



























Dedicated to and in loving Memory of Shakra; Thank You for all your help. 52 Tents and the lord rested on the 6th day; 52/8. Eight Tabernacles per System.




Short Story

Pharaoh IsrǼl Jesus


Other History Books

History of the Lions Inn Motel Bellingham Washington Part 1

The Ogle Family FreeMasonry and Joseph Smith volume 1

The Ogle Family FreeMasonry and Joseph Smith volume 2 the Trojan War

Ogle Family FreeMasonry IsrǼl and the Khufu Pyramid

Ogle Family FreeMasonry and the City of Seven Hills aka Rome

Jerusalem, Caligula, Colorado Springs, the Confederacy, the Thule Society, Leading to the Wannsee Conferences Regarding the Tabernacle of Adam Systems

High Treason of Joseph Smith


Tabernacle of Adam System and the Salem Witch Trials

March 2, 1692 to May 1693


Salem Massachusetts was founded circa 1500 or earlier by the British. Just because the Mediterranean cultures purposely forgot about how to sail the Ocean does not mean the Northern European Cultures did, the British are who either taught or reminded the Scandinavians how to sail the Ocean Blue again. The 1000 cities along the eastern Sea board could have been founded in 1000 c.e.. No serious archaeology has been done under the major cities along the north east coast. It appears science and archaeology are just fine with the word of politicians who have claimed that no ocean voyages occurred previous to 1492. Every scrap of evidence proves this propaganda incorrect, but the history books still talk about the propaganda and not the truth. Leif Erikson (b 970ce – 1020 )proves this beyond any measure of a Doubt. He purchased his ships and this maps from someone who had worked that trade route for decades previous. He was both an explorer but he was also a merchant supplying the Nordic Colonies goods and services across the colonies along the North Atlantic. What does this matter to Salem, Salem is only a few weeks at the most journey from Newfoundland to Salem Massachusetts. Only 650 miles away from each other. Marking less than zero chance the British would have not sailed the week or two south of Newfoundland to Maine. Maine is a straight shot to Massachusetts . Unlike the scared of their own shadow Paul devoted Vatican; the British had less than zero problem exploring. Thanks to the Hierakonpolis Mural the British knew full well the American Continent was there and how far away it was.  The first two legs of the trade route from Norway to Iceland, and Iceland to Greenland are longer than that. There is zero reason to assume that Salem was not part of the same Trade Route System which Leif Erikson was part of. The East Coast of America was established for the purposes of building a Tabernacle of Adam System (the machine) in the Colonies . As far away from the Vatican and their “Inquisition” as the British could get. First rule of motion “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.” Newton’s first law. The inertia of motion which cascaded into the Trials was to just create out of thin air in the weeks and months before the trials. It has been building for a considerable amount of time. To take more than two years to dissipate is a huge amount of pre-buildup. More was going on in Salem than just demonic and evil possession as the court decided. Add to the Puritan extreme need to suppress any and all things the leaders did not like and you add to the mix teenage girls thinking about and experimenting with inappropriate behavior, in the machine. The machines will react/interact with the girls and the volts of static electricity each one is giving off. Multiply that by 12 or more and you get amps of electricity. Previous to 1623 the city was called Jeru Salem ., but somehow the Puritans were told about the Jera being a Futhark Symbol and they went nuts.  When the Puritans  arrived in 1620, to say they were a little on the enraged side regarding would be an understatement. A huge metropolis pushing 10k people, all of them British with the wrong religion, were present and inviting provided the Puritans did not continue to be  militant about their faith. The British for the most part had been evicted from their own island and Kingdom of Britain and Ogle . The Puritans within five years started a war with the British circa 1625 which was still going on through the Salem Witch Trials and beyond. The Witch Trials were only one portion of the Battles between the Puritans and the British, and not the only cities the Battles were taking place in over those centuries of time. The Puritans refused to give up their largest power source. They would bend everyone to their religious will or they would kill everyone who defied them. The British made a few Attempts to take their city back, each one ended with more bloodshed than the last. The Puritan’s had no problem whatsoever in killing every single person who defied their will. The Trials were just one portion of a sequence of battles between the Puritans and the British. Strong evidence regarding these events. Both New York and Salem are conquered by the Dutch/Puritans at the same time 1625, there were skirmishes in Salem circa 1666 but the British lost that push. At the same time in New York the British had reclaimed that city and renamed it to New York.  In 1680 another wave of violence broke out in both cities. The violence wave lasted more than 15 years. In New York the British were evicted by the English, and Salem the British evacuated before they were executed for WitchCraft.  Those trials were both no were near an isolated incident, or only about finding witches in the city and killing everyone who defied the authority of the city itself.  The primary targets were the British, secondary targets were the British Spy’s, very low on the list were the prominent people with money the Puritans did not think were “devoted enough” to the cause. The Tabernacle System when charged up with electricity but handled extremely badly could and would give off electrical shocks. But if handled correctly could be an extremely powerful tool. The girls experienced both, excellent control over the machines, and brain damaging Electric Shock Therapy (EST). About the same length of time from the Physician’s Desk Reference or PDR it takes to recover from an extremely high dose of electricity to the brain is approximately the same amount of time the girls took to recover from their “Demonic and Spectral attacks”. All their symptoms can be found directly in the PDR under EST, high dosage.

The Tabernacle of Adam System is a collection of four Kaaba (which predate Esau’s birth by a millennia)   each has a different type of electrical generator inside on the third floor above the Tree of that Kaaba. Each Tree is one of the four trees of Genesis 2;9 . Sumerian Sentence structure is not one tree but four. The System is designed to assist mankind with the development of civilization. Several Systems linked together create a larger machine capacity to assist mankind toward goals.

The first and most important thing to know about the Witch Trials in Salem is the Puritans wanted to kill Jews first and foremost. The Jews were labeled “Indians” but the Puritans could not admit to the community or themselves they were actually committing Genocide. They were purifying the world of those ungodly creatures. A phrase from 1620 up to and through NAZI Germany 1945. Although the phrase undocumented started or could have started with Terah at the Eridu Ziggurat. Carried forward by Esau to Jacob. Esau had a soul hatred of his brother which knew no boundaries . He would have rather spent an eternity in Hell than to bow to his brother. That rivalry has stretched nonstop and unbroken from 2500 b.c.e to present. Every few generations the rage builds up and the descendants of Esau have to go on another blood hunt. Hence the Witch Trials and an undetermined number of other situations were killing Jews and all associated became a need for Esau’s people to express. Nothing other than seeing rivers of blood and the associated bodies will suffice. Torturing them to death is an added bonus. Taking all their money, lands, and leaving their families destitute is sprinkles on top. Sick and disgusting is just part of the descendants of Esau’s mental condition. No amount of pain or body count is enough.

The British Culture by several different legends and documented sources are a direct lineage from the people of Troy . The prince of Troy Aeneas . The Largest problem is, Aeneas had married Queen Dido from Carthage. But Queen Dido based on the Hierarchal line of who can marry who, was almost guaranteed to be the widow of King Tut. Making both the British and the Julii Family (as in Julius Caesar) descendants of both the Trojans and the 18th Egyptian Dynasty, Tut’s father was Amenhotep iv aka AhenATEN. The one and only Pharaoh of Egypt to be entirely recognized as being a Monotheist aka Jewish. The Roman conquest of Northumberland the royal seat of the British was just a continuation of the Trojan War . One of the many reasons the history of Troy was erased and the Roman's spent vast amounts of time and resources to destroy them e.g. Hadrian’s(which cuts through the Ancient Seat of British Royal Power, New Castle. New Castle Translates to Jerusalem. it is a very fair argument to make that Salem was intended to be the New British Royal seat of power, going by just the name. Boston or its old name Castle Ogle ; name changed Beacon Hill <beacon Amber sacred light> A vertical <North> sacred<amber> Hill <defined area> land. Since there is a Bellingham Mass about 20 miles from Boston <approximately the same distance from Castle Bellingham Britain and Castle Ogle to Bellingham and Boston Mass.> and 50 from Salem. Castle Bellingham Britain is a Castle 18 miles west of Ogle Castle, Which is 12 miles from NewCastle .  Ogle Castle is 8 miles north of Hadrian’s Wall. Makes New Amsterdam/New York old name Bamburgh Castle. Wall Street sits were the Castle used to be. Destroyed by the Dutch.) Wall is to erase the facts of the 600 years between the Trojan War 1320 b.c.e and Romulus entering a close to a million person city circa 753 b.c.e renamed the city and erased its previous more than two millennia of history.

Which makes the Salem Witch Trials also a continuation of the Trojan War, the Roman's renamed to Puritans seeking out to kill the British/Trojans/18th Egyptian Dynasty. Then proceeded after they won to erase any and all traces of the British/Trojan/18th Egyptian Dynasty existed.


