Pope as the new emperor and his archbishops as the new senators. But no governing body other than the Vatican itself.

It took the Vatican more than a century to seize power over the Roman Elite. Which was made easier by the fact that the best and brightest of the Roman Elite the favorite sons were killed at Hadrian’s Wall, generation after generation were killed in some families almost all the boys were forced to enlist and go to Northumberland to fight. They lost and lost so hard they family back home were all but devastated. The stupid, and or coward boys left behind not capable of fighting were given their fathers or older brothers seat in the senate since the girls were not allowed in any way. the senate became filled with cowards, stupid, idiots, and arrogant beyond a reasonable level jerks. The ones usually bullied and sent away to do something else by their stronger fathers, uncles, brothers, etc. were suddenly in charge of the family. This led to the family being managed into the ground. Marrying off sisters to rich friends but horrific political alliance, or worse to unacceptable families which they dd not know enough to not do. But all the family trusted friends from a generation or two previous were all dead or had their own problems and could not spent time trying to teach the jerk new generation how to manage their family correctly.

The strong and dominant Paul descendants took full and violent advantage of a Roman Army so week it could hardly defend itself let along put up with a full-scale attack from out outsider. Hence the only conquests of the city of Rome were done during the last 200 years of its existence previous to the Vatican seizing power.

In Egypt that power dynamic cascaded into Paul's descendant came down to Egypt and wanted to enforce their will and philosophy on the Egyptians. To rule as large an area as possible. This began shortly after 40 ce. But did not become strong enough till after 200 ce. When the Roman Empire began to weaken, then by 300 it was time to evacuate out of Egypt to the one and only place the Romans had no power and ability to breach the defenses. The Kingdom of Ogle. Agora, the Gnostics, etc. from Rome and Egypt evacuated out of genocide way and traveled to the north side of the defenses. Which after more half a millennia of battle needed two things, one reinforcements and two additional brain trusts at the libraries.

Because the second the Roman Empire began to collapse in Rome itself, the Vatican would seize control. Which would leave the Romans on the Eastern Front from the Sinai to Prussia in need of a safe and comfortable place to rebuild a new Roman Empire.

Rome collapses but then there is a huge problem. The Romans hated Jews and the Jews had evacuated to north of Hadrian’s Wall. Which means if the now renamed romans could breach those defenses they could kill huge amounts of Jews and seize control over the library they have been defeated by for the last 500 years without end.

The problem is, they needed to reform the best aspects of the Roman Empire, leave the worse and of course name change again to prevent connection with their roman ancestry.

They also figured out by 400 that eth gnostic gospels scholars and books were in Northumberland and they needed to be found and destroyed.

You see the gnostic scholars were having themselves a great generation after generation of academic works, scholars were having a great time, and above all thriving in the new freedoms of Israel.

But the truth did not sit wall in any way with the Romans and the descendants of Paul were especially and particularly enraged by not being able to find, capture, kill, burn, and destroy the remnants of Jesus Christ. Try as they might, they were never able to achieve that goal.

When the now starting to call themselves, Anglo-Saxons began to start to convert to Catholic, they became just as violent towards the Ogle family and their libraries including the gnostic as the descendants of Paul.

Of course, the descendants of Paul were entirely convinced that the following information was true in all ways.

The Ogle family were based on scraps of information from interrogations and portions of books that they were half demons half human Nephilim from Genesis chapter 6. They must be searched out and destroyed. Or god would smite them with all due force and intimidation. Because god cursed them with knowledge, they did not belong to them. That knowledge belonged to god and god’s chosen people, the half demon’s stole it and had kept it from the righteous for millennia.



Gnostic information Genocidal Level attacked

There was of course another direction the Gnostics could have traveled to evacuate from being all but literally genocided and their libraries destroyed. They could have followed the old evacuation route out of Egypt when the north, east, and south were cut off.

They could have traveled using the river system south to the headwaters of the Nile. Then west along the rivers south of the Sahara to Niger. Where they could have either lived comfortably with the natives of the areas or built ark’s and used the trade current to simply float on the currents to brazil, the west indies, the Caribbean, or the east coast of Florida.

To live in those areas, negotiation with the natives, for safe passage and of course being allowed to have some land to build a settlement. Which the evidence for said is more than plentiful, in fact the evidence is in about 100 different sites from the front range east to the coast.



Islam and Gnostic Information

A couple hundred years later. There was an extreme problem.

That problem was that according to the information pouring out of the Constantinople library, which the Persians allowed any scholar to come and study, but keep religion and politics out or in classrooms which were strictly monitored by armed guards. Discussions and arguments were fine as long as they were kept strictly academics/scholarly and not violent. Mind to mind, and no insults. Just keep to the platform of an exchange of ideas and of course the Socratic method. Questioning, pushing, keep trying to understand what you do not understand. but not suppression, even if the idea made your blood boil. They had just as much right to say their junk as you did. your deepest knowledge was junk to them, theirs was junk to you.

The best arguments and the best discussions were the only way to go. If you could win based on the discussion and change minds based on your strings of words great, if not than you had to find ways to not have their argument persuade your core beliefs.


By the time Mohammed and Abu Bakr gained access to Esau’s writing and worked to translate so they could recreate as close to the original Esau religion and philosophy as they could. The Gnostics and of course the Ogle family in Egypt (Israel) had faced centuries of unpleasantness. With the destruction of the Roman Empire the Vatican took over and with the built in Army of Paul were more than capable of genociding most in their sphere of influence.

However, the Gnostics did leave behind libraries and followers who chose not to leave but stay and help maintain the true Israel.

This angered Mohammed and Abu Bakr to the point of mass hysteria. Not long after they were large and substantial enough, the Islamic army was sent to conquer Egypt the same way it had been conquered three times previous.

3800 2100 1340 bce.

Massive amounts of really negative actions came with each invasion and genocide.

The scholars were forced in very quick order to realize this was not like the 300/400 waves of evil. This was like the previous times when genocide, slavery, and eradication of all ideas not Islamic were the point. so, the Christians, Coptic’s, Jews, ogles, Nephilim, etc. fled again. This time south for those that did not figure it out in time and could leave by ship north through Alexandria.

The poor had to travel south and west to Niger.

Some stayed in Niger some left to either go to Europe and hide behind the defenses to the Kingdom of Ogle and others proceeded to the Americas. Those that stayed attempted to build themselves a nice life. That life ended with violence circa 1070 when the armies of Fatimah were defeated at the Pictish revolt and were forced to evacuate Britain.  





Counsel of Nicaea 325

The fighting, battles, genocide, philosophies, etc. which led Emperor Constantine to form the Counsel of Nicaea in the first place was not pretty in any way.

Believers were for the most part just trying to learn and understand the philosophy and faith they were all but entirely unaware of. however, the ancient War between Esau and Jacob only opened up a new from during this time. Esau’s descendant lines are so completely convinced that their way is the only way (which if you examine the war between Satan and God, Esau’s actions are in all ways exactly the same as Satan’s. “you must worship god the way I have decided you will, or you will face massive hatred and violence from me and all of my followers) to worship god. Their philosophy is entirely founded on violence, hatred, rage, anger, bitterness, superiority over select groups, etc.

The largest problem is that for most of the first 300 years of the religion of this new/ancient sect of Judaism. Christianity is an invention of Paul named by one of his followers, to differentiate between himself and Jesus. When it became entirely clear that he was a bit off regarding “personality identity crisis” Paul was convinced for a while he was Jesus, not unlike Mark David Chapman who was convinced he himself was John Lennon. The only realistic response to that is for the façade to kill/erase/remove/etc. the real to replace the real with themselves. Hence Chapman killing Lennon a bit after John signed his album, and a picture of the event was snapped. The signing not the murder itself.

Which this exact pattern is what Esau and Jacob fought over. Esau was born convinced he was the true and rightful Heir to the throne of Adam. Which is the throne the King of Solomon Sits in, or all Worshipful Masters to the East sit.

The primary problem is, Esau was so completely convinced that he was the Heir that when Jacob was given the title and responsibilities. Esau had a mental breakdown and taught all of his followers, family, friends, etc. to find and destroy all of Jacobs descendants.

How this applies to the Counsel of Nicaea 325 ce.

It applies because the descendants of Esau which Moses was a huge supporter of and Paul carried the same flag. Paul for a while was sure he was actually Jesus. His follower’s decades later instead of making him Jesus they made his Saul, by changing Saul’s name to Paul. Which is how they replaced the apostle Saul with Paul. So that Paul could be in the mix and present for everything despite the fact that Paul was 1000 miles away in Levant lands at the time. But a hard-sociopathic delusional leader will not stop his followers from changing his story to make not only a good man, but saint like.

This is the core of the argument.

The Eastern Orthodox Church and the followers of Paul in the Vatican had to maintain their leader (Paul)’s self-delusion. Paul’s devotees had to remove the framework and structure of the Ogle family and all of their connections. Which included the family history of Constantine, the family heritage of Jesus, the fact Jesus never stopped being a Jew. Jesus openly practices pre-Moses/Exodus ceremonies. Jesus openly rejected almost all post Exodus Ceremonies and rituals especially those created by Moses and the first couple generations from Moses.

All that had to be removed in order to proceed with the reformulation and domination over the structure of Christianity and of course being Roman Catholic.

But from day one Paul and so people faced the nastiest and most unpleasant backlash when it came to attempt to achieve those goals. Paul's followers were even more fanatical a century after Paul’s execution for High Treason.

There is an extremely good chance he attempted to seize power during one of the year of 4 emperors and was not permitted to. As the Dead Sea Scrolls state Paul was called by all those that knew Jesus and Simon Peter, “the Evil Priest Paul” in letters they wrote to each other for the next decade.

All evidence regarding Paul’s execution has been erased from history. There is no even date when he is said to be executed, just he was “martyred” sometime between the year that Rome Burned 64 ce with Nero as Emperor and just before Nero committed suicide circa 68 ce. There is an extreme problem with these hypothesis. One they have absolutely no basis in fact in any way.

They are told by his followers who have less credibility than the senate swearing on their holiest of books that Cleopatra committed suicide in Alexandria with no date of her capture, no location of it, no time between the date of capture and her imprisonment in Alexandria, no notes as to how her great nephew despite being about 10 years older traveled her from x mystery location to her palace which she lived in and ruled Egypt from till she left heading south. Then reentered the city to meet and marry Julius Caesar.

Those are at least reasonable dates to know. The locations are usually specific rooms in very specific buildings.

But which room Cleopatra committed suicide in is also a complete mystery. Despite the facts that she was surrounded on all sides in her apartments in her own Royal Palace. The problem is, her apartments would have two features. One they would have about a dozen rooms, and two at least two if not six secret entrance/exits she would know about but she would not tell Octavian in any way. Half a dozen to ensure that you can tell an enemy up to one to three, but you they will likely stop asking at four.

Super rich, and ancient buildings custom built by the royal family who made their money and Royal status by conquest. Evacuating is the first thing on the mind of royals when they build their Royal Palaces. Even if her fiction imprisonment was in just one room, and all surrounding rooms were filled with soldiers. Her person bedroom would have at least 3 escape tunnels, built by her ancestors.

In the dozen years she was in Rome, there is less than zero reason her royal guards would have not commissioned to have secret new tunnels installed on the off chance they would be needed if she ever had to flee from the clutches of Roman life as Empress/Pharaoh. The Romans did not take a second per day to let her know how much they hated her.

The entire situation was pure fiction.

Paul making a play to be the next Emperor during and or after Claudius is not only within reason, it would be out of character to assume he did not make a play.

In fact, based on how demented he was, there is every reason to assume that when Nero and other members of the Julii family evacuated the Empire because the genocide towards them was becoming too much of a burden.

That Paul did not take on the “personality identity crisis” and instead of being Jesus, he switched to being Nero. And in his mind, did become Emperor.

The Senate using him as nothing more than a braindead pawn in order to push the reforms they wanted. To milk the city of all of its power and money.

Cutting the end of Claudius’s time as Emperor by 13 years and inventing Nero (but it was really Paul) is not only entirely within the framework of what both Paul and the Senate would do. It is difficult to imagine them not performing these actions.

Anything to seize power back form the Pharaoh Simon Peter aka Claudius. But those details amongst countless others were part of what the Christian Jewish Wars were about. Paul wanted the Triumvirate of Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. Paul’s people were flat out demanding that structure in all ways, and rejected all other forms. Despite the fact that it is the same structure as God, holy spirit (limbs), Ptah standing on the Ben Ben stone over the pool of creation/destruction.

The really interesting thing about that how mythology of the Romulus and Remus is actually the code for Yr Hen Ogle dd.

The Divine (Amber) She Wolf, nursing (vertical) a couple infants, those infants in a wolf den (Land). Or in other words North Umber land.

When Remus was killed, likely by touching something he should not have touched. Possibly the Sword of Longinus, Romulus became in effect the Ptah of the bran new Roman Empire. which was about half the size of the city of Rome. The rest of the city was still Samhain and would remain for years.

The rage the Romans possessed about the function and structure of their own faith and culture knowing most of their ancestry was pure fiction was too difficult for most of them to deal with. So, what do humans faced with a crisis of conscious, wrap themselves harder and tighter into the very blanket of illusion they came to the realization was nothing but pure fiction. But comfortable lies are much preferable to the mind crushing facts.

The Romans who embraces the fictions and structure of the Greek City/State also faced the worse kind of issues, primarily because the city of Rome possessed a history which was about 2500 years old before Romulus was even born. Based on the facts that when the forced from Mecca invaded Egypt circa 3800 bce, they kept pushing the settlers of Italy farther and farther north till there was no place else to go except to the north side of the Mediterranean.

But they as a collective never forgot where their blood enemy went to.

No matter fi their blood enemy were Half Angelic Half Human Nephilim descendants, or just a group of really smart people is a different question entirely.

What does it matter if the outcasts and rejects of a collection of cultures form their own secret “brain trust” communities. With friends and members of their family who do not want to live without them come along. There are plenty of jobs selling, farming, marketing, etc. the items and ideas which the really smart people think of.

Their collectiveness would take on the same characteristics as a “group of angels” or descendants from Angels. Any sufficiently advanced culture especially if the scientists and scholars are allowed to just do their thing without the stupid’s always throwing road blocks to prevent forward progress.



Nephilim subject was a very difficult subject to bring up specifically regarding the Counsel of Nicaea since a huge amount of the participants were more anti-Semitic than Adolf and his Third Reich friends. The problem came about because the people who actually knew Jesus and Simon Peter were entirely convinced to the base of their being that he was just putting forward the ancient structure of ATEN worship, which had been around since Noah. However, Paul and his descendants wanted less than nothing to do with the ATEN concept. They were going to with every tool in the book including threats of violence, and actual violence force the adaptation of their Moses Esau based ideals which are about as Anti-Semitic and Judaism as possible and not outright call for the genocide of the entire culture. Although there are more than a few places which produce biblical lessons which are just a hair shy of advocating for genocide to “the others”.

But those definitions have been long ago lost to the structure of time and translations.

The Hatreds are something to behold. Paul's followers demanded an almost total break from the 1000s of years of history and religious structure to build something entirely new. But using 99% of the past to build the new. But denying to their dying breath they

Had connections to or with the past. It is an insane thing to hate the Jews to a dozen separate times genocidal level, but still swear loyalty and allegiance to the King of the Jews. they hate Jews and want them all killed in beastly and the most grotesque manner, but their lord and savior is the King of the Jews. However, who they are actually following their “Lord” is Paul not Emmanuelle.


Scorpion King family

Yr Hen Ogle dd






The Khufu Pyramid has a hugely complex situation.

The more academic research is done on this subject the more complex and layered the studies become.

The Structure of the Khufu Pyramid tells two stories at the same time. The story of the World Tree in Qabalah it is

Some scholars of several different branches of thought and philosophy have spent lifetimes for the last several thousand years studying the following. But they can only get so far, since they have no idea that just another copy of a profoundly older idea of this “World Tree” is built into the Khufu Pyramid.

Which is another way of perceiving the “World Tree” As a Snake.

But the Hebrew Associations are unmistakable. The problem is, the Elder Futhark is not only older but is itself a Calendar map of the structure of the Universe.

But in the Norse Religion courtesy of Snorri Sturluson and a few other authors “the Poetic Edda” and “The Havamal”. They describe the same thing from a very Elder Futhark perspective.





Hwhc is on the upper end of extraordinarily difficult because that is infinite things happening in the same exact variable at not only the same time, but infinite numbers of different times. Saying complex does not even come close to a description.

When you add the language found in the structure of time, which you have to since the Futhark is the parent of Hebrew. Every single Elder Futhark Letter example Fehu, is itself is the 3rd character in the Hebrew letter Alef. But every single Hebrew letter which contains an F sound is also part of that structure. Things become complex instantly.



Hermetic is a sequence of lessons and information which is much more mysterious than the strange and unusual structures of how the Catholic Church itself was constructed.

The Hermetical study concepts are a Greek renaming of the lessons of Thoth, which is obviously Egyptian. The problem is, just because it is Egyptian does not add in most ways to the formulation and structure of what it means.

The ancient evidence and information directly associated with the Pyramids and related technology itself had faced 100s of times when it was outlawed, suppressed, etc. not just at the Council of Nicaea 325, there was also another council in 887. The problem with the second council is it brought an huge amount of Islamic ideas into the mix, as well as reformulated ideas which created Islam in the first place. The voices of the Hermetic and other pro-ATEN and Egyptian, Jesus groups were much easier to silence or simply not have then in attendance. The really bad people had an almost total say in the reworking on the New Testament, without those pesky Jesus and Simon Peter followers being as educated and of course being a strong group voice. So, they could be ignored easier.

The Hermetical orders of the Greek deity are directly from the organization of Thoth. Which by the end of the lifetime of Cleopatra most of it had moved to Northumberland in order to maintain their organizational structure. Because most of the rest of the area was unsafe. The scholars were going to be killed and their books burned. So, they had to hide behind a powerful army. That army was the Northumberland or Kingdom of Ogle Army.

Some attempted Ireland but they had problems of their own.

But to blend in changing the name from Thoth to a local deity and or a local lore is just part of the encryption process.

Of course, there are secrets inside the orders of Thoth/hermetical that were directly either created by and or said was used as the encryption tool for the library the Ogle family/Nephilim possessed. They kept the library, they as a family did not necessarily write every book or come up with every single idea. But keep those ideas safe is the point. *



Khufu Pyramid the Yggdrasil

Based on the work done with other research and the consistencies within the structure of the Lake Nemi Ships (their rather radically extreme importance to the Russian Empire/Army Spy Organization/Third Reich), the Age of Camelot regarding the Lake Nemi ships, Noah’s Ark, King Solomon’s Temple, the Library of the Nephilim (the entire bottom half of Genesis Chapter 6 is all about the books contained in said library, just cause Moses edited it out does not mean the overall meaning changed that much, just more lies and pure filth of evil to hide facts and evidence of the path of the ATEN from Humans), the library of the Hierakonpolis, etc. all those factors together produce an incredibly difficult equation.

That equation is only directly about every single Masonic Lodge Building, but about every single Ogle family member whose DNA was present through the construction, reconstruction, recreation, recreation, etc. of the Temple of God. No matter how much the enemies of god want to erase, censor, edit, alter, etc. the facts the Facts cannot change. And the enemies keep themselves and their entire populations too ignorant to be able to know what they need to destroy to erase all the puzzle pieces.

The Yggdrasil Tree as described in extricating detail in Poetic Edda match in equal detail the Architecture of the Khufu Pyramid.

Which also matches the fact that in the Queens chamber south shaft, the anteroom of only a very small number of cubic inches. The four characters on the floor show absolutely beyond proof of the Futhark, and therefore not only proof but there is an association of Hebrew Letters. Which means the Hebrew each and every one has its own Tree sequence of information cascading from.

The information again becomes infinitely complex instantly.

The council of Nicaea Members probably did not have much of an idea of this information but did not want to know it either. They in a very real effect hated the entire concept. They wanted Christianity and of course Catholicism to be as simple as possible.

They used the Classics the psychological tools built in to ensure that they had a perfect population control device. That their citizens would take on the beliefs presented with New Testament and never question their authority.

To implement this, the Vatican went on a genocidal wave of destruction which lasted well over 1200 years. Killing anyone and everyone who questioned the authority of the Vatican. Those laws were called “Heresy Laws” and most of the time those laws were flat out capital crimes. And the books were usually burned, but some copies were sent to the Vatican Archive. But mostly they were burned.

Sometimes for an added bonus scholar would be burned to death with their own books and notes as kindling to start the fire.


It is not stated outright; however, it might be hinted at and or written in a few of the documents that the information the Vatican wanted to hide was not angelic but the exact opposite. Paul’s people were convinced at least based on behavior patterns that they were finding Nephilim and they needed to take those half humans half demons and kill them. That killing them by fire was the only way to actually kill them.


Khufu Pyramid and Freemasonry 


Tartarus in both Cumean Sybil construct (a painting of a Sybil is on the Sistine Chapel) a temple of which dating to at least 1000 years previous to the birth of Romulus is or was a few hundred feet to the north west of the Vatican.

The pit in the Sub-Chamber is most likely a symbolic representation of the Pit/Pool of Tartarus.

The concept is a pit, pool, and a being. Hence the pool/being thing.

In Greek Mythology since it was a bad knock off from Egyptian, the Being/Pool is where the Ben Ben stone arose from the depths from. Formed from the Depths by the ATEN in order to have the First Man Ptah to stand on. Ptah then proceeded to use intelligence to call into existence items from the primordial pool.

The thinking and sound are in a very real effect the structure of the Elder Futhark and of course Hebrew.





Khufu Pyramid and the build in Language

Khufu Achilles Heal


Causeway’s A and B; A start at the top of the Pyramid B at the destination.

The Different sects of the brand-new Christianity a mixture of both Paul and Simon’s philosophy are echoed in the structure of the ATEN built into the causeway from the Ben Ben stone.

No matter how far you try to travel from your origin, your original is in your DNA.


Islamic Structure


In working on and researching the Nephilim, uncovered dozens and dozens of every interesting and entirely unusual collections of facts.

Not the least of which are the facts surrounding the structures of the Causeways.

As the ATEN descendants via Limbs/Spirit/Holy Ghost reaching the Ptah/Prophet standing on the Ben Ben Stone Matthew 16:18 “you will build your church upon me (Peter) and speak the word” which is the definition of Ptah. The words will have an effect on the gates of Hell.

Which is very interesting regarding the structure of what the job of Ptah, the Ben Ben Stone aka Peter, and the sounds of Simon which means divine sound.

It is extremely badly edited version of the description of the task of Ptah.

But the “spread the word” is the Causeways. The Causeways, are a special and unique form of the structure of religion. Each human on the planet has to have said religious philosophy packaged specifically for them to truly understand it.

The graphic above presents how both Paul's version and Islam itself formed. Each “Metatarsal bone in the foot” in this case in the pyramids there are 16 toes in the foot. At least from Egypt. There are more in Rome, but that is a different and much more complex story.

In Mecca the feet are in Mecca and Medina. And Omni directional. Depending on the direction of the sun.

Islam is not concerned with from the ankle bone up to the calf,

Where Egyptology and the lessons of the Nephilim are only interested in from the ATEN down the Calf to the Ankle standing on the Ben Ben Stone over the primordial sea which is where Ptah created items from the raw material.

Moses *

Moses’ birth and life are a very large mixed bag of mostly fiction.

By his own hand Moses wrote that he was born a Jew and was put in a floating ark. That ark was floated down stream to the palace of the Avaris. That Palace at the time was full of the Pharaohs family. One of his daughters found the bassinets and being without a child chose to accept the close to new born infant as her own and raise him as an Avaris.

After her father agreed to the adoption. Moses was raised as any other Hyksos Prince would be. With extreme effort on the side and part of hatred towards Jews, and of course to seek out half demon’s half humans and kill them.


Although most of that was erased 800 years later when the Torah became finalized.  

But when the Torah became finalized, it was a very different book or collection of books than had been written before the Exodus.

Moses never lost his nurture hatred for Jews, despite what he wrote about himself. In fact, not only did he never lose his hatred of Jews he never lost his want to lie, cheat, steal, kill, etc. which all the deadly sins are not only acceptable to the Hyksos/Avaris the culture rewards those actions. The more you kill, steal, cheat, lie, etc. the higher your standing in the community.


From the moment Moses entered the care of the Hysiso at the city of Avaris, to the moment he died he could not stop himself from being a total right bastard regarding his treatment of the Jews.

His wrote in his books that he war was against his step father, Seti. Nothing could be farther from the truth. His war and who was killed on the battlefield was not his adopted brother but 19-year-old King Tut, when he formed his army together to chase Moses down to capture and release his Jewish citizens and family. But when he engaged in battle, he falls from his at full speed chariot and ripped his patella off. Which caused an infection, he was dead 10 days later

His widow was then immediately evacuated out at some point before that battle to the city of Carthage where she took on her non-Egyptian/Israelite name to become Queen Dido to marry Ǽneas. Ǽneas’s son or grandson the documentation from the Romans is entirely unclear with a huge amount of purpose behind the mysteries. That descendant from Ǽneas was literally the father/grandfather of Prince of Troy Brutu who took as many civilians out of Alba Longa and the city of Samhain to give them a safe place to be in Northumberland. Where Hadrian’s wall would eventually be constructed. Brutu founded the British people, with the Ogle family and other families being founding families. The Trojans in Italy knew that once the descendants of Agamemnon’s army found them, that the second the gates of Troy were breached, that the younger men would immediately set sail for Italy and engage in battle to destroy those who had evacuated.

Which the first part attacking the city of Troy is the Iliad and the second would be the Odyssey to Troy.

Moses took part in both of those wars. Despite the fact he lied and forced this people and slaves to either live life according to his rules or they would be executed on site.


But Moses and his descendants did not suffer any questioning of their authority in any way. Not till King David came along, was Moses’ rules and absolute authority become questioned.

Moses descendants spent the next 300 years killing anyone who disagreed with their version of the facts of history. A pattern of behavior which is systemic to when the Avaris (Moses adoptive family) aka Hyksos and through all their descendant cultures. For some reason all the Hyksos are entirely convinced that they are good, god fearing, righteous, following the path of the lord, etc. and their enemy are half demons sent from hell and need to be confronted and erased from existence.

Example Andrew Jackson, even though worked with Tammany Hall to create and found the Democratic Party, he found and killed countless Jews hiding in native populations. He displaced millions of natives from their natural areas to Oklahoma. Even though he literally owned 1000s of slaves, and his family had owned 10,000s of slaves over the previous centuries. The Jackson family had literally owned plantations and did direct business for centuries with that centuries version of Al-Qaida. The last pockets of Royalists British and French living on the frontier in and around New France which is east of the Mississippi, and a few pockets west of the Mississippi, despite all that genocide and crimes against humanity. He was entirely convinced his actions were holy and set himself a place in Heaven.

