The Court of Louis XVI


What was stated by the Libertine Government as a solid and considerably hard fact was as a point of defined fact pure fiction. The libertine Govenrment never put eyes on Louis, they were never allowed at Veirssaiie, and the Guards appointed to protect the King and his entire family had literally had literaly followed the same exact battle plan as all previous “Royal Guards” from Narmer to present. When a threat is affired, and the guards know they cannot protect those in their charge. They perform an extraction. They spent a few months setting up horse, ships, houses, suppies, etc. and when the time is correct, they spring into action.

A couple dozen body builders move into action. 6 large body builders would come into the kings chamber while he is sleeping grab him and remove him. Unless the King has an idea of what is happening and in that case the King knows what is going on and works with the guard to enact the extraction. However this time Louis XVI was not only part of the solution he had no idea, he was simply not smart enough to know much at all about the situation. When the guards came he simply cooperated, because he was a large fat man in his late 30s with only the vaguest idea of what was happening. So he simply let the 6 huge guards do what they wanted.

He and his court found themselves on horseback, at full gallop as fast as the horses could take them. To the next step, where the next horses in the relay system were waiting ready to go.

A few seconds to transfer horses, and they were off again.

This occurred a few times during the night. A few hours before day break, the family found themselves on already prepared ships headed south west.

Now this part of the journey is an interesting part.

The French Government had been “messing around” with steam technology and of course Electro-Magnetic machines for the previous couple centuries. Knowing this as a matter of some very distinct fact, were the Royal Ships equipt with some type of steam engine. Which of course the Government would not have allowed anyone to know about, since the next steam engine ships were not built for more than 75 years; the miramak and monitor. Did the French government build ocean going steam ships in the 1780s, but keep it a state secret because they knew full well that the Libertine Government wanted said knowledge. The American Govnemrnt was a very strong and determined allie of the Libertine, and that of course Louisiana in America had already fallen to the libertine during the Samhain War. Louisiana its size was reduded to a hundrd miles west of the Mississippi to the rockies after 1762. Previous it was from the Mississippi to the rockies, the British (not English) woend from the Mississippi to the east coast. However from the middle 1500s, an ancestor of Louis XVI is the one who went forward to chart out the New Continent and of course to find a passage through the river system

Louisiana was named likely after King Louis XII. Who personally hired Leonardo Da Vinci to work with the Govermnet of France.