week 10 dq response


For me this week was interesting. My research is focused on the concepts of Neuropsychology. Which is a mixed bag of really good solid mathematical articles and not so much math but solid sociological studies (not intended) of the author and the authors opinion of other tools and studies.

As I wrote in my paper. This reminds me of a great deal of the fictional protagonists in the book series “Killashandra Ree” the Crystal Singers. In which the heroin of the stories takes a journey into her adult life, her career, and finally the head of a specific guild. In the 200 or so years she is a member of the guild she goes from having an awesome memory and wonderful musical skills to hardly being able to remember anything at all. She is head of the guild but has huge issues remembering her own name. Then medical things happen, and she can remember her entire life every year of her more than 200 years. Instead of her guild members working in isolation with junk memories, she forces the guild to change and alter to work in goal direction. This is not a metaphor since the variables can be more than 75% direct comparison.

To take orders from the customers, to organize the guild to work and perform in a cohesive way instead of “everyone for themselves”. Previously the structure produced nasty paranoia and at times violent cognitive dissonance. In more than a few ways the field of Psychology is very much a reflection of this fictional universe. Some of the tools used are great not unlike aspirin, but you cannot use aspirin as a cure all. In some patients’ aspirin will literally kill them. The field of Psychology needs to rebuild its entire research structure from zero up. Instead of like the Crystal guild members e.g. individual psychologists working in paranoid isolation, based on the number of peer reviewed articles which pointed out (some using inappropriate language) glaring mistakes other authors and other studies did. Use an algorithmic database to have studies created by the database, to let researchers know where holes in any given study are. So, the field can work together instead of trying to create passion plays “My measurement tools and tests are better than yours are”. The psychology built into the new Disney “Encore” show was well worth the binge watching. Of the series at least 5 hours were entirely about psychology. Some really good tools, some really difficult lessons. One of the Encore shows was the high school production of “Oklahoma” was recreated more than a decade after graduating. While watching that duet “anything you can do, I can do better”. I could not get the idea of Skinner devotees having a discussion with Lifespan development, or cognitive having a discussion with historiography. Instead of working to create their own variables to fit into a larger database of information, it has become a which is better which is inferior, and which has no place in psychology. Instead of each has strengths and weaknesses which need to be blended together, instead of a passion play. Passion plays casting x as antagonist, y as protagonist, and z the inferior nothing in the corner to be ignored. This has very negative DSM diagnostics written all over it. Projection, mirror effect, intellectual superiority, prejudice, etc. which has less than zero to do with actual science. This structure needs to be attended to close to absolutely immediately. A strong medical argument can be made from these facts that the current way psychology performs its actions and relies upon studies is malpractice, actual harm is being done to real patients because the literature x therapist wants to use on y patient is actually bad for them but the therapist and the literature is ignoring (bad memory) the evidence their ego has made a decision and since the patient did not die or is not bleeding on the floor they were not harmed. Example providing powerful psychotropic meds to adolescents and teenagers because a current school of thought wants to experiment on kids, finding out decades later how wrong they were. Right now there is another waves of “pro skinner box” treatment. It has been proven wrong in the 6 previous waves it has been done, but the new generation is completely convinced they are the greatest and they will find the way to force nature to bend to the will of the therapist. Nature has a 5000-year documented history of being uncooperative, except under torture. Then after a while the nature will either crumple and whither away or the patient will recover, and their nature will bounce back and repeat the same patterns again.  This must be addressed, since it is causing patients pain and life issues.