Moses had a similar behavior pattern, that he was despite destroying as much of pre-exodus Judaism as he could. Despite rewriting every single word of the Jewish holy books to fit Esau’s philosophy. Even though he was unacceptable angry when the Ogles from Northumberland did not come back and accept being folded into this slave army. Despite monstrously levels of the most disgusting lies which are entirely easy to disprove. For some reason Esau’s line loves to hold their own truths which have no basis in reality and get violent with any questioning of their fictions by accusing everyone else of “Fake News”. The Vatican under the direction of a Hyksos/Moses descendant pushed and won the Fake News War regarding Flat Earth. The earth is a globe, but that was fake fiction for more than 1400 years. Why because the Hyksos have to maintain the illusion they were chosen to be the head/pharaoh of the Tabernacle System of Adam. Despite every time they capture one, it does not work for them. And when they force their Jewish slaves to work the system, it only semi-works for a very short time. This makes them very angry. In consequence, the Hyksos descendants of Esau after trying to make it work from 2500 – 1100 bce, erased it from existence. Deleted all references they were too stupid, ignorant, and illiterate they could find. Talk about a repeat pattern, their actions are entirely predictable spoiled strong and tall 3-year-old in desperate need of a nap, to be changed, and of course to be fed. But as long as they get what they want before they realize they want it, they are pleasant and happy toddlers. But they have been prevented from achieving what they want, since they were informed and keep being reinforced they are not allowed access to the tabernacle system of Adam. Which is a huge reason from 1300-950 it was systematically erased form history courtesy of the erasure of all western culture ancient languages. By direct order from Moses. He hated his authority questioned, so he made sure to direct his followers and his slaves to erase Hieroglyphics, Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, etc. every language he thought might have a version of the facts that contradicted his fictions. Because to him and them they are facts, and the facts are fictions.


Levant Slave Jews

Levant from the time of Moses to King David was used as a training camp for Hyksos armies to gain some experience with real battle before heading out to conquer real armies. The Jewish slaves in levant which makes every Jew in levant a slave, were given anything they could make themselves weapons. Were forced to obtain their own foods, water, shelter, clothing, etc. and every once in a while, or in some cases constantly the men were rounded up and forced to fight and be killed by various armies in order to season them. Then they would be sent to the Aegean to recapture their old lands that the demons (where the Tolkien Story originates) had cast a spell on the Thera Volcano to make it erupt and destroy the vast majority of the Hyksos in the area. 100,000s of not several million Hyksos were killed which ended the 17th Egyptian Pharaonic dynasty. Allowing the 18th Jews and of course the worship of the ATEN back into the royal houses of the Pharaoh. The 18th dynasty were both Jews and they worshiped the ATEN. They worshiped the ATEN in private. But the second to last pharaoh demanded to worship the ATEN in public and insist that the official religion of Egypt or the people be the ATEN. Which angered the Hyksos/Avaris to a point of mass sociopathy.

The outright hatred of the Jews was something to behold. Which might be what set Moses off into his need to silence forever the voice of the ATEN and the original religion of the Jews. Which he mostly succeeded at. Since the original religion of the Jews was all but entirely erased from existence. Minus pockets and odd cryptical sentences which can easily be miss understood and mistranslated.

 Any and everything in order to hide the details of what the Jews used to be, to rebuild the new Jews into good Esau followers. Cannot defeat them, obliterate them and have them become you.

Then of course attack the Hold outs culture who possess a library which can disprove all of your fictions.

But that would be for a different century. That would take about a millennium to achieve, building up resources, traveling to the different areas which the Jews had evacuated to, and then erasing each location from existence.

Ending with Caesars invasion of Britain, which did not end well for Esau’s culture.

But a temporary setback is just a chance to regroup in order to find a new weakness and attack a different way.

However, in the 300 years between Moses forcing his slaves to give up the real Israel to travel to levant lands and rename it to fake Israel. It was a fortune for Moses and his Hebrews. They were making money hand over fist by cousin armies seasoning themselves by killing fake Jewish armies. Which was only the smallest modification from the plan the Hyksos performed 1000 years previous. When they rounded up the Jews in Egypt which did not run away too quickly, placed them into slavery. Then forced them into a shield wall to conquer the rest of Egypt, then the Sinai, then into Levant lands, up and over to the eastern portion of the Anatolia Peninsula.

Then across the southern portion of the peninsula to the Ǽgean. To then conquer the Ǽgean as the Cycladic culture evacuated as quickly as they could. Warning that the Thera volcano was about to erupt. The Hyksos ignored the entire situation and put a sizable portion of their army in the city at the base of Thera.

A city of between 100,000 and a million that rivaled Athens in splendor and grandeur was abandoned by the Cycladic. The Hyksos moved in because obviously the Cycladic were lying about the volcano and were simply cowards for not wanting to fight.

When 1530 occurred.

It took the remaining Hyksos in their capital city of Avaris is regroup and to build sufficient numbers to be a threat again. Which is when Moses and his generation began to stand up and be noticed.

Repeating the same behavior patterns, but this time instead of starting outside of Egypt. They began from Avaris. Capturing Jews and turning them into slaves, to fight their battles.

Instead of using the army as a wave, although point of fact some of that was done. The vast majority of the Jewish slave army was used in place as basic training to season the youth to learn how to kill. Because there are several cities the Hyksos from 1000 years previous gave to the Jews after conquering them, which the Jews used strategy and cunning to prevent their being conquered again. They changed the defenses, changed designs, remodeled the walls, etc. so they the Hyksos or their descendants came back the win loss equation was too heavily weighted in the Jews former slaves side. And it would take too many resources to conquer those cities. Example the Phoenician Empire, was simply too strong.

Of course, there is no reason in any way to assume the Phoenicians did not invite openly and lovingly any and all super smart and educated in the entire area to come and live. All expenses paid, as long as you produced solid material in whatever your field was. Poetry is just as important as weapons technology. So is sculpture to architecture. Feed the soul feed the defenses.

And as long as you stay in your defenses, and have solid miles long escape tunnels, when your walls will eventually be breached. You can live comfortably for centuries. Which is exactly what happened. The Phoenicians turned into a huge brain trusts and began to develop libraries which would rival the Ogle family library. Which points to a strong and consistent partnership with the Ogle family of Northumberland. Of course, this is previous, and a bit post the Trojan War.

Which was mostly fought over a very bad and narcissistic commander of the Avaris forcing his army to take on Jewish cities which most other commanders refused to attack because their defenses were simply too great.

He devoted so many resources that he all but crippled the area of the Ǽgean for a while 1300-800 bce. Allowing nastier and most violent war lords to seize control and force the Dorians/Avaris/Hyksos Dark age. one of those War Lords was Moses. Which led to a rather difficult sequence of events when he brought the Jews being slaughtered in Levant lands culturally to their knees. Forcing them to build a grand temple to the lord a replacement for the previous temples in Israel. But that evidence was mostly lost, and entirely discounted by the Hebrews from Moses. Forcing the Jews to accept Levant as the new Israel/Jerusalem by forcing them to rebuild Israel in Levant. Allowed the Hyksos in charge of Egypt to finish their erasure of the Jews presence in Egypt. So, they would never come back.

Which turned into pure fiction when Jesus ordered his people to return to Egypt and rebuild Israel where it is supposed to be. Both the Romans, and later Islamic armies had the most sociopathic response to said actions. Invading to ensure that the new construction and culture were erased from existence. They had spent all that time genociding the Jews out of Egypt three separates times previous, they were even more angry when they were forced to perform the same actions for a fourth time between 200-650 ce. Fortunately for the Hyksos it has not been a problem since. Based on their educational reforms of 800-100 bce, in Greece little if any academic records will be accepted to place Israel in Egypt as it was intended from the start. But that matters zero to the Hyksos and their descendants who to this day are still holding academics hostage to hide evidence from the past.

It appears that Moses figured out that controlling books, education, language, architecture, etc. was the key to being able to erase entirely the Jewish presence. Which in the last 3000 years has worked to about a 99% effective rate. The problem is, it is impossible to remove entirely that which the ancients were so advanced they figure out a way to put puzzle pieces all over the place which allowed a road map to rebuild ancient technology. That road map of course built into ancient knowledge.

Knowledge is the enemy of the Hyksos, despite the fact they depend on it to achieve their global domination goals. They had both the people who think it up, and the devises themselves. They hate the people who think it up in part because they have been taught those people are demons, or half demons and any interactions with them will result in being corrupted by Satan to perform bad actions. Actions which the leadership will instantly disapprove of. Actions like perceiving humans as humans and not “us against them”, and worse “unless you worship god in x way, you are evil and must be destroyed”.




The Exodus *

Is an extremely strange and fictional set of very real events which were entirely intended to hide what really happened. Moses went toe to toe against King Tut a meek and mostly crippled 19-year-old, while Moses was a strong and dominant grown adult with battlefield experience. The entire situation was not recorded by the Egyptians because Tut would be killed too quickly after. Moses on the other hand who lied so much he likely forgot there was a different between facts and the story he told. He wrote his story in his own five books of the bible. Editing the first book down from a huge monstrous set of volumes to a book of just 51 chapters. Most of the chapters are rather small and only a few 1000 words. In comparison with what Genesis used to be, it just to be an epically huge volume of information which was an entire set of languages, math's, maps, science, etc. all rolled into one.

As it is written in Genesis, the part Moses the illiterate, ignorant, and evil man did not know enough to remove. When Jacob leaves the city of Luz to travel to “The Light Place” that place was the Bent Pyramid. His lies are not that difficult to decode. Since 60% of genesis takes place in Egypt, it is not that difficult to determine exactly where Jacob ruled as Pharaoh of Israel.


Jacob slept on the stones of a Megalith that night.

In that sleep he dreamt of a ladder to heaven. Where angels could ascend and descend from heaven.

Not unlike the concept of the Nephilim provided they are not demons but angels. Which points to an extremely complex Electro-Magnetic science in existence. 

Proving that science is both easy and of course difficult. As mentioned the Hyksos/Avaris/Dorians still have a solid and violent lock on what is acceptable and what is not in academics. That lock has been in existence for the last three millennia without stop. At times that lock has been bent a few times, and for short periods of time things have slipped through the cracks, but the door is still very much solidly shut.

Example if you want to a rabbinical school and presented evidence of Moses, and Hebrew as being anything other than what they think it is, the reception will be to an extreme amount unpleasant.

If you want to Egyptology school and presented evidence that the Pyramids were not graves, you would be laughed out of the room or the room would clear out very quickly. Fictions sold as facts is not a new thing. 45 did not invent “Fake News” neither did Nixon, of Adolf Hitler, nor the Prussians, or enumerable other Hyksos descendants groups. Anything which disagrees they are the right and proper pharaoh of the right hand of god, needs to be removed from existence as quickly as humanly possible.

As long as the Jews were in Egypt, the Jews might find a way to find out that the Pyramids are the oldest surviving copy of the book of Genesis. Written using the rules of architecture, mathematics, astrophysics, etc. to create the spelling. Does not pay to burn libraries instead of reading them. Reading them you might be able to educate yourself enough to decrypt the ancient language of Indo-European. Do not educate yourself and prefer to only interact with violence, genocide, lies, deceit, etc. than you have no idea how to read a wall when than well clearly in all ways has proven writing on it. the Hyksos descendants are simply too ignorant, illiterate, and prone to violence to allow something their leaders have instilled in them. Do not question authority. Then there are those of us who have no choice and must follow the evidence.

The first piece of evidence, and this hard, undeniable, and completely proven evidence which cannot be argued against unless the person wants to look really bad. All pre-500 bce languages in the western world literally were letters and numbers depending on use previous to when Arabic numbers were invented.

Which means that in Hebrew the letters are also numbers depending on how they were used.

There is less than zero doubt that the pyramids of Egypt were built with engineering several centuries beyond current engineering qualifications. As in no matter how hard our engineers attempt, we simply cannot rebuild even a small section of any portion of the pyramids with our or even the technology we think (entirely wrong assumptions)


Have 2



As the graphics clearly shows, two bulbs/working in tandem together. With some type of deity/person standing on a stone and the other bulb with the Djed sticking out of it.


Ok. So, a hypothesis to consider.


What if instead of moving the blocks into position one by one by those bulbs being just Electro-Magnetic levitation generators. That in fact the ancients figured out Warp technology.

To simply have two bulbs in the exact positions around a ready to go stone.

And two more in exact positions where the stone needs to be placed.


Have the Item instantly disappear from location A and appear in exactly location B. Be able to move 1000s if not 10,000s a day.

Which the 10,000s a day point to the actual records found about how many crews working to place each block as each block.

That means they had an equivalent of several dozen crews all working long hours. In fact, since there were several feet long light bulbs, the crews could work 3 or 4 shifts of 24 hours. Not having to stop for anything at all for any reason. But the most important people involved were not the strong people holding the bulbs, but the measurement team. Who had to be with complete precision every time they moved a rock.

Fact 16 if the Causeways of the Pyramids bisect to the mm specific locations around the globe. The most impressive is the Khufu Pyramids causeway bisects the very top of Mount Everest.


Knowing it was only in 2010 modern technology finally caught up with the ancient technology enough to prove what they built is not a century beyond where we are in the present but more like three centuries.

That sequence of events is impossible to disprove the ancients did not have knowledge of astrophysics, because Orion’s Belt is laid out in exact to the mm detail on the Giza Plateau. Which amounts to two things. One they were built at 10,450, which has been the subject of ridicule by academics since it was found.

Or two that the ancients could track the position of Orion’s belt backwards in time by more than 5000 years from 2500 bce to 10,450 to know its exact position. Which in all hard fact, the second calculation is seriously more impressive in all aspects.

What does this have to do with the Torah. Because the book of Genesis has the Causeway built in, the parent of Hebrew covers that information. Somewhere buried deep within the letters and sentences of Hebrew are the secrets of the causeways in Egypt.

That is some insanely complex encryption.

Makes the Enigma machine look simply in comparison. Not because of the math, but because it is math, languages, and a different type of mathematics all working together and separately. It is not just a simply x for y letter system with 16 0s behind the number. Of course, they started with 3 rotors and by the end were about to add a 6th from 5.

But that is actually just a simple letter for letter decryption.

This encryption is infinitely more complex, added to the fact that the Hyksos have devoted both consciously and subconsciously 4500 years to seeking out any related information and destroying it.

But the good news is, there is at least portion of genesis available to rebuild the ancient original. But the ancient original at least a partial copy is still in existence. So, the two can be compared and the statistical constructs are possible.


After the five books of Moses


After the 5 books of Moses the rest of the Old testament is about events which occurred at undetermined times between the Hyksos invasion and the Jews working to finalize the torah in Babylon. The best and most effective way to ensure that the events in the past will not interfere with the hiding the details of those actions are to strip out the dates for when things happened.

The five books of Moses were entirely insufficient since they did not contain any real data regarding ceremonies, or the Jewish lifestyle. They were merely the ramblings of Moses trying to force a not entirely formed philosophy and forcing others to obey, without actually forming what they had to obey. And obeying him and his followers does not work long term, a few generations and the message is at least 100 years dead from anyone who had even the most remote contact. A very old man talking to a young child. That young child has been dead for a decade or two who died of extreme old age.

That person’s recollections can be passed to the next generation, but the message will be lost in translation.


Which both worked in Moses favor and to the negative, since he was subject to the same level of censorship as his victims. Ruth, Samuel, judges, etc. were all written sometimes a long distance after the first five books. The actual formulation of the books did not occur till circa 500 bce which is in the area of around 800 years between Moses and the writing of the rest of the Torah. That almost millennia the light of the Hebrews and Jews suffered to an extreme amount during those centuries. It suffered in part because different Hebrew and other Hyksos War Lords could not get their act together enough to be able to not fight against each other. In fact, within a century of the Ark of the Covenant being placed inside King Solomon’s Temple it was taken out by the Queen of Sheba’s son with King Solomon. His army was so large that none of the residents of the city of his great great grandfather were going to stand up to him.

He came in, claimed what was his and evacuated the entire area. Which was by chance the last time the ark was in recorded history.

After that it does make a small few years to few decades stop over on Lake Tanna, then it was moved out. Based on statistics it was moved south then west to the Niger River.

Then across the Ocean to the Americas.

Which likely placed it in the most safe and secure area the Ogle family could control at the time which wat St Augustine Florida.

There are dozens of reasons for the selection of St Augustine Florida.

The Ark might still be there, or it was moved farther away from the enemies who only wanted to use it for evil.

The Fountain of Youth in St Augustine Florida. The Myth and Legends began shortly after the Spanish began to arrive in the New World. Of course, just a handful of years previous the Spanish were still under and subjects of a violently militant Islamic couple of War Lords. Al-Qaida or whatever they were calling themselves then makes little difference, different Muslim groups name change all the time to avoid association with other groups. But their primary mission has not changed at all. Find and kill Jews, find and destroy all which is connected to Satan, find and destroy all that the minions of Satan have touched.

The Behavior patterns of Esau’s line are with a few deviations exactly the same for 4500 years without missing a single day in the middle. They stretch backwards by several millennia, but they were not called Esau/Hyksos till those dates are fixed. But Esau did not invent his philosophy and or his soul level need to find and kill Jacobs line. Nor was Jacob the first to think of his philosophy. The Esau v Jacob thing is not all that different than the Noah versus his bad people actions. That one-time god intervened, but in the 6000 years since, god has allowed the evil in man to rule and let them just go absolutely crazy with the their “hard to define” need to kill, genocide, destroy, and create weapons to conquer all of their enemies.

Knowing that one day they will turn those divine weapons against god, because god has offended them too. What offense has god done, not put them in charge of planet earth from the start, they should have been given domination over earth from the very beginning. And Jacob should have never existed. That nasty and stupid science stuff built into the fabric of spacetime which is translatable into various languages; they had that stuff the most. Because it shows literally the language of god and that language might at some points tell them no regarding something the leader and or the community want to do. And god tells them in no uncertain written terms, “NO”!!! which to extremely dominant Patriarchal cultures, no is not something they can tolerate in any way from anyone. They want, they take, and no one including god will tell them no.


The Challenge for the Jews and Hebrews for the 700 plus years from the Exodus/Trojan War to the point the torah was actually formed and written down was they virtually had no ceremonies or body or work in which to encapsulate what this new thing was. Since Moses did an exceptionally awesome job at stripping the old out, he did not rebuild a replacement. The Jews hardly possessed any ceremonies for 700 years to be Jewish. The Hebrews possessed ceremonies, but those ceremonies were reorganized versions of ancient Hyksos and Egyptian polytheistic rituals.

This stripped bare and have to start from only pagan ceremonies and of course Hyksos philosophy ideas and ideals is one of the reasons King David and his grandson agreed to create their copy of the Temple of Tier which itself was a copy of an el Beth El in Egypt. The Kirkwall scroll in the UK describes the construction of King Solomon’s Temple.

A not exactly scroll which is more of a carved-on rock. Describes the sequence of the rebuilding of El Beth El, each new location the Jews were forced to evacuate from. They built a new Jerusalem where they were ether forced to move to and or forced into a ghetto. Some places they had to evacuate to, but they were basically free, other places they were forced into labor and extermination camps. Those extermination camps are like Levant and a couple areas in Egypt. Forced to be in a confined area in order to be and function.

That scroll tracks their progress, but it does not actually tell the correct story. Since part of that scroll assumes that el Beth el was originally built in levant lands, which has no basis in reality. Despite what the Hyksos/Hebrews have been selling for the last 3000 years.

Remember how propaganda works.

“Create a lie, make it simple, repeat it constantly, and eventually the population will accept it as if it has always been a fact”.





Now knowing all this was going to happen, stripped of language, holy books, ceremonies, placed into slavery, etc. the Hyksos were not the first to do it, and would not be the last by a couple dozen. Up to and including the American Plantation system and of course the Third Reich. But in the modern world the Plantation system has evolved to create a new form of indentured servants. The employees who are working paycheck to paycheck, with wages which are in basic economy scale lower than they were circa the early 1950s. with the Plantation owners/Corporate Board members making so much money they have issues trying to figure out how to spend it all.

The plan which the 18ty dynasty, the Trojan Kings, the Italians in the city of Samhain, etc. came up with was to have a sequence of areas which would combat the stripping of the information from the Jews. that would be a massive application of books and scholastic information collected and distributed to each collection not libraries. Those libraries would of course be subject to review by the citizens, but under strict conditions to ensure that those who wanted to study were not present to destroy.

While the Jews were being tortured, killed genocided, and all of Judaism was being erased. In Northumberland the Jewish culture was thriving and prosperous. Which angered the cultures around.

There was a respite from the rage and bitterness, which might explain the very dominant sequence of events which occurred from 0-present according to the Gregorian Calendar, which would be the calendar western culture uses, example the Gregorian year is 2018.

The Jewish respite with the library system, became the subject to “go, find, kill, burn” all associated from the end of the Punic War 200 bce to present.

Moves and counter moves. The Jews and associated attempting to survive while the enemies of good work as hard as they can to seek and destroy. Not because of any other reason than to remove any doubt there is the only acceptable philosophy, religion, and set of behavior patterns in humans.


It appears that the entire theme for western culture 3000 years previous to the Exodus and the 3000 years since has had one theme. The same exact theme which caused Noah’s Ark to begin with. Instead of being a huge Mobil library capable the Enemies of Knowledge, education, literacy, etc. altered and edited the stories to make the ship not a Mobil library but pairs of mating animals.



Mobil Library


The evidence of Noah’s Ark being literally a mobile rather sizable library is not out of no later evidence.

The Egyptians used huge ships all the time in their ceremonies. There are huge ships buried with the most important of Egyptian peoples. There is evidence that at some points the Causeways were literally flooded and huge ships floating in them. Huge 15’ wide or wider ships which could be 100 to several hundred feet long without a problem.

The next issues are, that the ships would have been made from papyrus, which is the primary ingredient to create Paper from in the Ancient world. A group of papyrus reeds hammered float, then a row at a 90’ angle from the first, repeat. For a few layers. You can make scrolls of almost unlimited length and width, and in some religious ceremonies they did

That would make virtually the entire Ship replica of Noah’s Ark a mobile library.


Evidence if said concepts of actual ships connected to either Egypt and or directly related to the ATEN/Jewish concepts.

Now that some evidence has been presented, the Ben Ben Stone is both a stone and the bow of a ship.

  ship. An extremely similar shape.

The Ben Ben stone is a ship with a strong keel to support a huge amount of weight.


Noah’s Ark Docked at Heliopolis/IWNW




Memphis (ship)



Ǽneas sailed his “ships” out of Troy to Tier, then to Egypt, then over to Carthage, then up to Alba Longa, he took the treasures of Troy with him. Which beyond doubt includes a sizable chunk if not the entirely library of Troy. Since everyone knew that the War would not stop till every Trojan was dead. What they did not count on was that the Trojan War would last 3300 years, begin in the Near East cross Europe, cross the Atlantic, cross the entire American Continent, finally ending in Whatcom County just shy of Canada. 

Marked by every single place the ships stopped was a new library, which was either then moved or was captured by the enemy forces. Every major university you can think of next to a huge river or ocean is a direct descendant of the library which had come and gone from Troy on several occasions.


Cycladic Culture Ships


Most of the Cities of the Cycladic culture which existed before the Minoans, archaeology is still not examining the evidence correctly, did not have city walls. They were protected sufficiently by the weapons of the city as well as their huge fleets of ships.

Their huge fleets of ships would be the point to this specific sequence.



Sea People


Right about the same time as the Trojan War, “The Sea People” invaded Egypt. The invasion did not last long, only a hit and run a few times. A few were captured, those who were not executed were sold into slavery.


If you want direct physical evidence of Ǽneas evacuating out of the Trojan War. Look no further than the situation and structure of “The Sea People”

Anatolia, Syria, Canaan, Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Egypt toward the end of the Bronze Age

Everywhere the Sea People stopped to attack, are all the key places Ǽneas stopped to pick up friends and allies to sail them out of the way of what for that time would be considered Armageddon.

The armies of the Hyksos world gathered just outside the city of “?” there is no way the city was called “The City of the Jews”. It was absolutely called something else. Megiddo is just as good of a name as any evidence which can be found to point to any other Jewish name. Minus what it was called after Agamemnon took on his pharaoh name and changed the name of the city to whatever he called it.

But only called Troy by modern academics and of course in the Iliad/Odyssey.


The Sea People if the Hypothesis is correct the Sea People used the Cycladic Ships of hundreds if 1000 feet long and created a very strategic hit and run invasion plan. Exactly like what the Vikings did 2000 years later.

They would hit a week group of Hyksos on their way to the Trojan War, capture all their friend Jews and of course give them chances to be free. The captured soldiers would be used as ransom to the Egyptian 19th dynasty to obtain what which was needed from Egypt.

Trading their slaves for Jewish slaves. Which angered the Egyptian Avaris/Hyksos to a huge amount. Which is why so much was written about the Sea People.


Regarding the theories about the Sea People. There is one overriding fact which cannot be ignored. That sequence of beyond hard facts is the following.

A Trireme was advanced naval technology of the time. The Sea People lived and worked on their ships. Which means the ships were no were about small in any way.

100s if not 1000s of people lived on those ships. Those ships like the Garden of Babylon had plants growing in and on them. The technology to create not only the ships but also sail out past sight of shore is important because that is a technology and navigation skills the Greeks and romans of the next 1500 years would be able to come close to. Guessing as to being able to sail outside sight of land. From Rome sailing south you will hit Africa. But that is target several thousand miles wide. In the Med unless you work hard if you sail south you will hit Africa. If you sail north, you will hit the north portion of the med.

If you are in specific locations around northern France and Normandy, you will hit England if you said due west.

If you said due west from wales you will hit Ireland.

These are not in dispute. What is in dispute are the facts surrounding pin point navigation. Pin point navigation requires a higher level of technical skills and of course navigation skills than any of the people and cultures of the area possessed minus one. There is one cultures which did possess pin point navigation; that would be the Ogle family of Northumberland.

Not only did they possess pin point navigation, they possessed said navigation skills from 4000 bce until just a few centuries ago when the culture was facing genocide on a scale too large to fight against. The knowledge and skills became absorvved ????or forgotten about through the course of the conquests of the Prussian paramilitary organizations.

The largest problem modern academics has is, the utter reliance on historical documentation which was nothing more than anti-Semitic propaganda from the second it was written to present. But every point has been a huge fight to find and undo the propaganda. Example Heinrich Schliemann’s discovery of the city of Troy, which academics swore on a stack of bibles was pure mythology which had zero basis.

Heinrich proved them not only incorrect but that they were mostly making decisions based on the way the Hyksos/Dorians had allowed the Ionians to form academics in the first place.


Narmer Monolith


The Narmer Monolith was carved after he became Pharaoh of a united Egypt. He founded the first Pharaonic dynasty. The Narmer Monolith has Narmer making a record of Noah’s Ark fleet. The word fleet was edited out of the original record, because the Hyksos/Moses/Hebrews were demanding to have their specific story told. To hide the facts of the story regarding highly advanced technology.

But the facts remain at 3200 bce, the monoliths show more than three ships. Each with different themes/designs on the deck. Each with different writing around them. Representing a fleet of ships.

The ships can mean anything, especially since the associated languages written has yet to be translated more than the simplest hint at what it might be.








