
Under genocide condistino which the Jews have suffered from since practically day one. To hide and achieve cultural goals requires changing names of things in order to blend in more effectively. For some reason Esau’s line has convinced itself that as a matter fo very hard cultural cognitive dissonance that the diety they pray to is superior and the diety the jews pray to is minor or not existant; this causes a problem regarding funcionting inside a dominant paradigm of the great god of Esau and the minor jewish god. The only real solution is for each jewish city to rename their main god to some other name in order to make peace with whatever the current Esau line culture is calling itself now.

Jews to avoid open genocide occatinoally name changed their dity to avoid upsetting their neighbors. Esau’s descendants name change in order to be able to continue to performing beastly actions but claim they are not doing them. The second they as a culture get caught performing those actions they as a culture name change again, they continue performing the same actginos over and over again but simply name change in order to avoid the penalties for bad behavior. The NAZI were simply another name change, same Esau line descendnats had a different name before and different names after. But they all have the same goal; erase the existence of Jacob’s line.

Consequently to avoid being hunted down consntalty the jews have on occatino changed the name fo their diety in order to appeas at least for a few years the new Esau line culture. The Temple of Apollo in the Illiad is actually a Temple of the same design as the Tabernacle of Adam. Same design, same diety, same culture, but have to hide. Eviodence for said can be found in the Kirkwall scroll.

Joseph Smith and FreeMasonry

THE following is has almost nothing to do with Mormonism, Ladder Day Saints (not the incorrect and misleading informatnoi B.Y. spread), Ladder Day Saints (the true definition), secrets and informantion that was lost regarding FreeMasonry between 1770-1870. Albert Pike did wonderful things with Masonry, but he also twisted truths into his own twisted eg plantatatino system understanding of reality. This inforamtino si nto about Mromonism almost exclusively, it is about Joseph Smith interacting with a grand Library even with training and experience he had at best a limitated understanding fo the material he was reading. The job he was contracted to do was to deliver the informantion from that cache of books the proper authorites. What he did after delivering the material to the proper authories and the books he published are for the most part inconsiquencial.

Sure it is possible to decode truth from what he was attempting to do; but unless the book or Mormon contains the hidden Futhark code inside each letter, depends on hwo accurate the book of mrmon is to the actual word fo the divine.

The book, his church, the Mormon mvment, his death, B.Y., etc literally are not part fo this series.

What is part fo this series is where the library was before and where that library went to after. Joseph Smiths interpretatoni of a few of the pieces fo material regarding the library is again inconsiquencial. Joseph Smiths interation with the proppoer authories is.

Those propoper authories interaction with settlers who traveled West using Ogle maps to Ogle established trade routes, companies, and areas already thriving decades before is the point.

The name Ogle is the Gaelic version of Northumberland. Of ocurse Ogle is shortened from the Original Yr Hen Ogle DD. But the long version and the Latin NOrthubmerland mean almost the same thing. The full name in basic means the same but there are more defintiiosn and specificities to the Gaelic version than simply Northumberland.

Bellingham WAshingtion State

One of an unknown number of thirving large cities from Tiffin, Ohio west includes close ot the last stand fo the British Empire in Bellingham and a litteraly war with Confederate Forces.

Peabody, Judson, Roeder, etc traveled through Tiffin on their way West. Using a trade route the Ogles had established no less than 100 years previous. Evidence of the established Ogle Trade route the earliest white documented settlers traveled by was Joseph Ogle the namesake of Ogle County Illinois. Ogle County itself Joseph never traveled to, as least by documentation but he did as a matter fo very hard fact own large amounts fo land on the east side fo the Mississippi from St Louis. Although when Joseph Ogle owned the land St Louis would nto be an English French city for several decades. THE evidence of the first white settlers of the area carefuly avoided the fact that the city was already populated.

Hyksos ERGypt Thera Volcano 18th dynasty iv tut Troy the Exodus Alba Longa British Empire FreeMasonry

The Temple of Solomon was a copy of the Temple of Tyre; at least according to legend. Since later conquerrors literally erased all traces fo any type of copy fo that temple design.

To combat the constant temple destruction more than one temple was built and rebuilt when a new generation of war lords came up to obliterate any copies of that temple possible.

One fo the reasons Solomon built his temple and his ancestor king David did not was because his people needed a copy fo the great temple, but the problem is, he had no choice but to build his copy of the Tabernacle of Adam in the Levant Ghetto. The area descignated after the exodus to house the jews. A place wwar lords could come and kill as often and as many as they wanted without consequence. Same is true today; jews are under constant threat fo execution on an hourly basis.

The Promised land was the trip to Israel (Upper and Lower Egypt, merged into one, Israel.) eg the city fo Troy during the Exodus. Which was a carefully crafted political spun story Moses told about traveling literally to the conquest fo troy with his shield wall of slaves to seek out the Temple of Apollo (which could have been a copy fo the Temple of Tyre <300 years before Solomon would replace with his own>, which itself could have been a cop fo the temple of Ptah Memphis, which itself was more than likely a cop yof the Taberncle at IWNW Adam built at the to be conqured and renamed to Heliopolis Egypt.

The FreeMasonric Temple before it was built at Jerusalem was built at Troy. The Trojans were/are Jews. Achillles was also a jew. Achillles was incahrge of a slave sjhiled wall. His ancesotrs had grown too stong for the Hyksos/Dorians to battle and win in combat, so they were given a city to rule over, pay taxes, and fight for the dorian army when ever the dorians came a calling to go to war.

Temple and the Library

Every Temple/Tabernacle of Adam literally came with a library. Never operat a complex piece of machinery without an instruction manual. A temple/tabernacle is part physical machine part electro-magnetic machine. Those machines require a great deal fo training and experience. Consequently when an invading army comes around to erase the structure; the structure what can be move is, what cannot be moved is destroyed. But the library can and for the most part is moved. Moved to either a cache for hiding or moved out fo the reach of the invading army. Jseoph Smith in some way was able to intarct with one such cache of information. The family which owned and operated a vast library from Egypt, through troy, to northumberlnd literally brought their library and copies to America. The American university sisytem; wherever the Ogles create a city with a ibrary one fo the great universities of the modern age took over that library and education survived. Although in most cases under a tyrannical cutlures oppressive thumb.


The Hyksos are a culture which comes from the same area from which according to biblical sources Esau and his family invaded to provide Esau his own kingdom around the time his brother Jacob was being crowned King/Phaorah Israel. Esau’s descendants have continued the same war from the time the two were children to present, with each genreatnoi in some way continueing to fight the same war. The Trojan War was just another sequence fo battles between descnenats fo Esau/Hyksos/Doriand/Avaris with Jacob’s descendnats. Trojan means descendnats fo Jacob.


The word itself cames from the Ionians of Athens whom forced the name change from whatever the kingdom ws called before 800 bce. The name of the place after was a stylized version of EG Y PT; the Temple of Ptah. Which is literally the temple Pharoah Mem laid the groundwork for in order to have a great temple in Luz. Luz (Genesis 28). Renamed to honor Mem, Mem eg Pharoah Mem; Phis eg sacred city. Moderen Egypt is named “The Temple of Solomon” as a code in order for later generation Jews and Israelites to know how to go home, to know where home is in order to eventually go home.

Thera Volcano

The THeran Volcano is a super volcano in the area of Greece. That SuperVolcano itself erupted circa 1550  bce. When it did, it oblitreaed the Hyksos army present. The Cycladic people had already evacutad out fo the are in the years and decades before hand. The Cycladic people were scientifically advanced enough to know as a matter of very hard fact that they were literally dealing with a catastrpophic event. The Hyksos ignored them.

18th dynasty

The Egyptiain 18th dynasty from which iv and tut were the last two pharaohs respectively, father and son their ancestors took advantage fo the fact that the Hyksos army was not only obliterated but the small army present in Egypt was not only too small to maintain control over Egypt but too small to be more than just a small guard. Tasked with wait reenforcements arrive, hold till then. But with no reenforcemnts, the army surrendered quickly. Ushering in the end fo the 17th dynasty and in the 18th. The survivors fo the 17th never forgave the 18th for the betrayal. Once the 17th dynasty descendants at Avaris were able to raise another army, they took advantage fo the changes to the power structure of iv Amarna religious changes. When tut rose to power, the Avaris attacked, toppling the 18th dynasty ushering back into power the Hyksos; but of course name changed to hide the brutality fo the 17th.


all the Temples and structure iv built the Avaris Hyksos worked with all they had to destroy them. All the temples were converted back over to the 17th dynasty designs. The Jews whom stayed for the 19th were immediately taken back into slavery, the lucky ones evacuated out fo the power grasp of the 19th dynasty. The 19th dynasty were just as brutal and savage with their rule as the 17th. But that is to be expected since as a culture they never admt they did something wrong, only name change to escape the consiquences for their previosu actions.

In Egypt in several places hard evidence exists regarding destruction of as much fo the footprint of iv and the 17th dynasty as possible. Massive recurving and remodeling activities were done. Ramses II temple was renamed and a statue half obliterated.


This child was placed in a position where he had literally no good options. Genetically he was doomed to have a very short life. Army wise he had no chance of being a battlefield leader. Politically he had less of a chance of success; the Hyksos at Avaris have no concept of backing down once they smell blood. Esau’s line have a cultural serial problem when ti comes to needing to find Jacbo line descendnats and place them into human sacrifice. Killing Jews on the alter of their diety in order to appeas their diety. Nothing acceptable about that in any way. Makes the brutality of the Aztecs look take in comparrision.


In many ways the Temple of Apollo at Troy is a lost (Lost 13th tribe) Temple of Solomon. The Tribe fo Judah evacuated and had less than no interest in coming back. The amount fo evidence which points to the lost 13th tribe are in fact the Trojans is significant to say the aboolute least.

What does this  mean for for Joseph Smith and the infrastructure of the Temple fo Apollo; that answer is simple. The infrastructure fo the Temple of Apollo being a lost both temple and the people incharge fo protecting it (Knights Templar) when they evactuated they took the Temple with them. First to Alba Longa, updated the copy at the City fo Seven Hills. Then took it to Northumberland.

After the consnat attacks and waves fo invasions the people and Temple from Troy evacuated to America. But their enemies followed and pushed from from Boston/Manhattin/Maryland west to eventually Belingham Washignton STAte.

It is very likely the Lost 13th tribe fo Judah name changed to avoid further genocide to become the British. Mind you the Enlgish are mostly name changed from Roman to English, the British are direct descendnats from the Trojans.  

The Exodus

A direct Avaris Hyksso family member write the first five books fo the bible. The nastiness and negativity he performed while doing these actions is beyond intense. The Exodus and the Trojan War statistically can easily be seen as literally the same subject. Moses seized onctrol over as many jews as he could on several occations and took them as a slave shield wall war party to Troy to conquer the city. Assuming to take possession fo the city and seize control over the Temple of Apollo. The great temple Moses was searching for could very well have been directly associated with the Temple of Apollo. Moses simply name changed the name from Temple of Apollo to Mount Sinai. Disguisting a Zigurate to look like a mountain is not difficult. In this case the disguise would be a nessesary thing. Since the Hyksos would literally stop at nothing to not only possess every single Tabernacle of Adam. But deny with human sacrifice violence anyone whom questioned their right to possess every single one of them. Makes the actions of Esau look more and more like Esau sold his soul to the devil/Satin/Lucifer; the price for this sacrificing jews on the alter to evil.

Alba Longa

By Legend the city of Alba Longa was either founded by or massively increased after the TrojanWar by refugees from the Trojans War. The Trojan Royal family whom escaped (the majority fo them) first rallied at the site fo the Future Constantinople aka Istanbul. The culture then split, some stayed in Italy getting both Alba Longa and the City fo Seven Hills ready for the next wave fo Dorians to come and attack without mercy. Another group traveled up to Northumberland in order to secure that area as a last stand Kingdom.

Built up the defenses, population, and army strong enough to withstand any size force which chose to attack and destroy the Remainder of the Trojan Family.

Alba Longa was by legend founded by the cousin of King Priam; Aeneas. He was ordered to take the treasures, library, and the key cultural icons and evactuate far away. Before the Dorian army commanded by Agememon arrived.

British Empire

The Britshi Emire was founded again by legend by the son/grandson of Aeneas. His name Brute. His mother could be Queen Dido fo Carthage. The very likely widow of Tutenkamun. Saying the British culture are direct descendants fo the Trojans would be an extremely accurate sentence.

The fact that the Trojans are literally Jews makes that connection much more difficutl for Western Cultures to deal with.


FreeMasonry was developed twice in modern hisotyr. Once circa 700 ce in York in order to start evacuating the Ogle family and the British out of Britain. It was obvious the Pitish and their new allies were about to not only win but want to kill every single britt. Right before the start fo the age fo Viking in the British isles saying it was a realist replaying of the Trojan War is an accurate startistical assumption.

Which does bring up a very interesting idea. Was FreeMasonry a strong and central part fo the Battle fo Troy. Was the Temple Hector was incharge fo the army sworn to protect an exact copy fo that tTemple was built 300 years later in (levant Ghetto) Jerusalem.

THE second time in the modern age FreeMasonry was developed was after the Crusades, to escort the army and prigrims to and from the Holy Lands during the Crusades.

Saem pattern for the start fo the Viking age and the Crusades. No reason to assume the same pattern fo behavior and Knighthood was not created to protect the refugees fleeing from Troy.

Temple Fertility Rites

For high ranking members of the royal family. Sometimes husbands and wife’s would mate with each other. Sometimes they would mate with the clergy of the temple. If the wife was drawn to a female than mating with the female. Same for the husband; eight times a year males where homosexuality was not permitted could mate with male clergy in the temple. Obviously no offspring would be produced unless that clergy was a fertile hermaphrodite. The lineage parent of Brute was Aphrodite/Venus. Means that Æneas father mated in the temple during the celebration of Venus; either with a female clergy or his wife. To produce the offspring of Æneas.

With the Egyptian connection between Æneas and Dido the most likely widow of tut. Each king having five names. As well as the Trojans kings had five names since they were from Egypt long before the Esau/Hyksos invaded and used whomever remained as a shield wall in future conquests.

The list of times is difficult to decrypt since the list of names each pharaoh had five, plus the eight from different fertility rite ceremonies. Plus the history books state as a matter of hard fact that Æneas founded Rome and Alba Longa. Which Alba Longa was founded 1300 b.c.e Rome was conquered 753. Which is close to 500 years later; it takes a lot of editing of the facts to close a 500 year gap to erase what happened. But politicians the entire time have been doing that successfully since the written word began. Erasing what they do not like. Which is made unbelievably easier if you take one person and create five persons. 10 kings becomes 50 kings; easy to expand half a millennia if every king is five kings.

Aeneas after marrying Dido traveled to Alba Longa to establishing that city and temple structure. Which were built on, around, or were just flat out megalithic structures, etc. Aeneas after establishing what needed to be done in Alba Longa; he had to keep pushing as far away as possible. to be so far outside the reach of the Esau/Hyksos/Dorians that it would be more than 1000 years till they had the technical and navigation skill to impact where Brute by legend traveled to. Placing the tome/blade of Troy from Jacob, from IsrÆl, from Methuselah, from Enoch, from Adam in Northumberland. Which would then be transported from Northumberland over to the American eastern sea board, then transported farther west to Palmyra. Copies, pieces, parts carried farther west eventually ending up in Bellingham Washington.

Agamemnon at Athens

As the tails of homer clearly state Agamemnon was hell bent on being king of kings of the entire Ægean (the Ægean and Æneas is only two letters off from the escaped Prince of Troy. Does not mean the Ægean was named after that prince it means the Ænea was a more prominent name of the treasures the prince was place in charge of as well as. If the place was called some ancient sacred name what we in the modern world would might call “The garden of Eden”, “Zion”, etc. than it would be a reason for the constant invasions by the Persians; attacking west would an increased volume of gold and a denser population. Smarter to conquer half of India than to conquer the eastern Mediterranean.). He had attacked and conquered more than a few of the major cities of the eastern area e.g. India before he had amassed a large enough army of defeated foes to attack and conquered troy. Troy at the time being a monstrous city of close to one million people. With satellite cities within 50 miles each with populations of 10,000s to 100,000 a piece.

Did Agamemnon attack and conquer Athens (before heading to Troy), and Amenhotep IV Akhenaten’s daughter Aethra at Aphidna Aten (three names for one person) with her son Theseus being the second daughter of Akhenaten came in directly behind and lay siege the city from whomever Agamemnon had put in charge. If Agamemnon was on the war path from his teens to death. Agamemnon attacks and the cultures which owed the cities previous to his conquest seize it back or attempt to seize it back. Enter the Aten symbol and the descendants of Amenhotep IV sending his Daughters out to claim their own kingdoms. There is no reason to assume the ATEN was not used as the stratagem took to fan out Amenhotep iv’s children to shore up the defenses of the areas which had either already fallen and or were under direct threat, of his allies the Cycladic. There are layers and layers of legends regarding these sequences of battles, wars, conquests, erasures of history, genocide of the previous populations leaders, etc. among those legends is both Perseus and Medusa. Later enter Perseus and the Cracken. Ironically the application of the Light Place from which Jacob left North West of Luz/Memphis to sleep on the Stone The Pepi I pyramid its causeway BiSects the Cave of the Nativity which Empress Helen Ogle found after her son Constantine became Emperor . Memphis Old Name LUZ Genesis 28.). Stones to remodel into his ladder to heaven; stones e.g. a megalith in order to read the patterns of someone’s live e.g. turn them to stone. Medusa and Jacob interacting with the same thing; using incredibly advanced mathematics in order to perform their duties. Yes that does actually link linguistically and plot device the story of Medusa with what Jacob and his descendants could do. Which also links what Joseph Smith found with the Tome of Jacob and what Medusa could do. Medusa and a persons life story on stone, with Athens her home city, with conquests of her home city, with the Plates Joseph Smith found/translated, the siege and conquest of Troy (Aeneas taking the Tome/Blade of Jacob out), Prince of Troy Grandson Brute takes the treasures of both Troy and Carthage and remaining treasures and plates from ancient Egypt takes them from the City of Seven Hills later to be conquered and renamed Rome to Northumberland, descendants of the same culture Agamemnon is King of half a millennia later conquer the City of Seven Hills and rename it Rome, the Roman Empire’s army destroys itself at Ogle Castle Northumberland, Pictish revolt forces the Ogles to remove the libraries and treasures from Northumberland to both Glastonbury abbey as well as across the ocean to the east coast of America to keep them from being burned by the Vatican. Hadrian’s Wall is only 5 miles North of Ogle Castle . What do these wondrous treasures have even the slightest thing to do with Joseph Smith and Bellingham. There is extremely high percentage chance that Bellingham was one of the destination points regarding where Joseph Smith was going to build one of his Great Temples. Probably from Bay and E. Holly North West. Can you image a more accurate Tabernacle of Adam built from Bay Street and E. Holly North West. Why North West; because that is the direction Jacob traveled from the Luz/Memphis North West to the Light Place to build his ladder to heaven from the rocks of the light place megalith. Since there is evidence of a Megalithic structure in Bellingham north to Lyndon; there is plenty of evidence in the area of a Megalithic infrastructure. Not the least of which is the ATEN built into the city layout plans. Hard evidence Bellingham Castle Northumberland is only 19 miles west by a few points north from Ogle Castle . Since the Ogles reformed FreeMasonry after they started to arrive back from the Crusades with the libraries and a large percentage of Mormon ceremonies are based on FreeMasonic ceremonies dating back to no later than 1300; this places the Ogle family direct with the plates and with Joseph Smith. It also places one of the areas Joseph Smith wanted to go was Bellingham Washington. Joseph Smith did have direct and long standing connection with the Ogles in the city of Tiffin. Both Joseph Smith and Oliver whom lived in the city for seven years. During the height of the violence against the Mormons; Oliver was in Tiffin.

If you want to translate HexHam; it means Blessed/Cursed (depending on which culture is on the losing side of the sacredness. For Evil Holy Water is bad, they cannot cross onto sacred lands. For evil a blessing is a curse. Same in reverse; holy have trouble in dark evil places.) Sacred City from Gaelic to English.

Genesis 28; 1-22

“From Bethel to Luz - From Genesis 28:19; that the place which is northwest of Beth-el to the light place”

10And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran. 11And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep. 12And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. ”

Light place; in this case Light Place is about as important as there could be an importance line of scripture. Light = Christ, Place = Peter. Christ Peter; a place from which light of the divine emanates. What has to be remembered is the Jews lived under unimaginable oppression for the majority of their time form Esau to present. Some aspects of the oppression they existed within was literally more nasty and lasted for not the small 10 to 15 years the NAZI were in power 1931-1946 but centuries. The National Socialists Peoples Party was not the first time Jews faced those conditions. The previous their was no America to come save the day.

Consequently as a matter of some of the hardest facts imaginable; built into this scripture is something of extreme to the max importance. Which was carefully hidden by successful generations of conquerors whom might have known in varying degrees what this “Jacob left Luz (which was its name from the past; presently Memphis) and headed North West. Upon arriving at the Light Place; he slept on a Rock. That Rock he dreamed that night of a ladder to heaven from which angles could ascend and descendant from heaven from. The next day he awoke and started to remodel what was previous a Megalith e.g. a collection of Pillars made of Rock into his Ladder to Heaven.”

If you draw a Line north west of Luz you will soon cross the Pepi I pyramid. If you bend 45’ from the Pepi I pyramid  230 miles later you will be in the cave that Empress Helen mother of Constantine ordered built a Cathedral which that was by her best educated and divinely inspired guess was the exact location Jesus was born. But the Pepi I pyramid was literally built 2200 years before the Nativity supposedly took place.

But that character in the Futhark is Kannaz; which is the Sixed Character in the sequence which means it has the meaning of Torch, Light, Candle, Flame, ROY G BIV, etc. from just outside to the south of the Pepi I pyramid draw an equivalent Kannaz that line will bisect through the city of Jeru Salem which would be built some 1400 years later.

Medusa the Plate/Stone

Medusa from Athens based on extremely rude and politically spin so hard that it loses most credibility from the original story.

Medusa was a Clergy from the Temple; when the invading Hyksos/Dorians came up, she was obviously banished because the city was named Poseidon which did not mean water it means the blue tinge of electricity . (The Symbol Built into the Hilt tool is Laguz which is the 21st symbol in the Futhark; it means the flow of the universe or in other words Electro Magnetics. Push push, pull pull, neutral.)

Poseidon was the deity of Electricity. But the Esau/Hyksos/Dorians/etc. hate education with a passion which is almost infinite. So they destroy as much of it as possible; that which cannot be destroyed becomes twisted into something other than reality. If correct that the assumption is that both Akhenaten and his eighth give or take dynasty ancestors whom were in charge of Egypt when the Hyksos invaded. The Plates he possessed could very well have something very impressive to do with the Plates of the eighth dynasty which was directly connected back to the dynasties which built or allowed the building of or the remodeling of the pyramids in the first place. Strong evidence points to each pyramid site was a Stonehenge type megalith millennia before the Children fo Israel started to remodel them into Pyramids. How to perform those remodels could very easily require an understanding of electro magnetics. Those same plates might have been similar to, cousins of, or even the same plates as the Monotheistic Akhenaton the father of King Tut found and was able to translate. The information on the Plates and the knowledge of the science of Electro Magnetics could be a clue as to what was on the Joseph Smith Plates. Since after all in Joseph Smith’s description; “The ground Opened up” to take the plates out “he reopened the ground to put the plates back in”. Opening without mechanics might very well require some type of electro-magnetic lock and key. We have hard evidence of Electro Magnetic science implements from 3000 bce at Lake Tana in Southern Egypt. The Basket of metal that clergy is putting on is remarkably similar to a cage used by Tesla

. We know as a matter of the hardest facts imaginable that the Aten built into that relief is part of every Monotheistic Ceremony there is. It is a central IDOL in the worship of Islam; Islam could not exist without the presence of the ATEN in their prayers. Close to the only way to open the different doors to the Khufu Pyramid would require moving on a hinge 1000 ton carved to perfection rock blocks. One on the outside the other to seal shut the entrance to the upper chamber. What if those doors were literally opened and closed using some type of electromagnetic device.

Ogle Castle Hadrian’s wall

The wall was constructed to hide the fact that the Romans had been losing and losing badly against the Ogles from the moment the Romans started to push north from Sherwood Forest. The Roman Empire was stopped dead at the area of the Wall. The worst part is; at the eastern (from the west to the east wall) portion of the wall where the wall dead ends is the city of New Castle; which translates as Jeru Salem . That was the name of the city before the Romans Invaded. A major city named Jeru Salem in Northumberland. The Holy Plates of Mormonism which strong connections to Jeru Salem ; how is the Ogle family not connected?

Hadrian ’s Wall Emperor Constantine

After losing a series of battles against the Ogles, Emperor Constantius was forced to sign a peace treaty. The results were that the emperor was forced to accept as his wife the daughter of the commanding general of the opposing forces. This is in the entire width and breadth of the history of the Roman Empire; minus Cleopatra unheard of almost exclusively.

Cleopatra life in exile

(Veritcal/North, Umber<Snake>, Land<Specifically designated area>)

Immediately being able to leave Greece, thanks to Anthony running a military blocking maneuver. The same blocking maneuver seen every football game; the blocker in this case Anthony runs headlong into the opponent, while the “football” is able to get around and head to the end zone. In this metaphoric case the “FootBall” is Cleopatra, her children, her army, her entourage, her navy. As for the metaphoric “End Zone” that would be the only place in all close to two million miles of frontier where the Romans lost and lost repeatedly; they lost from day one to the last day of the Roman Empire at where Hadrian’s Wall would be built in two centuries. It was built to keep the Roman side casualties at a minimum; it only partially worked. Cleopatra would then immediately set course for the only truly safe place in which to live. All the other cities her ancient ancestors set up as safe zones has been either compromised, conquered, or were ruled by enemies. Northumberland was the only place left.

So she traveled to Northumberland; with the last of the core of her Egyptian army with her, the most loyal of Caesars troops formerly under the command of Anthony. And her allied supporters from northern Europe.

Arriving in Northumberland Cleopatra would again need to instantaneously set up as strong of a defensive position as humanly possible. Laying down as much of an offensive position in order to hold off the entire might of the Roman Empire. If Augustus so chose to erase her existence. 

The conflicts between Augustus and Cleopatra in Egypt, Greece, and Northumberland are mirrored exactly in the founding of Bellingham Washington state. Incidentally erasing the evidence of Cleopatra in Northumberland. The Political, powers that be wrote what they wanted to, without anyone around to tell them any different. And those political powers that be who actually did voice opposition were executed all but on the spot. Best way to make sure no one tells the power no is to kill anyone who might say no.

In Bellingham add to the facts of all the competing armies, competing issues, competing conflicts, most if not all the battles taking place in Whatcom County would be entirely embarrassing for the English and American governments. Embarrassment means as much evidence as possible erased.

Cleopatra and Hadrian’s Wall

What would Hadrian’s wall and Cleopatra have anything even mildly to do with each other. The answer is Cleopatra was not executed nor did she commit suicide; neither were in her personality profile. She always looked for a better solution which would place her on top of the power structure. You can achieve lots of goals if you are alive, dead you can do nothing. Anthony on the other hand was not much more than his boss’s XO (Executive Officer) so for him not being able to stand in his boss’s shoes was more than his ego and arrogance could allow him to deal with. So he almost had to commit suicide in order to save his honor but for Cleopatra; that was not an option.

Augustus on the other hand had to follow the Laws, Rules, and cultural identity of the cultures he was emperor of. Cleopatra’s son was the rightful emperor; heir to his fathers and mothers countries. Which makes Cleopatra’s son and his mother by Greek, Roman, and Egyptian laws not only untouchable but by no possible way of allowing her or her children to be killed. Allowing her to commit suicide was beyond unacceptable. Her supporters would have immediately revolted in the entire Roman Empire. So the only solution possible was to exile her outside of the influence of the Roman Empire. The only option was Northumberland; where by chance the Roman’s had been losing battle after battle in that location for the previous decades.

If she could not remain as Pharaoh; then she would find another way of surviving.

If she could not seduce her adopted son in law/her husband’s great nephew. Then she would find another way back into power.

So the reports of her death being a Raised Platform (north/vertical) Sacred Snake(Amber) her room (defined sacred personal  space) can be decrypted to tell she was exiled by Caesarean e.g. Augustine Caesar to Northumberland. The exact same place which the Romans had been fighting losing battles at since before Caesar went into Politics

Which could be one reason the Romans chose to start building a wall at the southern border of Cleopatra’s exiled area.

Cleopatra exiling to Northumberland

First thing she would have done was to start to rebuild her army.  The hardest evidence regarding this would be the large mass of troops which started to appear on the Northside of the wall immediately after as the stages show. Anthony negotiated on his brother in law to reenter Roman Citizen life as a retired elder. His communications with his brother in law the Emperor Augustus were he wanted to slowly let his troops be relieved of duty and he would as Augustus eased tensions. He deescalated mirrored by Augustin’s de-escalation; in the modern age similar to as the Russians reduced their nuclear arsenal America would reduce our arsenal. Unit by Unit they started to deescalate. As Anthony’s units were pulled from Duty; they immediately traveled to Northumberland to fortify Cleopatra’s position in exile. With too few troops close to the Mediterranean. Augustus presented his true colors and attacked Anthony. Left without a sufficient army to back Augustus off; Anthony retreated to his wife Augustus’s sister. He had betrayed her too many times, he had children with both Octavia the Younger and Cleopatra at the same time. Octavia the Younger was the one he died in her arms, not Cleopatra. Whether Anthony’s wife Octavia the Younger ordered the execution or Augustus; the honorable suicide was the only option left. So by reports he died in the arms of his wife Octavia the Younger. Augustus let it be known it was Cleopatra, but in truth it was his sister. As the troops pulled away from Anthony they would have traveled immediately to Northumberland to protect the Empress/Pharaoh in Exile.

Second thing she would have done is consolidate her political power in Northumberland.

Third thing would have been to ensure her son with Caesar would have been well trained and sufficiently connected to the powerful of the area

The response from the Romans with the growing army would have been to send additional troops to the area of Northumberland to suppress the growing rebellion, which resulted in a stalemate.

That stalemate would have immediately led to the building of a wall to keep Cleopatra’s army out of Rome

Then a major push to erase Cleopatra’s descendants from existence.

Failing this, they attempted to push north and create a wall “Antonina’s wall”

Attempting to isolate the family and the descendants of Cleopatra’s army.

Failed at bringing Cleopatra’s army to their knees and failing at Antonia’s wall. The Romans retreated to Hadriens and stayed put until the end of the empire.

Another reason Northumberland was considered a safe place was by legend Northumberland was where the 17th and 18th dynasty pharaohs exiled to when their respective dynasties were over or were conquered out of power. Meritaten and Scotia were both by legend assumed to have settled in the area. Scotia is the namesake of Scotland. Meritaten by DNA evidence came back to Egypt from her time outside of Egypt but that was decades after she left. From her age of late teens early 20s for decades there is no records regarding her life. Other than buried deep in different mastaba’s, that she established a new kingdom “Pharoses” in first Iberian then Northumberland.

It is possible one of the reasons the Romans wanted to expand their empire into among other place including Britannia could be to seek out and destroy on a sub-conscious level the descendants of Akhenaten’s children.

Which would explain why the Romans spread into the areas they did; following the path assumed the descendants of Akhenaten’s kids went. Which would also explain why the descendants of the Hyksos immediately started to invade into the Middle East; they were following the descendants of the children of Israel descendants whom had escaped out of Egypt before the invading army was able to capture and kill them all. The Hyksos simply took those that could not run away, used them as a shield wall, and forced them into battle (exact same strategy Rome used as the modern version militant Islam do, use innocent’s as living shields), to capture those Jews whom managed to escape into the northern Mediterranean.

Benefit of reading books instead of burning them; the children of the Jews whom did escape found themselves around the Thera volcano about to erupt. Knowing it was about to erupt, evacuated as quickly as possible west out of the way of the downwind ash cloud. The Hyksos could not have been forced to care less caught the eruption in the collective cultural teeth.

But forced the survivors to on a soul level need to seek further revenge upon those that did not prevent them from being erased. They erase others not the other way around.

Cleopatra and Medusa

Medusa by legend was morphed poetic license into a gorgon, a part human part snake creature. Pharaoh naming during the eight holy times a year; Medusa was Clergy in the Temple Poseidon entered the temple and performed the fertility Rite with Medusa. Offspring were created; those offspring became Pegasus and Chrysaor. Chrysaor the one with the Sword/Tome. It is very interesting that the child of Medusa Pegasus helped Perseus kill its own mother. So much political spin to hide the facts regarding what occurred. A crown of Snakes (reminiscent of the crown of Thorns of Jesus) and wings sticking out from the top of the head. Wings or long feathers are an ancient Egyptian tradition. That deity from Egypt was MA’AT wife of THOTH and together they had eight children. The Futhark calendar uses eight fixed points in space in order to measure electro magnetically from fixed point to fixed point the progress of time. MA’AT and THOTH’s children could very well be a representation of the Eight fixed points of the passage of time on earth; in addition the eight names the Pharaoh’s used to name those children conceived during said different fertility rite. Looks like there is hard statistical evidence connecting ancient Egyptian pre-Hyksos evacuations settled in the Aegean. As well as the deity Medusa was connected too; MA’AT with her tall feathers and knowledge of ancient seriously advanced science of the Adam Naming process. Which makes more than one connection with Adam and Eve. If you are named and your entire life story can be written on stone. You in effect become that stone. Your essence is on that stone. Even more interesting information regarding what could have been on the Plates/Pillar’s/Stones Joseph Smith was shown. Knowing that in Greece Anthony and Cleopatra had been in the Aegean for years before it was time for Anthony to run block allowing Cleopatra to escape with her army and treasures. Some of those treasures would have been books and educational material. Interesting how Cleopatra was symbolically and sociologically executed and not exiled like Medusa was. Perhaps the stories of Medusa still being strong and powerful centuries later were a warning to Augustus that tell the story she committed suicide rather than exiled. Her followers could simply go and reclaim her, form a new army with Caesars actuals son as its head and not only threaten his power but take over the entire Roman Empire. Medusa turning people to stone upon looking at them; looking at them to known and measure their life e.g. naming them. Political spin of ancient Megalithic technology spun into a nightmare. The culture whom changed the story hate education and academics with close to every fiber of their collective being. Especially if that technology is connected to electro magnetic research, which could connect what Medusa could do with the Plates Joseph Smith was allowed to read and translate. For the enemies of Jacob; little would be more terrifying than said information being not only released again but released with a translation.

Cleopatra, her son, and his descendants Ruling Rome not from Rome but from Northumberland. Ruling Rome from Jerusalem. Which in itself translates back to Heliopolis since different languages same meaning Helios and Sun are the same. Sacred city of the Sun = both Heliopolis and Jerusalem. Which is close to the definition of IWNW the former name of Heliopolis in Egypt. In addition the Eternal City Luz aka Memphis was a copied over stylized version of the city Abraham built to replace the city Adam built at IWNW. All that transported to New Castle and Ogle Castle; only Thirteen Miles, North West away



But since Newcastle translates to Jeru Salem ; and Cleopatra was a Jew, this does create some very interesting connections regarding the reasons why those said items occurred. Even more interesting is the definition of Luz is the Eternal or Heaven Bone. Which is one of the only bones to survive intact after cremation. Gong to the Eternal of Heaven city the city of My Father was he talking about Memphis/Luz in Egypt, IWNW/Heliopolis Egypt, Rome renicknamed after Caesar carted as much of Memphis back to Rome as humanly possible, or Jerusalem, where the Pharaoh before him in Exile had recently died. He was a higher rank than Cleopatra. He was born a higher Rank. He could claim the Throne of The Great House of Adam; Cleopatra and Meritaten’s families were guardians for the true and Rightful next Pharaoh Head of the 12(Jera the 12th symbol in the Futhark sequence) tribes of The fourth (Ansuz = Sound = Simon) son of Jacob. Light and Sound coming from a specifically designated area e.g. Land e.g. Sacred specifically defined area e.g. Castle. NewCastle/Jerusalem Northumberland. The Guardians are present as keep the place safe till it is time for the next rightful Head of the Tribes to reclaim the Throne.


The legend of Medusa was mostly simple. Medusa (which part of this legend found its way into the basic story of Beowulf; courtesy of the cultures which left the Aegean after 1200 b.c.e and traveled up into Germany/Scandinavia. The stories are so similar not to have a strong consistency; or the same origin. Changed based the story telling techniques of the different cultures involved) was a priestess of Athena. Poseidon had some type of an issue and traveled to Athens. At Athens he went into the Temple of Athena and had sexual relations with the priestess Medusa. Once Athena found out; she punished both Poseidon and Medusa.

Obviously Athena punished Medusa more stringently they she could punish Poseidon.

Medusa was known for her beauty which enraged Athena and caused her jealousy to flair into mythical proportions.

Medusa was morphed into a half human half snake. Exiled forever away from Athens into the northern portion of the Aegean. And for extra punishment her beauty was used as a weapon; anyone who dared look upon Medusa’s face would be turned to stone.

Sometime later Perseus (later this basic story telling framework was turned into the basics of the spy James Bond by Ian Fleming) attempting to save Athens from the sea (Poseidon) creature the traveled to Medusa’s exile location, fought her, cut her head off (using the back of his bronze shield of a mirror to locate her, not unlike the effects of a vampires gaze will be lost on a person if they use a mirror on a vampire. The effects flipped), took the immortal head back to Athens, used the immortal head to turn the creature attacking Athens to stone, thus saving the day.

What is really interesting is, the job of naming Adam was assigned genesis 2;20 and turn you to stone e.g. Medusa linguistically is virtually the same. TO name is to give it power, that power if written onto rock is little different than what some cultures consider a photograph. Takes your soul. Take your soul written onto a rock/plate and write your name the similarities are very close. Which would be a soul level reason for the Esau/Hyksos/Dorians to need to hunt down said items and erase them from existence.

This is all well and good but the primary issue is; that is all political spin regarding at least three separate invasions/conquests of Athens by several different cultures.

First the current city of Athens was actually previous to 1300 b.c.e called Poseidon. The city was Poseidon for at least 1000 years before the name was changed to Athens by a conqueror.

Second the city dates back previous to 600 b.c.e more than 2500 years. Some evidence regarding the city have some types of settlements in the area of Athens dating back more than 5000 years before the common era or the 0 year in the Julian/Gregorian calendars.

Third the elements were changed and shaped by the facts regarding there are more than one type of enemy when a conqueror is on the horizon. The conqueror wants to take the city they are aiming at, but do not necessarily want to destroy the inhabitance. That city could merely be a link in the chain of other later actions. E.g. nothing personal we just need this city to achieve a larger goal. Then there is the personal battles, the battles which occur because the conqueror hates the inhabitance of a city and need to kill everything in that city which breathes. The reward is not the gold, slaves, strategic location, etc. the reward is knowing everyone in the city is dead. The city of Athens was conquered at 1300 b.c.e by unknown cultural forces. Not long after the city was reconquered by forces from the Hyksos/Dorian culture. The Dorians hated with a passion both the culture which had invaded circa1300 and the culture which was conquered at 1300 b.c.e. Both were hated beyond measure. So after the city fell to the Dorians all the stories of the city were rewritten using the cultural perspective of the Hyksos/Dorians. What does the story of the conquest of Athens have anything at all to do in any aspect with the city of Bellingham Washington State. The violence and conquest center conquest from the half a dozen or more armies in the area from 1800-1890 tell a very similar tail. The French, Indians, Indians/British, Americans, Confederates, Russians, Canadians, etc. were all in the area from Vancouver BC to Seattle fighting for control and supremacy. Just because the later Dorian stories were from their personal perspective does not mean for a second those conquests not only did not occur but most of the information regarding what occurred between in the wars of 1500, 1300, 1100, 800 b.c.e did not change and shape true to reflect the perspective of each of the dominant cultures. Linear A and Linear B were both erased from being translated because later cultures wanted to make sure their stories were the ones being talked about and the previous versions were erased. The best and most efficient way to make sure information is erased is to change the language to something else and kill all who keep using or teaching the old language. So even if bits of the old stories are found no one can read them. Same thing occurred when Sumerian and Akkadian Hittite, Phoenician, etc. laws were passed to make sure the next generation would be entirely ignorant of those languages so ancient knowledge would die just like the people who knew the ancient stories were killed outright.

Fourth just because a story has been changed so much that it almost does not reflect the original truth does not mean by any stretch the original stories elements are not still present. To decrypt the changes simply requires a mathematical model take the key elements of the story itself, then take the culture which changed the elements of the story to fit their militant perspective, then separate out the elements which what they could have been changed from and into regarding how the culture/ss would perceive the societies they hated elements. For instance we know that the Hyksos hated the Jews on a mythical level. Every single time the Hyksos and their descendants encounter the Jews they attempt to recreate a holocaust. The success of that generations holocaust vary, some full out genocide others merely long standing prejudice. But hatred is present from 2100 b.c.e to present.  In addition just because the Germans did not get away with their holocaust did not and does not mean previous conquests did not do the same thing and were not stopped in their genocidal activities.

Five it is possible to use the above elements to decrypt the stories. By separating out the actions of each culture involved in the sequence they were involved, then determine which element was changed in what sequence, by whom those elements were changed, adding that each story has specific frameworks which are present in their stories. Medusa and the snake theme.

Connects Medusa with the Dragon/Snake of the Garden of Eden with Eve, also connects Medusa with the Tabernacle at the Center of the Garden. The Tabernacle from which Adam named everything from. To name things requires a megalith; the three pillars inside the Kaaba and the Three Pillars militant Islam curse and throw stones at to get the soul level rage out to approach the Kaaba and hopefully become pure. Very similar to an infinity look one loop at the Pillars of Adam the second loop at the Kaaba. Medusa with the Plates/Stones/Pillars, Eve with the Plates/Stones/Pillars.



This story is about the true occurrences which occurred to Cleopatra. The true story is so much beyond anything so far reported that all the rest of the stories pale in comparison to the truth behind what actually occurred to Pharaoh Cleopatra


Most of the major problems in history come from a total intended mistranslation of the definition of the word Pagan and polytheism.

Pagan means outside of the city dweller. Meaning roughly those that chose to live outside the city. When monotheism started to strive into Europe the cities would cover to Christianity easy but those out in the country would either resist with everything they had or they would convert slowly over generations.

But the amount of true information regarding this is entirely based on Vatican sources. Which are 100% un-trustable in all accounts. Historically the Vatican had a very difficult time finding the truth let alone writing it down.


So claiming the Egyptians were pagan/polytheistic is not truth. They were but the older definition of pagan is different. Since there was a gigantic war fought between the Esau’s line descendants and the Jacob line descendants. Of which Cleopatra was caught in one of the major turning points in the entire war of cultural domination and suppression of the losing side.

For one thing Cleopatra died a very old woman surrounded by children and grandchildren possibly even great grandchildren in exile in Northumberland.

The suicide was pure hard core propaganda; by Augustus trying to remove obstacles to his rise to being emperor.

Cleopatra was if you look carefully at all the specific blood lines and said was actually a Jacob line Jew. Ptolemaic was given Egypt by alexander because he was a Jew. He was from the group of Jews the Hyksos captured and forced into their army. As the Hyksos marched toward the Aegean; pockets of Jews were left to safeguard the territories the Esau’s line captured. Tyre and Troy were among dozens of cities Esau’s Hyksos captured and handed to Jacobs’s line descendants.

Ptolemaic was part of one of those Jacob line families. So when he was given Egypt. He simply assumed the same titles and formats that his very ancient ancestors were conquered by Narmer circa 3200 b.c.e. Narmer conquered; alexander gave it back.

So Cleopatra could not have been killed so the only option was to exile her and her children.

Caesarian Caesar  Emperor of Rome II

Imperial Rome II Northumberland

From 30 bce to 400 c.e there were two Roman Empires.

It would be an extremely fascinating theoretical academic experiment to find out how much evidence would lead to the idea that not only did Cleopatra set up a Imperial Rome of her own a Rome II for a missing better description. But a great grandchild of Caesarian could be the commanding general of the Ogle Army; his one or one of his daughters probably the oldest given to his defeated Imperial Rome II Emperor Constantinos. Which means that in reality it is possible that Constantine was the great x grandson of Cleopatra and Caesar. He chose to move a theorized Imperial Rome II from Northumberland to the Aegean calling it by his ancient ancestors name from the same almost exact area Prince of Troy Brute (whom was by a statistical analysis possibly the his mother or grandmother was King Tut’s widow) came from the city of Troy; with the Trojan Treasures including the Tome/Blade of Jacob. What evidence is present to back up this outlandish theory. The fact that as much of Empress Helen’s history previous to being married to the defeated Emperor was erased. Why erase something unless there is something the political powers that be need erased. No reason to go to the time and trouble to scrub someone’s existence unless their past presents a hard target threat.

The standard Roman Empire and the Exiled Roman Empire under the Empires from the descendants of Cleopatra and her son with Caesar Caesarian.

Emperor Caesarian

The two Empires battled from 30 bce to the last day of the Roman Empire fell circa 400 ce. Attempting to erase the second Rome or the second Empire of the Seven Hills cost Rome Everything.

The Battles over and around the concept of the Rise of the Vatican. The Empire of the Seven Hills was not only a major threat to the Vatican, the Vatican itself was under almost constant and continuous attack based on the very existence of the Empire of the Seven Hills.

The very foundation of the Vatican rested on principles which the Empire of the Seven Hills by its very existence forced everyone to  know where flat out not only incorrect but founded on direct lies and deceit.

Upon reaching the age of adulthood; Caesarian would have become Pharaoh.

Although technically in exile; the definition of exile is a relatively odd one. Since who says when and where something is in exile and something is acceptable. Just because x military group states something is good does not make that something correct.  Which brings up the definition of pagan; which is technically is non-city dweller. But pagan is not some odd religious belief but more of does the governing authority of the city recognize the persons rights or not. If the rights/citizenship are recognized that person is a citizen, if not that person is a pagan.

Although in truth whom decides who is a proper citizen and who is not depends entirely on the power of the society and the domination of the military.

Caesarian around the time of his death in a presumed 80 years of age; at approximately  that same time a distant cousin in the middle east was about to start his ministry/new government. The new government would not be based on a specific location but based on the facts that he was the government. Anywhere and everywhere he traveled he was the head of both his mother’s family lines and his father’s family lines. He was born as the head of all 12 tribes of Israel.

Till Caesarian died he could not accept the throne of Israel but he could be heir or in French the Dauphine.

The Dauphine of Israel was not going to be the son of caesarian but the son of another branch of the family.

The Ptolemaic line were not close enough genetically to become the Next Israel. Ptolemy had been just a throne keeper. They were assistants to the throne himself, not capable of actually sitting on the throne.

Which was what the deal with “are you claiming to be” was all about regarding the Philistines and Jesus. Jesus was born as the head of the families of Israel.  Which was also a direct hard target threat to the power of the Philistines.

The philosophies could challenge for the power of the throne as long as the Ptolemaic line were defacto Pharaohs. The Ptolemaic line by heritage could not tell the philistines they could not do what they had done, were doing, Wanted to keep doing.  But Pharaoh Israel Jesus not only could but the Philistines had to bow away from the throne and power the second it became societally understood the direct Ptolemaic heir was dead and a direct descendant was not only alive but capable of ascending to the throne of Adam.

Upon the death of Caesarian Ptolemy xvii; ironically during the spring fertility rite festival. Child of the festival; the new Pharaohs/Emperor/King/Caesar was crowned and took on the standard Pharaohs names.

Thus no longer being called Emmanuelle he would be called by his Pharaohs names.

Ironically Jesus translates to the same definition as Imhotep. The person in charge of the sacred Egyptian resurrection ceremony.


Daughters of Amenhotep and the Parthenon

The Daughteres of the Partheon are six maidens aligned four across and two behind, forming a squared off ATEN. Athena behind in the main room. Makes seven females.

This temple was a rebuild form an earlier temple. That temple was obliterated during a previous conquest. The rebuild came as a reestablishing of the government of Ionia in Athens.

The maidens are called, caryatid.

Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten sent out around nine of his surviving daughters to create new Kingdoms. Knowing the Hyksos warlords from Avaris were just about ready to rise back up and attempt to take control over Egypt again.

Where did each daughter go and in what sequence.

1.         Smenkhkare

2.         Meritaten

3.         Meketaten

4.         Ankhesenamun

5.         Neferneferuaten Tasherit

6.         Neferneferure

7.         Setepenre

8.         Tutankhamun

9.         Ankhesenpaaten-ta-sherit

10.        Neferitit

The largest problem is; Meritaten was a full Pharaoh in her own Rite. She would have had at least a couple of extra names, not including the names given to her mother whom for a time was also full pharaoh in her own Rite. This temple could easily be a rebuild in secret dedicated to Athena and her father; those that built the temple knew, but the citizens of Athens (following the mistake of her father) did not need to know. So the information regarding those details was hidden. The package of what religion is; for the masses is more important than the actual deity itself. If the people are only comfortable with y package, no matter how much the internal workings are regarding religion x. If the people have no ability to accept x than x cannot exist. But they still follow y even though y is in all hard reality x.

Translation of Poseidon

What does the name change from a Sea God to Athens have anything at all to do with the Futhark, Northumberland, Joseph Smith, Mormonism, etc.

That answer is interesting. Poseidon was the label for understanding electro magnetics. Poseidon’s trident is in effect an electro magnetic compete with positive and negative poles with a grounding rod/pillar/Djed in the middle . Both sides the Negative and Positive Polarity Ends with a Grounding Rod/Pillar in the Middle. Although the sides would be more cylindrical like Electro-Magnetics . The blue of Poseidon is not water as in sea/ocean but from electricity. Electricity when shaped and focused properly can perform all manner of really interesting actions. Including but not limited to creating a zero gravity sphere. Which is perfect for shaping and moving 10000 ton blocks of rock into perfect alignment. Which is also perfect for being a primary item the enemies of those that understand said levels of technology can and will seek out to destroy.

It is said the ground opened up and allowed Joseph to enter a cave which contained all manner of interesting material. Blades, bookshelves of different codex’s, treasures galore. The important part is. The Ground opened up, twice. Once to pull the plates from the cave and the second time to put the plates back.

Moving huge things with electricity is not out of the question it is merely taking advantage of extremely advanced technology.

Cleopatra had lived in Athens and around the Aegean for years after leaving Rome. She lived with Anthony in Athens. He had a large palatial mansion. Which his wife and Emperor Augusta’s sister lived in with their daughters. Which she continued to live in after his suicide. Cleopatra being leader of the city and a direct descendant of the ancient kings of Greece would have had full rights to collect any treasures and material the Ionians had managed to hide from the Roman invasions. She would have taken those treasures, books, etc. with her to Northumberland.

Poseidon to Athens

Athens, the capital city of Greece. Athens, take the h off after the t. Now since it is a name and possessive take the‘s (‘not included in post Linear B languages). You arrive at Aten; the Egyptian god Amenhotep IV or AhenATEN named all his children and sent each one off to create new kingdoms.

Poseidon and Medusa

During the Battle when Poseidon was conquered and name changed to the name of the Mother of the commanding general. In the Battle the head priestess for the temple and very likely a co ruler of the city Medusa was banished along with her followers. She had the ability to turn anyone who looked her in the eye to stone.

Before the Dorians could conquer Athens

Before the Dorians could conquer Athens the city was possibly conquered but more likely the Mycenaean’s simply accepted the new rulers of Theseus and his Mother Aten. His mother Aten was after a very crude much later translation of ATEN.

As soon as the city was under a descendant of the Egyptian 18th dynasty e.g. the daughter from Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten. He sent his children out to create new kingdoms of their own; leaving his three children a son Tut and his youngest daughter and his oldest Daughter Meritaten in charge to get the last of their people and items out of Egypt before the Avaris rose up to seize power over. Ending the 18th and starting the 19th which Seti and Ramses. Which ironically at virtually the same time the 18th was being deposed and the 19th was seizing power the exodus was occurring; add more irony the Mycenaean city of Poseidon was captured and name changed to Athena to honor both his Mother Aten and most likely  his Grandfather Akhenaten.


Dorians conquer Athens

When the Dorians conquered Athens, they put their own spin on the tales and the founding of the city. Which conqueror turned Medusa into a monster is unknown, but the behavior patterns are closer to that of what the Hyksos/Dorians did previous and post, than to what the descendants of a possible Akhenaten could have done.

Medusa and Megaliths

The Legend of Medusa was she would turn you to stone, e.g. pillar e.g. megalithic component. For a conquering army (either Athens or the later Dorians) destroying the power of the previous is part of the conquest. The Futhark is the language, mathematics, and science which was used to create Stonehenge aka a Ring of Pillars.

If this legend is even close to accurate, than turning someone to stone is just part of the entire situation regarding the ancient secrets which the Dorians worked very hard to erase. If the turn you to stone was close to what Adam could do in the Naming process; there was every reason in the world for the Hyksos/Dorians to want to erase all traces.

As the story goes, “medusa could turn you to stone simply by looking at her”. She had hair of snakes.

What if this idea has merit and she could not turn you to stone literally, but write your life’s story from first breath to last breath. That to an uneducated and Luddite culture like the Esau/Hyksos/Dorian’s little is more frightening than that possibility.

Eve and her interaction within the framework of the Megalith and the constellation Draco. Since both the ATEN is present at the Parthenon, and six caryatid. Amenhotep IV had 9 daughters; one question becomes where did the other three go. Or did he have less than 9; did Nefertiti’s, Meritaten’s, etc. names become involved with the mix.

Perseus cut her head off, which was immortal. Took her head to the attacking Athens Kraken and turned him to stone. What is that entire adventure was Perseus traveled to the area the library was still being maintained which Medusa was one of the last guardians of the libraries’. Forced to leave Poseidon when the Dorians invaded. Of course the Dorian’s would not have wanted to blame all those really horrific actions on themselves. They would blame the Mycenaean’s.

Medusa and Lilith

Feathered serpent? Interesting symbolically Lilith; I wonder if Ma’aT is hieroglyphic for Lilith. One thing with more than one name; later conquest culture playing havoc with the results. Combining personality profiles, erasing what they did not like, adding their own perspectives, combining previous with their own deities, add 4000 years and 1000 invasions, 20,000 generations changing/altering the linguistics to fit their own needs, two separate 1000 year long dark ages, and you get a soup which is difficult to decode all those layers to find truth. Then add the alterations of the last 2000 years when the last pure Hieroglyphic speakers died some 1700 years ago. Adds layers of confusion to an already difficult to decrypt mix.

Medusa and Bellingham/Ferndale

Although the log jam might have occurred naturally, the fact that some logs stuck up could have been used by the British Empire to create a settlement and a sacred center from the center of the log jam out. Reminiscent of the city of Memphis which if the translation of the legend of medusa is correct than Medusa and the megalithic cultures were one in the same. Medusa being schooled in and an expert in understanding the language, mathematics, and science of the megaliths themselves.

Choosing the Woodhenge of that log jam connecting the pieces of that log jam directly to the pieces of Memphis, Eve (snakes), and the Tabernacle at the center of the Garden of Eden. There is not one tree at the center of the garden but four. The four trees were used to build and or some type of cascade effect from the center of the garden of Eden to have the entire universe and its flows of time be not only present but also be carefully woven. The amount of details and information which was edited out of Genesis is beyond profound.

Adam and IWNW

Side Note; by legend the name of the first temple of stone Adam built on earth was “The Sacred City/Temple of Pillars” or in pre-Hieroglyphic IWNW. Which was conquered circa 3500 b.c.e the remaining ancient temples destroyed and a new city built in its place. The new city was called Heliopolis aka Jeru Salem in Egypt.


The story of Medusa fits into the founding of the city of Bellingham is a profoundly difficult sociological framework to work with. Not difficult by any stretch of academic credibility but how does a fictional character fit into the narrative of a city which was founded millennia later on a different continent on the other side of the northern hemisphere. The answer is extremely easy.

The story of medusa if you break it down into its most basic elements and change the names from Linear B back to hieroglyphics; you get a story which is radically similar to the concept and story of Isis, Osiris, and their son Horus (Isis, Yah, could very well be Eve. Ra, Wey, could very well be Adam. Which would make Horus Able. What parent in the history of the world would not <who are not psychopathic> not do anything to have their murdered child back.)

(Each Pyramid symbolically connected to the three people crucified during that one infamous event. They have been called the three leaders for a most of their existence. The leaders three Pillars.)

Isis = Medusa = Eve

Osiris = Poseidon

Horus = Adam or a resurrected Able, yes the son whom was murdered by his brother. Who went on to become the first Pharaoh after his father “Adam”.

Medusa transformed into a snake; Isis/Medusa being Eve has a snake as a symbol. Which is the same as the symbol for Lower Egypt the deity Wed Jet; which has long been considered a name change forerunner of Isis.

The Definition of Deity is not the modern definition of the word.

Deity is closer to the definition of “electro magnetics sphere” and or “Magnetosphere”.

Wedjet is only a few small accents of sound away from being pronounced “Wunjo” which is the Futhark work for Magnetosphere, Joy, etc.

Lower Egypt is also the area which contains the city of Heliopolis aka Jeru Salem . Former to 3500 b.c.e was called IWNW which translates as “The Sacred city of Pillars”. Which is by legend the location and very likely the temple Adam built which was designed to be a reflection of what he could remember regarding the center of the Garden of Eden.

The city of Bellingham specifically the city of Ferndale being a close enough in geography and geology to the Nooksack compared with the Nile. The city of Ferndale being connected geographically with the Jam; which was close to the metaphor regarding the original rebuilt city of Memphis. Which was by legend built by Abraham as a physical e.g. stone copy of the temple of Heliopolis which by his religion Adam built himself.

In many ways at least the most basic outlines and the most basic layout of Ferndale could have been how the city of Ferndale was thought of and conceived. Since little if any of the original is left; replaced by modern construction and modern square layout patterns (courtesy of firs the English and then the Americans; who hated all things to do with the Semitic cultures and most specifically Jews. Remember that fascism was just as strong if not stronger in American than it was in Germany.).

Medusa being transformed into a Gorgon, her son being transformed into an equally hideous creature, when Perseus attacked and killed Medusa. Her son sought revenge; which caused giant Scorpions to attack Perseus’s and his group.

Which is a story telling metaphor for the Scorpion King. Which the hidden inside Greek Culture Jews became experts in hiding their culture inside the conquerors cultural infrastructure. Which connects the story of the Scorpion King aka Narmer, with Medusa/Isis/Eve, with her cursed son or sons (resurrected and or Caine), the city Adam built aka Jeru Salem , with Memphis, which connects Memphis and Heliopolis directly together.

Cultural Hierarchy

Cultures which live within the framework of a hierarchy or class structure have to literally live within. Upper Class, Middle Class, Merchants, Lower Class, less than lower class.

For the upper upper classes associating with lower or less than lower classes is not considered proper in anyway, shape, or form. But it does happen. When it does occur, there are specific safeguards in place for both to feel comfortable within that framework.

For instance upper upper class are considered the Ruling class and or the Royals. The royals when interacting with the commoners usually use disguises and facades in order to actually interact.

Joseph Smith did not come from a strong or even a middle class background, his being able to interact with upper upper class culture was non-existent. But he could interact with them provided he used a code to talk about them. Or use a name de plume regarding just one person or just a few people.


The Angel Moroni

The angel Moroni could very well be a name de plume regarding this very interaction. Joseph Smith shown a library cache by a British upper upper class royal and or former royal in order for the information contained in that library to be expressed to descendants. Since that cache needed to be addressed to the world.


Why Northumberland and not anywhere else on that collection of Islands.

Another legend places the founding of the temple at Perth to have been the area from Egypt where either Alba/Scotia (mass confusion regarding the names; since upon arriving the Princess from the 1550 and 1340 b.c.e Egyptian Dynasties would have become Pharaohs themselves, They would have had the standard three to five names as the Males. Note Meritaten by DNA evidence has been shown to belong to the 1330 era, and Tutankhamun (Tut’s) sister. Apparently Meritaten close to or after death was sent back to Egypt for mummification and burial, since her mummy has been in Egypt for millennia.) escaped to from an Egyptian invasion circa 1350 b.c.e. When the last Hyksos Pharaoh e.g. the 17th dynasty sat on the throne, he sent his daughter to Britain (although not called that yet) to create a new empire . Same order Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten ordered of his girls circa 1340 b.c.e when the Hyksos from Avaris e.g. the about to be 19th dynasty that were close to a revolt and reseized control of Egypt from the 18th dynasty. The Plates or at least a copy of the plates of destiny were carried out of Egypt and placed in the Perth Scotland temple (the Stone of Scone at Perth Cathedral transported to Westminster Abby London England under Unification ). Later to be renamed Cathedral. For most of the last 2500 years the Northumberland aka Ogle family from north of Perth to 30 miles south of York e.g. Sherwood Forest was their Kingdom. The Ogles ruled the entire area. The Ogles from prehistory to the 1800s also possessed a full armada of navies, plus a huge army answerable only to the Ogle Kings. Which were used to defeat the Militant Islamic armies in central and Eastern Europe as well as hold trade routes across North America from x Viking circa 700 times to and through most of the 1800s. Losing only after circa 1870. The Vikings had a regular trade route across the Atlantic from the moment they enter the history books to centuries after the age of the Viking stopped at Hastings 1066.

There is no reason to assume the Vikings were not a hired army by the Ogles to whittle away at their Pictish enemies and carry their treasures across the ocean for safe keeping until the British Ogles could again regain their world standing. The Vikings conquered many Pictish strongholds in Northumberland before shifting their next conquests onto Ireland. Conquering a castle close to what is now the southeastern boarder of northern Ireland; taking the city, and renaming it for a Castle in Northumberland 19 miles west of castle Ogle. Castle Bellingham Northumberland is the namesake of Castle Bellingham Ireland . Which is also the origin of the title of Lord Bellingham the namesake of Bellingham Washington state.

Constantly moving the treasures the British ogles had been gathering from no later than 1550 b.c.e has required creating more than a few library and money caches along the areas they used to control. Centuries pass and those caches are forgotten about or the people who knew about them were killed.

But the legends of the cache of books and riches is why Joseph Smith knew he had to not only go find them but where to look.

There is, if you pay attention enough to the past, a path to decode the language of the plates by paying close attention to the languages used by the cultures with the navies and ability to sail across the ocean.

As the Dutch from Holland chose to on cultural mass convert to Protestantism they betrayed their longest and oldest ally the British Ogles. The Ogles sought refuge in Holland on two occasions. Now betrayed to the base of their culture. The new capital of the empire Manhattan was also in revolt against the British Ogles living in that city at the time circa 1625 c.e. The Ogles simply gave in hoping the Dutch would eventually work back to the truth and stop all that silliness with working directly with evil and come back to the light. Which after some 400 years has not happened yet.

As the Dutch started to revolt against Catholicism and turn away from the Ogles in their home culture. They also turned violent toward the British and the Ogles in Manhattan. Violent enough that at De Wall aka Wall Street where Trinity Church stands, the ogles were forced to carry as much of their in safe keeping treasures farther out of the hands of those whom would use the gold, tools, etc. against the world turning holy into evil. The Ogles were forced to move their treasure farther and farther west.

For a short time decades later circa 1680 John Ogle attacked and recaptured the city the ogles founded in the 1500s. But the English were directly behind and captured the city from the ogles. The newly rechristened New York after the uncle of John Ogle the Duke of York and the brother to the King of England; the successor to the King simply chose to reseize Manhattan for England and exile the Ogles away.

The ogles first regrouped in the renamed Maryland by their conqueror, in and around Virginia, Delaware, etc. then a few decades later had to regroup again to Ohio. Which places the Ogles in Tiffin and a hundred other cites founded by the Ogles in central and northern Ohio. Which dates from the 1600s and early 1700s. Then had to regroup again in Little Egypt . Leaving pockets of descendants behind to protect an eventual resurgence. The Ogle descendants of Tiffin Ohio stayed till the early 1970s; but by that time almost all of this information was lost to the consciousness of the descendants still alive. There is an extremely good chance Elmer Ogle (1861 - 1942) knew of this, but his father Thomas Ogle (1816-1899) would have absolutely known of the events which took place regarding the history of the Ogle family. From Elmer born in the first year of the declared Civil War, to the first few months of the American involvement in World War II. From major war which had directly affected the Ogle family to a second major war which semi-directly affected the Ogle family.

In many ways the events of the American civil war had a direct and long standing impact onto the Ogles in Tiffin. Their property from the previous 100 years was slowly whittled down due to the facts of the wars which they had lost. A very likely manor house built in the 1500 maybe 1600s which could have been destroyed during one of those conflicts, which prompted the construction of the Maples circa 1770. The family was forced to live in a smaller wooden house located close to the corner of Market and 224 till the Maples was completed. The evidence from the earlier existence as when the Maples five acres was sold back to them by the children of the people whom built the house for the family. The deal was, come out, built this house, be our neighbors, own x acres of property, when your children pass on, you will sell that five acres back to the ogle family. The only paperwork which exists is the selling it back to the Ogles. Of course the government at the time were beyond disgusted by the Ogles and their riches, power, and they would not just become Americans and give up all their land.

Joseph Ogle

1705 New Castle, New Castle County, DE

Death:-1775 (70) 
Frederick, MD, USA




The Seven Years War


circa 1781- circa 1864



Joseph Smith is born

Joseph Ogle was 24 when Joseph Smith was born. The same number of characters in the Futhark Language from which there is some statistical evidence that suggests this is the language the plates were written in. Jera/u is the 12 character in the Futhark but also the first four characters in the name Jeru Salem .


Thomas Ogle is born



Found the plates



LDS in Kirtland

Joseph Smith Travels to Kirtland to establish his new church in Northern Ohio.

Meeting Joseph Smith; Joseph Ogle at the age of 50 and Thomas at the age of 15.




Joseph and B.Y. leave Kirtland

Joseph is 57 and his son Thomas is 22. Making Thomas more than old enough to be involved with this interesting movement and knowing the families plight and struggles with the Great Awakening fights. His Grandfather and namesake died in 1790 at the age of 44. Dying 26 years before his name sake was born.


Oliver Comdery

Oliver split away from the church and lived for 8 years of the 10 he separated himself from the church in Tiffin Ohio. He would have interacted with the Ogle family personally. Meeting and interacting with each other on the streets any number of times before Oliver moved to Wisconsin. Points to an area in Wisconsin which might contain one of the library caches.


Joseph Smith is murdered



Oliver cowdery

Moves to Voree a few dozen miles to the west of Milwaukee Wisconsin.

Via a trade route established by John Ogle 100 years before. Which that same trade route was used by the earliest settlers of Chicago and Milwaukee. Not to mention Detroit. Hard evidence of said Ogle County Illinois to honor John Ogle’s trade route.

Voree is important since the town names in the area contain a code which allows for the caches of the library taken out of Northumberland to be found and translated.







of the rise in Mormonism. Joseph Ogle was 10 years younger than Joseph Smith <1805 just one year before the last of the Holy Roman Empire fell and the great library they had held onto for 2000 years was finally opened to scholars. Not just the scholars the Romans would approve of and or in this case the Germanic Emperors would approve of.>. Thomas Ogle in 1831 was 15 his father Joseph (circa 1781- circa 1864) was 24 years older than Joseph Smith, when the first Mormon Church was founded in Kirtland Ohio. Kirtland is only 98 miles from the Ogle farm and Manor House “The Maples”. Thomas had first-hand information and access to not only the family history but personally assisted in developing the universities in Tiffin. Assisting in the development of those libraries through both contacts with the governments of Germany and a personal extensive library. Contact with other Ogle relatives with their own extensive libraries. If the Mormons moved by boat from Kirtland Ohio those Whom did would have floated past the Ogle farm in Tiffin Ohio by only about 5000 feet away. The Ogle farm and its named Manor house the Maples. Joseph Smith sailed by would have been within a reasonable distance away to have some type of direct interaction. Less than a mile and with no small amount of circumstance. Brings up an interesting idea; did a dock to load and off load product exist close to the Maples. Did that dock originally belong to the Ogles; was that dock destroyed at the same time the Ogle Property was being cut down and sold off under the new rules of being a Territory. The Maples which was the name of the House the Ogles family built in Tiffin before the late 1700s, The Maples and the Kirtland Temple are literally only 96.3 miles away from each other. That close and for that many years, the Ogles would have had direct contact with the Church on at least one or more occasions.

Ohio Lands Seized

The lands of Northern Ohio were seized by the first English and then American Governments circa 1750-1820 and sold off to among others the Connecticut Company. Previous the Ogles owned vast acres around Tiffin. After the sale the Ogle property in Tiffin was reduced to only 500 acres. Previous cobbled together evidence the Ogles owned from Market Street to the River which was more than a mile away. Both sides of the River for at least ½ mile each way. Interesting enough that the Ogles had aligned there property North East South West in accordance to the Mound which was on the property when the deal between the British Ogles and the Royalist French was signed.

Prepevious to 1780 the city fo Tiffin Ohio had a different name (erased) anwas entirely owned by the Ogle family who had been prsent for decades before. After Edward Tiffin was elected to the first governor of the State; the New State of Ohio needed to have a radical name change and erasure of all the previous infrastructure which had been created. If the new conqueror feel threatened by the facts regarding those they conquer, they need to erase as much of the old as they can to seize the power from their former enemy. To make sure the former enemy will no longer be a threat and can never grow sufficient strength to become a future threat either. The previous infrastructure and the previous name of the city were obliterated and new infrastructure was built. But they needed a new name. So the newly immigrated and seized control over the area America chose to honor Edward Tiffin with the new naming of the city. The Ogles tolerated this to maintain the trade rout and to helpfully future generations will be able to stand up and reclaim at least part of the former glory of the family standing which was. The Ogles owned most of the entire area a dozen miles in all direction in the 1700s. What was the name of the area before it was called Tiffin is still a mystery. There is a very good chance the previous documentation regarding the property rights and documentation might be in Northumberland and a very small chance within the national archives in Paris. The Ogles and the Royalist French had been allies and business partners for millennia.

The Ogles had first hand interactions with Joseph smith from 1831 to 1838. The Ogles were rich, influential, and just as disgusted with America as Smith was. Just a few decades before the American government stole lands and cities from the Ogles they had owned for centuries. The Ogle farm was next to the river , so the chances of a direct face to face would have been a guarantee, they were within only a few hundred yards of each other for at least half an hour. If not Thomas, his son Joseph Ogle (circa 1781- circa 1864 (83) or joseph’s son Thomas. The 1816 Thomas being only 14 when the Mormons were only 100 miles away. Based on the family history of exploration and curiosity there is little doubt that the Ogle’s from the Maples of Tiffin would have not only traveled over to hear Smith talk, but would have asked to see the Plates. There is a small chance Joseph Smith actually gave a talk in the Living Room in the Maples. Since the Ogle family had in their possession similar sacred relics from similar locations. The Ogles had possessed direct books, codex’s, materials from all the most powerful and extremely advanced technology in the western world. Smith could have easily been able to directly interact with the Ogles for the five years they were in very close proximity. In fact it might have been for security purposes that Smith chose Kirtland over Tiffin to build the first LDS temple. The Ogles at the time were still reeling from having more than half their lands stolen. If the American government had suspected with real evidence the Ogles were supporting the LDS and or Joseph Smith there is an extremely good chance more of the lands and or all the Ogles lands in Tiffin could have been confiscated. Which brings up a very interesting point regarding Oliver Cowdery. Could he have stayed in Tiffin in order to help the Ogles; acting as a go between between the Ogles and Smith. The death threats, the confiscations of lands, the active murders already being conducted against Mormons, the British, the Ogles, etc. by the Great Awakening followers and others all point to the facts regarding all personal correspondence would have been open for the enemy in this case both the American Government and the great awakening movements to use any excuse what so ever in bringing violence to the Mormons and anyone connected with the LDS church. Which seriously would not work for the Ogles. So hiding, secrets, a campaign of misdirection, misleading letters, stating x is a lie, any and everything possible when violence is the only thing the opponent understands. Violence in accordance with if the truth was known all lands confiscated, all personnel killed, all information burned, as much of the entire thing erased as possible.

Oliver living in Tiffin being a go between follows the evidence of Subterfuge strongly. Especially since the subterfuge was literally proven beyond a doubt when the leader of the church himself was killed. The man in charge being killed leads to the idea that there was the hardest evidence imaginable that the events from 1820 to 1860 regarding the founding of LDS and Mormonism; as the spy world would call it “Trade craft” was absolutely necessary beyond a doubt. For a while in the west Mormons were under immediate execution order. Anyone at any time could kill a Mormon for any reason and it was not illegal.

It seems as the word about the golden plates spread the more attention of both kinds focused on Joseph Smith. The plates seemed to within a very short amount of time to infuriate the great awakening movement followers. Almost as if the group members within said organization were seeking a way to relieve more rage and Joseph smith provided the perfect excuse. Fresh from the Great awakening movement defeat of the FreeMasonic movement in America. For a while it was illegal for any FreeMason to literally talk about FreeMasonry. If you wanted to be a freemason you had to secretly find one and then ask that person about entry into the program.

Which is centered on the facts regarding Joseph Smith because the first translations and the ceremonies developed from those translations were spot on directly from FreeMasonry and the Northumberland family. Of course thanks to the English not British government whom in Britain conquered the British and exiled those whom had power. The English absorbed FreeMasonry erasing as much of the documented past as possible. The erasure was meant to ensure that only the English would control FreeMasory and not the Northumberland family. Although homage to the Ogle family were presented but instead of using OGLE as those in charge of FreeMasonry the first letter was changed and an Anachronism was created. UGLE; United Grand Lodge of England. To successfully hide and erase the past. Change Ogle to Ugle; erases the Yr Hen Ogle DD family from interaction with FreeMasonry. Even though all the written and architecture evidence of FreeMasonry is on the Kingdom of Ogle lands after the Pictish Revolt and 1066 name changed to the Kingdom of Northumberland. If this connection between the British FreeMasonic organization which the Ogles were not just a part of; they founded the organization. Thomas and Joseph Ogle would have been members from almost birth. Which would be one major theoretical reason the Grand Master of Illinois made Joseph Smith a Master Mason on site. One in that state it was not only legal but accepted. Plus in a very likely scenario Joseph Smith could have already been Raised to the Degree of Master Mason in Ohio. Simply switched Grand Lodge affiliations to successfully work within the framework of Masonry. Switch from British Grand Lodge to the English Grand Lodge. Convert Masons over to Mormonism since the two have very close origins. Maybe with a miracle be a cut out for English Masonry and steer members back to British Masonry. Which is not ceremonially different but different in other ways. Teaching more about the origins not just from King Solomon’s Temple forward, teaching about from Adam forward.

The plates and the direct interaction in at least one location from the Ogle family strongly sets the stage for events which did not occur, partially because those events were stripped away then Joseph was killed and when B.Y. took over and forced changes to the organizational structure which let himself be the leader and ignored all that came before. He took what he liked regarding the plates and the translations and erased what he did not like. Many of his closest followers have continued this “My way or violence” into the present.

So it is no wonder at all why immediately after Smith found the library cache of golden plates more than a few death threats came through. He had to leave Palmyra because of imminent threat of attack. The Ogles would have helped but since Joseph Ogles b 1781 his father was born and was killed in the land disputes aka the French and Indian War. Which ultimately led to the Maples lands being confiscated and sold off. The Ogles could only buy back so much of the land 500 acres; the acres immediately around the houses they constructed and the main road which became 224 the Tiffin Bypass. The American government was afraid if the Ogles bought back to much of the land, they could eventually rebuilt themselves back to their former strength. Similar behavior pattern in Bellingham with the erased East India Company (Remember the Ogles after conquering the Pictish and seizing control over their titles founded the EIC; they also allowed subsidiary companies with the Hudson’s Bay Company to form. But HBC till the Dutch violent militant take over operated under the rules and regulations of the British Ogle family. Vancouver, Seattle, and Bellingham operated within the HBC; the EIC e.g. the Ogle’s found and ran those cities long before the English and American altered records show. Never trust records from a government immediately after they conquer an enemy; little of what they say is true.) were only allowed so many acres after first territory and then statehood was granted. Captain Henry Roeder (whom lived in Vermillion, Ohio less than 50 miles from the Maples; traveled to Bellingham to set up/reset up a EIC outpost; or more likely to take over as the new Chief Proctor, or his partner Peabody was going to be Chief Proctor and Roeder was going to be the head of the military unit to protect their interests) was in charge of 1500 acres in Bellingham Washington but was reduced down to just 500 or so. Several different families and businesses have lots of lands and then different militaries come in and confiscated it from the owner and each other. Captain George Picket seized Roeder’s lands in Bellingham. Unknown which commander seized the lands from the Ogles in Tiffin; but it would have absolutely been connected with Fort Bell. Set up to suppress both the Native population of Seneca and the Ogles. The Fort was set up due east of the Maples by a few miles. But on the South side of the River. A bad place to locate the Fort but perfect to add a layer of uncrossable without a boat glacier water between the Ogles and the Fort. The Maples was built decades before the Fort was built. The Fort was intended to crush any type of rebellion from the Ogles not to protect them. If you have been in an area for more than 100 years and you have experienced the Seven Years War on your doorstep; you do not need a fort to protect you; Fort Bell was set up to crush any type of Ogle rebellion against Territory and eventual Statehood. As well as to make sure they did not expand back onto lands they used to own. Knowing Josephs father Thomas was killed in 1790 (very likely within a battle over the Maples lands) Joseph was extremely reluctant to actually have the LDS church closer. But he and his son Thomas would have been very interested in the plates. Rosslyn Chapel spent most of its existence from the time it was commissioned to just a few hundred years ago sitting in the Kingdom of Northumberland. Could provide some clues as to what exactly might have been written on the Plates. Again stated clearly; Mormonism some of their key ceremonies are straight out of FreeMasonic ceremonies. The FreeMasonic Ceremonies date to no later than centuries before Joseph Smith was born. FreeMasonry is all evidence points to directly from at least after the fall of Constantinople from the books and materials arriving back from the middle east courtesy of the Ogle fleets which traveled to the middle east, reacquired the libraries, brought them back, and studied them. One of those items the Ogles were able to rebuild from those libraries is FreeMasonry. The English took possession of thanks to the Tudors, Stuart, Georgian, houses and erased the previous.

The Ogles and their Library

The library the family had some of which was used to build both the major universities in Tiffin. Heidelberg (1850) and University of Tiffin (Founded in 1888) at around the same time as Joseph Smith was traveling through the area. The most important thing which has to be remembered is the following. All pre-1900 universities had to maintain a library for x number of years before a charter to teach could be granted. So add on about a decade to a century or more with all universities from 1890 back. The city and military of the area had to prove beyond a doubt that the library could be maintained, no books burned, no scholars killed, no students/volunteers killed or hurt, etc. before the charter to teach could be granted. Both Thomas b 1816 as a young impressionable man would have been the one to interact with the Mormons as they went past, and understood the significance of the events in question. But Joseph Ogle was born with parents and grandparents which were directly at least by their parents and grandparents involved with the battles of the French and Indian Wars in the Ohio River Valley circa 1750. The evidence for said is the facts regarding how the descendants of the losing side of those wars the trauma cascaded down the generations. Losing almost all knowledge of the families ancestral connections to those incredible events; by the 1970s those that might have known kept the information to themselves, refusing to provide said information to their descendants. Virginia was a layered insult to the British Ogles because it was Elizabeth “The Virgin Queen” which is one of her nicknames, was the daughter of Henry VIII whom broke the back of the British Ogles on their lands and in their home. Forcing the Ogles to evacuate to the East Coast of America. Where the English present were ready and waiting to clean up the job of conquest. But the British Ogles were still strong on the Americas; but chose retreat rather than return the favor of genocide their enemy. The British mostly chose retreat and regroup rather than genocide their enemies. Although their enemies rarely give the same quarter back. Although the honor of the British and the Ogles is still intact the same cannot be said for the enemy; whom are usually trampled under the feet of their conqueror.

Helen Ogle

Helen was always a power hungry woman whom had serious and realistic fears all her life. Her interactions with her oldest grandson was tense and nasty from his first breath to her last. He disliked her to an intensity that goes well beyond measure. Although what is the most hilarious part is; no matter how much she angered him to no end, he repeated her same traumatic behavior patterns his entire life. Including constantly rebuilding his summer punishment of living in the summer kitchen. He was always locked out of the house for being a brat. He was also a self-destructive brat whom had not the slightest problem at all causing the most amount of damage possible to everything he touched. Overall a very difficult man to interact with; unless he wanted something from you, then he could turn on the charm and talk a snake out of his scales.

Helen Ogles Grandfather Thomas died around the time of her birth. Her father was 40 when she was born. Elmer married Greta Van Fleet changed from Von Vleet in the decades previous. The traumas Elmer experienced being born only 17 years after Joseph Smith was killed had a profound effect on the family. Elmer by the local stories was almost always considered a bit odd.

There are a huge amount of traumas which occurred in just over 120 years. The death of Helen’s great grandfather in the conflicts to keep the land circa 1790. When the governments of the area were working their hardest to remove all whom stood against taking all the land, selling it to new settlers, and killing all whom opposed them. Which included the Ogles whom had been present in Tiffin since the 1700s.

Helens grandfather whom almost guaranteed had met Joseph Smith personally, and family was involved with the founding and the organizational structure of the church from the time they left Palmyra to their arrival in Carthage. Although all of it done almost entirely in secret. For upper upper class society reasons and because up until the early 1900s being a Mormon in some areas was still very much a death sentence. The Ogle family farm could still easily be taken away by a wide variety of rules and regulations. Not the least of which was a very strong suspicion of Jewish heritage.

Hiding all those secrets and trying to build the perfect façade not to attract attention but to build up sufficient political power in the area that no one would question the Ogles ever.

One of Helen’s most significant fears was to be left in the Maples by herself. She almost never slept in the house alone. She was completely afraid of being alone in that house. All point to her desperate need to overpower family trauma. Instead of working with her trauma to heal it; so it would not control her behaviors, she chose to crush them into her subconscious and become as strong as humanly possible. Which led to all those forgotten issues then had almost complete and total control over her behavior patterns.

Infiltrators into LDS

If the plates informed Joseph Smith to head farther west is an unknown. What is known is Joseph Smith had Great Awakening persons infiltrating his religion and they were going to seize control over whatever he built and remove from his appointed successor his son.

Before the plates were in Egypt they were brought to Egypt courtesy of the invasion of the Eridu Ziggurat by Abraham’s father. The Eridu Ziggurat was not the only copy of the plates.

The plates being copied and worked with in a number of different ways from before written documented history to present.

The Plates contain a language, mathematics, engineering, architecture, etc.


Palm e.g. north vertical north reference to the compass of the fingers and astrology which is vertical. In those languages north meant vertical.

Myr mired in the mud. Myr a specifically designed area. Mired: to be stuck in a bad situation for an extended amount of time. Anti-Semitic

Ra; the sun vertical sun

Which can be understood to be North Umber Land

Palmyra in Levant

North/Palm   = Vertical, myr = land, Ra = Umber

Also a reference to the architecture of the Great Pyramid of Khufu on the Giza Plateau, which is the northern most pyramid. With its shafts extending vertical to the heavens.

Ogle Trade Route

From 1492 to the middle of the 1700s most of North America was under the strictest of naval protective armies of Britain. The British being a radically different culture than the English had a powerful enough army and navy in North America that they were literally unchallengeable. Part of their army was in central and Eastern Europe fighting against the Ottomans but the rest were in North America defending their new kingdom. Since they were kicked out of their older kingdoms by those that hated them. They lost their namesake area in Britain namely Northumberland; the Ogles named Northumberland not were named from the already named lands. The Picts are who renamed the land from GÆlic to Latin. But the area still has the same meaning.

The Ogle trade routes were in existence before Sumerian and Hieroglyphics were invented. They were and had been in existence for 1000s of years before writing.

Later what is important for Mormonism is the fact that the trade route which allowed all the movements claimed by the Mormons those were Ogle family trade routes. A bit of acknowledgement regarding the family and the ships used to travel around would be a nice thing. Otherwise it is the technical definition of plagiarism. Give credit where credit is due.

From the middle of the dark ages up to the 1800s the Ogles ran successful trade routes across America from first Boston through the river systems and Great Lakes over to the Ohio River, down the Ohio to the Mississippi, up the Mississippi to the Missouri, up the Missouri to around Idaho. Up and over the continental divide to the Columbia River. Down the Columbia River to the Pacific. Providing vast sums in trade routes. And diplomatic connections which would serve the British and the Ogles for centuries. Direct hard evidence for said suggestion of an Ogle Trade Route is easy; Ogle county Illinois is named to honor John Ogle. John assisted in establishing a trade route from New Castle Delaware through Pennsylvania, through Ohio, around Illinois, on to what would be St Louis. The settlers of Detroit, Chicago, and the States on the west side of the great lakes part of the reason they arrived is the Ogle Trade route. The cities founding dates are not their British founding dates but their English and American founding dates. Whom owned land in what would become St Louis although on the East side of the River. Lewis and Clarke centuries later would have to travel either through his property or on the rivers by his property in order to progress on their journey.

Which all their enemies wanted not to have a piece of the profits but to have all the profits and have total and complete control over the trade routes. Which the Ogles refused to give. Mostly because the trade their enemies wanted to do was inhumane to the ultimate degree. They wanted to trade slaves, genocide Jews, strip the land of all its resources to profit by selling everything and not caring one small bit about the area they just strip mined of all life and minerals just to claim all the profits and make sure no one else could claim those profits.

Slave Trade aka Triangle Trade

The inhuman behavior the Ogles wanted to block e.g. the triangle trade aka the Slave Trade, and did successfully from 1492-1870 when the last vestiges of the trade route was erased from British control and handed over to their enemies. The hidden history of the Slave Trade is many steps beyond unacceptable to continue to hide. Other than money/power 99% of the slavers were Radical Militant Islamic cultures enslaving 99% natives which had at least 10% of their populations Coptic’s and Jews invited in over the centuries since they escaped from the genocidal invasion of Egypt circa 600 c.e.. In more than a few ways the Slave Trade was designed to erase entirely the Jews and Coptic’s who managed to escape being killed before leaving Egypt under invasion and genocide circa 600 ce. Exactly as their ancestral culture had done at least once before when they were known as the Hyksos <name translation WereWolf (possibly HexenBeast) aka Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. Which brings up an interesting metaphorical connection between “Beware Dorians with gifts” since they were Dorians not Greeks.> the Jews and Coptic’s chose to escape south and follow the river system west to Niger, which is where 99% of the Slaves were taken from). This time, take no chances in killing them all. Added benefit not only kill them all but profit off of killing all the Jews and Coptic’s at the same time. Not the first time Esau and his descendants set out to genocide the descendants of his brother, not the last. Yes, radical Islamic cultures are direct descendants of Esau and his philosophies. Which are extremely similar to his geat x-grandfather Terah. “Death, Death, Death to all whom oppose us. Destroy all, all, all which provides the idea we are wrong.”

The slave trade

The slave trade itself was mostly worked with and controlled by militant Islamic cultures (Including but not limited Protestantism; John Calvin and Martin Luther were to an extreme Stockholm Syndrome degree influenced by Militant Islam less than 100 miles away for centures). The culture has been indoctrinated so radically that they literally perceive anyone not of their specific type of Islam to be simply an intelligent animal and tool of the devil. The devil can and will use animals to do his bidding. Consequently, animals are there to be used in anyway the slaved by the grace of god human wants to. The harsher the treatment of the animals whom are instruments of evil the more rewards the imams five times a day tell their congregation they will receive in both earth and heaven. The harder a beast controlled by evil fights against the captivity the more rewards to suppress the beast and bring the beast into the fold of the ways of Islam. In this case the Beast has a duel meaning; it means both those whom Islam considers beasts, and the descendants of Islam and their ancient name Hyksos. Odd thing to assume all non-believers are beasts and perform beastly behaviors upon beasts to either sacrifice beasts to the glory of the divine or force beasts to convert to the divine.

The slave trade had been conducted for millennia, Esau’s line (note the basic tenant of Esau’s behavior pattern he copied/emulated for his great grandfather whom in all likely hood copied/emulated his behavior from one of his ancestors. Knowledge = evil has been an idea for a very long time) had been actively using this basic tenant and rules of divine order from before writing was invented.

The slave trade is in a very strong way assisted by the facts of John Calvin and Martin Luther were both extremely influenced by Militant Islam in developing their theories. In a very strong way Protestantism is more than 75% militant Islamic philosophy.

The Vatican itself comprises half and half split; Simon Peter’s philosophy which is extremely close to if not dead on the money to what Jesus was talking about. And the “Evil” Priests (which is interesting since Evil priest in German translates to HexonBeast) Paul, the person the Vatican credits for bringing the church to Rome. Even though Simon Peter brought the Church to Rome. Paul was in Rome awaiting execution. Simon Peter was not awaiting execution, he was building his church in his home in Rome Proper. Simon Peter was performing actions which were entirely legal for him to perform. He was a Roman Citizen, his family owned land inside Rome proper. The amount of land Simon Peter owned was at least an acre, which also means, Simon Peter’s family were extremely wealthy. Which does not fit the narrative regarding the early church; which that narrative was strongly influenced by Paul’s begat (those taught by Paul), whom write lots of books, burned lots of material they did not like, and eventually started to execute anyone whom questioned the authority of Paul’s church. Which under direct and immanent threat of execution; traveling away from the militant Paul’s line became close to the only real solution remaining for those whom allied with Simon Peter’s church.

More than a millennia later, pockets of one of those Simon Peter groups sailed across the pond, set up towns in the new world, but had to keep moving west to avoid being followed by those whom would happily execute anyone whom questioned the authority of Paul’s church.

The farther west those pockets of Simon Peters descendants traveled, one of those groups literally settled in Bellingham as a last stand in order to build sufficient infrastructure of civilization to fight off the protestant hoards on their way.

Hexen beast

Hex; a hex in German is a person who performs actions which are related to spells, prayers, hexis, sorcery, witchcraft, etc. but this definition is not limited. It is also extremely colored by the perspective of the church/mosque/temple/etc. who perform hexes all the time but call them prayers. A hex can be a good or bad thing entirely based on the items involved.

Beast; an individual whom had behavior patterns closely associated with that of an unpredictable beast than a civilized human. A beast from the dawn of civilization has been recognized as someone who works and lives outside the standard rules of society itself. Although it is important to note; different societies have different ways in which to present rules of acceptable order. An individual living within the framework of a Hyksos culture performing beastly actions; are radically different than individuals whom are performing beastly actions within an Israel community. Some Hyksos good and solid citizen action are close to the definition of beastly to an Israel culture. Actions performed based on an Israel culture are considered to be pathologically crazy and beastly inside a Hyksos culture.

Electro magnetics; hexes and the like can be easily explained by way of using science and the field of electricity.

The field of electricity has a specific sequence of events.

All matter is made of compressed energy.

Energy compresses to create the stuff which compresses even more to form particles.

More energy compresses those particles into quarks

More energy is compressed using quarks to make the building blocks of atoms

All atoms have a polarity. Positive particles, negative particles, and neutral particles. A good person is a person with their electromagnetic particles polarity aligned to attract and behave in a good way. A good person will attract good people. That attraction is on the sub-quark level regarding the combination of all the positive, negative, and neutral particles assembled. The number of each indicates exactly like a magnet the push, pull, and neutral of any one given collection of molecules unite.

Evil in this case and description is someone whom makes choices which attract bad things. How to alter the individual’s electrical polarity is by making decisions which are in the good versus bad. The more good which is thought of the more those good thoughts will cascade into good behaviors. Good behaviors cascade into a change of polarity.

Most people who want to change are more comfortable in the old bad polarity field. They want to have other things, but in truth their other things alter their polarity away from their previous comfort zone.

When you have two magnetic fields in proximity they will start to react to one another. Consequently the push push, pull pull, neutral will start to move each magnetic field around. The more different fields the more movement and different directions will occur.

What do magnetic fields have to do with prayers, hex’s, spells, etc. the mechanism regarding how a spell, prayer works is by different applications of electro-magnetics.

Paul was called the “Evil Priest” which Aramaic to German translates to Hexonbeast.

Paul was called “The Evil/Dark/Hex Priest” by all the apostles whom interacted with the man. They all to a person disliked him intensely.

They all considered him translated into German a HexanBeast. Which is an evil spell caster/witch/sorcerer/summoner of demons. Since based on his teachings and the teachings of his followers, the only way to heaven was to summon a demon to let it possess you. Be saved by the spirit of Jesus Christ, but those are arbitrary titles which can be applied to most priests. What is more important is the fact that Paul had a “Vision” five full years after the Crucifixion events. His vision was that the dead Jesus came to him and ordered him to open up the ranks of Christianity to the Romans and the Hyksos. The only way to heaven was by being saved by allowing the church itself to act as a conduit between you and Jesus (which is as close as possible to the message of Islam Prophet and Jesus could base on cultural application have the same meaning; so which exact “Teacher of the Light” are you asking to possess you? In addition Lucifer means; the bearer of light, he was not only an angel but he was the most brilliant and god like of all the angels. A reasonable argument can be made that whom some Jesus/Teacher of the Christ/light you are inviting in to possess you is a Minion of the Devil.). James and all the other apostles refused outright; since they knew the message had not a single thing to do with what Paul was talking about. Indicating Paul was suffering from some type of identity disorder. Paul wanted to be Jesus, but his message was nowhere even close to what Emmanuelle was talking about. But crazy people will not back down to the fact of criticism or reality. They retreat into their insanity harder, the more their fantasy is questioned the harder and more violent they will react. A few of them told Paul that Jesus was not only not dead but alive and well, so it was impossible for the spirit of Jesus to come to him in a dream since he was not dead. Paul’s begat the Bishop of Lyon shaped the Bible into what Paul would want, destroying any and all documentation which points to any other opinion than the one Paul possessed. The gospels written by those closest to Jesus were located and destroyed circa 30 ce to present by either Muslims and or Paul’s begat. Jesus was not in the Middle East at the time but conducting his ministry elsewhere. Paul was beside himself with rage, almost apoplectic in having his entire existence shattered. Paul ignored the apostles and headed back to Greece in order to start his own ministry; acting as if he was Jesus. He attracted more than a few followers. Was arrested, upon his arrest he requested he be tried in Rome Proper. At the same time Simon Peter resigned from his Archbishop position in Antioch and traveled to Rome at virtually the same time Paul did. Simon Peter was not only not under arrest he was able to conduct his church from the center of Rome. Without question by the authorities. Decades later and years after the Hexenbeast Paul was executed was Simon Peter arrested and put to death; or at least that is the story the Roman Empire told. Unless you were a slave you could not live full time in Rome proper without being a proper Citizen of Rome. Living in Rome proper for decades makes Simon Peter a Roman citizen.

What does this have even the slightest, smallest, most tiny thing to do with Bellingham, Northumberland, and Joseph Smith? Other than the relationship between the name Bellingham and the namesake of the British culture who was a descendant of King Priam of Troy (descendent of Jacob) Caesar when he invaded Egypt. He conquered Memphis as well. He had the city all but entirely boxed up and shipped back to Rome piece by piece. He wanted Rome to be the Eternal/Ethereal/Heaven of the world; re-nicknaming the City, Rome “The Eternal” city. Which was the ancient name of Memphis before it was renamed to honor pharaoh Mem. Mem’s name translates to the same exact meaning as Abraham; father of all. Whatcom County Bellingham being one of the cities in the Spoke was supposed to be a New Rome. A New Eternal/Heaven city; far away from the invaders who wished to conquer, destroy, obliterate, and seize control of the city for their own arrogant/ego/pleasure. Places a great deal of emphases that the city of Bellingham is one spoke in the megalithic infrastructure which was another recreation of the Pyramids of the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. The Lion’s Inn Motel is by what is left of the infrastructure the property where one of those megaliths stood. The area of Bellingham was most likely based on the design of the Aten built into the framework of the cities in Whatcom County, it was very likely going to be a destination location for Joseph Smith. He could have easily learned about it based on his interactions with the Ogles in Tiffin. A decade after Joseph Smith’s murder several other settlers of Bellingham Passed through Tiffin on their way to Bellingham. Roeder and Judson for absolute sure. Peabody and the Roberts a very strong possibility. If he could shake off the Great Awakening followers whom where dead set on having the church follow their tyrannical dictators and not the direction Joseph Smith clearly outlined.