The most difficult aspect of the Salem Witch Trials is that sure the Puritan’s executed around two dozen people, are the British and other European Cultures the Puritans were killing at the same time but not acknowledging. The military was in charge of killing hundreds of people, claiming they were Indians and massacring them for fun. The Largest issue is, those murders were not only unreported but were part of the Trials as well. The testimony gave the military license to hunt them down and kill them. Some citizens were recorded and they were officially arrested, others were simply “disappeared” in the middle of the night. Most of them evacuated to either the country side and then fast horses to ports away from Salem. Or boarded family Ships in the middle of the night and sailed out of the reach of the army. Not any part of that is recorded but it is just as strongly part of the Witch Trials as the official record. it was all about asserting radical domination over the population, so the Puritan government would never be questioned ever. Most of that political power the Puritans in America gathered from 1650- 1776 did in fact cause 1776 and also caused its eventual self-destruction. Some of the Colonist were shocked in the years and decades after 1776 when Puritan values and societal structure were not the center of the Declaration of Independence. A strong part of the Declaration of Independence was to prevent another Salem Witch Trials. John Adams was not trusted in the beinging of the Conference because the south assumed he wanted to write in Puritan Values and of course allow another Trial to occur. Years later, he was still not convincing some of the delegates he found the Salem Witch Trials just as badly as they did. The Puritans are still angry their theocratic government structure is not the core of the American government. Every time a hard line Conservative movement starts again or or has a convention, this is their primary complaint. “We need to get things back to what they used to be”, almost not a single person who states that has even the smallest idea what it actually means. It means they want to return to the Salem Witch Trials days and remove all from the community who refuse to live under their conservative rules of acceptable order. Three centuries later, the understanding has been whittled down to just “get things back on track.” All associated details have been erased from common knowledge. Which is backed up by the assumption from more than a few major conservative talking heads that still think the Democratic Party is the Pro-Slavery party with strong connections to its military wing the KKK. When in all hard fact reality the two disassociated themselves for the most part not in the south in 1880. In the south the disassociation from each other took another 80 years. Right now every KKK member are also active and hard line Conservative Republicans. After the Civil War the political party’s switched philosophies, “I have seen the enemy and have become him” the party of Lincoln has become the Democratic Party and the Party of Andrew Jackson has become the GOP. A considerable portion of the pro-Slavery movement which is in part based on Puritan Values is where the Democratic Party came from in 1820. The Rage and bitterness regarding the Colonial Convention not choosing Puritan values created the Pro-Slavery movement. From 1776 – 1820 all that rage and bitterness from the Puritans in the north and the plantations farther south were so angry they joined into a new political party. Determined to not only be a dominate factor in the political process moving forward, but to control social policy as well. Thus the start of the Civil War; the Trail of Tears started immediately after the Dem party grew strong enough. Although the actual Trail of Tears did not start till a few months after Andy Jackson left the White house, killing Natives was a huge part of the philosophy. Making sure to keep slaves or if pushed to give wages, keep those wages as low as possible for as long as possible. After the Civil War they figured out said platform was a crime against humanity. The GOP has yet to figure that out.  The Puritans name changed over the centuries, but their core need to violently push their values onto the rest of the Country has never gone away. They are always no matter what they are called, beyond sure that their morals and values are the best and everyone else needs to just get with their program. Or face violent opposition till others start to obey Puritan or whatever they are calling themselves this year rules of acceptable order. In many ways the Witch Trials have not ended. Although you will never get a Conservative to admit their actions are a continuation of the Salem Witch Trials, like you will never get them to admit keeping wages as low as possible is akin to slavery.

The British were attempting to get away from the English government constantly fighting to destroy them and their technology. So the English could then claim to be British and commit all manner of really bad actions. In the history books is it easy to find the old British; just look for either Natives, or French. Always in a derogatory manner.


A situation which was occurring in Salem, Boston, and New York as late as 1680, but this hard evidence has a significant problem.

The Prussian Empire pushed hard and heavy into Germany. Conquering as much territory as they could. Seizing the Castle which contained the Amber room circa 1698. It is impossible to prove if the German Amber Room was within 100 miles or more of Salem in the 1680. But with is provable beyond doubt is the German Royal Family, the British Royal family, who had direct connections with the German Amber Room took direct and first hand influence on the Salem Witch Trials. Before they began of course, they evacuated out of the area as fast as their transportation would allow. They were the primary targets for the Executions, their contacts in Salem were next on the list, and grudges between the Puritans and others were last on the list. But the last received the most attention. Embarrassed and ashamed, the Prussians came up with an idea. Instead of complaining the Germans took their Amber Room out previous to 1701, the Prussians would turn it into the Prussian Amber Room. By building a new one, and erasing the fact there was a previous. Adolf bought this propaganda hook, line, and sinker. Which utterly destroyed any and all chances he had of winning the War. Most of the entire Third Reich were killed trying to capture the Russian Amber Room. Which was a fake. A gift from the Prussians decades after it was finished.

Adolf had no idea if was a fake. Neither did the Puritans in Salem know what they were truly angry with and wanted to erase from existence had left the area months before. Many innocent lives were traumatized and executed to allow the Puritans to release their rage on the population. When that did not work, they spread their hate out to the rest of the colonies, trying to hunt more British to kill them. Looking for any trace of the Tabernacles of Adam in the Colonies and destroy them. The trials drove the people in charge mad. Which is interesting since one copy of the Tabernacle System of Adam was King Solomon’s Temple, which has been copied entirely unconsciously with ever Masonic Lodge around the world .

So knowing the Prussians wanted very badly to seize control over their Amber Room, the Germans began to dismantle their System and ship it out circa 1680. 

Things are about to become extremely interesting in Salem Mass circa 1685.

Just six little years before the Trials were to start; the Germans began to make military maneuvers in the Colonies entirely backed by and planned by the British and the German Royal Families.

The last two and a half years of those military maneuvers were called Leisler's Rebellion. Proving absolutely that the British and Germans were again working together regarding the Tabernacle of Adam System. Again as in two of the several Crusades were a partnership between Germany and Britain with blessings from the Pope. Although the lands which Jesus walked and the Crucifixion were not in Levant Lands, the Pope, the Germans, the British, etc. knew this as a matter of fact . but the Population was still being fed a diet of the original Paul Story of it taking place in Levant. Why does this have a strong effect on Salem. Because the Puritan’s were the most afraid of their Paul philosophy being questioned and put under examination. The British, Germans, and Dutch knew the truth but the Paul/Puritans would never listen for a second to the truth, they liked their illusions/lies/deceptions and would rather die than give them up. In an affect Salem (minus the first syllable; Jerusalem. Which is most likely the name of the city the British founded) is a refighting on a very small scale another Crusade. This time as the past Crusades the followers of Islam won again. The Amber Room is from the Third Floor of the Tabernacle. The main or working building of the four. The room which would later hold the ark of the covenant and earlier Adam performed his job of Steward inside.

The Amber Room or at least one of them has been handed back and forth between the in the know allies for the last several thousand years. For a while Germany took care of it, Britain took care of it, Ireland took care of it, etc. the Amber Room or at least one of them has been the subject of more than a few invasions. So it is dismantled and shipped out when it becomes obvious that the Enemy forces are moving close and want that Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD). The British sent it to Germany shortly before the War of the Roses. The Germans sent the Room to the Colonies in the New world in the decades previous to the Ottoman Empire being able to reach that far north. The System is more dangerous than the entire concept of Thermal Nuclear War. Said technology a Thermal Nuclear Device only impacts time for a billionth of a second. The System is designed to alter time itself.

From 1660-1689 the British and Germans attempted to reestablish command and control over their colonies stripped from them in the early 1600s. But the English and the Dutch were not happy about there gold mines being stolen. The amount of money pouring into Holland and England were more than sufficient to use any and all means nessessary to maintain control. Plus they were pressganging their Jews out of Europe into the Americas. The English and Dutch had been working to round up the slums which were mostly full of Jews and placing them into indentured servitude, which is a very nice way of saying Slavery. The Slaves were making the English and the Dutch hand over fist cash, and at the same time they were getting rid of their Jewish problem through “forced deportation”.  Two profitable ventures with one simple action. The only real problem besides committing crimes against humanity was the British and Germans were entirely unpleased with the situation and worked hard to prevent more genocide. Building an active “Underground Railroad” to rescue the slaves and indentured servants from the beastly colonies and take them to safety in the West. First to Ohio, then to Colorado, then to the pacific North West. After 1880, evacuating with all hands with equipment to Northern Ireland. In 1670 is when the very start of the Slave trade began in earnest. Not enough Jews were left after 50 years of clearing out the areas they were restricted from leaving. Plus in the colonies most of the Jews and very poor were rescued from there bondage. So an alternative workforce was required to keep the money rolling in. Al-Qaida of the Barbary Coast was more than willing to sell every single Nigerian they could get their hands on to the colonies. The Nigerians were at least 20% Jews, Coptic's, and Christians who escaped the Islamic invasion of Egypt 620 c.e. using the river system to settle in Niger. The awesome thing about that is, the British and German’s forced the English and Dutch to pay for the ocean voyage. The bad thing was the millions killed over the next two centuries on the way across the ocean. The point to the slave trade was to find pre-exodus Jews and kill them. Find Jews period and kill them, and find anyone who might have been connected to the Jews and Simon Peter Christians and kill them. The Natives with little if any connection with the Jews/Christians were then worked to death for the next decades to pay for the entire situation. But the British and German’s had an “underground Railroad” circa 1660 c.e. already built and waiting for the arrival of the survivors. Some efforts were made to rescue from Niger but many of those efforts produced mostly casualties. Capturing a British or German ship, kill all hands and use the ship as their own. This happened dozens of times. The Amber Room was a requirement of the conquest cultures, but killing all Jews was a very close second. The Amber Room was moved dozens of times to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

But in the 15 give or take years from 1680-1695 (the witch trials started March 2, 1692). The fundamental Puritans were going to use any and all means at their disposal to put down the British/German conquest of their city and metropolis circa 1680. They were not only going to put that insurgent down but as violently as they could get away with. but instead of outright killing the British they were going to charge them all with WitchCraft and execute them. Which was an entirely legal charge in England. Since some of the girls were caught preforming “Evil Actions”, such as playing with an electrical machine. Adult play with each other. Those under x age were dealt with nicer than the over 18 crowd. They were informed orally no documentation ever existed regarding said situation, that if they did not cooperate completely and fully with the upcoming trials. At least two pregnancies were recorded as part of the proceedings. The accused and an accuser had children out of wedlock. They would be tortured almost to death and then burned at the steak. A terrifying ordeal to say the least for an 18 year old. For the older girls they would have been informed they would be handed over to the nastiest and cruelest soldiers in the area as a gift. With the orders “do what you want, I do not care if she lives through it. After you are done, we are just going to burn her at the steak anyway.” little would scare a girl more, since the Puritans taught at the time that a person burned at the steak had a one way trip to hell, no redemption possible. No amount of apologizes to god would be enough to save them from an eternity in hell. Tortured and humiliated to the ultimate degree and either killed by the torture or burned at the steak. The answer from most people would be, I will say anything to avoid that punishment. Up to and including allowing the examiners of both sides the accusers and the accused have liberties with the examiners. “Young Trollip, I will accuse you unless you lift that skirt.” At least one unnamed father infant was born from the Trials. At least two documented infants died in prison in that 14 months. Depending on when they died, direct evidence of Guards and or the Ministers themselves performing inappropriate actions with the prisoners. If you restrict all access by males to the Female prisoners, and babies are born more than 10 months after their arrest, then the very small number of men allowed is at least one baby daddy. But that is ok since they are all going to hell anyway.

During this situation the British and Germans in the area were attempting to assert their military domination. About 12 of the accused were rescued by the Germans and British Fleet, technically they escaped custody. But unable to achieve many goals. Their opponents fought so hard it was like killing someone to battle them. The Puritan’s would happily take damage and keep fighting. Which is a concept so close to the Jihadist fighters that the two are virtually indistinguishable from Puritan fighters. with the concept if I go down I am taking as many of you with me. I am going to heaven, be happy to give you a one way trip to hell.