The quabal tree of life pointing to heaven.


This nautical journey is more likely Noah’s ark; with the animals two by two.





Moved by ships, remodeled as the new rebuild Forum and supporting buildings circa 100 bce. All those new buildings replaced the old and decrypted buildings which were well over 1000 years old and had been worn down and in some cases destroyed by use and fires.

The Romans just like their Agamemnon ancestors were no fans of truth, facts, evidence or the roll of science. Those rules applied double when it comes to the application of historical documentation.

The buildings around the senate were in such a state of disrepair that they were literally crumbling under foot from being a huge capital city and the center of commerce.

But the Romans had a plan, they would send among others the Julii family to conquer Carthage. To sack Carthage before Hannibal Barka could sack Rome. The problem was, Hannibal’s plan had zero to do with sacking the city of Rome. He only wanted to scare and distract the Romans from sending troops to Ga ’al to find and kill his culture as they evacuated to Northumberland.

They brought their library from Carthage with them. The buildings the Romans confiscated and shipped by sea to Rome. Where they were used to rebuild the core of the Roman Forum.

But the story deviates from ships by a little bit, but not the libraries which the Carthage, Egyptians, Julii, Jucia, etc. families had access too.

The largest problem is, the libraries they had access to were all but literally shipped all over to keep them from being burned or used as weapons of war by the Hyksos. This is no different from any of the previous times the libraries have been moved, nor will they be different when the next must move because another Esau descendant culture wants to burn books to make themselves feel good. Example Kansas school board forcing creationism into the classroom, because they are more interested in theology than science. Present every day for the past 6000 years, pushing the side of Satan (humans will worship god in x way. rather than following the rules god laid out “man can worship me any way they individual choose) rather than listening to the will and rules of god.

Carthage was sacked, dismantled, shipped to Rome, and reassembled to rebuild the buildings in and around the Forum to ensure that the Power of the Empire would continue.

Caesar a few decades later would of course continue this and bring Memphis to Rome.

Caligula would continue this by brining Heliopolis and of course building a copy of Noah’s Ark at Lak Nemi to serve as the first entirely protected Cathedral for Simon Peter.


But there is something which happened immediately after the end of the Punic War which is entirely and literally important. The Romans wanted to ensure that Hannibal in Thrace could not raise another army and be a threat to Rome again. So, they started to attack east to conquer and capture Greece.

What happened next is an extremely carefully orchestrated plan which took more than a millennium to plot out and three entire centuries to see it play out.

And if the Jews and Ogle family had figured out the depth and breadth of the evil of Paul and the Roman Senate. They might have been able to figure out a way to bypass Paul and allow the spread of the ATEN version of Christianity to flourish. Rather than have the Esau version of Christian rule for the next several millennia.





Carthage to Thrace

Even though the Normans were entirely humiliated at Carthage does not mean a think when it comes to the e

Transporting the vast numbers of people from Carthage to Northumberland required at least one if not several ships.

However transporting some of the buildings, the libraries, the most valuable of the temples, the huge city weapons (the people of Carthage were allies with the 18th Dynasty, and it is a very solid statistical equation to link the Carthage people with the Sea People with their Noah Class Ships) the Alexandria Lighthouse weapon (there is no reason at all to assume that weapon was not copied and put into place in Carthage), etc. A fleet of ships was necessary.

But Hannibal’s Job was to distract attention and then build an army to Trojan Horse the Romans in several decades. which would also set up a very odd army a generation after that to protect with men entirely loyal to Caesar and Cleopatra long before each was born. But to cement the deal, Cleopatra’s third husband would be the King of Thrace, the son of Spartacus, or if Spartacus was young enough to marry him in is not exactly young age. Spartacus is said by the Romans’ to be about 25 when he was captured and forced into being a slave. He was supposedly born around the same time that Caesar was 100 bce. Caesar when he was killed was 66, to be with Spartacus Cleopatra would have had to agree to Marry a man in his early to middle 60s. unless he was still alive circa 34 when Cleopatra’s fourth child was born Ptolemy Philadelphus.

Based on statistics, this child was married to Octavius’ sister and was renamed to produce the son Germanicus on 24 May 15 BC. The worst part is, now only does the documentation reflect pure fiction, but the sequences of events are also a jumbled mess. The mess which was for the most part created by Octavian/Augustus to hide facts from the Senate. Tiberius and Caligula’s parents are pure fiction. The mother or the father existed. Tiberius is very likely based on statistics Caesar and Cleopatra’s oldest, Caligula is also a direct family member. And Nero is real, but he had already evacuated the area to Northumberland by the time Claudius’s reign was starting. Nero was expendable, and a target of the senate. Claudius with his Praetorians, and of course the army the Julii family still paid for were to the core loyal to the Julii family and not to the Senate. Which was standard procedure for the Armies, they were not loyal to the senate but their commanding general/senator.

All in all, a very difficult sequence of events. But the amount of sea travel was incredible. Moving the entirely Alexandria library across the Mediterranean is also an extremely difficult situation to the point of if they did not possess Noah Class ships, it is doubtful the size of that library could have been moved. Overland was the definition of not an option. Over the waters was the only real option. The Romans would have just about required close to every medium and larger vessel packed to the gunnels with scrolls form the library. That library was that huge. Storms and vast amounts of the books would have been lost. A couple bad captains and that is the end of that knowledge. So huge ships with skills crews were the only real option. Hence the Noah Class vessels. Which the Julii family obviously based on what Caligula did only a few decades later, possessed.

The Lake Nemi Ships and the city of Heliopolis were only possible with Noah Class ships. That knowledge had to come from somewhere. That type of extremely advanced naval engineering and of course navigation skills are not something which can be invented overnight. That type of engineering either takes 10 years with books to learn from or a century of dedicated research. A century the Romans had less than zero interest in investing in.

However, that does bring up a very interesting point.

The Cathedrals in Europe took approximately a century to build, they are also in a very real effect an upside-down ship. Did the Vatican take both advantage of the Noah Class ships, but then hid that information by turning the engineering on its back to have the keel face the sky.

The Vatican did not have the technology to build structures that large and stable, then suddenly, they did. they stole a library or that pope agreed to allow those “unholy” books out of the secret Vatican vaults and allow the engineers to study and build. There are 1000s of examples of Noah’s Ark Class ships in every cathedral in the world.


The Plan was for Hannibal to reform a huge army, train them well, and then in about 4 generations have the army as huge as possible. All special operations trained.

So, when the Romans came a calling, the army would then fight a few battles, win some, but then surrender and become slaves to the Empire.

Where the raised for four entire generations to achieve this specific goal. Were taken as slaves to the heating heart of the Empire. sold as mostly gladiators, a few other tasks. But mostly gladiator.

Where they proved themselves strong and very hard to kill warriors in the arena.

At a given point, the commanding general gave the signal and the entire army rose up and broke their slave shackles. 10,000s of slaves became Thracians again inside the city walls of Rome, Capua, etc. all the major cities Thracian’s were taken into the Romans cities and forced to work.

Which is close to the exact thing in reverse occurred to the Trojans with the Horse. A good idea used the opposite way.

Within days, the sizable chunk of the army had reformed and was more than a match for the entire Roman Army. But there were very important goals to achieve.

The first major goal was to reassemble the entire Thracian Army, all those that survived. Second goal was to negotiate for how much gold, estates, etc. Spartacus and his men would need to give to the Senate to purchase their freedom and live on a collection of estates.

Those estates were nothing for the Spartacus army to walk through their defenses. Four generations of special operations soldiers trained to achieve this exact goal. All that great grandfather had learned, all that grandfather, father, and son learned cumulated into a century of education.

Food and weapons were not a problem, the advanced troops had already set up weapons and food drops to keep the vast army supplied and supported.

Within a month the Spartacus troops had sacked several huge estates, taken the money, killed the owners, freed the slaves, etc.

On Mount Vesuvius, camp had already been created with months of supplies.

Spartacus’ army healed up, worked through PTSD, and adjusted their plan to the current situation.

Everything that occurred required either miles and miles of extremely good luck, or it required generations of access to a war college library and of course brilliant minds providing strategies and logical support.

Spartacus and his army messed with the Roman Empire for two solid years. Virtually owning the entire central and eastern portions of the Italian Peninsula.

The worst part of the entire situation is.

The third part of the plan.

To free every slave, they could get their hands on. But then know which Romans spies or slaves who had been “institutionalized” and would never not be slaves. They were so programmed they were unable to do anything other than follow the orders of their roman master. They needed to be separated out and guarded when they escaped their masters and joined Spartacus. They would be the fists to turn and run or betray when the chips started to appear to be turning back to Rome’s favor.

There was a plan for this. What that part of the plan was for the Thracians to purchase citizenship, new names, and blend into the countryside with the romans being not a small amount wiser. This blend in occurred right before the end battle.

Most of Spartacus’ key men left the army to reform on their general’s estate being full roman citizens.

But Spartacus would have to stay and fight till the end, when he would be allowed to merge into the forest and waiting transport to his estate to prepare for the tasks which occurred next.

The revolt took place when Cleopatra was 3, and Caesar had just returned from Bythen kingdom in Anatolia peninsula. A very long-time friend of the Julii family was asked by the senate to take over the army and to lead the troops in battle. With Caesar as his second in command.

In 15 years Cleopatra would give birth to Caesarian and a three decade long bloody and disgusting sequence of wars began and would not end till the Nativity/0-year ce. The birth of Christ. Christ was going to be the next Ptah of the Ark. The Ark being a representation of the Ben Ben stone.


The Lake Nemi Ships

The previous three centuries collected into the events of the foundation of Christianity. The Julii based on numerous actions taken over those centuries, played a key and in most cases incredible roll in assisting in the creation of Christianity. There is also a couple of statistical models which place Jesus Christ as the great grandson of Cleopatra and Caesar. Which even mentioning that in a small and off topic way will produce vast amounts of rather uncomfortable actions. The generations from both Cleopatra and Octavia Minor the documentation has more holes than can easily be explained by “just chance”. The most powerful family and the first 6 Emperors of Rome. And their Documentation from Vespasian backwards for close to a century is all but pure fiction.

There is the extremely to incredibly good statistical likelihood that that Emperor Claudius is just another Pharaoh name for Jesus Christ, aka Emmanuelle, aka Simon Peter, aka?

The length and breadth of hidden and destroyed information from 50 bce to 100 ce of the Roman Empire is staggering to say the least. And what is worse the Paul devoted Vatican is responsible for most of the propaganda and fictions. They invented what they wanted, and then keep repeating the lies till all there was are the lies, the facts had faded from existence and by then were erased from history.

The Lake Nemi Ships, Caligula had to have access to the earlier Noah Ark Class of ships technology and there is about a dozen ways he could have obtained said technology.

First through his own family line. The not yet militarily formed Vatican, ordering his soldiers to seize portions of Paul's library. Not that there was much of a library from a group who hated education, literature, and the like. Paul's writings were sufficient for the group to operate from. However, there is no way to know if Paul could read/write. His information could have been from an entirely ignorant and illiterate perspective. Which based on some of his teachings, this has a high degree of variable. His talks were written by someone who did know how to write, but the transcription was something south of accurate.

This is the situation which the Lake Nemi (Noah’s Ark Class) Ships were constructed. With palpable hatred from the Senate, about half the Roman Army, a lot of Pagans, a huge portion of the business class that depended on profits from the Jewish slaves to generate their huge fortunes, and the devotees of Paul who were taught the only good Jew is a dead Jew. Even though the entire thing is Jewish.

The Lake Nemi Ships were just two of the three ships Caligula had built for the specific purpose. All three were directly used for strictly Jewish ceremonies which were each corrupted into something else centuries later. But the history and documentation of the Lake Nemi ships being used as anything other than a place for Jews to worship and live free are pure fiction.

First fiction, the ships did not have oars. There was literally no place to go. The ships were so large they were all but immobile.

The widely reported Oars despite the fact the ships were built circa 30 ce. Most of the documentation of eye witness accounts did not start till after Vespasian allowed Paul's descendants to get close to Lake Nemi. But only because Paul’s descendants had many friends who owned estates around the lake. Those estates Paul's people spent time at and documented what they could about the ships. However as with most things related to Paul, they lied and lied and lied. Why because they hated the fact that the ships were constructed for Simon Peter, and that the first decades of the church a huge number of ceremonies were conducted at those churches. The larger church was of course for the main ceremonies, the second ship was likely to live in/on. For the Christian leaders who were openly targets for Paul's devoted, living on a ship surrounded by a 200-foot lake, with several 1000-armed troops surrounding belonging to the Julii family was sufficient protection.

But the problem is, that turned the Lake Nemi (Noah Ark Class ships) into a primary target. If those ships could not be destroyed than they would be documented to hide all facts regarding their truth. They would be turned into giant orgy ships for Caligula’s pleasure. He would hold huge lavish parties on the ships, and on occasion he even turned the ships into a whore house. Using the wives of the senators as prostitutes to pay for some junk the senate had pushed for.

That event did occur but nowhere near the actual ships. That event would have taken place either in Rome itself or on one of the Julii estates closer to the city of Rome. Possibly in the by then spoiled and entirely inappropriate Vatican where Paul and his people had already corrupted the holy place back into Mount Zion. Undoing the world of Jesus during both the night before, and the time of his crucifixion. But that is what Paul's people do, they are like a cancer they cannot function unless they bring their evil junk to everything they touch. Entirely convinced in all ways they are acting in on behavior of god, when they are acting on behalf of Satan, to worship Satan. But you cannot get them to admit that, likely when they are standing at the pearly gates they still will never admit they are instruments of Satan according to their own belief system. 


Lake Nemi Ships and the Ogle Kings

The Lake Nemi Ships were a huge deal for the Kings of Ogle, several of the Ogle kings made pilgrimages to Rome to worship at the locations that Christ walked, preached, was crucified, and begin this church. The question becomes why did the Kings of Ogle for 550 years make a pilgrimage to Rome, when the Vatican the whole time claimed that the Crucifixion took place in Levant lands.

That answer is rather simply, the Vatican was under the control and direction of Paul. Paul of course being a strong and substantial follower of the ways of Esau and Moses hated all things to do with the Jews. from practically his first sermon to his last he preached how the earth would be better off without Jews in existence.

These ships were protected by the Romans, but that protection could only last for so long. The circa 670 battles would make Fatimah about 60 and close to death. Her son she conceived while on the run from Mecca, likely preforming a fertility resurrection ceremony in Egypt. Her son was the commander of the army and the next to lead the community of followers his mother created in her wake. Both mother and son would not survive the battle they had created when she tried to assert herself into her mother’s family and merge her beliefs and theirs. She was informed in no uncertain terms with sword she was not welcome and never come back. That no uncertain concept forced her to gather forces and attack her material family. She gathered allies amongst the enemies of the Ogles and formed eight cultures into a solid cohesive army under her command, she lead the army to several smaller victories but mostly nasty small battles where her soldiers would isolate and kill leaders and leader’s families. the best way to defeat the enemy is to target the civilians. Straight from her father and Abu Bakr’s play book. The enemy has a difficult time fighting if they know the enemy forces are looking for their family and are going to try very hard to either kill them or kidnap to force the army to negotiate demands. These actions resulted in more than a few solidifications of power and of course more than a little bit of harsh feelings. Some of her victims had extended family who would not stop till she was not only dead but her corpse and that of every member of her family and her body guards were desecrated.

Bad war practice to attack the family and not expect to have yourself and al connected to you erased from existence.

The battle at Lake Nemi for the Romans and Fatimah of course has a secondary issue, they were aiming to resurrect Mohammed laid to rest in a secret niche in the catacombs close to St. Peters basilica. Resurrect him, but to also destroy the ships so the Ogles could never use those ships to bring harm to the followers of Paul and or the followers of Mohammed ever.

The fear was so intense that there was virtually no way to not have the ships destroyed. Destroying one of the oldest and most holy of the places Jesus lived, and worshiped. But its destruction was the entire point to the Vatican’s involvement. They did not have the resources to destroy the ships previously, but with the fog of war, they had all the opportunity in the world to destroy those ships. And destroy them they did.

Both sides lost their commanders, both sides suffered heavy losses. But the Ogles managed to wipe out most of the Muslims and a huge chunk of the Vatican population and army while they had to watch their main sacred temple burn to the water and sunk.

Which was a huge loss but the erasure of the threat from Fatimah and of course degrading the Vatican from a threat down to almost nothing was an achievement. But when there is a power vacuum. The next war lord with a strong army will fill the void. That is what happened immediately after. Rome and the Kingdom of Italy were taken over by another powerful warlord. The Vatican was forced to retreat behind their walls and fortifications.






This city has one incredibly and very very long history.

The city existed for 1000s of years previous to 2600 bce when Abraham (not his real name, Mem was his Heirogophyic name. godo question as to what his Sumieran name was. Although there is some very limited evidence that Hebrew did exist 1200 years previous to its currently assumed start date. But that is based on a statistical connection bween the Pepi I pyramid and the outpyramids which connect the dots form in one instance two Hebrew characters built circa 2200 bce. Some of the last pyramids built) arrived in Egypt. By going south, south again, meeting the parhoah, south again, working to referblsih Luz (rebuilding the Noah’s Ark Class ship wich was the base of Memphis. Almost guaranteed anchored in the midle of the nile similar to what Caligula did to the Lake Nemi ships. For the same reason, a huge and moving mote around the castle) the mostly taken part and in poor condicitons city of Luz needed to be remodeled into its former self.

This people of luz and many of Abrhama’s people stayed in order to rebuild what was left of Luz. Abrham traveled south to an unknown location. That location and what happened next has been entireliy edited out of Genesis.

He returned to Luz to find progress progressing nicely.

He was ordered north to meet with the Pharaoh again. At that meeting he and his core family were deported back to levant lands.

The PHraoah and his oldest son had a rpboelm since Abrham’s salve waife Sarah had been promised to the Pharaoh an dwas going to be the next queen of Egypt. But abrhama messed that entirely up.

But that was the era of the Old Kingdom which changes the story a conciderble amount.

The symbol for the old kingdom is North Umber Lnad, or the family name Ogle.

The family name Ogle.


Makes the interactions between Abraham, Sarah, and the Ogle family literally the deciding factor in the creation of the Pyamidms. Which began almost immiedately after Abraham and the Pharaoh met.

Which places that specific portion of Genesis subject to a rather strict understand, that it is mostly puzzle pieces,  and hidden codes not what actually happened.

Since Abraham was his grandfather and his grandmother was a Princess of the King of Eridu. The Plates of Destkny which Abrhama possessed he stole as war booty from the Eridu Zigurate. That makes the PRyamids, the Old Kingdom and of course the plates key in the develpmnet of the PRYamids.

The secrets of the pyrmidms began when Abraham entered Egypt.

His grandson would go on to being crowned Pharaoah himself. Pharaoh Israel.




Caligula had this city moved from Egypt to Rome. Finished and ready in the first days of the founding of Christiinaity. The evidence pointing to the Crucifixion taking place in Rome is extreme, the evidence that the Julii family were Jews is difficult to disprove. The evidence Caligula was the first Christian Emperor is all but impossible to deny, after the evidence is carefuly exampined.


each one of those Ships, was huge, carried mysterious items, the documents describing them are so slanted as to produce mostly fiction, and each one when moved the general population produced a huge amount of


Ships in Egyptian Mythology

Ships used to be a beyond significant porton of the Old Kingdom Rituals.


The Mandjet is the shp used to sail the Sky/Heavens, aka some type of a SpaceCraft.

The Meseket is the ship of the underworld, used to sail to other realms/planes of existence.

Which is interesting since the Djet is the symbol for Osirus and the vehicle he was trapped in and sent to Babyon in. TO become one of the primary pillars of a new Zigurate of that city.

Jet would be an interesting base since Jet has a strong connection with ships/boats, and of course the sicence of the Ǽtt. Which has the same spelling structure as the word on Enoch’s blade, which used to be Adam’s Blade he used in the Garden to perform his job. To measure the beginning and end of someone life.

Also where that beings existence would strat in the weave of time. Would that being be part of x continent, x culture, and y timeperiod.

Each being can be identified as a their own ship.


This myth changed to a radical amount when the great Serpant Apophis was added when the Hyksos ivaded and conquered Egypt. They added their “Great Evil” “Great Snake” to the stories. As a Great Serpant whos soul mission is to destroy Ra and his library ship which sails the sky to obvserv the humans, Apophis and Ra Battle every night over control of the structure of the Univrse.


However this is the basis for the story of God and of course Satan, in this case sAtan takes on the same shape and personality of the Temper of Eve in the Garden of Eden. In which situation, the Great Snake taught Eve about the mysteries of life and began to teacher education.

Both stories reflect that the Snake hates education to a point of homicidal rage.

Apophis wants very badly to destroy Ra and his Library Ship, so the univers will return to a state of chaos and while the structures of the earth disintegrate.

The fascinating thing is, the great snake is the best way to illustrate the actdions of the Hyksos. They are Apophis, they want to dstroy the universe in order to rule over their own version of it.

A version that does not include Jews, or any enemy in which might think of challenging Esau’s descendants for domination over the Universe. Which does include god. Because they changed during both the createino of Hebrew and reformed Judaism, as well as the triumvirant of Christ, the holy ghost, and god. They took the basic workings of the ATEN, Ghost(limbs stretnch down), to Ptah (Jesus) and rotated it onto its back.

Making Jessu not a ship captian like Noah but a shepherd like Esau.


But that is the thing Apophis is the best at. Using every tool of warfare to destroy humans to revbuild humans into solid minions to worship and be obieent slaves to Esau’s descendants. The Hyksos lived in a world where they were solely nad entirely in charge, chaos would reign. Because different factions within the family all jockey for power and control. Every single time the hYksos have placed thsmelves in total and complete control, chaos oalwasy follows. Chaos the likes of which usually threatens to literally destroy the entire world.

Just because 45 has not learned a thing does not mean he and his Prussian friends have not repeated this same exact pattern countless times previous in the last 1000 years, or the cultures which created the Prussians which are mostly descendnated cultures from the Hyskso have not done the same thing themselves in addition to countless times from the start of documentbed history to present.


They are always attacking Noah’s Ships to consume the library contained iwhtin, so they can control the knowegle of the universe. Control means power over, and that power over means they become divine, they can use that divine power to challenge god for domination over eveyrthign. Just because they do not say it, and will spent till their last breath denying it, as well as eterinity in their own created hell denying it. the facts are the facts. Destroy, use the chaos to create their own verion, and rule their own version till it collapses under corruption.

They never learn. They are in most ways entirely incapable of learning. They would rather burn a library to the ground then to read and study about their own faitlures.

The original genesis and what the torah was called previous to being transformed into the Torah a Hebrew word is a very godo question to ask.



The Old Testament*


This collection of book began as a very difficult sequence of information based on trying to rewrite in the bran new language of Hebrew a new remodeled version of Judaism but without including any (minus one thing) of Judaism. It was a very difficult lchalleng for Moses to write 5 books were 1 of them he did not want to write, but had to because he had to explain portions of information which allowed him and his Jewish slaves to exist previous to his first book Exodus.

But in the assembly of those books he ran into problems because eh could not make it a pure narcissitic love song to himself. He had to even it out to be only a large portion a love song to himself.

700 years later the main work of translation was done in Babylon.


Noah’s Ark Fleet ***


The Events of Noah’s Ark and of course Abraham’s entry into Egypt after the sacking of the Eridu Ziggurat are not only connected they are virtually the same event separated by almost 1500 years. That sounds odd since you can place the entire Roman Empire in the historical hole between the two events.

But the Ogle family under the name Nephilim were the center piece to the actions of Noah’s Ark. It was their library the Noah Class Ships were created. It was their library which led directly to the construction of the pyramids. The Pyramids which as it turns out are vastly more complex the more they are examined.

At this point the evidence is beginning to point to both a map of neuropathways, and a computer mother board.

In addition. The Ogle family crest and symbolic meaning to the name Yr Hen Ogle dd translates into Hieroglyphics as the Family name of the Old Kingdom Pharaoh’s.

However, something of the most profound interest.

Immediately before the Abraham enters Egypt his father attacked the Eridu Ziggurat and was Electro-Magnetic lobotomized for turning the Electro-Magnetic tool into a weapon. Since there are direct references in the torah about “challenging god”. The target of Terah’s rage was god not fellow humans.

The assumption based on the previous millennia and every action taken from 2600 bce to present from the Hyksos has been the same, find the weapons and use them to force more power. Eventually they challenge god for supremacy over the earth.

At least in this instance, Esau’s Grandfather really did use the Tabernacle of Adam System to not only challenge, but he actually fought against god at least for a few seconds before the Electro-Magnetic tool backfired and EST lobotomized everyone in the area.

Minus Abraham and those that knew how to protect themselves.

10 years later with the plates of destiny in hand.

Abraham enters Egypt and orders that the city of Luz is rebuild, more like the Noah’s Ark Class ship is rebuilt and upgraded to the latest technology.

In addition, Abraham possessed the Library of Eridu. That library was to an extreme amount advanced, which means that library had at least two connections to and with the Ogle family.

One of the Princesses of the city was already engaged to the oldest son of the Pharaoh of Egypt.

But in the 10 years from her mid to take teens she was a slave to Abraham.

After 10 years it is virtually impossible to not develop some type of “Stockholm Syndrome” regarding the events. Plus, by then she might have been either too old, or the prince assuming she was dead married another and she had no place anymore. So, she decided to stay with Abraham. At least according to what the torah states.

Which for that specific portion is as edited as humanly possible to cut out as many of the details and still be at least mildly logical.

However, the events which took place immediately after Abraham was ordered to leave Egypt, was soon after the construction of the pyramids began. Since Abraham passed the Plates of Destiney from the Eridu Ziggurat to his Heir, and his Heir passed them to Jacob. Which his brother Esau took as a person soul level insult and began a war against his brother Jacob which will likely last until the end of the human species.

Esau demanded to gain access to those plates, as well as understand how to use them. But he had the same attitude as his great grandfather Terah and would use them to challenge god for supremacy.

Which is something unacceptable to the Semitic People as well as god.

Which now introduces the idea that the plates of destiny can be translated based on other research which proves that the Hebrew Language Parent is none other than the Elder Futhark. The Elder Futhark is literally a Language and a Calendar. But it can also be used as a divination devise.

That divination devise can be considered a “divination devise”. The Plates of Destiney, to divine the destiny of the question asked.

The facts regarding the plates of Destiney and the Futhark are in basic the same subject when a breakdown of the Pyramids with the basics of the mathematics of the Elder Futhark there is little doubt in any way.

The book of Genesis, the Ogle family, the Plates of Destiny, the Pyramids, the Tower of Babel, Abraham, Jacob aka Israel, Pharaoh Narmer aka the Scorpion King, the Ogle family library, etc. are all the in basic same subject.

Then there is the best obvious problem.

When Jacob was selected to become Israel, that make Israel Pharaoh Israel. His standard several names all Pharaohs and Popes received. Up to and including when Jesus was elevated to Pharaoh/Pope the night of the Last Supper.