In addition the other major problem in this situation with Mormonism, Bellingham, the Ogles, and Northumberland. Mentioning again that the information on the Plates and the base information the Ogles in Northumberland had been carrying with them since before hieroglyphics and Sumerian were invented. The Ogles had to play spy versus spy in order to achieve the goal of sending Joseph Smith to the west coast under immediate violent threats of murder from inside and outside his organization. When you have no idea whom to trust; you start making false leads and false documentation to throw everyone off. The modern term for said action is “Frenemy” in real life behind closed doors person x and person y are friends but in public they hate each other with a passion. The opposite is also true; person A and person B literally cannot stand each other’s presence but in public they are as close as two people can be. The behavior patterns of the formation of Mormonism aka LDS is almost textbook friends in public enemies behind closed doors, and enemies with others whom are extremely close confidants away from prying eyes. This is the relationship Joseph Smith most likely possessed with the Ogle family. But several of his rivals not only did not have this type of interaction they were kept out of the loop of the situation. But when everyone around inside and outside are enemies all the written documentation has to show the façade and not the truth. If you are friends with someone whom your friendship will hurt; then you literally have to treat them badly in public.

Bellingham Washington Jeru Salem

If correct, that the city of Bellingham was meant to be a New Jeru Salem aka new Memphis aka A New Heliopolis (Helios = New Sun) (Opolis = Sacred defined City). Then Whatcom and Bellingham area was one of the infrastructure of cities which was designed as the last holdout of The Children of Israel the Jews; their enemies came on mass to perform a holocaust on them. Fighting from 1500-1889; the victor then immediately erased all traces of the previous, turned all remaining into a facade to ridicule, and turned the city into something entirely different by rebuilding almost the entire city brick by brick. Erasing literally almost every single trace of anything which existed before. But they left enough to reassemble to trace backwards to know what might have happened.

If Bellingham and or Whatcom county was designed from some point previous to 1750 as the New Jeru Salem Israel. Than their would be evidence of successive waves of purpose driven settlers in the area. Which there is more than sufficient. Minus the settlers which did not arrive.

Phoebe Judson arrived at approximately the same time the Robert’s, Roeders, and Peabody arrived but since Judson is a converted over from a Jewish family and Jewish name; that points strongly to this area’s history is vastly different than has been previously accepted. Facts in this case are cherry picking about two percent of the available data in order to make conclusions which sound accurate but have nothing to do with actual proof.

Phoebe, Roeder, and Joseph Smith

All three at various times were in the same place at the same time. Roeder and Smith were within 50 miles for more than five years.

Shows a great deal of evidence Bellingham Washington was intended to be a first Jewish Sanctuary and then during the 1700-1946 extremes in Anti-Semitic Behavior   it is only an intelligent thing to change the name from what will get you and your kind killed in the streets treated worse than a dog. To change the name from Jewish children of Israel to Ladder Day Saint.

Let us examine some evidence.

Judson and Goodell are Jewish names. So is Weiser, and the 18th dynasty. Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten simply took the private family religion and forced the country as a whole to convert.

Dan Harris was also Jewish; he is credited with founding the city of Fairhaven.

Judaism before the Exodus was a radically different religion than post. Moses during and after the Exodus and his descendants worked as hard as they could think of to erase every single trace possible of Judaism previous to the exodus. Then worked to rebuild all the ceremonies with his new Hebrew language. In truth; it is an unknown what the Ceremonies of Judaism were before the Exodus, forget the ceremonies of the Children of Israel previous to 2600 bce. Although the Jesus Fish is guaranteed to be a Whale reference regarding Jonah . The Whale being an edited version of Adam’s Boat . In Masonry replace the G with a B (edited for genocidal survival) and you have a boat circling the world; taking a Ride on the Boat of Genesis 1;1 “In the bringing, god created the Heavens (Sky Egyptian Nut), and earth (Earth Shu holding Nut up).” A boat to traveling the circle between the two  <Graphic depicts close to the definition of Jacob “The Foot Holder” In Sumerian Touching the Limb, foot, limb, hand, etc is not specified. Touching the Limb; This painting means “Jacob”. The fact that the image of god/divine statistically is also the biology fo the Brain adds a great deal of interst regarding how much the ancients knew about Electro-Magnetics

(six fo the five pillars fo Freemasonry ) Adam: Red Earth, North Umber Land, Umber and Amber = Red, Earth = Land> (Nut if flipped upside down or looking from West to East takes on a very similar shape to the Boats depicted above

Iusaset; ATEN’s concert and the mother of all the deities from the Ben Ben Stone. Her names means “Whom (person) comes forth”; in another way of saying this “In the Beginning, Deity created” created and comes forth. Which also happens to be the definition of Yahwey and IsRaEl. Iusaset comes from pre-3800 b.c.e when the city of Heliopolis was still called IWNW. The oldest Known Acacia Tree<of critical importance to FreeMasonry> is just north of Heliopolis. The Pillars of Acacia are the wood used to build many a Dolman. Iusaset the skills and talents are close to and similar regarding the earth, while Nut’s are in the heavens and ethereal. The deity of Iusaset did not translate well into later versions of Egyptian mythos, few fictionalized depictions exist with a consistent theme. Mostly associations with births and snakes.). In a very odd way links this boat not to Adam but to Eve; as in Eve became the Ferry person while Adam became the Light House Keeper; providing the Navigation Eve )would need to ferry souls through the Either from one plane of existence to another.). The missing portion is misrepresentation of what is thought to be something else but is in reality the Pillars of Adam in the center of Shu.


Moses and his kind worked as hard as they could think to erase every single aspect of what Judaism and Israel was before he took over. All the previous languages, all the previous books, all the previous ceremonies, and all aspects his descendants systemically erased from 1300-1000. Carefully and with methodical detail erased. Which was kept whole and or was hidden away after the Moses purging e.g.  was then further erased circa 800-500 b.c.e after the replacement of the great temple was destroyed in what was called after King David conquered the city he renamed it Jerusalem. To reflect upon both Memphis and Heliopolis. Since he did not have a military force capable of invading and conquering back into Egypt and retaking the actual Israel. He had to settle for in effect making a New Jerusalem inside a Ghetto provided by Moses’s descendants. The Forces of the Philistines chose to allow the area David carved out to continue to exist. Partially because it allowed the Jews and Israelites to continue to ignore where the original location was. Built a secondary location forces the followers and descendants 1000 years later to forget this is merely a copy of the original. 2000 years after the 1000 year erasure process and all whom are connected are totally convinced y is x and x has no basis in reality. Evidence the Kirkwall scroll which is a scroll which tells about the progress of the temple of El Beth El from Adam forward.

But the definition of the Children of Israel is extremely close to the definition of Ladder Day Saints

The triumvirate of Eve = Is (Isis), Adam = Red Earth {Amber Land; Amber is from Trees Vertical, or the Sun also vertical. Red Earth contains the Northumberland Family Code} (the Sun’s amber Raise warming the ground), El an ancient name for the Israelite divine being.

Adam, Eve, anointed by the divine can be understood to be Saints. Ladder = West as in the West setting sun. Which for Freemasons is an extremely important thing.

Children the descendants e.g. the passage of time from Adam and Eve to those that follow their footprints. Ladder as in the sequence of the generations from the Saints.

A day as in a 24 hour period is beyond important to most things Masonic and the ancient Israelites.

The Church of Ladder Day Saints and the Children of Israel are a very close match.

In Bellingham the evidence is extremely clear the earliest settlements were erased for some ungodly purpose. The armies of the world were not present for nothing. 20 armies of the world were not present at full strength for nothing. NO matter how disgusting the ideas are; the evidence is absolutely clear. Minus finding the actual evidence of the presence of the armies which bragged about being present, their actual presence has been erased. Why would 20 armies of the world brag about being in Bellingham and in the 50 miles south and north; then work for decades to erase as much of the traces of their existence as humanly possible. Of course there are those in the present whom will happily stand on a platform and scream at the top of their lungs that no such event as the mass genocide of millions took place. But destroy a few gas chambers, destroy the Plates at least by Rabbinical sources were hand written by the divine, pave over Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buchenwald (governed by the Koch family in both America and Germany, Koch Petroleum in America{Koch Family interests include Adolf, John Birch Society, and Tea Party. Same family either founded or massively fund all three} some of their profits went to fuel the NAZI movement), Chełmno, Treblinka, etc. burn as much of the paperwork as possible. Let the citizens know “Talk about this, write letters about this, if any of this information is found in your diaries. You will be subject to immediate execution.” Nothing written but the citizens know the tyrants mean business.

There is nothing which indicates that some type of Holocaust of Jewish settlements did not occur in Whatcom County. How else to describe why the armies were present, why the area even with a 100,000 close to 500,000 person population had almost no sociological infrastructure. The houses and farms were few and spread out. Although the houses and settlers present further evidence of all kinds of missing history.

Could the foundation of Mormonism be for Joseph to have found and decoded Jewish holy books. But under the tyrannical yoke of Great Awakening and infiltrator Islamic culture present; ready, willing, and itching to kill anyone whom told them no. might he have arranged with his confidants to change the framework of the naming till such time as it would be safe to admit the foundation and base of “The Church of Ladder Day Saints; the Mormons” was in truth hiding under a façade to survive mass genocide in order to survive till the back was broken. Then tell the world “This is what ancient Children of the Light e.g. Judaism” was. But the key people in charge were killed long before they had that chance. The new leaders were kept from said information and or were violently opposed to that information if they were in fact presented with that very likely truth.

What are hard facts a very young Phoebe Judson and her maiden family were forced to leave Canada in the middle of the night crossing the Lake Erie. Which they would not have swam it; they would have had to either pay for passage, beg for passage, or have a friend take them across.

Roeder had a boat and was in the area at the same exact time.

The Chances Roeder gave Smith and or his friends a ride to Canada during the years the two were in the same area are almost 99%. However prominent citizens were needed to perform other tasks; to keep the dream alive despite the infiltrators whom had already started to steer the church in the wrong Great Awakening movement direction.

Right before leaving Ohio in 1837 Phoebe was around six. It is very likely to have a profound impression on a youth of six from a charismatic spiritual leader.

Phoebe’s father was a preacher who had to leave Canada in the middle of the night to avoid an unknown problem.

Could Father Goodell have converted from Judaism to Mormonism in Canada and been forced to relocate closer to Kirtland. Then been reformed to move to Bellingham to avoid further persecution.



There is also several natives in the area whom are not natives; if you arrived and you were a good person you could be accepted into the native populations without question. Or you provided a needed service. Several settlers in Whatcom County were British, royalist French, German whom integrated into the native populations. The DNA confirms but why would a white person feel comfortable living with a culture which they have enemies from all sides ready, willing, and able to at any given second kill as many natives as possible. Depending on which government official was in charge at what time determines if there was a bounty on the needs of dead natives. Yes occasionally there would be bounties just like for animals. Kill a wolf, Uncle Sam will pay you x amount per body or equivalent provable body part.

The only reason to enter a native population is if you were going to be facing worst punishment and or death if you did not. Which is the definition of the British and their allies against their enemies from 1600-1940.

Why Bellingham for the Mormon Church; same exact reason the British chose this area. Easily defendable from two sides; the other two sides are rough waters and mountains.

The battles raging in little Egypt started well before 1710 and lasted till 1960s in some cases have not stopped yet. Similar issues have occurred the entire time; the cultures which need to suppress others to feel ok with themselves clash with cultures whom simply want to live a peaceful life. It seems the truly peaceful are what attracts the aggressors. Cultures which are at harmony attract the aggressors like a moth to a flame.

At the same time; while Joseph Smith and his crew were attempting to travel through little Egypt on their way west ran into groups of people whom so clearly could not rest almost a zombie concept till Joseph Smith was dead. They were not ok with causing any other damage than the damage of killing the head of the organization. Which according to German mythology; this is similar to what HexenBeasts are attracted to. Kill the alpha of a group and take over being the new alpha. Pure instinct no thinking involved.



That is a major problem when it comes to the uneducated, they have no idea what to burn and what not to. They have no idea the buildings themselves hold the answers to the puzzle which was their story. A conqueror has no idea the building itself is the library, the Jews faced sufficient genocide in the previous 5000 years to know how to leave puzzle pieces in the most obvious places. So the ignorant conqueror would not know that something was in need of being destroyed.

Half dark half light

Fatimah it can be easily stated that if her father Mohammed took on the allegiance to Esau. Which all evidence points to as strongly as possible that Mohammed himself became a Hexenbeast (one of the assumptions which can be drawn regarding this is; no images are allowed of Mohammed because those that might have an idea fear that any image might be transformed into appearing as his true theoretical Hexenbeast <based on the available data, evidence, behavior  patterns, etc. this could be why no image of Mohammed is allowed; he could look something like this>  form, he very likely could have looked like a character from the Grimm TV show; half alive half dead with rotting portions of flesh clearly visible).

Fatimah Hexenbeast

Making his daughter a Hexenbeast as well.

Making no matter where his daughter exiled to; she would have both the talent and curse of being a hexenbeast. The cursed half-life which Esau purchased for himself when he disrupted the funeral of his brother Jacob. He was cursed by the blade Dan stabbed him with. If that blade was the blade of Enoch/Adam; this explains strongly why all of Esau’s line including Mohammed’s descendants have been working their entire existence to recapture those items to remove the curse. The feel of death.

Slave trade internal workings

The internal workings of the slave trade itself was a very difficult mixture of not only Catholics, English, but the strong Protestant movements which fostered the slave trade to an unimaginable degree.

Islam invades Egypt

Egypt Coptic’s, Christians, and Jews flee south

Egyptians follow the headwaters of the Nile to the southern border of the Sahara

Follow the southern border of the Sahara west

The Egypt Coptic’s, Christians, and Jews arrive in Nigeria.

Meanwhile the militant Islamic cultures keep invading and conquering west along the Mediterranean. Assuming their Egyptian escapees died in the desert.

Centuries later the militant Islamic cultures finally arrive on the west coast of north Africa and find pockets of descendants of the cultures they as a group thought died out centuries before when their ancestors conquered and seized control over Egypt.

By the time the militant Islamic cultures had conquered west around the Mediterranean and started to push south, the trade routes had shifted. The shift away from the militant Islamic nations controlling the silk road to other trade routes circa 1300 ce. Bypassing the militant Islamic cultures. They found themselves out of immediate income 1400s.

Slave Trade Begins

The militant Islamic nations require funding in order to keep constantly invading and attacking. Large militaries cost money. Not every day will an army attack, conquer, and be able to pay for its soldiers by raiding the treasury of the conquered foe. Between city conquests the military still has bills to pay.

When the trade route shifted away from militant Islamic control in the late 1300s; they had to find a new way to fund their military campaigns.

From just after William the Conqueror recaptured the UK from the Pictish and Militant Islamic control, the descendants of militant Islam living in Europe from the previous centuries pushed into Europe. The children of those militant Islam who settled had no place to go. 10 children per Islamic land owner, each have 10 children. With no lands to expand to around 1066; the descendants start to send their children to Africa to their cousin militant Islamic cultures whom were seizing large areas of lands in northern Africa. The children of the European Muslims had a place to go. They could leave Europe (which did not want them anyway) and travel to Africa. Where their cousin cultures had vast stretches of land; perfect to create large plantations on. The Militant Islamic cultures in Africa also offered to provide the workers for the European Islamic descendants whom relocated to Africa. Those workers were the natives which had pockets of Jews and Coptics inside; the aim was money but also to genocide the Jews and Coptics. Which would have the added bonus of erasing their ancient ancestral connection to their Jewish and Coptic roots.

The large problem which followed; just because the culture militantly owned and controlled large areas of Africa does not mean they truly controlled it.

Then came the hard facts of the Egyptians in Nigeria had to be disposed of. And in effect the Jewish/Coptic question was proposed in Africa long before militant Islamic descended third Reich proposed the same question. Adolf and his government simply used the same exact strategies the African militants used close to 1000 years earlier.

Slave trade and the Coptic/Jewish question (aka Third Reich)

With all those in Nigeria and other North West African areas whom refused to either convert to Islam or were the mortal enemy of Islam. E.g. would not accept if they did convert. Added to the fact that more than a few of the militant Islamic cultures were in active war with each other as well as with their combined enemy.

So what to do with all those people, killing them all seems like a bad ecological idea

The cousin cultures from Africa need land to expand into. It did not take the African Muslim cousins long to figure out. If we offer large tracts of lands in Africa to build a replica of the Garden of Eden and have the captured natives, Coptic’s, Jews, Christians, or the captured enemies work the lands. We can both profit off of their labors via the products they produce. We can sell those products to the world. But we can also dispose of unwanted people by working them to death.

But the problem came into the situation; being on the same land mass the captured slaves working on the plantation’s owned by either the local militant Islamic cultures and or their European cousin. The slaves could simply run home, or run out of reach of the Islamic army.

From 1000-1390 circa lots of money was spent on recapturing escaped slaves.

Rebuilding burned out plantations. The plantations were stationary. Those stationary plantations would be subject to the next war lord and or different militant Islamic cultures going to war with each other.

In order to keep the plantations from being burned to the ground by the next battle, the slaves from simply running home, control over the lands from invading countries, etc. the militant Islamic cultures chose to relocate their plantation system to the Caribbean. But that would require the Vatican’s cooperation. Since the Vatican had spent the last 1000 years flat denying that continent over to the west existed; let alone allow travel that way. The northern European cultures and the Islamic cultures never forgot about the location. But the northern Europeans were the only cultures which possessed the sailing ability to cross the Atlantic.

Ogle family Trade route

The Ogle family had been working and running successful trade routes from the point they entered documented history forward.

From 1492 (almost without doubt previous) to 1680 the Ogles owned and controlled a trade route across North America. That trade route was the key to both military and financial success. The Ogles aka the Vikings the military army of the family from 750-1066 c.e created an across the north Atlantic trade route which was until 1700s operating successful.

The Ogles had created a network of towns, trading posts, etc. along the entire route.

When the English finally progressed with sufficient technology in order to follow the Ogles across the Atlantic, the English immediately did what the English do, set forth and conquer (take what others have built) claiming not only did they do the work but erasing as much of the old presence as possible.

Which is a behavior pattern which repeated perfectly at Rome, Athens, Sparta, Troy, Mecca, and each time Egypt is reconquered. Not to mention London, Paris, etc. conquer the city/culture then rewrite all the history books stating that the city did not exist before the conqueror arrived. Same action by statistics occurred previous to 1850; when the named founders arrived, they arrived using the Ogle Trade Route.

Wave after wave of conquests forced the British Ogles farther and farther both south and west from their original cities of Boston, New York, Maryland, etc. The southern end stopped at Georgia and Florida. The settlers and natives in that area allied with the British Ogles, Royalist French, escaped slaves, free Africans, etc. were force marched from Georgia to Oklahoma called the Trail of Tears. Hence the point those in the north and west evacuated to the North West. The behavior patterns of the Seven Years war aka the French and Indian war was enough for most of the British Ogles and allied cultures to know the same pattern which forced them to leave Egypt circa 2100 b.c.e. was still very much in effect and as strong as ever.

Joseph Ogle; Ogle County Illinois

The evidence regarding why it is called the Ogle Trade Route is crystal clear. Joseph Ogle the namesake of Ogle County Illinois was named to honor the trade route which allowed the earliest settlers of Detroit, Chicago, and Minneapolis to find the location and settle in those cities. The Ogles both the ancestors of Joseph and his descendants created and maintained the North American Trade Route. Lewis and Clark chose to plagiarize their journey thanks to maps provided by the Ogles, and the backing of a plantation owner whom wished to follow the advice of his militant Islamic business partners and erase the presence of the Ogles in the Colonies/States; that would be President Thomas Jefferson.

Although something interesting about an ancient legend of Chicago; it is stated that Chicago is the area which after the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden. Angels moved the Garden from Tabrez Iran over to Chicago and descended it to Earth. Which strongly falls in line with the area’s pre-colonization name of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, etc back to Little Egypt. Since Jacob was in Egypt for most of his life. 60% of Genesis takes place in Egypt. Israel is in Egypt. Jerusalem by hard linguistic evidence is in Egypt aka Heliopolis. Luz (Luz the location in the middle of the Nile Made up of Dyk’s surrounding a city; same definition of Viking. Viking the Northumberland family Army.) aka Memphis is in Egypt. North West of Luz are a string of Pyramids. 0 evidence whatsoever exists which in any way shape or form connect the pyramids with being graves, before 1300 after the exodus the need to erase as much of the Children of Israel’s presence in Egypt was priority number one. Hard evidence the Remodeling of 60 feet of the Temple of Ramses II which was renamed that 2500 years after that Temple had been constructed. You can almost place two entire Roman Empires back to back 753 be – 400 c.e around 1300 years in that time gap. The previous 2500 years history was simply erased and the new 19th dynasty perspective was written. Which the dominant voice for the Hyksos/19th dynasty name changed to Dorian name changed into being part of the Greek Culture which agreed with the Ionian’s to recreate Academics in Ancient Greece. So long as they Dorian suppression of anything they did not like was one of the primary cornerstones to the formation of Academics. The Dorians forced the world to accept their lies regarding what the Pyramids were, including the Dorian name of the pyramids themselves. What does the Terah/Esau/Hyksos/Dorian/etc. cultures altering the foundation of academics to erase what they do not like have anything to do with Mormonism. Israelite, Judaism, Joseph Smith, the Ogles, Royalist French, etc. are all things which were systemically cut out and erased (as much as possible) from modern history. Using the structures of religion, academics, and government to perform the erasing process. Milgram “it is not my fault, I was forced to by my leaders/authority figures”.

Western Academics


The structure of where academics comes from answers most of those very dominant and “my way or the highway” organizational structures behavior patterns.

Modern Academics comes directly from the structures of academics post the renaissance.

Renaissance academics comes directly out of the guild structure.

Guild structure system comes directly from how the Vatican itself is organized.

The Vatican is a direct organizational copy of “imperial Rome” (a noted difference between Imperial Rome and the roman republic), which is loosely based on the organizational structure of the Greek city state.

Imperial Rome was based on the Hyksos/Dorian organizational structure.

The Hyksos/Dorian organizational structure were interested in suppressing any and all information they did not believe in or could not control. Innovation, inventions etc. are either accepted or rejected based on if the leader or leaders can find a way to profit off the idea without losing power.

 Second the progress of the great library  system, undermines the authority of the powers that be, and does foster innovation.

The Hyksos/Dorians are not interested in furthering ideas, they were interested in the control of information. Academics is strongly in the business of controlling information not fostering a prosperous and bountiful ideas and information in an all welcoming environment. Unless you have a spirit willing to brass knuckle box and defend every word you use when presenting your ideas in academics; do not bother.

A dissertation is to defend yourself to a panel of piers in that field who are there to tear you and your ideas apart.

The idea is, if you can stand up to basic scientific criticism, than the idea actually has merit to be taken seriously. But that is the dream of the format. In reality, how the dissertation process actually works is, if you get a nasty or two people on the board whom are only interested in keeping all applicants down. No matter how good the argument, they will not agree. For instance if you have a dissertation on how wrong Dr Boule’s work was, but you have a Boule’ devotee on the panel, do not bother trying to answer that persons question. No amount of evidence will be acceptable.


Alexander knew as a matter of hard fact that having all the books in one location was safer and easier to collect scholars and further education as well as one army around to defend. than spreading one army into 1000 armies with the scholars spread out over 1000 places. not willing to share information between the 1000 sites. Academics has a very strong hierarchal tendency; the leaders want credit for ideas, are willing to suppress any idea they do not like. Dissertations are easy if the board agrees with you; if you say all the things the board members want to hear. But if you present information the board has no interest in perceiving; the argument is lost no matter how much evidence is presented. Example if a person walks into a dissertation board with a single sentence in reference to item x but the entire subject of the paper is on item y; if a or several board members focus all effort on sentence x and ignore outright subject y. All their questions are about x and having nothing to do with the subject of the paper; the discussion is lost and has no place else to go. The those key people will by default ignore the subject presented since the only thing they are interested in is 15 words of a 100,000 word paper. With a “Next time present a dissertation on subject x, and you will have my full attention.” When the actual answer is; this the presenters interest not the board’s interest how about focus on the subject rather than your special interest.

Thomas Jefferson was forced to because the militant Islamic cultures both in the colonies, in Europe, and Africa were entirely interested in taking the riches they had acquired over the course of the last 700 years of unbelievably bad behavior and profiting off of pure evil actions threatened to invade. The American military was not up to the task in any way, shape, or form of defending the homeland. America did not even have a Navy. America had a very small standing military, an entirely untrained and undisciplined militia, the veterans were old men 25 years after the Revolution. The 25 year olds in 1775 were now in their 50s.

This exact time 1804 Holy Roman Empire in Germany is literally on the verge of collapse opening up the library to every scholar. The western world is about to be flooded with research and materials dating back to literally the dawn of written records.

Militant Islam threatening to attack from within and externally the fledgling American Culture not only for land, but some serious argument can be made regarding their interest in the Library which had been opened, copies made, sent to other areas, and the libraries which were closest to the fighting were shipped away. Militant Islam by all traceable behavior patterns simply followed the libraries; a seek and destroy mission. Seeking next to reinvade little Egypt erasing any and all traces of the libraries they spent the previous several hundred years pushing towards among other tasks to destroy Leipzig, Heidelberg, etc. libraries. Failing to destroy them in Europe. Militant Islam in American and their Great Awakening allies shifted focus to destroy the libraries American storehouses.

The British Ogles are still strong enough with navies to fight off the Radicals whom only want to burn every scrap of paper not directly related to the Quran. The British Ogles could have easily started to sail across the ocean to Germany and pick up the libraries from the areas about to be overrun by another wave of radical Islamic armies (including protestant armies; which include Libertine French. Which have more than a little connection with the American Libertine Party.). Those libraries are carried across the ocean for safe keeping in British family strongholds.

Joseph Smith is born in this exact timeframe.

In the decades which followed 1805; it would be incredibly interesting if parts or copies of the works of the Holy Roman Empire’s library were transported by sea to the East Coast. It would be even more interesting if the decades before the scholars saw the writing on the wall/rock/monolith/e.g. what Medusa could do and started to ship the material to the east coast decades before. Joseph Smith could have been an undercover spy/secret documents courier from the east coast to among other locations Tiffin Ohio which he had to pass through at least twice on  this way from New York to Missouri where he was eventually executed. Were his most trusted advisors also secret documents couriers shuttling documents from central and eastern Europe to British Families including the Ogles of Tiffin from 1770-1850. Almost guaranteed later and earlier. Which would account for the name of Heidelberg and where its library came from. How much work on this exact subject did Oliver Cowrey perform in this couriering and organizational structure logistics.

Joseph Smith trusted with the most precious of ancient documents to ferry from east to west in absolute secrecy. Reading and translating some of those documents and thus fleshing out aspects of his new church based on reading some of those documents. Other than the plates from Palmyra.

New Castle to New Amsterdam

The city of Newcastle (aka NewAmsterdam aka New York) was named as a replacement for the soon to be lost city of NewCastle Northumberland. It was designed to be a new Center for the British Ogle’s. The city was established in the 1500s and ran successfully under the British organizational government until the Dutch started to pull away from Catholicism and push toward Calvin and Luther philosophies (which are strongly militant Islamic based). By 1630 the city was re-founded and renamed New Amsterdam by the Dutch to take over control of the city itself. Any treasures e.g. the movie “National Treasure” which were present would have been moved West circa either 1620 before the Dutch took over, or immediately upon John Ogle recapturing the city his family founded in 1680. Either way the treasures would have had to be moved farther west, or be lost by being destroyed or into private hands. The exact same behavior patterns all the Hyksos descendants have performed from the second they entered the history books to present; which includes both the 19th dynasty (Seti, Ramses, Moses, etc.), Paul/Bishop of Lyon’s Vatican, and the NAZI; Adolf was a Hyksos descendant which is why his Semitic family were allowed to stay in Germany when Jewish purges occurred in the decades before. Hard evidence for this is the name “acceptable but still genetically inferior person from valley x” which is what Hitler means. The different spellings of Hitler point to the different valleys each inferior family were from. Alois Adolf’s father was stripped of his good name and reputation then saddled with the Hitler name in the 1870s. Taking on the same name of a cousin and the incest the represents is acceptable in said cultures as long as the family are not Jews. Being Semitic are mildly acceptable but not Jewish.

Before 1630 b.c.e. the Dutch and British had been the closest of ally’s, after they turned into bitter enemies. So bitter that the Dutch within a few decades had by force of cannon taken over command and control of the Hudson’s Bay Company forcing the British out of their own subsidiary company. From that point on the writing was on the wall. The British and the Family Ogle were not only the enemies of the Dutch but enemies of most of Protestant Europe. Which could be why the British, French Royalists, Royalist Germans, etc. who continued to side with the British started to be attacked from all directions from all their former ally’s. But when the ally converts from a religion based on at least half the teachings of Jesus to 75% based on the teachings of the Hyksos and the Evil Priest Paul. They will start to follow the same exact behavior patterns the Hyksos did; which is erasure of any and all things the Hyksos do not like.

Paul and Christianity

The first thing Paul did when he started his ministry was instead of having the ceremonies the way Jesus Christ designed which were as close to the original Adam and Noah ceremonies as possible. Paul edited the ceremonies to remove the Adam and Noah aspects and put into place a retelling and slightly downgraded for the Roman audience ceremonies which were based on his actual hero and misplaced idolatry of his ancestors the Hyksos and their origin Terah and Esau.

Which is both really good and really bad at the same time. We have a date from which to measure the infiltrator into the organizational structure of the church Jesus was building with the cancer of Paul.

The Reconciliation cleans the soul portion of the mass. Then the mass begins which is the same behavior pattern which the hajj revolves around. First go and expel the rage, anger, and sin. Then have the mass gathering of the mass itself.

The design of the Alter Paul had no idea what that was so he included it into his organizational structure.

 the ATEN is built into this structure although it is squared off. It does on the other hand match the candle pillars in a catholic alter



Escaping the Anglican Church

Which would also explain why the Ogles and their other British families along with their allied countries evacuated first to Little Egypt which is currently called Illinois and Missouri. This is the area which was documented on the Golden/Amber Plates Joseph Smith not only found but started to translate into English. Those plates showed the information as to what occurred in the centuries before and the need to evacuate farther west. But what was not made clear was once the British, French, etc. arrived in Southern Illinois/Missouri they were followed quickly by their enemies. They chose to not only move farther west but chose to divide their treasures in different parts. Part went to Colorado and Santa Fe the other portion traveled up and over the continental divide, down the Columbia, and up the coast to the largest but easily defendable position they could find. In order to build defenses fast enough, to withstand another Roman Empire invasion. Knowing that Rome was coming; although not knowing what the new name the Hyksos descendent culture would choose, the defenses and army in Northumberland were ready for the Romans. Knowing the Romans were coming on mass was inevitable. Knowing the enemy was right behind in the 1600s was also inevitable in Bellingham, the history of the Lion’s Inn and the area itself tells the tale, the settlers knew as a matter of hard fact the Hyksos descendants were coming and coming armed to the teeth. Which prove to be both successful for a time but ultimately several hundred years later; it was all but entirely erased from the pages of history. Only fragments of evidence remains as to the infrastructure the Ogles and other British families built from Seattle to Vancouver BC.

Which could easily be why the treasure was removed from Germany was taken to New York circa 1580 then after the Dutch switched from being Catholic to being Protestant the treasure was moved again to Little Egypt. The battles which started in the late 1680s forced the treasure to be moved from Little Egypt straight to Bellingham Washington. All the other areas were too close to the enemy. Bellingham was the closest and most secure for defense all the British and other countries families could find. In a very real effect Bellingham became, for the time, a modern version of Thermopolis; aka the Battle of the 300. The armies of the descendants of the Hyksos (which included the Persians; whom were the named aggressors at both Marathon and Thermopolis) which included the English, Romans, Libertine French, all the militant Islamic cultures, Spain, Portuguese, Greeks, etc. followed the British to Bellingham and they fought it out. The Hyksos descendants eventually winning and erasing the entire conflict.

Mormons and Bellingham

The Mormons and Bellingham circa the time of Joseph Smith 1804-1844.

The Great Awakening movements had been occurring since the late 1600s in North America; they had been occurring in basic all along in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Although the movements did not achieve the goals they were intended to achieve, they did reveal a strong continuity of the same behavior patterns associated with the Protestant faithful. Mormonism is not part of Catholicism or Protestantism. Mormonism comes directly from a deposit of plates hidden in a Mound close to the Great Lakes in New York. Which matches the timeline regarding when the Plates would have had to be shipped out of the future New York when the culture of the Dutch betrayed their society.

Unfortunately for the faith, when Joseph Smith was martyred by a group of Protestants, Brigham Young took over. Unfortunately for the entire organization; Brigham was more from the Great Awakening movement than understanding the true faith. But pull the faith toward the great Awakening movements he did, without the slightest hesitation. In fact his political stance on the subject was strong enough to perform the same exact coup d'état with Mormonism as had been performed after Mohammed’s death when the Mohammed appointed leader was deposed and a new charismatic leader forced control over. Same pattern; same bad outcome.

What is important is the fact that Joseph Smith following the plates he was headed to Little Egypt. Which could have been the destination for the Ogle British Treasury; which in all likelihood if the range of other theories come up with some level of truth was a location the Tools of Adam were placed at least for a few decades.

The treasury was then force moved again copies were sent to Manitou Colorado and Bellingham Washington.

Joseph knew to follow the trail to Missouri, but did not know the trail continued to Bellingham. Although a portion of the trail did go to Manitou Colorado. He both did not live long enough, and the enemies around both within and externally were not going to allow him to continue past Missouri. Even though he could translate, if you touch the divine others whom have no ability to do said will be soul level bound to attack, hurt, destroy, both the item they cannot gain access to and you for daring to be able to do a task they want to.

Not allowing all the information to come to light regarding what the plates said next was both good and bad. Placing the Mormons in Bellingham in 1844 would have made the entire situation beyond measure worse. Although a small group did venture to both Manitou and Bellingham. The numbers which followed the Protestant Young were the majority. Plus if the 10,000s of Mormons would have traveled to Bellingham; they would have simply been slaughtered. Those 10s of thousands needed to stay on safe ground e.g. Salt Lake City.

Temple Square Bellingham

In Bellingham, where would Joseph had been heading; that answer is Bay and E. Holly Streets. From that corner North West could be where the Temple was intended to be placed. But that entire situation became impossible; thanks in part to the mountains of really bad actions and activities associated with Kirtland, Oliver, B.Y., Little Egypt, and B.Y.’s inability to understand sufficiently where the movement needed to go. That information was kept from him; Joseph Smith knew as a matter of hard fact that the church was going in the wrong direction but could not stop once the bad people started to steer the church wrong.


The Seven Years War 1754-1763 ce

The Seven Years’ War was fought for a large number of reasons. Not the least of which was for control over the slave trade. The British had been fighting against the slave trade since the beginning but the Dutch after converting to Protestantism and took on the philosophy in a large way that maybe Mohammed had a point. The Dutch perceived the money, power, prestige, and the ability to stand up and be counted amongst the most influential cultures on the planet, etc. was just too much. No matter how inhumane the actions were; the Dutch simply chose to ignore the facts and concentrated on the money. The Dutch simply had to sell their collective soul in order to have said standing in the world. The Empire which the Ogles had been building from Ohio to the Mississippi was under direct and imminent threat of attack. So the treasures and said were moved farther west. It did not take long for the Royalist French, British, Germans, etc. to know they were about to lose. A strategic regrouping occurred on the other side of both the Rockies and the Cascade Mountains. The Ogle’s which stayed in the east converted to Protestantism and continued to be a lifeline keeping at least part of the ancient trade route open and operating. Sending supplies west, as best they could. The Ogles in Tiffin were no exception. Building a large estate and building a large difficult to attack manor house from which to operate from. That house called the Maples stood from the late 1700s to 1980 when it was torn down and the lands sold off. The family Ogles in Tiffin had disintegrated by the 1970s; face defeat and genocide enough times and the individual families the trauma of those events will cascade down the generations. The Ogles in Tiffin eventually died out and their descendants moved away. Several moved to Florida. One moved to the Pacific North West.

Joseph Ogle property in St Louis

Lewis and Clark had to move directly by the property the Ogles had owned where the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers meet. The Ogles owned the property since the early to middle 1700s.

The Ogles are great at exploring and building new trade routes. By the time John Ogle arrived from Virginia to the area which would be called St Louis in about a century circa the middle 1700s. John moved his family well outside the range of the English and Dutch forced takeover of the Eastern Sea Board. The Colonies that the Ogles spent time and money building the English, Dutch, Libertine French, etc. came in with their large armies, cannon and took the areas. The Ogle army were spread too thin to fight that war as well. The Ogle army were still for the most part fighting to keep the Ottoman’s from expanding into all of Europe. The Ogle’s had been in central and eastern Europe fighting to keep the Militant Islamic armies out of Europe for by then 1100 years circa 580-1700. Although the orders of knights and the families had been changed and names altered; the core of the knights were directly connected to the Ogle family. The Ogle family were well accustomed to fighting large scale wars against several armies all at the same time, but a constant war over the course of 1000 years will break even the strongest and most fortified of armies. By the time John Ogle arrived in what would become St Louis he had decades to send explorers out to explore both ways up and down the Mississippi river. Create detailed maps, send more explores up the tributaries, and explore a wide range of the internal portion of the continent. With full funding and a large collection of personnel this exploration of most of the internal of the Mississippi would have taken at most six years. Lewis and Clarke would not be around till 1803. More than fifty years later. Six years may be fifteen years to explore from the Appalachian hills to the Rockies and the Ogles had more than fifty years. That is only counting from John Ogle forward. The question then becomes how did John Ogle find that piece of land some 700 miles past where white folks were supposed to be. He could not have traveled by sea since the trip around Florida would have been beyond dangerous. So he would have had to take either the route north to Pennsylvania, Ohio, then down the river system, or south along the yet to be called Cumberland pass.

From St Louis to the Future Portland Oregon

Sail up the Mississippi to where the Missouri dumps into the Mississippi.

Then sail up to the Missouri until you hit the Continental Divide.

Cross west over the Divide.

Once on the other side you will find the Columbia River.

Sail down the Columbia to the Pacific.

From 1750 forward when the documentation clearly shows the Ogles were in the area of St Louis to the Lewis and Clark expedition the Ogles had plenty of time to chart out that leg of their North American Trade Route. But in all likelihood, that leg of the trade route had been charted out and used for centuries before Joseph Ogle was born. The Ogles via the evidence of their military arm the Vikings, never lost the ability to sail across the north Atlantic. Which means the North American trade route could have easily been established by the Ogles 1000 years before. Their enemy spent 300 years erasing the facts regarding the Kingdom of Camelot; erasing the existence of the North American trade route is easy in comparison.


FreeMasonry and the Slave Trade

In America one of the major reasons FreeMasonry went out of style is the facts regarding even though the first president, third president and most of the founding fathers were FreeMasons. It was still punishment for restricting the total anarchy freedoms the southern states experienced in the previous centuries. The only thing the militant Islamic cultures cared about was money and genocide. Human rights, the species, or honor was not part of any of their decision making. If one choice contained a pile of honor and another choice contained a pile of gold. During those times the pile of money choices would be chosen almost exclusively and the honor pile all but entirely ignored.

Similar to the Crusades, the Crusades were in direct response to a growing military threat from the Ottoman empire. Islam and the previous cultures spent vast amounts of time attempting and re-attempting to conquer Europe. After losing several large battles in African, Spain, France, Middle East, the Aegean, etc. Every time they made another attempt at conquering the west the only real solution is to raise an army back home and take the fight to their streets. Make their streets run red with blood. Because the militant Islamic cultures have less than 0 problem making their own streets run red with blood killing each other over the smallest difference in philosophy. They as a collective as a whole philosophy have no care how much damage they cause; as long as they achieve what they want. I say this because if it was only a few radicals the same exact behavior pattern would not be present almost every year from 580 to present; that is just shy of one and a half entire millennia of the exact same behavior patterns. That is not isolated that is serial systemic. The same behavior patterns under a different name can be traced from the Persians back to Tereh in the Ur attacking the Eridu Ziggurat. Which cascades directly into the framework of attacking to destroy any and all libraries which might tell the latest name is militant Muslims they are doing something wrong. From militant Islam back to the destruction of the Eridu Ziggurat same exact pattern.

The really interesting part of this examination is the Eridu Ziggurat tower might have been not one tower like the classic depiction. It might have resembled close to that of Hagia Sophia with a square base, towers on each corner and a cylindrical tower core.

If accurate this concept if it was closer to Hagia Sophia than to the classic description than it would most likely closely resemble that of a more accurate translation of genesis 2;9. There are not one tree but four, with a fountain in the middle which after the upward thrust of the fountain divides into four rivers (Found in Effigy Mound in Ross County Ohio approximately 100 miles south of Tiffin. According to a variety of other megalith and mound builder sites which have remarkably similar engineering and architecture 100 miles is well within the range of a standard size complex. Most of the Causeways in Egypt from they Pyramid’s are several hundred if not 1000 miles from A === B. The walls coming from 16 of the Pyramids make a Perfect ATEN. Like this

) . Which is emblematic of the Persian Garden system ; which by legend is supposedly as close to an exact copy of the Garden of Eden as is possible.

Which provides further evidence that B.Y. pushed the directions and layout of Temple Square Salt Lake City wrong (this monolith is close to the area presumed to be the resting place of Noah’s ark. Which is ironic since it contains both a representation of the Ark and the Garden of Eden <according to David Rahl the Garden of Eden was north of Tabriz Iran> a top view and a side view. From the Top to the Right the fountain and the four rivers of creation, along with the Four Trees of life (side note the sequenced tower depicted in the monolith looks remarkably like both the Grand Gallery and the Niche in the Queens Chamber). The translation of genesis 2; 9 is wrong it is not 1 tree but 4. To see a semi-realistic representation of this look to the Emperor Constantin Hagia Sophia similarities to the left image. The middle is the amber room; in this drawing the amber room is highlighted using red. The amber room did not have four walls but eight , so this is a stylized under conquest condition threat of invasion from the Pope if Constantine built a true as close as possible recreation of the Original Tabernacle of Adam.). It also points to Joseph knew what type of designed was needed in Kirtland but was unable to produce said design since the Great Awakening movement would have been even more violent earlier than they were <report he was tarred and feathered in 1832; 12 years before he was executed. Escalating the violence for the Great Awakening/militant Islamic groups have a very high benchmark. The group no matter what name or generation they turn to violence quickly and murder is an instantly forgivable offense. Genocide is just as easy to justify>. The compromises made only served to pacify the rage. But pacify will only result in larger amounts of rage and fury later on. Since after a few rounds of suppression those whom need to be violent in order to silence what they do not like will grow frustrated at having to be violent again. Each time frustration will increase the level of violence. In this case from threats of death to actually killing those they do not like. In effect, if you will not listen to reason and following my rules of order than literally there is no reason for you to live. Slowly escalating the violence from just beating up peripheral people all the way up to and through killing the head of the church. Assuming if the head was erased than the organization would collapse. Fortunately for B.Y. he was not under much threat after since he was mostly allied with those whom did the damage to begin with.



After a very likely based on the evidence the militant Islamic cultures lost in Britain circa 1066 they regrouped in Saudi Arabia and started to attack full on into the Middle East. Militant Islamic cultures invading the seizing as much land in Britain from 610-1066 has been erased from history. The Battele of Tours, places a very large 100,000 man plus militant Islamic army was just 239.4 km from Paris France October 10, 732. . But the facts regarding whom they allied with and whom they were fighting against are extremely well documented and accepted. The Pictish allied with a new invader circa 620 and started to attack their ancient enemy the Northumberland people. Although the word Northumberland was not the name of the people it was merely the name the Pictish used. Waves of constant battle, the Pictish lost a major war circa 650. But the Pictish in truth eventually kept fighting and within around 100 year’s won control over Britain exiling the Northumberland family out of Britain. Forcing them to flee to Holland, Normandy, and Ireland. Descendants of the ogles in Normandy are the ancestors of the knights whom founded the “We Poor Knights of Solomon’s Temple”, or Templars from the French.

Fatima and the Crusades

There were actually two separate Islamic invasions of Britain. The first 630 immediately following Mohamed’s presumed murder under the hands of Abu Bakr. The second to find and destroy the enemies of the first group. The two of them fought it out and fought against the Northumberland family for decades. Eventually the second group won against both the first group and the Northumberland kingdom/family forcing an exile from Britain circa 750 b.c.e. ushering in the Age of the Viking. The Vikings were in all likelihood a hired, well trained, disciplined, and under the command structure of the British Ogles army which worked from 750-1066 to defeat the Pictish and their allies in Britain.

Fatimah was blessed with gifts. Running as far away from those whom wished her killed as possible. She would have been till her fourth child was born (her fourth child matches the number of children from Jacob to Judah) was to head the movement her father created. Similar to Judaism; but Abu Bakr would have not been able to accept that. A female in charge of him went against literally every fiber of his being. But blessed with gifts creates a very difficult dilemma; blessed with gifts and cursed depending on perspective could mean virtually the same thing. When dealing with literally a millennia old conflict on a genocidal level between the descendants of Esau and the descendants of Jacob things become difficult before the first word of the next generation to hold up the banners to engage in the fight. From a British point of view female spirituality is not second only to Satan evil. However in militant Islam a female with talent any type of talent is literally one small step way from being Satan in the flesh. The Blessing and in a manner of speaking clerical position within her father’s church from which Fatimah operated makes her literally an imam from which all of the followers of Abu Bakr would want every single atom of that concept erased from existence. But an imam all evidence points to she not only was but without her preaching/teaching/being an Islamic cleric her father’s re-envisioned religion from Esau would have only been a much localized philosophy. In more than a few ways Abu Bakr and his devotees would perceive Fatimah as recreating some version of the ways of Lilith; which only one being is more evil, that would be satin/Lucifer himself. Which also match the legends from the Pictish regarding their new pregnant female leader from 620-650. The son being killed in battle during the Pictish revolt and loss against the Northumberland family. Where did Fatimah escape to; the only option which remained was to escape from Britain to Germany; where around that time a new Maleficent type person enters the legends and story books.

Maleficent and Fatima

There is some behavior analysis evidence to strongly suggest that Fatima was attempting after she was exiled from her father’s religion by his closest friends whom turned enemy and poisoned him that she could have develop some type of Female version of Female Islamic mysticism. Females are tolerated at best by the hardest line within Islam there is. So Mohammed’s daughter developing some type of mysticism after she was exiled from the Middle East only makes logical sense. But the hatred she experienced. Would have become so much more intense than Abu Bakr simply attempting to kill her. He would have literally gone to the ends of the earth to erase every single aspect of her in order to erase any connection between Islam and some strange recreated Eve/Lilith based mysticism. But the evidence of Maleficent points to this concept having a large degree of validity. Maleficent what if she was part of this sect of Fatima followers a Female based mysticism within Islam. They would literally be hated by 99% of everyone around them. Purge their existence would become the primary goal of just about any and all sides who found out about them.

Crusades start

As Militant Islam was forced to regroup in Saudi Arabia, and yet another major loss circa 1050 That regroup resulted in the Northumberland family along with the Pope starting the first crusade.

The growing Ottoman Army started to gather the months and years immediately following the losses of territory in the UK. The Pictish new allies were destroyed and the few whom were allowed to stay were sentenced to only be in Cumberland. Cumber (dark) lands; but continued upraising from 1066-1500 forced the Crown to literally remove the few whom remained from the Island. But the Pictish culture was not just the historical Pictish culture. The historical Picts had been in the UK since previous to the Romans invasion. However the Pictish culture allied with a new culture whom invaded the UK circa 590. The new allegiance broke 1066. Immediately the Northumberland family formed and army, contacted the pope, and started to build an invasion force to take the fight to the Ottoman Empire in the holy lands. Statistically that sounds like the two events are more than a little connected. Especially since the Knights of the Templar was formed by three Knights from northern France southern Normandy; close to the areas the Ogles and British selected as their lands from 700-1100. Some of the British stayed in Normandy and kept a foothold in the new country.

