Psychology Outline Ideas 2019 7 1 1719



My Wannsee Conference Psychology book is more than 135k right now with 1000 peer review references, all by itself. It examines the cognitive dissonance inside and outside the internal war between the third reich and the members of the thule society. I have assembled direct physical evidence which decades long scholars of wwii have never heard of. I toss out the propaganda and go with the hard facts. Hence the cognitive dissonance. Sufficient levels of cognitive dissonance leads to psychosis, as you well know. Now you know I know it too. My work on Wundt just the 10 years he was in Tiffin 1842-1850 working as a slave for the same exact organization which name changed to NAZI January 1920 is where this field came from. Want direct physical evidence, no problem, first piece of evidence William James traveled to TIffin and spent years at Heidelberg studying years and years after Wundt left. Who cares, Wundt's focus was on neuro, Lightener the creator of Clinical copied Wundt's laboratory as closely as he could. That lab was created in part at Heidelberg Tiffin. I study where most areas of Psychology came from. Which was actually the trojen war, converting the versions of the Iliad into modern languages. The conversion tools is where Wundt found the tools for psychology. Very very long story. Studying the Minotaur is studying serial killers. The Minotaur is close to the opening cascade events which lead to the trojan war, which led to the iliad, which led to the classics, which led to wundts translation, which led to the book, which james purchased and founded Harvard Psychology dept, Lightener purchased and founded Penn state and clinical, and Mary founded the APA. wundt spent the rest of his life studying the nervous system and the brain. My Wundt work is spread between 10 documents of about 150k words unless I include the library information, the 18th dynasty, the history of the city of Rome, the history of the old kingdom and there creation of a synapse aka the Causeways of the Pyramids which are in the shape of the ATEN. The Aten is in the exact shape of a synapse bundle. THen we are talking in excess of a million words, not a single word I wrote from now forward is needed to make a million words, It is already at 1 million words. What I write from this point forward is a million plus.

Every word I can back up with hard physical data right this second. I can send you more than a million (some at level, some notes which can be edited into phd level work in a few hours to a few weeks) words right this second specific to the study of psychology. HOw many psychologist counselors interact with patients who have damage and trauma from the aftermath of the above events. The more you understand the patterns and cycles of trauma the easier it is to treat.