However, Sarah’s children had already been part of the Old Kingdom process. Her children before she was born were selected to be mated with other Ogle family members.

The question becomes, or rather the statement becomes. Was Sarah’s one and only child Isaac married to an Ogle Princess of the Old Kingdom. Making the sons of Isaac and Rebecca Jacob and Esau. Jacob went on to become Pharaoh of Israel and Egypt, Esau was removed from Egypt and was given the city of Mecca to rule over as King. But he would never get over his soul level rage at not being selected as Pharaoh. In part because the Pyramids which were on the drawing board and the first two under construction during his lifetime told a story of Genesis his he found not only disgusting but entirely fiction.

Adam according to Esau kept slaves and the animals were his to do with as he so chose.

Jacob did not see possessions, slaves, etc. he perceived cooperation, steward versus slave master, and work with the Garden/Planation rather than all in the Garden is designed to make Adam/Esau feel good/pleasure/etc.

If Rebecca is from the Ogle family than her family was also the Ogle family. And of course, Nephilim, which also matches some of the aspects of what the Nephilim could do. Including handling of the most sacred Temple Items, much that makes her father Bethuel a member of the Ogle family as well. Brings up some very interesting concepts regarding all those sites located in Levant lands. Where they all actually in Egypt, moved by Moses and his friends to Levant lands. Are their clues in the text to reorient the Levant lands map to Egypt?

Sarah as it has been recorded by the Hebrews, Not Jews. was fathered by Terah. Terah was living in Ur when his rage got the best of him and he formed an army to attack the Eridu Ziggurat. To take over control of the Tools of that Tower and of course challenge god for supremacy over earth.

However other documents point to Sarah was a captured Princess from the city of Eridu. She might have been born in Ur, but she was captured and placed into slavery by Terah. Before he lost his mind through an EST when the tool he was attack god with backfired.

There were two things Terah demanded, first he demanded access to the library which he confiscated, and two he demanded access to the tool itself

He achieved both by a huge loss of life.

That huge loss of life of the men in the city, and the females being seized to bring pleasure and of course wives to his men.

But shortly after the forces of Terah seized control over the Tower of Babel/Eridu Ziggurat. Nimrod arrives with his mighty army and with most of Abraham’s army suffering from extreme EST after math. They are rendered babbling idiots. Abraham proposes a conversation with the head of the other army e.g. Nimrod

Nimrod obviously agrees, and they have a chat.

But Nimrod is strongly not a fan of Terah or his upper officers who have the same genocidal and slave master headspace. However, Abraham is not like that Abraham himself is a relatively good man with a really bad father, who worked very hard to teach Abraham that evil was good and good is weakness. Terah and the others are handed over to nimrod for either execution and or punishment for their crimes. Hence them disappearing from the bible. Some would recover, but those closest to the back fire as well as those with the most evil in their soul are harmed the most. They would not survive the recovery period; their brains were permanently damaged beyond repair. They would live their lives without higher brain function and or die from a rotted brain eg dementia/Alzheimer’s based on the amount of damage done. A slower version of Electrocution.

But then Nimrod after said chat proceeds to chase Abraham and his people around for the next decade while they wait for the Pharaoh of Egypt (the Old Kingdom e.g. the Ogle family) to give them permission to enter and go directly to Israel. As the Narmer passport had been set up to accept Jews since 3200 bce, or about half millennia.


But there is a huge problem.

Within half a century, the construction of the pyramids begins, IN part based on the Ogle family library. That library was beyond our current understanding of Advanced.

Although that library is being reconstructed.

The concepts and symbolic applications associated with Nimrod place him as a Nephilim. Being a Nephilim would give him serious attributes to both higher level thinking as well as an understanding of the information in the library.

Just because someone has access to an advanced quantum physics textbook does not mean for a second, they can read and or understand the material.

Apparently, Nimrod played a huge roll whoever he was to in the preparation steps to building the Pyramids. Which are the oldest copy still in existence of the book of Genesis.

 But every single aspect of that information had to be hidden and disguised from the Hebrews by the Jews.

There is an extremely uncomfortable dynamic which begins just before the Pyramids are constructed.

That Dynamic is the following.

The Hebrew documentation has Nimrod as the Great Grandson of Noah, placing him alive circa 3900 bce, maybe 3850 bce. Somewhere in that area. Abraham was the son of Terah attacking according to archaeology the Eridu Ziggurat circa 2600 bce. The time between 3900-2600 is about 1300 years.

Which is interesting because that is approximately the same time gap as both the end of Genesis and when the book of Exodus starts. Genesis ends circa 2500 and Exodus begins circa 1330ce. Give or take a few decades it is approximately 1300 years. 753 bce Rome is renamed the end of the empire is about 1300 years later. 750 years to 0 on the Gregorian Calendar and then approximately 400 years till the end. 4 + 7 = 1150 years. Or approximately the same length of time for each of those three-western culture shaping events.

However, it does place Nimrod at 3900 bce forward to 3800 bce, which is about the same time that a powerful group of people were living in Egypt who were battling against and for the most part willing against invaders from Mecca.

Those people are considered by Egyptology to be the Gods of Egypt.

The ATEN, Ptah, Osiris, Thoth, etc.

In fiction they are always depicted as being larger than life, Giants, and or Nephilim.

As the Giants were forced to retreat out of Egypt, the very nasty invaders from Mecca kept pushing north with two goals. One to kill every single person who stood against them. And two to seize control over the library in order to control the weapons and kill all of their enemies.

Paranoia being a huge aspect of the enemies of the Ogle family. Always attacking because they have spent the last 6000 years entirely panicked that the Ogles/Nephilim will turn their tools into weapons and those weapons against them and erase them from existence.

Paranoid delusional would be the clinical diagnostic. The problem is, the Paranoia exists only in the heads of that culture, and all of its descendant cultures.

One of the reasons the most advanced technology was required to build the pyramids was to hide the original secrets of the Book of Genesis in a place no one would suspect for the next 6000 years till those secrets could be decoded and presented to the world.

The problem is the Noah Fleet forces a serious perception shift in what the Pyramids are and how they were built. Not only that but it also causes a serious shift in the evidence of how they were constructed.

Nimrod being in direct association with both the Ogle family code, Yr Hen Ogle dd. Interacting directly with Abraham, Abraham interacting directly with the Plates of Destiny (which has an extremely solid theory as to what and how those plates worked, as well as a way to decode said information. Information which in part it is assumed was hidden by Joseph smith inside the Golden Plates which the Ogle family of Tiffin Ohio????????????. The Ogles saved Smith’s life on several occasions, and assisted in brining Oliver Cowdery, and Wilhelm Wundt together in what would be called Heidelberg Library after the Prussians at Fort Ball only a few hundred feet from both Heidelberg to the east and the Ogle family Estate to the west called The Maples. Wundt is the father of modern Psychology. His book the first book on modern psychology the notes were started in Tiffin at Heidelberg guided by Smith and Cowdery under military slavery from the Prussian Army, because the statistics say it cannot of been any other way.), Sarah from the Tower of Babel aka the Eridu Ziggurat, Rachael another very talented female wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob, etc. all those facts collided into the first days and months when the pyramids were deemed a necessity, with construction occurring immediately.

At least three of the Pyramids were finished in the life of Jacob.

However, his Heir was sold into slavery by his brothers to their Uncle Esau.

That brother and Heir was Judah; Judah was ordered to perform miracles with one of his uncle’s wife’s in the virtually exact way the Bull was used at the Palace at Knossos to force the birth of the Minotaur. Which produced a weapon of extremes in engineering and forced all of the cities in range of the weapon to send tributes to the Palace at Knossos (a Noah’s Ark Class ship) to feed to the Half Bull (half Nephilim) half human. The “tributes” were then sent into the labyrinth (Noah’s Ark ship) and it is widely reported by the Hyksos/Dorians that the Minotaur ate them. Since he could not eat anything other than human flesh. The code; human blood, in a specifically designated area the labyrinth, and was so powerful (divine) he was literally a gift from Poseidon. If that was the city of the god that is another question.

But the minotaur’s father was a direct gift from the god, making the father and the son by definition Nephilim.

Esau’s nephew was used in much the same way as the Half Bull (Nephilim) half human queen of Knossos. And intimacies were absolutely part of the situation. The Hebrews did not want to see any reference to the intimacies were done, just that the Mrs. Robinson actions had been offered, but that Judah was too strong to succumb to temptation. Making him extremely virtuous.

Esau being a pharaoh, or it was one of the Pharaohs of Egypt. If it was one of the Pharaoh’s of Egypt it would be the one at the same time as Jacob, Pharaoh of a different area of control.

Ancient Egyptian dynasties and facts are very difficult to decipher since not all of hieroglyphics have been entirely translated.

Just because archaeology knows how to read what was written circa 50 bce, does not mean for a second that same word or sentence means the same thing 2500 years previous. In fact, it is a solid bet it does not mean the same thing.

It would be fascinating to find out if to build the pyramids the Old Kingdom used some type of intimacy ceremony in order to power the machines to move the stones into place.

That would be very interesting.

Exactly as was used by both the Lebensborn project as well as previous to being stripped out by Young in the LDS. Intimacy ceremonies were absolutely part of the founding of the Mormon Church. Henrik Schliemann’s work decades later was incorporated heavily into the mythology of the Third Reich.

Connecting the Gods of ancient Egypt to the Ogle library, nimrod, to the Pyramids is not all that difficult.

However, the monstrously huge problem is. what do all those connections means.

Just because the connections are established, like a mother board, all those circuits on a mother board are present, welded in place, etc. but does not mean for a second that the uneducated person has any idea why. However, the motherboard reference is a very accurate one since the Pyramids appear to be laid out very similar to a mother board, the pyramids also each on generates electricity, each one is designed different on the outside and inside, and each one was built by the Old Kingdom under the family symbol of Yr Hen Ogle dd.


Which points undeniably to connections. But does not in any way make those connections make sense. Nor does those connections and building blocks to the pyramids lend themselves to their configuration understanding. The easiest way to explain the configuration of the Pyramids is by saying each major pyramid is a ship in the cosmic fleet which in effect caries the earth on its back. Which is exactly what the mythology of Ptah describes in extreme detail.

But the Ben Ben Stone has to be perceived from a heavens perspective, not a gravity earth perspective.

Similar to how an angel would descendant from heaven aiming at the Pyramids.

Which is not an idea outside the structure of realty when it comes to that level of Electro-Magnetic technology with similar knowledge of C astrophysics, etc. being able to build a (teleport machine) to simply place two

 the pad above and the pad below, would be a fictional version of .

There is even a ship depicted to the left of a carved stone with Ptah connecting the light bulb with the carved stone. This could be literally a carving a teleportation.



The huge deal is, that not only is this type of technology possible. It is statistically speaking the only realistic way the pyramids could have been constructed. That much work in a very short amount of time, moving millions of tons of carved rock into micrometer precision.

In addition, most if not all academics assume that the story the Hyksos/Dorians told about the pyramids is correct. Despite less than a molecule of evidence, and archaeologically all the evidence points to a different conclusion than the assumptions which not a single one has been able to work itself into a solid hypothesis far from even a conclusion. Other than a cart on wheels was used to move stuff up and down the Grand Gallery. What that stuff was, and for what purpose remains a mystery for the ages.

However statistically speaking the Jews and of course the Ogle family/Nephilim had a first-hand influence regarding the design and layout of the pyramids. But unlike what academics assumes, they were not just put up randomly over the course of 300 years. That has zero basis in reality. You do not build to a level of exactness over 300 years and leave to chance aspects of the design. Every micrometer of the pyramids was carefully constructed and served an incredibly specific purpose.

That being said, the Pyramids are in fact based on statistics not graves. They are Huge Ships designed to reflect Noah’s Ark Fleet as it sails the cosmos (appearing like a snake) as the earth both rotates and of course its orbit around the sun.

That snake swirl is also intentionally mentioned. Since on the crown of every single pharaoh is a snake. The snake means the pharaoh is in charge of the actions and ceremonies of the Pyramids. Unfortunately for the pyramid builders, there is no way of getting around the fact they had enemies. Which were just waiting for the correct opportunity to invade and erase as much of the information of the pyramids as possible. Changing their story away from the facts and towards the fictions the Hyksos wanted to teach.

Enter the city of Samhain, which was built to make another copy of Israel and Jerusalem on a much smaller scale but more easily defended. Instead of each pyramid telling a specific story, each hill would, and the buildings constructed on each hill told their tails of the story of genesis. All in all, an extremely complex set of stories.

To show the evidence for said hypothesis, everywhere the Ogle family were forced to move to. Troy, Athens, Rome, the Kingdom of Ogle, Boston, New York, Tiffin Ohio, Manitou Colorado, Whatcom County WA, is the same engineering will be present (that which has not been destroyed yet) and mathematics will be present in each location. To tell and retell the story of Genesis.

The influence of Nimrod is still a mystery, however there are the normal key factors. First major factor is Nimrod was just one of a group of people directly associated with the Nephilim who survived the flood. Second factor is a huge symbolic attribute each and every one attributed to both the very very smart which access to beyond current level of academic’s technology libraries and of course the function and structure related to the Towers e.g. the Ziggurats. Each of the major cities by legend build by Nimrod and or his family, each city contained at least one very tall ziggurat. Those ziggurats would stretch upwards of 500 feet into the air. The Hyksos invented the “defy gods laws” flood punishment but that had nothing to do with the reason for the ziggurats. They were both libraries, a university of sorts, or course a way to see anything from more than 15 miles away. Enemies armies, storms, etc. were all perceivable from farther than the horizon away. With optics added, a close up view of the distance was entirely realistic. Also pointing those same obtics into the sky and complex astrophysical measurements were not only possible but likely.


The above information leads me to begin to assume that the ancients perceived the Nephilim as some type of divine creature. And built concepts accordingly.

Instead of perceiving the pyramids as Pyramids, perceive them as a group of ships sailing together as a fleet through the cosmos. They are ships, keel down ships operating from a floatation of electro-magnetic levitation.

The push push aspects of levitation.

The earth is being helped along its journey by the Electro-Magnetic charge, vibration, waves, and signature of each Tabernacle of Adam System.

The Nephilim have a more divine sense about themselves.

Which is what happens when you have a gathering of very intelligent people in a confined space for generation after generation after generation. They begin to think of the large picture, the large cosmology and not the day to day issues, arrogance, and ego of the world around them. That is for the people of normal intelligence to think about.

The Ben Ben stone is one of those things which is

Each of the Pyramids has the same shape as the Ben Ben Stone just reversed. Reversed according to the cosmos. The Pyramids are more than likely based on statistics a fleet of Ben Ben Ships sailing the cosmos in a very specific formation.


There are/were two Lake Nemi ships with several smaller support ships around. Not to mention the city of IWNW/Heliopolis moved to Rome and ported directly next to the Rock of Mars renamed Vatican Hill

Next fact the Narmer Monolith and its at least three if not more ships. Which could indicate that the Narmer Monolith was itself a very very early version of the key points of Genesis. In Indo-European Language. About half of the events in Genesis had not occurred yet. So that would take the cross compare from 50 chapters down to just the events right before Chapter 11 and Terah attacking the Tower of Babel but about 800 give or take years after chapter 6 and 7 Noah’s Ark and of course the Nephilim library being moved from location to Egypt. Copied and divided between the mouth, the cty of Luz, and Hierakonpolis/Thebes.

The point is several huge ships were used.



Mandjet the day ship, sails the day to  watch over the humans. a modified version fo this exists previous  and post the Hyksos invasion. the Hyksos added a great cosmos snake who attacks ra and wnats the world to return to chaos and nothingness.

Mesekjet is the ship of the night and oversees humans at night

now visualize this concept.

what if the Old Kingdom based on the fact that every single FreeMasonic Lodge creates an ATEN over the Alter during every stated communication and every degree. That ATEN, is an upside down Ben Ben stone.

the Ben Ben stone is likely the depiction of a huge ship.

the Pyramids being a collection of a couple dozen Huge Pyramids and about 100 smaller ones.

what if they were in effect designed to reflect the earth riding on the top deck of a fleet of Ships, during the day the earth rides Mandjet and at night the earth rides Mesekjet.


now the really interesting question becomes, are the different names associated with some type fo electrical activity? is the electrical activity known about and designed in.

which would also reflect the earth riding on the cosmos fleet of day and night.

being identified with electric since quartz when compressed releases electricity.

which is extmrely similar to the structure of a neuropathway. the synapses connected to neurons generate electricity. that electricity itself is what thought it. where the pyramids designed to literally "think" since in the very distant past they were all connected through constructed quartz construction. the causeways were much longer, in some cases the causeways were extremely long by several miles. the areas between held various temples and housing. all connected quartz.

the earth riding on a fleet through the cosmos. which is to say Astrophysics.

but the Hyksos took this general idea and twisted it to a point of pure mythology and of course propaganda. the fleet became a singe ship. the ben ben stone was removed. and the Garden of Eden Snake was added because the soul motivator behind the Snake is the divine fear the Hyksos know is waiting for htem both at the end fo a book and after they try and enter the kingdom of heaven denying to their dying breath they were in fact good people.

they simply could not handle the fact that they are inherently evil. that removing education and literature from humans is the definition of a bad thing. and directly against the will of god.


their is much more to explore on this fleet fo the day and night to explore ***


City of Babylon *

The Babylonian Captivity.

The problem is most of the events and actions of this time period are mostly fiction. Told from a Hebrew/Hyksos tnadpoitn not a Jewish standpoint.


The Jews had a problem, they needed time to work out the details of how could they hide maximum amount of their religious conetps behind facades built into the torah without the Hebrews figuring out out. They needed time to perorm the fvastly complex equations in order to in part rewrite the portions of genesis and the next 4 books of moses at the same time the rest of the books foteh Torah hiding the ancient secrets behind the façade of ehbrew.

Fortunately for the Jews Moses used the circular layout of the Elder Futhark to literally form a scafforlding to build his Hebrew characters from.

It is entirely unknown if he knew that the Elder Futhark was both a language and a claendr or he did not care. His primary aspect was to use sigles to block all apsects of the tree of life from allowing demons to excape thrugh the tunnel of the Elder Futhark.


using the structure of the tunnel created by the rotation of the earth on its axis (green can represent a form of a vine. Climbing the vine Jack/Jaquoine interacting with the Giant/Nephilim at the top of the Bean Stalk. To steal his gold, Nephilim do not need gold, only amber for their Electro-Magnetic technology. But good luck trying to translate that story during the Vatican forced Dark Age.) and the Snake of the Earths Orbit around the sun.

This is what the above ALEF tunnel looks like from the side. The tunnel is created as the earth rotates around the sun in its orbit. The Orbit of time, and apparently Time is the enemy of Esau. Why would time be the enemy of Esau. That is a great question, that up to this point has no real solution to it. However based on an Examination of the War between in effect the Snake Cult of Esau, although to be entirely clear for the 100th time. Esau did not start the Cult nor did Terah start the cult, they merely joined their family members who had started the Snake Cult at least a millennia and a half previous to Terah. The Snake Cult is not about worshiping snakes, the snake cult is difficult to describe because it is about people who want to find technology which is associated with the Snake and destroy all traces of it.

Which is why the whole Genesis and other books associated with Adam and Eve  were so focused on that part being Eve was seduced into education by a Snake. Because that is a way to hide a clue so the people who hate the snake and need to find and kill them all destroying anything and everything the snake touches is a cult. Because the snake is not a snake, in the traditional sense. The snake is simply the corkscrew physical asepcts of the astrophysics of the earth traveling around the sun. the Corkscrew to a non-literate culture is the best metaphor for a Snake.

The snake is simply a symbol of the earths passage around the sun in its orbit. That is all.

As soon as the people figure out that the snake is just a symbol of the science, the snake is no longer that important.

At that point the astrophysics becomes the only thing really important

Which is exactly what the Jews at Babylon were trying to perform. Hide codes in plane site in order to have their descendants be able to rebuild the ancient sciences, etc from the hidden clues. But to not make them so obvious that the Hebrews would figure those clues out.

The Hebrews are so programed from their Hyskso origins, they have in all hard reality based on bahvior patterns their nature is to deny, seek out, and destroy this information. On an academic level they have no ability to actually pervieve the facts of the case. Only their cultural filters tel the story for them.

Similar to St Paddrick of Ireland, his intention was to seek out the scientists who still knew about the ancient ways and kill them. He was clearly a member of the snake kill them all cult.

Not because he needed to be, but because he was a devout follower of Paul.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon


 A cross between a ship at base and of course a Very Tall Tabernacle on top. Not just a Kaaba but something several hundred feet tall.

Being Just a few dozen feet from the Euphrates River, this would be added to the Huge Noah’s Ark Class Ships which were directly connected to the Jews and or the Ogle family.

For the greeks and romans trying to describe something only slightly smaller than an aircraft carrior with a several hundred foot tall collection of between 4 and 8 towers  strategically placed for balance and of course a self-contained Garden. Makes one wonder if this Class of ship was associated with the Labrynth of the Palace at Knosssos.

The Ship was floated up to the Palace by the Thera Volcano Eruption Tital Wave which was at least 200 feet tall at sea level, watching upwards as the water hit the land.

279 ft above current sea levels. But with the thera volcano eruption that large, it is virtually impossible to say said wave did not wash up and in part over that portion of the land where the Palace is located. That Palace Noah’s Ark Class of ships was simply too huge to move, by the means of the Hysos. But not too huge to move provided a sufficient amount of Electro-Magnetic levitation could be designed. The pre-Exodus Jews were obviously based on several differnet points of evidence were experts in Electro-Magnetic technology. Which means that not only were they experts in Electro-Magnetic technology they were also magnetic levitation.

Which could be one of the secrets which allowed the saiing of the tower of Babylon out of the city to its new home when the enemy came a calling.

To keep the towers steady push push, pull pull, and neutral Electro-Magnetic waves of sufficient strength would more than allow for a full sky scrapper to exist. Although when powered up. The assumption would be the same “fog” or “thunderhead” would form at the base of the Noah Class ships. Since Electro-Magnetic generation is might be simpler to generate said type of Electro-Magnetic generating cloud formulation than to try to generate millions of volts of elecgricity in any other way. a couple strong lightening strikes and the ship likely a “magnetic levitation ship” would lift off the ground and be able to move over most any type of terrain. Provided it was flat enough.

Deserts, seas, even rough seas, the more electricity the more levitation. As long as the push push from the bottom was sufficient with several lightening strikes making the sea charged to a specific polarity. No matter how large that class was, it would still be a float.

Directing the Electro-Magnetic strikes to the appropriate areas using the correct electricity channeling devises would be the key. Be very curious if Amber could be used to direct said electricity.

Or would lots of gold wire be the only real soluation. Wchih would make the giants’ obsession over gold be more understandable. It was not just any gold but the gold needed to power his Noah Class ship.

All that was at stake when the Jews at Babylon were working hard to find ways to include those key points in their creation of the Torah.

Of course they had to leave other clues behind, example the adult rituals present which used to be a significant part of pre-exodus Judaism. But those were entirely stripped out of post exodus. the Adam and Eve “we are naked” thing points to some type of intimacy interaction. Intimacy with advanced astrophysics. That is a tough nut to decrypt. But it is entirely possible to perform.

It just takes work and millennia of cross statistical analysis.








Conquest of Jerusalem *



Torah *




Eastern Orthodox
Old Testament
(50 books)

Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses






Historical books

Joshua (Iesous)



1 Samuel (1 Kingdoms)[f]

2 Samuel (2 Kingdoms)[f]

1 Kings (3 Kingdoms)[f]

2 Kings (4 Kingdoms)[f]

1 Chronicles (1 Paralipomenon)

2 Chronicles (2 Paralipomenon)

1 Esdras[g][h]

Ezra (2 Esdras)[f][i][j]

Nehemiah (2 Esdras)[f][i]

Tobit (Tobias)[g]



1 Maccabees[g]

2 Maccabees[g]

3 Maccabees[g]

3 Esdras[g]

4 Maccabees[m]

Wisdom books



Prayer of Manasseh[o]



Song of Songs (Aisma Aismaton)



Major prophets





Letter of Jeremiah[q][g]



Twelve Minor Prophets

















New Testament*

The point was for the New Testament to be about Roman and Greek City/State ideals and philosophy ad have little if anything to do with the structure of the Jews. the Jews founded the new thing, but to be able to practice this new thing the Romans and Greeks forced all concepts of Judaism removed to be comfortable.

Which is close to the definition of disgusting and personally and group wise psychotic.

Which also cascades directly into the function and structure of Noah’s Ark, the Nephilim, the Jews, and the actions of the Julii Family. *






Because of the variations in new testaments by circa 280 followers were literally in a bloody war with each other over the structure and function of their version of the new teamster was better than any other version of the new testament. Which led very quickly to not only anger over the word, but anger begets violence. Said violence broke out almost immediately. The violence continued to escalate till Emperor Constantine agreed to form a Counsel to bring all the major representatives of the different factions together in one place to talk about the events.

What should be canonized and what should be tossed out.

The problem is, there were several books already destroyed and were so far outside of any reasonable reach that said copies of the gospels could not be included. Which led to other problems, the most militant of the early 280 churches were so set on being as nasty as humanly possible that in some cases they refused flat out to even consider allowing the most controversial groups to even attend. If they did want to attend they had to leave their “junk” gospels full of lies and evil behind. Usually those books left behind were found and destroyed.

Never get between a cult and their philosophy, their beliefs have not only nothing to do with science their beliefs are almost to the exact opposite of science.

Most of those leaders attending the Counsel were already decided their version of the events was final and they would never be talked out of it. their version was that Jesus was divine, Paul was part of the proceedings, that the crucifixion happened in Levant lands Jerusalem, that Jesus did not come to Rome at all. He spent virtually his entire life in and around the sea of galilee, he was one of the largest threats to the Roman Senate, but he was not executed before them, the senate chose for some reason to forgo that rule ad had the largest threat to their power executed 1000 miles away.

In addition, they were entirely convinced that the so called gnostic gospels long since heard about had no place in any way, shape, or form with the New Testament. They as a cult and their version of the gospels was entirely junk, that they had absolutely no contact with Jesus or Simon Peter in any way at all.

In addition, The Emperor Constantine had a huge tough time trying to convince the attendance to compromise.

Even though most of the attendees were from the soon to be Byzantium Empire, the voices from the Roman Empire were plenty strong and at times violently loud. But there were Egyptian and of course Carthage voices which were in the case of

Arius. The Carthage church was huge and strong. But it did lack for one huge thing, it did not have the political muscle or the military to be of much use.

Arius demanded that the ATEN be part of the structure of the Church, most of the other leaders could not disagree more. When the vote came down. Arius kept trying to add logic to a group who had already decided to remove facts and evidence of the ATEN, the Ogle family, and of course the Nephilim from the collection of canonized in favor of the version Paul wanted the most.

Paul’s descendants were most of the priests from the yet to be Byzantium Empire.

Arius was excommunicated and removed from the church.

