Week 2 dq response

Structural Learning Theory is an odd little concept which since its development has more critics than fans. developed in part by Joseph Scandura, this collection of ideas which together along with decades of empirical data disqualify it as being anything other than a collection of ideas. The hypothesis is not sound enough to qualify. It is a very odd hybrid of behaviorism and cognitive, which is just another way of trying to fix the foundational mistakes in the mostly fiction found in the ideas skinner created. Taking few if any real parts from the facts that no matter how much a person is tortured (skinner box) the person and the community cannot alter the will of nature. Trying to use cognitive to fix the mistakes only creates more problems (Kretchmar, 2009, para. 9)

The field of cognitive has its own fundamental problems, to being with the sciences of the electrical field are governed by quantum physics. Which apparently the discipline of cognition ignores any and all input from that branch of physics entirely. Which is like saying “the church tells me my left hand is bad, so I will not use my left hand at all”.

Theistic worldview, according to enumerable sources and physical evidence this concept has issues. It operates from very real foundational information as well as all to real placebo effect aspects. To each individuals path is how this applies. There are no universal rules for how this applies.


Kretchmar, J. (2019). Structural Learning Theory. Salem Press Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ers&AN=89164468&site=eds-live&scope=site