Beastly Islam

Area affect is the only real thing which motivates the entire culture. Area effect because the applications of the recreation of the tower of babel e.g. a spiral minaret; Islam call all in the radius of sound to come to prayer. Extremely loud sounds calling all to either pray or have to somehow ignore the extremely loud call to pray. In other words five times a day Islam employs violence to force their way. Esau has been translated to mean “Leaders/Kings of the Sheep” “Shepherd Kings/leaders/etc.”; a much better description would be to call them Leaders/wolves in sheep’s clothing. Or in a metaphoric description “Were Wolf”. A call to pray five times a day to mark their territory; is behaviorally not the slightest difference from a Wolf, Lion, etc. calling out saying in effect. “This is my territory”; very beastly and animal behavior like.

What does this have to do with Masonry. In the first couple decades of the 1800s; the rage which rippled through both the Islamic cultures in America as well as the Protestants whom were extremely angry with their rights to be violent with anyone whom told them no cascaded directly into anyone sympathetic with FreeMasonry. Joseph Smith being both a religious person, a spiritualist, and eventually a Master Mason fit the bill nicely. He had to hide whom and what he was more than a few times to avoid being killed. FreeMasons are the group in-charge of building and maintaining the Temple the great house of the Divine itself. Which in very brief since FreeMasons are from Jacobs’s line e.g. the Jewish cultures King Solomon’s temple. Solomon could draw a straight line from himself directly back to Jacob. Masons are allied with the Jews; which Esau’s line has a soul level fundamental problem with that. Every once in a while Esau’s line every few decades or so has to stand up and be as violent against anyone whom they fear questions their authority to rule the entire world.

Pillars and Mormonism

Pillar A Palmyra

Pillar B Ohio

Using the Blade of Enoch to dispatch Esau. The Golden Plates were by legend placed back in the mound in New York. But the secrets they contained were hidden way in Ohio. The members of the LDS church whom could not be trusted were too powerful and plenty to allow full access. So the plates and translation, drawings, etc of the plates had to be hidden. That information was either placed in the cave or handed to a group and or a family for safe keeping. A family whom would know what to do with those notes so they did not fall into the wrong hands.

Pillar C his execution

Points to something interesting occurred immediately after Esau was cut down. Since Jacob was already dead at least as the story goes, and Joseph was still alive. Where does that that leave Joseph, was he transformed somehow.

D the journey between, the experiences between have a remarkable interaction. And in a way set up what occurs at each destination point.

Those three pillars are directly connected to the base three pillars and equation format of the struggles within the framework of all interactions between Jacobs and Esau’s descendants.

The three places form a collection of areas which on an electro-magnetic scale link strongly together


Paul of Tarsus; Tarsus was a former Hyksos stronghold . The City had been held more than a few times from 1900 bce to 50 bce was for the majority of that time dominated by the philosophy of the Hyksos/Dorians. When the Romans conquered the city; remembering that the Romans are mostly Hyksos/Dorian/Agamemnon descended cultures. The city of Tarsus was so strongly Esau line philosophy most of its meek citizens have no choice but to take on the ancient Esau/Hyksos philosophy. Which is extremely bad for Christianity since the façade of identity disorder comes directly from among others Paul of Tarsus. Would be interesting if Saul was from Tarsus as well as Paul was first infatuated with the strong and charismatic Saul. Then when Saul was picked up and joined the ministry of Jesus Paul switched from an infatuation with Saul to Jesus. As most fans do from afar. Having almost no contact or interaction with in the framework of the three men being at the same place at the same time. In this case the truly demented even if they are 1000 miles away feel a deep and strong connection with the object of their infatuation. After the crucifixion attempting to join having switched his allegiance from Saul to Jesus. Then attempting to take on the persona of Jesus.

Paul the pseudo apostle had a problem. He had what psychology calls “Identity disorder” same as Mark David Chapman the man whom was so convinced he was John Lennon that when he approached John Lennon for an Autograph, he asked John “Are you John Lennon” John replied. “Yes I am John Lennon”; Mark replied “No, I am John Lennon” and killed the real one to make absolutely sure he was the only John Lennon.

It is common for those with identity disorder depending on how deeply into the psychosis they are to on a subconscious level to be violent to anyone who both is the real person and anyone whom questions their identity.

Paul’s organization then attracted people equal to himself to form his church. Then had to escape from those whom knew better and told him so. He had to travel to Greece to form his ministry outside the perspective of those whom knew better. Had heard the real man speak and understood the message.

Which falls in line with the application of Paul was a Hyksos descendant. Consequently not only did he come from an Esau descended culture but he had mental issues on top. Reality for that man was not his friend. Draws back to the framework of Esau could not handle not being Jacob, was violent to him his entire life and funeral. His descendants picked up the same mental disorder and on a pure subconscious level need to seek out that which they are convinced they are and destroy the real one so they are not questioned regarding not being the real one. Although they at the depth of their soul know they are not only not the real one they are nothing more than a façade. Overall a horror story regarding whom and what they are. Living an entire life convinced of something which has no possibility of being true; but destroying all evidence to the contrary.

He tasked his followers to seek out the other church and destroy it; with all means necessary. Any and all whom are attached to the real church need to be killed on site. Their books destroyed, and the entire threat to Paul’s philosophy erased from existence.

The Bishop of Lyon; a hard core Paul trained priest took these words to the core of his being. The work to assemble all the holy books; translate them all into Latin and destroy anything he did not like. The problem is; one he was a Hyksos descended person but also his work is the material used to build the essence of the future holy bible during the Counsel of Nicea 130 years later. The word Bibiotexa is actually the non-English name. The city of Byblos is not only the name of the city were Osiris’s Djed Pillar was taken and made part of their main temple. But it was also a major trading hub millennia later; the Papyrus used to write the first bibles came from Byblos. In many ways the bibles origin comes directly from Osiris. Which is a name change after the Hyksos invasion. Osiris is the name replaced by the Hyksos, not the name of the person involved some 2000 years before the Hyksos invasion circa 2100 b.c.e. For one that language is Indo-European and has yet to be translated by Academics. For another those events took place circa pre-Hieroglyphic more than a few conquests of Egypt occurred between those events of Osiris and when they were translated into Sumerian and hieroglyphic at around the same time.

A Djed is remarkably similar to both Hagia Sophia and St Peters Basilica

The bible was assembled using not the greatest of source material. Kind of like having your worst enemy in the world write your story for you. It contains nuggets of truth but lots of really nasty stuff as well.


The name of Satan is a very strong thing because he is a character whom is almost always name changing in order to hide whom he truly is.

The names of the dark one are numerous per language, and the number of different languages is significant.

Always name changing to hide whom he truly is.

First empire in the new world Boston/New York/Newcastle(Maryland)

When the Ogles came across the Ocean to avoid being executed. Though they had a very strong army, navy, and libraries which would be the envy of the Smithsonian. They needed to not always be fighting wars on all fronts, endless wars.

Travel to the East Coast with their empire. But had to leave their treasures and libraries buried for later people to find and re-gather.

Between 1492-1590 the treasures which the British, Royalist French, Germans, etc. had gathered were shipped to America. Once in America the library and tools were safe for at least a small amount of time. Most of the first 130 years the enemy cultures did not have the technology to follow. It was not until the early 1600s that the supposed insufficient technology finally allowed the English, libertine aka not allied with the British French, etc. to come across the ocean in droves. But this is incorrect since the technology existed but was not used. The English and their allies did have the cross the ocean technology but what they did not possess was the naval superiority to attack the British either at sea or on land. But once the English were able to gain sufficient military power in both navy and army; a slow whittling away at the British compounds in first Boston and then Manhattan began in earnest. Thus forcing the removal of the plates from the eastern sea board west.

Of course leaving behind clues as to where the treasures were placed and how to decrypt them. Which only a follower of Emmanuelle and the children of Jews would or could follow.


Joseph Smith Plates

Joseph Smith is guided to the plates. Even though there is about 100 different physical ways he could have been directed to the plates. Just because history states as a matter of hard fact x is true, does not guarantee x is in fact true. Manhattan the city was founded well before 1630. That is the year the city was taken over by the Dutch reformers. The Dutch chose to betray literally everything which was at the core of their civilization and ally itself to and with the Militant Barbary Coast Muslims as well as the protestant movement which is about 75-95% Islamic philosophy. Money, power, cultural standing, of course an attempt at going from a forgotten little power culture to close to the top of the cultural hierarchy, etc.. The allure of money, riches, fame, etc. was obviously too much for the Dutch to turn down. So they betray their longest standing allies, and for what. Within a few decades their culture turned on itself and was defeated from within. Which is not the last time the Dutch allied with evil for money and power. Amsterdam was not a pleasant place for Jews to be from 1935-1946. Courtesy of the diaries of Anne Frank; a Jew whom documented the plight of her adopted cultures fall into the hands of evil. Ironically Adolf after he was excommunicated could have easily in secret converted to Islam. Which would be one of the largest reasons he was able to conquer so many lands which formerly belonged to the Ottomans Militant Islamic Empire. Turning away from Catholicism to Islam among other reasons, Muslims hate Jews about as much as Adolf did. He had several hand mirrors with Allah engraved upon them. He traveled freely in Islamic territories. The “Wolf’s Den” a hidden coded message regarding he was an Esau line descendant. A very likely reference to the beast/wolf that Esau might have been called or turned into after being stabbed by Dan at Jacobs’s funeral. That blade most likely being the blade of Enoch former owner Adam; a sacred blade used to perform Adams Naming job in the Garden. “Wolf’s Den” could be another translation for Esau’s Tabernacle; a sacred dwelling from and by which Esau ruled Mecca in.



If you have any type of northern European rune training at all; a quick look at Hebrew and the circle of the Futhark will provide both a way to decrypt Indo-European language as well as reveal a very complex mathematical structure. One which will allow the architecture to be created which is accurate on a global scale down to the micrometer.

Joseph simply followed the older legends to find one of the caches of plates.

Which told him to go on a multi stage and sequence journey.

Once at least destination he needed to fan out to contact and to little Egypt

Once in little Egypt infighting and protestant/great awakening movement infiltrators pushed Joseph to hide the plates and to stop where he was. He would have given the full information to his son, but his enemies within his church some were entirely devoted to be violent. Would stop at nothing to possess not only the plates but the entire treasure from which the plates originated.

The Amber Room

The Room which is actually most likely made of Amber. The walls themselves which surrounded the actual ark of the covenant; amber walls. Which gives the several assumed generations from the original amber room


The Amber Room can be traced from Germany before the baroque copy was made which was later given to Russia as a gift. Which the NAZI did operation Barbarossa in order to capture and send back to the Reich in their bid to control the world.

The one which existed from 1630-1940 was a conquering armies copy from legends from the one the Germans and Northumberland families took apart, and shipped away years before the Prussian Empire seized control over were the area the Amber Room used to be.

The Amber Room has traveled literally around most of western cultural areas. It has been moved around from Germany to Northumberland back and forth several times from the time it left Constantinople to the time it disappeared from history and replaced by the badly done replica. Before Constantine took the room to Constantinople it had been in Northumberland for centuries perhaps millennia. Safely behind layers of armies sworn to protect it.

The Amber Room was most likely an eight sided wall structure. Similar to the design Fr Francolon used when designing his second floor chapel in his Castle . Hard evidence of this connection with the Eight sides of Fort Bellingham (renamed from Castle Bellingham), The Eight walls of the chapel of Miramont Castle, Khufu Pyramid (the outside superstructure and the eight walls in the Queens Chamber), Hagia Sophia with its eight sides











(four walls four cirlces = Eight )(At least in basic Miramont Castle was designed to reflect among other sites the Vatican itself; which was copied from other ancient history Monotheistic sites, very likely even the Temple of Adam in IWNW itself) In addition the four Pillars outside match the four trees of Creation from Genesis 2;9.

Before it was in Northumberland it was in Egypt with the 18th dynasty, before that unknown, but before the Hyksos invaded Egypt circa 2100 b.c.e it was in Egypt.

The room at least semi enters history in a mostly mythical temple supposedly built by Adam at what would become known as Heliopolis. From the time the city entered the history books circa 3800 b.c.e to 3500 b.c.e the city was known as IWNW. Which translates into English as “The Capital City of Pillars” A city of Pillars e.g. a Megalith e.g. Stonehenge. As well as the eight sided barrack at Fort Bellingham Washington State , which were very likely copied over from the Castle on the same grounds Bellingham. Sound of the Sacred Place; can be defined as Simon (sound) Peter (Ham), as in Beth La Ham. Bell ah Ham Beth al Ham; linguistically the two are extremely close.

The Amber Room or Adam might be one of the treasures that Esau/Hyksos/Dorians/Islamic have been hunting for in order to feel complete. Which the directions Joseph Smith found could have led him to the first step in a multi-step journey from New York to the areas where the treasures were stored for safe keeping.

The battles in Little Egypt in and around Missouri, southern Illinois, western Tennessee (EG Memphis), which started circa 1600s continued to the middle of the 1700s. The end was known as the Seven Years war or the French and Indian war. Which is entirely misleading on both accounts. The Battles raged well outside that time frame; the French and Indians were not clearly just that. Indians was both a term to define the natives of America as well as a radical insult to the British. The Red/Amber man, North Umber land; Umber and Amber and Red are the same thing, depending on context. An insulting slang term for the people of the north/vertical, the descendants of the ATEN since the ATEN is represented by Red/Amber. Adding the mythology that the British Ogle family helped fund Columbus’s trip as well as again by legend gave him the Santa Maria. Some evidence is present. The name of the high school in Tiffin is Columbus High; although in hard truth in the early 1900s there were more than a few schools named Columbus.

After the British and Ogles lost at Little Egypt; they had to evacuate the Treasures farther west. They very likely used the same statistical connection that Amenhotep IV and his ancestors circa 2100 b.c.e to dividing the treasures up.

(Notice the hands or in Sumerian Limbs; brings a very different definition to Jacob. Instead of holder of the foot, more realistic to state holder of the limb. Which could be a translation from Sumerian into English as the holder of the ATEN) One group went to Manitou Springs Colorado. Another Group traveled farther south to Santa Fe New Mexico. Another group traveled west to San Francisco, but the San Francisco group only stayed in San Francisco area for a small amount of time before it became obvious the area was indefensible. So they had to travel north in order to find a better and extremely defensible position.

The area they travelled to would be first Vancouver Washington State. But the 1800s forced another relocation to Bellingham Washington.

Which is where Joseph Smith should have ended up and created his Great Temple in Bellingham. His fatal mistake was not understanding enough of the plates and the enemies of the culture which wrote the plates in the first place. In order to keep moving to the area of most easily defensible. Places and locations which had already been set up to various levels of infrastructure by previous the East India Company (A Ogle family company) previous the British Ogles ran the trade routes, previous the Vikings (an Ogle family army) ran the trade routes, etc.. An area where defending against the oncoming (Esau descended undead thanks to the blade of Enoch; e.g. Werewolf.) wolves would not be too difficult of a task to achieve. The Tide had shifted away from winning almost every battle to losing almost every battle. Esau’s descended culture for some reason have a sub-conscious influence which controls some 90% of their individual and collective behavior patterns. Leaders/Kings/Dominant people of the Sheep. Which in truth is a slightly better translation of Hyksos: A Wolf in Sheep’s clothing.

Hyksos: Shepherd Kings, which is a nice way of saying Wolves in Sheep’s clothing. A very cleaned up version of saying Werewolf. Especially when you combine how Esau was killed or at least wounded by the Sword of Enoch/Methuselah by Dan, Jacobs son, at the burial of his father. Jacob’s body was mummified, and Esau tried hard to disrupt the ceremony. He was cut down in stride for it. But if the blade used was the Blade of Enoch; than the soul of Esau would have been stripped out and his base animal nature would entirely rule him. As well as being stripped of his soul/mortal coil making him a very odd and half alive undead part time wolf/beast part time half alive human. Which could be seen as a direct piece of evidence linking the legend of how Dan killed or at least soul level injured his uncle Esau with the Blade of Adam/Enoch/IsrÆl/Jacob. Making him beastly; the army Special Forces units which derived from him and that philosophy taking on that moniker of “immortal”. The Persian military using “Immortals” with no or a beastly fur covered face, just like their modern equivalent jihadists. Most ancient stories regarding werewolves make them ruthless beasts with 0 humanity; they attack and kill anything, no recognition of humanity or family. A werewolf by most standards in older legends minus modern American story telling place werewolves as evil. For Joseph Smith his problem was, he started to understand he had infiltrators in his group; those whom believed x was y and x did not actually exist. He built himself a great organization but he had allowed too many really bad people whom could not be trusted once they achieved specific levels of power. Power does not corrupt it reveals. If you are corruptible, you will not be able to resist the temptations of power. Smith discovered this, but discovered it too late. He had corruption in his organization. Hardest evidence imaginable; BYU should if the organization was true and honest be called JSU. Joseph Smith University; but it is not, it is named for the founder whom corrupted Joseph Smith’s philosophy. In a very beastly, violent, etc. way.

What if the Jewish e.g. Children of IsrÆl ceremony is correct and the later Mastaba ceremony is a copy of a copy of a copy which was never able to actually do the full mythical and by Hollywood legend Imhotep Resurrection ceremony. By the one which Jacob e.g. the King of IsrÆl performed; what if that ceremony worked and Jacob as a mummy was resurrected from the dead. What if in effect Jacob king of IsrÆl became an actual Undead but extremely intelligent being of Light and Esau his soul was stripped and he became one of the first Werewolves. Taking the life soul from Esau and giving it to Dan who directed that energy into Jacob. How to kill a werewolf, use something pure like metal gold or silver; by legend state use things which are pure and from the divine. The true nature of evil can at times be revealed by a reflection in a mirror and the absence of purity in a silver mirror. If a Vampire is actually pure spirit this might be why they do not have a reflection in a mirror; god and divine tools do not have a reflection they are too pure to have a reflection. The purity of what they are in effect is absorbed by the purity of the metal.

Which accounts for the legends of the sword of Enoch/methuselah and accounts for the origin of the Vampire (connection to Amber not actually drinking of the blood) and werewolf legends.

(what if the Legend of Noachite which is by a statistical comparison a stepping stone from the Ceremony Adam used to resurrect or attempt to resurrect Able from the grave to Noah and his three sons attempts to find the next hierarchal leader of the tribes of Adam, they used some version of the ceremony of Adam. Which was then used by Abraham and Jacob as the basis for the ceremony and structure design to build the Tabernacle of Adam, to recreate his job in heaven inside. Was then passed down to David and Solomon as the model they built King Solomon’s temple as a blue print from. In addition the legend that King Solomon harnessed demon’s and said in order to build his temple. Modern science and engineering cannot replicate the building production of)

The legend that a Vampire can turn into a flying creature altered for poetic license Bat but just as easily can have the political spin of an enemy decrypted to a bird. Both upper and lower Egypt’s key deities had Birds as their symbol. An ancient Greek insult for the pre-Pharaonic Egyptians were “The People of the Birds”. Where the insult “Bird Brain” comes from. The Vampirism drinking of the Blood; consuming or interacting with Amber/Umber or the sacredness of the divine; which can be understood to be logical linguistic connection between “Eve consuming of the Fruit/working tools of the Tabernacle at the center of the Garden of Eden”. Consumer of the Fruit/Working tools of the Divine. The Sword of Enoch was handed to Enoch by Adam his grandfather in order for Enoch to continue his grandfather’s work. Playing with that tool and consuming the fruit at the center of the garden, consuming the sacredness of the inner sanctum sanctorum, enemies changing good and the most holy into the most evil.

What happened as a result of the events from which Eve first and Adam were banished from the Garden of Eden, the legends surrounding what the Blade of Enoch could do, the legends surrounding what the tome of IsrÆl/Jacob could do, the cutting Esau down for disrupting his brothers burial ceremony (e.g. what the tome/blade of Enoch could do), the legend of the Mummification resurrection ceremony, Imhotep and by legend what he could do (e.g. used various tools to resurrect a mummy back to life), the tome/blade of the Trojans(Trojan; the descendants of Jacob) ferried out of the Trojan War taken to Britain by a surviving Prince(gives some very hard evidence as to why the Esau/Hyksos/Dorians spent all that time and trouble to conquer a city they really did not care that much about. More logical and critical thinking answer would be Agamemnon was after the Tome/Blade of Enoch. To be the most powerful and undefeatable King in the world. Which matches almost all later legends of said blade), which again by legend places that blade/tome into the hands of the relative of and Roman Jewish Counsel member Joseph of Aramathea (Being a council member means that Joseph would have either owned land in Roma Proper or was given lands in Rome Proper; either way being a Council Member and Roman Land owner would have made Joseph of Aramathea a Roman high ranking Officer as well as a Roman Citizen. The Blade he carried was not his nickname but the name of the Blade itself. The Romans changed the name from a Jewish name to the Name of the City the surviving Prince of Troy founded e.g. Alba Longa. The story of the Lord of the Rings is a story based on the mythology and legends surrounding the people of the Rhineland aka Germans. In those legends the Blade of Solomon has all manner of special meaning and significance. Being the facts that lands of the Rhine were used by the Romans to give to Romans soldiers whom retired after their length of service. Those legends, mythos, etc. traveled back to the UK courtesy of the Saxons and Anglos several hundred years later traveling on mass over to Londonium. TO become the basis of the Anglo-Saxon culture, but they were mostly ex Romans. If the Romans possessed said Blade of Alba Longa aka Longinus <remember that in Latin first name last, last name first; Inus{vision; impose unalterably. Paint by encaustic. Method impress indelibly. Impose, Paint, and Impress are Latin for to view something without being able to change what is being impressed upon the individual} Longa {long}. Makes the time from 753 bce to 30 ce e.g. when the Roman Empire was at the height of its power and glory, they possessed the Blade of Destiney/Adam/Enoch/etc. As a culture they were able to maintain that power till the Blade was given to Constantine by his mother’s family the Ogles. He took it or a copy of that blade to his new empire Byzantium. The original or a copy by legend stayed in Northumberland. Joseph of Aramathea took the Blade/tome out of Roman hands and put it back in Northumberland, the rest of the treasures (which might have contained either the blade or a copy of the blade) were ferried to Glastonbury Abby 600 years later during the Pictish Revolt and eventually seizing of the British Throne.), which lands the blade in the hands of Constantin the Great from his Mother’s British Ogles family, which lands the blade (or a copy of that blade) in Constantinople from 350-640 when it became clear the newly reformed and renamed Militant Islamic a direct Esau/Hyksos/Dorian etc. culture and religious tradition was going to attack Constantinople and seize its power, which places the Blade back in Northumberland behind an extremely strong army which then battled against a Female leader of the Pictish pregnant with a child, Northumberland using the tool to defeat at least the first round of attacks from the Pictish. But not the war, which would drag on for decades more; the British Ogles eventually losing and retreating to Holland in exile. The blade continuing on a journey from Northumberland to Germany; now that the Vatican itself was no longer a top priority threat. But once the Blade at least by tracking the discordancy of these legends and trade routes the Blade/Tome of Enoch formerly of Adam and very likely one of the reasons Adam and Eve were exiled from the Garden lands in Germany and based on the founding of the City of Rome reforms the tradition of the Roman Republic with the Blade as its center of power. The birth of the Holy Roman Empire. Along with the trading the Tome/Tool/Blade back and forth between Germany and Northumberland depending on which armed aggressor was pushing harder at what point. The blade possibly returning from Germany to Normandy where the Ogles had carved out by conquest their own new country in Northern France Western Holland. The People of the North aka Northumberland; the Umber is the people of the Sacred lands. William the Conqueror could have by legend been loaned the Blade by De Ogle at the Battle of Hastings to conquer the Pictish Kings and reclaim their lands. Which would be one of the strongest reasons why William gave more than 1/4 of the island of Britain back to the Ogle family. Not only did they possess it before but had been their ancestral home since well before the Romans arrived. Would have also been the perfect place for Cleopatra and her children to have sot refuge and protection from Imperial Rome. The army north of where the wall would be built was a place the Roman army went to die. Logically the only place in the width and Breadth of the entire reach of the Roman Army would be Northumberland for Cleopatra to have escaped to. Placing the tome/blade/tool of Adam/Enoch in Northumberland circa 1067. But had to evacuate the treasures again just few hundred years later; back to Germany. To assist in fighting off the militant Islamic empire sitting around Vienna. Which caused the Ogles in Britain to lose massive grounds and reduce their holdings from ¼ of Britain to just a small section in the north east corner below Scotland. But they did defeat the Militant Islamic army on more than one occasion on more than one continent. Which is an interesting connection; did the motivation regarding anything even remotely connected to the Northumberland Family stir the militant Islamic army to make a special seek and destroy order from after the crusades to present. Were the Northumberland family specially sot out to erase. Did the militant Islamic cultures push their allies and business partners to attack and destroy the British Northumberland family just to get even for all those past battles. To get even for taking the library out of their hands and securing it in the west. What is so unbelievably important about the contents of those libraries and its tools the Ogles and Esau’s line have broken themselves through the entire stretch of western culture. Every time it becomes a soul level must attack and destroy from the Islamic militants when a new generation of Ogle descendant steps up and reassembles the tools/books/codex’s/etc. strange repeat behavior pattern. That library buried in the DNA of the British Northumberland family must have some really interesting things in it. For the most part the tool/blade of Longinus disappears from history till the 1500s when it is removed from Europe and taken to the new world specifically the north eastern portion. The façade of that blade having anything at all to do with an actual Roman first century spear is entirely false in all ways shapes and forms. The blade dates back to Enoch. The façade blade copies of which are just that; Paul descended lies. He could not understand what the blade was so he had to make up a façade of what it was. What on earth does this blade have anything at all to do with the golden plates from which Joseph Smith not only found but those plates he translated to create the book of Mormon from. The Blade of Adam/Enoch/etc. had writing on it, that writing was small and detailed. That blade was also called the tome of Jacob. Copies of the blade circulate and are the object of more than a dozen wars, including a passionate and lustful Adolf spending vast amounts to obtain sacred relics to conquer the world with. Where is the tool/blade/tome of Adam (is most likely where the plates where a copy or original from which Joseph Smith gained access)/Enoch/Jacob/IsrÆl now; that is an unanswerable question. Stringing legends together based on a statistical analysis does not produce facts just answers possible theoretical questions. The power of the thing was not the blade itself but the word written on it.

What does this have anything at all to do with Mormonism; the facts that Joseph Smith found a Tome of information.

Traveled to Little Egypt in pursuit of the information on the Tome in Palmyra. Had to hide and make secret his findings to conceal them from in basic Esau/Hyksos descended people in the ranks of his church. To hide where things could have or were delivered too.

Bellingham and Mormonism; the area of Whatcom County is laid out in a perfect ATEN. The one and only Pharaoh whom all acknowledge to be a monotheistic religion believer used the Symbol of the ATEN as an ICON representation of that Monotheistic Deity. Brings a vast quantity of evidence Bellingham is the place which the British whom were the one and only country/culture capable of transporting vast amounts of treasure and tomes from Europe to the America’s during the dark ages. Transported their treasures to first Boston, then Manhattan, Then west to little Egypt. Then had to evacuate into at least three portions from the whole in order to keep running and hide the most sacred from the enemy which would use them wrong. One arm from little Egypt e.g. the center of the Aten down to Santa Fe, one arm possibly down to Socorro, one arm to Manitou, one arm over to San Francisco, one arm to Vancouver WA, and another Arm over to Bellingham WA. Slowly the treasures and locations in the south had to be relocated north compressed back into one. But Bellingham was close to the last vestige of the old Empire.

The dolman of the Tool/Blade/Tome the tool takes the breath of the soul from x and unless done properly does not give it to anyone. But affects the user in a profound way. The legends used in the TV show Once Upon a Time. Regarding when Rumpelstiltskin and his name magically is carved into the blade/tome of the dark one. To have his name carved he required to stab to death the previous dark one; whose name is etched by magic into the blade itself. Disney writers assembled the above legends into that story; but this action if done wrong can and will be in itself a dolman. The blade/tome one pillar (of Adam) the person stabbed (another pillar), and the person performing the stabbing (the third pillar) (=A, B, and C are Pillars the circles on the infinity loop of the Giver/Getter are pillars from above, same for the pillars of the Dolman and Crucifixion. In the Case of the Crucifixion the Pillars are what the individuals are nailed to.). In the case of Jesus the person performing the stabbing was his uncle or great uncle Joseph of Aramathea; but Joseph was a holy man or he could not have been the carrier of that specific blade. He need no fear of negative reproductions regarding the use of that blade, Jesus need not fear if that blade was the same one which pierced the heart of Esau. If stabbed by the Tool/Blade/Tome of Adam/Enoch/IsrÆl than his only need concern would be from for his Uncle and how holy his uncle was. Since his uncle was anointed as a Holder of not only the Blade but also able to work within the Sanctum Sanctorum of King Solomon Temple. He need not fear the negative repercussion for his uncle. But someone directly connected would as a matter of hard fact need to fear the repercussion from that divine tool. As above to below tools are a gateway to the divine. That gateway has a price to be paid. Eve paid the price by banishment; Adam paid the price by his deal with god to resurrect Able.

What was the price paid at the crucifixion; and whom paid that price.

The philistines whom forced the situation in the first place were the loudest and rudest of all in the entire Middle East regarding the events.

Interesting how the events of the burial of Jacob with Esau disrupting; Dan the son of Jacob using a sword to dispatch Esau. Other than the spear of Longinus used on Jesus and not the head of Philistines attempting to insult and degrade Jesus as much as possible. In a very hard reality turning the crucifixion into a Hajj. Hurling insults and if they could rocks at the “The Pillars of Adam” e.g. at Jesus on the Cross. Three Pillars, three Crosses on Calvary, usually three rocks in a dolman, etc. the catholic Reconciliation is only mildly different then hurling insults. Doing the rosary out loud and having fellow parishioners help you pray and do the rosary. Is nicer and gentler version of throwing rocks and insults at the Pillars of Adam, then after the Reconciliation and the soul is cleansed then the mas is performed. After the throwing of the stones and insults Muslims then go to the Kaaba rotating around it elevating themselves to the presence of the divine.

Pillar one Fehu

Pillar Two Uruz

Pillar Three Thurasaz and or Kannaz

(the blue and green circles are a vortex map with Jesus in the middle the vortex map is most easily defined as a magnet (polarity S or the thief which wanted to be remembered in heaven<pull>, N for the thief whom insulted Jesus similar to the insults from the Philistines <push>, and Jesus the balance and the El in the middle<neutral>; which match perfect to the definition of the word Yahweh.)

The area of Zion would be directly connected with Jera and concept of Time. Which has been edited out of the framework of the Crucifixion, the Hajj, and Blade of Adam.

The philistines wanted Jesus dead so badly they could not care one little tiny bit that they were breaking all honorable, sacred, etc. rule of monotheism to throw insults at Jesus while he was suffering to almost the ultimate degree. It is even more interesting that the philosophies being a direct descended clergy order from Esau’s line; whom used to work in Egypt under the Hyksos pharaohs.

Why would the philistines be so full of hate that breaking every sacred rule regarding death, grieving, etc. of not only a monotheistic priest but also of royal blood. Did Esau’s descendants hate with that much passion 2600 years later Jacob’s descendants to that degree.

In addition was the head cleric of the Philistines somehow connected with Esau.

In a way it is a double circle vortex;


A Dan the son of Jacob

B Esau who was disrupting his brother’s funeral. Just to continue to be a jerk.

C El or in this case the ATEN.

D the body of Jacob

Especially if you take all the negative politically spun attributes of a Vampire and turn them all positive. Drink Blood, creatures of the night, call the animals, sleep in a coffin, the light of god will destroy you, etc. turn them all positive. Consume Amber, creatures of the day the glory of the divine, reject the call of an animal behavior, a grave to a castle (grave not the first time Jacobs line has been associated with graves/dirty/the end of the day/death/etc.), walk in the path of the light of god, light enriches and nourishes, etc.

Just a statistical analysis of the event of Jacobs burial ceremony cross compared with the crucifixion; the life taken from Esau might have been stored in the blade and given to Jesus. Makes a very interesting theory to explore.

Which would be a major reason why the philistines were present; they wanted to interact with the death, disrupt it just like Esau disrupted Jacobs. If Esau’s life was taken and given to Jacob to become some type of importance, than was the life of the head priest of the philistines could that have been taken and given to Jesus making him immortal as well? In a very real way the Mummification process and resurrection of Jacob and the Crucifixion of Jesus similar conflict one by legend resurrected the other became the symbol for hatred so intense that most of Esau’s descendants have worked very hard to destroy him, his legends, his people, etc..


Speaking of Vampires; Transylvania is only a few dozen miles away from Germany. Vlad III. Vlad with a sword/blade/weapon. Which is interesting since Transylvania itself is only a few dozen miles away from the city of Tar Tar. Which has been described as Hell or an entrance to hell for a specific sect of the clergy of Hecate; the Titans were banished to TarTaria. This banishment occurred when the dominant culture the Titans were toppled from power by the Olympian’s. What does a conqueror do with their defeated foe; vanquish them to as bad a place as they can. The Titans possessed by legend all manner of sacred and wondrous information. Some of which was contained on plates (example of said Tar Taria plates). We know as a matter of the hardest evidence possible that even a small hint of being able to find tools/items of divine power caused the Persians to break their culture invading on numerous occasions the Ægean. The battle of Marathon, Thermopolis, etc. The Titans were the culture in charge of the Ægean from 2500-1600 b.c.e; replaced by the Hyksos. Whom banished them far away. Banishment and hell could be one in the same based on mistranslating and political spin. Which is odd since about the same time the Cycladic culture were evacuating from the Ægean the city of Rome aka the city of Seven Hills had a radical rise in population. City of Seven Hills the Forum was built 1000-1500 years before the city of Rome was conquered and renamed from the City of Seven Hills. The forum of Rome is a sacred temple where the people’s business was conducted. It was assumed by the cultures whom built it originally that if business was conducted inside that the deals would be not only fair but honest. Including politics. The Senate chamber can easily be understood to be a much later copy of the tabernacle of Adam. Especially since the color of the divine is red/amber. The color of Rome was Red/Amber; the original Roman Senate the Amber Room of Rome. Built during the time the city was called “The Seven Hills” a recreation of Adam’s Tabernacle. It is interesting that the tools the ancients developed were consistent with their cultures philosophy. Most of the cultures had a connection modern academics has more than a huge problem accepting as fact. Since they have been indoctrinated since preschool that ancient man was one small step above knuckle dragging, it was not till the Greeks and possibly the Egyptians that true intellectual civilization began. The famous painting of the great house of Athens former name Poseidon is where part of the philosophy of Socrates was developed . Although this room in the painting is a middle of the renaissance fictional depiction; the Room this room was modeled after did exist, the men in this painting did exist, and the reemergence of thought after the Dorian dark age was starting to be allowed. But only limited based on compromises between the Ionian and Esau/Hyksos/Dorian cultures. The Ionians wanted to continue to bring education back while the Dorians wanted to continue their dark age; since a constant theme from practically day one of the Esau/Hyksos culture is “Knowledge is evil” to present has not change at all. It is the easiest way to trace the path of this culture no matter how many times they name change; there behavior patterns are dead on the money the same. This room which Socrates and Plato are in the center Master and Student along with a large number of other polymaths/renaissance men (those men in Greece allowed to work with 150+ IQ minds for the betterment of the species) all performing their famous thinking concepts.

Most of these men including Hippocrates from Rhodes gained access to libraries which dated back to the beginning of writing. Some could read material written in Indo-European language. The Tartaria plates which date to circa 5500 b.c.e copies of which were most likely what was in the Eridu ziggurat which by legend and according to the bible Terah and Abraham razed the city and took all those treasures out. The evidence which follows, as Abraham became the head of the family after the deaths of his father and older brother the Children of IsrÆl had a sudden and geometric rise in technology across the board. They went from not being able to build things more than basic construction to being able to build megaliths and pyramids. In only a few hundred years.

Tartaria to Castle Dracula is only about 100 miles

what is devastatingly interesting about this area is the following.

Tartaria was a former capital of several major empires previous to 1200 b.c.e. Dracula is a knight order of the Wallachia family; which translates as “The Order of the Dragon”. The order of the Dragon means the order of the constellation Draco which was a few millennia ago Polaris. As in the Dragon constellation was the North Star. Well the actual translation is Draco is the order of the Dragon ula is son of; Vlad III wanted to honor his father Vlad II so he added “Son of” to take on the head of the Order as well as honoring his father and ancestors.

A few miles north east of TarTaria is a city called Alba Lulia; which means “White Castle” or sacred specifically designed area of with grand vista. In Latin Alba Lulia translates to Alba Longa; which is similar to the name of the Blade which pierced the side of Jesus on the Dolman cross Longinus . Inous long vista means in Italic.

Long or vertical vista could easily be a hidden meaning for ATEN; the blade and or the capital city for the ATEN. The limbs or lines extending from the ATEN disk can be understood to be light from the sun.


The city of TarTaria


These actions taking place in and or around Adam’s copy of the Amber room.

The Pillars of Adam

The pre-3500 b.c.e city of Heliopolis (Jeru Salem ) was by legend built by Adam.

That city was called IWNW; which means the Capital City of Pillars. A group of Pillars would be a Rock or Wooden Ring of Pillars e.g. a Megalith.

Since Adam by legend built this group of Pillars in his capital city in what millennia later would be called Egypt. The Pillars of Adam were the name of the Megalith at the center of IWNW.

The City of Tar Taria among other things is 330 miles a from the Castle the Blood Countess lived. Since Vlad and the Batheray families were closely related. They both have the same ancestral line several generation before Vlad. The two were accused of similar actions and punished in similar ways. However their main accurses where the Ottoman Empire. Nothing like using political power and propaganda from the enemy to destroy your opponents. Use their own people to remove them from being a threat. Both people were accused of the worst behavior imaginable by militant Islamic armies. Which caused a very nasty political black eye to their closest allies the British Ogles fighting alongside to defeat Islam from a successful takeover of fortress Europe.

Esau’s descendants are infiltrators, like cancer. Makes the British Ogles in the exact area where remnance of the plates were still in existence and around.

Define Egypt

Eg Great House or great temple

Y: of the

Pt: great god Ptah, whom is a post conquest renaming for the ATEN.

The temple referred was a temple in the city of Memphis previous name Luz e.g. Genesis Jacob leaves the city of Luz traveling North West to the Light place of Rocks/Pillars. Sleeps and dreams of a great ladder to the heavens. He declares the next day to build this dream; a Ladder to Heaven.

The city of Luz is renamed to honor Pharaoh Mem since he ordered the protective dyk’s around the city as well as laid the foundation for the Temple of Ptah.

Egypt was named from the Temple of Ptah in Memphis.

The only problem is; Pharaoh Mem is most likely Hieroglyphic for Abraham.


The legend of the actual amber room is the following


The legend of the amber room

As the legend states at the center of the Garden of Eden was a construction which Adam named everything with and from.

That naming practice is much more extensive than simply saying John, Mary, etc. to name something gives it both power and defines whom and what it is. To name something is giving it a lifetime; come into the world, live this long, connect with these things, leave the body at this time.

After the expulsion Adam spent years rebuilding copies from what he could remember as to what the Amber Room looked like on earth.

As above so below the amber room in heaven and the copy of the amber room Adam built several copies of on earth.

If you want to adjust someone’s lifespan and or what they do; connecting with the amber room might be absolutely essential.

The Amber Room and Northumberland. The Family in charge of the Amber room is what the GÆlic version of Northumberland means. The name in GÆlic Yr Hen Ogle DD. Which is what the Latin version of Ogle means Northumberland.

The descendants of the children of IsrÆl possessing the amber room and all its power would be a very good reason for them to be hated, hunted, genocide, etc. from the beginning of documented history to present. In effect if you translate the amber room in a manner of understanding the amber room is the fountain of youth. Plus it will provide the possessor with tools which will again by legend make them the most powerful army on the world. One of those tools would be the Blade of Destiny.

In New York the Amber room, had to be moved to Little Egypt. Some idea the Amber Room for a time was in New York City; the built decades later “Time Square” could be a reflection from when the Amber Room actually was in the city. A Celebration and remembrance regarding the burning of Adam’s Temple at Heliopolis aka IWNW during Winter Solstice and the Dropping the Glowing Ball on a Pillar in Time Square could be one in the same.

Had to be moved again to Bellingham Washington.

It is likely knowing that Joseph Smith disliked BY with a passion; that he falsified the records and re-hid the plates to keep an Esau/Hyksos/Great Awakening follower from further accessing the true power of the plates and using those plates and the accompanying maps to find the rest of the treasure. Thus becoming the most powerful army in the world; the army commanded by Brigham. The Salt Lake City area being a great secondary spot but not where any of the real treasures would have been stored. The real storage would have been in Manitou and Bellingham. For a short time Vancouver Washington. But the armies were too close.

There is a legend in Bellingham that an Egyptian style room was found several decades ago. But the evidence and most information about has been erase/censored from both Western Washington University as well as Academics. But locals still know of the time an Egyptian type Amber Room was found. Note the temple of Adam at the center of Heliopolis former name IWNW is in Egypt. A piece of Egypt literally in Bellingham, not just the way the Cities were laid out. From Rome WA as the disk and the cities around in a wagon wheel from Fairhaven, Marietta, Ferndale, Lynden, Emerson, Peace Valley, Deming, etc around.

FreeMasons Builders of the Temples aka Amber Room

The largest thing which must be paid extreme attention to; Joseph Smith Jr the founder of the Mormon Latter (west side of the day) Day Saints was a FreeMason. B.Y. was also a FreeMason but altered the base to fit his understanding of both FreeMasonry and Mormonism. Which there was no one around to tell him no, he could do freely and without restriction.

The group (tasked since Noah) to build and rebuild copies of the original Amber room, very likely before that regarding Methuselah being by legend the son of Enoch whom was the grandson of Adam; he lived till just a bit before the Flood. The Job of Methuselah was replaced by a close relative of Noah which is where part of the tradition of FreeMasonry is derived.

The plates made by the Divine were kept in the box after Moses destroyed them in order to destroy the image of Jacob aka IsrÆl on their way to Levant. Which he lied again to rename Levant to IsrÆl.

The great temple builders are FreeMason’s. The great temple is are creation/redesign of the tabernacle of Adam.

Freemasonry and Khufu

(Remember the Legend of the Noachite Rite; The three son’s of Adam three hand grips. Which means hand grips are also a part of the Legend of Enoch the Grandson of Adam. )

The Tree Degrees are Plane and obvious draw with a black back ground with light 4 squares. Now the fourth part of the circle is the globe compass of the Rooms inside Khufu. Which the best evidence so far points to the Three Room; Subterranean, queens, and Kings Chamber respectfully  

(The three rooms in the Great Pyramid; associated with the symbolic degrees of FreeMasonry.

Subterranean Chamber  E.A.

Queen’s Chamber:      the Niche is most likely made for a bookshelf; to keep the names entered from the candidates whom have passed various levels of engineering and construction knowledge.

King’s Chamber: the Coffer is not designed for a mummy. In this chamber with a constant not low percentage of humidity a mummy would disintegrate within a short time. The Coffer by evidence would be to place the body of ceremonially first Able, then Noah, then unknown through time the next person take the journey. The three holes in the back portion of the Coffer have a strong connection with a very Likely both the three sons of Noah and the Pillars of Adam. The fourth Pillar or tree of Adam would be the three of construction itself which would be the Grand Gallery itself

(The anchor points to Pull the sled of Noah up the Ramp changed later to a Spiral Staircase. Mirrored in the Sub-Terranian chamber, the ramp between the raised platforms, a crude form of the Grand Gallery, to hoist the body up, pure ceremonially.)

(the hanged Man from the Tarot)

. Which fits perfectly with bit the Nordic Yggdrasil “Tree of Life (The symbols are the same symbols used by Moses to create Hebrew from. With all evidence available those symbols are the same symbols used to write the 10 commandments.) ” and the Kabbala “World Tree ” although in hard evidence reality having Yggdrasil built into Khufu (the rest of the Labeling to be covered in another book specifically relating to the Khufu Pyramid; Ironically that book was mostly written several years ago. The A-F is the poem Footprints; built into the walk of Adam from day one.) makes the Futhark millennia older than the Kabbala. It also makes the Kabbala part of Hebrew Mysticism Moses created to erase the truth from the past. The evidence of the Pillars means Moses and or his descendants knew as a matter of some reality they were editing Quabbala away from truth and into lies and deceit.

Not only are the three degrees built into the Plateau itself, but the Boat of Adam to ferry souls into and out of body is present either by choice Giza was Chosen as a reflection of the boat or the Plateau was carved to resemble a boat. never mind the fact that the entrance to the Kings Chamber is in the NORTH EAST corner of the Room .)


With the circle of the atmosphere around.

(this is not the only Pyramid with ROY G BIV built in. the Bent was constructed with a Rainbow built in as well)The Khufu Pyramid has the ATEN built into its superstructure. A topper



(Those lines in black follow the Causeways extending east. Those causeways also form the character of the ATEN. Inside the Aten is buried the Right angle and orientation of the Pillars in a Masonic Temple This is what the causeways look like from well above the earth’s surface. The Causeways form a perfect global AEten, The Triangle is Jeru Salem , to Mecca, to Heliopolis.)

The same information which was contained on the plates most likely based on the statistical connections between Salt Lake City, Miramont Castle Colorado, Antioch Cathedral, etc. have an undeniable consistency in architecture. Which is exacting down to the millimeter. The information on the plates and the information contained in the arc of the covenant stored at least metaphorically in the alter at the center of every Masonic Temple is statistically the same.

the Aten reversed by Moses.

(Each boat with Pillars, might be a representation in Indo-European language of the Pillars of Adam.) Moses took the main symbol of the Jews which would be the symbol of the ATEN and turned it upside down. Or in another way of looking at it removed the top portion.

Informing the Children of IsrÆl they could only have portions of their original ceremonies and meanings. They had to abide by his rules or face genocide. So they had to edit down to make him happy. One of those ancient ceremonies transformed into the “Pass Over” where the doorway is marked with an amber mark to illustrate whom the inhabitance are allied with. Which transformed again very likely within the Rio Grande river valley use of Luminarias.



The Pillars of Adam; the veritcal sticking from the bull of the boat.



Conquest of North America

England attacked Britain in North America from the east around the east coast.

The Islamic cultures and Spain attacked from the Caribbean, the south, and the west coast.

The British with their Viking army had not lost the ability to cross the ocean. The Vikings were not some mercenary band, the Vikings were a paid and well-disciplined army of the Northumberland family. That family had of course been the family which broke the back of the Roman Empire. The largest and most significant damage to the Roman Empire was the number of generations of the best and brightest whom were killed at Hadrian’s Wall whom were from the richest and most influential families in Rome Proper. If the main families whom run everything start to lose too many in a generation and lose too many strong dominant male heirs generation after generation. The commanders of the military stop being Romans from Rome proper but outsiders who are still alive. Duty at Hadrian’s was essential but was a place most of the high ranking from Rome proper went to. Why because with the highest rate of battle, they could go up to the wall and earn battle credit quickly and return to Rome to be senators. The problem is, this is a great idea. But the hardest facts regarding make the entire situation difficult, because it requires the Ogles on the north side of the wall to not kill and seriously injure the Roman Officers once the battle was lost. The Romans lost almost always. 40 generations of the best and brightest from Rome Proper young men dying will not produce sufficient offspring to return to Rome and teach their children how to run a multi continent empire. The empire collapsed as a result of too many foreigners, and those whom had no idea how to actually run and operate an Empire the size of Rome at its height.

Which lead directly into problems with the cultures which became the descendants of the Roman Empire. Namely the Spanish and the English. Whom never forgot it was the Ogles whom were responsible for the destruction of the Roman Empire.

England when they could managed to attack and keep attacking the east coast of America. Militant Islam attacked the Caribbean and the south, the Spanish attacked southern and Central America, started to create settlements and a foothold on the West coast.

In effect from 1495 forward the monopoly the British culture possessed in North America was under siege from the East, South, South West, and southern West Coast. Eventually leading in mid 1800s the British finally losing all their holdings and being absorbed into the English and other conquerors cultures.

