The Egyptian Pyramids The Facts


The legal concept of intent will be a huge problem for modern scholars to deal with in the research which follows.

The Egyptian Pyramids are, in basic, several things. Each from a point of view of the scientific method can be either proven, or has is a larger credibility and tested aspect then most if not all of the current ideas about the pyramids.

0 compressed quarts (including limestone) gives off electricity when compressed.

1 they are an Extremely Large Array, larger and vastly more complex than the VLA in the San Agustine Plain West of Socorro, New Mexico.

2 they are the oldest still in existence printing of the book of Genesis.

3 they are also a rather old and insanely complex map of the universe.

4 They are also a symbolic representation of Noahs Fleet, not just one ship but a fleet. Reference the Nephilim (their library) and the Narmer aka Scorpion Kings Monolith. In the area of the Narmer Monolith is the renamed city of Nag el-Hamdulab which is rather extremely far south in upper Egypt. The significance of Nag el-Hamdulab is it is associated with being in extremely close proximity to the cities of Luxor/Thebes and Heirakonopolis. There is a school of thought out of the very close by Aswynn. The Khemit school is in that area and teaches a vastly different aspect of what the Pyramids and all the rest of Egyptology is. Of course the Khemit school has all but zero credibility within the fanatically conservative Islamic communities in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Egyptology, and Academics. However As the evidence below will absolutely clearly show/present their are fundamental issues with facts, evidnece, theology, etc. from those four which disqualify them has having any credibility whatsoever. But they have large populations and military strength, so they can do all kinds of things and force their will despite coming from pure fiction.

4 b That Monolith from Narmer aka the Scorpion King; is with in reason an extremely close representation of a blue print of the Pyramids. The same Egyptian Pyramids which construction would not start for more than half a millennia 500 years, and would not stop for a full millennia 2100 bce. However when it did stop, it stopped because the Hyksos from Mecca wanted to kill every single Jew connected to the Pyramids; erase every single fact they could about said pyramids, create their own schizophrenic paranoid delusional version of what the Pyramids were built for (their fictions are still taught in the present as facts). Saying the Hyksos hate the Jews would be the largest understatement in human history, the Hyksos and their descendants had spent from 4000 bce to present working very hard to genocide the Jews. Wave after wave of genocide. Just one of those genocides included the Trojan War, it also included the erased from history full Punic War which began seconds after the Trojan War 1320, and did not stop till the city of Carthage was dismantled 100 bce, moved to Rome, and reassembled to replace the mostly destroyed middle of the city business and administration buildings. No upkeep for 700 years, the buildings were falling apart. Another genocide was immediately after the crucifixion of Jesus in Rome Proper when the Roman Senate and of course the super rich in Rome felt threatened by the new Christian Religion. So they went on a find Jews and Christians in the Roman Empire hunt and kill them. The Monolith itself

strongly represents a blue print between where the Pyramids would be placed more than 500 years later, and of course strong connections with FreeMasonry. The placement of the Chairs in a Lodge and the individual ships of Noahs Fleet represented by Narmer; as the Pharaoh replacement for Noah. The Previous 1000 years of civilization in Egypt not only existed but rather sizable buildings were constructed, however the Hyksos hated every single aspect of said situation. which does point rather strongly to Esau and his Hyksos are a rather strong connection between Esau and Caine, who did the same exact behavior pattern millennia previous. Able was loved and followed the teachings of god, Caine grew jealous and killed Able over his rage that Able was gods favorite. The behavior patterns of the Hyksos and all of their descendant cultures is a close to exact match of the behaviors of Caine. You will do things my way, and you will bow down to my demands, I do not care what god wants, my wants are more important than gods wants. in effect Caines belief system is that he demanded that others live their lives according to his will, not the will of god.

5 They are a reflection of The Scorpion King aka Pharaoh Narmers fleet as depicted on the Narmer Monolith near Luxor aka Thebes. which is rather close to the city of Hierakonopolis. The Fleet is represented; however, the fleet would not be built in the area, it would be built about 500 miles north. Would be interesting to look to see if there were a temple structure built in the area which resembles the placement of the Pyramids in Nag el-Ham

6 They are directly connected to the function and structure of the origin of Freemasonry. The Bent Pyramids Causeway bisects the center of the cave under where King Solomon's Temple used to be. Interesting side note in Rome, the location of Lake Nemi is approximately 12 miles away and were the Tyler would sit, there is a lake just north where the JW would sit. The WM, is where the Vatican is.

7 In Freemasonry, there used to be a ceremony performed both during a stated communication (listen for the described actions but not performed. depending on lodge formatting, you will hear actions described which are not actually performed. Those actions described but not performed are this collection of ceremonies) and during special events. This specific set of floor motions were done but stripped out of most Freemasonic rituals about 200 years ago. Minus very small pockets in isolated areas. The Mormons till about 1850 still performed some of these, it is possible some of the more fundamental/radical Mormons still practice but not the way they were intended. In the south some lodges still practiced with girlfriends, wives, slaves/etc. till 1865 and about 1980 respectively. A lot of the female strange fruit were females who were used for said purposes. They were used to perform this floor work which was a direct reflection of the Extremely Large Array which is in part what the Pyramids were designed to detect, measure, and understand.

