Noah’s Ark



This subject is beyond belief more complex than is currently understood. First off, the Ark was a Tabernacle of Adam System. The structure was of more than a few of the structures connected together, then the outside and bottom water proof sealed.


Next the Tabernacle of Adam System itself was in part designed to generate electricity, not a small amount of electricity either.





Khufu degree work

Dirty side of the Nile between upper and Lower Egypt

Why would the largest building in the world previous to the medieval ages be located on the dirty, unclean, west side of the Nile? Answer statistically speaking the entire concept regarding the pyramids or at least this one pyramid as a grave is not supported by evidence. Consequently no evidence the theory has to be thrown out to follow the evidence. The evidence regarding the great pyramid points to the building was constructed to recreate both the Noachite Rite of Abraham’s ancestor Noah; and to build a conduit/ladder to communicate easier with GodShu and the Aten 2014 11 27 1204(Jacob). Since that is exactly what the Noachite rite was originally designed to do. Allow Noah’s sons to try and have their dead fathers’ corpse still work as a conduit so they would know what God wanted them to do.

Khufu degree work

The architecture could indicate Noah’s life before God spoke to him; subterranean chamber. His life after God started to speak to him; queens chamber. An area to study, draw up plans, conduct talks to lay out his plan, build the Boat/Ark in order to traverse the either watery or electro-magnetic journey ahead, a classroom to follow up on instructions while building the boat, etc. The queens chamber complete with bookcase. His life after the flood (above the built in well at the base of the grand gallery); the grand gallery. His life recreating mankind; the Kings chamber. Recently a theory has been put forward regarding the tracks on either side of the grand gallerygrand gallery 2015 2 16 1325

; perhaps a boat  Adams Boat (2) grand gallery sled boat ontop and wedges grand_gallery_with_boat_12012 11 27 0001 was used to haul people from the well to the kings chamberMasonic Lodge Styx boat 2015 1 7 1211; a re-creation of Noah’s flood in ceremony. The grand gallery is wide and tall enough for said device. Using the same architecture to both haul up the rocks pulley system and after to recreate the boat/ark’s forty days and forty nights journey. After the grand gallery boats/arks became old and unusable; the grand gallery boats could have been retired to the outside. Buried in places of honor among the monuments to Noah’s three sons; the three North to South Pyramids on the east side of Khufu.

Khufu = Noah.

Khafre = Adam.

Memkaure = Abraham.

Giza Black 2015 2 16 1331

Japheth, forefather of the northern peoples (Japhetic Eurasia)

aett bible polarities 2014 12 15 1259

Ham, forefather of the southern peoples (Hamitic)

Shem, forefather of the middle peoples (Semitic)

Khufu Underground chamber


Khufu queen’s chamber


Khufu well

The first construction of this remodel from a Megalith to this underground chamber. The Megalith which used to sit where the Pyramid sits now looked similar to one of the rings of Stonehenge looks currently.

Each of the major monotheistic religions their sacred sites have an underground section.

This underground section was also first used as an airshaft/air-conditioning. Constant airflow between the different levels at the surface.

Khufu Kings Chamber






Khufu The building itself

The Khufu Pyramid has a unique architectural design.

Jacobs ladder

The above are just sketches but you get the idea. The outside ramp, the inside structure similar to the concepts of the Noachite rite. Which later transformed (within the framework of what the victim would bring back from the trance) into a three part ritual regarding how the grand architect might want believers to conduct lessons, learning, and societal structure. Millennia later recreated using the Freemasonic rites of the first three degrees. It is possible the ramp had thirty two rows leading to a small but important temple room at the very top of Khufu. The thirty three ramp row might have led to the ritual room depicted in Genesis 28:10–19. The top theorized room could be the area Jacob was talking about in regards to a place angels could come and go from heaven. The door being either the altar or a doorway behind the WMs chair. This concept connects directly with the idea of what sane and not psychopathic parent would immediately offer to give themselves in return for the life of their child. Adam not only knew God personally, but knew exactly how to return to the Garden of Eden. He knew where the entrance was, knew that he would gladly give up his own life for the return of Abel.

Which points directly to the concept of where would Abel have been resurrected too.

That answer would be either IWNW or in more likelihood the sand barge (Venice) from which the City of Luz was built. If the City of Luz was built or renamed to honor the location where the Indo-European language Abel Hieroglyphic language name Osiris came back from Heaven. If Luz (The Eternal/Heaven) city was the location; later conquerors would literally want to not only control that area, but want to erase the fact that the ceremony from Adam to resurrect Abel from the grave literally belonged to them. The university system in America were almost all (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Penn State, Dartmouth, Heidelberg, Western Washington University, etc. ) conquered and taken over by followers of the Great Awakening movements; whom took over, erased the previous history, re-chartered the institute under their own religion organizational structure, and reopened. The oldest centers of Higher Learning in America their history goes back no less than 100 years before their current claimed documentation claims. The documentation was written by the conquering army. In addition the conquerors would refuse outright anyone having that power except for them. Which would explain in detail why Terah and his behavior pattern chip off the old block descendant Esau have had a cultural pathology regarding find the newly built Tabernacle of Adam which Jacob was placed in charge of. Kill all whom are associated with that structure, destroy all records which might tell a story different than the one Esau’s descendants have accepted as truth, and control every aspect of that structure. Including what can be done within that structure.

In addition the whole concept regarding “If I cannot have my people back, control the power of life/death/etc.; I simply refuse to allow anyone else to have access to what I cannot have. It is mine or no one’s.” Quoted and paraphrased from Esau and his descendants from 2600 b.c.e to present. Every generation works hard to follow up on those basic rules of order.

The boats outside are not funerary barges; they are replicas of Noah’s ark.

The Solar boat could not have been used inside the grand gallery; but that does not mean the smaller boats measuring less than 8.74 meters in height and width between walls base 2.09 at top 1.05 could not have been used to haul the ceremonially dead body of the site architect up the grand gallery. The solar boat outside is simply too large to fit into the Grand Gallery.

Khufu The building complex



Artist’s representation of Noah’s ark alongside a reconstructed Khufu Solar boat. The similarities are striking. The number of boat pits is far more than the number of supposed bodies the treasures transported to the site. Strongly indicating an anniversary ceremonial recreation of the Noah flood. Possibly the boats in which the Hyksos invaded from Mecca in 2100 b.c.e. A way to capture the essence of a place by adding your cultures stuff to an existing site; adding your stuff forces a fundamental change to the site itself. The Hyksos have been a hard line soul level enemy of both Israel and Jacob since day one. The Hyksos are most likely Esau’s cultural descendants, while Israel and the Jews are Jacobs’s line. Using the word and phrase Israel; the people were called something between Adam and Noah; one thousand years with no identification name, very improbable.

F for circumambulation areas.

Giza plateau

City of Luz aka Memphis aka the west side of the Nile from Cairo

As each successive culture or neighborhood took over. The capital building changed but the city remained the same. The new family in charge would most of the time use either their family estate to hold court in or built a new palatial estate and hold court in that location.