Which explains why the Spanish in the first 100 years were unable to breach the upper reaches of the Rio Grande, the foothold settlements on the Front Range. They were turned away very likely by the British army already present. No arrogant patriarchal nation will admit defeat unless they have to. The only logical reason the heavily armed, heavily fortified, and at numbers conquistadors would have turned away from their search for gold was if they faced an army better with larger numbers. Not an army of natives with bows but an army with equal or better weapons which could literally destroy them and all with them. All of that history would be erased the arrogant have to keep looking strong or they will literally be erased by their enemy. In addition there is an extremely good chance the conquerors called the British and associated allies Indians and Natives.

The Great Awakening movements

The Great Awakening movements are just another example similar to the creation of Protestantism regarding Esau/Hyksos/Dorian/Muslim philosophy infiltrating under a different name and modifying a few non-essential portions of the belief system. John Calvin and Martin Luther were both strongly influenced by an Ottoman army less than 80 miles away. That army had been present in Austria/Germany for centuries. Stockholm and 100th monkey will start to have an effect. Especially upon those who are dissatisfied with the current philosophies and societies they live within.

When Protestantism came to America with the English and with the Dutch Reform, they came to America for what they called “Religious freedom” but it was more. You have to live your life according to my rules or I have the divine right to be as violent against you as I so choose until you either convert or die.

The great awakening movement Joseph Smith disliked with an intense passion. He disliked Protestantism equal as much.

In the area there were legends and rumors regarding the British and their treasures. Those legends had been around for a long time but the protestants paid little attention and when the treasures at their base turned out not to be gold but books and knowledge they became less interested in acquiring and more interested in destroying the legends. Destroying anyone interested in the legends.

In the 1500s the British and Dutch were still the closest of allies along with the Royalist French. Although Libertine French was starting to have a solid movement which would take some 250 years to grow from some interest to enough to topple the Kingdom. Soon after the Vatican re-allowed knowledge and information regarding the application of the continent to the West the race was on to see whom would control the new continent. Would the followers of Emmanuelle, the Catholic Church, the Protestants, militant Islam, or some combination thereof.

Militant Islam continued to work on the Dutch government and society by the tool they use by default which is infiltration through subterfuge. It took a few decades but the Dutch government eventually chose to convert to Protestantism and ally with Islam. Betraying their closest ally the British specifically the Ogles.

The Dutch allied with the Barbary Coast militant Islamic cultures partially to identify and destroy the Jews living within the framework of the native African populations. 99% of the slavers were militant Islamic, 99% of the slaves were African natives living in and around Nigeria. Which is where the Coptic’s from Egypt ended up after escaping from the militant Islamic invasion of Egypt circa 580 c.e from Mohammed’s ordered invasion.

As the Dutch and English continued to convert to Protestantism pockets took more of Esau/Hyksos philosophy of Paul and Mohammed than took on the pure philosophy of Emmanuelle. Those pockets whom chose Paul and Mohammed took on a more aggressive and violent form of the base philosophy. Consequently those pockets started to dominate the less aggressive followers of Emmanuelle which ended up drawing more and more converts to the more violent philosophy of Esau/Mohammed. Where slavery is just a business tool; selling the unworthy which are in effect no different than cattle to the Esau/Mohammed culture. The more the Dutch reform church took hold the more they were convinced that capturing and selling inhuman two legged beasts was no different but infinitely more profitable than capturing and selling the four legged variety.

With full backing by the unbelievably rich Barbary Coast militant Islam and the pockets of militant Islamic cultures still in Europe. The Dutch had plenty of backing in order to buy the ships and cannons needed to violently take over the control of the East India Company (India Company some evidence as to where the “Indians” insult of Britain derives) e.g. the Northumberland trade routes across the north Atlantic. Once those trade routes were mostly controlled by the Dutch, English, etc. the stronger the slave trade took hold.

Islamic plantation owners from Europe started to on mass move from Europe and Africa to the new continent. Where no laws existed to tell them what they were doing was wrong. Mass executing anyone whom told them no. including the British /Ogles whom still had some power and would have some power until the middle of the 1800s. After public sentiment shifted on the east coast away from the plantation system in the late 1700s early 1800s; the plantations owned and operated by Islamics moved immediately to the Mississippi; taking their slaves, money, and culture with them. Selling their plantations in the east to whites whom were more than happy to spend vast resources to enter that culture. Including illegally shipping in slaves using the Caribbean and the Mississippi to bring them in. ignoring the regulations imposed from the east and the American federal government. The Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and the Mississippi were far too extensive in order for the nonexistent American navy and the too small to be effective American military to prevent said actions. Which goes to the heart of the matter regarding why Thomas Jefferson shut down the ports; to prevent any further foothold invasion by militant Islam onto American shores. Also points to why the Calvary patrols on the frontier possessed among other orders a kill on site anyone whom might be tied to Islamic cultures and Jews. They very likely were looking for pockets of Islam cultures to hunt down and kill before they could create too large a foothold, ship in too many Islamic troops, then take over the new continent. Prevention of said based on hiding all the evidence to make sure no one was any the wiser regarding Islam’s foothold in and around St Louis. I wonder if this has any credibility at all; how much of the Mississippi was owned and controlled by militant Islam. But resources. Taking on the Romans and Pictish was one thing, but taking on a culture which had four entire continents to pull troops from is another. India, Africa, the Middle east, and eastern Europe, not to mention the last vestiges of the golden hoard in Russia whom converted to militant Islam centuries before they conquered Russia. Mass land areas to pull troops from. The British Ogles only had northern Europe, Scandinavia, Ireland, Scotland, and occasionally Wales, a few other areas but the sheer numbers tell the tail.

The British Ogles start to lose more and more ground, while the militant Islamic nations grow stronger and stronger every year. Corrupting Protestantism by making the Protestants negotiate for mass slave purchases sometimes for months and years. Renegotiating on a constant basis to make sure the next generation would be sympathetic to the Islamic philosophy and the mountains of gold the plantation owners, ship builders, and seaman could generate by keeping their loyalty to the slave trade.

The founders of the great awakening movements were living in an area which had been saturated for the previous centuries with all the positives involved with business dealings with the Islamic cultures. Slowly the 100th monkey and Stockholm syndrome will have an effect and the home religion of Protestantism which is half catholic and ¼ John Calvin Martin Luther cleaned up militant Islamic starts to shift to more of a 75-95% militant Islamic philosophy. Mostly Islamic in most ways but name and not having to pray five times a day but replaced by other equally nasty religious devotions. The more the founders of the great awakening movements were influenced by the seaman and ship builders who had to have direct and long standing contracts with militant Islam the more the philosophy of Islam like a cancer of hate infiltrated and grew into what became of each wave.

Of course the entire framework behind the Slave Trade was not just profits but entire genocidal eradication of the Jews, Coptic’s, Christians, etc. the militant Islamic invaders of Egypt could not kill in the 500s ce when Mohammed himself ordered the invasion and genocide of the descendants of Jacob. Following the river system those whom would be killed outright for being alive escaped south using the Nile to both its headwaters and other rivers leading west. Followed the river system and west to the coast. Where they lived happily. Hundreds of years later the militant Islamic armies finally conquered the southern Mediterranean around North West Africa and south. Running head long into their long since escaped enemy. Which instantly enraged the generation’s later descendants of those whom partially invaded Egypt to genocide the Jews and Coptic’s. But how to genocide and produce radical amounts of money at the same time. How about this; tell the Vatican militant Islam cultures will back off of their attempting to seize control of Europe if the Vatican will allow information and permit knowledge regarding sailing across the Atlantic to the yet to be called America aka the New Continent. That way the Vatican could once again seize power and control over Europe, remove the pesky Ogle Army from gaining more power. Hurt the British Ogles by attacking their total and complete dominance over their American trade routes. Only the northern cultures knew about the trade routes e.g. western Silk Road because the British Ogles agreed to keep that trade route secret. Than the Vatican could kill two birds with one stone. Win against the Ottomans in Europe, and break the back of the Templars in northern Europe. The Templars were still fine and dandy they were just operating under different names than being called Templars. To eradicate the Jews and Coptic’s in Nigeria; the slave trade seized those cultures and forced them to work as slaves. Erasing all connection and communication with their cultural heritage. Half a millennia later the African American community is still attempting to reassemble their culture. But they are seeking the wrong way to rebuild their culture. They are not looking in the correct directions, they are looking based on books and material written by their enemy to find their culture. A full 20% of the slaves taken were Jewish or Coptic’s living within the native populations of the Niger River and West Africa.

Eventually most of the philosophy of the great awakening movement has adopted most of the base philosophy of militant Islam. All but praying and the name, most of the rest is dead on. Including the basest rule “my philosophy tells me that it is a good thing to violently force someone else to follow my belief system. Until they follow your rules of order there is no end to the escalation of violence; the only thing which stops the violence is either convert or die.”

After slavery became illegal and the British regrouped on the frontier, the Dutch reformers found themselves in the unenviable position of not being welcome on the east coast. So they had to evacuate themselves to the Mississippi, and northwestern portion of the great lakes. SouthWest of the English Canadians whom were tolerable of the Dutch but not close to the French Canadians whom were allied with the British and Royalist French. Which leaves the Dutch former slave trade participants up and down the Mississippi and around Michigan and Minnesota. The population was too high to stay in that area. So they followed the British Ogle trade route from northern Ohio over to Bellingham. Sending word to their allies in the Deep South to follow the southern British Ogle Trade route west along the Cumberland pass. Both ending up first on the Front Range and then on the west coast. Running into both problems and allies with the Spanish and militant Islamic armies along the way.

Joseph Smith was at the core of his being disgusted by these items. So much so that he was absolutely appalled to the base of his soul. But Brigham based on his behavior patterns in the years before Smiths murder and what he did from the point he violently took over as leader of the church to his final breath was almost spot on violent Islamic philosophy minus the praying five times a day and the name. But Esau/Hyksos/etc. name change constantly to throw off the title of whom they truly are. Brigham had a lot more allies and support from the great awakening movements and the vestiges of the Dutch reformers still in the area than Joseph had. Sometimes democracy is a bad thing, if the majority are operating from an evil point of view. Adolf was elected in Austria.


To worship in that cult requires becoming the IDOL they hate . They have to become the ATEN to worship. If that is not evil I have no idea what the definition is. In Islam 0 idol worship is permitted! Minus the fact that they have to become an IDOL to worship.

Mohammed was an Esau line descendant whom was not chosen to be Pharaoh. Jacob was chosen to be Pharaoh; which is a title stolen from IsrÆl. It means in brief the leader of the tabernacle of Adam. Which is also the definition of “Holy Father” Pope Papacy is a Latinized version of Pharaoh. Jacobs’s line was chosen not Esau’s. The more violence Esau's descendants use to take over the Great House of the divine the less they are praised and the worse they as a culture have.

Since Mohammed aligned with Esau’s descendants he took on Esau’s curse; in other words he took on the curse of the Hexenbeast. Which directly connects Mohammed and his descendants with Maleficent. And some type of extremely deeply hidden Islamic feminine mysticism; from which it is extremely likely if she lived and escaped the attacks Fatimah took up at some point and worked from that stand point. Which would explain why it is a sin to the highest level to have pictures or representations of that person

Possibly what Islamic scholars are afraid an image of Mohamed might turn into.

Fictionalized and theoretical image taken from the TV show Grimm as to what based on a cross comparison of the statistics Fatimah might look like. Her granddaughter was reportedly to resemble a Caucasian person, having no resemblance of any of the rest of her family e.g. dark Arabic complexion. Half-life half dead humanoids, whom look wonderful when not in their true half rotted form.); for fear that even in death that if this collection of mysteries, legends, mythos, stories, unexplainable behaviors, battles which occurred but no real reason for them to have occurred, etc. maybe deep down the subconsciously Islamic scholars are afraid that his cursed markings of being a hexenbeast will not only show on his remains but might show on his likeness. Similar to the curse put upon Caine.

Did Caine use the Blade of Adam to kill his brother with. If so that the same exact behavior pattern from Caine, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, forward through the crucifixion to present the same thing occurs after x blade is used. If used for evil the holder of that blade curses themselves to a dark and lost path. If used correctly and for a holy purpose the blade does not curse the holder but that which it is used against. If correct Joseph needed to have no fear, neither did Jesus. The Philistines present, that is an entirely different story all together.

The Iberian Peninsula had been ruled as a Militant Islamic stronghold for most of the previous millennia before 1470 c.e. From roughly 650 to 1450 militant Islam had the most profound and tyrannical control over most if not all of the Iberian peninsula. Which cascaded directly into when the Spanish movement did manage to seize back power and control over Spain most of their behavior patterns were still Militant Islamic philosophy. They called themselves Catholic and Christian but as the evidence of the Spanish inquisition clearly states “I have to torture you to death for telling me no, refusing to live your life exactly how I told you to, and making me think you might have had a thought that I do not like.” Which is directly out of the behavior patterns of militant Islam, which itself is directly from the behavior patterns of Esau/Terah and their conquest of the city of Mecca and the Eridu ziggurat respectively. To genocide and destroy anything which might tell them no, or they are wrong.

Consequently, the diplomatic ties between the Spanish and Militant Islam are well beyond strong. The Eastern Seaboard of America was well beyond unacceptable regarding approaching; the British and the ogle navies were simply too strong to even assume it would be anything other than a death trap. But if the front door has a cannon the back door not only will not have a cannon the backdoor is usually undefended almost exclusively. So the Spanish and Islamic battle strategies for seizing control over North America is to sail around the Horn and attack the British and the Ogles from the West Coast. Sail up through the Caribbean, establishing strong bases in southern and Central America. Building up forces and defenses; which would allow the Spanish to invade North America from a foothold to the south west. The Mississippi and RioGrande were closed because the Aztecs were still semi-in the area and equal levels of vicious as the inquisition/conquistadors.

These strategies only worked to secure the foothold, the British were attacked from the southwest and east by the English, Dutch, Italians, etc. Not to mention the full battles raging in central and Eastern Europe the British specifically the ogles were fighting in those areas.

Attacking the British Ogles from the West and North West would seem to be just about the only way to actually go about conquering them.

Establishing fortifications and trade routes in LA, San Francisco, working their way north. The British had already established Castles and Trade Routes across North America using both the Sacramento River and Columbia River as transportation HI ways. Which forced the British Ogles and their most precious of treasures to be pushed far far north. To Seattle and farther north to Bellingham.

Where Joseph Smith knew of the protestant/Islamic armies he was about to have to face on the west coast or not, he knew he already had infiltrators in his church. He knew he could not take his band of followers to the most sacred and holiest of places. Little Egypt was intended to be the center point, but the 1750 war had eradicated most of the defenses forcing what was left. Forcing the survivors farther west and north.

Three hundred years of constant war and battles across North America had taken its toll on the British.

Second empire in the new world; little Egypt

The seven years’ war lasted from 1754–1763. Some of the battlefields were in little Egypt from Memphis Tennessee, Middle and Southern Illinois, Middle and Southern Missouri, etc.

The war which raged in Little Egypt stretched far before 1754 and did not end till the middle 1800s. conflicts were still raging long after the American government threw off the shackles of the English government and started to impose their own version of rules and regulations.

What does this have anything possibly to do with the applications of Mormonism. That answer is beyond simple.

Fact the Cache of Plates from Palmyra could have easily been placed there by the Northumberland family from Northumberland Britain. Some of the plates which arrived from Northumberland easily could have spent time in Constantinople. Before they were in Constantinople they were in Ogle Castle 5 miles north of Hadrian’s wall. Before that they bounced around back and forth between Northumberland and Egypt.

The Americans in Little Egypt were beyond disgusted with anyone whom told them no. Large plantation owners in the late 1600 and early 1700s from the Barbary coast had already moved into the area of little Egypt which the British and their Royalist French allies had been fighting against them for decades before the English had a clue those battles were occurring. The English did not have the ability to sail to Little Egypt the only way they knew about the battles is when the British and or Libertine French whom were strongly allied with the militant Islamic slave trades of northern Africa and Spain (or at least were in Spain previous to 1485) told them. Which angered the English to a large amount. They could not take part in battles, win glory, sieze control of riches if they did not have the technology to get to the area to fight.

Finally the English became informed with the fighting and engaged with two armies which were by then exhausted. Decades of fighting leaves both sides very tired. But the English circa the early 1700s were not only fresh but came armed for a full scale war. Which the British colonies were more than a little tired of the battles raging behind them and did not like supporting the English empire on their soil. Since the English took from anyone they felt like in order to support their army. They possessed the necessaries in order to force the hand of anywhere they occupied; so have a bayonet will travel. Attack the homeland, place the women and children under violent threats and everyone complies with the demands.

Taking additional decades and costing the English more than it wanted to, the English came off the battles broke. And wanted those loyal to the English crown to pay for it all. Which the English crown loyal citizens were saying “sure we will be happy to pay for the war, we say this. Let us make hand over fist money on the proceeds from the war and you can tax the proceeds of the war after we make the money upfront.” The English told them “sorry we want our money now, not in 10 years or the proceeds of those taxes. Now or else”. The “English colonist said; or else what” starting of the revolutionary war.

Meanwhile in little Egypt. The remaining militant Islamic cultures and British were still fighting but farther and farther west. Outside the preview of the English where were stuck in the colonies forcing the colonies to pay for it all.

1770-1780; Joseph Smith is born and is working in the North East but facing difficult and treacherous climate being a spiritualist, which is legal in the British culture but partially illegal to the English. The Royalist French encourage but the libertine French want to put all those whom question the authority of the cause of libertine to the sword or the guillotine. Live life according to our rules or we kill you.

1806 Joseph Smith has a son Joseph Smith Jr. whom demonstrates from an early age spiritual talents. Which his father puts him to work instantly to produce income for the family. In a variety of spiritualists and psychic work.

The wars raging in little Egypt have not only not stopped they have noticed. Generations of the winners are itching to have their own battles, their own glory, their own riches, their own defeated enemy they can torture to death, etc. as the British escape from the American revolution and eventually the war of 1812; they run west into those still itching for a fight in little Egypt. Which does partially extend to Ohio.

The headless Horseman

The headless horseman was supposedly killed or his head cut off by a sword in battle. He was supposedly German Mercenary who was specifically brutal to those loyal to the English Crown. But if you combine this legend with the British and the blade of Enoch. If the headless horseman did have his head chopped off by that blade; the undead and half-life he was left with goes along with the rest of the legend of Sleepy Hollow. Making the Headless Horseman in effect a “HexenBeast”; a pure terrifying undead, rotting, but still walking about undead. With at least some ability to quest.

The question becomes what was he questing for. The return of his head is one thing, but if he was questing in death for the head and the blade to undo the curse. Than that goes a very long way in understanding the curse/hex on Esau and their entire descended line. They are on a soul level drawn to find the blade to lift the curse/hex upon them. But after so many millennia; few if have or can make the connection between the blade and the curse. This connection might be why Terah and Esau/Hyksos/Dorian/etc. are always attacking without mercy those who they feel possess the tools which can lift the curse. The curse of course is part of the framework regarding the blade. But there is more to it than that.

Tower of Babel

When Terah ordered his army to attack and raze the Eridu Ziggurate; they did so in order to destroy the closes educational facility e.g. university. Destroy a university and educational diversity will begin to take over. Little tyrants will start to take what little they know and forced doctrine onto their students. Refusing outright to be questioned by anyone, at any time, about anything, etc.

Could Terah have ordered his army to attack the Eridu Ziggurate to not only claim possession of those tools, but also to seize back a blade they might have possessed with could life the curse on their entire family line. They by architectural standards obviously seized control over the Plates, since their technology automatically increased by a geometric volume. What they did not manage to seize back was the Blade or a copy of the Blade. The question becomes; at what point was the blade or a copy of the blade presented to Jacob. Was Terah, Abraham, and Isaacs not holy enough or on a soul level too dark to permit their interaction with the Blade. But Joseph was holy enough to hold the Blade. Which based on this collection of facts, linguistics, legends, myths, etc. could be why Esau redoubled his efforts and drove him entirely psychopathic. Allowing nothing between himself and possessing that blade. Which if this long string of statistical variables is correct would have allowed Esau to lift the curse upon him. Unfortunately for Terah, Esau/etc. down the line of cultural changes. Lifting the curse does not work the way they think it does. The few times they have possessed the blade or a copy thereof what they do with the blade only increases the curse not lifts it. If something is dark and nasty; the only thing which can be brought by the use of holy by the hands of dark and nasty is holy into more holy but further dark and nasty to the holder of the holy.

The attack on the Tower of Babel by Terah and his army was meant to destroy the centralization of collective information which is how a university system operates. That way teachers whom really have no idea what they are teaching about can have a tyrannical control over their class and students without anyone questioning their authority.

In addition the Plate of Destiny which by legend were held in the Tower of Babel e.g. the Eridu Zigurate for some reason Tereh, Esau, etc. feel the information on those plates’ questions the power and authority of the divine itself. They feel like the determination of destiny every atom of that knowledge is under the preview of god and not even a synapse fire of that information should be known by any person what so ever. In a large effect the entire history of western culture has been based on tracking those whom possess said knowledge and the battles/wars, and genocide to find and erase them. Almost every major battle and war have been perpetrated to find and erase any trace of information from those plates. The problem is; no matter how much those plates are erased, and turned into mythology. The information and code of those plates are in bedded into the DNA of those charged with the holding of and protecting the plates.

Joseph Smith Jr.

1827 Joseph Smith Jr with his plates and his translations and his discordancy from English cultural traditions not only infuriates the locals; the English still ready for a fight having freshly lost 1812 only 10 to 15 years before want revenge. For losing two wars back to back with the same colonist, who ironically betrayed both the British whom set up the colonies in the first place and the English whom seized control over them decades later. Attacking and conquering the British seems like a good idea.

Enter Joseph Smith with information straight out of the Northumberland libraries. Not only the libraries of King Solomon but spiritualist talents and jobs. There is literally nothing in the world which angers the English more than finding out there is another wave of loyal British attempting to make a new power play. the Mormons are reacted to as if they are literally the devil.

Not because Joseph Smith, the Plates, or the fact that the information on the plates is straight from information the British Ogles obtained from the Jewish capital city of King Solomon. The anti-Semitic reactions of the 1800s places anyone even close to mentioning anything positive about a Jew was a capital crime.

Not on that but in the original colonies killing a Jew or a Jewish community was not a crime. It was mildly a crime in the colonies outside it was not work a drop of printer ink.

Joseph smith arrives in Illinois from a not a few decades ago less than half a century ago British Ogle family stronghold. The 500 miles radius of Tiffin Ohio was Ogle territory. The Ogles were formerly an extremely powerful family whom lived in the area for the previous couple centuries. Their base of operations before it was the Maples in Tiffin was Ogle Castle Northumberland. Which is five miles north of Hadrian’s Wall. Those lands and castle were given back to the Ogles from William the conqueror after they won and Hastings 1066. The ogles used to be one of the strongest families in all of western culture.

When the English and Islamic allies heard Joseph Smith Jr was coming from Ogle territory in northern Ohio they reacted about as badly as they could have. They could not murder him and his followers immediately but they could whittle away at their power base and steel from them as they passed from Ohio on their way to complete the ATEN Joseph perceived on the plates.

What is my evidence of this so called Ogle and Joseph Smith close connection. The Ogles were the rulers of the lands where FreeMasonry was rediscovered shortly after the Ogles started to come back from the Crusades with the libraries they found under the temple mound. Evidence the ogles in Northumberland had one of the most impressive libraries with languages stretching back to Sumerian. Their scholars started to become experts in medical procedures from ancient Egypt. Being able to read openly from ancient dead languages. Teaching what was contained within. Fortunately the ogles had their Templar knights to hold the inquisition back; reading was illegal and a capital crime. Minus the armies which could defeat the inquisitions army. If the Vatican would die killing those whom knew how to read, they were allowed to continue teaching their citizens how to read.

A if I try and kill you for reading you will kill me first; then I grant permission for you to read. If you cannot defeat them allow them.

That army was not present in little Egypt for Joseph Smith jr. he had to literally take on enemies of the ogles which had been wanting to kill the ogles for almost a full millennia.


The waves of actions which forced those still loyal to Emmanuelle’s line to the truth and rightful path Jesus and then Simon Peter set out his disciples to spread the word. But also to reclaim areas which Adam had created Amber Rooms inside Tabernacles. He sent out his apostles to set up new churches in the areas Adam and then Amenhotep IV did.

Immediately after the exodus circa 1330 b.c.e the Hyksos rose up and seized back the throne. As they did they sent out armies in which to both recapture the areas they once had during the Hyksos time of the 17th dynasty as well as to track down Amenhotep IV’s kids and kill them all.

Forcing his descendants to flee farther and farther away. Which war after war after war included crossing the Atlantic Ocean to set up shop on the eastern sea board.

Which it took a few centuries but by the time the next wave of find and destroy all whom are connected to the children of IsrÆl’s descendants were located in Boston and Manhattan. It became time to move west again. This time leaving little clues and maps regarding where they were going.

Joseph Smith found one such plate with the map to the next journey location which happened to be in the area known as Little Egypt. But by the time the British and their allies arrived in Little Egypt they did not have time to set up proper defenses. So they had to stay and fight long enough for the scholars to make a strategic retreat farther west.

That strategic retreat farther west allowed for some time around Missouri, Illinois, Nebraska, Kansas, etc to literally split the scholars and treasures into several portions or limbs e.g. ATEN limbs aka the name of Jacob. One to head across the mountains, one to settle behind the garden of the gods in Manitou Springs Colorado and Santa Fe New Mexico. But escape was needed because they were facing hard target genocide if they remained in the areas they were.


Third empire Manitou Colorado



The plates of in the hands if Akhenaten (the plates in the hands of Akhenaten Amenhotep IV. The snake head coming from the Plates is indeed interesting, it is the symbol for Wedjet , who can be most closely associated with Eve.)


The Aten symbol built into the both the Monolith of Narmer circa 3200 b.c.e. And part of the Minora . As a place where the old knowledge comes back to a center point.

Minerva Minora and Athena Aten; more than a few similarities between the them.

These locations discussed show the hard evidence of an ebb and flow regarding the waves of society. Some want a separation some want a collection. Some cultures have no idea how to deal with large, compressed, combined, and a monstrous unit. Historically speaking the Esau/Hyksos cultures one of their cultures soul motivations is to divide and conquer that which is a whole thing. Since the individual parts are more valuable divided up and separated out; then the whole thing as a collective unit. So the Hyksos Dorians have the cultural behavior pattern of dividing up things into manageable bite size pieces.

The evidence for this odd and unusual assumption is the facts regarding Fr Frances Francolon who was an Avignon trained priest. He was born in France to a ranking diplomat.

Francolon after this primary theological training was posted in a mission in Santa Fe New Mexico. Which is important since it had been considered for millennia as a key location not only for its healing energy but because it was an extremely easily defendable position in order to protect the treasures.

The area has already been scouted courtesy of a contingent of Jews whom had lived in the area since the late 1400s. Which coincides directly with the facts regarding the 30 plus conversos whom were left in the America’s with the scuttled Santa Maria ship at La Nivaida. If these Jews and conversos did land in the headwaters of the Rio Grande, they would have created maps letting the British Ogles know where to go, if they did not already have maps of the area. The trade routes there is plenty of evidence both ways to show the trade routes. The Jews either knew where they were going to the Rio Grande into an already established area on the Front Range or they helped create a foothold in the area, for the British to follow in the months and years that followed. Either way the evidence is solid. Also provides hard evidence regarding the origin of the Luminaries as an ancient symbolic ceremonial representation of the Pillars of Adam at IWNW aka Heliopolis (Jeru Salem ) conquest and destruction of the temple which took place by theory around the time of mid-winter or Yule. Which ties into both the Christmas tree e.g. Pillar of a Dolman as well as the Yule Log; burning of the Yule Log a in basic “Remember the Alamo”, “Remember the Maine”, “Remember 9-11”, etc.

We also know as a matter of very hard fact that Socorro a few hundred miles south of Santa Fe New Mexico is also place which contained at least one megalithic structure if not an entire complex.

Catholic Churches in the most arrogant way possible decided to repeat the patterns they had done a million times in Europe. By seeking out megalithic structures and kiva’s the head architect would place the center of the main alter of the Mission directly over the center of the megalithic or kiva alter. The center of the circle and the center of the alter of the stone circle would be the center of the mission, abbey, cathedral.

One of those megalithic structures is Old San Miguel Mission. A new one was placed over another megalith a few years later. But Old San Miguel Mission is by fact in the area of the Current Mormon Temple in Socorro New Mexico.

Plenty of evidence to know the Rio Grande river area had been used for a considerable amount of time as a refugee area for Jews and those escaping the ravages of genocidal Europe.

Fr Francolon while spending time training after seminary in Santa Fe New Mexico, paid attention to the Natives and listened to their stories of the centuries past information. He learned that Whites had been in the area since Columbus, had created settlements in the area. Some had moved north to live behind the Elevated Rocks which lay in front of Pikes Peak .

When he traveled up to Manitou Springs Colorado in order to start his own mission. He had with him vast quantities of research, including architectural maps of most of the key monotheistic sites of western culture. The Vatican, Jeru Salem , Mound of Olives. As well as legends of the Pillars of Adam, the Amber Room, the Masonic Staircase of the three story Tabernacle which under Zerubbabel was laid on its back, Antioch, etc.


1 11

 the one count




 Isis Community



    Fehu the first Ætt. 








Priority start






Strength EA






Location FC






Sound MM






Physical Journey Hearing






Flame Light Seeing






Partnership Touching






Emotional connection and AEtt Smelling



   Haggalaz second Ætt 



Ra individual





Past Tasting






Present Grammar






Future Rhetoric






Time Arithmetic; Jerusalem






Fertility Geometry

















Sun Light



  Tiwaz   third Ætt 




El the Isis and Ra working together to create El.






























String Theory, Electro-Magnetics






Small Details














Socorro New Mexico

The conversos Christopher Columbus (means converted over Jew to Catholicism) backed by several powerful royal families or he would have been outright killed, was under immediate death sentence if he would have done anything the priests onboard did not like. The soldiers on board had clear orders, execute Columbus at once if he does anything which might look like he is going against what the Vatican’s interests are. Talk about a horrific position.

The Santa Maria ship by legend was built in what at that time was still Northumberland. Also by legend part of the voyage was paid for by the Ogle family. There is a pub in between the north eastern boarder of Wales e.g. Liverpool and the current area of Northumberland. That pub claims to have timbers as its structure which that same tree timbers went into the construction of the Santa Maria.

As Columbus was about to sail back, all involved wanted a Foothold in America, although it was not called America for several years. Named by Amerigo Vespucci, after himself who sailed over, but according to ships logs never stepped foot off the ship onto his namesake. Sailed over, saw the lands, named it, and sailed home.

At the future La Navidad in a storm the Santa Maria was beached, irretrievably beached. Columbus ordered the ship stripped of its salvageable parts and used to construct a small village close to the beach. The Jews and conversos minus Columbus were ordered off the ship and told to build a community in that area. The date was December 25 1492.

When Columbus sailed back on his second voyage, he sailed to La Navidad to check on the progress. Not only did he not see the bones of the Santa Maria but there was no village left, and only a few bodies of the more than 30 men he left behind. Almost as if those left behind had either built themselves another ship or had found a way to recover the abandoned Santa Maria, refloated it, reassembled it, and sailed away outside the reach of the returning Spanish Inquisition.

The question would become where did they go.

They could have simply sailed north west and hit Florida, sailed around Florida to the Mississippi, sailed past the Mississippi to the Rio Grande, found out simply by asking the natives. If you show up nicely the natives are more likely to talk to you, if you show up nasty and demanding gold or violence the natives will not react to you well. From the natives point of view; the enemy of my enemy are they my friend or my enemy. Athough several of the tribes in the America’s perfered Tuttle Island. Which is interesting since a Tutle on its back has the ATEN built in.

Showing up on the coast talking with the locals finding out the local maps. Adding those maps to your maps.

Find the Rio Grande knowing that the Mississippi was not far enough away to set up a solid defensible position. It would take the Vatican, England, Militant Islam etc. centuries to reach the Mississippi, a few decades to a hundred years longer to reach the Rio Grande in any sustainable force. Sure there were a dozen or more expeditions to find El Dorado Cibola with huge numbers of troops each. But a small expeditionary force is different than a foothold. Each explorer were forced to literally turn back after x amount of time. Two and a half centuries from 1493 to build defenses sound better than taking 100 years off that. Build a larger and more elaborate defense structure.

Which could also be a reason why the Aztecs traveled back to Mexico. They were warned a stronger and more violent (yes in truth the Spanish are vastly more violent than the Aztecs, although both cultures performed violent human sacrifice. Evidence how many people the Spanish Inquisition tortured to death . To kill for religious purposes no matter what the packaging is still the religion requires human sacrifice to function.) Army was on its way. The Aztecs did exactly the same thing that the Jews from La Navidad did, pushed as far away from the invaders to build one as large a population as they could and two to build as large a defensive structures as possible. Which explains where the Santa Maria went to, where the Jews and conversos went, why the Aztecs suddenly chose to evacuate the Mississippi area and head back home, it also explains why the Aztecs were expecting Cortez and Coronado.

If this theory is correct it is a much better explanation than the current political spin regarding the ship was lost, the Jews left behind were killed (only 8 bodies out of 30+), why the Aztecs suddenly in the 1400s ce evacuated the Mississippi, it also explains why near the headwaters of the Rio Grande the natives there in their DNA have traces of Jewish blood tracking to the late 1400s, it also explains why there is a megalithic infrastructure up the Rio Grande, etc.

If the Jews on board the refloated and sailing again Santa Maria did travel up the Rio Grande, they would have had to by default sailed Past Socorro. Less than a mile inland they would have seen the megaliths which would be where the current LDS church and the Current San Miguel mission are.

Which means the Jews and Northumberland family could have used the ship to transport Jews and treasures across the ocean from ports of call in southern England and the Mediterranean. Since that ship had permission to perform said actions. Shipping lots of people and supplies across the ocean. Three trips a year with a fleet of ships. The only thing needed would be to change the name of the ship since the documentation once they possessed it could be easily forged into 1000 different documents. Each one sending people and supplies up the Rio Grande.

What does this have anything to do with Joseph Smith? If the Plates talked about the Rio Grande, he would have had to hide those details from the Great Awakening followers so the Jewish communities which stretch up the Rio Grande up the front range and up behind the Red Pillars of Adam Rocks of “The Garden of the Gods” would be spared from encountering a murderous group of pretend Mormons whom were actually following the Great Awakening philosophy. Not knowing the difference.

The difference is subtle but on the base vastly different.

What does this have anything to do with Socorro and Mormonism? There could have been a Jewish and Mormon presence in New Mexico which were not affiliated with B.Y. at all. Which in the early days B.Y. was in charge his reaction regarding his authority was met with violent opposition. Joseph Smith III was almost killed on several occasions for his and B.Y.’s differences in trying to follow his father’s guidance regarding his son taking over the church. B.Y. exactly like Abu Bakr would have nothing to do with someone else taking command of the church and associated army. If violence was the only answer B.Y. was more than willing to take up arms and kill anyone who got in his way. Does this remind anyone of the base philosophy of Esau/Hyksos/Islam; kill all whom oppose them. John Calvin and Martin Luther were only 80 ish miles away from a Radical Militant Islamic army which had been in the area for more than several hundred years. The siege of Vienna (1400 – 1700s ce) was a long and drawn out battle. Which the Islamic army lost but they had been around Vienna for centuries before they withdrew. But the Islamic Empire had been in the area since well before the 1400s; they battled Vlad III and his father Vlad II. They did not withdraw from Europe. They only retreated to pockets. The Bosnian War has been in small ways been battling Christians versus Islam from 580 to present. Major war crimes and atrocities were committed shortly after the Communist party lost the ability to keep the militant Islamic armies from killing all their enemies.

It is very likely once Joseph Smith Jr arrived in the area of Little Egypt. He knew he had to steer the nasty people in his church away from the truly sacred stuff. The settlements in New Mexico, Colorado, and on the West Coast had to be protected. He did not want to lead those dark (philosophy and soul not skin color) people in his organization to the holiest of holies. Anything they corrupted would be literally his fault.

His sacrifice was in a way purposeful. To keep the most precious secrets safe.

Evidence of said “Pima and native O’odham, who were present in time for the Spanish.” O’odham is very close to the word Ogham. Which Ogham has been found in the desert south west as early as 57 c.e.

Manitou Springs Colorado

Fr. Francolon after leaving Santa Fe chose to travel north to Manitou and establish his own Mission. He had more than sufficient money to pay for it, he possessed more than sufficient training in order to run a Mission. What he did not count on was the facts regarding the great awakening movement which General Palmer and his friends were part of had already come out to Colorado and were creating a Religious Sanctuary in their newly founded city of Colorado Springs. Which was built just a few miles away from Old Colorado city.

Manitou had been a religious sanctuary for both the natives as well as non-fundamental Great Awakening movement cultures for centuries. But within the framework of the old ways which Fr Francolon wanted to create a miniature version of the Vatican in Manitou. He wanted to build a series of religious buildings and sanctuaries for Catholics and the Irish to find a safe haven. The problem is, the fanatical religious whom are taught by the great awakening movements that violence is acceptable to all whom oppose them, had an incredible problem with the building of a massive Cathedral in Colorado let alone a full mission.

Fr Francolon did his best to compromise but in the end he ended up building what he could but was run out of town within 18 months of Tesla being run out of town as well. The religious in the area simply hated the idea of both Tesla and Fr Francolon. Some in the area were convinced that the Vatican was evil and the Avignon Papacy was steps beyond evil. Of course the Avignon papacy from which Fr Francolon had direct and long standing connections with. Not only was he born close but his father’s diplomatic connections made it virtually impossible for Francolon not to have had serious influence from the remaining Avignon papacy.

This is important when Fr Francolon chose to sit down and design his castle. He did so with gathered evidence from around the world. He had studied and amassed a tremendous amount of research regarding the architecture of the earliest Monotheistic buildings.

The Vatican itself was based on earlier designs.

The Mission at Antioch

Jeru Salem (six areas of architecture around the mound of Olives, with the area Jesus Preached being symbolically Memphis. The Six areas of Pyramids between Sakkara and Giza on the West side of the Nile the Seventh being Memphis. Miramont Castle having Six areas or roof separations with the church with plans to expand the church to be a full Cathedral in the position of Memphis.)

The temple of Zerubbabel

The temple of Solomon

Hagia Sophia

The temple of Heliopolis

The temple of IWNW

The temple of Memphis aka Luz aka Genesis 28 19and he called the name of that place Bethel: but the name of that city was called Luz at the first.”

Was as in used to be called that before the name was changed to Honor Abraham aka Mem. Mem’s City aka Pharaohs Mem, which is also the name of the southern pyramid on the Giza Plateau. Memcaura; which is also the smallest of the great pyramids of Giza.

There is direct and hard evidence within the architecture of Miramont Castle regarding key architectural elements were incorporated into the base design.

The three primary floors match the three floors of Adam’s tabernacle. Which itself was designed to be as above so below copy of the tabernacle he worked within which was built around the four trees of creation. Genesis 2 9 is Sumerian regarding four trees not one tree. The four trees were used by Adam to name the items.

The pillars on top of the castle


 were not arrow slots for defense but pillars used to represent the IWNW of the first temple Adam by legend built in what would become Heliopolis after the conquest of 3500 when Adams temple was destroyed. Which very possible led to the formulation of the ceremony of the Yule Log.

The configuration of the Mission above and behind his castle

(the chapel in the Miramont Castle is directly below the Pillars on the Roof) (A hidden Megalith e.g. Stonehenge remodeled by Fr Francolon to both incorporate the megalith and to hide it from the Great Awakening whom would gladly destroy it assuming it was evil. Which is thinking similar to since god made and permitted the devil than since god made evil god needs to be destroyed to. Destroy the origin of all evil which includes god.) Would be designed to reflect the Garden of Eden as well as the temple of IWNW


The number of more statistical comparable to the listed architecture of early monotheism and Miramont castle goes well beyond what has been discussed to this point.




Miramont Castle

Architecture explained


T R Robert Shawn Welling

2013 December 21

Miramont Castle

Description of the Castle

The Castle

The man who built Miramont castle was the son of a diplomat. As a youth Jean Baptiste Francolon traveled the world with his parents. Jean Baptiste Francolon became a priest as an adult. Hence the name Castle. No structure can be called a Castle without being sanctified by a catholic priest in residence. If the designer and owner is that priest, all the more regarding the title for the building being that of a castle.

Miramont Architecture

The castle has a unique layout. Which is a representation of the Simon Peter Cathedral in Antioch?


Ground floor is all but absent of Victorian style decoration. One must also remember that the Montcalme Sanitarium; so add at least two stories over the castle roof and just beyond. Hence the architecture reflects

The floor above the ground floor is the heavily decorated in the Victorian era designs.

The floor above that is the ball room.

The ball room connects by tunnel to a now destroyed cathedral. The basement of the ruined cathedral is the top floor of the castle. Creating a very interesting angled connection between the chapels created to the far left side of the building.


With respect; finding a passage in Sumerian which indicated that the divine did not want to be labeled with any specific name and no formal acknowledgment. So I honor that passage from early Israelite texts and do not capitalize the word god. That same sentiment was carried forward from Sumerian circa 3200 b.c.e to Jesus “father” and other similar non capitalized and non-specific but just a convenient group of letters can be found in each of the major translations. If the divine does not want to be named/capitalized/etc. who am I to argue.

Turn of the 20th Century

When a century turns it is standard practice to have various religious revivalist movements occur. The turn of the 1900 was no different. A standard procedure is for the religious movements is to almost constantly change their name from the previous to a new name for a new generation. Unfortunately those religious revivalist movements usually in each form present themselves as varying degrees of violence when their message of their specific dogma is not accepted by all around them. Name changing each generation allows for the similar acts of violence to be carried out without the histrionics guilt of the similar actions being done by the previous named religious revivalist group. Being able to get away with a tremendous amounts of violence and intimidation because it takes a while for the cultures they affect to figure out z religious group is just the same as y, same as x which came in progressive stages before.

Great Awakening Movements

America has experienced more than a few religious revivalist movements; stemming from the Teachings of John Calvin and others in Germany. Which is a profound problem dogmatically since the areas John Calvin, Martin Luther, etc. were teaching about had strong Islamic influences. Martin Luther and John Calvin grew up and learned in areas which had active and strong Militant Islamic armies less than 100 miles away. Those militant armies had been present for by then almost a full Millennia. It does not take more than 100 years by simple word of mouth to spread a word among citizens regarding the entire concept behind an idea. Ideas and Rumors spread far and wide very quickly. Close to 1000 years and it is a solid bad that the Protestantism movements had a heavy thumb of influences from the teachings of Militant Islam.

The Triangle Trade

The next problem on the list of the Great Awakening Movements is their connection to the Triangle Trade which is a direct and hard connection to the Slave Trade.

The Triangle Trade almost every aspect of the Africa Leg of the Triangle Trade Route was operated by Militant Islamic cultures. Many cultures all trying to conquer and one up each other militarily and dogmatically.

99% of the slaves were non-Muslims while 99% of the African leg of the Triangle Trade were in fact Military Muslims. Which is a direct and hard evidence connection between Miramont Castle and the Triangle Trade since descendants of the Plantation owners were the ones primarily responsible for not supporting either Tesla or Fr. Francolon. Since what each man was attempting to do was against the basic behavior patterns of Militant Islam.

Triangle Trade and the Plantation System

The Plantation system required a profound amount of contact between Militant Islam and the Plantation owners. Especially if the Plantation owners wanted not only the best deals but wanted to ensure a plenty supply of new slaves from Africa. The slave markets and slave auctions were too small in order to product the numbers each plantation needed per year. Some of the larger plantation systems needed hundreds of new slaves per year in order to maintain high production levels. Some Plantations thought nothing of working their slaves so hard the slave was used up inside of just few years. 14 hour days for several years six days a week without any type of physical therapy and or proper medical care and the body will not be able to continue producing at that level. The last half century of sports prove that beyond a doubt.

It is likely some of the Slave auctions were not actually from Africa but purchased from the larger plantations. The slave would be worked for his several years of extreme labor; his body shot by three to five years. Then the plantation owner would simply sell him to an auctioneer to the next level down plantation. Which would account for why the most inexpensive slaves they would not work hard; their bodies were already shot due to the first possibly second and or third plantation they worked.

When Slavery was declared Illegal and the plantation systems owners were forced to leave their plantations to the government under the treason acts. Take up arms against your country and your country will seize your property.

The plantation owners simply took their remaining fortunes and headed west. Straight into the planes states and the front range. Making Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, etc. the new homes for those that owned and operated for generations upon generation’s large plantation systems.

Former Plantation Owners and the Front Range

The former plantation owners heading west would not be able to drop their dogmatic influences from Islam. More than a few communities founded by and or re-founded by the ex-plantation system owners took up residence in Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, etc. but would not be able to undo their centuries in the making Militant Islamic based philosophy. Interact with a culture long enough and their behavior patterns will start to rub off onto you. Psychologically speaking this is called “The 100th monkey syndrome”. Where in a group, eventually the entire culture will take on the strongest persons behavior patterns.

Islam and the Great Awakening Movements

Not only did the plantation system have direct and century’s long influence with militant Islam but so did the ship builders of the north east. The ship builders in and around the areas where the ships of the Triangle Trade were constructed is where the Great Awakening movements started in the first place.

To have business deals, the ship captains to purchase the slaves would have to negotiate with those that possessed the slaves to begin with. Sometimes negotiations would take years, where the captain and crew would have to spend years in Militant controlled West Africa in order to complete a deal.

All those years of influence just like the plantation systems would rub off and corrupt those which their philosophy and dogma was closer to that of the way of Jesus could start to see the benefits of some aspects of Islam. The Savior portion being very close to that of Jesus; so in their subconscious Jesus is replaced by Mohammed. Mohammed being close to and a similar concept. But from Esau’s philosophical line rather than Jacobs philosophical line.

Islam in Manitou Springs Colorado

The communities which collided in Manitou would be the open and free communities which were not allied with Islam and those groups which were extremely strongly influenced by at least three separate sources of Militant Islam. All collided together in Manitou. Although these same cultures collided together and did similar formats of war and violence some forty years earlier in the area of Little Egypt aka South West Illinois and Missouri. Among them Joseph Smith and the Mormons were persecuted by the previous generation from those that persecuted and forced to leave both Fr Francolon and Tesla from Manitou.

The evidence of direct behavior patterns from at least three sources of Militant Islam is clear; some of the violent behavior patterns similar to militant Islam being conducted in America is also startlingly clear.

Evangelical Movements and Miramont Castle

But the same they are; and the same objectives occur. Miramont castle was constructed with the same level of religious ferocity and violent behavior as the 1800s as the 1900s and the 2000s. It seams history repeats itself with mathematical precision.

 Egypt and Egyptology

Yes as a matter of very hard fact that France circa 1850; for the previous 200 years an incalculable amount of Egyptian interest spread through France. Never mind the opening of the Holy Roman Empires library in 1806 which contained some remaining parts of the Alexandrian library. Fr Francolon had first-hand ready access to as a child.

For a considerable amount of time in the Middle Ages the Elite youth 16-20 year olds of Europe would be sent on the “Royal Walk” to venture outside of their specific countries to the rest of Europe (where they could go), the Middle East, and Egypt. Consequently the youth who came back presented to their cultures huge influences from the Middle East and Egypt.

The influences were so strong in fact that in many houses, palaces, castles, etc. you would find Egyptian influences. This carried over to the French culture and directly onto Fr Francolon.


Napoleon (15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) invaded Egypt circa 1798–1801 the cultural influx was beyond measure. Suddenly the French culture had beyond a strong reflections of all things Egyptology. Some French at the time wanted to and worked on being mummified upon death. The French worked very hard to decode the Rosetta Stone; but those efforts would prove to be unsuccessful.