So instead of trying to assert dominance over the Colonies, it became a pack up the most valuable of our people and items (our machines, and our libraries) to leave as quickly as possible.

A copy of the Amber Room was in the area of Salem for a while in the 1680s, but it was removed before the Trials started. Which angered the Puritans even more. They were unable to destroy the Amber room and the men associated with it. But they still wanted to question anyone and everyone in the area to ensure they had military domination over the entire population.

The British and Germans were forced to leave most of the North Eastern areas and seek life farther inland. Captain Josephs grandparents were directly involved with the Salem Witch trials by being careful observers from a safe distance. But they knew that they were going to have to wrap up life in the areas they formerly owned and move first west, to the Ohio River valley and then to the Rockies. Specifically settlements founded in the late 1400s behind the Garden of God, the original Capital of Texas Manitou Springs . Captain Joseph Ogle was born 40 years after the trials and in those four decades Puritanism had managed to push itself as far south as Maryland. He was force to give up lands which had been in the Ogle family since the early 1500s and journey North West. Using the River systems. Just four decades later and the Puritans and Dutch had conquered all the way to the District of Columbia. The Ogles, British, and Germans in Salem knew full well that this wave of Puritanism was not going to go away, Captain Joseph Ogle experiences prove that. So they had only one option.

Pack up and move out west to the only three areas which the British an Germans still possessed power and a large enough population in which to fend off another Roman/English attack.

Tools and people which were one of the direct causes for the Salem Witch Trials were removed in the years and months before March 2, 1692. After the Trials the Germans and British offered to remove most of the tainted girls from their surroundings and give them lives outside of Puritan Society. Elizabeth "Betty" Parris, Ann Putnam, Jr, Mary Walcot, and a very few others stayed in Salem. Most of the rest left with the British while the getting away was good.

Mercy Lewis for decades after the trials was used as an example of a chronic liar and trollops looking for attention. She along with most of the rest of the girls minus those directly related to the Putnam’s left the area immediately.

Circa 1500s, as soon as the Protestants and Puritans could get across the Ocean to America they did so in droves. They were very angry with the Crown for not allowing them to have religious freedom. But one of the reasons they were not allowed to have religious freedom was they had a problem with other faiths. They were so angry with other faiths that part of their religious freedoms which were being infringed upon was their right to harm and kill members of other religions. “But it is my religious right and freedom to kill this person, or that group. They believe something different than I do, so I have to kill them or convert them to my way because they are committing sins and are an instrument of the devil. My religion tells me that committing this murder is not only not bad but it is a holy act. Your laws have no effect upon my religious rights.” The English and Colonial Government disagreed to the ultimate degree.

Those religions who killed others to make themselves feel better, were in turn executed for murder. Their followers were also imprisoned for being accessories. So they wanted to go to the colonies to practice their religions in peace. But that meant committing Human Sacrifice to their god. So the English Government let most of the population of England and there countries put their Puritans and Protestants on ships and sailed them one way to the Colonies. Where they would capture British and anyone else and kill them. The English used the Puritans to kill British in the Colonies. Erasing the British in the Colonies became a major deal and a significant part of the Witch Trials. At the start the trials were about finding and killing all the British. Mary Sibley Woodrow and her family were British and were not only targeted but were tortured to force the family to tell everything they knew about the electrical machines in the area. So they could be located and destroyed. But what the Trial officials did not know was, the machines were already dismantled and shipped out, an all the major technical people who knew anything had already left the area. So the British went from a semi-large population in Salem to only a few dozen to keep the body count low. Most of them left before they could be accused. But most of them lived closer to the docks. Knowing the British were first on the list the Trial wanted to torture and kill.

The Puritans had a problem with the message of Jesus.

They were 110% convinced that the true prophet was the Evil Priest Paul, so all their efforts were about promoting the philosophy of Paul. Their efforts were in part to find the teachings of Jesus/Simon Peter and destroy them. Destroy the teachings, the philosophy, and most especially the followers. The Puritans believed down to the base of their soul that anything less than complete and total destruction of the message of Jesus/Simon Peter was allowing Evil to reign on earth. Killing Jesus/Simon Peter followers is/was a Holy Act. Which is exactly the same origin philosophy as Militant Islam. Which have exactly the same source, Esau. The one not chosen to be King of Kings of the Tabernacle of Adam System. All the sub-Paul’s version of Christian possessed a violent need for Jesus/Simon Peter philosophy to not exist and his followers to either convert to their way or die. Unlike the Romans who wanted the WMD, the Puritans were convinced from before the time of Paul that the Machines of the Systems were the definition of Evil, and would open a gateway to Hell. Adam and Eve played with a copy of that System and were banished to earth because of it. Which is a misunderstanding what actually happened, but a good lie is more acceptable than the truth most days. They also believe the true profit is Paul and not Jesus/Simon Peter, so believing lies is not outside the scope of Puritan beliefs.

The connection between the Salem Witch Trials and the Crucifixion is more disturbing than can be easily explained .

Puritanism was in part developed by the Evil Priest Paul who the Puritans consider to be the true prophet. Jesus and Simon Peter were considered to be the false prophet and everything about them must be destroyed. To keep the evil contained. The entire situation regarding the Crucifixion was about the Tabernacle System of Adam, that electro-magnetic machine and forcing Jesus to allow the Senate to use it on their enemies. Turning the machine into a WMD.

Leisler's Rebellion was actually the Germans coming to the assistance of the British (not English) in key colonies. Salem, Boston, New York. To dismantle the Systems and move them out of harm’s way.

In Salem, Mass circa 1680. Some of the British present knew how to work the machine but they were extremely clandestine about it, since after all the Puritans wanted to kill their enemies in the worse way. But if the Puritans did kill the British outright, the British navy would appear and reduce them to ash very quickly. So the British were extremely sneaky about the machine, but the Puritans knew they were up to something but did not know or understand what. After a while 1690, the slave Tituba became involved with the British and worked to turn the tide of the Colonies away from really bad, and improve the situation.

Tituba as girls will do; was at least semi-friends with the local girls and the young women. She showed them a few things about the Machine. Either while she was supervising them or at other times when her duties prevented said supervision, the girls played with the machine by themselves. The result both very inappropriate behavior and more than a few times being electrocuted. Some of said was mild shocks, some of which was full on amps involved EST. Damaging their neuropathways, it took a while for their neuropathways to rewire and be able to think normally again. But by then the damage and most of the violence had been done.

Same exact patterns from the accusers occurred with Cable Cage, after the spike went through his brain and he lived. He was a totally different person. Several of the Girls were very different people after they recovered from their EST. As well as the lifelong trauma of what their actions had caused. They were informed they were responsible for the executions of a couple hundred people. The priests and officials took no responsibility whatsoever in anything. What they did was Allah Akbar, or in English the Glory of the Greatness of God.

The Events of the Crucifixion of Jesus are mirrored within the Events of Salem Mass Witch Trials. From 33 c.e. for a century and a half those devoted to the message of Paul were in active pursuit of killing every single Jew and destroying the entire Tabernacle System in both Rome and everywhere they could find one. By the time Paul's followers founded the Vatican most of the Tabernacles in the Roman Empire were all but entirely erased from existence. Since after all those machines were from the Devil, the followers of Paul were entirely convinced the Machines were designed to open a gateway to Hell. Same perspective their much later ancestors possessed, those machines in Salem were of the Devil, and would open a gateway to hell. 1600 years between the Crucifixion of Jesus and Salem, same incorrect charge of machine to open a gateway to hell in both. The romans only cared about the WMD, Paul’s people only cared about the machine and its gateway to hell. With a desperate need to destroy it.

When dealing with technology being held by a group of people who actually liked the 1300s, said extremely advanced technology itself would not be able to be described. What it was or how it worked, forget how it would affect the villagers all around. When that statistical model is added into the Salem Equation, much of the evidence has to be reexamined. The British were in command of Salem in the previous century 1625, like they were in charge and built the place in Boston, New York, and 1000 other cities along the Eastern Sea Board. The vast libraries alone prove that. In 1600, the only families in Europe with a vast 100k title collection of books/materials was the Holy Roman Empire and the Ogle Family, the Holy Roman Empire was controlled by just one Family the Royal family. The Ogle family founded New Castle and Edinburgh Universities. As well as about 100 others. You have to have a gigantic library to pull a couple hundred books x 100 to start a school with. And still have a huge collection back home. Harvard Columbia etc. Universities started from the library's the Ogles donated to those cities and the Dutch/Puritans simply took those cities by force. The Germans and the British had been conducting experiments in Electro-Magnetics for the previous centuries. Which could explain why Leisler's Rebellion May 31, 1689 was trying to get the technology they had partially developed back from the Puritans before they could destroy them. Tesla only had a few decades and little funding. Several centuries of a group of scientist with unlimited funding, can produce vast amounts of technical know-how and equipment. It only took Tesla a few decades to develop Wi-Fi.

Just because the Arrogant Luddite Romans purposely lost the knowledge to sail the ocean blue does not mean the British, Scandinavians, and of course Germans were brain dead. The Nordic Cultures maintained a Trade Route across the North Atlantic from 700 c.e. present. The British are included in the Nordic Cultures . Define Viking; raised platform surrounded by a shallow inlet of water. Raised (North/Vertical) Wooden (Amber) inlet (defined land).

The English are direct Roman descendants. Who are themselves direct Dorian descendants who attacked and conquered an empty city of Troy. The Dorians are direct Hyksos descendants who erased all the facts regarding the Pyramids.

Almost all that follows in the Trials was about the Tabernacle System of Adam which was not only present in Salem but about 50 other cities up and down the eastern sea board. Fighting over control of the Systems, fighting to destroy the systems, fighting to kill the British and their allies who knew anything about the systems at all, etc. became the reason for the wave of hate.

When the German Fleet arrived in 1680, they arrived to a group of colonies the governments entirely bent on Genociding all their enemies. The British spent from 1660-1690 trying to reclaim their colonies from the Dutch and Puritans. They fought vicious and bloody battles from 1660-1790 still trying to regain control. In more than a few ways the battles did not stop till 1812.

