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I am an unusual student, consequently I annoy my teachers. Twice I have offended the head of the dept, to the point I was asked/advised to leave.

By APUS I was asked/told to leave by three separate teachers of the four I Had in just over 6 weeks. The last teacher informed me flat out over an hour long conversation which most of it was yelling, he told me to plagiarism my paper to him, I asked him 5 separate ways if that is what he wanted and that it was plagiarism. He said write it the way I want or do not bother being in my class. I dropped his class minutes later. All of my problems come from inappropriate teacher student interactions, hwere the teacher lay down inappropriate rules of class conduct and demand I follow them. Always with the “if you do not, you do not pass my class”. The timing has nothing to do with anything other than bad abusive teachers. Why did I not complete any classes the second time I was at UOP, 3 really nasty inappropriate teachers in a row. For a large variety of reasons, teachers are given all but cart blanche discursion in their classrooms. Unless the student is a lawyer, and can formulate the argument legally regarding “inappropriate actions” the teachers get away with just about everything. I have run into about 12 or so teachers who have zero interest in teaching and entirely interested in the power dynamic game of in effect “Son of Jorell, neal before Zod”. The fictional antagonist to the protagonist Hero of the comic book based Movie Superman. The Teacher cast themselves as Zod, and become more interested in making their students submit than teaching them proper academics.

E.g. leave now or fail this future classes. About a dozen teachers so far have been, “but you have to write what I want to see, you writing from outside materials and not the textbook is unacceptable. You have to write what I want, or you flunk out. The provided material becomes a huge focus of their overwhelming rage. I do not use it, I use other equal to better sources, which for some reason pushes them into a headspace that I am challenging their “authority”. They react badly, and I have to leave the class, it happens enough and  I have to leave the school itself.

I dropped classes at UOP. I did two classes, things were great, then on class three; the dynamic changed. Three classes in the row I was given teachers who demanded I describe the scientific method, incorrectly. I have no idea to this day what way to describe the scientific method other than correctly.

My time at Capella ended the first time with a sexual harassment issue, the teaching assistant decided her sex life was more important than my grade. The Capella “flex pass” program depends on a Pyramid scheme between the teacher, the tutor and the student. The student and teacher never interact. Which leaves all the power in the hands of the tutor; a bad tutor can destroy a student’s career. I dropped out.

Again, at UOP and found another bad teacher who demanded non-scientific answers to science questions. “This is not what I was looking for” becomes the paraphrased answer to why I drop classes so much. My response to them is usually “since I am not psychic, how am I supposed to guess what answer are you looking for. I read articles, and other books I give the best scientific answer I can.” I do not care if my answer agrees with the provided textbooks, I do my own research through peer review case studies from upper end scholars. My teachers do not like that.

I attempted AMUS. Had a chat with the head of the history dept, which ended very very badly. I insulted his almost entire academic career. I know more about the history of the Pacific Northwest then he does, he has been teaching the class for 2 decades. I mentioned stuff about his Columbia River history and north of Seattle history he had never heard of. This did not go well for the rest of the classes.

The first AMUS class I met my first teacher who was so caught up with “the documents provided are the gods honest truth, they cannot be questioned”. Despite outside information regarding said documentation has so many problems regarding authorship and intended political bias, those documents are not possible to reflect reality. The teacher when I pointed this out became so upset I was forced to drop the class or be given straight Fs. The second teacher after 5 emails on day one of class back and forth I dropped her class within hours. Saying that teacher demands homework to be filled in specific is a mild understatement. Not a single word deviation is acceptable in her class. Facts, evidence, etc. are not welcome period. The third teacher; I was in his class for 2 weeks, and wow. He and I had an hour-long scream match. He demanded I plagiarize my homework. I would write exact sentence structure according to his specific demands or I was not welcome in his class. I asked him 5 separate times if “x, y, z” was what he wanted for his homework, he informed he yes that is exactly what I want. Not a single word different than that. I informed him that was plagiarism, he said “I decide what is plagiarism”. Sorry but the academic community decide what is plagiarism not an individual teacher. I was invited to leave his class.

I found out the APUS only has a MA in psychology, not an MS. I found Tiffin University in Tiffin, Ohio. At that School, wow, the head of the department and the dean and I went round and round. I was informed over the course of more than 5 months that I either complied with the course material and lie in my papers to make them happy or I would flunk out. The head of the department also has an addition to “citations”. If had his way, all of his students would cite every single sentence. Steven is a Cognition specialist, he wants to find out how his students process the information they are reading in order to understand their cognitive processes. Which is impossible to do with me. After 5 months of classes and Steven forcing me to study and write in a way I have no idea how to do. I dropped my last 3 classes, I had specifically asked not to be enrolled for. I then turned back to school after a 5 month break and saw the tuition for APUS is 350$ a credit hour. I will just have to deal with the MA in psychology instead of the MS. I am disgusted the schools I have attended on the grad school masters level refuse to allow issues between students and teachers to have a better solution than “work it out between you two” which always means “submit to the teachers demands, or else leave the program”. I have 29 credit hours on the masters level, I want to finish my degree Please.