One must remember the differences between the social structure of those who were aligned with the Avignon Papacy and the Roman Catholic Church. The differences are striking; Fr Francolon was by all behavior pattern accounts aligned with and performed the ceremonies of the Avignon Papacy. Which would have only further enraged the local protestant based religious communities. But non-the less, the facts are present. He designed Miramont Castle, the Heaven Cathedral (later to be turned into a Sanatorium run by the Sisters of Mercy), and the gardens to reflect these influences.

Buried inside the infrastructure of Miramont “Mary’s Mont”. Named for 1700s French slang for “the two ladies”; the two ladies being non other than the Virgin Mary and Mary of Magdelaine. But this was actually a double nick name; for those that knew, the two maries were a reflection of both the virgin mary or Mary of Nazareth and Mary of Magdeleine, the second and hidden meaning of the second “the two Mary’s” was from those that performed the “royal walk” into Egypt and learned about the

The two ladies have a different much more ancient definition; “The two ladies”;

It is the name/title of one of the five names for the pharaoh. With the two ladies,

Wadjet and Nekhbet,

Wedjet; a symbol representation of Eve. Part snake part woman. Chapter 3; 1 bible genesis “and the snake was clever”

Nekhbet; part woman part vulture or some other type of mythical bird creature. Which is mostly the definition for Lilith.

Now what is beyond important at this juncture; is to know the French Papacy viewed the bible different than the Roman Catholic Papacy. For a long time even their books were different; same basic collection of books. But till King James, Guttenberg, etc. different Christian/catholic groups worked from different bibles.

In some Lilith is not the unbelievable and written out of later editions monster.

Libraries were opened to scholars circa 1806; and the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire. Which diplomats would have been the first through the doors as the scholars were allowed in for unfettered access. So Fr Francolon would have had ready access through his education to have first-hand access to the library; and first hand access to the extreme cultureal interests in Egyptology. Never mind the fact that from the Holy Roman Empires library both Egyptology and the education of the Byzantium empires were freely available.

So yes ready access to those types of information and research formulated the builder of Miramont castle at his earliest and most formative years.

Consequently; he would have been able to read about ancient Egypt, pre-Pharaonic Egypt, read about Akhenaten/Amenhotep IV, the Aten, and discover the differences between Paul’s version of Christianity which is almost an exact copy of Esau’s line philosophy and Jesus's version. Which itself is a direct descendant of Jacob e.g. the line of Israel’s philosophy.


The two ladies has another meaning beyond that of; Virgin Mary/Mary Madeleine and the Mary’s Wadjet and Nekhbet. The next meaning is at least some level of linguistic proof that Fr Francolon was attempting to build a Jerusalem of the West.

Because the two ladies is one of the five standard names for a Pharaoh. So in a very real way Fr Francolon named MiraMont; one of the titles given to a Pharaoh. Which in a very odd way he was naming himself pharaoh of the next Israel.

Which no matter how conscious or subconscious he or the cultures around him the Pharaoh aspects and the other oddities revolving around Fr Francolon and his beyond oddly designed Castle; at some point the locals simply had enough and the Fr was made so unwelcome that he simply left. Which is not an uncommon occurrence when dealing with evangelicals. At least they did not execute him like previous generations had done to people who created similar problems.



Norman French versus French

A hard fact needs to be addressed; Fr Francolon was associated with the Norman French culture. Which by all accounts is a vastly different culture than the French culture. The French are Franks who invaded and conquered Gaal, then renamed Gaal to their own last name Frank.

The franks most notable members are Charles Martell and his grandson Charlemagne.

Although in truth; during the Norman/Viking invasions e.g. when the Ogles were exiled from Northumberland to Europe. The dynamic of the French culture changed in radical ways; strongly away from the previous (Anglo-Franco/German) cultures influences and almost dominantly toward the new Norman/French culture. Which was a direct result of the Ogles moving over to Normandy, Holland, Northern France, Central France, etc.

The reflection of the Norman/French is what partially provided the power to create their own Papacy in Avignon. Now if the papacy was a direct result of the Occitan culture trying to flex their collective muscle, or is a direct result of the Norman French pushing influence south and using the Capital of Occitan to create the Papacy. Another connection between Miramont Castle and the Ogle/Northumberland Royal family is established.

The Norman French are different; customs, language, culture, history, most major aspects of Norman French are different. Which makes the design of Miramont Castle strongly reflect Norman French Ideals.

During the Crusades it was three Norman French (most likely descendants of the Ogles time in Normandy) who formed the base of the “We poor knights of the Temple” or in English “Knights Templars”. Which would have given Fr Francolon direct access to the same information which the Templar association and FreeMasonry were created from.

Royal, Palace, the holiest of Holy/Vatican/Holy Sea (water/Laguz)/etc. from a Norman French point of view would look strange and unusual to the French culture itself.

When various French Citizens ventured outside of France; the customs would appear to be entirely out of place. This strongly included Fr Francolon; he was accepted and semi-popular in some pockets south in Santa Fe New Mexico, but when he attempted to travel north, his Norman/French customs were unwelcome to the maximum amount. Which is part of the reason the castle is such an oddity as well as why he was not welcomed with open arms by the community. He was from a culture they could not understand. His castle was designed based on ancient pre-Zerubbabel Temple of Solomon; but with the added confusing and out of place bonus of attempting to reflect parts of the Vatican St Peters square and Basilica, as well as hide the Castles true design from the local religious groups who were unpleased with his presence.

Statue of Liberty

The statue of liberty being complete October 28, 1886; 9 years later work started on Miramont Castle fall of 1895. Some reflection regarding Mira or an older version of Mary; being reflected in the Statue of Liberty. Which itself is an altered for political correctness against Anti-Semitic attitudes but still reflect truth through political spin. Fr Francolon lived during a time where not unlike the inquisition truth was shaped by finding ways to package the truth so the authorities would not kill you. The Statue of liberty being a strong reflection of this concept. Which is ironic since symbols of Freedom have to be packaged inside facades so the politically correct will not either kill the presenter and or the truth.


Simon Peter and Fr Francolon

A wondrous connection between Simon Peter and Fr Francolon is the fact that both men designed and built their first and in Fr Francolon’s case only Cathedral, they had possession of the cathedral for approximately the same length of time before powerful political forces drove them out. Simon Peter went on to build at least on more church in Rome.

Simon Peter at Antioch and Fr Francolon under extreme pressures from the religious at the time yet to be called “born again Christian movement”.

Architectural inspiration

the effects of his child hood as a diplomats son allowed him to see and experience a wide variety of architectural formats. several of those architectural styles are incorporated into the design of the castle and now destroyed cathedral.

but facts regarding the castles design of “Norman French, pre-Pharaonic Egyptian, Amenhotep iv Pharaonic, Moorish, Byzantine, Half-Timber Chateau, Flemish Stepped Gables, Romanesque, Queen Anne, Tudor, Elizabethan, and Venetian Ogee influences amongst others are reflected within.

 My theory is the castle was designed with the idea of combining as many monotheistic elements from the different cultures as possible. In a very real effect allow the symbols of all the different monotheistic groups/cultures/language/symbols, etc. into the façade of his castle and cathedral in order for any and all who come in the future to know this is a sanctuary for all monotheists.

What he did not count on was Manitou not becoming a religious center like Mecca, Vatican, Memphis, Salt Lake City, etc.

Fr Francolon built a palace with cathedral in order to help built the center of the eventual religious center and hoping beyond hope to create a Vatican in the West.

(portions of the Temple of Ptah in side the inner inner walls of the Temple inside the Protective Dyk’s of Memphis was a temple which looked very much like this; at least by legend. Think of this concept this way; the Outer Temples surrounding the core Djed of Hagia Sophia; those temples had be contructed as part fo the support walls holding the center Djed up. Miramont was desgined to reflect one such temple which surrounded the center Djed of the Center fo the Garden of Eden. As Adam’s job grew, he neeed more space in order to continue to built more complex and name ever more complicated items. Each sacred area would be designed to offer specific types of electro magnetic naming and work.)

What he did not count on was Palmer and his friends did not want a catholic religious center, they wanted what would be called “born again/evangelical” protestant based Christian community and gathering place.

he designed almost all of the castle himself. believing the design was not only divinely inspired, but his holy duty to go through any and all difficultly to make sure that his castle and cathedral were constructed.

he felt the construction was more important than anything else. Jean Baptiste Francolon was beyond devastated when the cathedral burned to the ground. strongly suspecting the local puritan community of burning it down as revenge for its construction. having enjoyed decades of only their religious presence in the area.

Jean Baptist Francolon

One of the Primary facts regarding the man who created the Castle was; he was a Frenchman but the evidence from researching ancient cultures were designed into the castles. Jean Baptist Francolon was aligned with the French discipline of Catholicism; which the local puritans not only hated, but thought was an abomination.

The events surrounding Fr Francolon are heavily edited to make the mistakes all his fault and to make him look/appear to be just an odd eccentric who disturbed the local community. Who came into the area, built something few wanted, and left very quickly, and leaving debt in his wake. Which for the cultures in the area leaving debt was beyond a sin.

When in fact the local puritans hated him so much that he was driven out of the area with a promise of violent retribution if he ever came back.

Miramont Tabernacle

The tabernacle has been a part of Monotheism since day one. By legend the typical tabernacle; which is laid on its side. Why was it laid on its side; it was laid on its side between the Exodus and Zerubaabels time, why because the Esau line cultures forced the alterations and erased as much information from the past as they could. They kept the vertical three story design but forced Jacobs line to adopt the horizontal three story design. From 1300-0 b.c.e the pressures to conform were too great and the secrets of the three story Solomon's temple became so buried inside myth and legend that by the time it was time to translate ancient languages which were not destroyed yet into Latin, Greek, German, French, English, etc. only a small heavily cryptic information remained regarding the original Temple of Solomon design. Although the Kirkwall scroll does tell a different tail than the Zerubbabel political spin.

The problem is; the first tabernacles, which were copies of Adams original were similar to tree houses. They were built with at least three stories, a ground floor with little if any decoration, a first floor and or the floor above the ground floor. A second floor above that. The roof would have had some type of megalithic structure and or several types of megaliths. Either rings or pillars made of wood, or some type of dolman. Francolon designed Miramont to directly reflect this legend. Ground floor similar to a garden. First floor living quarters and the area where daily activities were done. Top floor the inner sanctum sanctrium. Complete with a spiral staircase from the living floor to the upstairs.

Although designed to resemble a Victorian and Venetian era ball room for Debutant and other balls/entertainments. The top was intended to be designed to be the inner sanctum. To reflect the holiest of holies of King Solomon's pre Zerubbabel temple. The design from which Solomon hired the architect of the Temple of Tyre. The temple of Tyre was an exact copy of the temple of Ptah Memphis. The basis of this entire castle is to reflect the temple of ptah in Memphis. Which almost everything you have ever heard regarding that subject is almost entirely wrong. Ptah is just another spelling for Aten; which is just another spelling for El, or Israel, etc.

Ground floor

the ground floor is designed with all but 0 Victorian era architecture.

The ground floor is a reflection of what legend states was the ground floor or the tabernacle Adam constructed around the fourth tree of the garden of Eden.

There were four trees with a square. Miramont castle reflects this legend.


First floor

the first floor is where the majority of the Victorian era decorations are. But you will find not strictly Victorian; you will find profound amounts of Norman French inspired furniture, architecture, and decorations. Which semi-blend into the Victorian without looking out of place odd; but then there are the occasional piece of Egyptology inspired odds and ends which make the whole scene look very Victorian to a non-Victorian trained person. But to someone who knows what they are looking at. Think of observing a scene from say 2500 ce around 500 years from now; Miramont appears to be a collection of antiques from say 1983; with a cell phone from 2005. The casual observer will not notice the cell phone; or if they do, not think it out of place. “they had cell phones, what is the big deal regarding a cell phone”. Out of place items are either done to hide something, or as a latter add on.

The grand staircase is a typical grand staircase. But with two violent differences.

The grand staircase difference one; it is not a typical double grand staircase. It is a single grand staircase.  Is(Isis RoyGBiv ) Ra(VibGYor) El between. of the bent pyramid.

The Bent pyramid with two entrance, and the code of Israel built into its basic architecture.

But the staircase is designed with a right angled spiral built in. Right angled spiral are key architectural signs for a FreeMason influence. Now Francolon might not have intended said; but where he copied his work from, the monotheistic architecture which he directly copied had inside the original the keys for FreeMasons to identify. Whether he knew he was designing into his castle Freemason designs is unknown; but they are present either way. So in a very real way; Miramont Castle is very similar to the designs built into Rosslyn Chapel in what at the time was Northumberland.

If you look around at the design I am sure you will be able to find hidden away in all types of different places items which connect some of Miramont with Rosslyn chapel.

Including the facts of the name of the castle itself being a reflection of the Mary’s.

The causeway bisects the temple mound Jerusalem, the Mount Mary/Tomb of Mary.

The causeway of the Bent align perfectly with the three; since the tomb and temple mound are only a few feet wide, the engineering is beyond amazing. Castle Mira(the virgin mary and mary Magdalene name sake) Mount (as in raised vertical defined sacred earth e.g. Northumberland); has so many statistical connections to Northumberland and Jesus, the trouble starts to become, with so many statistical connections, coincidence starts to become strained to the point of, mathematical certainty so to what will be found where.

Rosslyn Chapel

Rose line or blood(Sacred) line is directly reflected in Miramont Norman French name of Mirror Mount. Mirror similar to some tribes do not want their picture taken because having a picture taken they believe takes part of your soul. A portion of that exact concept is featured inside the definition of medieval Mirrors. A mirror was considered an extremely sacred item for various portions and aspects of western culture. Not only because of the silver used on the back of glass. Being able to reflect an image which only polished metals, polished very smooth surfaces, and water could do. The reflection of a thing has been considered a sacred thing.

A mirror will reflect anything within its field of angel. No matter what angle a mirror is observed the light raise from that specific angle will be reflected.

Consequently the Rose/Blood/Amber(Sacred) line and the lines reflected from a Mirror reflect the same definition.

Mirror has various Rose Lines built in. which also reflects that Fr Francolon knew he was designing into his castle many different types of monotheistic architecture; he did it purposely.

Which is the same basic idea behind the structure of Rosslyn chapel; the St Claire family and the Ogle Family chose to include layers and layers of various Monotheistic symbology inside the chapel. for one reason; to fight off the ever present need to fight off religious radicals who want to create another dark age. So they can remove any information and truth which they do not like. Which is a topic from runs very strong through the history of Colorado Springs. Religious fanatics in Colorado Springs will erase any and all information they do not like without a seconds pause; which has been an almost constant behavior pattern since the day Colorado Springs was founded to present. But with the all that erasing; the design and functionality of Adam’s original tabernacle was erased too. Along with Adam and Noah’s pre-Exodus ceremonies. IN fact most of the pre-Exodus ceremonies have been erased. Adam’s, Noah’s, Abraham’s, Jacob’s, Jew’s, etc. almost entirely erased.

However it is possible with a painstakingly careful examination of history to find the few pieces which have not been erased and reassemble the pieces buried in the cultures who had access to the original.

Not an exact; but reasonably and statistically close to the original.

Second floor

The second floor or in American the third floor is the floor where the Victorian/venetian ball room and other entertainment areas were housed. But the area only slightly resembles that of an actual ball room. It is on the surface a ball room; a larger rectangle. Which allows for a band, good acoustics, areas to dance, etc. but past the smallest portion of resemblance. The top floor of the castle has other architectural designs built in; which forces one to realize quickly. This floor was either constructed badly shotty work to say the least. Or this floor was intended to be used for other purposes and only vaguely resembles something else to hide the rooms and buildings true architectural purpose.

Which ironically many a Victorian design reflected this exact style. The Victorians sometimes like to design hidden purposes into their architecture. The French culture periodically over the course of the previous 2500 years had been invaded so often that the Elite and religious the practice of codes, hiding, secret hideaways, etc. were so standard as to be 100% expected. Guaranteed if the present culture the French person living within was under some type or any type of personal threat. Which in Colorado Springs and Manitou at the turn of the century saying Fr Francolon was under threat would be a very serious understatement. So it is a 100% beyond guarantee he hid secrets in most every type of design and way he could into his castle. The question then becomes; why did he continue building and have plans to expand both his castle and more architecture into the surrounding city if he faced little encouragement and mounding opposition to his plans every step of the way. The assumption would be; he felt he was building something under the direct direction of god.

Cathedral basement

the first floor is where the majority of the

Rosslyn chapel connections and architectural designs were designed in. but they were both removed/remodeled after Fr Francolon left the area and obliterated in the fire only 9 years later. The tunnel which connected the top entertaining, ball room, ceremonial room, etc. floor of the castle and the basement of the cathedral/church remodeled into a hospital is still partially in existence but entirely buried. A parking lot now sits were the top of the basement and the floor of the first floor used to be.

The order of Nun’s ran the Hospital till the building burned to the ground. The cause of the blaze was labeled as an electrical fire. See Tesla section for a theory regarding one possible reason for this electrical fire.

Cathedral first floor

the first floor is where the majority of the theory of the architectural framework of the mysteries of the castle being an earthen tabernacle were designed in. A direct reflection of and too the mound of olives, is built into both the name of the castle and the geometry of the buildings themselves.

The church/cathedral was also designed to reflect The Temple of Solomon; three stories. Basement, first floor, second floor, attic.

The temple of Solomon was designed as an exact copy of the Temple of Tyre. The temple of Tyre was designed to be an exact copy of the Temple of Ptah. The Temple of Ptah (Abraham aka Pharaoh Mem) designed to be as close to a perfect reflection of the Temple of Adam on earth as they still possessed records for. Which the temple of Adam was as close to a perfect reflection of the temple Adam built around the tree of construction which is the fourth three of the garden of Eden forbidden trees. So Miramont reflects the Temple of Solomon (temple of Adam) twice. Once in the Castle itself, second in the now obliterated Church/Cathedral remodeled into a hospital.

IN the picture some small bits and pieces do still reflect the architecture which is also reflected at the 800 years older Rosslyn chapel. Although they are much more to find. Most of the non-porch sections are entirely hidden in shadow; so only the most vague of references can be obtained. Plus of the fact that the Ogle Royal Family who granted permission for Rosslyn chapels construction and overall its design/construction had a full army and were more than willing to have extreme demonstrative architecture reflected at the chapel. In Manitou; those types of Demonstrative architectural designs were in the post Victorian era impossible to design in. Victorian era was marked by a decades long mourning of Queen of England’s husband Albert. The mourning process was built into the basic design of the culture itself. So nothing outlandish was allowed. So Fr Francolon had to design and build under the very heavy hand of being very open and gaudy inside the Victorian extreme subtle and mourning ceremonial acceptance. Which ironically the mourning process ceremonies and very little demonstrative fit perfectly to the renamed puritans who settled Colorado Springs. Their customs were to be humble before god and Victorian customs were to be in mourning; the two fit perfectly together.

Which is why you will not find overtly obvious Rosslyn chapel type designs; but subtly and hidden within they are everywhere.

So in a very real and hard evidence way; Miramont is the Rosslyn chapel of the west.

Cathedral second floor

The cathedral was turned into a hospital, Montcalme Sanitarium. That hospital was run by the sisters of Mercy. An organization which was founded in Dublin; a city conquered and built up by Vikings(Ogle Royal family) circa 900 ce. Which directly connects the Hospital with the voyage of Columbus which directly connects Columbus with the Jews and converso left in Haiti.

What does this have to do with the second floor of the hospital little other than the decorations inside the hospital and the almost guaranteed electrical devices used as medical devices would be in the hospital.

The connection to Rosslyn would be strongest outside and on the second floor.

Any remaining evidence regarding the original church/cathedral will have to be investigated.

Jews and Converso

a number of Jews and Converso settled in the four corners area circa around the headwaters of the Riogrande. Which is only 180 miles from Manitou Springs Colorado. Just follow the eastern face of the Rockies north and Manitou is hard to miss. By DNA evidence the Jewish settlements started circa the end of the 1400s beginning of the 1500s.

exactly the same time Columbus was crewing vessels to explore the new world.

the first time for sure Columbus left Jews and Converso behind to build a settlement.

expecting the settlement to be thriving when Columbus arrived back several years later. Or at least that is the story Columbus told the priests and conquistadors on board. Abandoning the 39 men; to either be killed by the local population, or create a thriving community in three years to take as much gold from them as possible. Money or more dead heresy either way; it was all good with the priests on board. Plus it made Columbus look really good for forcing 39 of his crew to be left on their own; which since Columbus himself was a Converso, doing anything and everything he could in order to throw suspicion off of himself would be perfect. The men simply rebuilt the ship and sailed up the RioGrande and settled in the four corners area. Possibly even as far north as Manitou.

the Jews and Converso that did travel over were a direct hard target threat to the Spanish and the Vatican.

because many Jews and Converso knew the secrets which formulated the framework of the catholic church.

the framework was designed via a mixture of Paul who was an Esau line descendant and Jesus who was a Israel/Jacob line descendant.

Paul versus Jesus

One of the most difficult aspects of all Christianity and the subject which has killed people to this very day regarding this subject is the philosophies of the two men. Those that back one philosophy are sure and are willing to kill over the fact that their philosophy is correct and the will of god. The other philosophy are also sure they are correct; but have been on the receiving end of the violence since practically the day Jesus reentered the middle east.

The philosophies both parties call by the same name/word/title. But both philosophies are so radically different; they are incompatible with each other.

Where did the philosophies originate. They originated previous to Abraham. His father Terah was a very clear proponent of the philosophy regarding the vengeance of god. Killing, murdering, genocide, burning libraries, etc. was all in god’s plan. Which his great grandson Esau adopted this same philosophy and spent his entire life being as violent and causing as much damage to those that did not believe the same way he did as he possibly could.

Jacob and the line of Israel chose to not follow the vengeance of god path; choosing instead to explore the essence of god through the applications of a similar message as his direct blood descendant Jesus Christ preached about “love, acceptance, (live and let live)care for your neighbor, etc.”

Shortly after the crucifixion; Jesus started to preach again. But at the last supper he was elected the Next Papa/leader/guardian of the long house/great house/tabernacle. Which means that all previous “Papa’s” in Latin Pope in hieroglyphic “Pharaoh” in Aramaic “Nazareth” and all leaders of the Christian church for the last 2000 years have done the same name changed after election/being appointed. Whatever Jesus's new name or names was; he stated new churches in the ancient sacred spaces on the megalithic grid.

The paul philosophy is that of Esau’s line

Jesus's philosophy is that of Jacobs line.

Which means that in very hard 5000 years of recorded history; Jacobs line always prevails and Esau’s line always in the end loses. Esau’s line also has to deal with the facts regarding their horrific actions before being defeated. Adolf, Terah, etc. are perfect examples of horrific actions being done by Esau’s philosophy.



a megalith has been defined as a large rock the large rock or collection of rocks. The shape of a megalith has been found to be a rock ring in the shape of a circle; or several concentric circles. E.g. Stonehenge is a megalith, with its concentric circles.



a dolman is a scaled down to only a few rocks megalith. Usually three standing rocks supporting some type of rock roof.

Adams Tabernacle

Cathedral garden of Eden tabernacle. Adams tabernacle is a three story tent which Noah, Abraham, etc. copied. The basic design; ground floor is in regards to the roots and providing sufficient water/nutrient supply. First floor being the floor of most importance. The first floor being the location of the loom; where Adam performed his guardian tasks. First floor is also the location of both the amber room and the amber throne. The second floor is where the materials from the trees were gathered an processed into the loom below. The top or roof is where some type of megalith was to enable Adam to use the flow of time to create a proper flow of time into the weave. Different flows of time for each individual thing/item named to operate based on.

Which could be reflected in the Battlements (or crenellation) around the top of the castle. Long thought to be some type of façade castle for defending the castle; but in truth originated and were incorporated into the

Shakespeare used this same concept and metaphor regarding Hamlet; the same area around the crenellation is where Hamlet was walking when he saw his father. His father gave him those instructions regarding the treasury on the area which was incorporated into a castle design from the Megaliths. Which the megalithic designs are what Adam could have used to name the creatures in his charge. for additional examples the bull horns at Knossos, and the extensions over a tabernacle. Also seen in artistic expression of Noah's ark; the wheel house needed those raised megalithic pillars for support. Additionally the Capital of Pillars supposedly built by Adam renamed Heliopolis.


Eve’s Tabernacle

The house of Mary is a loose and translated Eve for Mary great house. Mary’s name was Mary of Nazareth before she married Joseph; and after since she was a royal title holder herself.

The house of Mary would be North of the Great house of Adam. The exact angle could be part of Orion's belt reference.

Fountain/Spring Tabernacle

The garden of Eden had a string/fountain at the very center. That fountain is the headwaters of the four rivers mentioned in genesis. The Pishon(gold; North), Gihon(South), the Tigris(east), and the Euphrates(West). We know based on the general assigning of the rivers where each river was aligned with; regarding each trees position. WE have a very good idea what the configuration of the trees was based on the arrangement and alignment of a FreeMason lodge room layout. . Two candles together; one candle and blank. The absent candle and the directions are  both pictures are oriented you are looking East standing west. The Above picture camera is South West, while the other picture the camera is 180’ west.

Genesis 2; “17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat[d] of it you shall surely die.”

1.     Life/die/life and death(Stonehenge measures. Reference to Medusa and her turning you to stone. A half snake half beautiful woman)

2.     Knowledge

3.     Good and evil

4.     Construction

Four threes not one; four. To construct the name of each thing; requires construction, or knowledge applied.

Which match the three pillars of a Dolman and the three burning tapers of a FreeMason center .

Which is actually three trees; knowledge, the cycles of life, and good/evil. Sumerian sentence structure edited into Hebrew is the true and realistic reason for the mistranslation from four trees into only one. Four because the fourth Adam built the Tabernacle around; that tabernacle houses the golden room of which the only surviving copy was in Germany who sold it to Russia in the middle 1800s. The Germans did not sell the Golden Throne; where that went is a mystery.

Which this behavior pattern is mirrored in Esau line descendants corrupt good things by; taking something good and corrupting it to their own most times very dark purposes. Adolf was a very dark and twisted Esau line descendant. Most Esau line descended cultures you will find good things corrupted into bad; the culture by nature has no choice but to take that which is good and make it bad. But it can be understood the four rivers the symbol on the middle is a direct representation of the four rivers flowing from the fountain in the Garden of Eden.

The forum of Rome used to have a fountain under it. Looking for that fountain now; will tell you were the center of the forum great temple/house/tabernacle to god used to be located.

Many of the tabernacles; to emulate the Garden of Eden design would have a fountain as their center. The number of different holy sanctuaries with fountains or dambed up fountains is incalculable. Originally all Tabernacles needed fountains in their ground floor as part of their connection to Adam’s. But corruption has edited that fountain down to just baptism, purification by water, holy water, etc.

Even the Khufu Pyramid at one time when the water table was higher; it had a spring/fountain under it as well. Linking the construction and purpose of the Khufu Pyramid not to being a grave (which has 0 evidence) but to being connected to the garden of Eden first tabernacle and the mirror Adam’s tabernacle on earth. Mirror of Adam’s tabernacle in heaven on earth; the French work “Mira” is a direct very hidden definition for this ancient reference.

North East of the River; but on the North West side of a larger area, was the location of Adam’s tabernacle in the garden

Reflected in the following is a subconscious cultural behavior pattern.

Each of the following cultures built their government house North East and a Religious center North West of the government house. Although the city’s themselves have been conquered the older cities have been conquered enumerable times, the younger only a dozen or less. But the same architecture exists as a base in each one. Creating a mathematical certainty regarding a subconscious attribute from the time of Noah to present.

1.     Eridu Ziggurat

2.     Senate Building Athens

3.     Forum Rome

4.     Cairo

5.     Heliopolis/IWNW

6.     Miramont Castle

7.     Spa Building Manitou

8.     Paris The Royal Palace

a.      Lady liberty in America is looking South East by 144’

b.     But French Lady Liberty is looking North West; at 326’

c.      The politically altered from Male to Female; Aten from the city of IWNW. Although in truth the Aten is Male, Female, and balanced; which is the definition of IsRaEl.

9.     New York City

10.  Boston

11.  Philadelphia


This statistical framework reflects

North West Holy City to the Holy Sanctuary

Same ratio can be found in all the above. Close to 45’ angle from the original city/Jerusalem to the holy temple/Jacobs ladder.



Persian Garden

the concept of part of the design for this castle and cathedral is the Persian garden mythology. which the Persians supposedly copied from the previous generations of cultures which dated back to the cultures and people who witnessed the garden first hand. they copied the garden design and that copy became known as the Persian garden. which ironically the Persian garden is at least in part the basis of what and how the British garden rose to popularity. having gardens to the four different sides of the lord/kings palace became standard.

which means buried deep inside the Persian garden is the portion which talks about the center of the garden being divided into four sections. a fountain(palace) in the center, with four different types of gardens representing the different trees which grew at the center.

Tree of life

Tree of knowledge

Tree of good and evil

Tree of construction

the tree of construction being the most specific regarding Miramont castle. since the fourth is construction. The tree of construction is where Adam built his garden of Eden tabernacle. that tabernacle Jean Baptiste Francolon built a mirror of it on earth. everywhere Adam went he built another tent and or temporary tabernacle. Till Adam had the resources to build one which could be taken apart and moved to the new location.

the vertical up reflection; that which is done in the garden on earth could be a reflection of the garden in heaven.

this is the basis of the personal chapel in the castle; which allows it to actually be a castle. and the cathedral now destroyed and remodeled into a parking lot.

where did Jean Baptiste Francolon figure out this archaeological configuration. Jean Baptiste Francolon thanks to his father had access to libraries dating back to the first written words.

Library at Alexandria

the library at Alexandria of course the building was burned to the ground but the books were simply moved to Rome by Caesar. Jean Baptiste Francolon would have had access to those books. that library parts of it date all the way back to the founding of Egypt and Narmer, smaller portions date back to Noah circa 4006 b.c.e. At least according to the geometry and time lines built into the Khufu pyramid .

Library at Hierakonpolis


Shows the crown of lower Egypt <very likely Noah and or Adam> circa 3800 b.c.e.


Each boat the area of which the Monotheists control.;f=15;t=005158

Evidence of this connection to a library which dates all the way back to Noah; the library and murals at Her which has a mural depicting the entire world. The evidence and information regarding this library is extensive and difficult to process since that library dates to no later than 3800 b.c.e. Narmer the scorpion king/pharaoh had access to that library and replaced Noah with himself. Evidence the boats on the 3800 year old map and the boats of the Narmer Monolith. Narmer preplacing Noah with himself.

Noah’s ark and Miramont

More than a few similarities exist between Miramont Castle and the basic shape and design assumed to be similar to Noah’s ark. The basic shape of the Building itself has more of a bow shape than a just a flat building.

Miramont Castle was designed to reflect a boat and or Noah’s Ark. The Bow and Prow are not only very present but starkly visible. Which would also explain why the entrance carriageway is designed not to much for carriages but as how the Animals arrived two by two.

The Carriage entrance being the bottom of the bow, the building angling up at the ends, with the out buildings and sanitarium being the Prow at the stern of the boat. All Metaphoric connections to Noah’s Ark.

Narmer monolith

Nag el-Hamdulab, four miles north of the Aswan Dam

The Narmer monolith is the new Pharaoh of both upper and lower Egypt stating said in stone.

He is claiming he is the head of the five major cultures of Egypt.

He is also claiming the right to take all the symbols of power away from the cultures he has just conquered and claiming their power is now his power.

His depicts himself as Noah. Replacing the figure of Noah/Gilgamesh with himself. seizing the power of Noah and those that identify themselves with the ark as his power.

This is Pharaoh Narmer replacing Noah with himself. Meaning this is the first by 1400 years depiction of Noah's ark story.

Much later the story of collecting animals 2x2 became a tax collection ceremony. Which took place in April. Which the Romans later adopted. Which gives us an good idea when Noah’s flood occurred; march April. Since it was the Roman tax collection date which is why and when Joseph and Mary were traveling to Bethlehem in the first place e.g. Nativity.

Be interesting if the evidence eventually shows the base of tax collection the idea for it might have come from Noah's ark story.

The king coming to you/family, taking two breeding pairs of your animals on regular intervals.

Since all kings had the concept of being divinely/holy/god given ability; paying tribute to the king was in effect paying tribute to god.

This concept also trickled down into Rome. Both from the Hyksos who trickled into the founding of Rome and later when Julius conquered and brought ancient Egyptian Rituals back.



Narmer would not be interseted in depeicting the seven cultures and or groupings wtihin one of the cultures he conquered. He would be intersted in stating he conquered them. Them being one thing, not the individual portions of the whole metaphoric forest.



This nautical journey is more likely Noah’s ark; with the animals two by two.

The five boats depicted are five cultures which Narmer conquered. Which represent teh same or possibly similar cultures to that depicted at heirakolopis some 600 years earlier.

But this does not take into account the other two cultures. Or the other two boats/arks of the seven which became all important on Giza, which those seven carried down from Giza, to Tyre, to Troy, to Athens, to the city of seven hills, to London, etc. Re depicted; just not readily apparent.

Library at Rhodes

the library at Rhodes is a library from which Socrates was able to learn some of his basic knowledge from. part of the Athenian library was copied from the Rhodes library. Rhodes library parts of it come directly from lower Egypt the city of Heliopolis. the colossus of Rhodes by legend is a copy of the statue to a sun god statue in Heliopolis.

which can and by statistical analysis that original or Heliopolis copy of the original would be a statue of the Aten standing on the ben ben stone.

which a direct copy of that gender change to female from male is the statue of liberty new York city. the statue is a direct line descendant of the statue at Heliopolis which connects back to the Aten. the god of Amenhotep iv who himself claimed directly to be part of a very ancient even for his time monotheistic tradition. e.g. Akhenaten (ATEN), was claiming to be a Semitic Jew.

he sent his children out knowing the Hyksos descendants at avaris were starting to build an army. so Akhenaten could not defeat them without genocidal actions. so Akhenaten simply sent his kids out to create kingdoms of their own.

the Carpathian(Tut’s wife), Rhodes, London, Edinburgh, Constantinople(Helen), Athens(Aten), the City of Seven Hills (aka Rome)<which as a direct tie into Manitou since Manitou sits at the base of several hills ; in the same approximate area the Forum sits in Rome so does the Spa Building. Which like the forum has been retasked and remodeled since its original purpose construction ended. It was designed and built to be a copy of the Roman Forum; remodeled circa 1850. Which the Spa/Forum building is a direct reflection of what Adam’s tabernacle used to look like. Akhenaten aka Amenhotep iv his children who survived built great houses dedicated to Aten. Those same cities grew; and were conquered. Before they are conquered the conqueror not knowing copied the design. Which those copies merged into one copy at Athens, which merged into the same copy at Rome, which merged into the same basic copy at Londonium, which the spa building is a copy of those two buildings. Ironic how an ancient Noah era tabernacle design is within the Spa building in Manitou. Remodeled half a dozen times from 1850 to present. Almost all knowledge of the original intent and design entirely erased from history.>, etc. are all direct reflections as to where those populations managed to obtain their very advanced technology from.

He had access to all these different libraries. Jean Baptiste Francolon designed Miramont based on that research. it was not designed to be a Victorian castle. it was designed to be an earth and heaven representation of the original configuration. which is why Jean Baptiste Francolon called the cathedral heaven.

because to him and that(Jacob/Jesus) line of philosophy discipline the cathedral was heaven. but that bothered the local puritans something beyond measure. Evidence of said can be seen in the geometrical angles he used to create the basic structure of the castle being in part a direct reflection of the Mount of Olives; which on top of that mound Jesus having the title of Olive could speak amongst the sacred olives. Making what he said amongst sacred olives part of his name Christos “anointed from Oil” the oil being sacred olive oil which the priest would obtain from jugs stored in the inner sanctum. The jugs would be stored next to the arc; so the people being anointed could feel they were being crossed with oil which was directly touched by the hand of god. Which by legend the ark contained the fragments of the library god handmade and gave to Moses. Which Moses then destroyed those plates on the Golden symbol of Jacob the Aurox; making Moses an Esau line descendant. All those little things he designed into this castle; at least the center portion. The portions from the staircase out reflected in portions “The Vatican” and the “Papal Palace at Avignon.”

Library at Constantinople

The library at Constantinople, Miramont castle, and Columbus has a beyond fascinating connection.


a sizable chunk of the funding for the expeditions came from the Northumberland royal family. of which Constantine's mother was a direct ancestor of that family. her last name was Ogle. Gaelic for Yr Hen Ogle DD; which in Latin that same word "Yr hen Ogle dd" translated to Northumberland. Although it is of the most important to note; north in previous to old English languages north means Polaris and or vertical stars/sky not compass as in the top of the planet.

so not only having access to some portions of the remainder of this library at Istanbul, but the info also contained direct Semitic and Jewish references to the code. of which is the definition of Northumberland. that same code which is the name of the state Miramont is located in. Color as in a reference so the multi-colored cloak of the king/pharaoh of Israel. Rado or the Nordic Germanic word for physical journey. making the state of Colorado by basic linguistic default name in a very hidden and secret code way "the new Israel" 1000s of miles from the closest real threat of being erased again. at the time of naming it was still illegal in most of Europe to be a Jew. so creating a new homeland required using codes.

including the code of "el dorado" which if you look at it correctly is the definition of Manitou/Colorado city. The city of Israel aka Jerusalem, Manitou being at least in this theory intended to be part and parcel with the concept of building a new Jerusalem well outside the reach of Esau line descendants who’s fondest wish is to genocide and erase all Jacob line descendants from existence. so building a new Jerusalem 1000 miles inland after either crossing an ocean and a huge gulf, or crossing 2000 miles of very inhospitable land after crossing an ocean. Three layers of geographical safety for the new Jerusalem of the west.


El Dorado


They claimed it was only to find the gold of the city of gold Eldorado.


El; god

Dora; appear/view/longa something of interest to look upon. a female given name: from a Greek word meaning “gift.”

Ado; Middle English, from at do, from at + don, do to do.

El Dora D0; A gift from god.

Which if the primary information is correct it was a city made of gold.

But a secondary issue was present

It does not take much to think out the concept that the Jews at la niviadad had taken the ship and sailed north west to avoid the genocide the Spanish were doing.

Looking for the city of gold was only partially. What if the city of gold was not actually made of gold but was instead a city of, by, for, dedicated to, some kind of center, etc.

We have to remember in the modern age; that in the 1400s. They still had access to information from the very ancient past. that information from the pre-Pharaonic days of Narmer was still semi-around. Thanks to the massive influx from the middle east and other far flung portions of the world. Spain and Italy being major centers for shipping brought in tons of gold; but also brought in information and education the Catholic's had spent the previous 1000 years destroying and killing. So the response was; “we want the gold” second response “we want to kill anyone who challenges our authority.” So they continued with the pursuit of gold but would kill anyone who looked at them wrong; burn any and all material which would suggest anything other than “the church was the only authority”. For a while in Italy and Spain; the authority of the church was even considered higher than the authority of god.

This lead directly to; “well if the Jews on the Santa Maria did live, left the area, traveled to a safe zone, and set up a new Israel and Jerusalem for themselves. We must go, find it, kill them all, destroy their temples, and take it for ourselves.”

Add to that rumors the Templars escaped.

What if the Templars and the Jews had escaped punishment from the inquisition and were living happily well outside our sphere of influence. We must go, find them, torture them for defying us, then kill them for being an affront to god, etc.


It is very likely Coronado could have traveled farther north west than is reported; either by himself or with only his most trusted; see grail quest. Leaving his other forces to travel farther west.

Meeting with the city officials of Pueblo, who might have given him permission to carry forward to fountain (which is south of Colorado springs), giving him permission to travel north to Colorado city, (Colorado springs would not be founded for another 400 years), which he could have also been given permission to enter Manitou.

But not any of this documented because of the 40 reasons already stated. The priests would not have been allowed anywhere near. If one or two priests were allowed; those would have qualified by the same scale the Holy Grail quest measured its exploeres by.

The trek up to Taos; a great deal could be hidden within those secondary expeditions. Outside the prying eyes of the inquisition priests; the above diplomatic mission could have occurred. The natives and those who had been in Manitou for generations could have acknowledged the secret diplomatic expedition north up the riogrande and then follow it north along the front range. Thus acknowledging the trip and missions achieved by naming various items in Colorado Springs after the man whom kept his word and did not mention a single thing about his journey north. Keeping the secret.

Why would Coronado be granted any of this; the answer is his wife was a concervo (Jewish family who converted). He had a huge amount of loyalty to the Jewish family and family lines. His trip and trek indicate he had a good idea where he was going; but fained ignorance to those in his command. Or he simply did not tell them anything; which is a standard behavior pattern for Royals and commoners on expeditions. The Royals and clergy give orders the men follow without question. Coronado was both a Noble and he Married a Noble Concervo. Which means it is a very good chance in Coronado’s distant relatives were conservo’s. Coronado had to like all those with a strong priest contingent had to constantly prove they were entirely backing the edicts of the church; while at the same time stating and writing a much as they could about their lust for gold. Which the church would of course receive their generous portion for. but outside gold lustful eyes of the priests other important missions and achievements could be obtained.







Fray Marcos de Niza (1495 - March 25, 1558 ) was a Franciscan priest who is said to have traveled to the fabled "Seven Golden Cities of Cibola" in what is now the western part of New Mexico.


I think the seven cities of Cibola; were 300 miles north in and around Manitou.


Cibola was a fabled 7 city’s. Of which Eldorado was one of the seven. However it is the most critical of important to note; just because someone states something does not mean in their perception and the perceptions of those that listen to the retelling of the story. Tall several hundred foot tall sand stone could easily be misunderstood to be several hundred foot tall golden walls surrounding Cibola. Plus the adobe material pueblo’s; in and around Manitou also present amber colored huge cities. But if amber is used as a color; a person who is beyond lustful regarding amber is gold, could easily push the witnesses to describe golden cities instead of adobe cities. Since the authorities would kill on site anyone who they felt was being ungodly. So having a misunderstanding regarding adobe equals gold. Who is the person who just wants to live going to do; correct the person with gold lust or get out of the chat with their live. The witnesses are able to be a hero for a bit and the person listening can fulfil their lustful need to pursuit gold at all costs.

Cibola and the search for said was a broad reaching investigation; which those who knew, knew, and those that did not were left without understanding.

Which is a very strong Spanish and Italian behavior trait. If you know you have earned the right to know. If you do not; you have not earned it yet.

With a far reaching grasp onto the concepts surrounding the applications of a cultural and church lust for gold. The culture of Spain and Portugal could get away with all kinds of explorations and secret missions under the banner of “searching for gold and converting the natives. With a very distant need for the Kings to expand their empires” but those were just the political reasons things were done.

The church and kings would allow anything as long as the explorers came back with; gold, slaves, converts, and settlements/expanded lands to control.

The real missions were to find Cibola.

If you statistically track the Spanish explorers who were directly looking for Cibola/Eldorado. They all make a 90’ bend away from Manitou. It is almost like they are all heading directly to Manitou; then at various distances away(distance in ancient languages numbers and letters were the same depending on use) from Manitou all turned 90’ away metaphorically speaking.

Some met beyond acceptable well-formed armies which forced them to move away. Others simply followed the clues wrong and took themselves in the wrong direction.

Which speaks to the legend of those searching for the grail. Sang Real; Blood/Amber/red/compressed sound/music of god.

Only the worthy can approach. The more unworthy the more you will be pushed away. The more worthy will be able to draw closer. Till only the most worthy can enter the Amber Room; which contains the grail. Which in reality was far more than just the cup which caught the blood of Christ on the cross. The cup was held my Mary Madeleine; which in a very real effect is the definition of Israel. Is (Isis) Ra (Ra sun god) El(Hebrew for god). Mary Isis, Jesus Ra, El the blood flowing into the cup.

That blood being collected would be used as part of the burial ceremony.

With Columbus if the Jews knew something about Cibola/Eldorado than the Spanish needed to go find them, kill them, and take the gold/god’s gifts for Spain Portugal.

The conspiracy theory does not take much to think through.

The 39 Jews and conversio some of who were directly from Northumberland; who also partially paid for the expedition, who built the ship (the one which might have been abandoned), dismantled the settlement of La Nividad, reassembled the ship, sailing it directly out of harm’s way, setting up a new settlement far outside the reach of the conquistadores and priests who wnate4d to kill them on site, etc. Which all indications were they left with the ship.

Now within this theory is presented another idea. That idea/theory is, the converso Columbus left at the Haiti settlement might very well have known about the Templar settlements in the west and traveled to those that settlement.

Instead of creating a new settlement; they might have simply moved into one which already existed. Had existed for century’s by them.

Again only a theory based on the gathered evidence.

But would also explain why a very recessive gene in the natives of the area a child ever x thousands of births will be born with natural blue eyes, blond hair, pale, very tall, etc. all the traits of a person from a Northern European background.

Which by legend Christopher Columbus made a deal with the Ogle Royal family for the maps, Santa Maria, and the Jews in the area to travel to the new world. The Jews would have known exactly where they were going. NO need to explore; just go to the safe zone on the front range, and be 1500 miles inland from the next 200 years of Spanish, etc. exploreres. 200 years to build up a culture, raise lots of children, raise soldiers from those children, and create proper temples to god in the New Israel. Thus allowing for a new Jerusalem tabernacle to be built far away from those that wanted genocide. No Adolf did not invent the concept he simply followed the same behavior patterns as previous inquisitions.


Coronado and the others were not going to allow Jews to have access to both gold and god. They would go to gods house, and remove the dirty Jewish presence from gods house.

So in a very interesting effect; with a very different cultureal translation of Sang Real, the search for the Holy Grail the Spanish took up the cause immediately following when the British left off searching for it. But the Spanish called it something different; which did not translate between Northumberland Holy Grail to Moorish colored Spanish SanGrael. The Spanish preferred to use Cibalo instead of SanGrael. Since Sangrael was a word and phrase specifically used for and by Normand French, British, etc. The Spanish ego and arrogance would not allow for the same search to be conducted using the same name.

So they searched for the holy grail, holy items, gods house, etc. knowing that at some point before knowledge of ocean fairing was standard in their cultures ancient past. the population simply did not talk about it in front of the priests. Or they could be killed on site; is a very strong motivator to only discuss certain topics and not others depending on the crowd you are in.


Cibola comparison

The famed seven cities of gold are a direct link to the seven cities which were in truth seven cities working together to create a working metropolis. Which later was conquered and renamed Rome. A hub city e.g. Jerusalem with at least six major satellite communities around. Those satellite cities/communities around provide a network of cities. Spread out the influence of the area; which could be part of the way Israel was named. Many parts working together.

Which surrounding Manitou are several hills; a few more than seven. Around Rome are more than seven hills.

Rome was conquered at 753 by Esau line Dorian's from Greece. Previous the city was named “the Seven hills” which is remarkable because the city of seven hills was set up by descendants of troy.

The city of troy is directly named for Jacob. As in Jacob grandson of Abraham.

Troy means; descendants of the foot holder. Jacob means; the foot holder.

So the princes of troy were Jews escaping from a different Dorian army trying to genocide them.

What does this have anything to do with Manitou. Akhenaten decided to send his children out to create new kingdoms. Same behavior his ancestors did circa 2100, 2800, 3200, 3500, 3800 b.c.e. send them out to create their own kingdoms. Instead of trying to defend the same area; create larger areas and a trade network between them; so they would be large and strong by the time the conqueror (anyone but most likely Esau’s line descendants) could travel over that direction, or in this case those directions each kingdom would be too strong to conquer easily. Each sibling could then send their own armies out to the one or more attacked and remain strong. The seven major cities of Sumia might have had this same beginning structure; one city can only be so strong, but seven working together are many fold stronger. The opposite of divide and conquer; divide and form cooperation’s between the various siblings. Then teach the descendants about the cooperatives already created.

One of the cities his children settled could have been Troy. Also known as Troy VII.

But the city was conquered six previous times.

Troy VI and VIh are the cities previous to the famous war.

And Priams ancestors Troy.

The city when conquered by Agamemnon; Priam’s sons traveled out to create new kingdoms outside the reach of the Dorian's.

But how Priam’s ancestors arrived some descendants from Akhenaten could be Priam’s ancestors. Maybe not blood line; but a married into the family cousin.