Many of those cultures chose to change the name of the city to reflect their own greatness.

Remember all ancient cities sprawl; having a major one hundred thousand plus population city stretch over fifty miles is not uncommon. Paris, London, LA, Rome, etc. all sprawl over vast miles.

Each time the city was either conquered, internal revolt/revolution/etc. the new power several times changed the location of the capital of Egypt. The original capital or old center of town would become lost.

East side of Cairo

The clean, good side of Cairo according to the inhabitants of Egypt.

West side of Cairo

The bad, nasty, dirty, unclean, etc. side of the Nile.

Upper and lower Egypt


Wars in the Middle East

Where do refugees go; during war. Innocent bystanders, and the family/supporters of the defeated kingdom have to move and live someplace else. Consequently mass population exodus occur during wars. The evidence regarding massive long standing battles in the Middle East from 4000 b.c.e to present are rampant. Gigantic long standing battles the evidence is scattered throughout the entire Middle Eastern area.



Noachite Rite

He had three sons. Of which the third Shem (by legend) is where all the Semitic tribes descend. After his death his three sons attempted to raise him from the grave by using specific hand positions. The oldest tried first, middle tried next, youngest tried last. The youngest did remove/lift the body from the grave.

Every time the descendants of Noah were faced with a difficult task they would repeat the Noachite rite. By recreating a mock death scene; raising the acting dead body of Noah out of a grave and asking for divine guidance.

The Legend of the Noachite Rite likely came from the behavior patterns associated with Adam and how he reacted to his son’s murder. But in Egypt the descendants of Adam and Eve not many generations later some of their descendants started to attack to destroy as much of what Adam was talking about as they could. Names, places, dates, etc. were changed by conquerors.

Pharaoh Osiris legend and mythology Osiris was resurrected from the dead by his wife in order to both defeat Set and rule a united Egypt.

But all or most of that information was twisted and turned by the Hyksos and the 19th dynasty whom hated the legends with a passion beyond a reasonable measure.

If Abel was called Osiris in Hieroglyphic, that creates a framework for understanding not only what ceremony was used to resurrect Abel, where it was done, (an elevated platform surrounded by water; there are two concept/legend with that same basic framework. The code of the name Viking raised platform e.g. long boat surrounded by water. Add-in a blessed sword/Tome/Blade of Adam/Enoch and it connects in more than a few ways with another legend) how it was done, what religion created the framework, what culture or sequence of cultures destroyed the truth, etc. when Abraham was ordered to build his temple in Egypt; we have a good idea now why. Abraham was in Egypt since he was in Hebron, traveled south, south again, met with the pharaoh, and south again. That makes this Journey South and JeruSalem - AnsuzRune - LaguzRune - EhwazRune - Mannazis north of Hebron. El Beth El is literally south of Lower Egypt on the west side of the Nile.

Pharaoh Narmer centuries before designated the west side of the Nile between Giza and Dakkara as a refugee/reservation land for the Jews. Although they would not be called that for half a millennia.

Jacob left Luz traveling North West

He had a dream where he saw angels ascending and descending from heaven; at the light place e.g. a megalith which that night he slept on the rocks. Abel descending from heaven to that location. Built a ladder to make the journey much easier.

Pharaoh Narmer

Reservation/refugee area west of the Nile.

The pharaoh Narmer set up a reservation land/refugee area on the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza.


Narmer_Slave_and_Wunjo_Laguz_Ansuz_Thurasaz_Kannaz_2014 5 19 2252 (2) Pharaoh Narmer standing in power between the cultural representatives of Upper Egypt (Left) and (Right) Lower EgyptIsrael Egypt 2015 2 16 0946 both standing showing power; the full size man on his knees is a refugee being given access to lands in Egypt. But those lands come at the cost of a full ranking in Egyptian society. Ironically the position of the refugee is in the approximate area where Giza is located in Egypt. Another ironic depiction is the length of the legs of the refugee is approximately the length of the area between Giza and Sakkara. Pharaoh is standing on the east side of the refugee; His Left foot is approximately where Memphis is and his Right foot is where Luxor is. The arrows are behind his back; left arm holding the bow, right hand holding a weapon/scepter

  The crook or shepherds crook indicates the power of the shepherds rests in the left (dirty, unclean) hand of the pharaoh since the above (Narmer) action occurred. The flail image249in the right hand of power (Laguz built in to the basic design; the extensions of the Three AEtts from the Laguz) over the shepherds and all who oppose the pharaohs rule. The pharaoh looking east is a virtual map of Egypt. Upper (south vulture Nekhbet) Kingdom and Lower (northern cobra Wedjet) Kingdom Egypt (An extremely interesting idea; the Crown of Egypt having a female Snake and a female bird; buried so deeply within the framework of ancient Egypt culture. The snake could very well equal Eve and the bird could very easily be a symbols representation of Lilith) on the forehead crown of honorPharoah crown 2015 2 16 0958. The City of Luz/Memphis/Cairo at the base of the skull  (tied in a strong knot). The beard on the chin represents the seizing of one of the symbols of power for the Middle Eastern refugee tribes; the Cherubim   . Where the beard is located on the pharaoh on the bottom of his chin; again a position of not only insult but the lowest class of power. The religious symbols of upper and lower Egypt high on the forehead on the crown of power itself. The wings of the cherubim placed under the shepherds crook on the chest of the pharaohs; indicating importance. The lower on the body the less importance according to Egyptian and basic Mediterranean cultural rules of society. The blue and gold layers on the headpiece indicate the canals Pharaoh Head Piece 2015 2 16 1001on both sides of the Nile. Major irrigation ditches were dug to produce maximum farm land.


JeruSalem - AnsuzRune - LaguzRune - EhwazRune - Mannaz and Israel

The concept of Jerusalem has been twisted and edited into being just one place, little can be farther from the truth. Jacobs foot 2015 2 8 2009At the end of every limb of the ATEN  is the end of the limb. Foot, hand, army, limb, etc. an extension of the self is the point to the definition. From the Disk to the earth, then expanding out from the extension touching the earth horizontal out to different area affects. Where the Limb touches the ground is JeruSalem - AnsuzRune - LaguzRune - EhwazRune - Mannaz, the extent of the influence of that Jerusalem is Israel


Abraham Escapes into Egypt after Eridu ziggurat razing

With his father and older brother dead, Abraham became the head of the family. Abraham was not like his father. His father had the same behavior patterns as Esau; destroy anything he did not like to ensure he possessed total and complete control over his people. Destroy technology to ensure that technology is not used to take the tyrants power away.

After the Eridu War, which is very close to the way the Trojan War worked itself out. Including an ally of the Eridu on the side of the attacking army e.g. Abraham. Like Achilles was on the side of the Trojans even though he and his men were a slave shield wall army forced into doing battle for the Hyksos/Dorians.

Abraham did not share his elders’ perspective. He did on the other hand share the perspective of the people he was forced to conquer and take their treasures.