8 the generating electricity in the vast amount it was by the Pyramids and other quartz connected into array. reference the telegraph. the telegraph works by sending a constant stream of electricity down the telegraph wire * . That constant stream would be interrupted by the tap tap tapping of the telegraph machine . The short beeps and the long beeps are how the telegraph works. However this same exact principle is found in the pyramids, when their casing stones were still on. Although since the granite most of the blocks are built with are also quartz, they too deliver a constant stream of electricity. The entire pyramids structure has a low end Electro-Magnetic stream of electricity pouring through it which means that as a matter of the most hard and defined fact, the Pyramids are literally a telegraph machine designed to absorb Electro-Magnetic waves from the planet and cosmos. Those Electro-Magnetic waves would interrupt the electricity stream from any given point in the miles long Array. The Pyramids are a fully connected 40 miles x about 10 miles Extremely Large Array. Which can produce upwards of gigawatts of electricity. What happens when the pyramids generate close to 1.21 (fictionally) gigawatts of electricity and the Causeways (flux capacitor Fictionally) is also activated. This concept was written into the Narmer Monolith which itself was a direct copy/reflection of Noahs Fleet. Noahs Fleet was edited from being several ships to one, like the Garden of Eden Trees were edited from 4 trees to 1. These edits are due almost exclusively to the descendants of Esau how absolutely hate to a disgusted level anything they cannot control. Culturally they cannot grasp the technology, so exactly like an abusive spouse; that which they cannot control they wish to destroy. I will kill you before I let you leave me. Or as Carl Sagan wrote in his book Contact, the rotating disks are literally the Elder Futhark Ǽtt and capsule. The character James Woods played is a collection of politicians including McCarthy, Nixon, etc. who outright demanded access to said technology to gain power, money, control, and if the time machine aspects could be proven for them to go back and adjust history to suit their political and financial interests. In the movie the capsule disappears for a small fraction of a second, in the capsule it is about 18 hours. As the being inside explains, this is how it has been done for countless times and countless civilizations. This allows for the Character James Woods plays to have his measuring contest and force those involved public ally to deny everything happened. Standard Esau/Hyksos behavior pattern, he and those like him cannot stand in any way technology they cannot understand. So they destroy instead of allow it to just be. They attack and attack and attack till hteir rage is saited, then they are able to be ok with themselves. If you will notice that is exactly the same behavior pattern which occurs at the Crucifixion of Jesus; the community was so angry they had to take it out on him (abusive spouse) and would not relax till he was dead. Reminds me of a police report. A woman broke up with her ex in Denver. She moved about 10 times, changed cars about 10 times, changed jobs 10 times. but he was absolutely persistent in his stalking her. She finally gave up and simply when he would chase her, she would go to the nearest police station hoping they would arrest him for harrasemnt. He always broke off the hunt a block or two from the police station. Till that one day. He committed to the end. He followed her to the station, got out of his car, as she was running across the lawn to the front door in front of about 50 cops pulled his gun and emptied the clip in her direction. She was dead before she hit the ground. He was arrested within a few seconds of the last round being fired. He spent the rest of his life in jail, he simply could not handle being rejected. He chose to kill her rather than get on with his life. He traded his freedom and life in prison; just to finish his emotional reaction to the situation. Same exact behavior pattern; rage wins out most of the time. Through that culture there is an underpinning of Electro-Magnetic waves which all but force their actions and reactions exactly like a telegraph line. The Electro-Magnetic waves from the Esau line culture they almost cannot help themselves as a collective, they have to participate in actions individually are bad. Similar behavior pattern to and with other exs who work hard and want to play. They want to play and have fun with their money and get upset when they come around their kids and want to play and all the ex does is yell at them for what they are not doing. They get an idea in their head Electro-Magnetic wave (telegraph) and cannot break the pattern. They choose to not break the pattern. They choose to stay with the pattern and try to live a good life inside the telegraph pattern, however said pattern has very hard limit parameters. Evidence for said can be found in the 100th monkey syndrome. Where the monkies in a given area of isolated islands operated from a similar quantum Electro-Magnetic wave pattern. Monkies form an island too far away to swim began performing a behavior soon after monkies from the patient zero was taught how by a researcher. Esaus culture the Electro-Magnetic wave do not allow for Noahs Fleet concept, nor do they allow for Narmers Monolith to be a blue print for the Pryamids to be built from 500 years in the future to 1000 years. Nor does that blue print allow for a basic description of a blue lodge chairs layout minus the east and west chairs to be present. It is simply outside of the Esau Electro-Magnetic telegraph parameters, so it cannot exist.

8 the Causeways as Legs. Making the Causeways in effect people. The Causeways* are hips of people/creatures. Making the space between them an Electro-Magnetic tunnel.

9 the Pyramids are a metaphoric in effect DeLorean with its internal combustion engine and of course the nuclear reactor needed to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity to bend the A point in time (now) to create the Einstein Rosen Bridge B to travel to point C some other point in history. The Flux capacitor sits vertical as opposed to horizontal in the fictional Back to the Future concept. However the flux capacitor itself is a reflection of Vitruvian Man drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci which he built into his Versailles (translates to Polytechnical University. Take off the uni since it is not singular, vers, now change the singular city to a plural locations work illes, which in basic means many islands. Versa illes; A many locations for learning place.) Similar was designed into the half a century later inspired by Leonardos work at Versailles the remodeled Vatican. The areas between the Pyramids Electro-Magnetic tunnels.

As the cosmic and planet Electro-Magnetic pulses come in, they interrupt the predictable flow of electricity from the Pyramids. Creating a cosmic Telegraph machine, the Pyramids and anything else connected made of quartz compresses through the physics of thermal dynamics, as earth and or cosmic Electro-Magnetic waves impact, they interrupt the normal electricity flow. That interruption in the Electro-Magnetic waves flow is where the breaks in the waves can be found which might lead to the A through B to C. Think of the pauses between waves in the Electro-Magnetic spectrum *the bottom of the waves like the ocean. You can travel from A through B to C on the bottom of the wave. That flow interruption can be identified, measured, and then of course studied. Said interrupted flow allows for scientists and people like Imhotep to create a careful record of the flow and patterns in the Telegraph lines of the Pyramids. Those telegraph signals are identifiable the same exact way they are identifiable at various radio telescopes around the world. Interpreting those signals is the challenge.

Sending signals out would work similar to doppler. From inside specific chambers, you could do the necessary in order to send out Electro-Magnetic pulses. To the planet and or the universe. What can receive can also send.

8 the Pyramids are in a very hard and real effect what can be seen and understood in the modern age as upside down Satellites, They are squared off Satellites, Khufu has 8 sides. The amount of Electricity generated is increased by a lot due to the angled inward sides. The subterranean chamber acts as a signal modifier amplifier same exact function as the extension Image result for satellite disharm in modern satellites. All the Pyramids have Sub-terraranan Chambers, all of the Pyramids had/have Quartz(Limestone) casing stones, all of the large Pyramids had Causeways. Several of the Large Pyramids had/have smaller pyramids/satellites around the center. Many Larger satellite facilities have smaller satellites around them, for various and assorted secondary purposes Electro-Magnetic wave collection purposes. The Aerisebo Radio Telescope



can sent Electro-Magnetic waves out. But its main job is to receive Electro-Magnetic waves from the cosmos. However, said Electro-Magnetic waves have to bounce off the dish and are then absorbed by the Pyramid shaped device. Mechanically and physics wise there is zero difference between todays satellite dishes and the Old Kingdoms Pyramid/Satellites minus the direction they are pointing.