These battles over the Tabernacle System is included in the verbal fights between John Adam’s and the South Carolina Delegate Mr. Rutledge during the Colonial Congress. The south had by then 1770 already mostly destroyed their Systems, they had experimented a bit with them, had the EST Lobotomies and gave up. A program which Jefferson Davis spent vast resources and a considerable scholastic input during his time in the Government to find one and reconstruct it. General George Picket helped a considerable amount in this venture. He had direct access to one in Bellingham Washington State . The Tabernacle which was Ogle Castle he renamed to Pickett Tower (The Tabernacle of Adam System based on the Lake Nemi Ships built by Caligula at the time Simon Peter was in Rome and his followers were under immediate death threat. The Digital Rendering superimposed over the modern architecture of F and Bancroft Street. Which ironically is where the Same structure stood in Old Colorado City in Bancroft Park just a mile from Manitou Colorado originally according to the American Government The Capital of Texas. The Trees are two of the four Trees of Creation, the fountain in the middle is the wellspring of the Four Rivers of Creation. The Gold Box in the third floor of the left front building is the Ark of the Covenant. This structure was dismantled in the 1830s and shipped out, a dock was only a few thousand feet down the hill. A Fake was built in its place, which Picket renamed from Castle Ogle to Picket Tower. Another Tower at Castle Bellingham was three miles away, , Castle Bellingham pictured as a model was also dismantled and a Fake was put in its place. Picket learned enough from the Fakes and the local legends about the Originals that he could reasonably reassemble/reverse engineer the original. Thanks to the Permanent Old Main  which is part of the System aka Jerusalem, including a Castle in Lynden Washington just a few miles north. Two fake buildings, a real stone building, and the Palace in Lynden was enough for Picket to give to Jefferson Davis. Which was added to what Margret Davis-Hayes could learn from Colorado Springs specifically Bancroft Park to reassemble a huge portion of the original and send those plans to Germany. Those Plans as well as Tesla’s stolen equipment went into the Third Reich to build the Guns of Navarone, which are fiction but based on hard clandestine evidence of an Electrical Weapon the Third Reich possessed. The Great Escape and the Dirty Dozen clandestine missions were both involved in capturing those weapons and shipping them back to Allied control. One of the reasons the entire Dirty Dozen Maggot story line was included was to link the Adult behavior of the System with real consequences , the real person played by Telly Savalas is killed seconds later by an Electromagnetic discharge. The how many of the Girls associated with the Salem Witch Trials faced not only similar situations, but were soon after executed to the cheer of the Crowd. It has become a standard theme in movies to kill a strong willed woman. The culture of the Puritans are still killing the Salem Witches, vicariously through entertainment. Just like the Puritans were killing those Mary Magdalene’s viciously through those Girls in 1692.). The armies of the world were gathered in Whatcom County for the purpose of destroying the Jews present, the British, and the Royalist French in order to seize control over the Tabernacle of Adam Systems in the area. They failed but did manage to achieve secondary knowledge of the Systems. So they sent secondary knowledge of the WMD back home. About 12 nations learned about the Systems, several spent the next century and a half working very hard to reverse engineer said infrastructure. The Russians might have even bragged to the NAZI about their firsthand knowledge of the System and that if Adolf did venture too far east, they would be obliterated. Knowing full well that a dare like that Adolf would not be able to resist. Enter the Third Reich Operation Barbarossa and the Russians full well knowing their Amber Room was a fake. But the Koch family not only had no idea it was a fake they had believed the propaganda and assumed it was not only the real thing but had assumed it was the most powerful weapon of all time. The Russians wanted to kill Germans and knew that said goal was possible, all they had to do was bate the Germans to attack. The bulk of the army would be diverted east, opening up a huge defensive hole to the west. Allowing the Americans to gain a strong and substantial foothold in Fortress Europe. The Russians bled the Germans dry of men and resources to the east while the populations and war machine of Germany was destroyed by the Americans. Which would allow the Russian Army to swoop in and conquer Berlin, take the art the Germans had stolen from the disgusting Jews, and of course capture the Scientists who make the German Third Reich possible. The Russians were a bit angry with the allies for rushing into Germany and most of the major pieces of art, gold, etc. were confiscated by the “Monuments Men” American military units and shipped first back to Allied command. When the War was over the art was cataloged and returned to either its rightful owners or their closest relatives. If the entire family was erased from existence, than the art was lent to museums under the strict legal understanding that if family ties could be reestablished in the future. Then the art would be given immediately to the family.

What does this have anything to do with the Salem Witch Trials, there was no America to come in and stop the Puritan’s and Dutch from making hundreds of people in the cities they focused their attacks on from simply disappearing. Hundreds if not hundreds of thousands of British, Jews, Germans, etc. did vanish without a trace in the colonies before 1776. Millions disappeared from 1776-1880. From 1620 to 1970 the English, Dutch, Puritans, etc. were harder and more vicious on their “Undesirables” in America than the third Reich could have ever dreamed of being to their “Undesirables.” 400 years of “erasing the Undesirables” was just what happened in America. But since the same people who were responsible for the killings also write the history. The entire situation from Salem forward to the end of the Civil Rights movement were able to erase entirely all their crimes against humanity. Unlike NAZI propaganda, American Puritan propaganda is literally the only history there is. All other documents and people to say no were erased from existence. The earliest settlers of Jewish and British descent in Whatcom County had relatives killed At Salem only a century before 1692-1790.  But virtually every single word of what actually happened has been erased and replaced with Puritan Propaganda. Although not called Puritans past about 1750. To Escape their Crimes Against Humanity label, they name change constantly; we are group B not A, how dare you label us with the sins of group A. Wait will we start doing A’s crimes before you start throwing around accusations and insults. This world has no place for insults, especially insults regarding accusations of what group A did.  Group B get away with a great deal before they have to change their name again to C, and the whole game starts again. C is not A or B, do not accuse us of performing those actions till we do.

Jefferson Davis needed to find and use said weapon to obliterate the Union Army. The principles of the Confederacy would win the war and reign supreme over the world. When the confederacy renamed to Fascism in Germany, they attempted to achieve that same goal. Without the bating from Russia to attack and seize control over the Amber Room, the Third Reich might still be in charge of Eastern Europe. The result was a working system which Lobotomized Jefferson Davis, he showed several direct Symptoms which were extremely similar to the Accuser girls in the Salem Witch Trials. As well as General George Custer, etc. This is a tool not to be messed with, but arrogant leaders become entirely confident they are the greatest sent by god to achieve goals. So no amount of talking to them will get them to back down from using the WMD, which will give them a lobotomy. The older and more set in their ways the more damage to their neuropathways.

The Accuser Girls Jefferson Davis and of course General Custer presented the same symptoms immediately after interaction,  the adult men’s brains were beyond repair. The Salem Girls were mostly still teenagers so their neuropathways could recover. It took a while for the older girls for their neuropathways to recover. Hence the several years after, the girls were starting to become human again and react to the world correctly. And more than a few scoopfuls of embarrassment.

The Girls who showed direct signs of or exposure to EST.

A list of some of the accusers.

Sarah Churchill or Churchwell

Mercy, infant child of Sarah Good

John Proctor III


(1667-after 1731)

Mary Walcott



Ann Putnam, Jr. (George Jacobs and grdghtr Margaret Jacobs)


(1679- 1716)

Abigail Williams



Elizabeth Booth



Mercy Lewis



Elizabeth Hubbard



Sarah Bibber


(1656 -

Mary Warren



Elizabeth Hubbard



Elizabeth Parris



Mary Sibley Woodrow


(1644 -1713)

Susanna Sheldon 




For the Puritan’s for the most part the Trials were a natural extension of the “Confessional and the Routine Inquisition Examinations” which had been occurring since 1625. The Puritans performed said “interrogations” to root out anyone who might have knowledge which the Puritans would consider evil, Blasphemous, etc. So the questioning was routine. But in 1691, the questions turned from routine to creating a legal case for execution. The Slave Tituba  was owned by Reverend Samuel Parris, the father of one of the girls and the uncle of another. After the Events his family stayed in the area, although the slave was sold off.  The Coptic Christian from Haiti might have told the impressionable girls or anyone else in the area. They were purely panicked that the British and the Slave worked together to open a gateway to hell in Salem. A gateway the Puritans worked hard to destroy in 1625. Their largest Paranoid Delusion was if the current British in the area who were direct descendants of the founder’s pre-1623 knew more than Tituba. Or the current British residence who had either lived under the radar of the Puritans or had converted under a false concept, e.g. turned conversos, staying their native religion but pretending to be Puritan. If they would be convinced to return to their British ways, from the encouragement of their countrymen in Salem. What if she was actually the least educated person, the British and others spy’s in the area knew much more. The Witchcraft trial was only secondarily about the demon attacks on the girls, it was first and by a long shot important and the purpose of the trial to find those that knew about the Machine and kill them. The Puritans were beyond Panicked the British would turn the machine on and kill every last Puritan. Or panicked she might have been a technical go between. Communicating ideas between the experts and those that were never taught by their ancestors how to use it. That chain was what the Puritan’s wanted, and would stop at nothing to obtain. So they could accuse them all of WitchCraft and kill them.

Whether that is true or not is a serious question. Did the British who arrived in Salem 1660 and later,  had they forgotten about the System. Or did only a few of them forget about the System. Did most of them not only not forget about the System but were at various points working with the system. Turning it on, achieving the goals the System was designed to, then would turn it back off. In order to make sure the Puritans did not become paranoid delusional and attack the system as they attacked Simon Peter and the Systems of Rome immediately following the Crucifixion. The Puritan philosophy came directly from Paul; they hated almost every aspect of the teachings of Jesus and Simon Peter. The Puritans unlike the Roman's wanted to find the Systems and destroy them. They had done the same thing for the previous 1000 years as they had in Salem as they did for the next century. Finding and destroying the Jews and the systems. But once most of their hatred was taken out on some of the last working Machines, the organization of Puritans soon after disbanded. They had no cohesive goal to achieve. Breaking into smaller groups with different names. When large an unruly breaks apart, the smaller groups always choose different names; group A becomes groups b B1 b2 b3 b4, etc. some of the B groups survive others disband. The groups which survive and grow strong enough to start performing A actions again, deny they are A till they are to guilty and are forced to break apart to become C. Group C, C1 c2 c3 c4, etc. are even more difficult to track. It is very complex to keep track of.

So the trials were about destroying any further strength the British possessed in the area. Helping the girls from demonic attack was secondary to asserting puritan military power over everyone within a 100 mile radius. Kill a few dozen will teach the rest to not question the authority of the Dutch and Puritan Church.

