1/30/2013 09:23:11

2/1/2013 13:01:05






The Pictish arrived in the UK sometime before the Romans invaded.


The Pictish culture sometime previous to 1100 b.c.e had some type of encounter with Esau's line; why else create a special rule regarding no body ink.


The Pictish could be connected to Egypt. Many Pictish descendants have a white streak of hair directly over their Luz bone(eternal bone)(god marked the descendants of Caine with a permanent mark). The city of Luz is a conquered and renamed city of Memphis. Set (possibly another spelling for Caine) was the god of foreigners and the primary deity of upper Egypt and Nubia in the old kingdom and pre-Pharaonic times. Caine was banished to the foreign lands for his deeds. Set is the god of Foreigners. Upper Egypt and Nubia have some of the oldest and largest ancient cities, all mostly abandoned. Presenting the idea Gaelic might be a first or second generation removed direct descendant Hieroglyphic language


However many of their customs closely resemble that of a pre-Pharaonic (possibly monotheistic) and first few kingdom southern and western Egyptian cultures. Possibly even connected to the snake peoples of the Nile delta. Reference St Paddrick removing all the snakes from Ireland.


Even during their height of power; the Pictish culture did not seem to be up to the task of ruling the UK empire as their predecessors or the Norman kings were. The predecessors culture has been classified as the time of Camelot and the Arthurian times. However do not make any mistakes; the Pictish might have conquered Camelot, but not its spirit. The descendants of Camelot and possibly Arthur went into exile in Normandy; where they related the story of Arthur, where the story was picked up across the border in France.

The problem is; the welsh culture between 50 bc and 1700 ce was never large enough to have a sufficient sized army to take on the entire UK different armies. Not even the Mercia army and kings were strong enough to conquer the strongest army in the UK. Arthur was not a Mercia descended person. Consequently the Mercia king list will not have King Arthur listed. This evidence should tell you who King Arthur was and where Camelot was.

The Picts and the Welsh at various times were allies.

Although a reasonable behavior assumption would point to Oliver Cromwell was of Pictish descent.


After 1066 the Pictish left the UK for America. Just because the Vatican made the American continent illegal to know anything about, does not mean the northern cultures forgot. Active trade routes existed for hundreds of years after 1066 to Greenland. Greenland is not that far from Maine.

The Pictish using Gaelic were attested to be in large quantity on the eastern sea board when western cultures arrived circa 1500s.


The Pictish in charge of the UK from 800-1000 was considered not the greatest time for the British empire. In many ways it was considered to be one of the lowest points after the roman invasions.

But the picts in America proceeded with the same behavior patterns as they did in the UK.

Current American southern conservative politics can trace its behavior, language, and cultural roots directly back to the Pictish who were expelled from the UK after 1066.


Evidence of said connection in America

Southern speech patterns are close to Gaelic.

Marrying cousins is a Celtic and Pictish custom

Living outside the rules of a strong neighboring culture.

Having a strong background in a similar strict interpretation of the bible.


Several native tribes on the east coast had tall pointy headdresses; reflections of the Egyptian headdress


The natives of st Augustine Timucuan. Who had both very tall bodies, and 6-12 inch tall headdress. They were also heavily tattooed; each tattoo would be a merit badge/mark of achievement.

The mound builders

The feather wearing headdress cultures. http://www.crafts-gifts.com/indian/headdress.jpg

Osiris wore ostrich feathers in his hair, and in his hat. The white base, then black, and amber/red tips ; very reminiscent of the Egyptian Crowns Atef crown.







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