Series of Facts Holy Books


This is not one fact building into another, this is a series of 1000s of facts which are a clockworks of facts eg teeth on a gear, and gears working together to produce a single result.

You can draw a straight line from original genesis (not the edited beyond acceptable parameters Torah version) through the Pyramids (which are very likely described in Chapter 48), through Hebrew, through King Solomon's Temple, through the Crucifixion, through Joseph Smith, through Wilhelm Wundt, into the modern field of Psychology.

The Quartz and Thermal dynamics of the Pyramids proposes the conclusion that way back when they were still in tact, the Pyramids of Egypt had the capacity to think. It  is a rather long and complex explanation but the facts are still the facts.



·     Noah’s Fleet

o  Noah’s Fleet and the books of the bible are the same subject. Well the chapters of Genesis for a missing better description.


·     The Old Kingdom aka the Ogle family

o  Every step of the way, from Ancient Egyptian Pyramids through to Wundt’s reformulation of Psychology the Ogle family have been their step by step.

o  The Ogles were present and directing the creation of the Pyramids

o  The Ogles were present and on the receiving end of the Trojan War

o  The Ogles were present on the evacuation to Alba Longa

o  The Ogles were present to created Northumberland or its old Gaelic name Yr Hen Ogle dd

o  The Ogles were present and the target of the Roman Invasion of Britain

o  New Castle translates to Jerusalem

o  The Ogles forced the Prussians not to kill Joseph Smith and his early church

o  Were present to help Wundt recreate Psychology; with the strong assistance of Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith

o  in short

§  the same exact string runs through

·     The Original Genesis

·     The Pyramids

·     Hebrew

·     The Torah

·     The non-Paul written new testament

·     Hastings

·     The Crusade's

·     The Prussian Empire

·     The Salem Witch Trials

·     The FreiKorp

·     Oliver Cowdery

·     Joseph Smith

·     Wilhelm Wundt

·     The reformulation of Modern Psychology; in many ways Wundt’s book on Psychology is the sequel to The Book of Mormon.

·     The Field of Psychology itself divided into different categories and areas of specialization are the different ships in Noah’s Fleet.

·     The Book of Genesis

o  From the point where Adam first started to write down his “Memoirs” for the next 2000 years, most if not all of his written materials were destroyed by later generations. They did not like what Adam had to write, they had their own version of Adam’s life and flat refused to accept they were wrong about their perception of his work.

o  However a solution was an absolute must. So after several libraries containing information the invading army did not like were destroyed, it was decided that a new solution to the problem was a must. That solution was to make the chapters of Genesis into architecture.

·     The Book of Genesis built into the Pyramids

o  Jacob had a solution based on the input from Sarah, Abrham’s slave captured in battle wife. She was a Eridu Princess who was betrothed to the Prince and future Pharaoh of Egypt.

o  That Pharaoh was a member of the Old Kingdom; the name of the Old Kingdom is a code (North Umber Land). In Gaelic that code is Yr Hen Ogle dd, or the Ogle family for short. The Ogle family took direct and physical action in the creation of the Egyptian Pyramids, the city of Samhain (after 753 bce it was renamed Rome after being conquered) was designed to be a Radio Telescope, So was Paris, so was several other locations.

o  The Pyramids of Egypt were built primarily to hide the library. But secondarily to be the library. Unless you understand how to translate Indo-European Language, you see buildings of extreme interest but have less than zero understanding you are also looking at a library. Which was built by the Ogle family.

·     Moses

o  The Book of genesis stops when Jacob orders his children to build the Pyramids to assist the Pharaoh in their construction.

o  The next books of the bible began more than 1300 years later.

o  Moses was born a Hyksos, lived his life as a Hyksos, and died a Hyksos. He lied as a profession in his life. He was also punished for it to an extreme amount.

·     Obliteration of the books of Genesis previous to Hebrew

o  Moses and of course his family and cultural descendants created a culture which purposely went around to collect and destroy any and all versions of history they did not like.

o  They also created Hebrew to rewrite everything using the Hebrew format.

