The Cult of Donnie


diaper rash donnies deplorables are heroin junkies;



 Donnie Bianco The New York Branch of the FreiKorp (the paramilitary branch of the Prussian Empire) name changed in about 1750 to Tammani Hall. The Munich Branch of the FreiKorp name changed in January 1920 to NAZI.

 Donnie Bianco lying is just what FreiKorp members do, they are spys for Prussia. They act in Prussians best interests. Tammani Hall itself operated and controlled Manhattin Real Estate from 1750 to present; all large projects and the like had to be ap...See More

 Donnie Bianco addiction comes in many forms, I would guess you are addicted to hating some brown skinned group, or immigrants coming for your job. a guess. you are addicted to hate.

 Donnie Bianco the only thing I copied and pasted was Pile USMC, the rest is all from memory and research.

 Donnie Bianco would have been funnier if you would have used the actual little black kid from little raskels from youtube. but that just make my point, using black humor to show you have a hatred towards black america.

 using racial and absolutely hate filled humor to make a funny.

OUR GANG/LITTLE RASCALS Otay! The Billy Buckwheat…

 Donnie Bianco NAACP; that is exactly the definition of racism. Using racist jokes, comments, slang, etc is the definition of racism. Using O' Tay is to the NAACP the same as saying the N word. Sorry our hypothesis has no basis in reality.

 Donnie Bianco the little black boy a century ago was making fun of his relatives who were also called G, N, etc.

 Donnie Bianco NAACP has defined what words are defined as Hated based words. N, G, etc. have been defined as "Hate Based" and used by white folks to define hatred and violence against those they hate. in this case me, btw I have been called a N on more than a few occasions!!!!!!!!

 Donnie Bianco I have been Called a N on about 12 occasions as a deep and serious insutt.

 Donnie Bianco National Association for the Advancement of Colored People