The Roman Empire

753 bce – 400 ce


The Roman Empire was one amazing structure. But most of its history is pure fiction.

It was not built in a day.

It was not just a bunch of swamp land with nothing but fields around.

Their were 100,000s of people living in the area and had been for several millennia bfore the city was conquered by Romulus and renamed to honor himself.


Romulus in some ways was either a descendant of the Agamemnon forces from Greece although it was not called that then, or Hyksos/Avaris from Egypt. At some point before his family arrived in Italy his ancestor in not all that much in question. What is in question is the structure of which he modeled his behavior after. His ancestors behavioral in specific ways, those specific ways he consciously or sub-consciously followed with little hesitation.


Now we come to a problem, how to reshape the Etruscans and a dozen other cultures living in the area and still be able to claim “we build Rome” in a single day.

Easy answer, simply kill all those who present information your government does not like. Bann all forms of communication which are not of your new Roman Language. And destroy all old languages which might point to a different story than the officiant propaganda.

Propaganda which is still taught and accepted as fact in the present.


Same with the fiction regarding the history of Egypt and the even worse fiction regarding the Pyramids.                                                                                         


What happened from 753 the day the city of Samhain ended and was renamed Rome, from that day to the day the city became “the Vatican” 1500 years later. The amount of Western History of those events could fill a Constantinople sized library.

Not the propaganda and other fiction the descendants of Romulus achieved being sold to academics which they control entirely.

But the amount of information they hid, destroyed, and worked very hard over the last 2700 years without end to erase.

The name of the city was Samhain, it was founded at some point previous to the 2100 date of the Hyksos invasion of Egypt. Likely circa 3800 bce when the name the Hyksos used previous invaded and obliterated the city of Hierakonpolis.


the Kings were obviously forced to evacuate and they did to Paris and the Kingdom of Ogle.









TR Welling