week 10 assignment

Annotated Bibliography


This week culminates in your submission of an annotated bibliography that should consist of an introduction, followed by two quantitative article annotations, two qualitative article annotations, and two mixed methods article annotations for a total of six annotations, followed by a conclusion.


An annotated bibliography is a document containing selected sources accompanied by a respective annotation. Each annotation consists of a summary, analysis, and application for the purpose of conveying the relevance and value of the selected source. As such, annotations demonstrate a writer’s critical thinking about and authority on the topic represented in the sources.


In preparation for your own future research, an annotated bibliography provides a background for understanding a portion of the existing literature on a particular topic. It is also a useful precursor for gathering sources in preparation for writing a subsequent literature review.


Please review the assignment instructions below and click on the underlined words for information about how to craft each component of an annotation.


It is recommended that you use the grading rubric as a self-evaluation tool before submitting your assignment.


By Day 7

Use the Walden library databases to search for quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research articles from peer-reviewed journals on your topic of interest.

Before you read the full article and begin your annotation, locate the methodology section in the article to be sure that it describes the appropriate research design.

For quantitative research articles, confirm that a quantitative research design, such as a quasi-experimental, casual comparative, correlational, pretest–posttest, or true experimental, was used in the study.

For qualitative research articles, confirm that a qualitative research design or approach, such as narrative, ethnographic, grounded theory, case study, or phenomenology, was used in the study.

For mixed methods research articles, confirm that a mixed methods research (MMR) design was used in the study. There are several design classifications in MMR; some examples of MMR types or families of design are parallel, concurrent, sequential, multilevel, or fully integrated mixed methods design.

Prepare an annotated bibliography that includes the following:

A one-paragraph introduction that provides context for why you selected the six research articles you did: two quantitative, two qualitative, and two MMR.

A reference list entry in APA Style for each of the six articles that follows proper formatting. Follow each reference list entry with a three-paragraph annotation that includes:

An application

An analysis

A summary




By using a truly random assortment of the design parameters, not picking and choosing based on preconceived notions or assumptions regarding what article would be best.

Neuropsychology/Neuropathways. One of the 3 major topics Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed methods. Then of course the sub categories of each of the 3 main topics. Those were the search parameters. The instructions are to find information about your research topic “which would be Neuropsychology” as if these 6 articles are in a paper about said topic. All descriptions are as if this was at the end of a paper on neuropathways and how they can be identified and measured scientifically. Writing the paper in my head, finding references which would fit the syllabus in a macro format. Not being very good at determining the what my audience wants to see, personal history in academics has shown that trying to guess what the teacher wants has not worked well. So go with statistics and hope. The articles which came up, some of which the parameters chosen only produced one result a couple were heavy on mathematics and mathematical descriptions and definitions. One hardly mentioned mathematics at all despite being openly stating it was quantified form, finding this to be odd that a peer reviewed article supposedly about quantitative analysis hardly mentioned mathematics period. The two at the end were almost entirely about mathematics but hardly mentioned period anything to do with neuropsychology research. Article 3 was really interesting, but the researchers would have been far better off using quantum physics and 100th monkey equations and explanations in their analysis.  Overall it appears the field of neuropsychology is not well liked, understood, and little actual research is conducted. Despite the facts that the field is almost exclusively high-tech computers which cannot function without using mixed method equations to function. There is absolutely no data which is not based on mixed method models.  CAT, MRI, FMRI, etc. to study neuropathways requires these tools and other similar tools used. But for some reason those studies are not present. Or the search tool was insufficient regarding neuropathway research and the tools to measure it.


1 casual comparative

Abazari, K., Mahdavi, M. R., & Darvishi, A. (2017). Neuropsychological characteristics and theory of mind in ADHD and normal students. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 19(1), 22–29. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=121370532&site=eds-live&scope=site