At this exact same time as just before the Trials in Salem started a few hundred miles north. To prevent the Puritans from continuing to have a strangle hold on power; the colonies of Boston and Plymouth were joined. The hard line militant Puritans in Plymouth had to contend with the not so Puritan’s in Boston. But to compromise the violent Puritan’s in Salem were allowed to be as hard core as they wanted for a bit, a few years. If the Plymouth hard liners wanted to rid themselves of Boston then they could simply travel the 63 miles north to Salem and be as strict as they wanted to be. Which made the Trials go even harder violent. The military operations to “Disappear” as the NAZI put it “Undesirables” all the stronger.

Massachusetts for most of the time between 1620-1689 the entire colony operated almost exclusively from theocratic rules. Which start out strict and become militant very quickly. Executions during some periods were entirely common. during Leisler's Rebellion, decades of the English government circa 1660-1689, trying ease up the restrictions on the Hard Line Puritans ruling Mass with an extreme Iron Fist. Acts and rules were passed in the 1680s to force the Dutch and Puritans to ease up. The reaction was swift and extremely violent. A few hundred days later the Trials started 19 days before the rebellion was over. It took two plus full years to bring the money maker cities back into line, Salem took a bit longer.

These actions comparing Salem with the Crucifixion most of the Variables in the Statistical equation match. Minus Jesus, but mass executions. Mass questioning under extreme duress. Of course issues with intimacies. Paul was a to the core of his being Misogynist, the number of females executed point strongly to how much the men of both Rome and Salem hated to the depth of their being women. They were a nessessary evil, but treated not very well most of the time.

The negative and violent reaction to having their theocracy’s rule of laws infringed upon seeded the ground for 1776.

Which is what the South Carolina Delegate Mr. Rutledge was screaming about, linking John Adam’s directly and permanently to the Salem Witch Trials. Fortunately John Adams knew how to manipulate the presses and public opinion. He knew he was going to be President one day and Mr. Rutledge was not. Adams figured out a way to distance himself from the Salem accusations. Adams was not alive during the Trials; Adams was born about 40 years later. The same 40 years between the End of the Trials and the Birth of Captain Ogle the county of Ogle Illinois is named after. Also partially because the original Capital of Illinois Kaskaskia was founded by the Ogles. Adams was alive and in legal practice during his time as a Lawyer in Boston, which the Salem verdicts were of direct impact on some of his legal arguments.  Adams directly benefited from the hate, rage, and the militant control the Puritans had over both Massachusetts and Boston. Part of the war over independence was about allowing the Puritans to assert more and more power and military domination over more of the Colonies. Which the Plantation System was about as against as John Adams, Franklyn, etc. were against Slavery specifically the “NAZI Jewish Question”. The puritans wanted to solve the problem, their actions were in several strong ways copied by the Fascists, but only after the Confederate culture name changed to Fascist.

The work Jefferson Davis did based on his interaction with the puritan’s as well as the old Plantation owners who had both knowledge of the Trials as well as direct knowledge of the Systems the South managed to destroy. Davis spent vast amounts on rebuilding said WMD. After the war and he started to recover from his EST, using the tool wrong. he handed everything over to his daughter who set up shop and started to rebuild the confederacy in Colorado Springs. She worked tirelessly in that area to rebuild the WMD. Close to the end of her life and with Palmers Army being not a bit welcoming to the process. Davis-Hayes purchased as much of Tesla’s stolen equipment as they could and shipped it to Germany. Along with a lot of the younger ex-confederates and as many of the sons of the confederacy as she could convince to relocate to Germany. Those men were ordered to join any type of white supremacist organization they could, to spread the word of the Confederacy inside them. 17 years later the rise of the Thule Society.

The city of Salem was originally a British Settlement which dated back hundreds of years. It did have a working Tabernacle System in it. It would have had a working System in it to achieve goals in the Colonies not possible without. Providing Electricity for one. Providing the ability to factory mill the needed building supplies to have a huge city built in a very short amount of time.

The really bad parts of the New England Slave Trade are what the South Carolina delegation Mr. Rutledge was talking about. Although John Adams wrote an an extremely cleaned up version of a considerable portion of the South Carolina delegation Mr. Rutledge’s speeches into his writing. Which were converted to songs for the Musical 1776, leaving out the tons psi influence the Salem Witch Trials had on the Declaration of Independence. Also learning out the sizable portion of those trials had on the Constitutional Convention Presided over by George Washington.

Compare the Crucifixion with the Salem Witch Trials

It is fascinating to understand that minus Jesus the Salem WitchTrials were almost exactly a mirror affect of the Arrest, Trial, torture, and Execution of Jesus in Rome Proper directly compared to the same sequence of the Salem Mass Witch Trials. But instead of the Senate demanding Jesus teach them how to use the WMD, the Puritans wanted to know all involved to kill them (which those mass executions did occurred immediately after the Resurrection.) and wanted to know where the Tabernacle of Adam System was to destroy it. The Senators to torturing Jesus to death to force him to reveal the secrets, Puritans wanted to destroy the system. But at the same time, were serial killing Jesus Christ Stand ins for daring to question the authority of Paul, the truth prophet of god. Every person questioned and or arrested were Psychopathically Serial killer perspective replacements for Jesus. Psych killer pathology, like BTK, the IceMan, Ted Bundy, all had a need to kill the object of their rage. The object of the Puritans was anyone who was Jewish, British, or questioned their god Paul. The body was not imporntant, what is the key of importance is the belief system the person held. That was what the serial element was about, if the person possessed the correct “philosophy” they are ok, if not they were a stand in for Jesus and needed to be killed. Serial killing all of the followers of Simon Peter to prove one more time he is not god. Which these basic core structures are the foundation stones for both the Decoration of Independence and the American Constitution. Strictly from a Puritan standpoint, the Declaration of Independence is a Legal document separating the Paul devotees from Simon Peter. All the actions which followed from a conservative point of view were about enforcing their need to separate Jesus and declare their allegiance to Paul all 190 years of it 1776-1970s. Love all is Jesus’s message, Paul was not only a misogynist but he was also a militant radical white supremacist. Slaves were a good thing since slaves are created by god to be inferior. To Paul all not believers were Slaves to either Satan and or his organization. The Irish were just as much susceptible to being slaves as Africans. Skin color was only part of his White Supremacy, since some of the lightest Jews around are actually tall, blond/red, blue eyed. Skin color in Paul's world would not save you, if you were a Jew. Most conservatives want to get back to pre-1776 when the hard line Puritan Theocracy was still the dominant political voice. But they guess as to what time was the best. That time was when the Puritans were in charge of the North East and being “different” was a capital crime.

The need for the strongly religious Puritans and others to kill Jews/Coptic’s could not be denied. John Adams was accused of helping the Puritans in Massachusetts 70 years later continue to seize power. Power that was in large part gained during those trials. Many cities and cultures were beyond too afraid to take on the Puritans after those trials. The rest of the colonies did not want to throw off the yoke of England only to have it replaced by Puritan values.

Inside all this Chaos and religious craziness, lands Tituba a West Indies but culturally Nigerian slave girl who is the center of a major threat to all Puritans in the Colonies. Based on her and others  testimony she was proficient and knowledgeable  in the Tabernacle System which was within a few miles of the city. A strong oddity of Architecture inside a Cathedral completed well before 1620 was used by the Puritans as most conquerors use the conquered foes holy site. Till they can build a better one, then destroy the one the enemy used. Although unless you knew what you were looking at in the 1620s a machine covered with various tarps and ceremonial gear would not look anything different than a couple monuments which are standard in cathedrals  

. She knew based on her Malleus Maleficarum questioning about the machines, but her answers on occasion were like speaking lower Slabovian to a Middle English speaker. No clue how to translate into an understandable format. Kind of like trying to explain the Saturn 5 rocket to the people of Salem 1650; less than zero frame of reference.

The British who founded that city and about 1000 more along the Eastern Sea board, ironically Salem was conquered by the Dutch/Puritans at the time the Dutch conquered New Amsterdam  from the British 1625. Fascinating parallel, the Trials took place only a bit over a dozen years after the British came back to the Island of Manhattan and reclaimed renaming it to New York 1665.

Although the story is a bit more complex. The Dutch kept pulling power to control more and more of the colonies they once owned/conquered away from the British; Boston, New York, and Salem specifically. From 1665 to 1689 most of the areas from Salem to south New Jersey were a Demilitarized Zone between the British and the Dutch. The Uncle of John Ogle, who was the brother of the King. Led the attack on New Amsterdam to rename it for his uncle the Duke of York circa 1665. John Ogle along with the British had an extremely uneasy peace with both the English/Dutch and the puritans in the Colonies. This uneasy peace lasted about 30 years, till the English and Dutch broke the peace and started to seize territory again. Which forced the Ogles West, as well as their British Family. Knowing full well that the English and Dutch were going to follow and kill them, the British kept moving farther and farther west. Sending word to Ohio and Colorado that they were on their way. Would fight to a certain point but have to keep moving west. By the time the Ogles were forced into Ohio. It was a temporary situation only till the defenses in the future Colorado were ready. Which in a few decades would be the future Capital of Texas Manitou. Like Salem some Ogles attempted to say behind and blend into the conqueror to provide intelligence and keep their primary items safe and secure.

140 years after the Ogles were pushed West through Ohio and into the Future Texas and farther future Colorado, enter in 1830 Joseph Smith. Smith while he was constructing his first temple 102.72 mile from the Maples in a city founded by the Ogle family in the early to middle 1700s . He built his temple with the help of the Ogle family in Tiffin Tabernacle of Adam system. Which was dismantled and moved out of the area soon after they constructed that building.

Be interesting if the British had attempted to come back to Salem 1669, and just flat out annoyed the Puritans to no end from 69-92 when any political excuse would work to kill them.

Dominion of New England in America; for years from 1685-1696 worked hard to remove the “Anglican Church:” having violently denied a foot hold in the Colonies for the previous century. When James I was deposed 1689, chaos ensued in the colonies. Puritan strongholds which Salem was absolutely one of them. Boston and New York were others. Fought against every single aspect of German, British and English rule period. The German Leisler's Rebellion May 31, 1689 – March 21, 1691, the Charters were destroyed for the Colonies when a German tried to seize control over the Colonies. The Colonies hated the English rule, hated with a Passion the Church of England more. Directly dead in the center of Leisler's Rebellion the most violent aspects were occurring at exactly the same days that the Salem Witch Trials were starting. The Trials started on the 2nd of March, the German Leisler's rebellion ended 19 days later. The German’s, English, Church of England, and the citizens of both England, and the colonies were all fighting for supremacy and control. Dead in the middle of all that real canon fighting, marines shooting, open rebellions with various hand weapons were being openly used for years from 89-93. Salem was one of those areas which witness those cultures fighting and being killed over power and control. Leisler's Rebellion stopped 19 days after the trials started March 2nd. After as in 21st day of March the bloodshed ended. The previous two entire years almost every major city including Salem, Boston, New York, etc. were involved in British, English, and German forces trying to take over from the Puritans and the Dutch.

