WK6Assgn Welling T writing


over the course of this class, and the feedback journal other than taking things more seriously, not many improves were pointed out.

however a few days ago there was an idea which came to my mind.

I guess based on my work in research, my work in this class, and my work in the other class my mind came to a thought.

That thought was that since this is a PhD level class, there is expectations about being a professional academics scholar in the future. If nothing else having a PhD qualifies the person to be a teacher. Being a teacher requires an application of both continuing to perform research and keep updated on the latest ideas in teaching and the field of psychology. Which means everyone with a PhD or so is building their own personal library. They are building a body of work, which can be compared to an actual building. Word by Word metaphorically compared to brick/plank of wood by brick/plank of wood. Do you as a scholar want to make a 30 room haphazard shack or do you want to put academically speaking thoughts and intentions behind the word by word building of your library. Do you want to have a solid academic structure in your work or do you want to just have a career where your library/body of academic work is either unimpressive or is just a job to pay the bills.

Some academics are only academics because they figure out how to work within the factory orientation of the system and figured out how to function inside. While other scholars figured out how to make a solid impact into the function and structure of the field itself. Their body of work others carry some of their ideas forward and their ideas create their own branches of academic thoughts.

We need to be mindful of our actions have consiquences.

Remembering back to my childhood, I watched an episode of “Quantum Leap” where the person the main character leaped into (part of the plot, explanation of the show not necessary) was a factory or teste PhD. The professor was nothing more than a place holder to use his skills at poetry to have young girls fawn over him being able to excite their needs for a Cyrano be Bergerac but to actually not have the unintelligent male have the pleasures, but have the pleasures himself. Fortunately, past the 1980s his actions are now a crime punishable by a sequence of laws. The main character leaped into that person and needed to conduct various actions using his physical form to achieve goals. That professor when the main character leaped out of him, he returned to being a boozed up old man with a good memory for poetry. His body of work is being an intellectual leach, his library is virtually nothing. However other scholars work hard on their libraries. They focus their body of work to create a large solid and intention build building which that building is used by later scholars as a study guild for their own work. Having a class added to the PhD program to focus on what type of a scholar will each person be would be highly important.

A class specific to the structure and function of what type of mark are you going to leave on acadmics.

Ok the facts; you will  write about 1000 words per discussion question per week, sometimes 2000 based oh how many questions are proposed. The weekly/biweekly papers which are between 1200-2500 words(x) 12 week classes. x 30 classes, not counting the 100k word dissertation. That is about 150k words, that is not professional level, that is getting up to the professional level. Then there are the words written as a professional which could total up to a million words. Being conscious of those million plus words written from the start would be a solid idea for a class. What do you want those words to convey, what is your writing style, what and how do you present ideas, what usual ref/cits do you use. Where do you base your ideas and structures of information from. Actually thinking of your education in a you are building a building way, will change the overall structure of how you go about being educated.

That is what I have learned. A class needs to be added say right after the first class to established; built your library with intent, do you want a shack or do you want to build a solid good body of work. Start thinking about it now.