week 6 dq


In scholastics one of the important goals is determining exactly what type of academic author is each person going to be. Are they going to write more technically, e.g. using the format of noun; sentence or two of description. Will they be a mathematical author, relaying on the function and structure of equations to shape the information they are presenting.

Will they be strictly academic and simply present sequences of facts. Find a point in a peer reviewed article then put it in yoru own words, find the next point from the next article put it in your own words etc. for the rest of the paper. Most writers fall into these formats, but not all scholars write this way. The best way to improve writing skills is to know what type of author skills each author is drawn to. Formatting those ideas will assist in both the reader ad author understanding the type of materials they are about to explore.

In academics there is little in the way of a hierarchy list. Some articles are academically tissue paper metaphorically speaking they are a low budge D list movie or tv show. Others are intended to be Oscar quality. However, going into the process, you never know if an article is “life on the D list” and mostly fluff, or it is a serious article which has a huge amount of weight behind it. Determine this for yourself, and the articles available for study could make a significant difference in how to proceed in your academic career. To determine what type of author you are or going to be, helps to frame the articles looked upon for validity.

All this leads to some very interesting ways to explore the reading required in the given field as well as how to more accurately input data into your own personal journey. The learning does not stop with the velum on the wall, that is where the hard work starts. The question as always, what kind of a scholar will you be. With the follow up question “how will you improve the field you choose to go into”. Those questions need to be asked and eventually answered in every variable in yoru field you encounter.