There was also a concept he promoted called Aryanism. Which became in part corrupt by the Prussian Empire’s paramilitary unit stationed out of Munich called “The FreiKorp” when they name changed to NAZI.


presented physical evidence and entire libraries of information regarding the triumvirate. god, Jesus, and spirit as one in the same. however previous to 325 it was god above, spirit between (connection), and man (Ptah) standing on the ben ben stone. floating on the lake of creation.


This configuration is all but literally the structure of the inner Sanctum Santorum of King Solomon’s Temple.


Place the Pyramids in actual format in the best configuration, and their bisection points the other way. then use the sides, the elevations to walk around to see both the ATEN which in this case would be a form of the god, spirit, Jesus thing. the lines connecting being spirit. A would-be god, C would be Jesus.

The equation matches, but not sure at all of the philosophy, and worse the intent. So that is something to explore





The sciences built into and then as censored to be as far from fact as possible was what occurred next in about 1000 different waves of actions. The good people and scientists built good concepts, and the bad people came along after to destroy those concepts.

Looks like based on an examination of the Evidence Esau came from a very long time of really bad philosophy people who love killing, torture, keeping their citizens ignorant, gathering as much power as humanly possible, and then every once in a few dozen generations taking that power and challenging god for domination over the earth.

The Tower of Babel is not the first nor the last time this group which has operated under an infinite number of names has done this same thing. The Tower of Babel is likely not the first dozenth time they did this.

But at the Counsel of Nicaea 325 ce. The difference is clear and very obvious. They obviously wanted to destroy the next Tower of Babel in the form of the Simon Peter philosophy which was a recreation of Judaism pre-Exodus. But their primary plan was to keep the secrets of the radically advanced technology entirely to themselves. The Vatican and the Eastern Orthodox Church were bound and determined to keep the secrets of the weapons for themselves and as the rather huge amounts of evidence shows previous to 30 ce through to the present the descendants of Moses and their next leader Paul were entirely directed by the sole purpose of keeping their citizens ignorant, so their authority would never be questioned. However, the five or so times Esau’s line previous to his taking on the line and post it has never worked. The Hyksos cultural have never been able to maintain their power and authority over the masses for more than half a millennia. The human population simply grows too large to sustain based on ignorance, and when you start adding education, that is the end of the conversation. Eventually the population will not allow ignorance to last or stand for long it might take half a millennia or more but eventually the flood gates open again, and the religion jerks are forced to either back off or destroy the entire civilization again to regain power over their citizens. Making the next generation illiterate and ignorant.

That sequence has been repeated so many times. Both on the small scale and large scale.

Which is why when the newly reeducated begin to explore the past, they find clues to ancient facts and evidence they were entirely ignorant it event existed let alone.

Hermetical structure is just one set of clues which were gathered/regathered from ancient clues from Thoth.

But even the OTO in all the good they do, are themselves guilty of suppression and of course censorship. The organization was founded by three different people over the course of three decades given research papers the Prussian Empire confiscated from seized think tanks like the predecessors to the Thule Society and 100 others.

Those papers were given to a trusted Prussian spy in order to have that spy and three consecutive spy's build on the foundation and structure of those papers and research in order to provide the Prussian Empire with divine tools which had been long lost to the censorship of the Vatican, Eastern Orthodox Church, and of course Mecca.

Those religions love to suppress, but they also secretly support think tanks which give them more power and money.

Example Al-Qaida, the Third Reich, ISIL, etc. those think tanks were designed to build supporters, money, power, political capital, and worst of all Genocide anyone who gets in the way.

At the Counsel of Nicaea *

Continuing forward they instituted heresy laws to ensure in always the thing which worked perfect in the last when they instituted a Dark Age. Constantine Saw this and knew that if he did not take possession of the library at Rome, that the Vatican would burn most of it, and put the rests in its catacomb vaults to ensure that it would be entirely impossible in all ways to gain access.



The Romans after finally defeating the Trojan Refugees at both Alba Longa (Longinus) and Samhain (Rome) which took from 1330-753 bce to achieve. Hence the Dorian Dark Age, too make the first Kings of Rome after Romulus of course the Princes of Troy. Which is only to the most minor amount correct. The ATEN, through the Holy Ghost aka Nut aka the Spirit of the Lord Genesis 1;2 and the spirit of the lord flew over the waters. The waters are a combination of 2 parts hydrogen 1-part oxygen catalyst to put the two together (fire) to make water. Which are the 4 elements. Having vertical up and down already discussed and present based on and the Lord made Heaven (UP) and earth (down).

Shu the female above was in effect created when her father ATUM (ATEN, edited by the Hyksos to make them happy) released some type of biological fluid to create her. Hence the concept which is still very much in the present “The Milky Way”, the name of our galaxy.

The major problem is, uber radical religious conservatives hate to the depth of their being ideas which do not agree with their belief system. Their belief systems at times become so ridged they are unable to function in society. They have to isolate themselves in order to prevent being party to what they consider sin. The problem is, they cannot keep their ego and arrogance in check long enough to keep their opinions to themselves. They usually are drawn to very hard line religious groups and political parties and rise through the ranks. Imposing their “beliefs” on everyone around them. Eventually the group changes to fit their beliefs, or they are removed from power. Depending of course on how against the grain their beliefs are. Some are just kept isolated in a small pocket, so they can not cause too much damage.

This is what the overwhelming majority of the Counsel of Nicaea was, about a dozen hard line religious groups all fighting over which one was more conservative, which belief system was the true faith of Paul. And how much of the Egyptian Jewish junk were they allowed to get rid of in favor of Roman ideas and of course the Greek/city state concepts.

The Egyptian sciences and of course their connection with the British Ogle family was something which the begat of Paul could not and would not tolerate. Hence the Triumvirate would be doctrine and as much of Egyptian concepts erased to a point of mass hysteria.

Which is rather difficult since Israel is in Egypt? Israel is between Abu Sire and Giza on the west side of the Nile. But that concept was so hated and disgusting to the followers of Paul that it was not even under the smallest considerations for inclusion. You have to rembmer “Constantine the Great” was from the Ogle’s on his mothers side. Helen was born and raised in norhtumbelrnad, and when the Roman Emperor Konstantinous was defeated and captured on the battlefield, he was forced to sign a peace treaty. That treaty of peace included the Kingdom of Ogle Commanding General/King’s daughter to seal the deal. The Daughter was married to the Roman Emperor, and in exchange the Ogles agreed not to kill the remaining Romans.

Konstantinous broke the agreement 10 years later and immediately divorced his wife. Sending her back under her own guards to her home and her family. But her 9 year old son was forced to stay with dad. Which was just find since he was going to be the next Emperor and all bets were off regarding the Roman Empire at that point.


Notice how a group of the most educated religion scholars of the time of the early Christian church most of their actions are not based on “holy” but pure unbridled hatred, rage, misogyny, genocide, disgust over education, etc.

You would think that church leaders would prefer love, care, connection, and what is best for the church. But they chose evil over love.

Which includes the Nephilim and additional references to them and their technology so advanced it makes modern technology look antiquated in comparison.

Any technology at the time was something the hardline Vatican, Mecca, and Eastern Orthodox hated. A group of books from beyond imagination advanced people and sources was a by default needed to be scrubbed for the Gospels as much as possible.

The actions of those three groups for the next millennia and a half prove the pattern without question. the Pattern is beginning again at the start of the 21st century. “why do you need any other book than x holy book”. Depending on which faith depends on what x means.

The outlier information like the Hermetical/Thoth stuff is so far beyond unacceptable it would not even be considered. It was not even a topic allowed in the conference.

Not because it was not accurate, but because the scholars at the time could not understand and argued that it was not from god because it was in part still encrypted by following cultures who changed it to ensure it would not be included in monotheistic teachings.




the light over the alter (the ATEN/ATUM) the Alter is where Ptah is standing on the Ben Ben Stone. The Ben Ben Stone is the upside down pyramid. The alter , the candles, the tools, etc.

as Jesus stated in uncertain terms “build your temple upon me (Peter; rock/ben ben stone), and preach (Simon Peter) the word of the lord).” Paraphrased from the 50 different versions of the gospels.

The temple needed to be built on the Ben Ben Stone which floated on the lake of Chaos.

That lake of course is the lake from which Ptah/Pharaoh/Jesus/Simon Peter/the Pope would create the world from.

Hence the “Beast would rise from the Sea” since in all likelihood based on a strict statistical analysis Fatimah left her father in the catacombs under the Vatican itself before he left Rome to travel back to Carthage and then around Iberia to Britain. Then said War with her family in Northumberland, which ended with an epic battle at Lake Nemi which is closer to the definition of the Ben Ben Stone with the Temples over it.

The hulls of the ships were a metaphoric recreation of the Ben Ben Stone. However most of the material used which was not needed to keep the ships afloat was pure marble and granite.

A very thick sequence of 7 keels, several feet thick each one. Gunnels also several feet, of a ship just shy of 1000 feet long. That is more than enough floatation to allow for tons of Marble to be added to the top. Since the ships would be permanently anchored in place, in the center of the Lake with as x number of feet apart, and as much room between the ships and shore as possible.

Everything was set to rebuild Noah’s Ark x2, with 2x2 towers on each one. 2 on the bow two on the stern x 2 ships. And the 2x2 is no longer a question as to what it is referring too.

Since each tower was Electro-Magnetic signature locked to specific waves and frequencies. One tower on each side was oriented male, the other oriented female. Or in Electro-Magnetic terms positive and negative. X 2 ships.

There is really no reason to assume that the Lake Nemi Ships were not copies of or rebuilt from the Palace at Knossos Ships e.g. the Labyrinth and its resident Minotaur.

But all that knowledge was with the most evil intent to hide and keep secret to eventually destroy when the emperor lost power.

Which could be a very solid Hypothesis reviewing the hard facts of the case. Germanicus was a fiction created by Octavian to marry his nieces with his sister Octavia Minor.

But their actual husbands were entirely different men. But those details had to be entirely hidden from the senate in all ways. so, it is unclear if Octavian/Augustus was working for the senate to hide these details or working against the senate and for his family to hide those details. But hiding those details was achieved.

Which means the emperors after he was emperor were different people, named differently in order to hide their true identities from the Roman Senate.

Tiberius was in all hard reality Caesarian.

Caligula was likely the grandson of Caesarian’s younger brother Alexander Helios those three were absolutely children of Caesar and Cleopatra. The Roman Senate lied, imagine that. What they only lied every single day about anything and everything which embarrassed them. The Trojan War, the Princes of Troy, the name of the city, the history of the city, the Julii family were Jews, the Lucia family were also Jews, the Crucifixion took place in Rome proper, the lies the Senate told were at times so numerous it is difficult to keep track of all of them. The lies stretch over a full millennia of just flat out lying to make the Roman Empire more powerful.

The next emperor after Tiberius aka Caesarian was likely the grandson of Alexandra Helios. Who was named Caligula. Who did not want to be emperor, he wanted to go to Northumberland and kill Roman Soldiers fighting his family and ancestors at the in the century Hadrian’s Wall. But he was given a task by his family to perform.

That task was to prepare the way for the next emperor. To prepare for the arrival of the Messiah, and to move Heliopolis (hence the name and task) from Egypt to one of the family estates in Rome Proper, as well as finish assembling the city of Memphis on another estate.

The Estate was directly next to the Rock of Mars. The Julii family owned that property since well before Romulus was born. Likely owned it long before Agamemnon was born. But Agamemnon’s followers loved to use that rock to execute Jews on that rock. To remind the citizens of Samhain their days were numbers. Eventually the forces of Agamemnon would conquer the city and erase the entire history of the city to seize its power away from the Jews.

A task the enemies of the not yet called that Jews had in mind since the second they invaded upper Egypt and tried to burn the library at Hierakonpolis only to find the city vanished and the buildings gone. What they did not know is, the permanent buildings were carefully hidden under the sands and the portable stuff had already been moved to first the city of Luz, and then the city of IWNW aka Heliopolis in the years previous to the invasion.

The enemies of truth and knowledge exactly like the Counsel of Nicaea could not stand that idea and had exactly the same behavior pattern at 325 ce as they did at 3800 bce. 4100 years and the exact same behavior patterns. Which means the equation of predictable actions are close to 100% consistent through the entire course of ability to translate documented history.

The Counsel of Nicaea no different.

Well it was different in the aspect of their actions are much better documented, their notes are not for the most part destroyed. What their rages against materials were at least semi-understood. Unlike when the forces from Mecca invaded Egypt circa 3800 bce to destroy the libraries. Their motivations are entirely a mystery, the languages back them are not that well translated.

When the Hyksos invaded Egypt from Mecca, their motivations were also entirely suspect. They wanted to invade but their actions were unclear till centuries later and in their key aspect was not clear till more than 1500 years later when they ensured with their new name “Dorians” when they forced the recreation of Academics under their most strict of parameters. Those parameters included the hypothesis which has zero basis in fact that the pyramids were in fact graves for the pharaohs or Egypt. That the pharaohs were just basic warlords following the footsteps of pharaoh Narmer. However, none of that is true.

The facts of the case are that the pyramids are the first still in existence printing of Genesis. And they tell a story so profoundly larger than the current Torah version of Genesis that the two are like comparing the largest book every written with the phrase “north rose south fell” to sum up the novel “gone with the wind”.

The book of genesis has been literally that strongly edited and cut down. It has an amount of information hidden in the tunnels behind every single Hebrew character that the information is literally infinite in infinite ways.

The Counsel of Nicaea did not want a single hint of that mentioned in any way, shape, or form in the entire book of formulation of the Gospels.

Although the Nephilim/Ogle family left enough clues that their descendants could follow behind them centuries and millennia later and rebuild the missing pieces. It would just take a huge amount of effort to do so.

There is zero surprise that every time there is a “conference” or a group meeting to adjust what books to include and what to leave out. The really nasty and disgusting people get their way, the wars and violence which occurs after is by good people standing up for their rights. When the bad men refuse to give others education, rights, etc. it becomes up to good people to stand up and demand. Which always turns into some type of war.

In which case the war was over and about the ATEN/ATUM, Limbs/Holy Ghost/Spirit of the Lord, touching the Ptah standing on the Ben Ben Stone in order to create that which was needed.

Which is also the exact definition of Northumberland, Yr Hen Ogle dd, and of course Nephilim.

Which is really sad since the really nasty and enraged people are sure they are good and acting in the best interests of the masses despite allowing crimes against humanity and of course genocides to occur. But those are small sacrifices to make in order for the masses to feel comfortable and enjoy their lives.

When the vertical Northumberland was laid on its back and became the triumvirate, the most difficult aspect of the entire situation is. this is almost identical to what happened when Zerubbabel rebuild King Solomon’s Temple in Levant Jerusalem although the city was called Jupiter.

The same exact equation can be used to put the Temple of Solomon back on its Ptah feet as well as the Triumvirate back to its Northumberland proper configuration.

The only problem is, the amount of evidence linking the entirely of Christianity and Judaism with the process and structures of the Ogle family with the Council of Nicaea added another very hard and substantial sequences of variables to suggest they are one in the same subject.

Which Constantine the great was forced to watch and oversee the fact that his mother’s family (Jewish line) were about to be written out of history again by descendants of the Hyksos. The Jewish line is traced through the female. Constantine’s mother was from one of the original Judaism lines. Very likely Judah itself.

But leave enough clues and the really bad people win in the short term, but lose in the long term.

This has been true since the beginning of history.

Which is why when the descendants lose, they cause another dark ages to erase the fact that they are in fact very dark and evil people. But if they erase those documents from public consumption and or public access, than they can go back to their delusions of greatness and they are holier than god. Instead of almost pure evil.



The Fall of the Roman Empire


Very shortly after Constantine took the library, his army, all the supplies he could, etc. and left the city of Rome aka Samhain for good. The Senate and the super-rich were beyond thrilled. They all but threw parades in their own honor to celebrate they could get the Republic back the way they wanted to. They were in charge again and with a new religion in place, the fighting would end, and the citizens would again treat the senate as the gods of all creation they were.

They were thrilled to renew business contracts, to create new taxations, and of course work on the military.

The problem is, most of the good people evacuated with Constantine. Most of the super-rich had left only a few token family members behind and a few dozen salves to upkeep to pay taxes, to move back when the government collapsed.

You see every single time when the first revolution occurs, the winners instead of paying attention to the needs of the people immediately pay attention to their own accolades, awards, riches, and fill their pocket with the money they were entirely convinced is theirs if those other very powerful people would simply stop denying them what they deserved. Which is close to the exact same headspace which drives the Hyksos.

“that crown, building, palace, money, power, etc.  is mine” but have no idea what to do with it after the seize it from the rightful owners.

The rightful owners rebuild somewhere else. Building a new powerbase is actually easier to maintaining an old and crumbling power base. So, the Byzantium Empire was it, a new base of power which would surpass the Roman Empire in power within about 10 years.

The Capital City of Constantinople would be larger and greater than Rome ever was despite the ancient Samhain temples.

the Byzantium Empire did have a fatal Flaw. Which caused the empire to only exist for about a millennia. That fatal flow as the cannon and proximity to the Persian empire. soon after Constantine allowed scholars from all over to come and study, the library grew exponentially.

However, there was a huge problem. The Roman Empire by then had banned books and writing to all except for those who paid huge tax for the right.

The Roman Empire would soon be destroyed by its own incompetence as it crumbled under the weight of its own extremes in corruption. At the end nothing happened in the city with massive and expensive bribes to do anything. Everything possessed an inflated cost. Most residence began to live outside the city because prices in the city were so high and only getting higher. As even the rich began to feel the grip of huge portions of their wealth were going to pay taxes and government fees which nothing back. A all but entirely devastated army, the city was crumbling around them, the senators kept increasing their salaries, most of the senators owned monopolies in Rome which means they set their own prices and went about gouging their customers for more and more. Filling their pockets with any wealth left. Which did not take long before a city of close to a million was reduced to just a few 10,000s. with residents moving out of the city practically every day.

Around that time, the Vatican brought its army into the city and with little effort conquered the city and seized all power. For the very rich who owned huge estates in Rome, a bit of a tax transferred the title from the Roman empire to the Kingdom of Italy.

Have no more money for taxes, you had to pay rent to the Kingdom of Italy itself. Which is some cases was reasonable and in other cases was so high the corruption of the Roman Senate was preferable.

Although that switch over took from 330-475 almost 500 ce.

The problem is, that the people simply changed names, but not actually ended being culturally and government wise Romans.

Now the story in Britain is entirely different in all ways.

The Romans in Britain only paid lip service to the happenings in Rome. They had London, they had Bath, they had the army at Hadrian’s Wall. They had a perfect little Empire al their own and all they had to do is seek other descendants of Roman Soldiers from other outlying and long forgotten Romans living in areas like Germania to invite them to the Island and live as Romans. Obviously under new name.

The Anglos, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, etc. came in droves.

As the now huge numbers of soldiers piled into London, they of course without the command and control structure of a supreme leader each lieutenant and mini-general attempted to seize control and form the rest of the ex-romans to rally to his leadership. Most failed and hard.

However, the same cannot be said for the cultural shifts in the roman culture itself. They shifted away from being Italian Romans to being English Romans. Which took decades, but when you live in a country which is cold most of the time. Rainy, and surrounded by water from the North Pole. Rather than water in the warm sink of the Mediterranean. Growing wheat takes on a different aspect. They could not grow wheat all year round. Nor could they grow wine. The shift to beer was an absolute priority. Since the water was filled with bacteria which would kill most of those who drank it.

However back in Rome the corruption continued, and a string of entirely ineffectual Emperors filled the Ranks.

The real power was the Vatican and almost everyone knew it.

The worst part of the entire situation of the fall of the Roman Empire is not the loss of the libraries. They were safe behind the walls of Constantinople, Hadrian’s wall, Leipzig, Norway, etc. they were safe and secure with huge armies to defend against destruction.

However, the Alexandria library was in not only imminent danger, it was already been attacked by both Romans and Christians circa 200 ce, shortly after the Egyptians began building a new library. It was under attack from almost the first ground breaking.

One of the 1000 of Hyksos descendants wanted the Alexandria library rebuilt. Because as the destruction of the very real 4th library by the invading Islamic forces attest. “but what if a book in that huge building says a single word against either the prophet Mohammed and or the holy Quran. If that word is against the word of god, than word and all words associated must be destroyed because that word is evil and must be sent back to the fires of hell from went it came. The author of that book must also be sent back to hell”.

The first Alexandria library so named and built by Alexander the Great and great x grandfather of Alexander Helios aka (likely based on statistics) the renamed to hide his identify Emperor Caligula. In order to prepare the way for the arrival of the Messiah.

The Kingdom of Italy would not permit said information to be around. Neither would the Vatican. The Vatican hated an educated public more than the Goths did. and the Goths were an incredibly difficult culture who never stopped being War Lords living in Tents mentality. They lived in Palaces and the like, but in their hearts the souls they were still eating raw meat, in tents, and killing anyone who questioned their authority. With no class, honor, dignity, manners, protocols, etc. almost no civilization other than what their old and tired lazy leaders could afford to purchase and or conquer and move into. But with no real class, a brass bed with silk sheets is no different than a flea infested sheep skin next to a camp fire. The rulers after the Emperors were not much different than war lords who remove body fluids wherever convenient and force servants and slaves to clean up the mass. Or just leave it till it decomposes, not caring about the smell, or disease which comes with it.

That hygiene issue continued from in effect Rome till the reinvention of indoor plumbing.

The Palace at Knossos did not possesses non-existent personal hygiene. Every room had running water and sanitation, two separate water systems, to each room. that level of technology would not be equaled till circa 1910. The Palace at Knossos was conquered and in portions abandoned circa 1330 bce. 3300 years of entirely insufficient hygiene for removal of waste despite the fact Rome was at least one point in the Roman Empire more than a million people. Not a single indoor disposal of waste. Other than a bucket which was dumped either into the gutter or the street, if they lived close enough to the River into the River, which means the River from Rome all the way down stream was a toxic waste dump for about 3000 years. The water was entirely unsafe in most conditions. Never drink it, swim in it, absolutely never fall in, although the vast majority of romans from day one to point of the Kingdom of Italy conquered the area never learned to swim.

The Empire slowly over the course of half a millennia bled to death, not because of any other reason than internal corruption, greed, and religious crazy people wanting to kill it, so they could take over rand run things according to their own theology. Which has never worked in the entire documented history of mankind. The religious crazies are never satisfied of the devotion and loyalty of their citizens. Even in the darkest hours of the Papacy, there were still executions for “heresy”, Heresy under a different name is still conducted in the present by radical Islamic sharia law based cultures. If one person or a group have the idea come across their minds that someone has thought negatively about the Quran, any of their leaders, or Mohamed/Abu Bakr that is an automatic capital crime. Many times, to be punished at that second by usually cutting the persons head off. If they head is impure than remove the head. So, the body itself can remain pure and go to heaven.

However, the insanity of these concepts is not limited to just Islam, since the Romans are just a slightly different branch of Hyksos than the Muslims are. Though both are just as much liars and depictions of evil as they accuse the other of being.

Neither will acknowledge basic facts. That the Romans are from the Hyksos. That the Romans and the Hebrews as well as the Muslims are kissing cousin cultures, whereas the Jews are an entirely different culture in almost all ways.

But thanks to events from 1350 bce – present the Jews were conquered and force merged into the Hyksos newly named Hebrew culture. Thanks to Moses and his lifetime of Evil acts, but it great to write your own laws and books telling your own story. Because you can lie and be evil all you want, and no one is going to say no to the leader’s version.

If they do say no to the leader’s version, they are tortured into submission and silence or they are flat out killed. Why do you think Jews were marked into the Desert for 40 years, break the backs of the scholars and hard liners who refused to give up their old ways EG the celebration of the Golden Calf e.g. the Bull the symbol of Jacob was a Bull. Which means the Bull symbol from all over the Mediterranean means the Jews had a huge culture previous to the Hyksos invasion, and after due to events and situations which are difficult to explain. However, they have a huge amount to do with the structure of the Nephilim.

The Hyksos were absolutely bound and determined to follow the evacuating Jews out of Egypt. Find them and kill them.

Then install their, in effect, slave Jewish shield wall Helsinki syndrome warriors to run the city and pay them money and troops when the next Hyksos commander came around. Which in some cases worked great, and in other cases not only did not work great, it was full scale rebellion against the Hyksos forces. Which is what in a way caused the Trojan War.

A Hyksos commander after the Thera volcano erupted, destroyed the Hyksos. But when they as a culture were able to get back up on their feet a couple centuries later they attempted to reestablish domination over their ancestors Jewish cites. Most told them to “go away”, Agamemnon would not take no for an answer. the Trojans fought him to a draw, till a certain point. when the city of Alba Longa was complete enough that the rest of the entire population could be evacuated in just a few hours and leave the city all but entirely empty. Which angered Agamemnon’s entire Army, because killing Jews is the entire reason they were present.

It is interesting that the city of Rome was name changed to Rome from Samhain because of a fight to keep the Jews from standing up again and the empire collapsed 1300 years later because the next version of Hyksos operating under a new commander this time instead of Moses it was Paul seized power from the Romans, Hebrews, Agamemnon’s forces, and imposed their own versions of the laws of Esau as they so chose to follow them.

Which is even more interesting since those laws are very close to the original ATEN rules of order, minus the vertical parts. Paul’s version and Islam are very close because they are both entirely focused on the triumvirate of the causeway system. Despite the fact they are entirely ignorant of what the equal lateral causeway system is or is about.

But their actions are straight out of the book of Genesis, the edited-out parts.

Both are acting and reacting from portions their ancient culture made sure to remove and have almost no trace but. But just because something is removed, does not mean it does not and did not exist.

The Causeway system which is what actually killed the Roman Empire is when from a single point of origin e.g. the Ben Ben stone in the city of Memphis. When that was moved by orders of Caesar shortly after he conquered Egypt and ordered the city moved from Egypt to one of his private estates in the city of Rome itself.

That action cascaded into the Electro-Magnetics of the pyramids the center then applied to the city itself.

The divisions in the city eventually tore itself apart.

Divisions in the Hebrews, the Jews, the Romans, the Persians, the citizens, the slaves, every group in Rome began to instead of working together began to tear each other apart.

Because the Romans refused flat out to study and learn about the ancient past and improve their technology settings, they were in effect firing a loaded howitzer into a crowd having no idea what they were doing.

Which was the intent of Caesar from day one. He knew he needed to tear the culture of the Romans apart by having Memphis or the city of Luz shipped to Rome, and installed. Used as a Temple by his relatives and Jews alike. Hebrews were not allowed. Which caused its own problems and led to his assassination. The senate wanted to know why the Jews and Hebrews were different, why Jews were welcome, and Hebrews were not. Eventually the senate figured out Caesar was a Jew and at open war against both them and Hebrews. Who are just Hyksos using a different name.

Flash-forward by 400 years and the empire is so divided it will remain mostly divided until someone or something happens to help the population understand the secrets and riddles of the Causeway System, which is not that difficult since the riddles and secrets are literally built into Rome at two separate occasions.

The first was the 7 hills of Rome to the Senate chamber itself. Which used to be a full Tabernacle of Adam system. But Romulus deconstructed the temple and made it the seat of government.