An application

Unlike many other neuropsychology articles, the beginning paragraphs are not an attack on other studies, other fields, etc. This study dives directly into the function and structure of the testing parameters and how to apply the conclusions. Which is a very nice chance of pace. However, the study does focus on the disorder and or damage which is mentioned several times in the first paragraphs. The authors of the other studies placed the antagonist of their depiction as the other studies, other fields, other disciplines. This study it appears places the antagonist roll into either a damaged portion of the brain, a maldeveloped part of the brain, etc. Which ignores the basic facts and evidence that in some brains the biochemistry of that person processing sugar different and in many cases of individuals with said type brain functions their neuropathways are considerably denser. More synapses per mm and the neuronetwork having many times more connections. The glaring evidence is a shifted biochemistry (processing oxygen and of course sugar) with the altered density actually points to an entirely different conclusion than a “disorder”. The researchers should be focused not on “this is a problem” because the child does not think and process information the same way statistically speaking “mean” (no negative intent, the definition of IQ 0-200 the, 100 being the mean or average human intelligence) people do. Instead of a “problem” science needs to perceive the differences metaphorically as said types of variable brains the thinking process is different enough to point to other conclusion.

The people might be the ones which instead of focusing them to operate within a Mean culture, let them work, operate, and function within an operational structure which benefits said types of thinking which historically has produced some of the greatest minds and most genius inventions.

The definition of Genius being the Roman definition, those people who are used by the schema of Janus eg the quantum field to “receive” ideas or “inspiration”, “eureka” from which to help the community in general.

An analysis

casual-comparative study comparing 50 children; 25 normal 25 with diagnosed ADHD. The students were selected based on the statistical model of cluster sampling. With the added evaluation technique of the Connors Neuropsychological examination.

Statistically the results were through multivariate modeling t test, and Pearson correlation.

Inventory and Theory of Mind Test were applied to assess the participants. Several key variable bars were used to come to the conclusion that neuropsychological tests were just as valuable to use along side behavior tests. Which has some limited accuracy, based on very strict parameters as the variables are not used exactly the same ways in each test format. However a picture can be created despite the offset variables in each of the provided tests.

A summary

A much better article regarding both scientifically and of course neuropathways, which with experience is not exactly a high bench mark. This article slips into a similar pattern with the rest as it fictionalizes the results; making pro and antagonistic rolls with the evidence discovered. There is not good or bad in the scientific method, there is only is. What is the variable, what does the variable do, and how does the variable interact with everything else. That would be the scientific method. Unfortunately it appears psychology and the sub field of neuropsychology researchers and authors are more interested in playing passion plays than sticking with the facts and only the facts.

The mind is not the enemy, different processing minds are not the enemy. Despite what the author wrote. The non-mean people do not need to become mean people, just to make mean people happy. In short what do several of the sentences in the first five paragraphs have anything at all to do with the identification of a variable and its repeat functions. The answer is less than nothing minus the prejudices of the author and the community which peer reviewed the board approved article.

2 quasi-experimental

Thomas, G., & Atkinson, C. C. A. ac. u. (2016). Measuring the effectiveness of a mindfulness-based intervention for children’s attentional functioning. Educational & Child Psychology, 33(1), 51–64. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eue&AN=113339502&site=eds-live&scope=site

An application

There is no real way to determine how to use the information in this study. Although the results are mathematically sound, why the results are mathematically sound the article itself points out at least three separate variables which upon its own admission it has no identification or what they are forget how they work. The Trillions of Synapses in the brain can only be guessed at regarding what is happening with mean kids versus ADHD kids. One guess format is to use RAS and VAS as a model which are used in a sort of HUP (Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle) format to gage whether or not higher brain functions are being used. In very brief and short the author is struggling to define thinking through the following variable definition.

We can know where an object is, or we can know how fast the object is moving, but we cannot identify both at the same time. Which the authors of this study seem to be attempting to apply HUP to thinking. Minus being able to actually understand what HUP is, identify HUP, or understand the equations for HUP. But it appears the author is trying to approach studying the quantum field of the brain without using quantum field tools.

An analysis

Quasi-experimental research has in some cases huge format limitations, which the authors openly admit from the start. One of the several issues with Quasi experimental is the variables do not line up perfectly and in some cases very well in cross comparison.

RAS reflexive attentional system

VAS volitional attentional system

Are mentioned several times in this article, however the author is not clear as to what point the condition commonly known as ADHD has to do with the RAS and VAS concepts.

It appears that two classes of 8- to 9-year-olds were identified and worked with over the course of 6 weeks alternatively. Those with ADHD in the class and mean kids in the class were subject to behavior modifications. Remarkable differences were seen in pre and post periods of modifications.