It is very likely based on the events of what occurred immediately after; that Abraham had actually studied at the Eridu Ziggurat. Unlikely but possibly even falling in love with one of its Princess’s. Sarah to be specific. Reminiscent of Helen and Menelaus (less than zero aspect of Helen daughter of Theseus having anything at all to do with Menelaus, he would have possessed no chance of being betrothed, he would never have been within five hundred yards of her at any time. The modern equivalent to the Dorians are Al-Qaida the modern direct descendants of the Trojans are Israelites. Trojan means descendants of Jacob. No child of Al-Qaida would be allowed to marry a Royal Jew. No Royal Jew would be allowed to marry a member of Al-Qaida. Simply would never happen. The higher rank each was, the less likely this scenario is possible. In the case of Menelaus and Helen; Menelaus was the brother of a King, Helen was the daughter of a King, the granddaughter of a Pharaoh in her own right, and the great granddaughter of Amenhotep IV Akhenaten. That entire part of the Trojan War is pure fiction top to bottom. Or if another theory is correct Moses in love with Hecuba (IV second daughter. Moses interacting with her is slightly higher probability, when she left to marry Priam, he could have followed to Troy.Troy 2015 2 7 0237 But was violently opposed, losing his army and forced to retreat back to Avaris) the wife of Priam. According to a statistical analysis Hecuba if the theory is correct was the second daughter of Amenhotep IV Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Priam and Hecuba’s son Paris married Meritaten’s granddaughter through her son Theseus’s daughter Helen from Athens. Each of those people survived the Trojan War. Some settled in the City of Seven Hills some in Northumberland.

The sacking of the Eridu Ziggurat the Plates of Destiny which were by legend contained in that Tower was what Terah was after. Not unlike Moses attacking the Temple of Apollo although in a very real way he lied and translated the concept of a Ziggurat covered in dirt but hollow inside as Mount Sinai. Moses like Terah was after the library. That library or at least some of the books of that library have radically advanced technology written on them. Evidence the Blade/Tome of Adam itself has writing on it, that writing if you combine a couple dozen legends together you arrive at Adam’s descendants working to understand the writing on the Blade/tome expanded their notes onto plates. Those plates could be what Terah was after; to either control the power of Adam/Enoch/Methuselah, or destroy them to make sure that power was not used against him. Once in Egypt Abraham with supposedly the plates of destiny continued to decode and learn from the compressed information on those plates. To produce or rather reproduce the infrastructure which used to exist in Egypt before the thirty five hundred war lords invaded and destroyed as much of that infrastructure as they could from 3500-3200 b.c.e.

It is possible Abraham while at school brought home information and told his father all about the city. Terah used the years of intelligence gathering Abraham either knew what was going on or was so interested in his studies that he did not pay attention.

After the sacking of the tower; the conqueror took library with them. The only problem was, Abraham became a commanding general on the wrong side in a War he did not want to fight. The evidence is clear, immediately after Abraham started to use the library he inherited from his people and what was stolen from the Eridu Ziggurat. He started to build epic things where he could.

But first he had to get out of the reach of the army of Eridu and their allied cities.

They could not go north into Turkey the mountains are formidable. Do not bother trying to cross them unless you have serious mountaineering skills.

Cannot go east the Indus Harappa aka Iran India/Pakistan culture is a strong ally of the people the refugees are fleeing from.

Cannot go south the Sinai/Saudi Arabia is strongly in the hands of the Middle Eastern culture.

Cannot go west the Mediterranean is not a place to live.

So the only option is to go into Egypt. But they have to have permission from the Egyptian rulers/Pharaoh to enter and be given pass to travel to the reservation lands in Egypt.


Israel aka the Levant Ghetto

When Moses force marched his slave army out of Egypt the pharaoh he encountered was not Ramses or Set but Tut. The force march was to take his Jewish slave army to Troy and conquer the city. Joining forces with the Avaris cousin culture the Dorian’s; both are descendants from the Hyksos. The evidence of the arranged timeline is beyond plentiful. Some aspects of the Egyptian Timeline were expanded while others were extremely compressed. All to hide the events which took place over the course of some eighty years from the end of Amenhotep IV Akhenaten reign to the start of the 19th dynasty. The events in question almost all are political spin created and propagated by the very people whom wanted to hide the truth in the first place. After the Trojan War the remaining Jews in slavery working on the shield wall were force marched again to Levant. Where they could be kept under constant guard. Any whom tried to leave and return to the actual Abraham inspired Israel would be killed before they left the area. Hunted down and slaughtered without a second thought. In the modern age after World War II was officially over the Jews chose to unite into a single fighting force and reclaim Israel. The few records and even fewer scholars whom knew Israel is in Egypt were either silenced or flat out ignored. The Western World chose to place the Jews back into the Levant Ghetto just as Moses had done. To make sure the armies of the world when they wanted to go hunt and kill some Jews for sport would know exactly where to both find them and do what they wanted without consequence. Same from 1300-900 b.c.e and 1946ce - the present; although being used as the armies of the world punching bag did not stop when a replica of the Temple of Troy, Tyre31%20copy, Ptah, and IWNW was built aka the Temple of Solomon. King Solomon was the grandson of King David; a man who took on one of those let us go kill Jews for sport in the Levant Ghetto. David put a temporary end to those activities. They did start up again a few generations later. The violent reaction and killing of the Jews continued unabated until 500 b.c.e when a couple armies became unsatisfied as having in basic the Jews trapped in a barrel; they did not want practice killing a few Jews, they wanted the memory of the Jews erased from existence. So the copy of those temples which King Solomon built in JeruSalem - AnsuzRune - LaguzRune - EhwazRune - Mannazwas destroyed and the Jews were once again scattered to the winds.

World War II ended; the Jews reformed on the only Israel the enemy would allow into common knowledge. Documents written by the enemy are absolutely un-trustable; Moses never lied about the fact that he was born and raised an Avaris/Hyksos the sworn enemy of all things Jewish. He lied about almost the entire rest of the story. Writing the history, the holy books, erased all information which would point to his word was not truth, and had all scholars who knew better killed. Must be nice to write your own history and make it an executable sin to question what you write.

Israel is not in Levant, never was. Israel is in Egypt. Previous to 3800 b.c.e the Jews controlled all of Egypt. After 3500 b.c.e. only pockets in Lower Egypt. After 3200 b.c.e. with the Scorpion King only the west side of the Nile between Giza and Dakkara.


 as presented the area between upper and lower Egypt is where most of the one hundred ten plus pyramids are located. On the dirty side of the Nile.

Israel 2015 2 16 1005

The area between Giza to the north and Sakkara to the south as indicated by the yellow line in the graphic is the area in which I theorize is the actual location of one of the Israel’s. Where Jacob was crowned king/Pharaoh upon his return from Mecca.

The designer of the Pyramids

Also draws an interesting idea into the concept of which rules of religious order are mummies brought back to life? If Imhotep was a Druid; then are the Egyptian books of life and the different book of the dead druid religion creations.


