Feedback Journal: Graduate Writing II

Name: Welling T


Week 1: Feedback Preferences

What kind of feedback would you like to receive from your instructor? On what aspect of writing would you most like to receive feedback?” TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE

Dealers choice,

should not include “I did not read the instructions the same way you did, so marking off not based on merit of the written word but marking off based on what the audience is expecting.” I am so not a fan of that. Complete unclear instructions. Completely unclear rubric.

Although I did say dealers choice, so maybe punitive grading is the OC tool employed to force a longer more detailed response. All an OC is going to do is usually sit with the pain and get annoyed with the situation. Blocking pain is something as a handicapped person you are forced to get used to.

4 weeks of class left. Lets see how this next week does. already thinking about the “well I will likely just have to pay to take this class next time”. Since existing writing skills do not count.

How do you give me solid feedback, not using Skinner Box (OC) techniques is a good choice. All it will do is annoy me.


Use this journal to record the writing feedback you receive. Please update and submit this table by Day 7 of Weeks 2 through 5.



Piece of writing (title, description, etc.)

Area where excelled

Issue to work on

Resources to review

Plan for revision / future writing


Optional: Questions to ask the instructor or the Writing Center

2019 11 30


Technical writing

Too long, incorrect packaging for different audiences.

The guild structure

Continue to study history and different aspects of the Memento Mori human nature condition.

12 7 2019


Technical writing

Too long, incorrect packaging for different audiences. Differences between how I read the instructions versus the demands of my audience.

The foundation of academics

Be very much on guard regarding the illusions of “but the instructions were totally clear”. Not everyone reads the same paragraph the same way. Ignoring those facts has caused more problems in communication can be measured. That is something to think about.

12 9 0916


Technical writing

Too long, incorrect packaging for different audiences. Differences between how I read the instructions versus the demands of my audience.

How academics are funded; usually through financial and or religious benefactors who want career academics to draw specific conclusions in their papers. References provided

The audience has to be always in mind when writing anything. Some audience groups have differing expectation bench marks. When writing, carefully crafting the writing to the audience sometimes is an absolute requirement. Not unlike writing for academic boosters; although most teachers are much  less nefarious in there =x demands.
















