·     Hebrew

o  However what they did not take into account during all that destroying and dark ages creating was/is that Hebrew is a Cuneiform language. Which means it follows the same rules or at least similar rules to the function and structure of Sumerian which is one of the first languages from Indo-European. Indo-European is a very complex language which is a calendar, a mathematics, a science, and a language. The characters were used for what was needed based on how they were positions in the sentence/document.

o  since Hebrew is in the family of Cuneiform languages, it follows those rules. A character is a number, a Calendar, a letter and part of a word in the Elder Futhark Language.  Which means that the character is a month in the year.

o  Every single Hebrew character is a word in the Elder Futhark.

o  That word tracking backwards through time into the Abyss of the orbital west of the earhts Electro-Magnetic Wave pulses and the Solar Wind. Those two combine together to create a recording of the past of the earth. The book of Genesis was in part written to explain and create a blueprint for lter generations to follow and reassemble the built in Electro-Magnetic Wave Radio Telescope buried inside the descriptions.

o  which could be one of the reasons why the brother of Jacob the father of the Jews Esau hated the technology so much. Why his cultural line ancestors hated the concept so much. They could tno stand a piece of technology telling them they might actually be doing something wrong. That a message from god might be saying “do not do that”.

o  So the descendants of Esau called themselves Hyksos, they went about destoyring any and all things related to the technology of the Electro-Magnetic Waves Radio Telescope. It scared them, so they revolted by destroying something which could tell them “NO”. Which patrioracl cultures simply cannot handle anyone telling them NO. Including god.

·     The Torah

o  about 800 years after the invension of Hebrew, during some very not all that well documented events. The scholars in Levant lands decided that they would rebuild the Old Testiment using Hebrew. But under the most strict and violent supervision. If the scholars wrote something the leaders did not like they were informed to either change it, or were outright killed and their apprentice was ordered to change it. Thus the creation of the Torah and a dozen other books all written in Hebrew, all being written under the nose of the enemy who wanted every single scrap of evidnece regarding the ancient Futhark Calendar and its associated Electro-Magnetic Wave Radio Telescope erased from Existence.


·     Jesus

o  500 years later and the events of the life of Jesus still confound those that research him in the present 2000 years alter.

o  First the Crucifixion took place in Rome Proper, the trial took place in the senate chamber, then immediately outside in the Forum Square.

o  He was convicted of High Treason against the Roman Empire and sentenced to execution. However instead of being executed by garrot in the  square. Like most other traitors, he was given a double penalty. First he would be crucified, for a few hours while the Roman Senate/Philistines and of course the Rich in Rome watched and enjoyed.

o  Then at the point where his suffering became boring, he was stabbed in the chest by his uncle who was the head of the Jewish counsel of Rome.

o  His uncle was a land owner and in the military.

o  The Blade was named which translated back into Italic was the Blade of Alba Longa.

o  But in Latin the blades name is Longinus.

o  The Crucifixion took place were the Column in the middle of the lower portion of ST Peters Square is.

o  Jesus becomes Pharaoh

§  tons, but the crucifixion took place in Rome, not Levant, and like all Pharaohs he had an instant name change after becoming Pharaoh.  "build (Peter) your house (Simon) upon me (ben ben stone)" Mathew 16: 18. Where he name changed to Simon Peter and became Pharaoh or in Latin Pope. First name last, last name first.

§  his Roman name was Claudius

§  his birth name Emmanuelle

§  Teacher name Jesus

o  Paul demanded the same thing

§  His Pharaoh name was Saul, then changed to Paul and of course Nero.

§  The real Nero had evacuated to either Egypt of Northumberland year previous

§  the worst aspects of a Sociopathic Megalomaniac is they can never be satisfied with previous glory, accomplishments, etc. They are gluttons for more and more to sate their empty souls.

§  Paul demanded to be co-Emperor with Claudius, then demanded to be full Emperor in his own right. He pushed it too far and the Senate eventually grew tired and decided that he would be less trouble as a martyer.

·     Paul versus Jesus

o  about 8 years after the Crucifixion. Paul shows up in Rome under arrest for treason. However the senate likes him and hates Jesus. Jesus is uncontrollable and has a pwerful messge. Which they hire Paul to reverse and get all those converts to jessu sot convert to his Esua philosophy.

o  Paul goes into full on genocide against the followers of Simon Peter.

o  Paul begins to write the New Testament. not based on the real evnts but based on his theology which is directly from the philosophy of Esau and Moses.

·     The creation of the New Testament

o  From 40-330 ce, the New Testiment is created and vbiolent bloody battles are fought over whicdh books to include, which groups to allow, and which groups needed to genocide messanges they di dnot like.