The number of unholy actions done in that building by the senate were wholly unacceptable.

However, based on the level of lies told by the senate about Cleopatra and Caesar it would not be surprising at all to assume that Caesar in his youth and training at the Temple of Jupiter on the Capitaline Hill re-consecration the Temple, so that in about half a century he could return with his Egyptian pharaoh bride, again reconstruct the city and engage in a honeymoon ceremony. Several months after the birth of Caesarian. Leaving her pregnant with their twins.

However, he would be executed for being a Jew within 6 months.

The twins birth would be adjusted to a coupling with Mark Anthony months and months later.

Which there is less than zero-way that Cleopatra let Mark touch her fully clothed and in armor, forget in her bed chamber. Ridiculous to an extreme amount in her bed.

It takes some very serious hallucinogens or a clinical level of cognitive dissonance to believe that Cleopatra and Mark Anthony were ever more than Pharaoh/Empress and head of her Roman Army. He was an acquaintance who her role with him was nothing more than she gave him orders to achieve with his army. An army he only possessed because she paid the bills from the Julii estate, which she was not only the head of but also possessed two of her own armies. Her Egyptian Army and the Army descendants of Spartacus. Despite the fact that Spartacus was his given slave name. he was a Prince of the Thracian people, after his father’s death he became the King of Thrace. However, his people were forced to relocate on mass under slavery conditions to Rome. Which is fine, the Romans paid the way. at a given point. Spartacus gave the order and his army about the time Cleopatra was about 3 rose up and revolted against their slave masters.

He spent the next 3 years traveling up and down the country gathering his people, destroying the nasties rich of Rome, taking their money/estates/and most importantly leaving his people behind to operate the estate. Paying the Romans taxes of course. And buying their freedom.

Eventually with the vast majority of his citizens on the north side of the Alps almost all opposition to what Caesar and Spartacus wanted to achieve out of the way, their money safely in the hands of the Senate, Caesar, the commander of the Roman Army, and Spartacus. He took up his real name and blended into the Roman country side and continued to train his army to prepare for in 20 years his men would need to become Cleopatra’s army in Italy and worked very hard after Caesar was executed for being a Jew.

The cascade with the causeway thing into the Octavian/Augustus being named the second Emperor of Rome, provided he find and kill Cleopatra. The problem was she was going to be unkillable. He would not be able to get within a mile of her. The closest he was to her after he kidnapped her infant son Caesarian and kept him as ransom of for his own life. To ensure neither Cleopatra nor Caesar would order his execution. The boy would be killed first.

The interesting thing about that is, literally this is a very similar question minus a couple of the variables regarding what started the “Trojan War”. The Trojan War Agamemnon to get his brother and his army engaged in the battle promised he could have the Daughter of Theseus, the Granddaughter of Meritaten, the Great Granddaughter of Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten as his bride. After he killed her husband Paris of course.

But Menelaus was given the deal, so he could bring his rather huge army into the War and trade his modest city to be Pharaoh over the entire country of Egypt. Being King over all of the cities in Egypt. However, he would have to take his forces to Egypt and conquer the city of Avaris first, which might prove to be a challenge.

Although according to several sources, a challenge he attempted to do with a girl he claimed to be Helen but few if anyone was actually fooled. Since Helen was alive and well with her husband and some family first in the city of Alba Longa and then in the city of Paris. Since her husband was not a warrior but a scholar. A scholar in charge of the library, e.g. the library which the Sorbonne Paris was birthed from about 2000 years later. The library was brought out of hiding after the threats from the Muslims ad Vatican began to slack off. The library was brought out of hiding and assembled in Paris. Then a century or more of teaching and sustaining before the Vatican approved of the charter to form an education guild. The capture of Helen was a huge deal at the time, and Menelaus was not the only warlord who wanted to capture her and use her to ascend to the throne of the Pharaoh. She was royal hot commodity, therefor the people Menelaus attempted to convince of the slave girl was actually Helen would never believe it. so, he was unable to make a successfully claim to the throne of the Pharaoh. Disgraced he in effect was forced to return to Spartacus, but the slave girl her chose only gave birth to daughters and no sons. Because of this at least according to the Odyssey she became more and more useless, Menelaus turned to sons from his other slaves. But after they both died, her likely by his hand over rage she would not give him a son. They are reunited in the Dorian version of heaven and live eternally as a happy couple. Which says a lot about the violently patriarchal culture where females sex is not sex, sex is rape, but they are supposed to love their rapist and produce male heirs for their rapist, so their rapist can continue to be powerful and send his sons into battle to obtain more power and glory. violently dominant cultures seem to have some type of a problem with understanding they are not great just because they think they are. Which is what the Roman Empire succumb to over time. They as a group and the senate as body were entirely convinced they were great, and their actions were purely perfect. Despite at the end they were performing actions which were actively destroying the city entirely. They were destroying the city and the culture, but at least they were filling their pockets with money. Which is at the very end of the life of a culture, the only thing which matters. How much money can the powerful strip out of the culture they are in service to, the more money they can steal the more money they have when the system collapses, and they can move someplace better for their retirement. Which almost never happens. But the insecurities of “the system is collapsing” so stead of focusing on plugging the leaks and fixing the problems. They focus on “I am going to take and steal my share” and evacuate before I am murdered for my criminal actions.

One of the largest Death nails to the entire Rome Empire occurred circa 30 bce, at the battle of Actium. When Cleopatra slipped out of the hands of the Roman Empire navy and sailed first to Rome and then out of the area entirely.

At the battle of Actium, Mark knowing full well that Cleopatra was entirely safe, fulfilled his masters last dying wish. And wanted to return to being a roman citizen on his estate in Athens.

However, he knew too much and could not be allowed to live, he knew too many secrets and plus the fact that the husbands for his daughters with Octavian/Augustus sister needed to be given good solid men as husbands and Mark was not a good father to make those decisions in any way. So, he was disposed of quickly. His wife Octavia Minor’s brother the Emperor Octavian/Augustus already selected her new husband who had a huge influence in the Aegean. Well he selected two husbands for each girl. The first husband was a fake person who did not exist, and the other was likely either a Jew or some other very powerful family member who would be ok with being a non-existent person to history. Germanicus was the first husband, he did not exist, but this phantom person was needed to be the uncle of Tiberius to sell to the senate, so the senate would belief the fiction Augustus was selling. The children of the nieces would produce the fake emperors 3, 4, 5, and 6. None of that was true. It is all propaganda designed to make the senate happy. But a point of hard fact was not even semi-close to reality. Although it is possible that interbreeding did take place and the off spring of Cleopatra Caesarian and Alexander Helios were married to Octavia Minors daughters and at least the older daughters first son became Caligula. However, Claudius is someone else. Claudius is likely based on the statistics.

Backing up a very small step. There is a huge problem within the structure of the name and title of Pharaoh, from Narmer to Cleopatra al the pharaohs took on at least one if not 5 different Pharaoh names. That leaves the 5 names unaccounted for.

So, during the last supper Jesus stops being talked about and Simon Peter suddenly becomes talked about. which is if you look at the basic structure of the ATEN vertical in its Pyramid shape. Peter is an edited version of the Ben Ben Stone, and Simon is the two ways in which to communicate. Build your Tabernacle upon me which is to say become the Ptah. Simon during the last supper at the end became the Ptah. Or in other words he became Pharaoh. Leaving behind the name Jesus and accepting the name Simon Peter (two names) as the Roll of the Ptah. But then of course just a few months later, Caligula’s body double is killed by the senate for being a Jew. The Next emperor was Claudius. Claudius would be statistically speaking none other than Jesus. Or the third Pharaoh name Claudius. He ruled strongly for almost three decades.

However, in about 16 years, the Senate become enraged again and decided to arrest a follower of Simon Peter. Charge him as being Simon Peter and execute him as close to the now destroyed “mount Zion as possible. Or just outside the Gates of St Peters Basilica. That Execution Simon was placed upside down. The senate could not arrest and execute Claudius, but they could arrest a follower who looked enough like him and execute him. Leaving on official paperwork the emperor in that same year “suddenly died” on a remote estate. However, the “remote estate” was not the one from official Roman Propaganda. The estate was the Lake Nemi Ships where Simon Peter aka Claudius continued to preach and rule as emperor.

The Roll of Emperor went to a renamed Paul to Nero a family member of the Julii family who had evacuated to Britain years previous. And since the Romans Senate could do and did anything they wanted, they made up the whole thing to make themselves look good.

The religious leaders were applying so much pressure to the senate that they had to replace the emperor Claudius with Paul but there was no way to do it other than a grand spectacle which even the pagan priests would approve of. However, Paul sitting in the senate under a new name, was an incompetent jerk who had no idea how to lead a nation. However, the legally dead but very much still alive Claudius did. He led his nation and made orders to both the government and military minus the invasion of Northumberland that was something the senate refused to relinquish control over. The fake emperor was still in charge of all Rome, minus the invasion of Britain. This is the death nail for the empire. the Empire could not survive with non-governmental forces pushing so hard into their sociopathic delusions that they would literally force the entire country/culture to obey pure illusions just to make themselves happy. Which bypassed the one and only way the Roman Empire was going to continue. Although Caesar attempted to rename the city and empire back to its original name “Samhain Hills” “Eternal Hills”. Since in Gaelic seven is spelled Samhain. The “City of 7 Hills” is the city of Samhain. Which is a direct reflection of the founding concepts of the city as a rebuild replacement for the Pyramids of Israel aka the Pyramids. But the religious nuts of both Paganism and Esau’s line were so bent on having their way, that when it comes right down to it. if given a choice between allow the rightful people to be in charge of the power or they are in charger and they obliterate both themselves and the culture/country/city itself. Almost every single time for 6000 documented years with a huge amount of help from Archaeology/architecture, they chose to I will rule and if my rule ended with total and complete destruction then so be it. My arrogance, ego, and narcissism is so strong I cannot ever allow myself to admit I was wrong, up to and usually including after my execution. I would rather die, and all of my people die watching my city burn to the ground than give power over to my enemy and or admit I was wrong.

The reality is that the Roman Empire had only one choice to continue to function and flow as a powerful culture. That was to allow Simon Peter to rule as Emperor/Pharaoh of Egypt and Rome. To adjust the state religion to a pre-Exodus form of Judaism. And work with the causeway system, the tabernacle systems, the Vatican, and rewrite Genesis correctly. But the powerful citizens of Rome rejected this concept entirely. They preferred to take their chances despite the fact that they were informed the empire was going to die if they chose to perform bad actions and remove the Julii from power. But cognitive dissonance is a strong and powerful motivator to ensure the status quo remains comfortable.

The Empire continued to bleed a slow and agonizing death over the course of the next 450 years till lit was conquered by Goths from in effect Russia/Poland what would become Prussia who renamed it the Kingdom of Italy. They were soon conquered by the Vatican and renamed it again to the Papal States.

All that could have been avoided provided that the descendants of Esau, Moses, and Paul could have allowed truth and facts rule over both Egypt and the Samhain empire. rather than push their junk till their junk is destroyed either from external or internal forces.

The assumption becomes; Are the descendants of Esau aka the Hyksos, Moses, Agamemnon, the Dorians, Avaris, Paul, etc. either consciously and or subconsciously that afraid of the Nephilim or as it translates into Gaelic the Ogle family. Are they that afraid of the Ogles to rather destroy the entire planet than allow what they consider half demons even a slight chance to rule and prove they are not demons but either angels and or just really smart people.

Yes, very smart people either have a zero EQ or very low. And do not react well at all to the entire community in general. Which is a problem, because citizens in a group in general have to have their comfort reactions. If they did not have said comfortable reactions, they usually react violently to move the offending behavior patterns.

Be curious fi that bullying to prevent “abnormal behavior patterns” is also part of the Nephilim seek them out and kill them thing.

Directly cultural contact with both the Nephilim, very likely aka Titans, gods, fae folk, etc. died with the Roman Empire. Even after the culture switched from Pagan worship to worshiping Paul pretending to be Jesus. With a few walking the path of Jesus. The last link to the cultural concepts of the Titans ended when the culture was conquered by the Goths and the Kingdom of Italy formed. Which would point to a sequence of events from the formulation of the Empire by Caesar to the last day the Empire existed. each of those events was to find and erase the cultures connection, beliefs, in a way worship, and most importantly knowledge of the Titans.

Hades was put in charge of the Tartarus because of all the Olympians, Hades was the strongest.

But the enemies of the light, facts, truth, evidence, the Nephilim, the Jews, etc. every time they make a power play to remove more and more of the ties to the Nephilim, the concepts simply did not go away. The concepts not only did not go away the concepts continued unabated from 50 bce to 500 ce. Then and only 200 years into a dark age and the total and complete destruction of the entire structure of the Roman Empire, Culture, People, beliefs, etc. did the concepts of the Nephilim/titans/Ogle family being to be erased from common knowledge, and in a way common worship. Which is what the Vatican under the direction of Paul wanted the entire time. It just took destroying every single solitary thing about Rome to achieve that goal.

However, the Byzantium empire, as well as the Kingdom of Britain Centered/Capital Kingdom in the kingdom of Ogle still possessed the knowledge. That knowledge would be impossible to erase since for the next 1000 years 500-1500 ce the European Armies and the Muslim armies did their best to destroy it. but that knowledge kept on ticking.

The heart of the culture was not obliterated and destroyed entirely till 1889 December when the very last gasp of the British Ogles in a place called Whatcom County Washington ended their existence when the area they had controlled for two centuries became a state and there was no further hold on lands.

Despite the fact that the location of Castle Bellingham still is in the possession of the British Ogle family, that the land is still a seized military reservation still prepared to be called to active duty base in case the Ogles in some way decide to reform and attempt to reform in Whatcom county the last place they were.

The not yet called Romans were just one name of the same culture which started to Trojan War at the Palace at Knossos which did not end till Washington Territory became a state 3300 years later. But you will find not a single history document other than this one regarding that specific information. That information is one of the most highly guarded and disregarded historical facts in western culture, the trojan war and of course the Nephilim/Titans/Ogle family are still to this very day a hard target threat to the Vatican, the Cumaean’s, and most of the Hyksos descended cultures of the world. Which includes protestants and the whole of the Islamic world.

6000 years of combat and defending, what did the Ogles do to deserve that?? Including the Roman and English Empires, the Hyksos obviously do not care about what cultures, deities. Empires, etc. they have to create and destroy to crush the central goal. The goal is the important part, to find and erase from existence the Nephilim/titans/ogles/etc. the evidence is entirely clear.

The following cities/cultures plus countless Sparta, Athens, Knossos, Troy, Thrace, Cycladic Culture (Minoan), Gaal, Sarmatia, Iberia, Carthage, Egypt (several times), Celts, Britain, Ireland, Cornwall, England, the 13 colonies, Florida, Mexico, New Louisiana, New France, Paris, all of Europe (on several occasions), Russia, the Pacific North West, and three separate the American Culture all destroyed to seek out and destroy the underlying Nephilim/Titan/Ogle/etc. Destroying by conquest and or destroying from internal when x information or cultural norms were found.


Ogle Family Library System

The Ogle family had a huge problem. In the 1800 years since the city of Troy (actually not his real name, that name means Jews, or the city of the Jews. which would actually be better translated as Jerusalem. Which makes the Cycladic culture Israel. A replacement Israel since they had to evacuate out of Egypt. Levant lands has been an evil lie since day one. But since politics is politics, the Hebrews forced the creation of the façade of Israel and Jerusalem in Levant to make themselves happy. The same equation it at King Solomon’s temple construction circa 1000 bce in Levant in the renamed after conquest Jupiter to Jerusalem in the renamed 300-year previous Levant to Israel. But the whole thing is pure evil illusion to make the Hebrews who are literally no different than the Hyksos. The Jews and Hebrews are entirely different, despite the facts that the Hebrews conquered the Jews, stripped out everything which make the Jews Jews, and forced the Jews to become Hebrews. Their holy books, language, name, customs, clothing, every single one of their rituals minus one, etc. everything which made the Jews the Jews was taken from them from 1330-1000 bce. And then a small pocket of their old ways was permitted. That being the Temple of Solomon as long as the facts and truth were not actually clear and made public. The ancient Tabernacle Design was allowed, but not any of the purposes of why.

The building was oriented to be in direct alignment with the causeway of the Bent Pyramid with some type of Architecture above to point to the cave of the nativity. The ancients knew a form of mathematics which makes the single number line look like junk in comparison.

Since the single number line requires both C to be constant and of course uses HUP to force their calculations to work. These two things prove how badly the single number line actually works, but it works sufficient for the peter principle of western culture.

However, the brits knowing full well that they were going to be facing an attack far worse than the Roman Empire that they successfully had defended against for half a millennia. The new enemy was not only on its way, but came with virtually the entire population of the near east and with better weapons than the romans would ever allow themselves the technology to create.

So instead of staying on their layers of defeating the Romans and knowing they were “invincible”. They knew the Roman Culture replacement would be infinitely more difficult, infinitely larger armies, and have a harder/harsher blood lust.

So, the Ogles did what any solid and advanced technology culture would do. Used its ship building, navigation, and of course its allies to begin shipping books to and from every cooperating library/university in their sphere of influence to try to get the brain trusts of their friends to come up with solid solutions. To make copies of all the books and distribute those books to virtually every single location they could get. Making 1000s of copies and having several copies in one location, but having 100s fi not 1000 of locations in far off areas. So, the enemy could not seek them out and find them all even if they took the next 1000 years to search them all out and destroy every single library.

The Age of the Viking did not begin in 680, it began centuries previous to take books from Northumberland to Levant and Constantinople and other Ogle family allies libraries and back again. The newest scrolls codices, would be copied and send around on Ogle family ships. Since the Ogles new how-to navigation point to point anywhere, and their enemies still had to sail within sight of shore. All the Ogle ships had to do was to sail in the middle of the med and avoid key north to south ship lanes and their journey from Constantinople to Northumberland was a smooth few weeks journey. Minus the docking when the ship was the most vulnerable.

But the word Viking does not mean what the Vatican has claimed for the last 1500 years, it is the Ogle family equivalent of Marine.


Khadija bint Khuwaylid

The wife of Mohammed, the first wife and first believer he was prophet was a female by the name of Khadija and mother of his only surviving to adulthood child, a girl called Fatimah.

This female’s life is entirely interesting and in most accounts her story is massively fiction.

First of all, based on both description of her and her descendants. She was a 6-foot-tall, bright blue eyed, bright red haired, very pale skinned female from northern Europe. She was either a ship captain and or a very skilled warrior assigned to protect the ship and its cargo of scholarly works begin shipped from Constantinople to northern Europe. But her ship was captured, and she taken as a slave.

It is interesting that violently patriarchal cultures teach men that females are theirs for the taking. All they have to do is to “seize them”. And the rest is entirely in the male’s hands. The female is broken, and then she is reseizable at any time for any reason. It is all good, for the man.

However, the females and their daughters and progressive generations become so desensitized to being nothing more than cattle to work as a slave with no say, and a place to take pleasure from. That the entire culture crumbles under the strain of betrayal and deceit.

Khadija after capture was sold into slavery, she was too good of a warrior to easily kill. So, they found her of value. That value turned into a death sentence for her first three slave masters. She killed them during coupling.

But not they impregnated her.

She gave birth, being too strong and powerful a warrior to kill. Despite how much the slave masters family wanted to kill her. She would normally kill several would be executioners before the family gave up.

She would be sold gain, and again. Before being sold to Mohammed’s family and given to the non-warrior scholar Mohammed, along with part of the books in the cargo from her ship.

Again, another pregnancy, but this time not a violent one. But she was also likely very heavily tied down and unable to defend herself. Scholars do not assume they are better and can defend against a little nothing of a female. So, she was ordered held so he could complete his domination over her and consummate their master slave roll aka marriage. Despite the fact only he consented.

9 months later Fatimah is born, but his child she was allowed to keep since she did not kill Mohammed in the time between the rape of the wedding night and the birth.

Although she likely did not have any chance to kill him. Being held in bonds and prisoner till she was considered no longer a threat.

However, the second she was not on confinement she evacuated back home, although that took a considerable amount of time and effort. November 619 ce, Fatimah’s mother left the area and went back to the Kingdom of Ogle.

Which sent up a huge sequence of really nasty events which culminated in the brits and the ogles being forced to evacuate their islands for Ireland, mainland Europe, and of course the Americas by island hopping across the north Atlantic.

It does not really matter how old Khadija was, the date she left is well known. Fatimah was born c. 609, which means her mother left a very likely confused 9-year-old to fend for herself in Mecca while mom make her way back home. Likely mom was still young enough to produce children with her husband or at least find a new husband and attempt to leave her evil life in Mecca a distant memory. Similar to attempting to forget the worse nightmare you have ever experienced, and go about your day trying to shake that nightmare off.

However, that nightmare followed her to the Kingdom of Ogle and would not be satisfied till daughter was accepted as part of the family. But she also did something else in Britain which was entirely unacceptable in all ways, shapes, and forms.

Which since Mom was from Northumberland, which is the same code as Nephilim. Some of the divine claims made about Mohammed and Fatimah have some basis in documentation reality. That reality being that a divine creature came to Mohammed in the Kaaba and helped him understand the secrets of the religion which he would create. Which is pure fiction.

The religion was not “created”. But reinvented, from the notes and papers left by Esau and his followers in Mecca which the Ogle family were taking them out of Constantinople to prevent them from being destroyed and delivering them to libraries in the north behind defenses no army could get past.

But said shipment was interceded and the books taken anyway. So was Fatimah’s mother. But the mother was named something else previous.

But Fatimah was her father’s child through and through. Which the mother knew. The mother very likely asked various question to Fatimah about the future and Fatimah did not reply correctly. So, when mom had the chance to evacuate, she did not hesitate. But she did cause a monstrously huge cascade problem. A problem which still haunts the entire western world to this very day.

That problem is, in about 8 years after 619, circa 627 ce. Fatimah was married off to a cousin of her fathers who would then produce a male child. when Fatimah was about 14, what can be said still being a child herself most patriarchal cultures could not care less about females. They are only there to be slaves to the house and of course produce as many children from the time they can till they are no longer able to.

Those that cannot produce children are at times killed and replaced with fertile females to produce a dozen males Heirs for the family. The second through x number wives are allowed to produce female children. But those female children are often just gifts and political pawns to seal business arrangements.

Sally Hemming’s grandmother was one such gift, she was given to the Franklin family in order to seal a deal for trade and slaves with the equivalent of Al-Qaida.

Fatimah’s mom’s real name was not included in Islamic documentation. Most females are not included in documentation unless they serve a huge roll in some war or a leaders demands. Example Delila, and her interactions with Samson.

However just because Mohammed’s wife only had a documented Arabic name does not mean she did not have an Ogle family name.

In fact, she had to have an Ogle family name because she was not born anywhere near Saudi Arabia.

But that the Muslims could not have cared less about.

The angel which helped Mohammed form Islam is in this case literally Fatimah’s mother.

Who was from the Ogle family who had the same code and education level as her ancestors the Nephilim.

Upon leaving without her daughter, it hurt but Fatimah had chosen her father and the most important of all her father’s religion. She was her father’s daughter through and through.

She even started to develop her own Fatimah specific form of Islam. Which John Calvin and Martin Luther took those left behind notes and reformed her philosophies and sub-Islamic religion into her own named version of Islam.

Which Mohammed could not have been more proud, but her dad’s translation partner and second in command of the religion of Islam could not have been any more angry with Fatimah if he tried.

Although he was entirely convinced that the mother was not an angel sent from heaven, but a demon sent from hell. A demon who was tasked by Satan to deviate Mohammed from true message of Esau and credit Esau not Mohammed.

The prophet in Sunni is not about Mohammed it is about Esau. However, since Esau is not an Arabic name, the translation through about 10 languages from Sumerian/Akkadian to Arabic may very well be Mohammed. All those named after Mohammed, are likely but unproven named after not the guy from 620 ce but Esau from 2500 bce. The father of the Hyksos, since that culture literally has the same behavior pattern as the culture which has invaded Egypt on 4 different occasions and committed for centuries crimes against humanity including doing as much damage to world education and libraries as they possibly can.

Khadija witnessed all this first hand and knew she had to get back home and warn her family, they were about to face an army which made the roman Army look like nothing.

Estimated without solid defenses, they would be erased from Britain in about 5 years. From the point the bran new Islamic army hit the beaches at dover. Putting up a huge nasty fight the British and the ogles had about a century most likely less to pack up and evacuate out. Plus, use most of the army to stay on the front lines and battle the new Islamic army about it invade.

Khadija evacuated out of the area the second she could, knowing full well that the movement her slave master was building was not going to be small. They had already begun to incorporate the followers of Zoroaster into their ranks. Which in just about a decade would make the religion of Islam as large if not larger than Judaism at the time. In two years the numbers would be the largest religion in the entire area, able to compete with the Catholic church for size and numbers.

That is if nothing odd or unusual happened, if they just continued to grow at the established rate. That would not include an invasion into Egypt, or Levant, or into Anatolia, or push east into India.

So, she needed to get home.

Arranging transport, in the middle of a huge even when no one was paying attention to her. She slipped out, and was in Egypt within a few days. In Alexandria within 2 weeks. Once at Alexandria her family had ships working with the libraries present. The fourth incarnation of the great library was up and running, and her family routinely came to that library to drop off books and pic up new ones. As well as transport scholars around to study in different environments.

She managed to inform them of the imminent threat, and to start to pack up and move as much as fast as possible. Most of the library was shifted almost instantly to Carthage within a few months. The most valuable antiquities, codices, materials, etc. cause within 15 years that building was going to be burned to the ground again.

This time because it held books which were not the Quran. Those books not being the Quran were an insult to the army of Abu Bakr who was entirely convinced in all ways that like the Vatican the only book needed was their one and only holy book. For the Muslims it was the Quran, for the Catholics the holy bible. Fortunately for the Jews they had 100s of different books and arguments written down to think through and discuss.

Khadija arranged passage on the first family ship which was available and evacuate out. To head directly to her family in Northumberland to warn them. Stopping at each of the major ports of all to inform them of the immediate danger and to start to either beef up your defenses or ship the library as far outside of Islamic reach as possible.

Arriving back home, the message was delivered, and the defenses were rigged in accordance. Also copies of the most valuable books were shipped west and north incase her daughter followed and wanted to covert her family to the ways of the evil one Esau.


Arriving back home. Sending messages, ships, and herself around where she could to warn of the coming Armageddon. Within a decade they were as prepared as they could be. The libraries in the middle east were again buried. Some of the key areas were hidden. And key buildings were placed in caches. To be retrieved later. Hence the first crusades to come back and reclaim the Nephilim libraries, the materials, produces, tools, etc.

The evidence is found in the documents of the founding of Islam, and the immediate actions taken in the months and years after Fatima’s mother supposedly died. The flurry of actions and activities was not stop for a century. All in preparation for an Islamic invasion of western Europe from Egypt.

The Jews, Coptic’s, Christians, and a lot of the Romans evacuated. Those that could evacuate did so. Those who could not were forced to evacuate south to the headwaters of the Nile then use the river system west to Niger. Those that could evacuated out of Africa entirely to western Europe and or the new world to avoid the coming genocide.

