Roman soldier and Jesus



Roman and Jesus inconsistency. Alba longa and the founding of Rome.

The founding of Rome several of the families in charge; at least one was from Esau’s line another a prince descendent from Troy making that line from Jacob.


The Jacob and Esau fought over the story of Jesus. By some rights Jesus and some members of his family were entitled to claim Roman citizenship.


The Roman soldier could have been a Roman alba longa relative who helped in the situation.


A radical idea came to my mind; could the Roman citizen have been Mary’s uncle?

Would explain how Uncle Joseph of Aramathe was able to travel all the way to Northumberland. Since the amount of money and passports required; would have made the trip almost entirely impossible unless he was a Roman citizen.

Making Joseph and his family land owners in Rome, had done something seriously good for the Roman government to buy their citizenship, or something else which is equally difficult to achieve.

For joseph to travel into a meeting with pilot, negotiate, travel from Bethlehem to Northumberland, and stay in Northumberland is almost beyond belief impossible. Unless he was a rich Roman; in which case that journey would be easy till he tried to cross into Northumberland.

He would have had to have special permission from the Northumberland Royal (did not exist yet but the ruling family concept). Meaning joseph placing items in Northumberland meant he had to have serious political pull as both a Roman and either a member of the Northumberland ruling family or a direct family member himself.


Not a rape but a family helper. The idea that a roman soldier raped mary can be easily explained through a careful examination of the evidence. Mary’s uncle would have had to have been a Roman citizen. Plus the definition of rape in those days was different.