·     The Bishops of Lyon

o  The Bishop’s of Lyonn over the course of a few decades ordered the collection of every single cpy of the gospels of jessus and brought them to him in Lyon. Three generations of bishops collected every single copy they could. Rewrite what htye liked, and destroyed all original versions. every single cpy they could get their hnds on were destoyred.

o  The bishop began to publish his new “rewritten” versions to the known world. which over the next 1500 years became the new testament with huge dfiferences in each version.

·     The Counsel of Nicaean

o  325 Nicaea 40°25.74′N 29°43.17′E

o  Constantine invited all believers to come to Byzantium to assemble the bible. 100s of little battles were fought between groups to maintain some groups superiority, the Gnostic group were not allowed to go to the conference. They were informed if they went, they would be entirely erased from existence.

§  It is difficult to sum up the times and life of Emperor Constantine. His life and that of his mother were on the extreme side of complex. The Roman Empire and then the Vatican have done a violently huge amount of lying when it comes to this subject. The Lying is due to the overwhelmingly intense level of embarrassment they experienced from the facts they had to deal with.

§  Constantine’s Father was Emperor Konstantinos, he absolutely and in all ways hated the culture on the north side of Hadrian’s Wall. He wanted and demanded that all cultures bow to his superior culture. However the Culture and army on the north side of the wall were superior in all ways up to and including militarily. But Konstantinos could not accept those details. So he spent his early military career attacking the culture. He attacked, lost, retreated, attacked, lost, retreated, etc.

§  Till the Army on the north side of the wall had had enough, the next push the Roman Army was met with overwhelming forces and they lost so fast Konstantinos was unable to retreat.

§  He was in his knees before the commanding general, with the obligatory blade to his neck. Which only gave him a deeper soul level hatred of that culture.

§  by Then he was an older man but still semi young.

§  The deal was, that Konstantinos could marry his daughter and the two cultures would become allies, or he would be killed and the Army would mount up and march straight into the heart of Rome and capture the city. The commanding general would be the new Emperor. He would then go back home, and install his Daughter as new Empress of Rome with her fathers army present to ensure a smooth transition.

§  Death of marry the daughter. Obviously Konstantinos chose marriage and to end the war.

§  10 months later Constantine was born. Who would later go on to found the Byzantium Empire and possess one of the greatest libraries second only to that of the Alexandria Library. Scholars would spend from 340-1100 making an academic pilgrimage to his city of Constantinople renamed after conquest to Istanbul to study with the best of the best.

§  However that is only a fraction of the story. A small fraction at that.

§  The direct first hand evidence regarding the Culture on the north side of the wall is what they could do. A couple things to remember.

§  First Cleopatra did not commit suicide in Alexandria, she in fact evacuated out of the Mediterranean immediately after the Actium Battle (2 September 31 BC). Cleopatra and Anthony not only were not lovers, he was not allowed within 3 feet of her. She was a Pharaoh Empress in her own right, He was a low born but very skilled Executive Officer. The fictions the Roman Senate told about them being lovers has absolutely  no basis in reality what so ever. Her twins did not come from Anthony by came from her husband Julius Caesar. Just because the Senate did not acknowledge the marriage did not mean her people did not acknowledge the marriage. Cleopatra took her twins and of course her youngest (father was also not Anthony, but very likely the King commanding General of Thrace on assignment and under cover in Italy fighting to collapse the Roman Republic. His name has been lost to history, however his Roman Gladiator Slave name was Spartacus, or the son of Spartacus) child out of Italy and the Mediterranean and evacuated to, guess where. They evacuated to the North side of where Hadrian’s wall would be built in 128, 159 years from the point Cleopatra evacuated to Jerusalem (New Castle) in the Kingdom of Ogle translated into a language which would not exist for another 800 years North Umber Land.

§  Hard Physical Evidence, the still called Octavian ordered about half the Roman Army to be redeployed to where Hadrian’s Wall would be constructed in 158 years. That Roman Army stayed and took massive casualties from 30 bce to the last day the Roman Empire existed. They took massive casualties from 350-675 till things occurred which forced the Ogle family to evacuate to Ireland and Europe. But that is a whole other story. Cleopatra her oldest child was in effect Kidnapped by Octavian soon after birth and was held prisoner till he died of old age as Emperor of Rome. His name was originally Caesar, but Octavian changed it to Tiberius. Octavian needed to have a fool proof bargaining chip he could use to ensure that his great uncle would not kill him, he also demanded that he be the next Emperor after Cleopatra. Knowing that his Great Uncle would be assassinated when he came out to the Senate as being Jewish. Each of those points are long, detailed, complex, and very difficult to wrap the propaganda convinced mind around the facts and not what the Romans and Vatican have been selling for 2000 years.

