1/27/2013 23:25:03




Pharaonic Crowns


Royal Headdresses



The pharaoh wore several different headdresses, such as:

White CrownWhite crown

The White Crown symbolised the pharaoh's control over Upper Egypt,and was worn on occasions involving Upper Egypt only.

Red CrownRed crown

The Red Crown symbolised the pharaoh's control over Lower Egypt, and was worn on occasions involving Lower Egypt only.

Double CrownDouble crown

The Double Crown was a combination of the Red Crown of Lower Egypt and the White Crown of Upper Egypt. It symbolised the joining of the two lands, and the pharaoh's control over the two lands.

Blue CrownBlue crown

The Blue Crown (the Khepresh) was a blue cloth or leather headdress decorated with bronze or gold discs. The Blue Crown was worn in battles, as well as on ceremonial occasions.

Atef crownAtef crown

The Atef Crown was a white headdress decorated with ostrich feathers. It was worn during some religious rituals.

Nemes headdressNemes Headdress

The Nemes Headdress was a blue and gold striped head cloth.

Closely resembles the of the pope’s Mitre. Just take of the front portion and you have a stylized version of the lower Egypt crown. http://www.newadvent.org/images/10404aax.gif












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