Which connects Akhenaten to Troy. After the Trojan war, princes set out. One of those princes by legend created the city of Alba longa. Alba longa when attacked and destroyed circa 753 b.c.e. the allies of the seven hills came around to help

By legend both the Seven hills and Alba Longa armies were destroyed. Leaving the city of seven hills within a light garrison to defend against what was left of the attacking army. So in a very real effect the garrison knew that waiting would only allow more troops from Greece to come. So loose gracefully; and try and preserve as much of the ancient knowledge as possible before the enemy burns it all.

The city of seven hills was named due to its seven hills. Although this is not correct in most ways. That is just a political spin put into the framework of what will the conqueror accept.

What the truth is most likely. The Jews of the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza who were given that land by Narmer (the same conqueror and Noah impersonator); evidenced by the Narmer plate and passport. The passport the Israelites used for the next 1000 years. From 3200-2100 when the Hyksos(Esau) line descendants invaded from Mecca.

The rich and powerful when invasions occur do the only smart thing; take everything they can an evacuate to a safe zone. Which is approximately the same time when the culture of Crete and the City of Seven hills were founded.

City of seven hills

City of seven hills; was by legend from very old Rome and new archaeological evidence starting to emerge. The city of seven hills was a city which was founded as a direct pre-result of knowing the Thera volcano was going to erupt and needed to find someplace else to live. Even though the volcano did not erupt for another 400 years. 2100-1630 b.c.e. this escaping the volcano could be just another layer of this happened later, so we will pretend our first several hundred years did not exist because the current political climate is anti-Semitic. So some increase in population did occur of course; but with the evidence of the invasion from the Hyksos. Jews from the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza would have needed to find themselves someplace else to live. That is if they wanted to keep living.

So they could have named “the city of seven hills” courtesy of their very hard work regarding building the pyramids as memorials to their faith and their great leaders.

 (which leads to a very interesting theory regarding the exactly connection between the Sakkara necropolis and the designs of all the structures built in that precise area previous to 2100 b.c.e.. You will find very interesting phenomenon built into the architecture .)

Directly connecting seven hills with the seven areas on the West side of the Nile which contained pyramids.

Additionally the Narmer Monolith lists several boats. Those boats could very well to a representation of the cultures each tying themselves to being of Noah/Gilgamesh(pharaoh); by representing themselves and their culture in a boat. Hides their true identity from their enemy; but let us those that know the code to read what they are and who they are.

Exactly the same as a military salute; lift the visor up to let everyone know “this is who I am, this is my face, this is my banner, this is my honor to present myself to you”




Which directly links Cibola the seven hills of gold/god/amber, to Manitou(its hills, its forum in the middle of the older portion of the city), to Rome, to the city of seven hills, to the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza, which directly links Manitou with the founding of Israel. Not to mention dozens of other statistical connections.

The most important thing to remember about ancient pre-Pharaonic Egypt. Conqueror always lie. Whatever they do not like; they by default lie to make themselves look good and their enemy look bad.

Israel had a profoundly huge kingdom/empire in Egypt before Narmer. There was a huge war which took place at 3500 b.c.e. where the main temple of Heliopolis was burned to the ground. Previous the city was called “the city of pillars” how many pillars/temples have been lost to history. But the temple by legend the wooden pillars burned for 12 days. The attack occurred just before Midwinter; about 9 days before midwinter. Making the 12th day the 25th our current Gregorian Calendar December.



The Castle









El's dor ado

el = god



have the greedy and sinful Spanish spread the marketing to tell all Jews and Converso about the coded city of god in the area of Colorado.

Would be fascinating if the messages the Templars left beyond in oral tradition and or spread rumor is they gave some type of hint about El Dorado/Cibola/SangRael. Which would have then caused those fascinated with gold a chance to spread the rumor regarding the city of gold. But in reality the rumor was not about gold but the city of god e.g. a new Jerusalem. Jera means the passage of time in Nordic/German Salem meaning gods city. City of god and god’s city of time; time being a representation of the amber/gold/sun’s motion. The code being go ask the Ogle Royal family of the now renamed from Gaelic to Latin Northumberland for passage to ElDorado/SangRael.

The Nordic cultures by all evidence had a regular trade route across the north sea from Northern Ireland, Scotland, Norway, to Iceland, Greenland, and Newfoundland. This trade route existed from 700-1400 b.c.e. The inquisition from 900-1300 were mass genocide everyone they could get their hands on who knew anything at all about anything which would oppose the churches “death, death, death to all whom appose us”. So much genocide the trade route stopped; not enough bodies to continue working the ships. So it is very likely the rumors of El Dorado started as an oral legend long before the Vatican allowed those things to be written down.

Consequently those lusting for gold of the fabled el dorado/cibala/sangrael had to look and search through only the lands which the church would allow access to. Once that search was completed and the church was needing more gold. The church then allowed the idea of exploring west. But only after the search for the gold city was exhausted in their indo-European-african territories.

el dorado; the city of the sacred/divine journey. North(sacred/divine/sun deity), amber(gold/divine), land/city (specifically defined area). North Umber Land is Latin for the much older Gaelic Yr Hen Ogle DD; the family name Ogle. Constantine’s mother’s maiden name. Ogle Castle sits just a few miles north of Hadrian’s wall. That land and castle were given back to the Ogles by William the conqueror after Hastings 1066.

not telling the enemy the code allowed for Jews and Converso to come across in droves to the new world. Knowing what and where to find the city of gold. leaving the conquistadores and inquisition baffled as to what they were talking about.

plus just behind the mountain was millions of tons of gold. literally sitting on the ground waiting to be picked up. Pikes Peak or bust; cripple creek and victor being hundreds of years later evidence remnance of these situations.

Interesting to note; the British traded looking for El Dorado(Cibala)<very likely Spanish Arrogant translation for SangReal> and the British searching for the Holy Grail. They traded the search; the first few hundred yeas the British looked, then the next few hundred years the Spanish/Portuguese searched, then the British looked again.

Pikes Peak or Bust

Became a very popular slogan regarding the riches carrying forward the mythology of Eldorado just with a new name and new packaging. Still the same information packaging. Those that figured out what was going on; stayed in the area of Manitou those that were blinded by riches were driven off. Pikes Peak is said to have no gold or riches within 100 miles; this is still part of the propaganda the residence of Manitou and Colorado city were spreading to make sure the unworthy stayed away. Even as late at the 1860s; the effort to keep unworthy away was still going on. But major gold and silver discoveries in the area foiled that propaganda entirely. The large 10s of thousands of people living in the area were just fine living and selling wears to those passersby looking to strike it rich. But then the discoveries were made and the throngs including the religious fanatics came. From 1850-1880; the dominant paradigm shifted from the previous culture to the new miners and religious fanatics.

By 1880; the old existing culture had been all but erased and the new culture had created their own culture. which is almost exactly what occurred changing the name of the city from the Seven Hills to Rome. The previous several hundred years of culture and civilization infrastructure was simply forgotten about by the new owners, or the previous building was remodeled with the history of what was their before erased.

My theorized culture living in Manitou and Colorado city previous to 1840 managed to maintain their power hold from 1490-1880. But just like Northumberland; the conqueror and or the infiltrator culture will erase eventually what they do not like. 1066-1600; it only took the English 400 years to erase the previous cultures from Manitou. It took close to 500 years to do the same behavior in Northumberland. Infiltrators and corrupters are difficult to fight over hundreds of years; easy to fight a conqueror with a weapon. Poison will eventually weaken the previous to the point of not being able to fight against it any more.


The legends were present from the very minute of the crucifixion of the Jacob line Jesus of Nazareth. The confusion of the first few hundred years of Christianity the searches were not occurring because the Roman Empire wide wars for control occurring. Very difficult to search for something if invading armies are attacking from all sides including from within.

The first written accounts for the search occur circa 400-800 during the mythical and legendary accounts of Merlin, Arthur, and the Knights of the Round Table.

Arthur needed to drink from the cup to restore him to his youthful self to fight his illegitimate son from a character very similar to Medusa. The story of Camelot has dozens of similarities to the story of Medusa.

So in effect the British had the search for the first four hundred years.

Then the Pictish Esau line descendants possessed the power and search capability from 750-1066. Although the British did not stop looking or exploring; they did had to do so under the coded disguise of the Vikings. Begin defeated by the Pictish and their axis of cultures; the Northumberland/Ogle British had to continue under a different name. So they chose a different language version of their previous kingdom Name. To go a Viking; exploring using boat/ship(raised platform/mound) resting in small water inlets(defined water area with a raised ship/boat/mound at the center<which is the exact definition of another British word/name/culture.>). Which the word; going a traveling, resting in the small inlets, allowing the water on all sides to protect them from the sea and natives on the shore.

But it also provides a code. Camelot translates to; raised earth/physical object surrounded by water, the water being a specifically designated area. Camelot and Viking definitions have more than a 80% statistical linguistic match.

Then the British took over again looking for the cup of Christ on the way to the first Crusade to remove the Esau line descendants from the holy land.

From 1066-1400s the British were the primary searchers for the Grail.

From 1400-1700 the Spanish took over again with the conquistadores and the priests of the inquisition.

From 1700-present the British and English have taken over the search again.


 Library at Athens(Aten)

library Athens

By legend Athens was named to honor Theseus’s mother, who’s name derived from some form of the Amenhotep iv aka Akhenaten’s monotheistic god the “Aten”. The Aten was a sun god from pre-3500 b.c.e who create the world at Heliopolis Egypt. A statue by legend stood in Heliopolis which was copied and reconstructed at Rhodes; that same idea inspired the construction of the Statue of Liberty.

The library at Athens although it did have to be moved on more than a dozen occasions because conquerors almost immediately upon breaching the walls make two be lines. first to the royal family to kill them. second they have the books they want taken out of the library and the building burned to the ground. so they possess the knowledge and any inventions which lead they can claim came directly from them. they are the greatness of the knowledge, they just figured out x and erase the fact that x inventions came directly from the stolen library.

libraries contained Adam’s tabernacle

reconstructing Adam’s tabernacle in Manitou


he assumed that in Manitou being miles from Colorado Springs, it would be a safe place in order to create his castle and mirror of Adam’s tabernacle. since the Jews and Converso in the area had been left mostly alone in the area. so Jean Baptiste Francolon assumed that a Jewish sanctuary which contained a megalith would be safe and unharmed. Jean Baptiste Francolon was wrong.

most of the major details regarding of the items revolving around the ideas, location, connections to ancient designs, a reflection of Adam’s tabernacle in the garden of Eden and his duplicate on earth. making a duplicate of it in Manitou would work wonderful. instead it was met by the puritan descendants as insulting to god and their versions of monotheism. Since their version was correct and Avignon Catholicism was wrong; destroying the cathedral of Miramont was in god’s plan. Being entirely ignorant of the facts regarding the building and cathedral were built as a direct reflection of the mount of olives east of Jerusalem.

Which is an interesting connection between the Masonic phrase; From the West to the East.

Since the temple mound or the center of attention for the last 3000 years. The Mount of Olives is directly east. From the West to the East; is a very interesting connection.

Vatican of the West

Vatican of the west

Miramont castle was intended to be the center piece of a brand new Jacob line Jesus spiritual center e.g. the Vatican of the west.

the cliff house, the spa building, and Miramont castle, etc. could have been designed regarding.

The Vatican of the West was intended to be the holy diplomatic mission Fr Francolon was going to build and expand for the rest of his life.

He had intended to keep building, keep expanding, start to hire the best artists, etc. to mirror the Vatican. To create an actual 1/1 scale model of the temple of Ptah. To rebuild all seven of the major cities/Cibola/tabernacles of Rome/seven areas of pyramids of Giza right there in Manitou.

Where he know it or not. Genesis is written into the architecture of those 120 pyramids. When you have invaders who are dead locked on first kill the royals second burn the library to the ground. best to create a library which is entirely hidden from an attacker/conqueror being able to know anything about it. If a conqueror comes to destroy your library but cannot find it; your library remains safe and readable by later generations.

But if your decryption is too intense; that is takes a great deal of effort to decode the secrets to rebuilt the ancient bible.

It does not matter fi Fr Francolon knew if what he built into Miramont was or was not close to that of the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza or not. What does matter is he built as much of ancient monotheistic tradition into his castle as he could. which later generations can then come along and properly decode the hidden codes and find out what monotheism was like from Adam to Abraham. Maybe even what it was like from Jacob to the Hyksos invasions.

From the Hyksos to Tut; that information might still be findable within the architecture of the kingdoms Akhenaten’s children created. Which would be one major reason previously only assumed “when the Hyksos invaded Egypt” once they had Egypt they immediately turned their sites away from Egypt and toward the middle east. Going as quickly to the Aegean as their military power would allow.

Taking as much of the Aegean as they could. being warned not to come and invade east of the Thera volcano. Which they ignored and kept on coming. They then as a culture caught the Thera volcano dead in the teeth. Removing their power base. The Jacob line Amenhotep iv ancestors immediately raised an army and seized the throne.

Which upon seizing the throne the Hyksos were all but devastated.

This information is talked about in the mythology of Zeus and his battles with the Titans.

Which Akhenaten simply repeated the same behavior pattern as his 2100 b.c.e ancestors. They sent out to create new kingdoms as the Hyksos invaded; so did Akhenaten.

Same cities their ancestors formed; Akhenaten’s children either were welcomed with open arms or they had to conquer the city.

Either way; the ancient kingdom structure of the seven remained intact.

Miramont is divided into seven primary sections. Although the sections do blend into each other.


how in the world would Columbus and Miramont castle have anything to do with each other.

the answer is; the Jews and Converso who were on board were left at Nadividad to create/establish a colony using the salvaged parts of the ship Columbus beached on the shore. when Columbus returned he claimed to the priests and conquistadors that the 39 Jews and Converso including Luis de Torres, Columbus left were dead on the beach and the settlement was destroyed. but the remains of the ship were gone and only small portions of the village remained.

Evidence points strongly to the 39 Jews and Converso including Luis de Torres simply reassembled the ship, and sailed to the closest save zone. creating a new colony. they traveled up the riogrande and created settlements in the four corners area.

the four corners area is just a few hundred miles south of Manitou. from 1493 to the 1600s it is easy to assume the Jews and Converso would have ventured out and around.

one of the places they could have created a new colony could be Manitou itself.

evidence of said; almost all cathedrals were built on top of megaliths. Specifically in this case a dolman.

Columbus naming the native of America is also a code to hide truth from those that would execute him I a second for nothing.

Columbus named the natives “Indians” not because he knew he was in India; but because the Priests and the Church would not acknowledge the American continent. They would only support if they were in India. Anything other than saying something about India and he would have been executed on the spot.

So he named them Indians; the code he managed to work out was to name the natives after his largest backers and builders of one of this ships. The Northumberland royal family provided cash, gave a ship, and above all provided the navigational tools to achieve the trip. Maps and the navigation techniques to sail over the horizon. The Northumberland royal family are in the Britain Royal family line; the Britain Royal family line are part of the People of Kaern. Another group and a key part of their name the Ogle Royal family have connections to Rivers and water ways. So naming the natives “the people of the great sacred river” allowed him to name the natives of America after the Ogle Royal Family. But hide those details from

Columbus might very well be buried in the Jewish settlement he helped create in the Four corners area and maybe even in Manitou itself.

La Nividad

Founded on Christmas day 1492. the La dividad story is vastly complicated.

first Columbus himself was descended from Jews and Converso. there was a huge issue with the Spanish inquisition not only not paying direct and hard attention to those that converted or die to Christianity. but they punished those that converted or die but later or even generations later, their descendants would start to show behavior patterns closely associated with Judaism.

consequently; some of Columbus’s worst behaviors were to directly prove one more time how much of a dedicated catholic he was.

some priests needed to see those under their spiritual guidance to perform horrific actions. just to prove that minute, hour, day, week, month, year, generations etc. that the person was at the core of their being loyal to the priest first, Spain second, Rome third, and the pope last.

but the 39 Jews and Converso and Converso including Luis de Torres he left behind, first could not make the trip back. they were lucky to have not been killed in the weeks of the voyage. all priests of the time had a kill first ask questions later laws regarding any heresy in their sphere of control.

so the 39 Jews and Converso including Luis de Torres left behind could have easily be intentionally left on all sides.

Columbus leaving them behind with their own boat from Northumberland.

the Jews and Converso to make a new Israel in the new world.

Spanish since the changes of being able to live amongst hostiles was impossible; they assumed the Jews and Converso left would simply be killed by someone else. not wanting to get their hands dirty, best to enjoy the executions without doing the deed yourself.

the priests for being able to claim more heresy persons and to report back to Spain and Rome that Columbus was doing a great job finding and executing those that questioned the authority of the church.

everyone was able to receive what they wanted.

The Jews and Converso left behind used the shell of the ship to build the settlements. Columbus sailed off back to Spain.

shortly after the Jews and Converso most likely would have simply rebuilt the ship and sailed away.

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

the Santa Maria could have been the ship built in Northumberland which a pub is built from the same trees used in the Santa Maria.

so the remains of the ship will not be found anywhere close to the Caribbean but some portions could be found up the riogrande. parts could be in the settlements of the four corners. possibly pueblo, Manitou, etc.



at least one ship and a good chunk of the financing for the voyage was paid for by the Northumberland royal family. who had direct connections to Jews and Converso.

Manitou Legend

one of the apostles by legend is supposed to have settled in Manitou. it would be interesting if that apostle was the one who constructed Miramont castle. Or Fr Francolon was inspired to create his Castle to honor the legend of the Immortal Apostle living in Manitou.  as the picture depicts; the two men are not entirely that dissimilar. With more than a few facial similarities. Nose, hair line, beard shape, eye brows, cheeks, etc.

He built Miramont to reflect as many different pieces and portions of Monotheism as he could. Right down to the overall shape and geometric dimensions match the shape and dimensions of the Mount of Olives from which Jesus gave many sermons.

Which is a fascinating connection because; Jesus was given the symbol of Olive. When an olive is added to the name of someone; that symbol means that person is trained to enter King Solomon's Temple inner Sanctum Sanctorum. The holiest of holy places which houses the arc of the covenant.

by legend three of the apostles were gifted with the cloak of immortality.

would be even more interesting is if you combine those legends with the definition of Nazareth means the same exact as pharaoh meaning it is possible the last supper was not designed for pass over/Easter. but was actually Jesus Christ being elected to be the next pharaoh.

since pharaoh is a Israel/Semitic/monotheistic title. meaning the guardian of the long house/great/tabernacle which holds the tree, fountain, etc. which later conquerors stole the name and forced the Israelite’s to forget the title and associated names were theories to begin with. They erased and forced to forget by burning all material, and killing anyone who might still know. Repeat over the course of 1000 years, and most of the information from pre Abraham is erased. Minus some small unconnected puzzle pieces which managed to survive despite fires and genocide.

the great/long house/tent/tabernacle was by legend designed by Adam from his memory of the garden tabernacle he had built at the center of the garden of Eden.

that legend is what inspired and shaped the design of the castle and the cathedral.


It is very likely the Last supper was an election appointing Jesus to be the next Pharaoh. Since Jesus's line had not forgotten the facts regarding Pharaoh is their title directly from Adam. Adam itself means Red/Sacred Earth/Ground; which has the code.

The renaming the new Pharaoh has existed from Narmer (100% guarantee it occurred before, Gilgamesh and Noah two names one event) down to Cleopatra. Then from Simon Peter forward to the current Frances. All have had King Name changes. So what makes anyone think that Jesus would have not be given three or five new names to reflect his being appointed to be “Guardian of the Long house of God; which holds the sacred trees”. 2000 years of name changes Simon Peter to Frances, 3000 years from Cleopatra to Narmer name changes. The Romans themselves named Jesus Nazareth; which is Latin for Pharaoh. If all involved name changed and even the Romans called him Pharaoh in Latin; that is a one-time oddity over 5000 with evidence adding another 2000 years from Narmer to Adam. Jesus would have been name changed.





France colossus if Rh

New France

new France


From the 1805-1900 sale of new France and lousina by Napoleon; the residence of those areas some were very confident that the Royalists were going to eventually rise back up and seize back the throne.

After more than a few attempts; all with very limited success, liberty eventually won and all France was no longer Royalist but Liberty.

Making those that were still aligned with the French Royal family and government; they picked the wrong side.

When the United States of America aligned itself to England and against Britain. Since the English had been at war with the British on and off for Millennia; it only made sense for the new Americans to align themselves with England. Especially after the French revolution. Which America came in on the Liberty side; against the Crown. Those local to the British and to France found themselves on the losing side of the war.

Frankcolon was one of those that found himself aligned to the losing side.

So the open and welcoming religious tolerance which was supposedly associated with the west and Colorado turned from open to all; switched to open only to those religiously aligned with puritan organizational structures. Which is interesting since over the course of the 1800s the evangelicals has been engaged in similar combat with the previous religious inhabitance of the area of Colorado. Which through DNA prove the Evangelicals were battling against in some cases Israelite Jews. Born again (even though it was not strictly puritan; or even named that yet.) English Government (specifically Henry Viii) Protestant Christian was becoming the dominate religious force in the area and in the city. Having successfully conquered the previous natives and Jews in the area.

There was a huge difference between Italian/Irish Catholic philosophies and the British/French Catholic philosophies.

That alignment in America favored the Irish/Italian ceremonies and political alignment. Meaning the entire population which was aligned British/French were not only cultural enemies, but subconsciously they were the religious enemy. Being Avignon Papacy aligned Northumberland and Scottish Catholic aligned; and above all else being many generations back converso but still having very strong Israelite/Jewish behavior patterns. Not any of that would be acceptable in just about any way.

Knights Templar

Being a Templar and being Jewish were executable offenses.

The Templars had access to libraries which dated back to 3800 bce. Most likely libraries dating back many hundreds if not thousands of years before that.

knowing this as a fact.

they knew about America. they also knew about navigation in order to be able to cross an ocean

so what does a culture do with ships, money, power, libraries, etc but no safe land to call home. but they know about America

answer they travel not to the first land they encounter west that is simply beyond ignorant. the culture they are fleeing from will eventually crawl its way out of the thumb of "death to all who oppose us" and start to think for themselves.

making the first land on the east coast the worst place to start a new settlement

as far west as possible is the only logical choice. we know were we are going. it will take them hundreds of years to figure out how to go in mass from the east coast of the Continent to the Rockies.

so we will have from the time they have boots on the ground east coast a few decades if not hundreds of years to arrive at the Rockies.

those years, decades, hundreds of years to prepare defenses.

repeating the same patterns meritaten's father and her children did preparing for the invasion of Rome.

which is why; the Ogle Royal family managed to do against the Romans no one else was able to do period. Defeat Rome for 400 years almost solid.

evidence of the defeat Hadriens wall.

which ironically is the same exact family who created FreeMasonry, Templar Knights, the Vikings, and the entire Byzantium empire. Same family did all of it. Constantine’s mother was the daughter of the Ogle Royal family commanding general; after losing again the emperor and generals daughter were married to keep the piece.

so where on the front range is a good place to set up a "New Western Israel and capital city Jerusalem" answer where the geography matches that of Jerusalem and has natural defenses. Manitou Springs Colorado fits that bill with room to spare. It is even configured according to older versions of the bible genesis 1 and 2 according to the four rivers and the springs in the center.

It would be fascinating to perform an archaeological exploration of the areas in and surrounding Manitou for the Knights Templar Treasure. The 18 boats which left La Rochelle and were never seen again.

The Knights possessed more than sufficient skills to navigate across the ocean to America. Prove Leaf Erikson; purchased his maps and ships from someone who had already done the journey.

So it is possible the massive Templar treasure could be somewhere in the front range. Possible split into two or more portions. A portion for from the West to the East. Or portions on the compass headings. West to East; say Manitou to somewhere east in and or around the east coast. Which might have been part of why the Island of New York has been so bitterly fought over. Looking for the Templar treasure; no one suspecting the Templars could have traveled as far as Colorado.

But the Riogrande

Less than 200 miles straight; a journey around the ocean, up the river systems, etc. 200 miles by various means is not difficult.

What better place to hide from everyone is up the last major river to the west. Then a few hundred miles north of that; to a place which is designated as being sacred.

If we use the standard FreeMasonic offices as t43eples for this theory; east as in New York city would hold nothing more than the Grand Masters amber room and Amber throne.

The library and said would be either North or West.

South East would the place where the secretary sits and; somewhere South East could be in some way connect to some type of Templar hidden treasury.

North in Solomon's time did not have a Gate. The area to the north is on the descent portion of the hill.

The west still contains the Wailing Wall.

Several topics come up when dealing with Templars and FreeMasonry.

First evil.

You have to remember that Esau’s line has the entire width and breadth history of western culture been infiltrators. Esau’s line every culture associated like to perform the same actions.

Conquer, kill everyone who will not submit, destroy any and all information which points to them being anything other than great, destroy as many traces of previous cultures as possible, genocide is in their playbook, a lust for money, the lust for money is only superseded by their lust for power. Along with about a dozen other statically connections all of which can be tracked no matter what the cultures which possess said types of behavior exhibit.

There is a difference between the FreeMason organization and the few bad apples which give the entire group a bad name.

But the behavior patterns are easy to track.

Morning star; the angel cording to monotheistic tradition is the angel who informed god that humans should be punished in order to make themselves worthy of heaven. The argument turned into a battle; which then turned itself into a war.

Remember Esau’s line are infiltrators; they enter good things and turn them as bad as they possibly can. Which means that at a group has to be taken according to each individual and group not the organization as a whole.

So the FreeMasons have on occasion accepted people who were aligned negatively than positively.

The Illuminate are a group who turned against the really bad behavior of the Roman Catholic church; when the church exhibited the above described behavior patterns. Mass killings, mass destruction of information, mass suppression, etc. So the illuminate some pockets were good; but not long after they started to make a good name, the individuals who were aligned with Esau’s behavior patterns infiltrated. Taking a good name and turning it evil by action.

So in truth; Illumi = Light. Nati = child, born, buttock, child of divinity.

The children seeking the light of god.

But at the same time; the children seeking the light of the morning star.


Illuminati = not light, not light, not of morning stats path. Light could mean either god or the light holder; the fool’s gold away from the real thing.

Manitou; how many times has Manitou been put through a variety of arguments back and forth between the different dominant paradigm faiths. Manitou in a way is similar to Boulder; a wide array of what can be called liberals surrounded by some who only want to cause harm, insults, degrading, erasing of information, etc. Even the very word “liberal” in the last thirty years has turned from just a different point of view; to nasty and in some cases a disgusting reference.

We poor knights of the temple of Solomon

Compare the design of Miramont to the design of Solomon's temple

Then compare where the library was with Miramont

To find a possible location where the Templars might have hid their treasure.

Next the same family who created FreeMasonry later created the “We Poor Knights of the brotherhood of the Temple of Solomon” evidence they brought the library back to Northumberland. The amount so scholarly work done in middle eastern languages in the decades immediately after the crusaders started to come back is similar to the unbelievable rise in technology the Romans enjoyed immediately after taking the library of Alexandria back to Rome. The romans went from Bronze to Steal in 10 years. Thirty years later they invent steam engine. Ok you tell me how after 700 years of exactly the same ratio of increasing technology; they leap forward by 1000 years, they could have stated the industrial revolution right then. An event which would not occur again for another 1800 years. The scholars in Northumberland were translating Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic, Sanskrit, etc. circa 1200 ce. Using medial texts from the middle east.


popes of the 1500s


popes of the 1600s

English Culture

The definition of English e.g. Culture are those from the UK who are from the south east portion of the island. A very strange occurrence happened in both the founding of America and the revolutionary war. The English governments managed to blame everything on the British; who are a culture from a few miles south of York or Sherwood Forest to Edinburgh.

The revolutionary war was against the British. But that is both American and English propaganda. The war was not between the British and the Americas. The war was between the American/British and the English. But through skillful manipulations in the decades leading up to the war, the war itself, and through 1850; the English blamed everything on the British even though the British were already defeated by the English in the decades before 1775.

Miramont castle was founded by a British/French politically aligned Catholic Priest.

Robin Hood

Of the very many times/people/places/things which the English white washed edited to make themselves look good and remove those that oppose them is the legend of Robin hood.

One of the more difficult aspects of Robin hood is the facts surrounding the editing.

Robin Hood was by all accounts a real historical figure. But all the major details minus a few have been systemically erased by the English movement. King John aligned himself with the Mercia English and against the British. King Richard the Lion Heart like his ancestors before him; were allied with William the Conqueror. King Johns betrayal is many fold worse than is currently understood.

First; Sherwood forest. Which from 1066-1600 was a heavily contested strip of land. Both the Ogle/Northumberland royal family and the Mercia/English royal family claimed ownership.

Second; to successfully hide things, an enemy will take a fact and change the definition.

E.g. the symbol for Robin the bird being a symbol for an organization, becomes politically spun into a name a version of Robert, and spun into a slang term for Robber.

Third fact; the tree Robin of the hood supposedly met with his merry men at. The tree’s meaning was lost but in basic the tree would be a very edited version of a tabernacle/Masonic lodge. A tree or an emblem for a tree used to be pictured behind the WM’s chair/throne.

Four; till the English seized the British territory of Northumberland for themselves, they hated all aspects of FreeMasonry. I am not saying Fr Frankcolon was a freemason by any account. I am saying that the basics of the same behavior patterns associated with Robin Hood were delivered upon the Fr and his Miramont castle. When the English seized control over; they took FreeMasonry too and changed it to suit their needs; instead of reflecting what the true origins of the situation were.

Five; the library is not guarded by the worshful master, is it guarded by the historian and the Senior Warden. So that points to the library would not be east but west and north.

Consequently fictional accounts of some type of library under Manhattan is incorrect. Trinity church was founded by the Ogle Royal family previous to 1600s. conquered and renamed by the Dutch. Conquered and renamed by the English after John Ogle took the area back from the Dutch circa 1680. Renaming the college from either Trinity or something close to Trinity. To Kings now Columbia by the Americans.

But the major portion of the library was in the west.


Avignon Papacy

Avignon Papacy; this papacy was still alive and thriving until just before the French Revolution circa 1791.

Which the remaining Avignon; they by shear logic would have simply exiled to the next safe zone and started to reconstruct/rebuilt Avignon in a new location.

Apparently based on a profound amount of evidence; the founding of Manitou is a direct result of this Avignon political party and Papacy moving from France and Britain to the Americas.

Unfortunately; 100 years later the political powers that be won and did everything in their power to erase the previous to 1880 history of Manitou, including the true history of Miramont castle, the cathedral behind, the spa building, the cliff house, etc. Most if not all the main buildings previous to 1880 were designed to be a new Vatican or in this case Avignon/Vatican in Colorado. Where they are a direct reflection of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives. Which itself is a copy of the Temple of Tyre. Which itself is a copy of the Temple of Ptah and the areas/circles/megalithic areas to the west side of the Nile. Sumeria

Interesting how New York a place which in the late 1500s and early 1600s was designed to be the same. The British were conquered their at least 3 times. First by the Dutch their former allies. They took the island back the movie “national treasure” fame. Then the English took the island away from the British again. But left contingency of British/French/Avignon culture as a pocket/refugee/reservation area in Manhattan.

In response; the British/French/Avignon culture moved out west to the already named and partially settled Colorado.

Evidence of this can be found in

Colorado, Colorado. New York, New York.

Before being called Old Colorado city; it was simply Colorado city. Colorado city, Colorado.

Or New York city, New York.

But were defeated

Sisters of Mercy

The sisters of Mercy was an order founded in Dublin. Dublin has a fascinating connection to both Miramont castle. Dublin the city itself was founded by Vikings. The Vikings are directly connected to the Ogle Royal family. The ogle royal family and the Vikings are very close to the same thing; since the Ogle royal family hired the Vikings to both before the Pictish revolt as troops to keep the Pictish inline. After to create new settlements till a sufficient time could be obtained to seize the throne of Britain back from the Pictish.

Dublin was founded by the Vikings. In a way the sisters of mercy can draw their origin directly back to the Ogle royal family, Columbus’s journey, Constantine, and the founding of the Vatican itself.

British in America

British in America the true history of the British in America has been politically spun by some many cultures who openly and bold face lie; the truth becomes difficult to decipher.

The British are in large part responsible for the voyage of Columbus. The British are also responsible for the secret internal second portion of the first voyage of Columbus. But they were thinking; what the catholic church does not know, they cannot hurt us if they do not know.

So buried deep within the planning of the first expedition; and the maps Columbus used on this journey. The Northumberland royal family aka Ogle Royal family provided maps and one of the ships for the 1492 journey. It could be that same ship was intentionally beached and the settlements of LaNivada created.

When Columbus sailed away leaving the Jews and Converso he brought with him behind.

They simply took the opportunity; dismantled the buildings created out of the ships pieces. Refloated the ship. Reconstructed the ship.

Then sailed away.

Where did they sail to. By DNA they sailed up the Riogrande and settled between Santa Fe the four corners area (mesa Verde) and Colorado city.

Columbus Expeditions

The first expedition of Columbus was in basic by available evidence; two separate expeditions. The first was entirely sanctioned and supported by the catholic church of Rome and Spain.

Columbus Expeditions First

Columbus first expedition was simple. Sail across the ocean to find India. Once in India create trade connections and find gold. The priests on board were to find an convert the savages.

Columbus Expeditions Secret

Columbus Second expedition inside the first was a secret; because the conquistadores and priests on board would have been more than happy to kill on the spot any hint of deviation from the course. The course was to find gold and convert the local savages to the ways of Christ.

The secret second was to create an expedition outside the heresy laws of the priests and conquistadors. In order to create a new Israel and Jerusalem within the framework of find a save zone 1000s of miles away from the nearest Paul descended Catholic church and rebuild Israel and Jerusalem again.

For the first couple hundred years; the plan worked to perfection. Unfortunately the plan also has two built in flaws. First flaw; the Aztecs were coming back to Mexico now that the drought has finished in Mexico they could return and rebuilt their civilization again.

Second fatal flaw the Jews and Converso did not create in the 200 years till the Paul descended not Jacob line Jesus followers would be arriving in mass numbers to erase all traces of what they did not like. So stead of building defenses; the Jews and Converso who arrived at the headwaters did not build defenses as quickly as possible. The simply lived and worked; waiting till the Aztecs moved on. Then when the could start building defenses; it was too late white settlers from the east arrived in the Colorado/Frontier area and wanted all the land. Wanting also to erase any and all traces of all perceived savage culture in the west.

Presuming all dark complected people were natives of the area; kill on site become the standard procedure. So in a very real way and by DNA; the earliest white settlers in the area of the front range from pikes peak east were exterminating Jews and Converso as quickly a Adolf would kill them 100 years later.


Colorado city

Colorado city; think of this city with a similar layout pattern as the city of Rome/seven hills.

The forum is several miles east of the former rock of mars e.g. the current location of the Vatican.

Vatican to the forum


Miramont castle to the spa building.

Obviously the angle is not correct by more than 10’s but the basic layout is correct.

Since Manitou had a megalith were the spa building is and Miramont castle is.

Which match were Basilica and forum are located general configurations.

The form has a dammed up fountain/spring below the center of the ancient city of seven hills temple/megalith.

However each follow the angle of the river.


Colorado State

Colorado state

color the cloak of many colors.

radio; physical journey

in a symbolic and metaphoric way; the state of Colorado was a Latinized word to mean be a hidden reference to Judaism. the state of Colorado color/light journey.

so in a very real effect Colorado means Israel. since the cloak of many colors of which Jacob was given, Jean Baptiste Francolon passed it to his son the origin of the Jewish people. that cloak of many colors. a cloak is something you take on the journey of life. as in travel. that which you wear to protect yourself from the elements, your environment, and the energy's which will because you to deviate off your path.

Raido is a Futhark word meaning physical journey.

the Jews and Converso of the area which could have included Manitou springs named Colorado. as a code to those back in Europe and back east. letting Jews and Converso and those of faith know where the next Israel was going to be located.

unfortunately for the Jews and Converso and the early Christians. the puritans found out and made all but a bee line to the location. then immediately went to war those in the immediate area. to destroy the Jewish homeland, destroy the infrastructure, and work very hard to erase all that was before. then carrying forward to create their new puritan homeland. which palmer, el palmar, etc. achieved in strong format.


Define Manitou springs Colorado

man·i·tou or man·i·tu  (m n -t ) also man·i·to (-t )

n. pl. man·i·tous or man·i·tus also man·i·tos

1. In Algonquian religious belief, a supernatural power that permeates the world, possessed in varying degrees by both spiritual and human beings.

Man; person in Futhark Mannaz, a biological thing with its own unique electro-magnetics signature(Laguz aspects of a Man/Mannaz).

I; of

Tou; the sacred strength of the spirit(reference to the electro-magnetics or Laguz of someone).

Or in English; a world/place/land(large area; not earth but a specifically designated large area.), were the spirit(represented by the color red/amber) of god, which is contained within specifically designated areas within the larger world/place, which can easily be translated to and hidden away from genocidal Catholic's/Evangelicals as a direct name and meaning of Israel/Jerusalem/The story of Noah. Which the two or more cities/areas in and around the Garden of God/Eden; have many different settlements. Which reflects exactly to the concept of Israel. Since Israel is the country which contains the various temples, etc. of the descendants of Adam. Jerusalem being the capital city of Israel. Which Miramont has the exact architectural and ratio configuration of the mount of Olives. Which is directly east across the valley from the Temple mound.

The temple mound being a direct copy of the Temple of Tyre which was built by Jews under slavery conditions from the Hyksos aka Esau line descendants. The Hyksos left several Israelite Jewish army/cultures too strong to deal with, beyond in key city’s they conquered. Tyre and Troy were two of those dozens. At Tyre the Jews reconstructed their Ptah temple. Knowing the area of Manitou was already being infiltrated by Puritan's from the east; he knew he had to do a great deal of hiding what he was actually building. So he combined the temple mount and Solomon's pre-Zerubbabel temple design into his castle. In effect making a micro version of Jerusalem, Israel, Bethlehem, Sumeria, Heliopolis, etc. in the city named Noah/Israel.

Fountain; the fountain at the center of the garden of Eden.

Color; the multi-colored cloak of the king/Pharaoh of Israel Jacob wore and passed to his fourth son.

Raido; a physical journey, the guardian of the path.

remembering the facts regarding the rather impressive situations regarding kill all who oppose us. heresy laws were so strongly in effect that the entire situation revolved around how honest and how much code to use to encrypt the info. as history attests the city of old Colorado city/ Colorado city Manitou were well established before the east coast puritans came out. Interesting to note; the angle of Old Colorado City is the same angle as from Luz(Genesis 28;19 word 18)/Memphis to Jacobs Ladder. Which circa 2500 b.c.e was a creation/recreation of Adams Tabernacle. Although; with the addition of this evidence; more than a little states that Adam built two Tabernacles. One around the tree of construction and a second away by the same angles and ratio’s observed in the major capital cities of the western world.

One to conduct business in.

One to perform religious duties in.

One to balance in; which would complete the dolman.

Genesis 28:10-22

King James Version (KJV)

10 And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran.

11 And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.

12 And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.

13 And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed;

14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

15 And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.

16 And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not.

17 And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.

18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it.

19 And he called the name of that place Bethel: but the name of that city was called Luz(Modern Memphis) at the first.

20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,

21 So that I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the Lord be my God:

22 And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house: and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.


Sakkara necropolis is west of the Nile inland, Manitou is west. With an inland sea which dried up in Cali, Nevada high desert East is not where the library would be se secretary North historian Necropolis Adam tree of life.

Tasted/the apple would surely death and Adam connected.

Necropolis Adams city, Adams library.

I am 99% sure the Sakkara necropolis was not a grave; or at least the bodies were placed later. If you think about it; "you will surely die" die could be an insult by a conqueror regarding an insult to Adam's descendants. We know as a hard level of fact that upper Egypt conquered lower circa 3500 b.c.e. changing the name of IWNW to Heliopolis. The main temple/ziggurat of IWNW was razed. Rebuilt to reflect the belief system of upper Egypt. The insult of the Sakkara necropolis could have easily occurred at that point. Changing the name Adam's city to Death/Dead city; reflecting genesis 2.


Base of a super volcano Thera acroteri

Base of a super volcano pikes peak Manitou

Base of a very powerful volcano; Pompeii

The volcano might be some type of psychological reflection regarding a need to be close to Jacobs ladder. But since the pull is are entirely subconscious; the behavior patterns are also subconscious.

Where the Rivers of the Tigerous and Euphrates merge at the Persian Gulf; to the east the Euphrates river is where the ruins are Eridu are.

What is so significant with that; Miramont castle is approximately the same distance up river from where Ruxton Creek and Fountain Creek merge.

The correct ratio up the river, on the correct side of the river, with its companion river the Tigerious/Fountain Creek to the east.

The Tigerous and Euphrates rivers and the distance up match very closely.

The Eridu Ziggurat supposedly continued the Plates of Destiny. Which were taken from the tower by legend by Terah Abraham’s father.

Which those mythical plates could have provided the necessary engineering to build the pyramids.

Which Fr Francolon might have stumbled into that knowledge in the library system he trained in.

Since the French and other libraries outside the Vatican library control paint a vastly different picture of genesis. That Terah was not a good man for destroying the ziggurat of Eridu aka the tower of babel. He was actually a very bad man for destroying an Adam tabernacle; which could have been built by Adam himself.

Genesis “19 Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed[f] every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. 20 The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field.” The plates could be part of the “guardian of the long/great house information; dominion over the creatures, plants, etc.” That information regarding names, etc. over everything could be what was written on the plates. Along with the information regarding his tabernacle.

The plates being the object of hate and what was needed to be destroyed. Which is the exact same behavior pattern his great great grandson Esau would carry forward; and most of Esau’s descendants would carry forward to this very day.

Spa building, holy sea, Vatican, Noah, Laguz, Persian gulf, Adam tabernacle,

What is truly fascinating about this statistical and ratio connection; where the spa building is, is where the creeks/rivers connect and dump into the Persian Gulf.

The Sumerian culture not only existed in that area but this is that cultures first true strong hold. This is where the middle east started to experience the effects of a serious dominant paradigm shift from; the people of Kaern being in charge, to the new Sumerian’s being in charge.

It started very small; but from circa 4200 b.c.e to 3200 b.c.e the movement gained sufficient momentum to entirely alter the cultural perspective of the entire middle east.

Which is in very brief; the definition of Laguz. Cultures operate based on a collective understanding of electro-magnetics; in very brief, all atoms have a magnetosphere.

The more atoms in an area; the more the area will reflect the electro-magnetics signature of that specific large grouping of atoms.

If you have one atom in a group which changes its electro-magnetics signature; that atom can and will change the electro-magnetics signatures of the atoms around it.

Have enough atoms change their electro-magnetics signature and the entire area will alter its collective signature to reflect the signature of that one atom which changed.

Which could be a much better description for why it is called Noah’s flood; because of a very bad translation and understanding of the Indo-European word for the electro-magnetics physics of atoms. So instead of saying electro-magnetics signature of atoms; they used the word Laguz, or the character , which itself is a wire frame of  electro-magnetics motions. Which are measured using frequency and waves.

Noah's flood is a better description to describe it not as being water, but an electro-magnetics signature change from x signature of the People of Kaern to y signature of the Sumerians.

The Sumerians are of course the first naming of the monotheists and or the Israelites. Although sufficient evidence for specifically outlining which culture did what has been lost to history.

But the Capital of Sumeria in a very strong way sits in the same ratio area that the Spa building and Cliff house sit presently.

So in a very real way; the Spa Building sits approximately where Ur might have sat.




It is possible the first kingdom of the monotheists contained seven cities. Which has been reflected in most of the major applications from shortly after Adam to the Hyksos destroying all previous information to make themselves look better.

seven cities

1.     ur

2.     uruk

3.     larsa

4.     lagash

5.     umma

6.     nippur

7.     kish

The name on the cartouche in the Sakkara necropolis; which was added later. I have a theory as to why.

How to recognize someone; but not anger the enemy. Write their name in code; so those that know, will see, but those that do not, will not see it as a threat.

So a cartouche that is blank; could be a reference to the name is the circle itself. The name of the pharaoh is cartouche; or something associated with the person who names.

Which would be very likely Adam; “put in charge of naming things”


The necropolis of the western world might be badly mislabeled.

Necro; death

Opolis; the city of.

Btu that is a very simplistic and in most cases entirely without evidence translation. Even though Egyptology would state as a matter of hard fact that the Sakkara necropolis was a graveyard. The evidence simply does not add up; almost exclusively.

So if not a grave; the bodies present were placed their much later in history. The writing is also placed on the 100 ton coffers were written centuries later.

I might be able to answer why that one 100 ton coffer has no name. It has a name; the name is the symbol for a cartouche itself. His name was "the namer" the person who creates the name.  The cartouche on that box was carved centurie if not millennia later; but the cartouche was left blank. The writers could have been hoping the later generations would be able to see blank and know what that code was and how to decrypt it.

The three Eve and Adam consumed from; Life, knowledge, and good/evil. Those are the symbolic definitions for the walk of life. Symbolized in the flow of a year; in western cultures, a new year is born, spends 12 months working through the cycles of life, and dies at the end of the year, to be replaced by the next new child year .

There is a figure in ancient times who has a direct Death association. That figure is Adam. Adam has death right there in his description twice. First time “19 Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed[f] every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. 20 The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field.” Called as in naming that time also in Sumerian pronounces its life cycle. Call being the key word in that reference. The second reference is in the next chapter 17 but of the tree of the knowledge(tree one) of good and evil(tree two) you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat[d] of it you shall surely die(tree three).” Die being in this case an extreme insult regarding the punishment of Adam. The insult being the city of the dead refers to those that follow Adam and his death cult. The death cult being a very deep insult regarding Adam’s ceremony following the murder of his second son Able.

Futhark circle

Connected to megalith

Jacob traveled North West of Luz to the Light place. Just about the only thing North West of Luz aka Memphis is the Step Pyramid and Giza. A lot of desert till you arrive at the Mediterranean.

Connected to dragon

Dragons are in part a very misleading term for among other definitions a megalith. Megaliths were key measurement points. those key measurements built into megaliths are they all point at Polaris. But Polaris previous to 500 b.c.e was the constellation Draco aka Dragon. Which for a considerable amount of time in the Christian world the Order of the Dragon was considered one of the holiest of knighthoods the Pope could bestow. If an order of knights needed to perform beyond extraordinary tasks; like defending all of Europe against a million man strong battle-hardened Ottoman army.

But the origins of the Order of Dragon come from the ancient connections to the megaliths. Of which all churches built before around 1000 ce were built on top of a razed megalith. Or are remodeled megaliths.

Miramont castle with its exacting geometry is no exception. Although the evidence of the megalith which used to sit where Miramont and the Spa building now sit has been long since erased/vandalized. The mathematics the ancients used to place the megalith is still in place. Thus we can in the modern age find out where the megalith was based on where the churches and cathedrals are. Not to mention the buildings which were first churches/cathedrals were then remodeled into government buildings. Direct reference to this megalith remodeled into a temple remodeled not a senate building is. Cairo, Athens, Rome, Paris, London, several cities on the American East coast, Spa Building center of old Manitou Springs Colorado. Mathematics first and foremost is a tool used to predict exactly what will occur next. In this case Miramont and the spa building sit exactly to the inch were megaliths used to sit. Because those two buildings sit on the megalithic grid; if nothing else they are a grid of just the two of them, along with key geographical measure to and from mathematical key points. Mountains and bodies of water are fixed geographical locations; exactly as all the other close to million megaliths in Europe, Middle east, Africa are all aligned with. Polaris, and geographical locations.