§  From around 300 bce to 30 ce, the Julii spent vast amounts and even more time and effort to turn Rome into Jerusalem. The captured 5 separate ancient Mega cities, took them apart piece by piece and moved them to Rome; Athens, Troy, Carthage, Memphis, and Tier. Emperor Caligula as he waited for Tiberius to Die he had the city of Heliopolis dismantled (or such, there is some evidence that he had the city refloated and sailed to Rome. However that is another large issue to wrap the mind around), and moved to Rome. He docked the ship in a dry dock due West of the Vatican Valley, which was/is due west of hwere the Vatican Hill used to be. Now where the Vatican Hill used to be is St Peters Basilica and Square. Which is beyond important for an event which took place 33 ce.

§  Cleopatra with her kids minus Caesarian and her entourage evacuated the Mediterranean and traveled to in English 800 years later would be renamed Northumberland.

§  Where she and her kids lived for a few years till half the Roman Army showed up and attacked. Her Roman Army, Her Egyptian Army, the Thracian Army versus the Romans. The Romans did not have a chance and history proves that beyond any shadow of doubt.

§  After the Crucifixion 33 ce, Joseph of Arimathea evacuated out of Italy to Northumberland. Where he and the family of Cleopatra lived for the next 670 years in relative peace.

§  Cleopatra brought to Northumberland her cultures library, which the core of it was stored in Alexandria. Yes that library was not destroyed, that library was transported to Northumberland, with small portions being stolen by the Romans. Julius Caesar ordered the building emptied and its contents shipped to Northumberland, then had the building burned to the ground to please the senate.

§  It is that library or at least a portion of it which Constantine took to Byzantium.

§  It is that library which formed portions of the back bone of the books which were present at the Counsel of Nicaea, to be voted upon to see what would be included and what would not be in the New Testament.

§  That daughter of the Ogle Army Commanding General is obviously part of the Ogle family. Her name would have been Helen Ogle. Helen was raised with a library several times larger and more impressive than the whole of the Roman culture’s library. Which is one reason the army attacked constantly from 50 bce to 400. They name changed to Anglo-Saxon circa 300-400 and kept attacking. Unsuccessfully attacking till a new commander came into Britain from Mecca. The Daughter of the Ogle family and of course Mohammed. She had her mothers smarts her ogle family backbone, and her fathers insanity regarding the philosophy of Esau.  That insanity can be summed up easily “you people not me, you must follow my rules of acceptable order, or I have given myself permission to harm you up to and including killing you for denying my theology”. Hence the insanity part. Which is not unlike a schizophrenic person demanding the world believe the persons delusions are real.

§  Empress Helen Ogle was given sainthood after she found the nails from Jesus, the True Cross (which is currently in part housed in the “Our Lady of Paris.” in French Notre Dame.  

§  Which was not named to honor the mother of Jesus Mary but was named to Honor Princess Helen of Troy, a reflection of her husband Prince of Troy Paris. Paris is both a Parissi a name of the librarians in charge of the Egyptian Library and Prince Paris, who was appointed by his father to be part of that organization. Like I said sequences of extremely long and complex stories. But they all revolve around the idea of a library or copies of that library which were in the Possession of the Ogle family from 4000 bce at Heirakonopolis and IWNW to present. 6000 years of library ownership and maintenance.

§  The Ogle family library allowed for the creation of Genesis, the Pyramids, Cuneiform, the Torah (all Hebrew holy books), portions of the New Testament, the book of Mormon, the Classics, and the entire field of Psychology.

§  Buried in each one are descriptions of the Electro-Magnetic Wave Radio Telescope which was/is part of the basic construction of

o  The Pope refused to send delegates.

§  the Gnostic cultures were not allowed to go to the counsel. They were attacked and all but erased from existence by devout followers of the evil Priest Paul. Not the efirst or the last time his followers would geonide any and all who questioned the power and authority of the descendants of Paul.


·     Islam

o  The next issues came up with the recreation of Islam by Mohammed. He captured the books of Esau as they were being shipped back to Northern Europe by the Vikings. A ship was captured and one female crew was also captured. Her story is intensely fascinating since her story and that of her only surviving to adulthood daughter set up the Pictish Revolt and the destruction of the Ogle family in their own kingdom. Which set the stage for the pounding the Vikings gave the settling into europe Islamic cultures. The Vikings singled out Islamic cultures and erased the villages, or erased the Muslims.

o  Wich culminated in the Battle of Hastings 1066.

o  which placed the Ogle family bck on the throne of Britain, and their hand picked King on the Throne of Engaldn. which previous to the 1600s England and Britain were two entirely separate Kingdoms.