The area as mentioned above is why and how a group of refugees were able to build such elaborate temples. They were given the land to do as they pleased; as long as they gave proper tribute to the pharaoh.

To hide true power; there is no reason the monotheistic refugees would not have used the word pharaoh to describe their own king. My king; is an arbitrary term, especially during which decades what pharaoh was in charge. Sometimes upper pharaoh, sometimes lower pharaoh, sometimes a unification pharaoh, and then it can be theorized a specific pharaoh regarding the refugee area to the west side of the Nile.

For sociological proof; look to other refugee cultures who adopted the ways of social order as their oppressors just to fit in. On the inside of the culture it is understood, on the outside looking in; they all look like they are performing the same sociological rituals you are. They might look the same but in fact they are vastly different.

Hyksos from Mecca

When the Hyksos “Shepherd Kings” (Esau’s animal symbol is the sheep; which in Hieroglyphic is an extreme insult regarding the beast e.g. sheep, but instead of being a large nasty predator they were called sheep since most predators eat sheep. A layered insult.) invaded from Mecca circa 2100 bce; the Jews whom had been living very comfortable and had constructed an entire civilization infrastructure for the previous 1000 years in Israel. Israel being between Giza to Dakkara on the west side of the Nile.

There is an extremely good chance based on previous and all the recorded behavior patterns of the Hyksos form 2100 bce to present that one of the primary reasons the Hyksos invaded was to find and erase the infrastructure the Jews had constructed e.g. the Pyramid’s. The 17th dynasty worked as hard as the 19th dynasty (they name changed but were still the same culture from the Hyksos) to erase the true meaning of what the pyramids were and why they were built. The Pepi I pyramid was constructed circa 2400 bce; news of said could have spread and within a few hundred years the news reached the Hyksos at Mecca. Which as a culture would have enraged them so hard that on a soul level nothing would or could stop them from needing to invade the area of the problem and destroy it.

Hyksos Pharaoh’s

Both times the Hyksos were Pharaoh previous to them being called either Romans’ or Muslim’s they follow the exact same behavior pattern. Their story about what Egypt it is the only one acceptable. They will do anything and everything necessary to silence any theory which does not involve their story. Unfortunately for the evidence, almost no aspect of what the Hyksos Pharaoh story about the history of Egypt has any basis in fact. It is political spin applied as truth, with violent suppression of any opposing perspective. From the moment the culture both Terah and Esau joined, centuries to millennia before they have been attempting to alter the story of from Adam to that specific generation of history. Destroying the library at Eridu/Babel, forward to erasing the facts of the Pyramids, to seeking out every single tabernacle Adam either hand built or was a copy of a supposed Adam built tabernacle (they has a sub-conscious culture have a desperation to either control each and every one or worse destroy them because they cannot control them), seize control over the city of Troy, spin the story of Exodus well outside the bounds of truth, destroyed as much of the Jewish culture in the Levant Ghetto aka the new Israel from 1300-500 bce, forced the destruction of the previous Jewish languages (Sumerian, Akkadian, etc.) to prevent any records from past ceremonies to come to light, forced the Jews to adopt the Hebrew language, forced the Jews to abandon their ceremonies with Moses designed replacements, etc. that is only the damage done by the Hyksos from 3000 bce to 0. Does not include from 0 to present.


The first recorded polymath. Inventor of the Pyramids; evidence suggests he was a Jew (whatever Jews were called before Jacobs son Judah) born and raised on the West side of the Nile between Giza and Dakkara. 

 the Temple of Ptah Memphis Egypt. Memphis image280(Luz the location in the middle of the Nile Made up of Dike’s surrounding a city; same definition of Viking. Viking the Northumberland family Army.)  Is located on the West (dirty, unclean, refugee, reservation for the monotheists) side of the Nile.

Knowing that the last Hyksos pharaoh was DNA descended from the same root as Druid creates an interesting dynamic as to who Imhotep was.

Are the druid a polytheistic religion or were they actually monotheistic? After the Romans when the Vatican came up into the UK and Northern Europe an already imbedded monotheistic ruling group would have made the convergence of all the tribes and groups to monotheism easier. But that also points to massive persecution to the monotheistic embedded tribes; which evidence suggests the above is the reason the church persecuted some of its own members who converted to monotheism too fast in the UK. The Jews tried to hide who they were by acting too quickly.

Imhotep was high priest of both the Temple of Ptah Memphis and the head of the temple at Heliopolis. He was in charge of the rites and ceremonies involved. In later mummy movies; Imhotep is cast almost two thousand years after he actually lived. He lived circa 2600 b.c.e, but the movies depict him as living circa 1300 b.c.e. There is credibility to this concept, but to have true credibility to this concept requires the name Imhotep years later became a title. Similar to new navy ships, the new ship built if successful, all ships made from that basic blueprint will be called the “X” Class based on the name of the first ship. No reason the person who started a philosophy and or academic discipline; those that studied those techniques and or lessons taking on the name of that person as a title. Trained in the way of Imhotep, or in modern terminology replace our Doctor with Imhotep.


Twenty Hyksos pharaohs; with Imhotep in their name.

Servant of the Aten Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: pyramidsheliopolis.JPG aka Ra Aten capital in Heliopolis

image005(The ATEN is built into the Causeways of the Pyramids <16 at least>, millions of tons of rock to create some type of to the centimeter measuring system. For what purpose we have no idea, but the evidence of the measurement system is clearly in evidence.); Heliopolis was a pre-Pharaonic capital of Egypt. The Ennead pantheon points to a political spin on the one god with a rabbinical advisory board and helpers assisting as grandchildren.

Amenhotep wanted to come out of the closet and have his and his people’s religion as the dominant religion of Egypt. Unfortunately for Egypt and the Hyksos; only those related to Amenhotep were able to live under the one god concept for as long as his kingship lasted. As soon as he died, the sociology demanded a return to their comfort zone.

To show how Amenhotep was from a long line of Monotheists who were connected to the Jews.

There are twenty Egyptian pharaohs each with at least two if not three syllables of Imhotep/Imhotep in their name; the last being Amenhotep IV.

Hotepsekhemwy 2890 - 2985

Mentuhotep I Tepy-a 2041 2133

Middle Kingdom begins. 2060–2010

 Nebhetepre Mentuhotep II [26] Gained all Egypt 2040,

 Sankhkare Mentuhotep III [27] — 2010–1998

Nebtawyre Mentuhotep IV [28] — 1997–1991

Khaankhre Sobekhotep I

Sekhemresewadjtawy Sobekhotep III 4 years and 2 months c. 1755

 Khasekhemre Neferhotep I 11 years 1751–1740

Khaneferre Sobekhotep IV 10 or 11 years 1740–1730

Khahotepre Sobekhotep V — c. 1730

Merhotepre Ini 2 years & 2 months  ? 1690

Mentuhotep V —  ? 1654

Sobekhotep VIII (Sekhemreseusertawy) – 16 yrs.