which brings the conversation back to the framework of Intent. A review of all the above information, it is close to impossible to find intent with the Old Kingdom. It is impossible because most of modern western civilization itself exists within Esaus cultural descendant Electro-Magnetic wave (telegraph) patterns. Those patterns do not allow for the type of intent the Old Kingdom existed within. Example in America circa 1935; the very idea that torpedos could be dropped from airplanes into Perl Harbor was simply impossible to believe. Despte the fact that Yamamoto had come up with the planned attack on Perl Harbor in the 1920s when he was attending Harvard University. He wrote a first draft of the plan, that first draft is still sitting in the Harvard Library. 20 years before he put ht eplan into affect he wrote what he was going to do. But not a single person in power could allow themselves to believe the facts of what occurred Dec 7, 1941. Another example at the same time Adolf came up with the idea for paratroopers; a large collection of troops who were specially trained to be parachuted into enemy territory to take the area by infantry force. Then the heavy tanks and equipment would follow a few hours later. Attacking an enemy from within their fortifications; was a pure delusional concept till Adolf used it to an extremely efficient application. Noahs Fleet, Narmer Monolith, the Pryamids; these facts specifically the Pyramids generated electricity, fact the causeways conduct electricity, fact that is the same exact engineering specifications which created both the modern radio telescope and of course the telegraph using Morse code as a predictable signal interrupter. Short interruptions dot, long interruptions dash. However those are the facts, the intent is impossible to determine since modern cultures are so far removed from the cultures who built, possessed, and used said technology. Modern academics simply cannot fathom the mind set of the Old Kingdom, nor the family of Narmer who ordered the Monolith. Nor can modern academics understand who that first Pharaoh was, the amount of confusion is intense regarding from 4000-2800 bce; Egyptology is a mess of statistical guesses, ideas which are mostly based on ego and arrogance, and theologies pushing their dominance which mostly disregard the facts completely. Included in this concept is the facts that several dozen of the fictional time travel concepts in multi-media formats from 1850-present are included. The idea of time travel is fiction, at least on some scales, however it is proven that if you generate enough electricity (the fictional 1.21 gigawatts) that you can bend the Electro-Magnetic waves enough to connect from point A through point B to point C; point B is of course the Einstein Rosen Bridge. That bridge among other facts are why the sky turns blue when the shines through our magnetosphere. The Electro-Magnetic waves from the sun become bent and distorted, with enough electricity all kinds of bending is possible.

The largest problem with intent is the motivation behind an action. Modern western culture has determined a specific type of intent, which is extremely detailed and defined. However the modern western culture definition of intent cannot be applied outside of a modern western culture mental structure. Just because we have been conditioned to think in very specific ways, does not mean the rest of the world thinks the same way. Or frames their thinking anywhere close to the same way.

Go into any court of law and you will have the people in the court each have a side to present. The number of legal shows and books that have either a prosecuting attorney and or a judge who has as hard and strict way of perceiving the world as possible. They will deny to their dying breath they are prejudiced, but their actions and rulings absolutely speak volumes. Example Clarence Thomas he will deny to his dying breath he is a corporate crony and all of his rulings are pro-business and anti-American. but in every single ruling he is one of the most dependable if not the most dependable pro-business conservatives on the bench. Not a single time has he ruled in favor of America and against business. His subconscious intent is entirely specific, his conscious intent is what is the problem. Judge Judy has the same problem, she rules as if the rest of the world thinks and processes information the same way she does. I can guarantee to you that not every group of humans thinks and or processes information the same way. Consequently, intent becomes close to impossible to give a definition for outside of what western culture has defined intent from 500 bce to present. But only in Italy, Europe, western portions of Russia, and America post 1550 ce. Outside of those parameters, intent means something different. Consequently is different.

Did the Pyramid designers intend for these actions and created tools to be true; that is a question almost impossible to answer. Since the way they processed information and the world they lived in was literally entirely different than the one we in modern western cultures live in. Right now depending on where you are in America, an African American person is about to be pulled over for something and will spend the night in jail. Because the police officer will find something to arrest that person for. The officer will deny to their dying breath they intended to arrest that African American person, but their arrest record is about as prejudice as it comes. Strip away the Judeo-Christian perspective and a few other layers of western culture forced thinking patterns (Esaus telegraph machine; on a quantum Electro-Magnetic scale the thinking is rather ridged, add the 100th monkey and the whole culture is in a way locked into a specific type of thinking. Breaking the pattern is difficult but it is possible.), like just a few centuries ago scholars were hunted down and killed for being scholars. Half a century ago Jews were hunted down and killed in both America and Europe. Being a Jew has not been an easy task even after the mass genocide slaughter of the obvious Holocaust 1940-1945 under the Third Reich. Intent comes from Perspective, perspective when most of the cultures parameters are different has no possible way of being measured. The variables are so different they cannot be statistically equivalent. Did the Pyramid builders intend for the following, that is beyond impossible to determine since the way they lived their lives has no comparison to modern western scholars culture.

The number of books in print about the Pyramids are almost too many to count, well in excess of a million likely close to 100 million books written over the millennia. The Pyramids are over 4500 years old, at least the oldest ones.

However almost every single one of those millions of books about the pyramids do not include more than just the most basic of facts and evidence. Size, shape, time built at least the speculation of time built, some description of the internal architecture, some of the external architecture, however only a select few discuss the casing stones.

More on the casing stones in a bit. The Papers and or explanation videos can be semi-easily separated into two categories; hard science where the scholar and or scholars try and use various already accepted theories as to the applications of what the pyramids are and how they were built, almost all of the accepted information about the pyramids is pure fiction. The second concepts about the pyramids are their mystical and or mythical status, the use of pyramid shapes to do various and assorted things with. Usually the shapes are either using wire or tubing to achieve the most basic of shapes

, and then try to attribute what is happening inside said shape to some mystical force. Most serious scholars begin to laugh about half way through the first mythical/mystical force sentence. Although the scientists own ideas (which most have no basis in reality do not qualify for the word Hypothesis, only idea and an easily disproven idea at that) which have zero basis in facts either are just as mystical/mythical as the using only the basic shape not using anything close to the original materials. Or even a closed in architecture. It is not the wireframe even a walled in wire frame. This will do little. However, if the proper shape is used with the proper materials, that is a different conversation entirely. Imagine if you used balsa wood instead of Kevlar in a bullet proof vest, materials are everything. A large amount of the Pyramid shaped devices use copper, which is a great conductor of electricity but unless the copper wire is wrapped around either quartz and or a magnet , the copper does nothing. You have to have something for the copper to conduct. Like a river bed, no water the river bed is simply a u-shaped trench. However, add water or in this case electricity, and the copper can channel water/electricity from point A through point B (the Einstein Rosen Bridge) to point C. Which is interesting since a river bed and a copper wire/pipe physics wise works the same way as a telegraph Electro-Magnetic wave.

Of the few and far between ones which discuss the casing stones each and every one of them forgets to go just one small step further in their development and function of the quartz the casing stones are made of. Compressed quartz has an absolutely proven beyond a shadow of a doubt function universally used in most vessels. Quartz is used in sonar.

The first and hardest fact which is almost universally forgotten about is the most basic first fact. From time construction began 2600 bce to about 1200 ce, the Pyramids were covered in Limestone casing stones. about 3 to 5 feet thick limestone.