The extreme violence which the Paul followers were allowed to do laid a strong and substantial map of predictable behavior upon the British. The British knew what the English and Dutch were about to do. Consequently when the English/Dutch in Ohio were about to become super violent, and reenact the Salem Witch Trials in Kirkland Ohio. Joseph Smith left while the leaving was still available. Knowing full well that his followers were already being killed on mass. Also knowing that  as a matter of hard fact that the Puritan’s then known as “The Great Awakening Movement” which started as a B1 group from the a1 Puritans. Was hard and strong into capital punishing with the same rule book as the Puritans. So the LDS church knew full well that if they did not leave another Salem Witch Trial was about to happen in Kirtland Ohio. Where they would be executed on mass. Smith receiving assistance from the Tabernacle System in Tiffin pushed the Great Awakening followers to be attracted to the divine technology, that divine technology forced them to want to destroy it. Because if they were gods people, then those machines were the work of the devil. Being evil, than the Machine could and would open a gateway to Hell and have Demons built the Temples of the Evil religions. That much be stopped, the machines destroyed, and all the people associated be exterminated with prejudice.

Paul taught his followers that anything which came from the Jews was the definition of evil. which include the Temple of Solomon. Which was designed to be a Tabernacle of Adam System. But since it was an Electro-Magnetic Machine could create zero gravity spheres which would make constructing buildings infinitely easier. The description of King Solomon’s Temple said it all. “Solomon harnessed demons to build his temple.” that is all that is needed for the Paul devotees to lump all Jews into being evil and to destroy it and them all.

It took from 1692 several years to iron out the details and get the colonies back to some level of governmental organization. The Dutch lost all but their most heavily fortified colonies, Salem being one of the few the Dutch/Puritan’s remained in control of. The British were soundly defeated and executed in Salem. With no desire to fight off the fleet with the marines, Boston became English. Boston peace deals were reached, New York no easy peace was reached. In New York the Puritans, the British, and English were still fighting the same battles 70 years later, ending with the American Revolution. 1665 Battle of New York ended with July 4, 1776. One long string of battles and religious wars.

The British in at least New York, Boston, and Salem were led in to a trap only to be lulled into a false sense of security and the hammer dropped 1689 by their enemies. The British lost most of their cities and the ports they had controlled for centuries to ferry goods from the East Coast to the West Coast . Previous to 1625 Salem, Boston, New York, etc. were all ports the British used to ferry goods using the River system across the Continent.  By using the girls as completely naive bait. Which would be an amazing reason why the elders of the community wanted to keep the trials going and believed full on the girls stuff, so they could find more British and kill them. The more British killed the more they could continue to separate the slaves from the Jews and kill them. Paying for it all by the Slave Trade. The Puritans "How dare you try and take your city back, you bad people you, we conquered it fair and square in 1625, you will have to take it from our cold dead hands. So we will legally keep you from taking it back, if we use guns or weapons. You British will just bring in war ships and marines and we lose. If we use the law and Witch Craft, England usually nails its Witches to a Church door upside down." Ensuring the British will come back with Warships and erase us. We win the British lose Salem permanently


The Girls were in part est lobotomized, but it took years for their neuropathways to recover.

Their victims were either prominent but disliked people in the city where the authorities wanted to either silence the uppity women, had money, or land the leaders wanted a legal way to take.

The rest of the victims were descendants of the British who knew about the system and would on occation use it to help the community. The British who knew about the system were singled out and executed; this includes most of the men.

The issue between John Proctor Jr,  (March 30, 1632 –August 19, 1692) and Abigail Williams is the subject of the play and movie “The Crucible” in which an alleged affair between the older and married with several children John Proctor was 60 and the 11 year old Abigail born July 12, 1680 trails started March 2, 1692. She would reach her 12th birthday 4 full months after the Trials started. She was 10 to just over 11 when the interactions with John Proctor began. The largest problem other than his 60 years of age was he was of British descent. Or at least the Ministers of the Trails were conceived he was British and pushed him to confess to the Machines location, how to destroy it, and who else knew about it.

Portions of the affair most likely took place inside the Tabernacle buildings.

The Tabernacle Buildings were large free standing tents/Kaaba inside a single or a group of  cathedrals.

The Cathedrals in the area of Salem possessed as least one if not several different Tabernacles.

1626, the Cathedrals were already up built and conducting services. Those buildings were “built by Indians” because the Puritans could not stand the concept of those ungodly British and Ogles, so British and Ogles were changed to Indians. If you are not allowed your proper name, it is much easier to steel everything you have from you.


All the symptoms the girls exhibited in the first months are textbook ESTresults

. Including visions, electrocution induced epilepsy, itchy skin, and the already out of control teenager girl hormones would run absolutely wild during said after shocks. The EST neuro-damage would recover, but by then the trials were underway and the priests an court officials would have an extremely difficult time reacting to the girls trying to explain words which did not exist yet like EST, Epilepsy, Neuropathways, or an Electro-Magnetic gun . The puritans would have seen those things as tools of the devil and killed the girls alongside those they accused of bad behavior . But the girls would have been burned at the steak, not hung, or beheaded. That according to the literature is the only way to truly kill a witch. The hung citizens were not burned at the steak because there was sufficient evidence regarding their being good Christian people. But the playing in the devils tool was more than enough to warrant the stake and the flames. Adding to that epileptic aftershocks are also a standard aftermath of very high doses of Electricity. 

Describe to me the medical issues surrounding EST. With an extremely high dose of electricity. Cross compare with the symptoms the girls exhibited. There was an electrical generator somewhere within a few miles of Salem. A Tabernacle of Adam System, guaranteed inside a stone mason building, likely a Cathedral.

A similar building could have been found in the area of Sleepy Hollow 1790, which was captured by the Dutch 150 years previous and they played around with the Tabernacle of Adam. Just like the Girls of Salem did instructed by Tituba. The Dutch continued to experiment where the Roman's were entirely unable to.

The Dutch managed to resurrect one of their dead hessians soldiers from the Grave and use him to cause damage to their enemies. He was still up and moving years after the Revolutionary War. But the Dutch were working to bring about the next war, the War of 1812.

Different from Salem in Sleepy Hollow New York about 2 centuries later. The Dutch knew enough about the System to make it work, but their Puritan allies thought the Systems were nothing but gateways to hell. Anyone who had anything to do with the Kaaba of the System was literally cursed by the devil and a minion. The Devils mark was Electrical burns, but not knowing what Electricity was, they could only understand “an ungodly mark.”

Somewhere in the area of Sleepy Hollow are the remains of the by then 200 year old Tabernacle of Adam System. The Romans erased the facts of the Crucifixion taking place in Rome, because even though they knew about both electricity (static electricity a kids game) and the steam engine, could not make the ancient city of Samhain (pre753 Rome)  System work. They wanted to among others things have an immortal army. The Dutch took over from where the Roman's left off and achieved part of the goal. The goal which is documented in Jewish mysticism as “The Wicker Man”.

Washington Irving was in England while writing it. He wrote it after reading “Frankenstein” and altered the story enough to break the copy write. But Frankenstein’s laboratory is a Tabernacle of Adam System poetic license altered to hide some of the major true details. Talking to direct descendants of the Roman Army. Albeit a dozen centuries plus back. He learned about the Tabernacle, the crucifixion and of course the immortal army. The Dutch managed to learn how to do. Same mechanism which the Roman's wanted and executed Jesus for, would be the same mechanism which EST lobotomized the girls in Salem. Emperor Qin the First Emperor of a united China heard about this concept of the Tabernacle System and was planning on using said machine to resurrect both himself and his army.

The Salem Witch Trials are not an isolated oddity in history, they are just a set of crimes against humanity actions which happened in a group of same. Forward and backwards in time for centuries. Same actions by similar cultures, not only not isolated but put back into place the erased details and the events of the Situation are not only not outside the normal, they are entirely typical of 1000 other actions. Paul's people become Human Sacrifice Violent almost instantly, while Simon Peters people have to constantly content with being the hunted and killed victims of cultures who have long forgotten why they are killing their prey.

Young impressionable Teenage girls with hormone levels entirely out of biosynthesis, still balanced enough to sustain life but not enough to control puberty. Be very interesting if any of them experienced signs of said biochemistry that far out of balance. Excess body hair, limited to zero body hair, going bald, deepening voices, unusually high voices (ala the castrati singers, boys with removed testicles to keep their voices abnormally high), premature development, sterilization, or an extremely overactive libido, get pregnant easy, a abnormally short life with no explanation, or an abnormally long life e.g. 110-130 years, etc.

But since the puritans claimed to have founded the city in 1625, that places the British founding Salem in the early 1500s, at the very latest. The Puritans lied as much if not more than the Romans did. About six confederate privates each claimed to have been born in the 1840s, they lived to the 1950, and at least one to just shy of 1960. Abnormally long lifespan, a couple of them could have been assigned guard duty around Jefferson Davis’s captured Tabernacle System. He was lobotomized as well as several of his staff present, with more than a few Confederate Scientists. But the innocent guards outside received the really great bennifit from exposure which lengthened their lifespan by decades.

The Germans, French, British, etc. has experimented with Frankenstein tech since the early 1500s late 1400s. Leonardo Da Vinci himself spent time experimenting with said in the middle 1400s. 

Physics, medicine, Neuro-Psychology (mri, cat, etc) and the obviously three century available of said technology in the area thanks to the British settlements conquered and renamed to native villages the puritans took over. 

Add teenage hormones, moldy bread, a violently suppressed culture, you add electro-magnetic technology to that mix and you have the Salem Witch Trials. But the put back from being edited out technology changes the dynamic of the trials entirely. Everyone but the experts in said technology were either too ignorant of it to work with it or were too afraid of it. 

The Colonial Convention

The Salem Witch Trials were close to the definition of what sparked the start of the colonial convention of only 75 years later.

The British were a little angry their property was being stolen left and right. Their East India Trading company property was stolen or seized by the Hudson’s bay company and later companies under the Hudson’s bay company seal.

When the Dutch broke away from the British, the two cultures had a major war over trying to claim as much of the greater whole the EIC once possessed.