Neferhotep III (Sekhemresankhtawy) – 1 yr.

Mentuhotep VI (Sankhenre) – 1 yr.

Rahotep Sekhemrewahkhau 1650- ?

Djeserkare Amenhotep I Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: AmenhotepI-StatueHead MuseumOfFineArtsBoston.png- 1541-1520

Aakheperrure Amenhotep II Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: AmenhotepII-StatueHead BrooklynMuseum.png- 1425-1400

Nebmaatre Amenhotep III The Magnificent KingDescription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: P1020665.JPG. Recent DNA testing proved he was the Grandfather of Tutankhamun 1390-1352

Neferkheperure-waenre Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: GD-EG-Caire-Musée061.JPGFounder of brief period of a solar-centered religion (Atenism

). His original name means "Amun is pleased." 1352-1334

King Tut was forced by politics to return Egypt to polytheism; not because he was a polytheist but the society was revoltingly uncomfortable with the order to change religions. So he allowed the return to societal norms. Pre-Christianity it was common for conquerors to allow the citizens to keep their pre-conquest faith in order to have an easier transition of power. It was not until the Vatican chose to impose its religious beliefs on its conquered cultures that the convert or die came into vogue. The Vatican choosing to massively reduce the population of everywhere it established abbeys and missions to ensure its power and dominance over its new flock as quickly as possible. If the unrepentant will not covert; they did not want those people poisoning the newly converted back to old ways.

Menkaure in hieroglyphs

The southernmost and smallest pyramid on Giza. It has three pyramids pointing south on the west side of both The Khafre and two are west of the Menkaure center line.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 220px-MenkauraAndQueen-CloseUpOfKingsFace_MuseumOfFineArtsBoston.pngDescription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: abrahams.jpg

PrenomenMen-kau-re [2]
Eternal like the Souls of Re

This definition is shockingly close to Abraham; the father of all souls. Since Re/Ra is the sun god and quite possibly a renamed version of Yahweh.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: M23

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: L2

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Hiero Ca1.svg

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Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D28

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D28

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Hiero Ca2.svg


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G39

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: N5

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Hiero Ca1.svg

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: N5

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Y5

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Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Hiero Ca2.svg

This pyramid would have been built according to specific parameters within the framework of the mathematics and masonry engineering.

The Khufu pyramid itself was designed with down to the C.C. important details. If the enemy burns your libraries, kills your scholars, etc. the best and most efficient way to create a library of your most important details is to build them into the engineering of your architecture. Hidden well enough the enemy would simply never be able to decipher the information; but your descendants not only can but leave massive clues as to how to find and decode the library in the architecture.

There are several key pieces of engineering associated with Giza. First the fact that the north south, east west, and vertical points of interest literally tell their own story.

This can be seen within the framework of the cemetery to the east and west of the north side of Khufu. The north east has the largest and most elaborate mastabas. The south west has the smallest and least intricate. The farther North East the closer to a step toward the divine.

King Tut DNA

King Tut Tutankhamun DNA related to the Druid of the UK and Northern Europe

Akhenaten/Amenhotep IV; Tut Tutankhamun’s father

Aten, Ra, Ptah different spellings for a one god concept

Hidden within the framework of pre-Pharaonic and just formed Pharaonic Egypt is a mixture of polytheism and monotheism. Once unification occurred differing tribes of the monotheistic religious tradition; their different languages for the name of god became different gods under the polytheistic Egyptian pantheon.

The different God names are not different gods; they are most likely based on the framework of Egyptian and Sumerian languages different monotheistic tribe’s languages for god.

1628 b.c.e Thera volcanic eruption

When the Thera volcanic eruption occurred the inhabitants of the now infertile crop lands headed west out of the blast zone.  The hole in the middle is where the volcano used to be; after thirty five hundred years re-forming.

Consequently a large number of Egyptian, Middle Eastern, Aegean, Anatolia, etc. cultures including the Hyksos settled in Northern Europe, Germany, the UK, etc. Genetically mingling into the populations; making the UK and Northern European tribes they mingled with directly related to the Pharaohs of Egypt.

Recent genetic testing proves King Tut Tutankhamun, The 17(Hyksos), 18, 19(Hyksos) dynasties Pharaohs were in fact from the same genetic line as the Druid (pronounced drooj).

The Amarna e.g. Amenhotep IV Akhenaten are removed from power

After the death of Tut Tutankhamun; the Avaris/Hyksos seized the throne of Egypt. Any of the 18th dynasty royal family and or loyal citizens whom remained in Egypt went from being the ruling royal family to slaves. Which is standard after a palace revolt. Thus the Jews become slaves after they ruled Egypt from 1550- 1323 b.c.e. 

Removing the Jewish influence

When the Hyksos reseized power over Egypt they needed to return to their polytheism roots. So as much monotheistic influence over the country were intentionally removed from all monuments. The grand monuments on the above mentioned monotheistic reservation lands were transformed into a new graveyard for the new Pharaohs. A great deal of removing the past was put into effect. Former synagogues became new graves. Former statues were recarved. The refugee area on the dirty side of the Nile was transformed into being a pride of the ancient polytheistic Pharaonic past. The great kings of the monotheistic reservation/refugee area were absorbed into being not monotheistic kings but ancient pharaohs. The 17/19th dynasties could not erase the fact that the pyramids existed but could change the facts about the pyramids themselves. Instead of the pyramids being in effect synagogues they were changed into being graves for some of the greatest pharaohs of Egypt. Mostly because the 17/19th dynasties had less than no idea how to build those buildings. Or they would have if they could afford the resources built monuments themselves. But those pharaohs did not want to build monuments like that; ten thousands of workers devoted almost year round to those monuments when those ten thousands workers would be better suited for the army and combat. To expand the reach of the Hyksos/Avaris empire. The Hyksos/Avaris spent their time expanding their empires not building incredible monuments, and erasing anything they did not like. In their rush to destroy, they destroyed the secrets of how to build a pyramid in about six years. But for a few years in each military campaign they were able to greatly expand the size of Egypt; it shrank back to semi-regular size immediately after, but for a few years the expansion worked. The benefits of those expansions, the Hyksos/Avaris were able to find in both the 17/19th dynasties books and materials which pointed to the facts of what the pyramids were for. A serious part of the expansion was to find said information and erase it. The Pyramids were graves movement started at 2100 b.c.e and did not stop till the last Hyksos pharaoh was forced to leave Egypt. They converted over the pyramid of Memkaure the southernmost and placed a mummy in it. The problem is, the evidence regarding this fact both the militant Islamic government of Egypt and Egyptology itself has less than zero interest in telling the truth. The only interest they have is maintaining their ancestral Hyksos lie and illusion the pyramids were graves. The true graves on the Giza plateau occurred between in the 17th and 19th dynasty times or 2100-1550 and again 1330-500 b.c.e respectively.