This fact has been ignored by almost every scholar trying to determine exactly what the Pyramids were built for. However, ignoring these most basic of basic facts is exactly why the scientific method was created in the first place, you start with the order of operations.

You start with the absolutely most basic of situations. That most basic of situations is what covers the pyramids affects the pyramid itself.

The Pyramids were entirely covered with an Electro-Magnetic field. Which in a really odd way makes them an electrical field surrounding a different type of Quartz. Two separate types of quartz; Limestone which is nowhere in the neighborhood of dense and Granite one of the densest stones. Both are mostly quartz. Electro-Magnetically speaking each of the Pyramids used to be an Electro-Magnetic living thing, Electro-Magnetic speaking not biochemically speaking, e.g. a stone brain, instead of a biochemical brain.

* Pyramid Models which are not closed and or covered in either Magnets and or quartz has little effect on the internal or external contents.

The Order of Operations is you study backwards from current to as close to the origin of the concept as possible. In medical science the order of operations with absolutely everything in the human body starts on the quantum physics level when a synapse fires in the brain to produce electricity. That spark then sparks other synapses to act or ignore, depending on a wide variety of stimulations which medical science is still all but totally ignorant of. Some synapses fire, others stay quiet. Why is an extremely good question, which has yet to be studied correctly.

Which leads to an incredible discovery which although impossible to disprove has yet to be studied.

Of the trillions of synapses, those which are on and firing electricity the neuropathways that connect them to other synapses which are adding to the level of electricity. That in itself makes shapes; in effect wire frame characters. Those characters can be associated with letters. Letters which strung together create words. This is the really important part, the synapses which are not firing change the letters and the words present in the brain at any given point.

The brain has its own as yet undiscovered language. Of the trillions of Synapses, it is like Connect the dots to first make letters and then make words, after words are identified through repeat letter sequences, the task then is to begin looking for similar word patterns aka sentences.

what does this neuropathway research have even the smallest quark to do with the Pyraimds of Egypt. Simpelest answer, the northern pyrmids operate on a different horizon to horizon line from the southern pyramids. The Electro-Magnetic waves hitting the southern pyraimds can and likely do impact and cause different types of Electro-Magnetic wave ripples through how those waves compress the quartz. Eg different stones compress differently, different compressed quartz stone can be directly compared to a synapse. each stone can be mechanically connected to the finction and structure of a neuron specifically a synapse. Each synapse moves differnet, each compression motion produces different Electro-Magnetic wave electricity release factors.

In other words the quartz in the Pyraimds, different stones compress and uncompress at different rates, degrees, pressures, etc over a 24 hour period over a 365.4 day year. Each one of those stones/synapses is firing or not firing (compression) producing different types of electricity in different shapes. Tracking and measuring those shapes is literally or was literally a type of brain. A stone brain versus a biochemical brain. However just because the Pyramids are stones does not change the quantum physics results which match the quantum physics of the synapses in the brian. Did the Pyramids think; that is an extremely good question, an answer which is close to impossible to answer since the casing stones were removed. However it is possible to computer put the casing stones back using still in existence sizes and shapes of the discarded casing stones still lying around the pyramids in the present.

put them back digitally, then run a 24 hour day sun cycle. Then run a 365.4 day year sequence. TO find out which stones are generating electricity and which are not. Combine those details together to create a map of the stones/synapses which are firing. Then compare said results with the enumerable CAT, MRI, etc. brain images. What Pyramids mimic which lobe of the brain.

This is in part reflected in the function and structure of the causeways of the Pyramids. The causeways tell their own unique language in a couple ways. Not the least of which is the circle created by their miles long walls. From say Khufu draw a line down the center of its causeway and it bisects the summit of Mount Everest 3000 miles away. Now extend that line all the way around till it meets up with the causeway from the west. That circle around the globe itself will bisect all kinds of things. Mountains, Rivers, streams, villages, islands, seas, bays, cities, etc.

Each of those land marks can be categorized using the Futhark aka runes as an identification.

E.g. T for cities, L for water ways, O for homes/neighborhoods, Th for mountains, u for any given type of animal migration route, each of those points with its categorization associated letter will create their own letters in the Hebrew Language.

The Elder Futhark Sequence



















physical motion




light roygbiv








emotional connection



























mechanical motion




visible motion/letters




full light spectrum




























molecular structures










Each Letter which has a defined character associated, has a meaning. Each meaning has an associated physical concept. O being Home and Stability, translates to anywhere on that 15 feet x 1000 miles where a home is, that counts as the character of O added to the sequence of letters. Hence the point of millions perhaps billions of letters in just one complete circle around the planet. There are 16 causeways, makes perhaps billions x 16 letter sequences.

It is impossible to prove of the ancients intended for this to be real. However the Futhark Calendar which is absolutely based on the 8 fixed points in the earths orbit around the sun is a circle (a feline head Bast, *). That circle can be applied to both the orbit which is a circle and the daily rotation (which is directly reflected in a FreeMasonic Lodge, the Pillars ontop of them is a sphere. Each sphere represents something specific.), which is also a circle. So yes these aspects of proven scientific information can be applied to the Pyramids. The 12th Character of Jeru is the first sounds in the Hebrew word for their capital city JeruSalem. Salem in Latin translates as Castle. In English Jeru Salem translates as New Castle. A graphic of Jera and the Narmer Plate; the circles being both sides of the Character of Jera.

The Facts that applying the Futhark Calendar to the Pyramids will produce billions of letter combinations. Those letter combinations will produce words, since when the rules of cryptography are applied, Numbers become Letters. You will find Number sequences built into the planet, this is a beyond proven fact. Those built in and proven number sequences when translated into the number sequence of the Futhark will absolutely produce dependable letter sequences. Those Letter sequences are what language has defined as words. Who, What, When, Why, How, etc. make very little to zero difference. Those are excellent academic questions, what is not in question is the fact the numbers cryptography are present, and number sequences are also present. Numbers become letters.

With sufficient Letter combinations creating words, word sequences will produce sentences. Sentences produce Paragraphs, Paragraphs produce chapters. It does not matter if the ancients intended this or not, the facts are clear there is a library built into the architecture of the Pyramids. That is not an arguable sequence of Facts. Intent is the only debate.

Since in Hebrew the Elder Futhark was the scaffolding used to build the letters with.

Use the Futhark Circle and the categorized points to fill in the various locations, each of those points then builds the sounds/shape points of the Hebrew charactersUp or North/Vertical the North Star is were the F begins; or the F begins at any given fixed point on the globe; Example the Khufu Pyramid. Collect those characters from the 0 point which is the Khufu Pyramid.

