

Eostar        Litha              Mabon            Samhain     Yule

1   January            Capricorn         Scorpio            Leo                  Aries                Taurus

2   February          Aquarius          Sagittarius        Virgo               Taurus             Gemini

3   March              Pisces                   Capricorn         Libra                Gemini            Cancer

4   April                Aries                Aquarius          Scorpio            Cancer             Leo

5   May                 Taurus             Pisces                   Sagittarius        Leo                  Virgo

6   June                 Gemini            Aries                Capricorn         Virgo               Libra

7   July                  Cancer             Taurus             Aquarius          Libra                Scorpio

8   August             Leo                  Gemini            Pisces              Scorpio            Sagittarius

9   September       Virgo               Cancer             Aries                Sagittarius        Capricorn

10  October              Libra                Leo                  Taurus             Capricorn         Aquarius

11  November Scorpio            Virgo               Gemini            Aquarius          Pisces

12   December                Sagittarius              Libra                               Cancer                            Pisces                    Aries


Yule: December 21, The beginning of the Gregorian New Year.   This is a time to draw within yourself.   The coming year will bring new experiences which will continually reshape your reality.



Imbolc  February 2,  begin coming into yourself,  spring is coming.  This is a time to begin coming out of your shell discovering how you are and where you are coming from, begin working on your future.



Ostara March 21, The beginning of Spring.  Start working with and bringing about what you planned on during the long winter rest.   A new year of growth is up on you.



Beltain  April 30-May 1. May day, A time of rich celebration,  summer is coming, you need to get out enjoy life, and prepare yourself  for the summer of abundant activity.



Litha   June 21,  Midsummer, This is a time to celebrate how you are and what you are doing, a time to achieve the best out of life you can.



Lughnasadh  August 1, the approach of fall, Midsummer,  Finish the projects of summer, prepare yourself  for the changes which will proceed the changing cycles to the seasons and your life. Finish preparing the crops. 



Mabon September 21,  Harvest,   Finish up the details which have occupied your time in this year.  Prepare yourself for the coming of fall by finishing what you can.



Samhain  October 31, Fall,  The end of the old cycle, the beginning of the new cycle.   The coming winter a time to withdraw within yourself and begin the process again.




combination of the planning cycle and the Sabbats calendar.


Samhain is the beginning of  (Celtic)'Deireadh Fomhair', (English)winter is coming, (Frankish) 'Windurmanoth' vintage month as time of the wine harvest, Asatru 'the month of hunting.



Sabbat Calendar (Note to think about is the history in the Celtic tradition)

There are 8 sabbats in a witches year.  

Candlemas, Imbolc, or Oimelc  Feb. 2

May Eve, Beltain,             April 30 (Walpurgis night)

Lammas, Lughnasadh            August 1

Samhain (Halloween)           October 31


The other solstices at midsummer and mid winter and the equinoxes at spring

and autumn

Capricorn (winter solstice)

Cancer (Summer solstice)

Aries (spring equinox)

Libra (autumn equinox)




     There are several basic forms of ceremonial and rituals in the

metaphysical realm,  In this section are several from different sources.

Ranging from Wiccia, to Norse, to Pagan.  These are the rituals best to give

an overall picture of what rituals are all about.


Sabbats Calendar


Yule: December 21, The beginning of the Gregorian New Year.   This is a time

to drawn within your self.   The coming year will bring new experiences with

will continually reshape your reality.


Imbolc  February 2,  begin coming into yourself,  spring is coming.  This is a

time to begin coming out of your shell discovering how you are and where you

are coming from, begin working on your future.


Ostara March 21, The beginning of Spring.  Start bringing yourself into the

new year.  


Beltaine  April 30-May 1. May day, A time of rich celebration,  summer is

coming, you need to get out enjoy life, and prepare yourself for the coming



Litha   June 21,  Midsummer, achieve the best out of life you can.


Lughnasadh  August 1, the approach of fall,   Finish preparing the crops.

Tend to your life.  


Mabon September 21,  Harvest,   Finish up the details in what you are doing

this year.   Work on the coming fall and winter.


Samhain  October 31, Fall,  The end of the old cycle, the beginning of the new

cycle.   The coming New Year.


Samhain is the beginning of  (Celtic)'Deireadh Fomhair', (English)winter is

coming, (Frankish) 'Windurmanoth' vintage month as time of the wine harvest,

Asatru 'the month of hunting.


The Sabbats throughout the Year

Solstice /Equinox


These are the astrological deviations within the what we from the Causations background of knowledge refer to as the year.  Or one revelation of the Earth around the Sun.


Different religions around the world refer to there calendars starting at different times in the year.   The following map referees has no beginning or end


The Celtic New year begins as

Sabbat Calendar (Note to think about is the history in the Celtic tradition)

There are 8 sabbats in a withes year.  

Candlemas  Imbolc or Oimelc Feb. 2

May Eve Beltain April 30 (Walpurgis night)

Lammas Lughnasssadh August 1

Samhain (Halloween) October 31

The other solstices at midsummer and mid winter and the equinoxes at spring and autumn

Capricorn (winter solstice)

Cancer (Summer solstice)

Aries (spring equinox)

Libra (autumn equinox)