The British resisted Slavery to the ultimate degree, the Dutch, English, etc. not only supported slavery but they wanted to expand it exponentially. This is formed based on the direct evidence from Tituba the one and only person during the trials who confessed to being a witch after inquisition level torture. Was taken away, sold off. Likely to be used as a breeding slave till she was too old and was then executed. But her puritan owner wanted his money out of her first. Her children taken from her before she could tell them her evil ways. Which were not evil but old school Jewish/Coptic. But the Puritans were entirely convinced that Paul was the true prophet and Jesus was a charlatan, so any philosophy from Jesus needed to be rooted out and destroyed through torture and fire.

75 years of the colonies arguing about the violently illegal overreach by the Puritans and the crimes against humanity actions done against both the slaves and the Jews were entirely unacceptable. The puritans and the plantation owners had a very nasty habit of coming into cities and forcing their Plantation and Puritan ways onto those new communities. Every city in the colonies for the next century were afraid they were going to be hit with their own Salem and most of the prominent families with large bank accounts, large estates, or a British/Ogle background would be accused of witchcraft and summarily killed.

The religious from the time of Esau forward were so afraid of the Tabernacle System (WMD) that they had an almost mob mentality homicidal rage against anyone connected. Very Frankenstein Esk.

Immediately after the Passion of the Christ, Esau’s line who by then were called Roman's and Paul devotees were even more Psychopathically paranoid delusional than they were before the Crucifixion. They as a culture have an immediate need to destroy the machines of evil. They no longer care about trying to take them over, they only wanted to destroy the machines as quickly as possible to completely remove any and all aspects of that machine which might be turned into a weapon and hurt them.

It appears the Puritans hated the WMD as much as the Roman's did. Killing any and all who might know about the Tabernacle System. The Roman's wanted to possess it, the Puritans were too afraid and wanted to destroy it and all associated. The dozens of executed in Salem and surrounding communities is more than sufficient evidence as to why the Trials took place. The very old System was turned back on by the slave girl and used for a bit. The girls then went behind her back and used it; Badly, and gave themselves EST Lobotomies. Taking months to recover, with paranoid delusional visions, itchy skin, unexpected epileptic fits, etc. all the symptoms of and EST they possessed in plentiful amounts. But the puritans would not listen to said technology. Refused to understand what happened. But had no idea that old thing in their church was the cause of the problem.

Those “Kaaba” in their churches were nothing, they were just monuments/memorials by the British and there first Salem settlers, which did nothing at all. They were entirely shocked and could not process that those odd sculpture monuments had done this damage to their girls. To the puritan males it was akin to describing a moon shot with a Saturn 5 rocket, the capsule, and landing on the moon, and returning safely. It was outside their entire frame of existence. No knowledge, no understanding, completely outside their realm of consciousness, and slowly driven to panic based rage toward the people involved and the tool itself.

The girls working with the Tabernacle of Adam System without the supervision of the slave girl.

Alone teenage girls living in the definition of a militant violently suppressive culture would not take long to start to experience feelings and want to express said feelings with both themselves and others.

The girls likely began to play with themselves and each other. Playing with electricity.  Being teenage girls some of them could have been either bisexual or bi curious  and played with each other. It is an absolute guarantee that Susanna Sheldon Sarah Churchill were old enough to include in the list almost guaranteed what the Puritans literally called “loose women” who lied and cheated in their accusations against the innocent people of Salem. A child was produced from the union of Sarah and John Proctor.

Sex in the Amber Room of the Machine is an absolute guarantee. Since said sex produced a child. If Sarah had sex with anyone other than John is a mystery. But Statistically it is an almost guarantee that she was at least Bi-sexual since she was born into an extremely rich family and in her teen years kicked out, she went from being in the family of one of the richest in all of Massachusetts. to being a low class maidservant to a prosperous county farmer. Years later she was fined and punished for having premarital sex with her future husband. The major reason she would have been kicked out of her prominent home and family was her sexual orientation. Minus that there is not much reason to kick a family member out, the society was strict about you take care of your family unless said member demonstrates behaviors consistent with the devil. Homosexuality being top of that list.

 More than sufficient to charge up with machine and do a little bit of electrical play. Electricity dancing on a teenage girl’s skin in 200 years a various medical and adult devices would be created and sold by the millions to achieve the same level of arousal those girls experienced in that Machine. A bit too much electricity and the wrong headspace and the lobotomy is almost guaranteed.


The largest argument in the Colonial Convention was between the Massachusetts Puritans that John Adams partially represented as a Delegate and the Plantation South which South Carolina Delegate Mr. Rutledge represented. John Adams argued as strongly and passionately as he could that keeping the slaves in bondage was a crime against humanity. Referring to the purse strings of Evil, all that money came from those crimes. But then South Carolina Delegate Mr. Rutledge made a very passionate speech about the facts that the Puritans in Massachusetts were just as not good because they needed to select out the Jews from the slave trade and kill them. “One side of the purse string is held by the Plantation owners, the other is by the religious fanatics in the North East, who wanted the Jews killed.”

The knock down drag out fights between the South Carolina Delegate Mr. Rutledge who was about as pro-slavery as is possible to be and not be militant Islamic himself. The Battles between John Adams and the Delegate were written down and carefully studied. Decades later Andrew Jackson’s mission in life was to do anything and everything he could to carefully examine all those liberal ridiculous ideas that Adams, Franklyn, etc. came up with and strip each and every one of them out of both the laws and the Constitution. Jackson was known during his studies to be harsh to South Carolina Mr. Rutledge for not fighting harder to keep slavery not only open and part of the Constitution which could never be changed. if Jackson was in that room in 1776, he would have been infinitely harder on the northern liberals than the south was. He considered them wimps, insufficient backbone to truly carry the ideas of the south and the Plantation system into the new nation. John Adams understood trying to negotiate, Jackson did not. He took a militant hard line on all his beliefs. His morals say x was correct, and expected all around him to follow his moral compass. He was correct, all others are wrong. The issues of the crucifixion he did not understand, although he hated the British more than he hated John Adams. Most of his military campaigns were about the Libertine French and the British. Although the enemy was the English.

The events of the Salem Witch Trials Mr. Rutledge understood them, Jackson was entirely ignorant of. He had no idea that the Puritans are where most of the ideas for the Confederacy came from. The militantly hard line sent by Jackson were the seed which grew into the Confederacy, which then grew into the Thule Society, which launched the Fascist Party in Austria.


From the Witch Trials up to 1776 then onto the Trail of Tears

The Trail of Tears started months after Andy Jackson left the office of Presidency. He was voted out, but he spent most of his eight years in office arranging the necessities to have that crime against humanity achieved. Andy Jackson was a full throated supporter of Plantation Americans and their allies; he hated with a passion all others who were not real Americans. He had no real interest in large cities. For him large cities were an entirely large waste of time and space. He felt that a huge city should be no larger than the size of the Federal Government. Couple thousand maybe 10k people at most. He thought about creating population limits in cities.  A city could only have up to x number of people, all else would have to move to the country. Start a farm and produce crops to sell to the large cities and or ship oversees. A group could pool their money after buy a farm and purchase a slave to show them how to farm. Within a few years the profits would be so high that they could purchase more slaves. Eventually the population would be agrarian and have about 10 slaves per person. That was Andy Jackson’s vision for America. If they had issues with purchasing a slave, they could buy of few from him to get them started. He had so many that every year he had more slaves. His family had large contracts with in effect Al-Qaida of the early 1800s, he shipped them his products they shipped back gold and more slaves. His slaves were in effect working to purchase their families from Niger. Their was a mental disconnect between “I will bring your family over” and I will sell anything which belongs to me at any time, for any reason. But he routinely sold children and family members off to other plantation owners. Special skills were taught, after a few months to a few years of training that Slave would have a special skill which was valuable. Selling that Slave off was just part of doing business. Makes no difference to Jackson if that slave had a wife and children. Value is value; the children would be sold off as house slaves. Till the boys became too large and then they would be turned into field slaves.

Most of the trail of Tears was about a panic which came about partially because the entire nation understood the Civil War was coming and they needed to finish their genociding the Jews and removing the natives of both African and American descent to interrogate them to find out if they knew anything. Making room for larger Plantations was a reason but a distant second. A several month 1000 mile long walking journey in the middle of winter while they were starving would be the best fastest way to find out if anyone of them knew about the offending information.

The Civil War was only 21 years away from starting. Far too many Jews had escaped the Slave Trade and the Indentured Servant shackles. They needed to be found and disposed of. In more than a few ways the Trail of Tears began with the Salem Witch trials and the other rally bad actions occurring in the North East in the 1680-1690s. While the chaos of battle was occurring the Puritans could hunt down the Jews and kill them.

The University of Timbuktu was used as a filtering process in this endeavor. But the seven hundred years from 1100-1850 the University gathered statistical information to feed directly to the Islamic armies to know who and when to attack.

Many southern Plantation owner aristocrats sent their children to the university for a first class education. So did a large number of Europeans. but what is left out is the university almost exclusively only admitted Muslims. So the Europeans and children of the plantations were Muslims. The children and grandchildren of the gifts were sent to Africa to study. To act as spy’s for the Ottoman Empire, either knowingly or ignorantly. They still over the course of years of study told tails of their home life, their culture, and their friends.

Africa (slave trade), Europe (witch burnings), America, Levant Lands, Rome, Russia, etc. the libraries and those that knew were hunted down and killed. Not just one fact, but collections of facts which are the definition of a hard target threat to the established religions.

Christian (Paul’s people; wanted all of Jesus’s teachings destroyed), Islam (Abu Bakr’s people, he hated all that Mohammed did, ordered it all destroyed), Jews (Moses’s people, wanted pre-exodus Judaism destroyed) worked together in various levels of ignorance to destroy that which they hated. Protestantism came along and helped both the Islamic and Paul cause.

The reason the Slave Trade Started in 1100 was because the entire Islamic world was under threat and attack by the army of Northumberland which had launched an invasion of the Holy Lands e.g. the First Crusade shortly after King William I reclaimed Britain for the British. From 680-1066; Fatimah’s form of Islam had dominated the government and military of Britain. Fatimah had evacuated out of Mecca (with her father’s dying body to Egypt) the night her father supposedly died. to avoid being killed by Abu Bakr.

Knowing the Crusader army was not only going to win Levant lands Jeru Salem , but reclaim hidden library caches both the Islamic army and the Northumberland army knew were present, but only the Ogle family knew where they were. Upon arriving in the city of Levant Jeru Salem , the caches were located, boxed up, and shipped out back home to Ogle Castle. Where those books were used to found the university of New Castle, Edinburgh, etc. in the immediate area. A couple conquests later and the loss of the Papal Bull required those universities to recertified with the Vatican. which is one major reason they are younger than 1100 c.e.