That genocide was only put off circa 350 years later, when the wave of Muslims invaded Europe from the east and took past Vienna Austria before they were stopped.

But in their wake, was left a bunch of half European half Arabic descendants who were not allowed to stay in Europe. So, they travelled to Africa to create kingdoms of their own aka Plantations. The whole slave trade thing began with those descendants finding land in North west Africa and obtaining the natives and Jews of Niger as slaves. The University of Timbuktu too was designed specifically to teach Islamic principles, to track the families of the people of Niger. To find out which were natives and could be used as slaves, and which were Jews who need to be questioned about their connections to the Nephilim and if they knew nothing they were immediately executed. Sometimes they would be put on ships, a few days sail out and still in their chains pushed overboard. Push one or two over and the rest of the chain goes over. The brutality of the Muslims has known no boundaries from Esau to present. Some pockets are really fine and wonderful people, but most of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other locations the entire country itself is to an extreme amount committing crimes against humanity on a daily basis.

The good part of that is the behavior patterns are entirely known and can be acted upon. The bad part is, when Fatimah’s mother arrived back home, she reported back that the above actions were clearly in evidence, clearly on the drawing board, and that only mass death would stop the waves from the newly radicalized Zoroastrians coming to kill everything which told them no or they would not covert to the new philosophy. Which for the last 1400 years has been proven to be on a daily basis entirely true in all aspects. Which is a very sorry and to the human species sad thing to say. That Esau’s descendants have no problem going to war with god, if god itself told them not about anything they really wanted. Like pedophilia, killing the innocent, mass murder/genocide, weapons capable of killing all life on earth. If god say no, they would argue with god.

This is what the world was facing when Mohammed gained access to those books.

She knew it, and the Ogles did their best to step out of the way and step the mutant hoard from killing every single person on the planet to perform the same actions as the Senate for Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero. The Hyksos become so sociopathically violent nothing will back them down, unless god backs them down. And in some cases, even gods intervention is not enough.



Mohammed 620

Apparently based on the definition of the word Nephilim, and the fact that the books Mohammed was by all documentation was reading about the ancient ways of Esau and was being taught by a “Divine Being” by account of the documentation of the whole of Islam. That “divine being” was literally a member of the Ogle family, a female member of the Ogle family and based on DNA. The Offspring of that Female was placed in charge of the religion after Mohammed died. Although his death was not by natural causes but by based on the what is not listed in the documentation self-administered poison from a series of arguments between himself and Abu Bakr.

Abu Bakr hated Fatimah just a little less than he hated her mother. Her mother obviously possessed the last name “Ogle” or the equivalent from that time period. Knowing that English was not invented yet. The absolute worst part of the entire situation is Abu was entirely convinced that literally the wife of Mohammed was a Nephilim but in battle she was just too tough to take on. She had survived dozens of assassination attempts. Mohammed protected her, but she was one of the best warriors in Mohamed’s entire army.

But there were two huge problems, first problem is that she hated being a slave. Second problem, she obviously left portions of the definitions out because the tools used are divine tools. At that time, it was a family decision to keep the divine information out of the hand of the evil cultures, so they do not attack god again as they did when they attacked the Eridu Ziggurat to gain power and weapons to defeat god. That would-be Abraham’s father Tarah, who hated being told no by anyone including god, so he attacked the one guaranteed way to reach god in order to argue with god and fight him to gain more power. Possibly even domination over the earth, the results were an Electro-Magnetic Lobotomy, which rendered him a drooling babbling idiot and most of is high commanders. The only member of his inner family not rendered an idiot was his young son Abraham. Who knew the entire situation was not only bad but lethal to argue with god.

Something the Esau, the Hyksos, Avaris, Dorians, Moses, Agamemnon, Paul, almost the entire Muslim community, etc. a lessons they have not learned yet. Do not argue with god, if god wants you to have access to the library of knowingly, you will gain access to a library of knowledge. If god does not want you to gain access to a library of knowable, you can be in a room of books or inside a rail gun and have not the slightest idea what it is.

The problem is, Mohamed and his people living in and around Mecca have never been fans of being told no about anything at any time. That includes god. Or they would be able to turn the Kaaba on and its tools would work. They would be able to use Electro-Magnetic waves to alter the fate of mankind instead of suicide bombers who aim to kill civilians.

Success to the leaders of the Sunni and Shia are huge genocidal body counts.

Mohamed in the first days of his new-found religion had a problem, he attributed his success to a Nephilim/angel who came to him and taught him the secrets. But the problem is, the secrets told to Mohammed were only about ¼ of the total whole. The rest of the secrets were kept away, till Mohammed and his forces were able to let their guard down enough for Mohammed’s first wife to evacuate out of slavery and back home.

Which set up a very difficult and insanely nasty sequence of events.

It did not take long for the army of Abu Bakr circa 642. About a decade after Mohammed died, 8 June 632. The problem is Abu Bakr was so angry that Fatimah slipped through his fingers, that he could not understand where she had gone. To he sent assassin after assassin, and in a matter of fact just minutes after he saw Mohammed for the last time. All evidence points to both Mohammed and of course Fatimah vanished from the area.

Which was entirely planned, Mohammed being nowhere in the neighborhood of dumb knew his first slave wife had evacuated due west to the coast, might have even been able to spent a month setting up a relay station. With fresh horses every say 10 miles in order to get to the coast in time. Then have waiting ship to take her across the Red Sea and more horses. Several days to a week and she was on the Nile sailing as quickly as the oars and sails would push the craft down river to the mouth to Alexandria. The faster to arrive the faster she could spread the word.

But the faster she traveled and about 3 to 4 days of no sleep, she could have been 1000 miles away from Mecca. The details are impossible to prove, but she might have sent word months in advance to have friends met her at specific locations in order to have protections, so they could keep putting miles between herself and Mohammed.

Because she knew that Mohammed might at some point realize that the information she was translating was fundamentally wrong. That it was not one Kaaba but 4, and the Kaaba were protective tents around the “forbidden Trees”.

It is not one tree but 4. The four rivers of creation bisect those 4 trees. The rivers come from a fountain at the center. That Kaaba have a suspended platform connecting them. The platform is where Adam and Eve performed their Steward job. Naming and measuring the lifespan of all things in the garden. That job is the same job as Ptah.

Mohammed knew he wanted to gain access to Esau’s papers, he knew that his family was militarily strong enough to obtain the books from the Constantinople library. He also knew that the language written was so old no one in all of Saudi Arabia could read it. He needed at least one linguist to translate.

But such information was against the very nature of Abu Bakr. He hated education, he wanted just the most bare bones form is Islam. And to kill. His aim was to take just enough of the teachings and use the tools as permission to go sociopathic on the entire world. He was not an individual serial killer, Abu Bakr wanted to kill everyone. In beastly and the most grotesque ways imaginable. Which is what he ordered his people to do. Go forth and kill all who will not pray to me, for I am the servant of god.

Mohammed wanted based on his actions and the altered documentation which Abu Bakr forced after Mohammed disappeared from Mecca. While he was dying his loyal to the core daughter had spent months setting up a relay system out of Mecca setting up the last stages first so that Abu would have no suspicions in any way. Abu was on the lookout because he knew Mohammed was going to die and that he, as soon as he could seize power, was going to murder Fatimah. Likely with his own hands. He hated her that much.

Plus, he was denied the ability to kill her mother by assassin. He was not going not miss his chance with the daughter.

But Fatimah knew where her mother had evacuated through and to. She knew she needed to follow, but also knew the journey would take years not months. She wanted to spread her own version of Islam and build an army as she traveled so that as Abu followed her, she would encounter still resistance and armies ready and waiting for him.

From 642 up to and trough 710, it took that long before the descendants of Abu Bakr to follow Fatimah to just shy of Paris. Met up with Charlies Martell and they experienced a blood back the likes of which the Muslim army had not faced since they were still called Persians under the religion of Zoroaster. They were slaughtered, only a handful of the army remained intact. Many chose to evacuate west through the chaos and seized control over ships docked on the coast. Sailing over to Britain to join what remained of Fatimah’s army. But that would be another portion of the story which is much more complex than to describe in the section only about Mohammed.

One of the things which angered Abu Bakr’s men, so much is an entire huge war fought in a very short few years from Hadrian’s Wall to Rome down to Lake Nemi, where as many armies of the world could gather and fight it out as were available. Abu’s army was just too far away. They did not learn about the battle over Rome and Lake Nemi till months after the battle was finished. And the Lake Nemi Towers Noah’s Ark replicate 2x2. 2 towers on both ends of each ship, two ships 2x2. Which Emperor Caligula personally designed and ordered built. Likely the first purpose built cathedrals for Simon Peter as soon as he resurrected and was in charge of his Church again.

That information pushed the army and different sects of the faith to become overwhelmingly angry with the both Fatimah’s mother and of course Fatimah. They were convinced that said information was kept from them. That those tools should belong to the faith of Islam, and that Esau was cheated out of being the Pharaoh over those tools.

Despite it clearly being stated in no uncertain terms in any way, shape, or form that Jacob was chosen to be Pharaoh over the Temple of Noah 2x2 and not Jacob. But that is an insanely long story, which is slightly more complicated than it appears.

Mohammed suspected but in his lifetime, he never knew about Noah, the 2x2, the true configuration of the Garden of Eden. Or any of it, his translator slave wife refused to tell him the truth. Which could be one of the many reasons why his wife was so hated by Abu. Abu was not ever allowed to be within 3 feet of her. Mohammed refused all pleasantries with his slave wife. Partially because he knew that a full-scale war would start the second Abu Bakr let his guard down over arrogantly confident that she could not harm him. He would kill her child if she harmed him. An assumption he was absolutely dead wrong about. Fatimah was dad’s daughter through and through. She was entirely loyal to dad and possessed a similar disgust of mom that many violently militant Muslims have towards females.

It was not till Fatimah had two sons and a daughter of her own, that she finally matured enough to realize that the hatred she was taught towards her mother was pure fiction. That she loved her mother and wanted her mother in her life, now that her mother was a grandmother. But her other surviving children, older than Fatimah from her first slave masters. If any of those children were allowed to live, would have already produced grandchildren. That culture is so violently nasty, that there is only two choices, allow the leaders to use your weaknesses against you. Or do not have weaknesses. The mother unbeknownst to Mohammed, hid her weakness so well that when she disappeared. No one had the slightest idea where she had gone until it was obvious the plan was set up months in advance. She went home, through her family in Alexandria. A library Abu badly wanted to destroy. But he did not have a chance to, the building was filled with junk and other things. So, by the time one of his descendants arrived to destroy the library, just like the Romans were idiots to assume the building was full of books. This time as last, the building was empty of valuables and had been shipped out years before hand.

But before the forces of Abu Bakr could descend on the library at Alexandria they wanted to make 100% sure that the place which formerly held divine weapons were well in hand and could be turned to be used against their enemies. The Alexandria lighthouse weapon had been removed centuries previous. And was safely out of their reach.

However, they wanted Heliopolis July 640.[17] It was the city of the Sun Temple. That sun would be the ATEN, the Temple would be the same temple as was referenced by Jesus during the last supper the same ground “build your temple upon me (peter).” Would be a rebuild or remodeling of the corrupt Roman stolen temple of Heliopolis Caligula had moved from Egypt and developed to being the Vatican. Same exact buildings, same masonry, same all has been remodeled four times since it was in Egypt. Remodeled about 10 times from the time it was called IWNW, through x name, to its Greek renaming Heliopolis.

But that was a decade after Mohammed was suicide poisoned to a very slow and painful death. He wanted to correct, but he did not know enough. His first wife slave did not include those details. Her family knew the secrets, but there was no way in the world she was going to tell them.

If they figure it out, ok, but there was no way she was going to just give the secrets.

It took Abu more than a decade to figure out the Noah 2x2, hence the conquering Heliopolis first.

But in his ignorance, he had no idea the city was taken, lock, stock, and barrel by Caligula to Rome. And renamed Vatican. Although there is no reason at all to assume the name after IWNW was not Vatican. Since the area had been used as a Temple structure long before Romulus was born.

Mohammed attempted to perform the journey to Levant Lands to the city of Jerusalem. Being entirely ignorant of the fact that the land and city are pure evil illusions created by Moses in the line of Esau to make him and the 19th dynasty happy to have erased the true location of Israel and Jerusalem. Also, the true location of Luz, the ladder to and from heaven. Which would be the Bent Pyramid.

Fatimah was born 609 and that journey to the city of Jupiter renamed by the Evil Moses to Jerusalem Mohammed journey took place 621. 12 years after his only surviving to adulthood child was born. Which is fascinating since Mohammed was still convinced that was the real Jerusalem. His slave wife gave him wrong information, which he risked his life and came up entirely empty. But within two decades it was obvious that the lie was found out, that levant is nothing more than an evil illusion crated by descendants of the Hyksos, the culture fell for their own lies. How idiotic is that, to so believe the propaganda that the pure fiction created 2500 years previous was a solid and undeniable fact to the very culture which created it. but upon further review, they learned that the fiction was actually fiction. However, the leaders might have known as some point it was fiction. Hence Abu Bakr descendants ordering the invasion of Egypt years after his death. To achieve the divine goals, Islam was set out to perform. But being again shut out. Because the two primary buildings, Luz and Jerusalem/Heliopolis were in Rome. By the time they figured out more of the facts, Mohammed had disappeared from Mecca and his body to this day has not been found, and Abu Followed just 2 years later.

It would be interesting if Abu Bakr and Mohamed took the poison together to prove which one was the true prophet and which was as a servant of Satan. As it turns out, both suicides in effect prove both men were servants of Satan.

A real bummer for the followers. But at least Mohammed got to see and repeat his Jerusalem ceremony in a couple of the pyramids. But they did not work. Ignorance will not make the tools work, no matter how hard you try. Because it breaks the will of god. If god wanted Islam to know those secrets they would have not been kept them. The Ogle family still possessed those secrets in the late 1700s ad likely up till the mid-1800s. Example the Legend of Sleepy Hollow which like the Wizard of Oz was not set in Tiffin Ohio and Tarrytown, New York. New York was an author hint hint the real story is directly related to the function and story of the Ogle family. You know the Nephilim library which was seized and became Columbia University. Which not well known but similar stories came out of Boston (Beacon Hill, a code for the Ogle family, which is the only family with a library of size and PhD level Harvard was founded on those seized books). About resurrection, various paranormal issues surround each of the major cities the Ogles used to own and their associated libraries. Which used to contain tools which Esau and all of his descendants have demanded to possess so they can attack and kill their enemy. Or at least force their enemy into submission.

That submission comes with a huge prize. That submission is ultimately aimed at god, for denying them access to the Nephilim library since Noah. God intervened once, but since the Ogles have been mostly on their own. And now the Ogles have all but forgotten all of their history. And all of their library has been seized by their enemies. But their enemies are just too ignorant to understand what they are looking at.

It is like the Muslims with the Kaaba, they can stand inside a major divine tool. No matter how hard they study the Quran, it will not teach them how to identify and use the tool. Which is one reason shortly after Muslims capture a new temple, they try to use it to commune with god in that “special way”, and they fail. Since they are entirely convinced they are good and in the pathway of god. That means the building itself is evil and it needs to be erased from existence since anything not them is evil. Mirror effect, they are evil in basic for following the tenets of Esau. But since they are good, they cannot be bad. So, everything they see it bad, not them. They project the facts of their soul onto others around the go on wild killing sprees.

Mohammed was not a good man, but he was a far sight better than Abu Bakr. Abu Bark’s people have almost every single day since 630 ce has either killed an innocent person in tribute to god/Satan. Or has been active in the planning to kill massive numbers of people. Every single day that would be just shy of 1400 years of working to and executing as many humans as possible every single day of that almost millennia and a half. That is the definition of a problem. That makes what the Nazi’s did look like small potatoes in comparison.

They only killed 10 million in 15 years. Not 50 million over that long of a time. The other Muslims do absolutely nothing to stop the genocide of the human species by the radicals. If the 100 million non-violent Muslims would stand up to the millions who perform the ritual human sacrifice, then said would end literally overnight. But complicity is the mother of evil. All that is needed for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing. 100 million good Muslims do less than zero to prevent the violence. If you do nothing, than you are by default guilty of the same crimes against humanity as those who actually committed suicide and planned to commit suicide.

The worst part is, not only are they complicit, but they are also violently in agreement. Since they have been silence and in agreement for more than a full millennia.

Those that perform the Hajj, which was designed by and performed by Esau to line up all of the survivors of his conquest of the city of Mecca and stone them all to death while praising Satan. After the sacrifice he went into the Kaaba and performed a sex ritual to summon a demon/Nephilim to send an angel to go kill his brother before his brother could ascend the throne and be crowned pharaoh of Israel. Sitting on the throne of Adam.

That throne has long ago been destroyed, because the Hyksos cannot stand that throne, because they are not allowed to sit in it. so, if they cannot sit in it by orders from god, they destroy it, to ensure no one else can sit on the throne either.

A 2-year-old temper tantrum if I cannot play with it, I will destroy it, so no one can play with it.

Mohammed was facing these issues in his life. And in most cases failed in all ways, to achieve the goals needed to actually form what god had intended for the job of Caine and Esau. That job is different than what Tarah and Esau built. God, it is assumed keeps hoping the followers will eventually want to find out and want to learn about the truth. But after a full almost millennia and a half the need to go kill and we are correct they are wrong has set not being a soul level filthy subject. Defending lies and evil is so instinctual that the ears were deaf long before birth for the followers of Islam.

The number if just one person was killed by Muslims from 630- present a day than 511000. Would be dead. But Muslims do not like killing in ones and twos. They like killing/sacrificing to Satan in the dozens and hundreds. 1000 bodies is a great day for the faith. They feel and have not the slightest bit of shame bragging about when they manage to pull of a 1000 body count ritual human sacrifice to Satan. Although they call Satan Allah, which is the same as the Hebrews call Satan. The oldest name for god is ATEN. But that has been removed by the descendants of the forbearers of Tarah a millennia before he was born. There is little about Islam or its Paul partner kissing cousin philosophy which does not have violence at a core issue. Ritual Human Sacrifice is at the core of every single ritual in Catholicism, Islam, and Protestantism.

The main ritual was not supposed to be “drink my blood, eat my body” that was a miss translation. The blood is a reference to the AMBER, and the body of the LAND, by a Prophet or Vertical closer to god person. Vertical/North, Umber, Land. The Ogle family is present and part of every single Catholic ceremony for the last 1800 years without stop. They used our name Yr Hen Ogle dd, with the priest playing the part of Ptah. Which is the same thing that Muslims do, praying to Mecca.

Standing (vertical).

On a Carpet (defined land).

Praying to god (Amber.

North(vertical), Umber, Land.

There is the code build directly into a ceremony Muslims do 5 times a day. To prayers called from a Spiral Minaret, a Vertical, holy prayers, in a defined area e.g. the reach of the priests’ voice. Which is also the definition of Simon Peter.

But that shall be an insanely difficult subject to work through, since that means that at least four different places and core principles of Islam are there directly about the Ogle family and or are done using our code to connect to god.

But they spent the last 1300 years hunting us down to kill us, so they could overpower us and take out divine secrets. Just ask Wilhelm Wundt, Thomas and Johnson Ogle of Tiffin Ohio, Oliver Cowdery, and of course Joseph Smith who worked together at the seized Heidelberg library in Tiffin Ohio in a building the Ogles had built decades previously with books owned for centuries if not millennia. To build Psychology out of.

The troops manning all those violent actions possible were the Freikorp stationed out of Fort Ball. The Freikorp were actually part of the Prussian Empire Army. That Army the empire itself the leaders were secretly Muslims. They were secret about it, because the entire Prussian Empire was simply an extension of the Muslims horde who chose secrets instead of being open and honest about who they were.

But the Prussian were not only part of the Blue horde, they were kissing cousins and allies with the Russians from the time they were still called Teutonic Knights to present. The Teutonic knights renamed Prussian Empire, and after 1946, renamed to something else. And keep renaming themselves something else to avoid problems. But they disbanded their army, but kept all of their spy's.

The Prussian (Muslims) Army have always been entirely loyal to mecca. Although you will never get either side to publicly admit them. But best to operate under lies than to cause the believed evil to be revealed.

Mohammed did a good job and not only incorporating the Ogle family legends, codes, and structure into his new-found belief system rebuild from Esau’s notes. But did a great job at sending his and Abu’s forces out to obliterate all traces of the Ogle family and their libraries.

A very roman/borg “you will assimilated, your distinctiveness will be added to our own. But you will no longer be allowed to exist. To claim these things came from god to Mohammed and Abu Bakr and their direct descendants. The Ogle family cannot exist. The Ogle family must be hunted down and erased from being. Which is very close to exactly what happened.

The last stand of the Ogle family as a cultural united whole. Was between 1850-1890 in Tiffin Ohio, and Whatcom County Washington. But the worse part of the entire situation is, that shortly after the destruction of the Ogle culture, the family in just a small half century shortly after I was born has all but forgotten 6000 years of documented and proven step by step history.

Not all the lines are continuous. But the strings are entirely continuous.

The name has been a consistent code. The library has been about 90-95% of the time entirely constant. Minus a few times when the historians belonged to cultures who could not find us to kill us. The Rope of our existence was studied hard and strong for the first centuries of the existence of Esau’s Ceremonies and faith, but once they had narrowed down what was needed. A blood hunt ensured.

Following the Egyptian Coptic, Christians, and of course Jews out of Egypt to find and kill them, or enslave them to pay for the military campaigns. Also, to keep Europeans drunk long enough for them to not notice Islam is designed to evolve like a cancer, naming changing all the time to create new forms to infiltrate and destroy western culture based on what the Ogles created and was captured by earliest enemies. But the Muslims want to have total and complete dominance and domination over every and all things. The romans need to be defeated as well. So, do the Germans, and of course the protestants are just Muslims by a different name. with slightly different packaging to their rituals.

But that is the last 1400 years of Islam as directed by the descendants of Mohammed and Abu Bakr, the Sunni which are from Abu Bark want to destroy Mohammed’s descendants and faith for the same reason the Shia want to seek out the gentile and kill them. But the descendants of Mohammed are in part by now a very small part they are ogles. So, the ogle family need to be found and killed from all Islam. Minus all the major ceremonies, and their major buildings, rituals, and of course all of their pre-Mohammed history.







The Slave Trade and the Gnostic Library

The famous slave trade was in part due to the structure of both the Ogle family (half demon half human) and the gnostic gospels. Mohammed was in some way convinced that if he gained access to the libraries of the Ogles then he would learn how to solve the mystery of “life after death” and be able to perform a Lazarus ceremony to bring people back from the dead and eventually himself. Or at least he had that general idea, it is unknown if Mohammed knew at a fact that his slave wife was literally an Ogle family princess, but what is entirely a fact is the half a dozen to a dozen ways the Ogle family name code was used to create the most basic aspects of the structure of Islam.

The Hajj, the prayers, the call to prayers (two entirely separate things each with the code built in), the Kaaba, the way the prayers are laid out (a horizontal ATEN) pointing to Mecca (the ankle bone, straight up to Heaven, as a ladder or in this case Jacobs ladder rebuilt not in Israel from Jerusalem, but from the Kaaba Mecca Saudi Arabia), the bloodletting/sheep sacrificing(amber) before going to the Kaaba (land) to pray up to heaven (vertical), etc. just the most basic structures of the worship of Islam requires the Nephilim code to function. That same code is the family Yr Hen Ogle dd. With Mohammed’s wife and the mother of Fatimah the only surviving to adulthood child Mohammed produced. All in all, a very difficult and strange bed fellows, Islam and the Ogle family. Which has produced an insane patricidal need by the most violent Muslims for 1400 years without stopping a single day to seek out the Ogle family and kill them. Seizing their library at the same time.

 the most perfect example “Hi are you John Lennon”

“Yes, I am John Lennon”

“no, I am John Lennon” then pulled a gun and shot john dead.

The illusion must be realized by erasing the original. Islam suffers from this “personal identify disorder” thing to a point of mass psychosis.

Mohamed had a bet with Abu Bakr, they would both take poison, and they would both use their ideas and structure of their versions of Islam to resurrect themselves. If Abu was correct than Mohammed would accept he was evil and his ideas came from a half demon. If Mohammed was correct than he would then outlaw Sunni and all would worship him as the new Pharaoh and heir to the throne of Adam.

Thank god, his wife lied to him and told him illusions about how the ceremony worked. Although he tried several times, he failed every one of them.

But his daughter Fatimah had her own ideas. She would implant a piece of his soul in all who she converted to her sub-Islamic religion. That small piece of her father’s soul would allow him to live in all of his follower’s hearts. And that was in a very large effect resurrecting her father without the need to put him back in a dead and desiccated body.

But to hide all those facts and evidence.

The Muslims needed to seek out those that might have seen and or interacted with similar ideas, technology, the ogle family, the apostles who lived and died in Egypt, the devoted followers of the apostles, etc. anyone and everyone who might have known about the formation of Islam. They all needed to be found and killed, the libraries either destroyed, and or sent back to mecca for further study and hiding them away from anyone who might use the information incorrectly.

The invasion of Egypt was the next logical step, since it was entirely obvious after a decade of searching everywhere in Saudi Arabia and Levant lands that Fatimah and her couple hundred closest guards and followers did not venture that way. even if they only filtered through one person taking different paths through. No one had seen anything resembling that type of actively. Even traveling along 1000 people as fast as they could traveling north to Anatolia leave a mark no matter if they take different routes as different times or not.

It turns into ok that is the 4, 10, 100 person who came for a night or two, stayed just long enough to provision up, and headed at full steam north again.

No evidence of that type of actions in any way. just the normal traders working their normal routes.

However, after a decade of searching. It became entirely clear that literally they traveled to west to Egypt.

Once in Egypt they stopped everywhere they could in order to pick up every piece of information they could about Christianity, the ogle family, resurrection, the gospels, etc. to Fatimah could find the puzzle pieces to resurrect her father.

She brought his bodying bogy with her. Hence the need for troops, support staff, and imams to spread the word. Start to preach and have the ways of Fatimah and her father’s philosophy again spread in Egypt. Just like it did when the Hyksos came, but with less blood and not slaves. Just converting to the Islamic way.

The people had experienced the way8s of the 17th dynasty only a millennia and a half earlier so it was not difficult for the descendants of the 17th dynasty to convert and assist Fatimah in her tasks.

Then it was time to move on to Heliopolis, Alexandria, and Carthage.

Having spent years in and around the pyramids trying to find any information about the ancient resurrection of mummies ceremonies as she could.

Abu Bakr was not going to win this race and be resurrected only to have her father spent the rest of eternity in Hell. Abu Bakr was going to spent his eternity in hell. Not the other way around.

By the time the descendants of Abu Bakr arrived they found absolutely disgusting form of Islam which angered them almost as much as Abu had been disgusted by Fatimah’s mother. Who had used this same route to evacuate back home, but as quickly as possible.