The Causeways; which Causeway point to where the Sun will rise on what specific day in a 365.4 day year. Several major causeways are literally a fixed day in the year. The earth rotates around on its daily axis, as it rotates around the sun will appear on the horizon at different fixed points over the course of 365.4 day orbit year. As the sun comes around the horizon

From the point the top of the sun is over the horizon it obviously touches the tops of things first. Each of the places the earth rotates around in its axis to the fixed points in the sun, the sun stays in the relatively same place according to the earth. As the Earth tilts on its axis, the sun appears to rise at the horizon over the 365.4 day year it appears to proceed through an arch. That ark

The Pyramids are an extremely large and complex sun dial.

Which match the Nordic Sun Dials the British and Scandinavian cultures used to navigate well outside site of land.

The Pyraimd Causeways

each one points to a specific day the earth rotates around on its axis in its orbit.

Which means that when the research is done, each Causeway will have an assigned date. Each causeway the sun shines down the very center of that causeway on x day during the year.

We already know that the Stonehenge type megaliths are aligned to specific points in the year.

Stonhenge itself is Various version of the upgrades of Stonehenge from 3800 bce to 2100 when construction ended.

Current configuration of Stonehenge matches the Constellation of Orion which matches the same configuration of Orion built into the Giza Giant Pyramids.

Each Causeway has a specific date associated. Since the sun shines down that causeway on that date and only date every year.

now something else.

as the sun shines down on the planet, it changes its angle of association every single day.

as the earth rotates around, the angel of the sun touching the earth changes. As those changes occur. The Causeway of any given day pyramid will not be consistent the entire day; it will only shine on that degree on that horizon line for y number of hours before the earths wobble continues to move and that positioning changes. The angle of and day is only fixed numbers/letters for that y amount of time on that specific day.

Remember always and forever; the first rule of mathematics is to measure too and from fixed points. Those exact fixed point in mathematics when the sequence repeats itself those repeat numbers become letters. Those letter sequences become words.

The number sequences present are not in debate. The Elder Futhark Calendar sequences are also not in question, the Calendar exists, it has existed from no later than 214 ce. The Futhark numbers are letters, the letters are numbers. Every letter has both a sound F, U, Th, A, R, K, etc. and a specific symbolic meaning. F is Priorities or in Indio-European language it means genesis. U is Strength. Th is location. A is sound. R is physical journey. Each of the 24 symbols has a specific meaning. The 12th character of Jera = J = Time, or New Day; is interesting when you apply this was the name given to Juday (J) the future king of Israel and the replacement for his father King Israel.

There are dozens if not thousands of ancient monoliths and pottery which have lines on them. Since the Pyramids were built by the Old Kingdom and the old Kingdom was part of the Scorpion King family. The Scorpion King family have a huge history which dates back to the city of IWNW, Heirakonopolis, Luz, etc. circa 4000 bce.

The connection between the Pyramids at 2600-2100, to the Noah Ark Fleet, through the Scorpion King Monolith is rather solid. So the Causeways and their west to east ATEN, and the pottery with a similar pattern of sequencial lines makes circumstantial evidence that the two are similar. *


At the bisection points, both A and B collect the letters in appropriate letter sequences to find out what hidden language or in this case which millions of letters will be present what books the ancients wrote into the architecture.



the Total distance of the Circumference of the Earth is 24,901 mi needs to be divided by 24 = 1037.541666666667, each section of the earth according to the Elder Futhark Calendar/language. From the fixed point/0 down the causeway for 1037 miles all the things which occurred in that 1000 miles is associated with the Letter F. The Letter F is in the first Hebrew character of ALEF; the items in that 15-foot-wide line are associated with the letter F. Similar actions or activities such as rivers, mountains, seas, migration patterns, etc. in the other sections collect into other Characters.

A river (the Nile) in the 1000 miles of F, there are guaranteed to be other rivers in the other 1000 miles sequences. Each time a River comes up in the 15 feet wide 1000-mile-long path marks another character. From the mathematics of the order of operations, you have f for the Nile and you also have the Tigerous and Euphrates within that 1000-mile-long section as well. Break the 1000-mile section into its own 24 sequenced sections. which makes 2 characters.

1000 divided by 24 is 42. Every 42 miles is another Elder Futhark Character.

The Nile is F F being only a few hundred feet due east. in this case the Tigerous is about 5 sequences away, makes the tigerious F and R characters. What Hebrew characters have R in them. You have ALEF and then you have R; that makes at least two Hebrew characters.



let us begin this explanation of the most basic of basic facts about the pyramids with a quick trip into a different scientific field. a trip which uses exactly the same tools of physics but instead of looking at those tools as if they are ignorable, those tools are used as if they are one of the most important aspects to the entire structure.

The Hebrew image is in effect drawn through the middle of the planet. The surface of the planet is the circle with the Elder Futhark Calendar exists, the interior of the planet is where the Hebrew characters exist.

This can account for any and all places on the planet. Pick a fixed point, then draw circles around that given fixed point. That given fixed point say the Vatican, Mount Everest, Louvre, Versailles, the White House, Mount Vernon, Westminster, Ogle Castle, Space Needle, etc.

As long as the basic rules are followed. First rule of mathematics, measure to and from fixed points.

First fixed point the location, second fixed point in the northern hemisphere Polaris, second fixed-point magnetic north, third fixed point west, fourth fixed point (which changes every single day) the exact position the middle of the sun comes up at the horizon. There are dozens more, but that is sufficient to get the basic mathematics started.

on a submarine they use Sonar to in effect see around them.

Sonar works by taking layers and layers of extremely thin slices of quartz and copper and sandwiching them together *. A few dozen layers of that sandwiching, quartz copper, quartz copper, etc. for a few dozen layers and that is exactly how Sonar is built. Every single submarine in the entire world has that tool built in. Or while underwater, the people in the sub could not navigate in anything other than absolutely open waters, with nothing around them. Hitting something underwater could and oftentimes has caused a hull breach, hull breaches will send the submarine to the bottom with all hands killed.

Sonar works by way of when a water pressure wave strikes the quartz, the quartz becomes compressed. That compressed quartz releases electricity. Electricity is then absorbed by the copper plate. which then transmits the released electricity through the attached copper wire to a speaker. that speaker will then chirp as the electricity caused the speaker to produce sounds. Those sounds are of course in direct ratio with the strength, power, and speed of the pressure wave. The harder the pressure wave the more the quartz is compressed, and the more electricity is released.

The more electricity from one or most of the quartz plating the more, louder, and layered the noise from the speakers becomes. Not a single person with a brain can argue the facts of how sonar works in the most basic and general explanation.

So now back to the Pyramids of Egypt. ****

The largest and most intense problem science has is the facts that the scientific method can be used wrong easier than it can be used correctly. Really good ideas can be easily torn to shreds because instead of presenting evidence a strong person and or a group will revert to childhood teasing and ridicule instead of the facts being presented. The presenter becomes attacked with nasty comments instead of the facts being able to be examined.