The sphinx aka a several times recarved Cherubim

It is entirely possible the back of the sphinx used to have wings. Since the back has not weathered like the sides and the paws either. The recarving evidence is also on the back; if the back was recarved it is archaeologically feasible that while the face and the headdress were recarved, the wings of the original designed cherubim were removed at the same time.


A prince of the Hyksos raised by one of the next dynasties pharaohs daughters; that Prince never forgot his roots. He never stopped being a Hyksos. He was never a Jew, nor did he save his people from harm. He used them as a shield wall to attack the city of Troy twice. He also could have sat on the throne of Egypt twice. Once as Ay after killing Tut the second after his adopted brother had his turn Banenre Merenptah. This man could have been Moses and would kill anyone whom questioned anything he did. The lost 13th tribe could have been the Jewish slave shield wall used to fight against the Trojans. The Trojans slowly pulled the slaves off the wall alive and gave them sanctuary. There is very little about this man’s actions which are good, despite what he wrote about himself, and killed to make sure his story stayed his story. No other story about him was possible for hundreds if not thousands of years.


The currently understood area of Israel in the Middle East; little about this concept is true, Israel can be better understood to be the Levant Ghetto where Jews were forced to live under the lies of Moses.

JeruSalem - AnsuzRune - LaguzRune - EhwazRune - Mannaz

The captured, renamed, and redesigned city currently in both Islamic and Jewish hands. Under genocide conditions best to literally give into the tyrants until it is time not to. For the last thirty three hundred years, let the tyrants win.

The widow’s son

The Legend of the Noachite Rite

From x,000 years b.c.e to 1100 the Jews needed a way to consecrate their great temples. So they reached into the rituals of the past finding a way to directly connect with god. So they dusted off the old Noachite Rite and reshaped it into being the head architect of the temple building would play the part of the dead Noah. Just before completing the temple; they would create a mind, body, and heart ritualized death for the great architect. Killing him in a symbolic manner. Then raise him from the grave to ask if this endeavor was acceptable to god, if any portion of the temple needed to be changed, or anything else the great architect wanted to communicate to the temple architect (during a trance in the mockup grave), then the above mentioned hand positions of Noah’s three sons would then be used to raise the temple architect out of the grave, he would then put into place the required changes, then finish the temple, then consecrate the temple.

Thus the great temple of Solomon in Israel was built using this framework of temple construction. The widow’s son went onto build and design further buildings, cities, and temples each time going through the same Noah based ritual as described above.

Alexandrian library

The Library Alexander formed was not the first time that library had been in one place at one time. Alexander simply repeated the pattern of reassembly as his ancestors had done.


The female scholar is a serious clue as to the definition of Virgin. The culture of the Middle East did not need to specify if a female was a virgin; it was assumed they were virgins. The only classification was if the individual was not a virgin. Calling Mary the Mother a Virgin would not have pointed to her age of thirteen but her age of early to mid-twenties and a very likely expert in the ancient sciences. Part of those sciences this book is about. Hypetia was a declared virgin even though she was in her late twenties to middle thirties and was an absolutely brilliant mathematician. This scene from the Paul devotes taking over the city of Alexandria did not happen to Hypatia; if they killed anyone it would have been either a common prostitute or they simply made up the story by finding some dead female. Mutilating the body and claiming whom it was; at that point in history the violent tyrant’s word was not questioned. If the tyrant stated x person is y person; unless you wanted to die violently, you did not question the authority.

The devotees of Paul a well-known misogynist hated women as a general principal. But any strong and or dominant women in his opinion did not need to exist. Many women were killed under his scriptures because they had the audacity to tell a male NO. To Paul No is an unforgivable sin from a male, from a woman nothing could be worse than being told no by a female. Before evacuating from Egypt Hypatia made the ultimate mistake, she refused the sexual advances of at least one powerful Paul devotee. Hypatia evacuated to the one and only safe place for a Jew, a woman, a scholar, etc. to evacuate too. She evacuated with as much of the library as she could to Northumberland. Having students and other scholars carry as many of the scrolls out of the city over the course of weeks and months leading up to the violence. Heading west to first Carthage. Then farther west to Gibraltar; where it would be safe to cross into Europe. Then up to Normandy, cross over to Britain. Then up to Northumberland. The Evil/HexenBeast Priest Paul whom all the known and named apostates wrote in their own hand how evil and nasty he was; Paul had not a single thing to do with the message of Jesus or Simon Peter. He had the message of Esau he wanted to infiltrate the still forming Catholic Church with his message of Hate and evil. Several direct quotes from James the brother and Simon Peter. Hypatia took over the long standing tradition which the Virgin Mary, Cleopatra, Medusa, Rachael, etc. had done. But the early church under the tyrannical thumb of Paul’s begat worked tirelessly for the first millennia to erase all references and good information about those women and the positive contributions they made to the cause.

Alexandria Library and Caesar

Freemasonry and the Alexandrian library are directly connected through the Roman Empire. When the Romans invaded Egypt with Caesar in command, Caesar immediately ordered the contents of the building boxed and shipped to Rome. He then ordered the building packed with anything which would burn. Then ordered the building set afire. So he and the Romans could claim all the scientific advancements about to come from the library were Roman inventions. The Romans by then were experts in erasing the truth to make themselves look better. They stole any and all things from the cultures they conquered, then took their technology as if Rome invented it.

Freemasonry is about the construction of the Temple of Solomon. But specifically it is about the Knighthood which protects the Temple itself. The Northumberland family did not lose the knowledge of the Temple, King Solomon, their Trojan Heritage, etc. but going down to Constantinople to bring the library of Alexandria back home allowed the Ogle family to hide the fact of their heritage from the Vatican. They could claim they found the secrets of Freemasonry buried inside the Constantinople library rather than it look like they were direct descendants of the Temple of Apollo at Troy which in most likelihood was what the Temple of Solomon was designed to be a direct copy of. The Temple of Apollo and the Temple of Tyre31%20copy were copies of a much older Temple of Adam circa 3800 b.c.e. Although some wild evidence does exist which suggests the Temple of Adam was moved from IWNW before it was conquered and renamed to Heliopolis to the city of Troy. It was that move which cause the Hyksos to go in a conquest search for the Temple of Adam e.g. Troy. Renamed to Apollo to help hide the truth. When it is an executable offense to be a Jew, best to hide who you are and what your sacred items are in order to be whom you are but have a façade the conqueror will accept.

When the Romans lost a sequence of battles at Hadrian’s Wall the peace deal Emperor Constantinos was forced to sign involved he had to marry the Commanding Generals Daughter Helen. That Marriage produced a son Constantine.