But the Islamic army needed funding and they needed above all else to destroy any records in the fastest way possible the Jews and libraries still in their control. Selling the natives to pay for expensive wars, has been part of Esau’s behavior patterns since day one. The Slave girl in Salem Mass circa 1690 is a perfect example of this. Her job was to make her Islamic captures money, her slave master money, and die after years of hard work. Things around Esau and all his descendants are just things to use to make himself feel better, they have no value other than that. The Audacity to put up a university in Mali just north of Nubia were 99% of the slaves were captured from. Enraged the Barbary Coast Muslims to no end. But it was a good way to collect and challenge acceptable information and destroy unacceptable information. Eventually the University was destroyed, by Muslims, but not before a large database of who in the area knew what about the truths Esau/Mohammed/Paul wanted hidden Interviews and class discussions, the administration found out quickly who had Jewish blood, which tribes were connected to Egypt, and most importantly did anyone know about the true location of the Crucifixion.

The aspects of Mohammed rising from his grave is crucial that no one knows were his body is. No one can know that his body is literally under the Vatican. “And the beast shall rise out of the sea” Revelation 13:1. The Dragon are the cultures of the Megaliths, the Dragon is a reference to the constellation Draco which used to be “the North Star”, the Star of Bethlehem symbolically is both the definition of Northumberland and the ATEN.


By the time the Roman Army arrived in Carthage, the city was all but empty, with gates open wide. This angered the Roman Senate to no end, they were extremely angry, so enraged they dispatched an army to Carthage only to find the place empty. They were even more angry when the upstart Julii family began to have a civil war against the Lucia family. But in Carthage the only way to extract revenge against the Carthagian’s was to dismantle the entire city and ship what was left to Rome. Rebuilding the center of Rome with the buildings of Carthage. All the documents regarding the city being full were either roman propaganda and or illusions created by the people of Carthage itself.

The other thing the Romans could do was wait till the appropriate time and then send an appropriate General to invade Ga’al. The General chosen was from the Julii family Caesar. Hoping he would be killed in battle then he would be replaced by the generals the Senate actually wanted. But that never happened. Caesar lived till the senate itself executed him just outside the Senate Chamber . Which is about as close to the structure of the Salem Witch Trials as is possible to recreate. The problem is, Salem to place more than 1600 years later. All those executed in Salem were just the Psychopathic symbolic representations of the Jew Julius Caesar, and Jesus Christ. being executed for being Jewish and being proficient with the Tabernacle which he refused to teach the Senate.


As the Carthage Empire made its way to Northumberland, and began to build their new infrastructure. This making Northumberland the most strong and powerful nation with a sufficient infrastructure to fight off the Romans and a large enough population to create and train an army capable of fighting off the Romans. They had from 200 b.c.e to 60 b.c.e to prepare defenses. As it turned out, more than sufficient time. But also more than enough time to seed the Roman Empire with a level of rage still active and thriving in the culture with Caesar, Jesus, Salem, 1776 Philadelphia, the war of 1812, the Trail or Tears, the Civil War, and Eventually World War II. Every loss amplified the rage. Every win was not enough.

As the Romans figured out where the people of Carthage had evacuated to, they had to round up a new army and go attack.

But there was a huge problem.

The Roman Empire had less than zero ability to travel north of the Alps.

They were dead stopped at the Pyrenees, the Alps, and their navigation abilities did not allow them to sale even close to Gibraltar let alone around it. It would take the Roman Empire more than 100 years to develop the technology to cross the alps with a sizable military force.

They could manage to sail in a small Mediterranean storm but nothing more than a mild gale. Any more than a gale and their ship would sink.

The 50 years from the end of the Punic Wars 200 b.c.e – 60 b.c.e till the Julii family could send one of theirs who was ready to march north of the Alps and conquer Ga’al. Similar preparations made 1776-1820, with the Pro-Slavery movements and the American Holocaust genociding the Jews e.g. Andy Jackson. Failing in America miserably, at both Salem and with the Colonial Convention, when Jackson came to power, he would force his philosophy on America or destroy it in the attempt. Repeating exactly minus Witchcraft the actions done against Julius Caesar, Jesus, skipping the Witch Burning times to the Salem Witch Trials, heading straight into the Revolutionary War, and the Trail of Tears, continuing forward with said success.  He could not achieve those goals. But he could achieve the goal of creating a well-organized political party to carry his revolution forward. That revolution materialized several years later as the Civil War. The Back of the confederacy was broken inside the Democratic Party, but within about 15 years of the end of the Civil War. Pro-confederates were flocking to the GOP in droves. Being harshly criticized, over the next several decades they moved to Europe and began building Fascism.

Julius Caesar took over the legions his family had formed and paid for, when he finished his schooling a few years later. But sufficient to say, the Julii legions although called something else were more loyal to the family than they were to the Senate.

The decision was to charge north assuming they traveled north from the Pyrenees

to Britain. While Hannibal turned east then south into Italy.

Conquer Ga’al which will lead to the cliffs of dover. But also a need to attack to the Rhine in order to protect the flank. Best not have a line from the alps to the English Channel (not called that yet), the supply routes can be cut too easily. Plus the People east of the Rhine (Sarmatia’s aka Germans) were close allies with the British. So a long striving conquest into the Rhineland’s and across the Rhine was required to make sure the conquest of Britain was successful.

They remained allies up to and through present. The army which came to the defense of the British were the Germans/Rhinelander’s/Sarmartian’s in Leisler's Rebellion. It is hoped that the Machine was taken out and transported somewhere else. Although likely it was dismantled and transported using the river system to Whatcom County were it was put back together and used as an Alexandria Lighthouse type tool, tool not a weapon. Where the British and French were already needing a safe refuge to evacuate too. Although setting it up in Manitou Colorado is an equally sufficient option.

The Area Julius Caesar conquered into before heading into Britain would be a considerable portion of the future Holy Roman Empire. It is also an area which features more than a few Early Christian both real and fake icons; the spear of Longinus, the remains of various saints, etc. The area Caesar conquered and held for the next while is also called the province of Anglo, Saxon, etc. which descendants of Roman legionaries who retired after 20 years of service settled in the Rhine provinces of Anglo and Saxony. After the Roman Empire collapsed they left the Rhine or were more likely conquered out. Being more German than Roman by centuries of breeding, culture, and language they had to leave the Rhine but were able to invade southern Britain and reclaim the captured and renamed the city of Londomnium. London has had at least three names, previous to the romans, Londondium, and London.

After Caesars conquest of Ga’al and part of the Rhine, he headed straight for Britain. 

 Caesar did not get very far in Britain. Not much past the southern portion of Sherwood Forest. Caesar left Britain after leaving a token force in the area. He headed straight to the Senate, was given new orders to invade Egypt.

80 years later Claudius had to take over the Roman conquest of Britain. Which failed to the ultimate degree. The Roman Empire collapsed in Hadrian’s Wall and slowly crumbled back to hit Rome proper. Where the Forces of Paul's army were more than willing to not only take over the Empire “The Papal State” but went into high gear to find and kill every single Jew an non Paul devotee they could. Which would be called “The Witch Burning Times”. One of the last trials took place in Salem Mass.

Salem witchcraft trial of Ipswich Mass of 1878, was recorded as the very last.

Interesting it switched from Puritans to one Christian Scientist accusing another of “Mesmerizing” aka Hypnotism.

The very last was Victoria Helen McCrae Duncan of Scotland. Which led directly to the repeal of said laws in 1951. The Trials are profoundly more intricate and complex that what has been reported. The Statistical models alone point to this, let alone the physical evidence of needing to create the illusion of demonic possession (even if the authority figured believed it) so they could have a larger excuse to kill Jews, British, and of course destroy the machines in the area. The largest piece of evidence regarding the Machines is there is little records of the Churches the Ministers used from 1630-1695. For Puritans church is a daily experience, not having either several large churches/Cathedrals and or a couple dozen small ones would be beyond belief. Only one reason to hide all evidence of those churches, they were associated with the Machines of the Tabernacle System and once the Puritan’s figured out enough, they had all their churches destroyed and rebuilt. Erasing them from existence.




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About the author


My life began in North Central Ohio. My father’s family is from Tiffin, they had lived in Tiffin for a considerable amount of time from at least the middle 1700’s.

My father’s name is Welling; a Dutch family origin. It means the caretakers of the well.

My Father’s Mothers name is Ogle; a family from Northumberland UK. Specifically Ogle Castle


, which my family named the Castle and the lands of the Kingdom.

My Mother’s maiden name is Jeffries (adopted) her father’s name pre-adopted was Costello. Part of the Basques who were press ganged into service by the Spanish; who crash landed on Ireland and were accepted into the Irish community.

My Mother’s Mother’s maiden was Real (GǼlic UaRaghaill) from Oola Parish South East of Limerick.

My parents divorced soon after I was born. My mother and I lived in Tiffin for a little over six years, when we moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado.

I grew up in Colorado Springs; attending elementary, Junior High, and one year of High school (Coronado) before we moved to New Mexico, in with my mother’s mother.

After I graduated high school I started to travel around to pick up the necessary information I would need to pursue my life’s work. My life’s work has been to find and rebuild the Ogle family Heritage. Fill in the gaps where the family achieved goals other cultures spent vast resources to erase. The Ogle family have not only a profound history but an ancient one as well. The Ogle family were the only army in the entire length and breadth of the Roman Empire to not only defeat the legions but perform said actions from 50 b.c.e to the last day of the Empire.

Currently enrolled in Graduate School at the University of Phoenix studying Psychology. Rebuilding ones heritage is great and all, but unless ways can be found which allow for the family to not self-destruct again and to interact with the world in a way which does not cause the world to want to erase our family. There is no real reason to progress forward with reassembling ones heritage, unless ways can be found which allow for a cohabitation on the earth. Reassemble the family legacy only to have it destroyed again is not a wise path.

My interests are in ancient history, mathematics, space technology, aVIonics, linguistics, FreeMasonry, etc. just to name a few.

Several years ago I started my FreeMasonic journey. Within a year I passed to the sublime degree of Master Mason, a few weeks later I was asked to be lodge historian. Working on assembling my own Rite which reflects the events from Adam to King David; called Ogle Rite.

I have also been honored to be accepted as a Shriner, Scottish Rite 32’, and York Rite.