Example fictionally; Dr Daniel Jackson in the movie Stargate, he presented information which turned out to be not only true, but a hard target threat to the entire planet. His lecture began full, but only a few minutes into his presentation the room started to heckle him. The heckling did not stop till he had cleared the room and only Catherine was still listening. The Fictional aliens in that fictional account happened to be dead on the money correct, however the pyramids as graves in all hard reality are a fiction. The Stargate movies and tv shows have about as much credibility as the pyramids being graves idea.

All of Egyptology is like this in the present. Every day the pure fictions that the coffers in the pyramids held mummies is taught as if it had any basis in reality. Which it absolutely in no way did or does. however the field has long ago thrown out the scientific method in favor of ideas becoming phallus which are then turned into egotism/arrogant versus egotism/arrogant measuring contests. Not to determine the best more accurate ideas but to determine which scientist can argue the best, has the best resume, comes from the correct more prestigious institution, has the most grant money, has the correct religious beliefs, etc.

It is fascinating how much control radical fundamentalist Muslims have to say and control the ideas of the Pyramids. They have been in control of the Pyramids since on and off the day Mohammeds army conquered circa 630 ce Egypt from the descendants of the Christians who went to Egypt under direction from Jesus. Why are the descendants of Esau so violently demanding to control every single aspect of the story of Egyptology, it is almost like Esau had a soul level hatred of Jacob and his descendants the Jews. The Jews built the Pyramids and the Muslims have worked their fingers to the bone for 1400 years to alter the truth in every single way imaginable. In Legal terms that is called evidence tampering. However they are allowed to get away with it for a wide variety of reasons.

There is nothing scientific about continuing to force the idea that the pyramids held mummies. There is zero evidence in any form which points to this having any basis in reality. But it is taught every day as if it was not only reality, but most of the accepted by Egyptology theories depend on this psychotic fiction as a basis of fact. Not a molecule of evidence has been found in any of the pyramids which links any of the 120 examples of pyramids to bodies and or mummies. A few females were buried more than a millennia after construction ended, but you can fit most of the entire Roman Empire between when construction ended and when bodies were placed inside a couple of them. This is evidence which in all hard reality points away from the pyramids being used as graves, not toward it. However the field has decided that facts do not matter, and they would rather die than admit their ideas are pure LSD/Theology paranoid delusional psychosis.

The Pyramids being graves for the Old kingdom became a Theology created by the Hyksos, and their descendants still run the core of academics. The Hyksos are the named cultural descendant of Esau. The story of how the Hyksos and their 1000 plus name change descendant cultures still run and operate academics is a long and very complicated story. Sufficient to say; it is based on a soul level hatred of Jews. Despite the fact the word and philosophy of the Jews did not start till after the formulation of the basic concepts of the Pyramids in the first place. Which is something else Egyptology hates to the base of its being; Imhotep at 2600 bce did not invent the concept of the Pyramids. That is another pure fiction. He took three already in existence concepts, and expanded them to a huge amount.

The Causeways; could be a way to describe the multi-headed creatures in the bible.

One head for every pyramid.

Back to the Casing Stones made from Limestone.

Limestone is about 90 if not more percent quartz. A reminder that quartz is half the ingredients in the tool used in submarines to see around them.

When quartz is compressed it releases electricity.

This fact is beyond question proven with millions of examples in marine vessels. Not just submarines used sonar for navigation. Ships of all sizes, shapes, and forms use sonar to see below them. The larger the ship the more complex the sonar used. The science is beyond an accepted fact in maritime vessels as an absolutely required thing.

As mentioned the Egyptian Pyramids were covered in Limestone casing, About 3 to 5 feet thick casing stones of 90% if not more quartz. The Quartz needs to be over emphasized to a point of nausea, to begin building the Conditioned Response to make it harder to argue against the most basic rule of science compressed quartz releases electricity. The harder it is compressed the more electricity it releases.

Everything most adults and scholars know about the Pyramids has several millennia built of up Operative Conditioning (Skinner box; follow the leader or be punished with pain and torture. the Pyramids are graves, no deviation from this is acceptable in any way, shape, or form. Do you Understand!!. That is a Skinner Box, either follow what the scientists and Egyptologist say is the facts, or face ridicule, humiliation, academic death, etc.) needs to be extinct before the facts that quartz compressed releases electricity can be applied to the Pyramids and Egyptology. It is a totally accepted fact in the navy, but a foreign concept in Egyptology. which is not only ignored, but the sonar thing will get the presenter laughed out of the room e.g. academic death.

To begin to remove the OC, requires replacing the OC with a CR, a Conditioned Response. Pavlov first published about his Conditioned Response behavior pattern with his experiment's with Canines in Russia.

To build an effective CR, requires repetition over a constant basis for 28 days to set a basic CR. 3 sets of CRs of 28 days each will begin to extinct the old behavior pattern of the OC (pyramids were graves fiction), 3 sets of 3 months makes 9 months of every day constantly working to reinstall the same information. Which in brief and basic is using the tools of quantum physics to rewire the neuropathways of the brain to process information different. Which the structure and function built into the Egyptian Pyramids themselves reflect in a way the structures of the brain; why would the Old Kingdom build self-generating Electricity Brain which could reflect a similar structural way of thinking to the human brain. The Brain generates electricity, so do the Pyramids.

Limestone is at least 90% quartz.

quartz when compressed will release electricity.

The casing stones for the pyramids were 3 to 5 feet of Limestone, in each layer from the bottom to the very top.

Which means the several thousand tons of Limestone/Quartz which covered all 120 pyramids every single day all day long released electricity.

5 feet of limestone in a rather sizable amount of quartz will release gigawatts of electricity.

Gigawatts will power the modern city of Cairo for not a small amount of time.

The Old Kingdom from 2600-2100 bce, spent that half a millennia building Electrical Generators.

16 huge Pyramids and a few dozen small pyramids, each one generated gigawatts of electricity.

Say each one generated 5 gigawatts of electricity that is 80 gigawatts of electricity *. In other words that is enough to power several modern cities full on for not a small amount of time.