A summary

it appears this study is focused on the need to force in various ways using similar word choices to focus better in class. For the in effect not normal kids to act and react in the same way with the same levels of attention the normal kids did. The focus in this study is turning the actions and variables of those with ADHD turning the condition from just a thing and a different way to process information into an antagonistic fictional roll. The researchers present ADHD as an enemy which needs to be identified and conquered. There appears to be a great deal of underlying fear as a response to those kids not “acting right” according to set sociological norms which in effect mean culture has decided is the correct way to be and or behave.

Attention Training is a phrase not well used in the first few paragraphs, but then it seems the focus is on those words with some type of definition regarding repetitive tasks with children seem to produce real world results in both mean kids and ADHD kids. However, no data period was solidly hinted at regarding what or how repetitive attention training could or would work, only that in the benchmark tests pre and post “adjustment” therapy was applied all students saw improvements. Only guessing at why. Not a big fan of guessing as to why something happened. Sounds too much like “Lord of the Flys” regarding throwing a rock into the open door of that thing, sometimes sound came out and sometimes sound did not. The if we stand here and throw a rock this way, the chances the sound will happen increase.




1 ethnographic

Gioia, D. dgioia@ssw. umaryland. ed. (2009). Understanding the Ecological Validity of Neuropsychological Testing Using an Ethnographic Approach. Qualitative Health Research, 19(10), 1495–1503. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1177/1049732309348500

An application

To aid in the treatment of those with schizophrenia. Since a bit of real in clinic studies have been performed but little real work application studies have been performed. This study was focused on the structure and ability to actually find treatment techniques which could work in the real world, not just in the on the extreme side of controlled environment of a clinic.

An analysis

This article is among dozens and dozens of articles which focus on the limitations between clinical studies and real-world applications. This increases to a huge amount when applied to fringe mental issues, example schizophrenia. Patients react fantastically in the clinic with its built in controls, focuses, and disciplines. But one step outside the door of a clinic and most of the Ecological or real-world application of treatments and therapies have proven over the course of several centuries to not have a lot of impact. Of course these treatments in the not to distant past included various types of sterilization, from chemical to suppress and surgical to prevent both reproduction as well as it was hoped that the removal of the hormones associated with said biochemical process could help with the symptoms of schizophrenia. The end results were not encouraging. This study hoped to find real world solutions to the problem.

A summary

The study most focused on the limitations and negatives of what has already been established. Also huge research deficits in any real world schizophrenia, other studies regarding example MS, Traumatic Brain Injury, etc. were also brought up a couple times. However, this author and dozens of other authors specific to the field of Neuropsychology itself express varign levels of frustration with trying to find solutions to aproblms, but unable to obtain any real headway.

There are more than obvious problems, but the scholastics itself has come up entirely short as to any real solutions to provide help to the major problems. Confinement has proven to be the only solution which has the smallest level of results but that is not a solution to the person confined. It helps the society itself function better but then the society has to spend enormous effort to keep “Undesirables” confined. Which is a radical drain on the community itself; which has proven to be more of a detriment than real solution.



Hanson, K. T., & Riley, E. P. (2018). Beyond Neutrality: the Human-Primate Interface During the Habituation Process. International Journal of Primatology, 39(5), 852. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edb&AN=133175952&site=eds-live&scope=site

An application

this article is in extreme stark contrast to the previous 3, in the first paragraphs the negatives of other articles and research is only glanced over, it is not the focus of the paragraph or a sequence of paragraphs. In the first pages there is little fictional role casting; this article being the protagonist versus the other article and or other disciplines being the antagonists.  Very little of that, although it is present, “this subject has not been studied much”. It is present but it is not a mainstay.

The information presented within the article focuses on a all to real problem in any and all studies in whatever scenario a study is done. The interaction and HUP issues which come from the observer and the observed interacting. Science has proven that atoms communicate with each other, so there is no possible way that anything under observation does not have said dynamic. The observer and the observed will alter parts of their behavior in recognition of said dynamic. In this article is describes and defines this dynamic as a focus of the study itself. This observe observed dynamic needs to be studied as a thing all on its own.