Fatimah did not find almost anything she was looking for. Her mother had in effect salted the ground, everyone knew that she was on her way and to not tell her anything. They also knew that the descendants of the 17th, the romans, etc. could not be trusted. So, the secrets were again not give to them. When they started to move the Alexandrian library out in crates in the middle of the night over the course of a couple years, no one was the wiser. And those looking, were either paid for their silence, or were flat out killed to keep the Islamic army with Fatimah and her mortal enemy the descendants of Abu Bakr from finding out.

Which is more than a little bit of a task.

By the time the descendants of Abu’s army arrived, they began to search fare and wide for the same thing Fatimah was looking for. But with a population absolutely against him. He was a genocidal mad man, while Fatimah had been at least kind of nice.

So, Abu did exactly what his Hyksos ancestors did. he rounded up all the Jews who did not evacuate fast enough and put them into interrogation and then slavery.

He found out that most of the population had either evacuated north while they had the chance and or evacuated south using the Nile river system. To the rivers from east to west south of the Sahara.

The Muslims knowing, they would not fare well gong south ordered that their forces would not follow directly. They would attack Carthage and then split their forces, half going north into Iberia to conquer Spain and the other half would proceed around the north-west portion of Africa to Niger where the rivers ended. Where they would figure out who was just an ignorant of the ways native and sell them into slavery to pay for a global military expedition, to select out those who were either of their enemies and interrogate them till they died.

All the interrogation information was compiled in the University of Timbuktu, to find the Ogle family, the libraries, and of course the pre-exodus Jews to find them and kill them.

Find out where those who had taken to ships and sailed off who where they and where did they go.

So, when the Islamic armies arrived in those areas, reported by the weaker members of the people captured. They would have an idea of who they needed to look for, and where did the ogle (Nephilim library) go to. So, it could be either absorbed and or erased from existence.

They were mostly rather strong with their need to find and destroy all that does not have Islam and the one and only philosophy and religion on the planet.

The hatred and rage associated, as well as the genocide has gotten in the way of the development of the human to explore scientifically and advanced ideas of nature. Because there are 100 million Muslims out there with a single goal, either get out of the way of the militants, and the militants want to kill every last non-believer on the planet.

The previous process took several centuries to achieve. But achieve the goal the Muslims not only did, but they in their wave after wave of attacking Europe from the east through Turkey, the north east through the steppes of Russia, and the west through Iberia. Their descendants of the Arabic cultures were not allowed to marry other conquered foes families. Some did, but the children grandchildren were then selected not to be good stock for western culture. It was a huge issue for centuries. And huge levels of prejudice, some good and some evil.

But the descendants of the Islamic armies were in a way forced to leave Europe and take up lands in northern west Africa. Which worked great, they could simply take 10,000s acres of land. If they had enough of a grandfather’s money they could purchase an army and seize 100,000s of acres.

All those men would then need to purchase from very distant cousins who were in charge of the selection process of the Nigerians. Purchasing slaves from them, and having huge plantations which the Islamic government in mecca got a cut of.

But there are two problems, first the slaves could simply run back home. Even if it was 1000 miles or 2000 miles away, they could simply run back home.

Two with that much land is going to draw different war lords to take what they can. Different Islamic armies crashed all the time. Burning plantations right and left.

The war lords from then are no different from war lords from any millennia. That which I cannot control/own I will destroy. Which points to, if they did gain access to really powerful weapons of the divine, would they challenge god for supremacy. And supremacy over what earth or earth and in part heaven?

Which would be an interesting philosophical issue to discuss. Are the descendants of Esau just as blood thirsty about bringing the war to god from terah to present as it seems, or will they back off at some point? what usually causes the genocidal wave to end. Usually it requires killing the leadership. The followers once they no longer have a strong leader to blame their bad actions on, simply fade into the background and put their need to commit genocide aside either forever or until the next leader calls them up and they can be criminals against the human race again.

But not being able to go back to Europe, since the waves were being defeated on the western, north eastern and southern east fronts. Europe was no place for a Muslim. Unless you were a professional diplomat and or a warrior, do not return.

The rich descendants were faced with constant warfare from their distant cousins in Africa. Which cut into their profits in a huge way.

So, the only solution was to venture west to the continent the Vatican refused flat out to acknowledge. But the Muslims knew full well not only where it was, but it had plenty of land. And most important it was too far away for the Niger slaves to run back home. They could not swim across the ocean. They were stuck and had to make due with hard work for no pay in the Americas.

It took a while, but the Vatican finally agreed to sending their own expeditions to the west to compete with the spread of Islam in the Americas.

Some of these seeds are full flourishing forests today, hard roe fascist and or violent Esau line descendants who have no idea why they are so violent and need to kill everyone not them. But that part of the philosophy has remined, the rest of the logic and information was considered irrelevant.


The Muslims began to travel west. But if they traveled any farther north than the tip of Brazil they would see both long ships and ships of the line owned by the Britons (not English) with ships traveling regularly to ad from the new world. Which became the definition of unacceptable to a divine level. Those evil good for nothings were generating huge amounts of money and the Muslims could not understand how.

After the next centuries it became obvious that they had a trade route through the middle of north America to avoid the bugs and human eating things south of Mexico.

The British used the rivers in North America to in just weeks travel across the entire continent. Where other ships sailed south and then back up to see where they came out. The came out at San Francisco, the Columbia River, and of course Puget sound. But mostly the Columbia river.

Why because they could avoid the Azteca in what would become LA, by using het northern routes.

The Muslims decided very quickly to conquer that trade route to the west to the orient. Seize control over all of the cities the Ogles had built because the ogles do not go anywhere without their libraries.

Anywhere they could put a new library, they did.

Any and everywhere they could put a new library, make copies and start the scholastics.

But the ogles only informed select pockets of the Germans, the Scandinavian’s, and of course their French allies. Everyone else was not included, not invited, and the enemy of the ogle family.


The Muslims told their allies and slave purchasers in Europe about their findings, and they formed a partnership to take over the trade route. To really destroy the descendants of the Christians, Coptic’s, Jews, etc. in both Europe and Niger to make pile and piles of gold to pay for these global military operations

Find the ogles and kill them.

Find their libraries and seize control over them.

And finally kill anyone who got in the way.

The Vatican being a Paul ally to the Muslims, agreed and stayed out of the way in order to collect huge amounts of money and new converts to Catholicism.

If they converted to Catholicism or Islam was of little concern. The tithings were the largest issue. Forcing the natives of America and Africa to be slaves and to mine for gold, plant crops, mine for diamonds, etc. was the interest. No amount of money was enough to anyone when the slave trade began.

Try as hard as they could the Ogle family was simply unprepared with 100 ships to the ogle family one. And they had huge fleets. But the Muslims had 1000s of ships. And allies in Europe fighting to undermine the ogles in Europe at every turn. Taxing them sometimes beyond an acceptable level.

The effort proved from 1200 ce to 1890 to be too much and the culture of the descendants of the Trojans simply could not survive. The ogle culture merged into the American, English, French, German, etc. cultures and the trojan War ended with the trojans not knowing they were actually trojans. Having little idea of the libraries, fleets, and their Nephilim background which the Ogle name used to be used with pride and a 6000-year history. All destroyed and none of the descendants remember just 50 years after the last collapse.

The slave trade was primary to find and kill Jews, second to find and kill all pre-exodus Jews (e.g. the lost 13th tribe, which the Muslims were entirely convinced was the Ogle family and the British culture), the Coptic’s, Christians, and all non-believers. To make those lucky enough to not be killed immediately would work as slaves to pay for the next invasion/conquest.

The battles were long and fierce, but it is finally time to bring the structure of the ogle family back.


Fatimah’s Evacuation

The story of Fatimah is long, detailed, complicated, layered, takes place over the course of not a day less than a century. Her descendants were just as vilified and on the list to be executed as much as their mother and grandmother not to level out for the Sunni their grandfather as well. The problem is, as quoted by 1000s of NAZI, the Sunni are entirely convinced that the Jews and the Shia are literally not human. They are only half human, but with cross breading, and mixing, some of them might actually be mostly demons from hell.

Hence the Prussian rage against the Jews and the Ogle family. The Ogles are more guilty of being half demon than the Jews, the Jews at least in their name are not bragging about being Demons. Or Wicked Fallen, despite the fact that specific translation is entirely incorrect in all ways. Have to remember that the Hebrew’s were no fans of education, academics, advanced technology (minus Weapons of Mass Destruction), or their enemies possessing anything which might destroy the Esau/Hyksos/Dorian/Avaris/Hebrews. Destroy it before it could destroy you, and since the descendants of the Ogle family had a history of being smart enough to re-invent the wheel, their entire family needed to be destroyed. They were a threat, when Fatimah proved to be one of those “born that way” Ogles. Again DNA does not lie, her daughter was widely reported to have her mothers and grandmothers features. Very light eyes, pale skin, tall (as in taller than most of the rest of her family), and extremely intelligent. Which did not help much in a culture where females are not allowed to be intelligent.

The Ogles/Nephilim/200 IQ have a similar sequential statistical equation happening. They are a group of people who are very smart and are unable to distinguish between how to act/react in a normal society with its rules and entertainment venues. Only some Ogles have interests in sports, racing, group party activities, etc. the rest a library and intellectual conversations are their interests. Which in most cases scares the rest of the community to a point of mass hysteria.

The Ogles, the Pre-Exodus Jews, etc. are all part of a structure of descendants of the Nephilim which as mentioned are a group of descendants half human half from god and or angels. But the second definition makes more logical sense. That the extremely intelligent “outcasts” of a society joined together for safety in numbers. Which harkens back to the bragging about the cities of Saddam Ghamorra, eetc. Cites which were more than likely designed to like Monloe Park, Los Alamos, Microsoft campus, apple campus’s, etc. for extremely intelligent people to live and function together. Without fear of attack or destruction.

The story of Fatimah begins when she is approximately about 18, after she has two boys and a girl. As quickly as her body could recover from each pregnancy she was impregnated again.


Before she was married off at age 12, a couple years previous her mother had evacuated out of the area to go back home. Fatimah became a major influence on her father and the direction of the church of Islam. So much so that in the decade between 18 and 28, Fatimah had angered Abu Bakr to the point of having physical attacks (assassination attempts) on her. The only thing which backed him down was her father ordering him to back off and her guards forming a wall around her. But the more confident she grew the more Abu wanted her dead. The second her father stopped breathing was the second Abu Bakr was going to go and kill her. There was no middle ground. He was going to kill her and there was nothing anyone could do about it. that is how much he hated her. He was not entirely sure if he wanted to kill her little girl as well, he would decide that after his prime target was killed. But most likely her entire line he was going to kill. Her and her 3 children. To prevent anyone from challenging him, and outsmarting him again.

In the year 632, Fatimah had a major decision to make. She could either be killed by her mortal enemy or set up a relay system without Abu finding out and take her father’s body out of Mecca secretly in the middle of the night and be on the Nile sailing south within a couple weeks. Too far away for Abu to be any the wiser. But she would have to leave her children behind in order to achieve that type of travel. And she would never be allowed to return to the middle east again. The closest she could come was Constantinople. But she was a distant cousin of the king, so he might be able to seek refuge. If nothing else the children, she had from 29-45 could seek refuge in Constantinople.

But she had her work cut out for her.

She needed to travel to the pyramids, learn as much as she could. Which almost no one but the very sparse population of romans and the 17th dynasty were open and interested. The rest were uncooperative as best and at worst threatened to become violent. Her mother had poisoned the population against her. She was not considered an ogle, she was her father’s daughter. not her mother’s daughter.

Which caused her more than a little grief, as well as a large fountain of rage.

That rage she would use in Rome twice the first time to drop her now dead father off in the catacombs and the second time about a decade or so later when she came back with both her maternal and paternal families entire armies behind her wanting very badly to kill her and erase her existence. She was a full-on cancer cell. Trying to take the best of the ogle family and create a divine miracle to resurrect evil.

Fatimah would not survive the battle at Lake Nemi. Neither did her closest living relative  or as the fictional version of this battle her son, as history fictionally states her half-brother and head of the army did not survive. He was fatally wounded by a son produced during her time in either Iberian Peninsula or soon after arriving in Britain on her family kingdom. Although if you follow the fictional account, her son was a produce between her and her half-brother. Which makes the entire situation even more gross. No her half-brother did not participate willingly, she drugged him to force his cooperation. But said information was unacceptable and entirely against the teachings of the church the fiction version had to be altered so it would not be banned by the church.

That son was a chip off her grandfather’s block. He was just as genocidal and rage filled as his grandfather Mohammed.

His by that time grandmother further deepened his rage by refusing outright to see or interreacting with the boy. She loved and accepted through love consummated children. But her through rape, she wanted nothing to do with them. And their offspring to her did not exist. They were just produces of an evil culture.

But that was after Fatimah arrived in Britain, at this point she had not left Egypt yet.

But before she arrived in Alexandria she had to do her experiment's which did not work in levant lands Jerusalem. When she traveled their under the protection of her father. Then she was incensed that the reason why is because her mother had lied and provided the wrong ceremony for resurrection. Also left out key aspects.

Traveling up to Alexandria, to the library. She found a mostly empty building. Which angered her even more.

But was happy in the knowledge when Abu Bakr descendants came behind her in x years, they would find an empty building too.

She then continued to preach and spread the word of her new faith of Islam and of course her sub-faith specific to her own unique half Arabic half Nordic/trojan/18th dynasty/builders of the pyramids /Nephilim nature.

Gathering a rather large and substantial following of believers. Some she took with and some she ordered to stay behind and build up the following of Islam in Egypt. When the Muslim army arrived a not small amount of the country was already Muslim, all loyal to her. Which was another death nail for her and her philosophy. Females are not allowed to preach the word, that is for males only and strictly. Any female who preaches needs to be immediately executed and the most bloody and horrifically grotesque way imaginable. 20 years of torture is not enough in the hardline Sunni tradition.

Which makes the function and structure of the applications of Esau’s faith all the more evil. The first sin outside the garden of evil was murder. Most of Esau’s line cannot function unless they are murdering someone, or planning on it. The Muslim not wanting into or planning on murdering someone are supporting those that do, by not getting in the way of those that want to. Not preventing the murders, genocide, and human sacrifices is a participant in those murders.

Fatimah with enough support and a sustained community in Egypt, unknown if she knew or not that her efforts were erasing the fact that her ancestors built Israel in Egypt and Jerusalem as the refuge for Jews. which her father’s side wanted to kill every last Jew in the planet. Her efforts were to erase the very last bits of evidence which existed to easily prove Egypt is Israel. But for some reason she sided with her father’s Esau line philosophy and wanted to Jews killed. not her mother the Jew.

Heading father west to Carthage. She did her preaching thing, and build a nice community of a fairly large size in Carthage before venturing North to Rome.

In Rome she continued to do her thing, preaching, lecturing, gather followers, and meeting with the Cumean Sybil. Which she then converted from being Jewish to being Islamic. But most cumeans do not know that. First-hand experience tell me that.

All in all, a very bad satiation. But one of their own choosing.

Fatimah found Lake Nemi, found a way into the catacombs. And placed her father as close the best location she could find. Unknow fi she chose under where the crucifixion took place, or under where St Peters Basilica would one day be built in several centuries.

But with the Italian, Roman, Vatican, and other armies close by and in easy attack range. They had to evacuate out of Rome very quickly sailing back to or at least close enough to Carthage. The ailing techniques were not the best.

She did not want to sail south west and chance missing everything and ending up in the Atlantic. Her ships were entirely ill equipped for ocean travel. So due south it was.

To Carthage then west to the shortest area to head back north to Iberia.

Where she would again proceed to preach and spread the world. Her religion spread wider and faster in Iberia than it had in Egypt. The Catholics were a bit harsh on the Spanish and wanting a reprieve form bad behavior the population in a way turned from bad to worse not realizing that in about 20 decades the real bulk of the religious would arrive and turn their lives into pure unbridged hell. Killing indiscriminately, stealing everything not tied down, and treating the population as if they were devil worshipers in the flesh. The armies of Abu Bakr by this time were trying to decide ways to hurt the populations not just convert them and genocide the ones who refused. But to send a grotesque and torturous message to everyone around. Do not follow the teachings of that evil demon woman. Her religion is not the path of god, her religion is straight from the bowels of hell.

Which is odd since the parent of Hebrew is literally the tunnel the earth creates as it rotates on both its axis and around the sun in its orbit.

Which up is heaven and down is the bottomless pit of hell. But that is another story. Close to connected the job of Ptah.

Fatimah continued to preach, convert, and work her way up to southern France. Where she encountered a very different and entirely unaccepting culture. First the Basques who were disgusted at her, and then the French who were very close allies with her mother family and were more than interested in being violent against her.

She had to head west to the coast and evacuate by sea. Then north to dover to cross into Britain. It would not be called England till she arrived and worked very hard to destroy her mother’s family and their religion. To take the library, learn how to resurrect her father, and obliterate the lost 13th tribe of Israel. Since the Jews were evil and must be erased from existence.

Ala the Pictish War, which took till 650.

653 the Ogle family won an entirely decisive victory over the forces of Fatimah and her army. But that was only one battle.

With the King leaving behind most of his army to follow Fatimah to Normandy, she had learned enough in the decade or so she was in Britain, to learn about how to actually work the divine tools and turn the tools on. Which was the absolutely definition of divinely bad.

The ogles were tasked with find her and shut her operation down, if that means killing every last one of her army and obliterate that is what has to be done. She is not only dangerous, but her actions will unleash a force more powerful than she can imagine. She only wants to bring her father back to life, but what will actually happen is close rot open a portal to hell and allow both the titans and the worse of the worst out of the Tartarus.

The titans would be great to have back on earth, the titans of course are aka Nephilim of Noah’s age and the pre-Narmer Pharaoh of Egypt.

However, those ogle family members are very powerful and they are keeping the gates of tartar close to the really truly nasty beings from escaping.

Hades is another story all together.

But sufficient to say. Her actions would be bad on all levels.

So, the Ogle army left Britain to follow Fatimah on her “Grail Quest” to find and stop her.

She only had an idea of where she was going. The Ogles not only knew exactly where they were going, the Merovingians were present to not only help but provide replacements for the knights left behind in Britain.

Upon arriving at the Alps, again Fatimah had never seen anything even close other than to the farthest western edge. But the true Alps are different then the Pyrenees.

She was awestruck and knew she had bitten off more than she could chew.

But she sent at least one daughter and a second son off from northern France to travel through Germany down through Austria to Constantinople. To seek safety and refuge with that royal family. Since they tolerated Zoroaster’s and Muslims in that city, they would most likely be safe. And her children’s children’s children would also likely be safe behind those impressive walls.


What Fatimah did not count on was the level of rage she began to encounter from her followers in Rome who had encounters with the descendants of Abu Bakr. She expected more of a supportive, and loving return to Rome instead she found rage, anger, bitterness, accusations, and more than a little violence. Violence in front, to the sides, from the Vatican itself the paper army was more than willing to come in on the side of the Ogles. Despite previous every single day from 40-600 ce of hatred and wanting them killed, the Vatican saw that the enemy of my enemy is my friend or enemy. It is my enemy, so my enemy in a very short amount of time will be my friend and we will battle with the evil female to put an end of this little wave of evil.

The Vatican did not want Mohammed resurrected and an Islamic flag to fly over the Vatican anymore than the Ogles did.

So bitter enemies for a very short time become friends and fought for a few weeks side by side. Till the battle was over and Fatimah and her son were dead. As well as most of her soldiers. The very few who survived were rendered idiots from the emo pulses which gave them Electro-Magnetic lobotomies just like the army of Tarah.


But the Electro-Magnetic explosions also erase the 2x2 towers on the Lake Nemi ships. In fact, it was Lake Nemi which was the actual site of the full-on battle between Fatimah and the rest of the armies against her.

Fortunately for her, the descendants of Abu Bakr did not find out about the battle till months later. They were busy killing her followers in Iberia and Carthage to bother making time and distance.

But no fear. That army would be decimated in just a few decades by Charles Martell at the battle of Tours.

Two great Islamic armies obliterated while they were trying to force god to make themselves gods over  the earth.





Armageddon at Lake Nemi


The details of these events are rather difficult both because they are in fact rather heavily documented, and at the same time not documented at all. Most of the major culture involved were so disgusted with the events, that they forget to document the events. But they did manage to endlessly bragg about them. Which is a sure-fire giveaway that something embarrassing occurred.

The embarrassment was that Rome and central Italy was nvanded and the Vatican could not do much  about it. they were forverrun with forces from several diferent amries and were too weak and timid to do naything but protect their own stuff and avoid aligning with the wrong side. So that part was not included in Papal history, the papacy like their hyjsos predisrssors and of course descendants hate being embarrassed more than they hate being told no. they leave out the embarrassing details and focus only on the conpts and actions which can and will lead to their greater glory and how powerful they are.

The forces of Fatimah after loosing in NOrthubmerland, evacuated at full speed out of the UK. They ecuated to the east coast. Then to Normandy/Germany. In Germany she and her army split.

A small protion split off with her children minus her oldest with her son to head straight to Constantinople. In order so her children would survie, her third son stayed with her as the head of the army.

They made a bee line straight to Lake Nemi wth their converts with them. Which was a lot of the Pictish, a lot of Romans, and of course tohers they picked up along the way. overall a substantial army.

Arriignn back in Italy, t his time from the north. They headed straight to Rome, through Rome to Lake Nemi. They needed to achieve goals in Rome first.

February 15 – King Oswiu of Northumbria dies during a pilgrimage to Rome in the company of bishop Wilfrid.

This battle and war did have some bits and pieces of documatiaotn resagaring its existence. The King of the Ogle family, since Ogle is the Gaelic version and the world Northumbria would not exist till English was invented in about a century and a half.

The problem is, just because there is limited documnation does not mean for a second that said documentation is or can be farified as to how accurate it is. in fact during extmreely embarrassing events, most documentation is politicaly spun to a point of mostly fiction. But the poers that be not only love the fictin, but they only want to think abou the fitions.




The Pictish Revolt



Britain becomes England



The Age of the Viking

There is absolutely no evidence at all that says when the Age of the Viking started, or ended. The Raids ended when the Muslim Picts ended their occupation of England and returned control back over to the British.

The Vikings is more of a label than a group of people. Saying Viking in Manx Gaelic from an Ogle fmialy perspective is almost exactly like saying “Marine” to an Amrerican Milityary perspective.

The Vkings were uoeprated under a very string British Ogle family command and control structdure form day one.

There is no reason to assume the Viking/Marines were not in existence preivous. Since it is entirely obvious that the Ancient Eghptians possessed Ocean voyage both technology and of course navigation skills to sail the Ocean Blue at 4000 bce.

If they have and are able to maintain said level of technology and navigation skills, there is less than zero reason to give them up. And both the britihs and the Ogle family till the middle of the 1800s to the end of the 1800s did give up their fleets or their navigation skills.

However after they were in some ways forced to by enemies who has spent most of the previous 300 years working as hard as possible to completely oblitarted the British as a whole and the goel fmily from existence.

They started at 4000 bce but finally in most cases succeeded by 1890 ce.

The Age of the Viking did not start at 700 hwen they attacked the Mosque at lindensborne. Nor did it start before or after. The Britihs had maintained a nrth Atlatnic Trade Route across the Atlantic for a millennia if not longer preivous to 700 ce. One of the reasons the Vatican imposed a Dark Age and made writing, reading, and letters illegal in all aspects minus specifically trained priests was to hide the facts of the foundation of Christiintiy and of course the fact the Crucifixion took place in Rome. The aspects of that kowgle was still a very strong part of common kowegle in Italy and Rome even as late as 500 ce.

Hteri are aspects of it still alive in common lonweldge today, but it is so far out of context that it hardy qualifies. “the Eternal City” is a direct reference to the city of Luz since they have the same exact definition. Also because Caeasar attempted to renamed the city of Rome back to its original name but the citizens kept Rome, but adopted the nickname “Eternal” meaning the same as Luz.

About that same exact time Caesar had the city of Memphis moved to Rome and placed on a Julii
Estate. Three points of evidence regarding Jesus and the founding of Christinaity occurred in Rome Proper, despite the hated Paul possessed for Jessu and all of his followers.

That hatred when the Papal State took over control of Rome. That Hatred filtered into forcing the erasure of the facts to point to the official story that Paul had created and his follweors sold.

“Make the lie big, make it simply, and repeat it consnatly. Eventually the people will believe it.” Adolf Hitler

“it is much easier to convince a population of a lie, than to convince them they have been lied too” Adolf Hitler.

Paul used this the same as Moses used it. “it is no longer Lvant it is called Israel” on a continuous repeat loop for the last 3300 years withouth stop. But it is the same fiction on day one as it is today.

Jacob was on his way back to Egypt from Mecca, when his brother sent an Angle to kill him. Jacob won the fight and was renamed Israel.

He then ruled Israel as king for the next several decades.

This son was next. To rule, however how it was released from being a slave to his brother/nephew is a complete mystery. But it is an unknown if Judah was sold to Phaoah of Mecca or phaoah of Egypt. If Egypt than he was not really sold, but more of given to the Old Kingdom Pharaoh by Jacob to learn hwo to be a great Pharaoh. Since he had an entire country and culture to run after his father edied.

It was not really selling into slavery, more being sent to perform a several year long internship.

Where he also learned the ceremonies and rituals of ancient Adam and Eve. Which were a shock to say the absolute least.

The ceremonies done behind closed doors not meant for anyone youner than a fully mentally capable adult to deal with.

It would not be all that different from walkig into a combination of a Harem and a Roman Orgy at the same time and being able to be mature enough to not be involved with “not your business” actions. But focus entirely on what you needed to do and keep your mind on your tasks, while others minded their business.





The Fall of Islam in Northumberland

When Fatimah’s forces arrived in Britain, Abu Bakr’s army was only a few decades away from invading themselves. The largest battle was fought at Tours and the Islamic army were obliterated, but the commander under orders from Abu Bakr to find and kill Fatimah no matter what the costs. Despite the fact that Abu had been dead for decades, that generation commander knowing that he was going to lose at least one front. Chose to divide his forces in half. He sent part of his forces to Tours to be obliterated by Charlie Martell, and the other portion of his soldiers by ship to the west side of Britain and slowly infiltrate till they could reform and seize control after 670 bce. The battle strategies require decades of planning and of course a sequence of commanders who are a single-minded determination to see the objectives achieved even decades after the last orders were given.









The First Crusade



Wundt and Psychology

I have a better hypothesis base for the Wundt theory. The theory is solid, however the MO of the enemy (they name change a lot) I needed to add to slightly. based on translating four ancient words. the Nephilim, the symbol for the 0 and 1 dynasties and the 3-5 e.g. the Old Kingdom. used a symbol with 4 key words used. same four-word code Wundt used. The fear of the enemy was a bit more rooted in a very intelligent and or god touched culture, than just happening to have extremely beyond current scientific knowledge technology in their libraries. The entire culture revolves around 200 IQ folks



Re-creation of the Pyramid Information




Built into various Monotheistic Ceremonies and Rituals is the structure of




































 TR Welling