Egyptology states as a matter of the most basic and hard facts that the Old Kingdom were primitive, with a civilization not much more advanced than living in tents. Their agriculture was limited to just above the plow, and the most basic of irrigation. However, they built 120 structures which modern scholars are still baffled by how they were built at all. The currently accepted idea has no basis in reality in any way. Scholars like to prove their own superiority by insulting people who could do things the superior scholars of today cannot do. Odd mix of Cognitive Dissonance, which will eventually lead to a break from reality, in favor of a religious devotion to the theology instead of the facts or the reality. Modern Scholars have also convinced themselves the theology that the Jews who built the pyramids were in fact slaves to the pharaohs. There is less than absolutely no evidence to back this up in any way, shape, or form but it is still taught in Egyptology classrooms every day despite having no physical evidence. There are of course work camps, and of course some injuries. but in no way are the work camps large enough to accommodate the needed theology labor of the sleds, pullies, ropes, etc. It is literally impossible for the Pyramids to have been completed in the 8 years the archaeology shows as to the timeline the great pyramid was built in, if the slaves had to place one several ton block into place every few seconds. Some evidence suggests that it was not 8 years of construction but more like 5 to a bit into 6 years. Forcing the placing of two to five carved stones every second of the day for five full years to achieve the goal. Which is so far beyond any current theories application of reality the timeframe of 6 years simply disqualifies every single theory period. The Alien part has less credibility than the sleds and forced slave labor. Humans went from a ship of the line 1868 to boots on the moon 1969. All there was between was 2 world wars, several rather intense religious movements which killed millions of people, and a violent change in cultural applications. If the scientists would have simply been able to do their thing, the boots on the moon could have happened at least two decades previous, if not three decades. But people being jerks kept getting in the way. There were not sufficient workers on the location to do that, there is not the mass graves of the slaves who were worked to death, there are no associated injuries on said scale, etc. the evidence is simply not in existence. However Egyptology still accepts those things as facts because the Hyksos spent centuries convincing everyone that is how the pyramids were built.

The Agamemnon branch of the Hyksos name changed to Philistines, yes the same group the bible credits with being almost completely responsible for killing Jesus Christ. The descendants of the culture Agamemnon created after they conquered the city of Samhain and renamed it Rome, continued using the name till roughly 150 ce, just before the gospels were destroyed and rewritten to reflect the views of Paul and Paul alone. Most aspects of Jesus, Simon Peter, and his closest friends and family were edited out because they contradicted the ideals that Paul wanted to teach. Of course this was decades after The Evil Priest Pauls execution 68 ce, although there is a huge amount of problems with the execution of both Paul and Nero * . Paul and Nero were likely the same person, same as Jesus and Simon Peter and Emperor Claudius was also the same person. Every single Pharaoh and Pope were given new names upon being elevated to the position of Pharaoh/Pope. Jesus was his rabbi name, Simon Peter his pope name, Claudius was his Emperor name, be interesting to find out what his Pharaoh name was. Possibly Bartholomew. Evidence for the descendants of Agamemnon using the name Philistine in part comes from the Hyksos/Avaris as they discuss and of course document the function and structure of their Jewish slave shield wall and what they are doing after Agamemnon and Moses both died, and the next generation of Philistine leaders took command in both Troy and in Italy. The friendly aspects are from the Jews communicating with Jews, the other friendly is the Avaris and the Hyksos working closely together for centuries after the fall of the city of Troy. Too bad the function and structure of what the Pyramids were and are is still wrapped up in political and religious Wars which have been continuous since the days of Noah. Continuing the disinformation campaign was the Bishops of Lyon circa 115-130 doing. Those begat men worked their entire lives to edit and reshape the message of Jesus and his apostles away from facts and towards how great Paul was *. Paul was in charge of the Church having faced too much back lash over control of the religion by the Philistines aka the Senate and of course after a century of genocide and Jews and the followers of Jesus rallied together and began to fight back that caused for a very short time the begat of Paul to evacuate Rome. Again for a very short time. A few decades later and the begat of Paul were back in Rome and in charge of the Vatican again, with a brand-new wave of blood lust towards anyone who questioned their authority. Within 150 years that wave had killed and or destroyed most of the prominent families of Rome who were fighting wars on too many fronts and loosing. Too many of the prominent and most educated in the ways of Rome were being killed, entire families during that time were being erased from existence. Daughters merged into other families, and the senate made huge amounts of money selling now empty family estates to foreign Romans (from Ga al, Germany, Iberia, Britain, etc.) who were not actually Romans they had just been Roman citizens for generations but had no idea what being a true Roman; a true descendant from the city of Samhain was like. When the Foreigners (Philistines) moved into their newly purchased Rome Proper lands they had no idea what being an elite Roman Citizen was supposed to be. They had no idea how to run things, no idea about the education system, a lot of them did not speak or read the Roman Language. Or understand what the centuries old scrolls meant when they did read them. The Flintstones theme song Well Have a Gay Old Time, in 1950 that song had a radically to an extreme amount different meaning and cultural structure to it than it did post 1980.

It used to mean very Tony which is a specific type of very formal dress created to reflect the most upper-class parties in Tuxedo Park New York. Parties have not been held there for decades. in the late 1800s early 1900s it was the place for the super-rich and the politicians to meet. Top Hat, Tails, etc. were standard dress at said parties. The dress was named for the Park not the other way around. However just a half century later, and all cultural references to Tuxedo, very Tony, Gay, etc. have been all but entirely lost. Gay means a very upper-class party where Tuxedos would be the minimum dress code, diamonds, the party would last for several hours if not half a day. A full large orchestra would be present and play most of the time.

These Types of Parties came directly form both the upper upper-class English Balls with members of the Royal court in attendance and the Plantation system and its similar format Balls. In some plantations and upper upper-class north-east homes entire huge areas would be built into the home to accommodate lavish parties. Those lavish parties would go on for half a day, sometimes those lavish parties would last for an entire weekend, rarely they could last for a week. But those did occur. Which is taking a page from the super rich and making the tour. The rich would go from lavish party to lavish party, making the rounds in England and France. A huge party would be hosted by a family and the guests would arrive days to a week early, all kinds of social stuff would be worked out and on during the days previous to the actual party, then either leave that night or the next day or two. ON to the next party, on the next friends estate. The super-rich would do this for months on end during the summer season. Usually traveling to where the weather was nicest and coolest. All of that context has been removed from those modern words. Same way the physical evidence of the Pyramids have been removed from their scientifically acceptable fictions.

At those parties Dancing would be an absolute must. These types of parties are where the Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dance movies came from, Gene Kellys movies also reflected those parties, but several of his dance movies were more about the underclass parties. The speak easies, the Paris underground, etc. Gene would have been an invited entertainer, but he was not born upper class enough to be a headliner at those parties. Fred Astaire on the other hand was born upper class enough to be a headliner at those types of parties. The entertainment venue Latin Quarter in midtown Manhattan was run by Barbra Walters father Lou, which was a world class entertainment venue.( Before Mr. Walters bought it, the nightclub had been known variously as the Cotton Club, the Palais d'Or, the Palais Royal and, under the original management of George White, the Great White Way. But under Mr. Walters's guidance, it became a fabled success in America of big, brassy nightclubs.) Since it was run by a Jew, it attracted different types of entertainment. The TV show I love Lucy was in part based on The Latin Club, however half a century later and almost no one understands or remembers the back story which is what made part of the comedy extra funny. Hollywood created about 100 movies to reflect the events and happenings of those Parties in Tuxedo Park. But just a few decades later and only the older people who had attended those parties knew what those old things meant anymore. When they died, only historians knew what those old things meant. The Catskills * resorts were a reflection of those late 1800s early 1900s top hat and tails Tuxedo Park Parties.

