week 10 dq response


This week’s assignment has been difficult for me. I struggle to figure out how to most effectively communicate the information I am a presenting to the class.

As usually I am overprepared and have very likely simply way too much information presented. I struggle with how to communicate. Struggling to communicate is a problem those like me suffer from most of our lives.

We usually gravitate to non-person to person academically interaction positions. We are lab rats, we research, pour over data, and the like. We usually do not have much if any interaction with students. Taking this class has taught me a huge amount regarding how to create a syllabus and eventually not only a full class but a full degree. Take the basic infrastructure of a single lesson, take that lesson and take each point and expand it, then take each major point and expand it into each class. I enjoyed the process a bit too much, I think.

It was entirely enjoyable, but what I created is seriously packed with information. Which I guarantee is not in almost any other psychology class from start to finish in at the bachelors level. But that simply adds layers of problems and issues regarding balancing with the admin, other teachers, too much to learn to perform the homework, etc. Although providing sample dqs and papers for the students to learn from and copy the format/expected points works just fine. In my class I hope the students absorb 20% of the materials.