Manitou a new Israel

most of that history was erased. when the east coast families came out; as the houses in primary areas attest, they did not care at all about those that might have had a claim to the land before they arrived.

my theory is the castle was designed to resemble the heaven garden and Adam’s earthly tabernacle.

in addition while this construction was occurring.

the cliff house and spa buildings were being remodeled from megaliths and Jewish temples to their current configurations.

which connects Miramont with the spa building.

adding evidence that the pre-puritans from the east. who were kicked out of the east for having too radical an idea how to religion is supposed to work on a culture scale. the puritans just cannot figure out that others do not want to live their lives according to puritan rules of order.

so the puritans; palmer, el palmar, etc. were kicked out of the east. so they came to Colorado for the money/gold(Fountain creek had a profound amount of gold in it. Exactly as the description of North flowing river of heaven Pishon) and to assert their puritan version of sharia law onto themselves and the city's they founded.

which Colorado city and Manitou resisted till the powerful in Colorado forced annexations which dissolved the decades in the making Western Israel of Manitou and Colorado city for the plans palmer and his friends wanted. Which is one very strong reason Palmer and his friends met with in many cases violent resistance. As the Palmers, el palmers, etc. set up their religious colony miles east of Colorado city and Manitou. The previous inhabitance started to revolt against the new rules regarding “ you will live your life according to my rules or I will violently make you”; the inhabitance responded with “not if we make you with violence back down first.”

Manitou was at least in theory supposed to be a western version of the Vatican.

which if the puritans had allowed this. it would have make Manitou a Christian mecca just as the Vatican, Westminster abby, mecca, and Sedona are in the modern world.

making Manitou the center piece to the Vatican of the west.

which the pope at the time when Jean Baptiste Francolon found out; was more than a little livid. since anything which took power from the Vatican was considered evil. making a Vatican of the west was top of the list of things which would take large chunks of power from Rome and deliver those large chunks of power directly to Manitou.

the spa building was originally supposed to resemble that of St. peters basilica and square. With planned additions over time of the rest of the Vatican infrastructure e.g. the Sistine chapel, etc. But that was all but erased between 1880-1920. Leaving only small traces of the plan in the Spa building and Miramont Castle. Supposedly because Palmer wanted Glen Eyrie and Colorado Springs to be the spiritual centers; not Manitou.

So construction and remodeling of the most likely Roman/Athens forum building into the Spa building. Since going to a spa was all the rage for the east coast upper class of society; to reflect more of the battle creed Michigan J Paul Harvey Kellogg healing spa rather than a spiritual catholic center. The founders of Colorado Springs wanted the elite of the east to come out and see the wonderfulness of their religion and try and convert them away from Protestant, Catholic, etc. to their faith.

In a very real way; taking an existing religious center and corrupting/conquering/altering/etc. the focus of the religion from what it was to what the conquerors wanted. Erasing as much of the past as possible.


The Aten with snake/megalith at the bottom of the disk. There are many lines extending from the Aten or Garden of Eden down to earth. One of the those lines being a possible representation of the garden of Eden/god in this Cathedral that which used to be behind the Castle. Extending down to the castle itself. Every holy sanctuary was supposed to be a direct mirror connection between God 3500 b.c.e spelling Aten(god the letters and word did not exist for a few thousand years; our letters god their letters Aten) and churches dedicated in his honor. most of that information has been long since forgotten.


A converso is a person who supposedly converted from Jewish to Catholic. But since those convergences occurred under penalty of execution. The church was beyond weary of the truth. They wanted converts but they also wanted honest converts. So they create a system of checks for those that claimed to convert but truly only converted to live. Columbus himself and his family were converso. Which is one reason why he had to go above and beyond the normal call to constantly rove to the priests and conquistadores around him on the voyages that he was working in their absolute best interests at all times. Making them tons of money and thousands of converts to Christianity. Even the smallest of hints that the converso were not legitimately working in the best interests of the church they could be executed on the spot with no warning at all.

                                                   Heresy Laws

For most of the dark ages under the strict control of the Vatican. Anything stated against the church was an evil act and subject to punishment. Reading, writing, quills, paper, letters, numbers, etc. for various times were all illegal. Clocks in some places the numbers were replaced by signs of the zodiac; as to not threaten the keep all as ignorant as possible but keep the population working those 12 and 18 hour days to keep the Vatican and church in the customary level of comfort they had come to expect.



I have found more than 100 points of continuity between


The Vatican


Avignon papacy

Roslyn chapel

A vertical tabernacle

King Solomon's temple (not zerubabels). Which is an exact copy of the temple of tyre, which itself was an exact copy of the temple of ptah. This was by legend built by pharaoh Mem (my theory aka Abraham).


The castle was supposed to be a seed. A seed by way of the movement that francolon wanted to build from. He did not intend for the castle and cathedral to be the only thing he did.

He intended to spent the remaining decades of his life buying property around the castle and city. Creating a center for Norman French Catholic's to have a place to come and worship.

He intended for a much larger role in Manitou. But was prevented from doing said on all accounts. He was eventually removed from the city; having to seek refuge in a former Northumberland stronghold of New York city. Having to leave unfinished the work in Colorado.

Not only was the main body of the work not finished, the other buildings he wanted to construct also unfinished. In most cases still on the drawing board; when he was invited to leave the area. He was stuck having invested a huge amount and most of his efforts and money entirely wasted according to most that have observed said over the last 120 years.

But now that part of what he wanted has been decrypted. What he intended can now be brought to the attention to the world.


Mount of Olives

The shape is close to that of the mount of olives where Jesus gave one of his last speeches before going to heaven

The base of the mount of lives is also the locations of the tombs of mary and mary.

A Mary’s tomb

B Church of Geshemine

C Church of mary Magdeleine

D Dominus Flevit

E Benedictine Abby

F Carmelite Monastery

G Pater Noster Church


A entrance

B first temple purification

C Causeway

D entrance second purification temple

E circumambulation area. To walk around F

F inner sanctum. The holiest of holies.

As you can tell from the graphic; the sacred places around the mount of olives match perfectly to the inner and outer design of Miramont castle.


Meaning either by beyond extreme chance Fr Francolon managed to create a double exact ring of holy sites from the mount of olives in his castle. Or his castle had the mount of olives holy sites built in.

Creating a dead on the money recreation linking MiraMont Castle with the Sermon on the Mound. Which took place at the mound of olives.

The sections of Miramont are seven, not including the place where Jesus gave his sermon.

The sacred places surrounding the temple mound number 7; plus the cathedral/hospital beyond.

What is really interesting is the third from the left; is the grand staircase, causeway, Church of Mary Magdeleine. To rise to heaven; via can causeway e.g. FreeMason structure which is a direct copy as close as possible to the Temple of Solomon. The temple of Solomon is a direct copy of the Temple of Tyre; which is itself a direct copy of the temple of Ptah Memphis Egypt.

The temple of Ptah Egypt is by legend a stone exact copy of the tent/tabernacle used by the Israelites since Adam.


Venice has a remarkably similar development birth as Memphis Egypt. Both were areas of raised earth surrounded by water.

Which pharaoh Mem chose to use dykes and enclose the city. Allowing for more construction and permanent since the city would be all but erased during the Nile floods.

Having the city surrounded by dykes; the city could built rock buildings.

Venice and New Orleans are built from the same exact principles. So is in a way Manitou. Most of the downtown areas are built up/raised earthen works allowing the rivers/streams to flow past without causing damage.

Each of which some accounts were each settled by Jews who were later conquered and the conqueror chose to erase the Jewish presence.

English origin

funny you should mention said; the legends of which come directly from Anglo Saxon history. which even more ironic birthed England not Britain England.

which is interesting is the behavior patterns of the English are identical to those of Esau



How interesting since I think Yule has something to do with the conquest of IWNW aka Heliopolis 3500 b.c.e

The transition from vertical tabernacles to horizontal tabernacles it seems started at around 3500 b.c.e.

When forces from upper Egypt attacked and conquered the city of IWNW in Lower Egypt. IWNW in Hieroglyphic means “City/Capital/Great house of Pillars”. A Pillar would be another name/word for Megalith like Stonehenge.

When the city was attacked; the main temple was burned to the ground. The Pillars the ones made of stone were remodeled into what the attackers wanted from 3500-3200 b.c.e.

Which is interesting because the ruins on Malta those extremely large and robust monuments in the modern age we look back and have no idea as to any of it; those were started circa 3500 b.c.e.

Which the Maltese (fictional) concept came from. Interesting to note that the Falcon is one of the insult symbols used by the much later Greek's from 800-200 to refer to those “The Bird People”/ “Bird Brain” people still around who had some type of connection to the megaliths. But the strongly influential Dorian Greek's soon found their way into power in Greece. They brought with them their beyond extreme prejudices; which included any and all forms of technology they did not like.

Spa building Manitou

This building reflects the same exact center point architecture as the grand staircase of Miramont Castle.

Which itself the Spa building is a direct copy of a copy etc. from a tabernacle design most likely Adam built to reflect the one he had in the garden.

which as a direct tie into Manitou since Manitou sits at the base of several hills; in the same approximate area the Forum sits in Rome so does the Spa Building. Which like the forum has been retasked and remodeled since its original purpose construction ended. It was designed and built to be a copy of the Roman Forum; remodeled circa 1850. Which the Spa/Forum building is a direct reflection of what Adam’s tabernacle used to look like. Akhenaten aka Amenhotep iv his children who survived built great houses dedicated to Aten. Those same cities grew; and were conquered. Before they are conquered the conqueror not knowing copied the design. Which those copies merged into one copy at Athens, which merged into the same copy at Rome, which merged into the same basic copy at Londonium, which the spa building is a copy of those two buildings. Ironic who an ancient Noah era tabernacle design is within the Spa building in Manitou

the right angle

city center


el Beth el

1006 midland ave Manitou


Check to see if you can put a ring around Rome; which obviously can be done.

Check to see if there is a ring for Manitou

The ring of the fisher(Laguz) king(the head of the megaliths)


Interesting that the half-moon(the stand; m o o n spells) of the Kaaba and the half-moon of Rome.

Manitou has a half moon of hills surrounding it.

Ring of the Fisher(Laguz) King


Seven area

Seven inside the specific temples.



Tracing the progress of monotheism through cuneiform

Starting with Sumerian


God of the Sakkara Necropolis.

Miramont Definition

Miramont, which means "look at the mountain” which is one interpretation but a very limited understanding of the Definition of Mira. Although it is correct Mira is a form of French which a few generations did use Mira as the basis of the English work Mirror. The Mirror being referred to has more to do with the Mountain/Mount of Olives from which Jesus both gave sermons and rose to heaven from.

“Look at the Mountain” “look at the mount of Olives”.

In France in the 1700s and most of the 1800s truth was a luxury most could not afford; truth was hunted down and killed by routine. The French revolution was in part designed to stop some of the bloodshed from religious extremists running rampant through Europe. Unfortunately for most said type movements; corruption once started, can truly only end when it culturally blows itself out.

So the hidden passages, hidden tunnels, hidden assessed, etc. which have been part of Miramont history and legend even before construction broke ground reflect both Europe and America about to head into another Burning times. World War One and World War two were only years to a couple decades away; mass slaughter of those that are enemies took place under both wars. Not just the soldiers fighting against each other, but “settling scores” in private battles and massacres were and are entirely part of war.

Hiding truth after a few generations and or dozens of generations becomes a cultural thing. Hiding truth becomes second nature. Decrypting those hidden truths becomes all the more difficult when dealing with layers and layers of both conscious and subconscious hiding techniques.

Which is all the more difficult when very real threats of violence are present in the cultures you live in. the Religious communities from 1860-present in Colorado springs in Colorado as a whole have been at virtual war with anything who questions their authority. Of course the definition of questioning a groups authority is entirely about perception. If a person, leader, group, culture feel they are being oppressed (true or not) they will respond to that perceived threat.

There is a very small chance the 18 boats the Templars escaped with their treasure went from La Rochelle came to the area of Old Colorado city and Manitou.

Using their boats to build the basic framework of those cities.

Since those cities are geographically and architecturally more than 90% similar to that of Memphis, Jerusalem, Athens, etc.

So in the oldest buildings; it might be possible to find timbers from those 18 Templar ships. Very doubtful; but some laboratory work could prove to be very enlightening regarding that subject.

The timbers used in the cliff dwellings could also prove to be (if original) connected to those ships. Again highly doubtful; but there is at least a small chance.

While testing those timbers;

Remnance of the Santa Maria might also be found in the pueblos’, cliff dwellings, oldest structures in the area, etc.

A few core samples and tests would confirm said theory in a very short time.

But that theory would provide significant weight behind where the Santa Maria disappeared to. Regarding why Columbus and the Jews had a second expedition. They knew where they were going.

Allowing followers to know where to look using the Sang Real cup of Christ and El Dorado Cibalo. The code buried deep within; those that knew would be able to find the location easy. those that did not, would be lost trying to look for gold. Although ironically huge amounts of gold were found in and round Manitou.

Nicola Tesla

Shortly after the Castle was constructed Nicola Tesla came out to Colorado Springs 1899 in order to conduct electrical experiments.

He intended to send a wireless signal from Pikes Peak to Paris. The Road taken to get up to Pikes Peak requires traveling past Miramont Castle.

Why is this important; Miramont castle at the time was one of the largest electrically wired buildings in the entire west and probably from the Mississippi to the Rockies.

The experiments involving electricity and Pikes Peak are still discussed more than a century after Tesla left the area.

Although of some note; the Cathedral which was connected to the Castle via a underground tunnel which connected the top floor of the castle with the basement of the Cathedral. The cathedral had an electrical fire in 1909. The tesla tower was torn down and its components sold to satisfy a debt.

Playing the extremely high voltage and high amperage machines which were designed to send signals across the globe and the electrical fire at the cathedral a mere few months later. May be connected or may not; but the question regarding is full of very interesting speculations.

Did tesla and Fr Francolon have anything to do with each other? The question is very interesting since they both left the area at approximately the same time. They both left the area circa 1900. Both left the area under very suspicious circumstances, both leaving behind debts, both leaving behind the bulk of their items, both left for New York, both had very difficult functions with society after they left Colorado.

It is very possible part of Tesla’s equipment ended up in the Castle and or the Cathedral turned into a hospital. At the time; electrical experimentation with healing the sick was extremely popular.

(someone playing with one of tesla’s machines in Colorado, might have turned on a machine or Gadget in the castle and or the hospital, turning it on and thus causing a fire. Destroying the hospital, evidence of the previous megalith, and a possible tesla healing machine. It was entirely accepted behavior at the turn of the last century for hospitals to have various electronic healing devices. Today most are known as quack medical devices; but then they were an accepted form of therapy. Most hospitals not only possessed at least one but prescribed their use on a regular it not daily basis.)

Why would they have had anything to do with each other. Fr could have asked tesla to come and check his wiring.

Could have offered his castle and or hospital in tesla’s experiments.

That most likely connection could be what started the electrical fire which destroyed the then remodeled into a hospital.

Both never to return.

Rosslyn Chapel of the West


There is nothing which would or could point away from assuming that Fr Francolon might have secretly intended Miramont to be a Rosslyn Chapel of the west.

The number of connections and statistical similarities between Rosslyn and Miramont are difficult to ignore.

Now the locals of Colorado Springs would not allow Miramont to resemble too closely Rosslyn; so he hid inside the architecture and the decorations similar secrets as Rosslyn holds.

The number of decorations and resemblances would only be partially contained within the Castle living quarters; although it is a very good bet statistically almost beyond question that inside the living quarters was a copy of King Solomon's Temple pre-Zerubaabel design. But that would be secret and only shared with those that knew.

The Rosslyn portions would be kept specific to the Cathedral he had built above.

Those portions being specific to the applications to hide the major secrets. It is evident in the fact he was later sued that he fully intended to expand both the castle itself and the surrounding areas. Building a larger and more elaborate Castle and support infrastructure.

Which was not only not built; but by the locals not wanted. They did not want what he built. Let alone additions.

But a deep comparison with the architecture and the decorations; the similarities with Rosslyn become beyond striking.

The birth of Jesus

More than a few have argued about the birth of Jesus.

The fundamental problem is. It those cultures; you were born twice.

Once as a thing. Bible genesis 1; 27 “So God created mankind in his own image,
  in the image of God he created them;
  male and female he created them.

28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

Which would be the technical definition of and for from birth to the “recognition” be that recognition through; citizenship, baptism(awash with the holy waters of god<originally a reference to being in contact with the fountain run off waters from one of the four rivers{which river remains a mystery to be solves} which would then ceremonially be a representation of being recognized by god.{which buried deep in Sumerian definitions of this could and most likely is a reference to the first of Adam’s ceremonies. Which could connect being washed in one of the rivers in and or close to the tree of construction which Adam built his tabernacle around [treehouse] at the center of the garden of Eden. That washing being connected to the being washed in the sacred river the Vedic form of monotheism carried with them this portion of the ceremony to India from the original from Adam. Each sub-monotheistic group had their own unique perspective as to what and how the framework of monotheism should be. Those different shapes and sizes of monotheism altered the entire shape and design of monotheism. But

Second as a human. Bible genesis 2;7 “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

With a soul man becomes Human.

So the above river might have something to do with the face that Caine and Able could not and would not be washed or dipped into the river of the garden. Since they did not have access to that river. They only had access to part of the run off from that river.

Which the farther from the source the more diluted the affects become.

Added to that the entire concept revolving around

They would wait for you to be about 3 months old before declaring you were a human.

Till then you were just a thing.

December 25 to march 25.


Define Miramont


Mira; a liquid vessel in Irish Gaelic

Root of the word Miracle; as in a divine gift.

Mire; ecstasy (religious) in Scottish Gaelic.

Mira; French means mirror or reflection, Norman French Mira is divine reflection. The divine portion was 800 years later simply a cultural understanding. Reflected within Miramont’s direct architectural copy of both the Mount of Olives and the pre-Zerubaabel Temple of Solomon.

Mont; a raised platform, mound of earth, etc. raised to heaven portion or item.




Johan and the Wale/Fish

The whale fish could have been a pre-Exodus erasing the original to package the information so the conqueror new conquering leader would not be angry.

The whale  or fish which was later repackaged to be has a direct connection to Poseidon.

Which is a problem because Poseidon his capital city was the conquered and renamed city Athens. Remove the H and S; the H is easy to remove because that is only a translation between Hieroglyphics of circa 1200 b.c.e and Linear A possibly Linear B(Linear C or proto-Greek did not exist yet by several hundred years). H sound and chi sound could easily change a T to a TH.

The s was shortened from ‘s as in belonging to Athen; which by legend the city was named after Theseus’s mother. Who I theorize could have easily been a descendant of one of Amenhotep iv’s daughters, or directly his daughter. Since he sent out one daughter by legend to Northumberland to create a new kingdom. If he sent out one daughter; what makes anyone assume he did not sent out all of his daughters to create new kingdoms. Repeating exactly what his ancestors did circa 2100 b.c.e the last time the Hyksos/Ramses army stood up and wanted to conquer all of Egypt. Ramses army was from the city of Avaris which is the Capital of the Hyksos. Does not take a lot of statistical evidence to connect the same royal family allowed to live in Avaris; only a few hundred years later rose up an army and attacked again. 1550-1340 b.c.e = around 210 years; which is approximately how long it took the Hyksos to invade and conquer all of Egypt 2100-1900 b.c.e. previous.

So sending this children out; makes Athens a good bet to be directly connected to and or the blood descendants of the 18th Pharaonic Dynasty. Which would be a very strong reason the Hyksos descended cultures in the middle east had a major need to attack and raze the city of Athens. Which they invaded intended for Athens at least two major times. Mathathon and Thermopolis; which are two events in the existence of western culture which still resonate 2500 years after both events were finished.

Interesting how a Marathon and the battle of the 300 are just two battles in the extensive battles between Jacobs line and Esau's. which those same battles were reflected in the Crusades; except it was part Jacob line and part Esau line attacking mostly Esau line cultures.

The old name for Athens or Aten was Poseidon. His physical symbol was the fish. Why was he depicted as half fish/whale half human; that connects back to the Egyptian heritage of the founders of Poseidon and Athens. Additionally one of the symbols for Israel and Jonah’s was a half man half fish/whale. which later was used as a reflection of Resurrection.

But the Fish/Whale has been a reflection of resurrection since before the exodus.

Poseidon has a trident; that trident could easily be a wooden representation of a Dolman. The same design and configuration as the crucifixion, and the dolman over Jesus's birth, and death(the one he needed for three days). Three separate dolman connect to Jesus; which connect to Poseidon, connecting to the city of Poseidon renamed to Athens(Aten), which connects linguistically and time wise to Amenhotep iv’s daughter, which directly connects to the three supply(life, good and evil, knowledge) trees of the garden of Eden, which directly connects resurrection, pharaohs, the guardian of the long house, etc.

All of which directly connect in dozens of ways to both Fr Francolon and in thousands of ways to Miramont Castle.

Three stories in both the castle and the Cathedral/Church/Hospital and the three pillars in Poseidon’s trident.

Which could be a direct representation of the Pillars in the tabernacle Adam built to Mirror/reflect the tabernacle in the garden of Eden.


At some point in the pre-exodus Poseidon was changed from being the symbol of energy to being a symbol for water and the concept of energy/electricity.

Poseidon his symbol was electricity changed to water. Noah his symbol is the boat(water). Which connects the mythology of Poseidon with the stories of Noah. Especially since from the He map the symbol for Egypt was a Boat. The stern of the boat; where you steer from was shaped like the character of Laguz. The character of Laguz means the flow of energy of the universe; which is symbolized by using the element water.

Which his trident being a direct reflection of both Adam’s city of Pillars aka IWNW aka Heliopolis The battle could have something very strong to do with the Yule log, since the conquest of the city of pillars taking place sometime in the winter by forces from upper Egypt. The wooden pillars falling down and burning for 12 days.

Poseidon has been connected to the earliest forms of monotheism since Noah/Gilgamesh.

So the three stories of Miramont and the three stories of the cathedral. Mirror the three stories (mount) of the original Temple of Solomon. Which is a direct reflection of the pillars of the city of Heliopolis.

electrical vest josh; half human half energy/fish/water. Need to ground wearing a lightning rod, the bottom would need to ground, that ground connection might look like some type of chainmail, scales, a fish. So the electrical people religion, etc. might wear some type of body army lightening rod, with pillars coming off the shoulders, with a helmet with pillars coming off the head(Viking/Odin), the uneducated would look like a merman/merman. Electrical and water poetic license. Which is directly reflected into the conquered city of Poseidon(merpeople) and Medusa, a half snake/half woman.

In addition this could be a reflection of the Pillars at the top of Miramont Castle; a refelction of both the Viking/ancient monotheistic (Josh Bernstein Digging for the Truth) customs and the Doleman positioned ontop of the tabernacle.

The snake being an insulting conquest alteration from the original dragon; which is where all megaliths are aligned to the constellation Polaris. Which at the time pre 500 b.c.e. was Draco or Dragon. Snake/Dragon brings us back to the Christian fish connected to Poseidon.

Medusa could turn you into stone. More accurately; if she saw you directly, she could turn you to stone, but like Perseus did was used a Mirror (Miramont) to see her reflection to not be turned to stone and cut off her head. which is the standard punishment used by militant Muslims to remove ungodly ideas. If you have an ungodly idea; the only way to remove that idea is to remove the head. Removing the head of an infidel and removing Medusa’s head. to use that idea, power, strength, etc. to turn the cracken to stone. Connecting Medusa the head of the church of Poseidon, to a fish/dragon/snake, to Jesus, to pre-exodus monotheism, to Poseidon’s trident, to Pillars, to the stones of a megalith(the mathematics used in megaliths are among other uses a calendar, which can and will predict the events and patterns of your life. E.g. if your life is already behavior patterned out than your life’s' story can be written out in stone. Which a conqueror using a good thing being able to predict your life’s motions and turn it into a frightening insult “turn you to stone”.

Using the power of the megalithic infrastructure to make a monster go away.

Which also connects to the pillars on Miramont Castle.

Which also connects to the legend of the Temple of Solomon which; he used demons(electricity) to move the unmovable blocks e.g. the wailing wall. To both shape the pieces and to move them into exact position. Which science has proven at least a few different ways how various energy, electrical, and sound waves can create a zero gravity sphere/bubble. That zero gravity sphere can be used to surround any object that fits inside the sphere and that item then by default has a zero graphic effect. Meaning something of 1000 tons can be picked up and moved as long as the sphere the item is in can move. If the tools used to create the sphere are immobile than the sphere is stationary. But if the equipment is Mobil; then the items inside the sphere are Mobil.

Which would be seen as “demons” moving the blocks.

We know the ancient Egyptians knew how to create and manipulate energy and electricity because the pyramids generate their own electricity.

Limestone when compressed creates electricity.

Quarts when compressed create electricity. Which is exactly how sonar works; if water compresses with a wave that compression compresses the quarts creating a volt of electricity; the pin on a radar screen is the sound of the volt or volts being generated by the crystals being compressed.

Each of the pyramids had a limestone covering.

Even if just the south side is warmed by the son and the north side is cold in the shade. The blocks will move according to basics of geology; hot expands, cold contracts. Compressing the quarts in the limestone would have generated a significant amount of electricity.

Proving the ancient Egyptians understand the principles of electricity. Which means they would have needed wearable lightning rods. Proof the ancient just post exodus Israelites knew and built personal lightning rods Josh brogans search for the truth. 3000 year old wearable lightning rods; at least what was left of them.

The shoulders and the head would have needed pillars; e.g. the valkeri with their horned helmets. The male version being the classic Viking.

Not to mention the symbol for Jacob was the bull/Aurox. Which is the type of horns the Valkeri and Vikings by myth wore.

Not for combat but for dealing with electictiy.

Which in a very real way would look very similar to a person wearing fish scales. Emerging from fish scales would look like they had been consumed by some huge type of fish. Johan’s and the whale.

A very large mobile electrical generator; possibly mounted on a barge in order to move sea things around, or to build fortifications from the sea side. Huge walls built directly in or on the water.

Or a really easy way to build huge Nemi type ships. Generate sufficientn electricity and you can generate a huge zero gravity sphre. The larger the sperhe the larger the items which can be contructed inside. Sea water is a natural electrical conductor. Sea water, galvanized nails, etc. are indredients to generate electricity


has been suggested that this is simply a vase with handles. Which is ironic since the handles and were the fins would go are in the same place.

But if the Jesus resurrection fish is/was a lightening rod suit which had to be hidden because it reflected the most ancient of technology; which those that still knew what he ancient technology was would need to desperately hide that from the conqueror.

Hiding the symbol for Jesus (who was executed for his religious and political leanings) inside something which looks similar to other htigns. Means that if found by an enemy that item would look like what the enemy wants to see, but to those that know the code would be able to decrypt and see the truth.

Also the amphoria is a direct copy over from the Egyptian amphoria. Which at last for a time circa 1400 b.c.e was a symbol for Pandora. Which Pandora  the earliest description shows her sitting on an amphoria. This description of course is meant as an insulting reference between a conquered culture of which Pandora was a citizen and the conqueror trying to make a bad light/negative reference too.

But the Amphiria has been part and parcel with monotheism, electricity, and the Israelites for a very long time. Adopted by later cultures and adamptd to their needs. But originally a reflection of the circle of a megalith. Which the Phoenicians were particulary good marketing and traders of goods using amphroaa. The Phoenicians were Israelites; which before they arrived in Phoenicia they were captured slaves of the Hyksos used as front line troops.

Before they were on the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza as depicted by both the Narmer (the Scorpion King) Plate and Passport.


Mermain chain mail

Mermain feet and a loincloth extending to the ground

Scales and the blue/water of electricity.

Tesla coil and the djed

Djed resurrection

Biblios were he was





An amber bag with sand in the bottom with a candle inside. Designed to go around the borders of a property .

An amber mark on the door

Illuminated Pillars.

The Pillars could be a hidden Jewish connection with the Pillars of Adam and IWNW conquered at 3500 b.c.e and the Temple Burned to the Ground. Replaced by the temple of Heliopolis. Which translates to Jera (Sun new sun) Opolis (sacred defined area). A city and a sacred city in hieroglyphics are different words.

Which also means that New Opolis (new sun Jera and the Latin word for Sacred city Castle) means that New Castle Northumberland translates to Jeru Salem .

Luminarias could be remnants of the Jewish settlements in America. But the Jews in America had to continue to hide who they were. The Aztecs did march their cultures from Mississippi back to Mexico through the area of the Rio Grande in order to arrive back in Mexico for the conquistadors whom arrived presently circa 1510.

But the Jews, conversos, etc. whom were living in the America’s courtesy of the northern European’s whom did not hate Jews and possessed fleets. When the Conquistadors arrived they arrived and the Jews knew immediately that the several centuries they hoped for was now a mere few decades. But fortunately for the Europeans seeking refuge in America from human sacrifice of the inquisition the Spanish, Portuguese, militant Islamic, etc. They focused on the islands of the Caribbean, central and South America. Leaving northern America almost entirely alone.

Plantation system


Why leave fertile areas which possessed vast quantities of lumber for houses and ships as well as massive quantities of gold. They area of North America was too heavily defended by the British and their northern European allies.

The defenses were impenetrable.


Fourth Bellingham Washington

As the armies of the world gathered in Bellingham circa 1600, the reasons are entirely unclear. But what is beyond clear is the armies were not only present but most of the most powerful nations of the world were present, at strength, and full numbers. 20 nations of the world each with at least 20,000 troops that is a sizable amount of troops for absolutely no obvious reason.

We know that in previous centuries when the armies of the world gather in a specific location which does not happen to have huge quantities of gold, or some other extremely precious resource. The armies are present for some other purpose. That other purpose is usually hidden by the victors so well that no one questions why as a matter of hard fact the events took place. The public simply accepts the political spin the victor told without question.

Previous to Pickett coming up to the area on orders to reestablish dominance with his 1500 troops only 68 of the scripted were mentioned. The area was a large metropolis dating back centuries. The East India Company not only had a presence but had been conducting business since before the Spanish explorers arrived.

A few years before Pickett arrived with his troops Roeder and Peabody arrived in a business deal. Very likely with hard evidence connected to the family whom founded the East India Company. Peabody would have been the Chief Proctor while Roeder would have been in charge of the military to protect the trade routes and cities built in the area.

The area where the Pickett House was is the area Pickett tore down the EIC headquarters in order to build his Plantation. When an invading army comes into the area; seize control over the headquarters of the previous controlling army and run your operations through their headquarters. That way they know as a matter of hard fact their building is being used to hurt them. There is no reason to assume the EIC if they still possessed a standing army would not have been a good shelter resource for the Mormons to seek shelter from the violent murderous waves from the great awakening movements. The conflicts in and around Manitou at roughly the same time are well documented and talked about. But from the victors point of view which is from those loyal to the great awakening movements. Not necessarily that loyal to truth; which means those that tell the stories strongly justify the violence used.

The City of Bellingham itself

The city of Bellingham has an incredible history. Captain George Picket House/Plantation Manor from which was most likely the location of the Chief Proctors Manor Home of the East India Company (the East India Company was the only company capable of the navigation and trade route infrastructure to have a trading post in Bellingham. Previous to the 1600s; the Spanish were able to navigate around in the 1500s but a onetime trip is entirely different than building an infrastructure. Example a couple cars can race from stop light to stop light; that is easy. Building an infrastructure for a racing circuit is extremely difficult.

Pickett’s Slave Plantation was not the only slave based plantation in Whatcom County. Where Lynden, WA sits the majority of the farm Phoebe Judson traded a proper upbringing for Coronel Patterson’s girls for his land. Although it would not be mentioned there is a very good chance that Phoebe Judson and family were indentured servants to Col, Patterson. He left them in charge, but he would have also sent word back east to sell his lands to someone else; including the indentured servant note on the Judson’s. The Dutch whom followed would have simple taken the lands that belonged to Patterson, indentured servitude was illegal so the Judson’s would not be held to that contract but they would need to relocate. If this is correct than the Judson’s would not have possessed a library but they would have been placed in charge of the library from Roeder and Peabody. going on the assumpiong that the first settlers were dispateched as part of the East India Company (EIC) as a way to take the secrets as far away from genocide as humanly possible as well as hiding the library (the base of Western Washington University). The Judson name being obviously Jewish in origin; Son of Judah. Dan Harris (Dan Jacob’s son whom stabbed his uncle Esau at his father’s funeral), his nickname was Dirty. Dirty was a slang term for Jew in the 1800-1946 in western cultures, guaranteed previous. That makes at least two of the named founding persons in Whatcom county Jews. The Confederacy were just as nasty and needing to destroy the Jews as they were interested in keeping African slavery alive and well. Which is most of the center of Lynden. From First street to 13th street along both sides of the Nooksack river. Col, Patterson was raised in the Plantation south, allied with the Plantation system as an adult. Fought in the Mexican war. Fought in the battles in Whatcom County. Was last heard of traveling south toward California; leaving his girls in the care of the Judson family. The Judson’s helped turn the settlement and plantation from that of being evil to being an honorable city. But all her hard work was lost when she was forced to surrender her city to the Dutch settlers who came in both droves and in a way continued to employ (unofficially) indentured servants from the native populations. Which means the Dutch settlers from the western portion of the great lakes did not have to follow the ogle trade Route. They were told how to arrive in Bellingham courtesy of among others a slave trade ally Col. Peterson.

The Question becomes; if downtown Lynden was owned by Phoebe and her family, why were the Dutch allowed to build their town literally on her property? Did Phoebe built a town on her property intending that town and future city to be a religious sanctuary from the Great Awakening movement groups. Could the city Phoebe built on her land have been intended to be a Mormon LDS city like Salt Lake. But when the ex-slavers Dutch arrived from being kicked out of the western portion of the great lakes, Michigan and Wisconsin. Did the Dutch simply seize control over the City Phoebe built, forcing control over both her lands and that city. Turning it from a potential Mormon settlement to a Dutch Reform (with extremely close ties with militant Islam and Moorish Spain) City. If Peterson purchased the lands and intended those lands to be a settlement for a Great Awakening foothold city; then the Judson’s being indentured servants and having to surrender the lands to those whom Peterson traded the indentured contract too. The City founded by x culture, conquered and owned by Peterson for a time, given to the Judson’s (intended to be for her use and intent), forcibly taken by the Dutch reform a few years later. The evidence of why was her property where the current city of Lynden sits. She renamed what was already present. How did the Dutch Reform seize control over it.

What was already present is an interesting concept. Did Peterson in whatever branch of the military he was in seize control over a previous Native and or British town, that he had to surrender to the Judson’s, that she in turn had to give up to the Dutch Reform settlers who took it from her by force. In less than 50 years one city was controlled by some four separate cultures. All in an area which there was no reported fighting. That is a lot of fighting and conquering a city in an area no one admit there was fighting. Points even stronger to Judson could have been both an indentured servant as well as a converted Mormon. With the backing of the Mormon Church to acquire control over the city from Peterson. But since LDS was an executable offense the Dutch Reform would not treat the hypothetical LDS in Lynden well at all. I would not be surprised if there was a mass grave in the area of Mormons somewhere around Lynden.

The city was named after Lord Bellingham from the Vancouver Expedition.

His title came from Castle Bellingham Ireland (conquered and renamed to honor Castle Bellingham Northumberland). The Title came directly from the British Ogle Royal Family.

Castle Bellingham Northumberland was named by the Ogle Family who was present at Hastings and fought alongside William the Conqueror. De Ogle brought the deciding German Mercenaries with their long bows into the battle; as a reward the Lands from 30 miles south of York e.g. Sherwood Forest to Perth Scotland were given back to the Ogle family (which included Ogle Castle, Castle Bellingham<the name sake city of Bellingham Washington >, New Castle, etc.). The Pictish (the Pictish most likely had allied with Islam in order to defeat the Ogles) during the age of the Viking renamed the land to Northumberland which is the Latin translation of the GÆlic Yr Hen Ogle DD. Ogle being the shortened family name and name sake of Castle Ogle and the origin of both Castle Bellingham and the Lord Bellingham title. Islam had ruled with a Tyrannical iron fist the Iberian Peninsula for some 800 years previous to circa 1490, only 200 years later the radically strong Islamic philosophy would not only still be present in the Spanish Culture but would be a primary guiding principle for the Spanish explorers and colonizers in the New World. Since the West Coast was still at least semi-in Spanish hands; many of the Islamic leaning individuals and groups would naturally want to evacuate from the Spanish inquisition and make their new life in New Spain. Solid Militant Islamic leaning Dutch, English, and Spanish settlements would have been in the area of the Pacific North West from the 1500s forward.

Bellingham and Mormonism

The application of Bellingham circa 1830; although no direct evidence places the Ogle family in Bellingham. The secondary evidence is staggering to say the least. Roeder and Judson families were both in the sphere of the Tiffin Ogles in 1844. Vermillion, Ohio is around 47 miles from Tiffin. More than a sufficient distance for Roeder and the Ogles both Thomas and Joseph to interact. What is truly interesting; Roeder, the Ogles, Cowdery, etc were in the same exact area at the same exact time as Joseph Smith Jr was being killed in Missouri. One of the five went onto Bellingham, one went to find a library cache in Wisconsin, B.Y. chose to perform a coup d'état seizing control over the church. The Ogles stayed under the radar and in Tiffin.

Would be interesting if Joseph Smith preached in the same city that both the Judson’s and the Goodell’s were living in. which could show a connection between where Joseph Smith intended to go but was unable to. But he was able to pass on the message to others and have them go. But once the others arrived they were entirely blocked from performing the tasks due to the raging battles in the area.

Would be even more interesting if Joseph Smith was hired by the Ogles to go to Bellingham to act as the new Chief Proctor setting up their Great Temple in the same 1500 acres that Roeder purchased 15 or so years later. But if this wide speculation has any credibility what so ever; than the facts regarding what could have been happening would never be written down. In fact those facts would be the last thing any person living under immediate execution orders would want to write down. Write down stuff which could not be used against you; or used as an excuse to kill you.

Oliver Cowdery lived in Tiffin Ohio close to the Ogles from 1840-1847; he pulled away from the church as the external and internal conflicts became too much to deal with. Cowdery was also a hard line Democrat, which at the time Democrats were so pro-slavery that the party as a whole the platform was almost exclusively about legislation to promote slavery. One of the major reason Oliver pulled away from the church was his vigerious objection to polygamy. But not for the reasons assumed. Most of the women whom married into large mormon families, sex was not part of the deal. The husband would purchase land, businesses, etc. his extra wifes would be in effect busines owners. The businesses were in the husbands name but this was a way to by pass the unjust laws which would take another 80 years to undo. First undo slavery, then undo denying women the right to vote. The politics of the time was merciles and violent. If you start from merciless, the violence starts from a bad totally unhonorable place and becomes inhumane quickly. For those years Oliver and the Ogle family had direct and long standing interactions. Being one of the founding members of the church, having Oliver step away from the Church while B.Y. was slowly seizing more and more power is a fascinating concept. The Ogle family has one person between them and the issue in question. Ogle family, Lord Bellingham, the city of Bellingham itself. Ogle family, Oliver Cowdery, Joseph Smith. Each person in question is prominent person within not only the social heirarchy but well respected in each community.

It is fascanating that the 10 years Oliver separated himself from the church was both spent in Tiffin Ohio a close confidant of the Ogle family and city leader as well as during the time when Joseph was under direct and violent threat of attack from both outside the church by those generations still interested in fighting the next wave of the Seven Years War aka French and Indian War as well as internally from Great Awakening infiltrators whom wanted to corrupt the church to make it what BY and militant Islam wanted not the true meaning of the information.

The hardest evidence imaginable are the facts regarding the ceremonies the Mormones perform which came from the Plates are to a variety of different editing degrees straight from the British FreeMasonic Organization itself. Which was regathered and restarted by the Ogles of Northumberland.

The Great American Temple never realized

(The Walk of Man from the riddle of the Sphinx built into the basic Framework of the layout of Bellingham.)

Captain Roeder, Phoebe Judson, Peabody, etc. came out to Bellingham 10 years after Joseph Smith was executed in Carthage. Carthage is less than 10 miles from the Mighty Mississippi, which means the Ogle Trade Route Ran directly through the area of Carthage. Based on the extremely close connection between the origins of the name British being a Prince of Troy Æneas. Æneas’s son or at least one of this sons was brute. Carthaginian queen Dido (also known as Alyssa), <more than one name and the time frame is close enough to have her be Tut’s widow> by legend has a long standing affair with this prince from Troy. The Trojan War was in part fought over the concepts of the Swords/Tome of Troy. The blade had writing on it and was called both a blade and a tome.

Prince Ænea was forced to leave to safeguard the most precious of Royal Treasures. Namely both the Plates of Destiny and the Tome of Jacob/IsrÆl. Which based on the statistical connections can be mathematically connected to the Blade/Tome of Enoch.

As Brute the son of Ægean and very likely son of Alyssa/dido queen of Carthage. Dido was very likely widow of Tutankhamun. Not to mention daughter of Nefertiti and Amenhotep IV Akhenaten. Sister to Meritaten whom by legend evacuated from Egypt to Northumberland to live past the Avaris Hyksos coup d’état and to establish her own kingdom in that area circa 1330 bce. Dido and her very likely son Brute (grandson, great grandson, etc. difficult to formulate hard evidence when each king had more than one name, more in the neighborhood of 5 primary and 8 holy names, which changed spellings per year, provided specific parameters were met) had direct and personal access to the Aten of his grandfather’s (great grandfather, etc.) religion. Naming new cities for old major cities in Europe, Middle East, and Northern Africa points strongly to those were the areas where the caches of the moved and stored libraries were. Not to mention the facts regarding the Prince of Troy Aeneas traveled through Carthage Africa on this way to “The City of Seven Hills”0 was the Father/Grandfather/etc. of Brute. Brute or King of the Brit’s Brute also King of Troy Brute was one of the key founders of the British People. Of which the Ogles are another key founding family. All these connections across time and different continents with the same place names and same information being passed around.

The plates arriving in New York courtesy of Brute’s descendants 3200 years later. Joseph Smith gained access to information about the ATEN on the plates.

Eight years after Joseph Smiths Execution, another great awakening movement was starting. And this one exactly like the others was bent on being as violent as possible. would be interesting if the Ogles from Tiffin had arranged for previous settlers to go out to Bellingham e.g. the Robert’s family. In 1830 Joseph moved the church from Western New York to Kirkland Ohio ; which is less than 100 miles away from the Maples . . The Maples was the Manor house the Ogles built in the middle to late 1700s. 100 miles is more than close enough to have had direct interaction at least while the Mormons were traveling past Tiffin. The Ogles in Tiffin Ohio were not only an extremely strong and powerful family. They had been close to the only white people in the entire area for close to 100 years. The property on the corner of Market and 224 bypass not only cut through the Ogle family property but property which had been in the family since the late 1600 early 1700s . The property has changed a great deal since 1970 namely a road named Shaffer has been cut through the land. Shaffer is the name if Charles Lee Shaffer the second husband of Helen the last Ogle to own the property which she inherited from her father Elmer Ogle. A direct male line descendant from De Ogle who fought for William at Hastings 1066. Helen placed the lands and all bank accounts into a trust to be sold off after her death; cutting both her grandchildren and great grandchildren out of the will. But the property deeds from previous to 1810 were held in cities where the libraries and court records were burned to the ground. The records were in Ohio, New York, Boston, Britain, Paris, Leon, etc. each city faced numerous invasions, floods, intentional destruction, etc. records are some of the first things an enemy want to destroy. Later descendants whom cannot function without seeing documentation have the most difficult time when all that is left is a pile of ash.

Bellingham founding Roberts’s family

The Roberts and a few thousand other families were in Bellingham well around the same time as the Roeder’s arrived.

The Judson’s took over a large farm in Lynden from a soldier in the military. On the promise they his daughters be raised as if they were theirs. Which of course the Judson’s agreed too.

But the Roberts had been in the area for months arriving just after the Roeders. It was their farm which was close to Castle Bellingham (which then Captain George Picket Seized) which Picket took over both changing the name of Castle Bellingham North to Fort Bellingham. On occasion would be referred to the North fort since it had been the north castle for generations. The southern fort being close to Old Main, if not the foundation Old Main was built on.

Joseph Smith might have learned of the issues regarding how unsafe things in his organization were based on the facts of the Roberts using the area he settled in, in order to travel from Ohio to Bellingham. As the Ogle’s sent people west along their trade routes and with protections to let the natives know friend from foe; Smith witnessed first-hand the stark contrast between his religion and movement how close this stuff was with the

In truth statistically speaking there is about a 30% chance the plates Joseph Smith Jr handed off to trusted Ogle allies on their way to Bellingham to safeguard them. Knowing as with the hardest evidence imaginable that the Ogles had already been guardians of the plates long before the plates arrived on the American continent.

In addition to the previous information regarding the founding of Lynden, if there was an unspoken agreement between Patterson and the Judson’s regarding holding his girls and property with a handshake deal almost indentured servants; being that Judson is a Jewish name, this is not out of the question, in addition since Jews in the middle of New York city had little rites at the same time. 1000 miles past the frontier 10 years before the start of the civil war Jews had less than no rights what so ever. Connected to Patterson, on his lands, with Patterson’s allies the ex-slave traders reform Dutch only a few years behind. There is an extremely good chance the Judson’s were mere indentured servants/unspoken slaves for Peterson. When he did not come back, they simply did not allow others to know of the arrangement. Slipping from being Jews to being full Christian citizens without anyone noticing. Making up stories of how her Goodell great awakening movement father had lost his church in Ancaster, Ontario and were forced to escape in the middle of the night to Vermillion , Ohio. Vermillion Ohio is only 50 ish miles away from Tiffin Ohio and the Ogle family Vermillion where Roeder and Judson were is only 50 miles from Kirtland . Lynden FreeMasonic Lodge 56 was started and or reformed under the United Grand Lodge of England shortly after the British Grand Lodge was dissolved. The Ogles owned 500 acres of Land

Salt Lake City in the plates but mostly Brigham’s idea

Salt Lake City a major Hopi settlement which B.Y. not only took over by force from the Hopi, but worked to establish his own country, territory, state within. When opposed he became about as violent as is possible. More than a few bloody engagements between B.Y. army and anyone whom he felt threatened by.

The Hopi in the area simply did the same actions they did before when the Aztecs came through, they got out of the way and continued life. Those that lived of course.


A dolman is a small simplified version of a Megalith.

A megalith is a ring of rocks most closely identified as the Pillars of Adam.


Each Pillar Rock Candle

A old Testament

These pillars could represent the information contained in the Old Testament

B New Testament

These pillars could represent the information contained in the New Testament

C book of Mormon

This pillar could represent the information contained in the hidden texts the other major forms of monotheism do not acknowledge as having validity.


The Aten is built into All FreeMasonic lodge’s; the light above the alter represents the ATEN. The streams of light touching the individual items in the area are a symbol representation of the limbs of the Aten.

That does this configuration have anything at all to do with Mormonism, this is where part of the ceremony and temple configuration from Mormonism came from.

Twin Attacks

Siege at Troy

The Exodus took place at almost exactly the same time against.

The Hyksos were the aggressors for both, the Children of IsrÆl aka Jews were the victim in both cases.

The home of the Jews in IsrÆl which is in Egypt the center of the Aten. One arm of the Aten was attacked and the treasures attempted to seize.

Unfortunately for the Dorian Agamemnon the treasures, tome, sword, etc. was not present having been removed from the City long before the Walls fell. Long before the idea of conquering by a façade. Which is interesting since the same exact behavior pattern of “looking like you”, infiltrating, then destroying from within, obliterating as many traces from the past as possible are all part of same behavior pattern. The Dorians simply used the same infiltrate and destroy as their ancestors had employed, followed by their descendants. The Great Awakening movements as well did exactly the same thing. The best and most efficient way to destroy an enemy is make that enemy your friend. But at the end of the day once your enemies guard is down strike at the heart of the beast with all your might. You will not get another chance; since the enemy thinks you are a trusted friend. Joseph Smith knew he had “Wolves in Sheep’s clothing” aka Hyksos in his ranks, but by that point he had no choice and had lost a huge amount of control over his church. By the time they identify themselves as enemies they have amassed too much power.

They usually then conduct simultaneous attacks to take total control over and or they as a sub-conscious collective want to obliterate the organizational structure. LDS was not torn apart; the Dorians/Greeks bearing gifts wanted to take over and control not erase. In key areas they wanted to obliterate; which is most likely what occurred in Lynden WA. LDS presence was obliterated, which occurred circa 1850.

Gingerbread house Adam’s Amber Tabernacle

An amber well dark amber candy creation used in mid-winter. Building a gingerbread house dates back before the areas which used said their history was translated into Latin.

A Dark Amber house, with an emphasis on at least one story, if not more than one story. Then designed in the fashion of the architecture of the local area, but previous designed to reflect an Amber House for the return of the light.