Specifically, this article focuses on primatology and habituation where homo sapien sapiens observe eg become an odd part of a primate troop. There the observer is neither a threat nor a help to the community, they are just around, not unlike birds and or other similar creatures which inhabit the same areas at eth same time. What the researchers found is statistical evidence of the quantum field which is how the 100th monkey syndrome works.

An analysis

This is a much better article on the subject of neuropathways specific to how humans think in direct comparrision with field research with different types of primates. Many very interesting variables of the events of the study come up and the researchers practically every sentence are making citations regarding similar points dozens of other researchers have made. Statistically they have proven a foundation for the existence of HUP inside the field research between humans and various types of primates. However in the first part of the article, there is less than no hint at there are a couple fields outside of traditional zoology and psychology which have gone into in some cases rather extreme details in these subjects.

A summary

Welcome to the 21st century, hwere instead of working in isolation, these results can be added to a huge database of similar studies and similar physics equations across scholastics. Input the data into the equations and have other disciplines add their input to x, y, z, etc given studies.  As a child I read the fictional series “Killashandra Ree” books. THE fictions of that universe ignored, the main character eventually becomes “Head of the Guild”, however that guild works using the exact same behavior patterns as both psychology and of course science itslf. Thanks in absoutley no small fasino to the foundation of modern acaedmics which is the Vatican imposed Guild Structure. Which its violent and at times (ideas focused not actually) genocidal control over what is studied and what is not is in direct comparrriion with the Christal Singers each one toiling doing their own independent things and ignoring flat out that the guild of that universe has had orders going backcentures which the disconnect between the guild administration officials and the field researchers has created huge problems in that universe. THE author of those fictional books fixed the rather obvious built in mistake. Instead of the chracters going out and just doing their own thing, they go out with orders to fill. Go out and cut x type of crhistal, in y type of configuration, in order to achieve z goals. This same solution despierately needs to be applied to the field of science. IN metaphrocal direct comparrision with the fiction books. Say those who are drawn to cutting pink crytstal are scientists who specialized in a type of research, green singers are scientsits who specialize in b type research, etc. through the entire field of science which includes psychology. Instead of reserachers working in isolation or semi isolation, reserachers need to build a in effect mega database to collect all studies, all equations, all available information, etc. so it can all be compared and cross compared. So that the field if psychology does not ohave to reinvent the quantum physics wheel, or the field of physical therapy and Conditioned Response Operative Conditioning can be directly compared and they can learn from each other instead of competing against each other. The summery is great information, but no need to reinvent the quantum physics wheel, it already exists just work with experts in that field cross comparing equations.

mixed method


1 mixed method sequential

Sadarangani, T., Missaelides, L., Eilertsen, E., Jaganathan, H., & Wu, B. (2019). A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Nurse-Led Community-Based Health Home for Ethnically Diverse Older Adults With Multimorbidity in the Adult Day Health Setting. Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice, 20(3), 131–144. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1177/1527154419864301

An application

Elderly adults with various health issues are the focus of this article and study. The article examines how effective the ACA specifically the programs which are focused on elderly adults how the two interacted. To find out what changes needed to be made in order for fix the laws and administration policies best to the communities needs. Which apparently is why this specific section of the ACA was created in the first place, to fix problems and issues in direct association with the elderly patients effective treatment.

An analysis

This article uses mathematics to illustrate the rate at which the ACA programs were applied to this group of individuals. Across the board the services with its defined changes from the previous and or non existent services improved the lives of the patients involved. Some a little, some by a considerable amount. The group chosen were an entirely mixed aspect of elderly patients, 227 participants all over the age of 50 years and possessed at least 12 months of data in which to cross compare the statistical models to find effectiveness of the program.

All the participants were in California, 12 locations were selected 2 in rural communities the rest in and or around large metropolitan areas.

There are a large number of tests and measurement tools used in the development of this =x data. Nurses were utilized to perform the tests every 6 months. How effective the process was over the 12 facilities, was not mentioned.

A summary

This was an exceptionally good article in that for the most part it focused on the mathematics and the research while avoiding the fictional narrative of creating antagonists and protagonists within research. Although it can be stated that in this specific study the antatogonist would be the unevaoidable conclusion of life. The focus was notn about the end, but about how to make adjustments to those who are elderly their lives better in what ways that is possible before the inevitable conclusion. This article left a great deal of room for follow up with additional changes, additional upgrades to the measurement tools, and seemed to focus on how best to improve oval. Not just to increase in a general way the overall effectiveness of the author or the program itself.


