WK8Assgn Welling T

T. "TR" Robert "Shawn" Welling

January 17, 2020


Examination of a Study

Macleod, G. gale. macleod@ed. ac. u. (2010). Identifying obstacles to a multidisciplinary understanding of “disruptive” behaviour. Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties, 15(2), 95–109. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1080/13632752.2010.480881


This study is focused on the concepts and ideas of how to work with juvenile disruptive behavior patterns. But it also does a rather deep dive into the equally frustrating task of this study and other similar studies not only not be being taken seriously but in some hinted at cases discounted outright entirely by some fields and some other sub psychology specialties. Qualitative evidence is presented regarding neuropsychology findings which might mention juvenile issues like “ADHD” but only in passing and does not dive into anything approaching a serious examination of the evidence. Not all that differnet from most of the field of Psychology for the most part ignoring flat out the world of Wilhelm Wundt and the foundational research he did to write the first modern textbook on Psychology.  


The Abstract of this paper and the key points brought up in the first few paragraphs paint an entirely different picture. The abstract is full of accusations and frustration, the first paragraphs focus on why a multidisciplinary approach is the only real way to find answers to extremely complex questions. In the first couple paragraphs mentions of “why does little john/jane doe do the acdtions they do”. If you approach from just a (fMRI) or only talk therapy, or a dozen other approaches by themselves it is close to a complete waste of time because not any one of them by themselves can fill in the complete picture/complete answer. However, academics currently is in a wave of we need more isolation not more cooperation. Scholastics has been on a bent for a while now that the more focus (almost violently) on “stay on topic” regarding any type of study. The stay on topic concept has narrowed the questions allowed to be asked which by default limits the possible answers. Which is identically reminiscent of the last 3 1000 year long  dark ages, where the politics of a culture became angry and forced academics, scholastics, and science to narrow down to the lowest common denominator in order to in a very real effect hide facts and evidence the politicians had no interest in dealing with. Such information is not in the article, but personal knowledge. Having a solid working knowledge of the events of mostly western culture history from the invention (reinvention of writing) (although based on the above parameters defined writing has had to be “reinvented” a couple times. Oversimplification yes, but the point is the same. The point regarding the influence of politics narrowing the questions possible into the field of academics is a large portion of the qualitative results of this study. Which in part invalidates many results) of writing to present, the author has a solid standpoint from which to state said information.


This article among dozens and dozens of other articles all point to the same conclusion. There are numerable bottlenecks in the scholastic system which are beyond obvious when it comes to the application of understanding things which are extremely complex like juvenile disruptive behavior patterns. Several Paragraphs about 25% into the paper go into some details as to what the various bottle necks are and proposes other articles and researchers have found similar issues. The solution has yet to present itself, at least according to the author of this article. However thanks to the 21st century, the internet, interactive databases, etc. the soluluations are entirely obvious. Since the human brain and of course body use enumerable different mechanisms in a unified and collective approach to function, the information from any one given aspect of that mechanism. Those results must be presented and shared equally with the evidence from the other sources as well. The Electrical, hormone, biochemical, synaptic, DNA, neuropathways, neural network, lobes, etc. x dozens of subjects related to juvenile behavior patterns must be worked together as a single subject. Best way to work them together is in a multi-disciplinary database. Some editing, revision of some methods, some adjusting of equations and other mathematical processes will have to be part of the mixing metaphorically a dozen different types of in effect car company machines into a single working machine. Some engines are great at performing x task but have no ability to perform any other.  Using the internet and a complex database the as mentioned metaphor regarding combining ford, Chevy, Toyota, Harley, kia engines to work together to produce better working machines is the only real option. This study fails not because its information is not valid, but as it admits on at least a dozen occasions the study is so incomplete it has no ability to stand on solid academic legs. It can only ask specific to acceptable questions and present those answers. But those answers at times are inappropriate for the question asked.