·     The Ogle family

o  The Ogle family enter history or reenter history with a name which this time would not be removed from history.

o  The Ogle family could keep control of Britain and their kingdom from 1066 – circa 1600s. When they were forced to evacuate again this time for the Americas. Which the enemy followed and worked hard for the next 200 years to obliterate them. Which for the most part worked.

·     Mary Shelley

o  Mary Shelley was in Switzerland, Lord Byron allowed her to access the library. That library allowed her to find the templar books on electricity.

o  Electricity aspects in that novel proved to the Prussians that the Ogle family did have secret technology they were holding onto. The Prussians decided to launch full scale attacks against any and all Ogle family compounds which had even the slightest to do with a library. Heidelberg Library Tiffin Ohio and of course Castle Bellingham in Whatcom County became primary targets to attack, kill, seize, and control the Ogle family library. 

·     The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

o  This book only went to prove what the Prussians already knew about the weapons the Ogle family had been hiding for several millennia.

·     Joseph Smith

o  In the middle of those battles, Joseph Smith is born 1805. He is born during a time when any and all who questioned the authority of the great awakening movement would be presented with violence or outright killed for it.

o  Smith and his story are well known, but what is not is the facts that he received huge amounts of assistance from the Ogle family for most of his life.

o  From 1825 till 1844 he was assisted to an extreme amount by the Ogle family. 

·     Oliver Cowdery

o  Lived in Tiffin Ohio from 1838-1849. When he was shipped to Prussia along with Smith under his new slave name to continue translating the books and giving the Prussians the WMD’s they were demanding.

·     LDS the Book of Mormon

o  at 10 Wundt arrived in Tiffin operating under his slave contract with the Prussians. He was assigned to Cowdery and Smith both decades experience linguists to translate the ancient tests. TO give the Prussians the weapons they demanded.

o  Wundt’s book can easily be defined as the Book of Mormon Part II.

·     Tiffin Ohio


·     The Prussian Empire at Fort Ball




·     Wilhelm Wundt

o  A very young Wilhelm Wundt was instrumental in the modernization of Psychology. however what is always left out of his work is how much support, teaching, and guidance he received from those around him.

o  The Ogle family formerly owned the library he was ordered to translate. The library is Heidelberg University of Tiffin Ohio, and the Ogle farm was on the west side of town on the corner of 224 and market street south east. A few 1000 feet to the west of Heidelberg.

o  Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith were brought in as indentured servants for the FreiKorp stationed at Fort ball. Those men were the key people involved with writing and editing the book of Mormon. Which makes both Wundt’s future textbook as well as the entire field of Psychology the sequels to the Book of Mormon.

·     Psychology from the Classics

o  In many ways the book Wilhelm Wundt wrote is in all hard reality the sequel to the Book of Mormon.

o  this is a large bit of difficultly since, both Psychology and the LDS have spent from 1844 to present trying to put a Chasm between each other. But the facts are the facts.

o  Those facts are that the Ogle family moved their most important books to their library at Tiffin decades before it was called that. Which allowed the Prussians to attack that library from all sides, with the help of the Ottoman Empire. From the north, east, south, and west. All sides and about 20 armies converged at what would be called Tiffin past 1832.

o  Named to Honor Senator Tiffin of Ohio. What the city was called previous, good luck finding out. The residence of the city are overwhelmingly descendants of the FreiKorp/Prussian armies stationed to prevent their clandestine actions from being known. Hiding and editing secrets from 1790 to present.

o  In the middle of those actions. The Ogle family, who can trace their heritage back through the Trojan War. The Trojan War itself was where “The Classics” were started.

·     The Field of Psychology

o  Of the major subdisciplines in Psychology


§  Psychodynamic; another name for freud’s applied ideas. Which are as flawed today as they were a century ago.

§  Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience

§  NeuroPsychology

§  Multiple Intelligences

§  Cognitive Development

§  Attachment

§  Social Cognitive and Other Social Principles

§  Behaviorist

§  Gender

§  Systems

§  Biopsychosocial

§  Motivation

§  Historiography








TR Welling