Bukman, A. J., Teuscher, D., Ben Meftah, J., Groenenberg, I., Crone, M. R., van Dijk, S., … Feskens, E. J. M. (2016). Exploring strategies to reach individuals of Turkish and Moroccan origin for health checks and lifestyle advice: a mixed-methods study. BMC Family Practice, 17, 1–12. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1186/s12875-016-0476-1

An application

“mixed-methods study used a convergent parallel design to combine data of one quantitative

study and three qualitative studies” From the abstract description. This study appears to have been found on sufficient evidence of a real problem of a specific group in a specific community. The population of those from Morocco and Turkey older than 44 years living in the Netherlands.

The abstract is almost entirely about mathematics specifics and details about the mathematical models used instead of many of the other articles from the walden u library.

Attempting to fix a rather obvious health problem in specific communities of what can be defined as “outsiders” in a given specific northern European country is a huge daunting challenge. Compounded by heritage distrust of western medicine. Cardiovascular health in those older than 44 is a subject which cannot be overstated. However this subject is a long, detailed and complex problem which this did a great job pointing some of the problems out but not all of the critical issues.

An analysis

The study consisted of 310 patients spread between 22 focus groups. “Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively and qualitative data were analyzed using a thematic approach.”

The results were very light on above described fictional formatting of a protagonist and an antagonist concept. Which was actually very nice, to focus away from scientific adolescent behavior and towards science and mathematics.

The survey results were that the participants preferred to answer the questionnaire at home and interact with a person who spoke their native language, especially for the Turkish participants. Those from Morocco were only 37 % inclined to need or require their native language and a support staff who could understand them on a heritage/cultural level.

The study goes on with a background regarding the cultures involved and the issues they all have of integration into a united community. Which improper health care is one symptom of rifts building within a community preventing unity.

A summary

The Neuropathways part of this study is buried deeply within the framework of how the different communities are interacting together. Where aspects of the passion play exist but they are still mostly centered on the antagonist is the foundation problem of community interactions. Not really being an enemy but a problem to solve, which follows at least in basic the scientific method. The mathematics present were wonderful and highly accurate regarding a specific type of neuropathway concept of community. All actions are based on thought, the brain creates the impulses which move the muscles. The muscles are the behavior patterns. Order of operations instead of watching the muscles for repeat patterns, track the brain for repeat patterns. This article points out the facts of the situation. The thinking patterns of the cultures involved have the huge impact on medical. Several variables are mentioned in the study regarding the headspace of all the parties involved, not just the patients. The cultures, the medical professionals, the people, the groups, etc. many things are mentioned, and solid numbers are present for some of the nouns mentioned. But a great deal of information is left out.



Of the many ways to approach this task, it was actually very difficult to narrow the aim of the variable to focus on with the research at hand. Several major choices and a few minor ones regarding how best to approach this task. As the evidence has been  presented, in these specific peer review articles the subject of neuropsychology and neruopathways specific to 3 major forms of statistical research and several minor forms inside each of the major forms produced many non-mathematical articles but they still proved to be useful in overall research regarding using the articles themselves as a statistical analysis of the research conducted which presented serious neuropsychological issues. Researching Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods in specific regards to Neuropsychology creates at times huge problems. For one thing new authors are interested in writing about said subspecialty. The first article is focused on adolescent ADHD with efforts to study it. The second article is about a different type of studying and intervention into ADHD. The third article is the Ethnographic approach to Neuropsychological, was an interesting read and had a few rather interesting nouns to explore. The next article was about Habituation interaction between humans and primates. The next article was focused on nursing led interactions between Multimorbidity and care givers. Finally, the Netherlands study focusing on the older Turkish and Moroccan settlers regarding health care and cardio issues. Each were fine studies with vastly different focus points. They were all supposed to be about and centered on mathematics, but only 3 were more than 50% focused, one was almost not about mathematics at all. It was a very interesting experiment to find Neuropsychology studies, which the article itself was a better neuropathway resource than the information the author was attempting to present. Combined they provided a randomized study of the ideas present regarding the subject of the research itself; Neuropsychology.