


They called themselves the people of the black head. which on the surface sounds like they are calling themselves by their black middle eastern descent hair.


Problem is; black head does not mean hair, it more likely means the black sky.  Head thinking regarding the thoughts capable when one measures the motions of astro-physics.


This tradition of the Sumerian’s called themselves black heads; to the earliest Sumerian’s who invented the cuneiform language Sumerian called their parent culture black heads. While they called themselves white/amber/red heads.


So in a linguistic very real effect the concept of the definition of Northumberland begain with the earliest monotheists in Sumer. Red Head earth people; Head is the highest portion of the body/vertical aka old North, umber/red/amber the sun aka the color of god (which the Esau and Jacob line descendants would use in both Rome and Europe), and a designed area/land.



The black headed people used Indo-European language, as it developed the amber/red people (Adam; red earth. Is both a name and description.) used cuneiform this specific version being Sumerian.


This opposite (newton’s third law) reaction to the people of Kaern (the black headed people were part of the Kaern culture) is found scattered throughout the history of monotheism.

From the way the rabbis cut their head hair abut keep their ringlets

From the way they choose to sacrifice animals. Of course this is more of a n Esau line thing than a Jacob line thing.

To the way monotheists are in various forms eager to destroy information they do not like.





Blood and the amber color of the sun blended together. which might account for why blood sacrifice is so vital to monotheistics.