

By legend this Princess evacuated from Egypt shortly before or after the Thera Volcano erupted circa 1530 bce. The eruption put an end fo the 17th dynasty and ushered in the opening of the 18th dynasty to regain the Pharaonic Throne.

Most of the Hyksos after they were deposed were allowed to stay in Egypt were restricted to being in just their capital city Avaris. They were not allowed to leave their immediate area.


Scotia one of the namesakes of Scotland the other Avaris most likely belongs to Meritaten circa 1320 bce.


The extremely persecuted Westies,  those from the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza rose up because the army the Hyksos possessed was obliterated in one day by the eruption of the Thera volcano.


The story fo this Princess’s life is amazing, as well as the facts regarding the conditions in the UK she found when her family and entourage arrived.


At almost exactly the same time the appearance of the Druid start. But that is because the previous to 1500 bce language was erased. The druid are reported in Gaelic which appeared at approximately the same time the Hyksos were evacuating Egypt. Making a strong connection between Gaelic and Hieroglyphic.


This book and series covers Scotia,  the naming of Scotland, the plates of destiny, the druid, Gaelic, the thera volcano, the rise of the 18th dynasty, etc