Emperor Nero



Emperor Nero was two people, first he was a member of the Julii family who had evacuated out of Rome to avoid yet another assassination attempt by the Senate.

You see the Senate had a plan, they were going to kill him and give his name to Paul in order to allow the Evil Priest Paul to co-Emperor with Claudius.

Of course if this even close to worked they had decided to politically kill Claudius and install Paul/Nero as soul Emperor.

Provided that Paul/Nero followed what the Senate told him to do.

He was a puppet and nothing more than a puppet. The senate would make all the decisions and Paul would be the figure head all the responsibilities would be directed.

All the evil the Senate could muster and all the blame would sit on the shoulders of the emperor. What a perfect picture for the Senate; they could rob the treasury blind, they could do all the really horrifically nasty things they wanted, and the people would rage at Nero. Absolutely perfect.

However, if you look at history, this is close to step by step exactly what Happened 1900 years later with Adolf.

Makes one think about if the Prussian Empire and of course the Mussolini did their historical research and figured out the same thing would work perfect for them too.

Set up the little corporal Adolf Hitler (in place of Emperor Claudius) and have Adolf take all the blame for the evils the Italians and the Prussians wanted to do. UP to and including moving the Lake Nemi Ships out of Italy and to America. So they could be studied and reassembled back to what they used to be previous to the 650 War. That 650 War was purposely not included in anyone’s history, minus just a handful of references.

Which in all hard reality is the same thing occurring in America in the present.

Diaper Rash Donnie is the puppet figure head for the “New Prussian Empire” he is taking a huge amount of the blame for the evils those that support him are doing.

His new party loyalty is to the GOP, which stopped being the Party of Lincoln in 1920 when the gop of the time chose to reject being Americans and aligned themselves full on and completely with the NAZI Party. The GOP reformed itself towards Fascism ideals hard and strong from 1920 to present.

A not small percentage of the GOP actually call themselves either NAZI’s and or Nationalists, which is the N in NAZI.

Emperor Nero was simply the Senate giving an Emperor/Pharaoh name to Paul who had a differnet name previous to his Mental break 5 full years after the Crucifixion.


At the end of his life Nero/Paul his mental illness cost him his life. He was emperor for years and years, he grew powerful and rich. But then he made some political moves to grow beyond the power the Senate would allow him to have. He attempted to destroy Rome to rebuild Rome in his image. Hence the “Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned”. Although the fiddle was not invented yet.

He was in Pompeii trying to either convert the Jews and Hebrews or killing them for not obeying his role as Emperor.










TR Welling