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Historiography Physics

Robin Hood

I found 15 points of continuity between Robin Hood and FreeMasonry

Friar pre1600 meant fraternity not a religious order. So Friar would be old English possibly middle English for Brother. Friar tuck is seen as having some type of cover on his head. So does Robin Hood; infact hood or cover is part of his title/name. Tell me; what type of cover did a WM wear previous to current head covering being invented. The brimmed cap, the top hat, etc were yet to be invneted. So what type of hat did a WM wear? Secrecy has always been a very EA important thing. Add to that the British and the English have rarely if ever gotten along. The O and U in middle English were for the most part Interchangeable. Making UGLE and OGLE virtually the same in middle English. However OGLE is the Gaelic name for the Northumberland Royal family. Which just so happens to be where FreeMasonry began 200 years later. Gaelic at the time was a capital crime. Their is a very long list of items the English stole from the British without so much of a thanks. So why would secrecy regarding the creation of FreeMasonry be important in the 1200s when Gaelic was a crime punishable by death and the Catycism is based on Gaelic. Outlaw means; outside the bounds of the law. Are we talking British law or English. since the English won the war; that obviously means English law. Where does Sherwood forest lay; exactly between the northern boarder of Mercia aka England home kingdom and the old Southern boarder of Ogle aka Northumberland lands. I have more




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UNESCO History












TR Welling