Constantine inherited both his mother’s library and his father’s library. He had as much of both boxed up (some originals but mostly copies of the Northumberland library, for the Roman Empire they all belonged to him, he had already witnessed the Paul dominated Vatican destroy any and all records  they did not like, so no real reason for originals to stay in Rome. He left copies in Rome for the Vatican to burn. And burn them they did.) and shipped to the first rally point from the evacuating Trojans at the Bospherous Strait Troy 2015 2 11 1302  Hagia Sophia Adams Tabernacle 2014 12 10 0340. The Trojans for the most part evacuated from the city before the inner city’s wall were breached. As the population of Troy knew their city was about to be destroyed. Save the civilization let the physical city go. Civilizations are difficult to rebuild if most of the key people are dead, a city is easy to rebuild. Agamemnon was constantly calling in reinforcements. Armies from all over were pouring into the battle. Fortunately for the Trojans tunnels were built both before and after in order to get the civilians out and fresh troops in. Those same escape tunnels were used to get the Royal family out. The rally point was the future site of Constantinople. The Trojans possessed a library which rivaled that of the Alexandrian one thousand years before Alexander. Part of Alexander’s library was gathered bits and pieces from the Trojan Library as well as one thousand other cultures he conquered. The books and materials gathered at the ancient Trojan Rally point to become Constantinople. Constantine named his empire after the name of Brutu the founding King of the British People and first cousin two generations removed from King Priam.

The Alexandrian library contained both information regarding the building of the pyramids as well as all the amassed knowledge of Egypt, Aegean cultures, and the Middle East.

Tesla and Manitou Colorado Manitou temple of Solomon 2015 2 7 1139 Manitou to Tesla 2013 12 28 1754 Which brings up an interesting idea; when the Ogle family moved their library to America (after they reassembled a large chunk of it from the Constantinople library) part of that library ended up at least for a few decades in Manitou Colorado. Where Tesla made some amazing to say the absolute least discoveries and inventions. Could part of what Tesla found hunting into ancient libraries have been extremely advanced electro-magnetic research. Could part of those books in the library system have come literally from Egypt as in a way to create a mobile Maglev system? Could part of an ancient Egyptian maglev system be part of what Tesla built in Colorado Springs? Would explain in detail how the Egyptian’s were able to literally place a many ton block of stone into place every few seconds for the reported six year build time.

Freemasonic Ceremonies

Which is how Freemasonic complicated ceremonies reentered modern culture in the 1300s when all knowledge the church did not approve of was either burned, destroyed, or carted off to Rome. The books were copied from the Constantinople library and shipped to Bologna, Edinburgh, Leipzig, Heidelberg, etc. Those libraries became the base of what would eventually become papal bulled into existence universities. The Ogle Royal family of Northumberland not only shipped the library to Edinburgh but directly created Freemasonry several times. There is no possible way the titles in the EA could exist without Royal written Permission. Starting with the local HRH title holders; Lord, Earl, Duke, Prince, King, etc.

Heresy laws

The podium of most if not all medieval churches; the book itself was hidden behind the podium. So the audience in the church/cathedral would not see the priest was either reading or not.

Pens, Paper, letters, numbers, ink was all illegal to know what it looked like during the Dark Age from circa 350-1700 c.e.

Kirkwall scroll 

Tells of the story of the great temple. Only after the sacking and construction of JeruSalem - AnsuzRune - LaguzRune - EhwazRune - Mannaznorth of Hebron was the great temple called Solomon’s temple. That Temple has been built as an exact replica of the first many times.

The controversy surrounding the age and story of the scroll make no difference to this theory. The Kirkwall scroll and a few others scattered around the UK tell a story of each of the Great Temples to god. As well as the framework of El Beth el temple/synagogue.


 a drawing depicting a tabernacle tent described from the Bible; where the ark was kept before Abraham built his first temple in Egypt Genesis 12; 7-9, in the refugee area in Egypt between upper and Lower Egypt on the left side of the NileIsrael_Egypt_Genesis_2013_12_17_1001). After they left Egypt the ark was kept back in the tabernacle tent; until it was placed in the Temple of Tyre31%20copy , then in Solomon’s temple JeruSalem - AnsuzRune - LaguzRune - EhwazRune - Mannaz.

 Rosslyn chapel Edinburgh. Which the Ogle Royal family owned from north of the Perth down to Sherwood Forest  from most of 1066-1600s. The Ogle Royal family owned that same area from 400ce when Rome fell down to York to 800ce. Edinburgh to Ogle castleNew Castle to Ogle (2); it is only 76 miles away, Ogle Castle is the name sake castle in which the Ogle Royal family owned and created Freemasonry from.

Saxony, Hebrew, FreeMasonry, and Scottish Rite

The Hebrew symbol below is from the Saxon (reference above) runic (secret or hidden meaning) Elder Futhark. More than ten Hebrew characters do the exact same as the below. The following character; you can do the same draw a line from the T B and M ט. The characters are at the bottom left side of the circle.

The Saxons moved to the UK after the Roman Empire collapsed. Leaving an opportunity for invaders from the east to take Saxon territory. The Saxons then invaded west pushing into southern England. Wessex, Essex, etc. are named after the North, South, East, West areas in which the Saxons took control over southern England circa 400-800 c.e. allowing the Saxon language framework to influence the Northumberland Royal family. The Northern border of the Saxon area (minus some cultural details) and the southern border of Northumberland are very close. Over time the Anglo-Saxons merged with several other cultures already established in the UK and as a collective attacked the Ogle family, from the north Scots, south the Anglo-Saxons, Jutes, Danes, etc. From the West the Pictish. It took several hundred years but the Ogles were finally forced out of their own country name sake Britain circa 750 c.e. ushering in the age of the Viking.

A Knighthood was redeveloped from the past in order to help the British to evacuate the Island of Britain. In effect reversing the evacuation from Troy to Britain, this time from Britain to Ireland and Northern Ga’al. It took the collective of at least six cultures to conquer the British family of Ogle from their Namesake Island and country of Britain. But the technology used by the British and specifically the Ogles was never lost, just moved. Moved to Dublin to form the University of Dublin and Paris to form the Sorbonne (means in Futhark: Good Journey with Light, Freemasonry is all about the pursuit of light.). Everywhere the Ogles have documented evidence of being; they form world class universities. The Vikings are the name of the military branch of the family for those specific centuries. The Viking settlements on the East coast those major cities each university associated are in a collection called “The Ivy League”. One thousand years of building world class universities; whether the Vatican approved of them or not. The original paperwork regarding their founding before the official after English conquest was destroyed new paperwork and papal bulls were created. Hence the Ivy leagues founding paperwork does not account for the time of 700-1600 c.e; most of the Ivy League universities were founded centuries before. But that did not fit with the Vatican’s Paul descended philosophy narrative geocentric or the savages of the new world.

What does the new world have to do with Freemasonry, copies of the Long house of Adam were what each university used to be founded upon. Columbia, Harvard, Yale, Penn State, Princeton, Dartmouth, Brown, Cornell, Heidelberg University (Tiffin Ohio), Western Washington University (Bellingham Washington StateOgle Castle to Bellingham 2013 11 13 0030, the city of Bellingham Washington State was named after Lord Bellingham from Castle Bellingham Ireland. Which is named by the Vikings to honor Castle Bellingham Northumberland.), there used to be a world class university in Manitou Colorado Ring_of_the_Fisher_Laguz_Rome_Manitou_2013_12_27_1808 in the 1800s but the militant puritans destroyed it, etc. at their center used to be a copy of the Temple/Tabernacle of Adam. After the English conquests most of the tabernacles were either carted off to the west or destroyed. After Henry VIII created the Anglican Church those copies of Solomon’s temple were considered at the time a house of evil. Protestantism has too much influence from Militant Islam and Paul’s philosophy which is directly from the Hyksos.

There is strong evidence to statistically suggest the Universities founded by the Ogles including most of the Ivy Leagues and most of the universities within two hundred miles of Tiffin Ohio started with a reconstruction of Adam’s Tabernacle as a Main Building.  Which is what the Temple of Solomon not Zerubbabel’s was designed to be an exact copy of. Zerubbabel’s was a copy but laying on its back. In a very real effect every University is designed to be a ladder for angels to descend and ascend to heaven. Unfortunately almost all the original buildings of said have been destroyed and replaced with whatever architecture was popular at the time.

1066 Hastings

Upon arriving back in Britain William gave the Ogles back their lands from Sherwood Forest north to Perth. Shortly thereafter the Ogles reestablished Freemasonry. The wars and battles with the remaining enemy of the Ogles started again almost instantly; Robin Hood was simply a continuation from the previous battles. This time the Ogles and their enemies in Britain carried out the same battle strategies; from 1066-1600s c.e the enemy lost. In the 1500-1650ce the enemy formed another collective and again defeated the British Ogles. Forcing them this time across to America. It took decades more but the English eventually followed the Ogles and the other British families over. Where ever there was a British settlement the English would attempt to conquer it. But call themselves British. So in effect it became British (True British) versus British (English); Very confusing.


For Freemasonry the Grand Lodge of Britain and the Grand Lodge of England were battling it out politically. Eventually from 1492-1890 the British lost on both accounts. Ironically the last both physical and political battle was in Bellingham Washington State.

Manitou Colorado

In Manitou Colorado either the Spa Building and or the building the Spa building replaced could have been a library and university. Destroyed by the Palmer, El Pomar, Penrose, etc. and that group of friends whom came out from the east after the Civil War and founded Colorado Springs as a religious community for their specific brand of puritanism. No matter what they called it, they were part of the Great Awakening Movement’s and their philosophy matched the more militant and radical of those actions.

In the Center of Manitou is the Spa building, with an area which stretches to the East which used to be a lavish Garden. But that was all erased, torn out, obliterated, etc. in order to make way for what the 1880 settlers wanted in the area. But it used to be a Major University. Fr Francolon attempted to come to the area and assist in the redevelopment of that University and create a Catholic safe haven community, but the puritans became so violently opposed there was all but literally no possible way to achieve that goal. For a variety of reasons the Protestants thought that anything connected with Adam was evil. Copies of his Tabernacle/Temple equally so.

Tesla Manitou and Noah’s ark

If the linguistics and evidence is perceived in a specific way, the Tabernacle from which Noah built did not need to be a ship but a maglev system pushing the Tabernacle up from the surface. If there was a major university in Manitou where the Spa Building is; that library and what would appear to be a ziggurat could have contained books and material which could have referenced Noah’s ark as some type of maglev system. Using magnets to both charge the ground in front of and below the Tabernacle and in front of the where the tabernacle was directed to go. This extremely advanced technology which could be how the millions of tons of rocks were carved and moved into position to build the pyramids. Using magnetic levitation. Tesla would have wanted to have not only firsthand research into that subject, but wanted to experiment with those books. Those books at the same time would also point to the Wi-Fi technology. Tesla very easily could have invented the Wi-Fi power one hundred ten years before that technology was reinvented. Evidence Tesla’s laboratory contained tools and equipment which could turn on his machines from miles away. When he was violently kicked out of the west; he had to leave most of his stuff behind. Which was then sold off to pay his debts. Miramont Castle was wired for electricity. In 1890 there were dozens of electrical based medical devices; the hospital the nuns turned Fr Francolon’s Church into would have contained at least a dozen of those devices. Someone whom purchased Tesla’s equipment, brought it home, and turned it on (totally ignorant of what it could or would do) that could have and almost guaranteed did cause an electrical fire in the Hospital.

What is more important, is the ideas for Wi-Fi and free energy from Tesla’s tower. Statistically speaking you can combine the variables of Noah’s ark, the Tower of Babel/Eridu ziggurat, and Tesla’s tower together to produce some very interesting ideas and technology. If a Wi-Fi signal can turn on and off something remotely, even miles away. What about taking that same device and turning on a sled with the bottom full of magnetic material; capable of changing polarity. Or sending out a Wi-Fi signal to the earth in front of the sled to force the earth in front of the sled to literally take on a specific polarity. The same polarity the sled is charged with. Strong enough charge on both and the sled with naturally float/levitate; the push push will force the sled to push against the ground. It is very possible the University of Manitou (which was entirely obliterated, all records of said destroyed) possessed books from the Egyptian library through the Ogle family which explained how the pyramids were constructed.


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What is the strength how does this community city etc. thrive, trade, etc.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Lascaux



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Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 14%20copy   


Verbal language

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: sound1

Transverse Wave (water wave)

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: sound2








Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 15%20copy  


Transportation movement,

in America we travel by automobile, in past horse, others by boat





Wisdom basic education levels.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: --------

mandatory education k-12



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 17%20copy  


Business, partnerships,

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: ma 14 connection 2 copy



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 18%20copy   


Art, ceremonies, philosophy



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 21%20copy   Haggalaz second Ætt 







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Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: hopipnt1



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 22%20copy  


Present what is the current counts to the world, the U.S. is 229 years old.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: earthafr

the united states of America 229

Nauthiez generation year 14



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 23%20copy   



the united states of America 230

Nauthiez generation year 15



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 24%20copy 


Time and cycles. Calendar

Gregorian calendar, 365.4




Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 25%20copy 


Fertility, creation,

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Foggy Babel Tower



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 26%20copy


Mechanics, level of technology how is that tech used,


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Viking



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 27%20copy 


Visual communication alpha bet




Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 28%20copy  


Higher education

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: The electromagnetic spectrum


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 31%20copy  Tiwaz   third Ætt 







Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 31%20copy 


Arrow  direction of government,

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: spear



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 32%20copy 






Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 33%20copy    


Placement on the planet

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: NASA illustration: Our solar system (not to scale)



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 34%20copy 


Community self-identification




Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 35%20copy 


Religions and ceremonies of technical aspects of magic/prayer, etc.

String theory




Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: aspirin

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: The heliopause is the boundary between the heliosphere and the interstellar medium outside the solar system. As the solar wind approaches the heliopause, it slows suddenly, forming a shock wave.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: atom



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 37%20copy 


Stability, cities, states, counties, communities, from a room to apt, to home, to block neighborhood, city, county, state, city, country,

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Village



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 38%20copy 



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Imgintro