week 7 dq


in modern parlance there is this thing call “mansplaining” which is in brief where a man will tell a female all about female problems, here are very simple solutions, and what is this huge bother about. Since I happen to be a male, I can recognize mansplaining and find it extremely offensive.

Working on what I do, I have encountered several people who when I told them my area of academics focus they spent the next bit of time explaining to me my field  and their extremely uneducated views on my field of study. Informing me of how much they know about my field and they want to talk to me about their interests in my field. They have 2 years of knowledge I have 3 decades; but I am sure what they have to say is valuable. Most of the time I am counting the seconds till I can politely never talk to this person every again.

It reminds me of a very well publicized in the presses female conference in one of the Levant Land countries. Not only was the conference entirely attended by males, but no females were allowed in the building during the conference. The males in the country were completely convinced that they could sufficiently speak for the females in their life and come up with solid and acceptable solutions to the problem’s females face. I am not sure if these two examples can be any more insulting and degrading in their basic premise.

However, this article is a solid match to that framework. I could not care less that the first name in the research is a Gonzales, this article is all about trying to find white culture solutions to Hispanic problems. I could only read the first 5 pages of this useless excuse for a paper before I had to put it down in order to simply not email the author with a “what in the world were you trying to do with that article”. The foundation questions for that study have literally no foundation in reality for the Latino culture. Yes of course the applications of a college education is a great thing, but as English cultures are starting to figure out. After decades and decades of pushing as many students into college because of the “better job prospects”. Huge numbers of 20s and 30s are working to change away from academics towards trade schools. Plumbers, carpenters, electricians, etc. pay great and are hiring immediately. These facts seem to not have any interest in the authors of this study. They are coming from a foundation questions and answers which hardly apply to the English culture and statistically speaking only apply 17% of the Hispanic.  The accepted by white American culture and upper class European cultures for the last half a millennia is the following “the secret of success is a college degree”. When in reality, that motus operedi is only applicable to about the same % of white cultures. Bachelors degree or not master degree or not, job prospects are not great across the board. The areas in both Europe and America the sector which has the highest job growth are the no education required service industries. Every question asked in this article came from a fiction foundation. They asked questions which were entirely focused on Qualitative study, which is great and wonderful if done correctly. Which this article could not have been done any worse if they used actually insulting and degrading slang terms in their questions. “do you think being a ___ ___ has hurt your job prospects”. Was a question strongly in several ways hinted at, but not outright asked. Which is actually beyond measure gross and disgusting. Test me, copy the article into word, remove the word latino and insert the worst nastiest Hispanic slang you can think of. If the questions were framed nicely the replacement word switch would be either entirely out of place or be a non sequitur sentence structure. The words would simply not apply. However, in this study, they not only apply but frame the questions better. This article the deeper I read into it almost qualifies for the metoo movement for flagrant abuse and almost a hate crime.

Want to test this physical no rpobem “A third set of explanations are environmental in

nature, including community constraints like gangs or drugs, limited social network of college

role models, and cultural and linguistic adjustment” pulled directly form the text. How can this sentence and set of questions not be a politically correct cleaned up insert a degrading and insulting Hispanic slang noun here. Facts are great, but with the wrong context they are hurtful and damaging.

Example, a huge muscle bound man with a face mask, huge identify hiding coat, takes his ax and smashes into the door of a young girl sleeping in her bed in the middle of the night.

The huge man scares the little girl awake, she screams, he covers her with a blanket to cover her screaming. He uses his ax to break out the window. He removes the blanket and picks the scared out of her mind girl up places her over his shoulder. He jumps out the window in time for her parents to come screaming towards. He bypasses the parents, physically knocking them out of his way. He climbs into a waiting vehicle with the little girl, which takes off immediately at top speed with the parents screaming and crying for the safe return of their little girl.

Out of context this is a plot for a horror film. Call 9-1-1 and report a kidnapping. Out of context like this description this is a parent’s worst nightmare. What was left out of this qualitative study is the fact that the man is a firefighter, the little girl was injured and needed immediate emergency medical attention. The vehicle was an ambulance going to the hospital. This article is not only bad it was offensive to read.


Gonzalez, L. M., Stein, G. L., & Shannonhouse, L. R. (2012). Latina/o adolescents in an emerging immigrant community: A qualitative exploration of their future goals. Journal for Social Action in Counseling & Psychology, 4(1), 83–102. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete.