WK6Assgn Welling T writing

this class was close to a complete waste of my time. The teacher was on the extreme side of nice and generous with a student who obviously resented to a very high degree being in the class. That states a huge amount regarding the character, morals, ethics, etc of the teacher. The school and admin on the other hand has a lot to be desired. Forcing students to take courses they do not need in order to pull some type of power play. This student is so not a fan of said behavior. However the teachers behavior has been above board from day one. Which is an extremely nice experience.

For the next class, not only dread, but a huge amount of “do I have to”. regarding its framework.

But rules are rules, so have to follow them no matter in effect what. Dread because I have to be at least semi nice in class and not insult virtually everything in everything written for the class. A think this author is not good at doing when frustrations run high.

Looking forward to not having to do these assignments of the next month, then have to find ways to re-direct the frustration into not being mean and nasty in the next class.

As for anything learned from the topics given. I learned the teacher is really nice. Did I learn anything about my writing skills I did not know before. No.

At current I am working on filling in more information about items currently being researched. Trying to decide how to pay for the rest of my classes to complete my phd when job prospects are limited in the extreme.