The movie Dirty Dancing came as a direct result of the end of the Tuxedo Park, Catskills dominant paradigm when the Fred Astaire dancing became replaced by a harder and more street version of Gene Kellys moves aka Dirty Dancing. That movie represents a shift from the 1950s to the 1970s. Half a century later and most of that specific dominant paradigm has been entirely forgotten.

However 75 and less years later, the entire function and structure of those types of cultural situations are only in history books. In New York City during the summers there is not really any more mass exodus out of the too hot city for the cooler country side, since Air Conditioning exists in most places. Those extremely poor apartment buildings without A/C, the tenants can go to various locations and buildings with AC open to the public. The point is when the culture shifts from one understanding parameter to a different one, only a handful of people still remember what common phrases during the old dominant paradigm meant. From the middle of a given dominant paradigm say the events of Tuxedo Park and its associated Parties, a few decades later and the culture shifted to a different paradigm, a few decades later and the shift occurred again. A few decades later and the modern world with its violent shifts in technology have both opened up the world and have created more isolation. It is possible to have conversations with 100 people at the same time in both text and video with people from different places all over the world. A thing only possible in the most outrageous Science Fiction of the 1960s. Then a pure fiction fantasy, today it occurs millions of times a day. On Facebook, and other social medial formats. Although Yahoo is one of the first internet companies to offer a connect to the world hardware and software protects to allow for said to occur. In 1971 computers were still the size of a gymnasium, by 1975, the PC was invented which could fit on a desk. The point is the dominant paradigm shifts and what was normal and accepted then is a foreign concept in the next paradigm.

You can to go any number of the former Catskills resort locations, locations which you could not buy unless you were on the upper end of very rich. Today you can pick up 10 resorts for a small fraction of what one would have cost in 1930. In the 1960s early 1970s there were a few remodel revisions of some of the more popular resorts, they remodels which someone poured a large amount of money into today sit empty and have been for decades. The older not remodeled resorts show a time capsule from the era of which that resort operated. The remodeled ones show the old with at the time modern interior design. It is fascinating to look at archaeology pictures of locations which now have been abandoned for decades, but then were the place to be, then place to be seen, then cultural epicenter.

This is the same exact pattern which occurred with the Pyramids. What they were, and what they appear to be in the present are in stark contrast.

A couple Paradigms later, and entirely understandable concepts are so foreign as to be a complete mystery to anyone trying to study the past.

What do you mean the Evil Priest Paul and Emperor Nero are the same person, I do not understand. How can that be, the Senate and the Vatican have made it entirely clear that they have no idea what happened during the first century after the Vatican itself was founded. Every single day from the day Jesus entered Rome to present the Vatican has taken extremely careful and well documented notes and journal entries. However almost all of the records from the first 2 entire centuries are locked in vaults in the Vatican Archives and the Vatican itself refuses to acknowledge those documents exist at all. The Secret Vatican Vaults were a capital crime level offense for anyone to know anything about till a female scholar in the 1980s published a book detailing the fact the vaults not only existed but rumors and legends about the contents of those vaults. The Vatican was not happy, but could do nothing about the publication of the book.

In addition the ideas that Jesus, Simon Peter, Emperor Claudius, Emmanuelle, are also the same person is also very disconcerting since it directly contradicts the official story of both the Pyramids and the story Paul demanded and committed Genocide to force into being accepted as fact.

In Rome the same thing happened, once the older generation who remembered were either dead and or killed off, the new Romans did not have a clue. They made education and cultural structure changes to the new Rome which altered the facts of both Rome and Egypt from semi-close to facts to pure fictions. 1800 years later and the pure fictions are still taught as if they have a solid base in reality. You can find 10,000 scholars right now who will spend hours in rigorous intellectual debate arguing points from documents which are about 5 generations removed from any sense of reality. metaphor said Roman scholars in a reference with Tuxedo Park New York, Scholars are completely convinced that the word and meaning of Tony was invented for the Broadway Awards show and has nothing to do with the Tuxedo dress which went out of style decades ago. They have no idea of where the Tony Awards originated, or for that matter where Broadway originated. Forget trying to understand the culture of Tuxedo Park *. The post 200 ce Roman Culture has no frame of reference for what occurred previous to 100 ce in that city. Have a Gay time in 1920 was a nice thing to say on say Wall Street, have a gay time in the present might depending on who you say it to could result in a punch to the mouth. They would most likely think about the definition of a Male Homosexual orgy, not a Tuxedo Top Hat and Tails white tie with diamonds party exactly reflected in a dozen Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers films. Tables set up to watch some of the worlds best dancers dance to entertain the people sitting at the tables around the dance floor.

This change in culture from 90 ce to 190 ce in Rome is where most of the secrets from the ancient past were lost. They were not really lost, but the Roman and Roman Empire culture lost its understanding of the meanings to words and concepts. The new meanings and concepts have taken on a theological belief system, which the Paul dominated philosophy Vatican has fostered said misunderstandings for the last 1900 years every single day.

That is why the Pyramids of Egypt are so badly misunderstood, a 1900-year OC regarding you will believe what Pauls teachings are about Christianity, or you will be tortured to death, and your family before you. Paul had a severe identity disorder. He was not himself he was Jesus, and then he became Nero, after the Senate gave him a Pharaoh name.

Pope * The first Pope Simon Peter was supposedly executed. Allowing the next Pope to take over. However the number of problems with this are too numerous to be accurate. The War against the followers of Jesus/Simon Peter were beyond doubt numerous. The Senate/Philistines, Paul, the Hebrews, pockets of the Jews, some of the Roman Citizens, the followers of Paul, of course some Egyptians living in Rome, a lot of the clergy of the polytheistic religions in the Roman Empire, etc. A laundry list of enemies. The Romans even killed on paper the Emperor Claudius in an attempt to reduce the power that Jesus/Simon Peter possessed. Unfortunately for the Senate this only increased his power and number of followers. Claudius lived for several decades more. Almost all of the life of Nero is fiction, Nero was a real life descendent of the Julii family, but somewhere in his teens the decision to sneak him out of the city and out of the Empire for either Egypt and or Northumberland was made. Leaving a perfect hole for the Senate to fill and give the Evil Priest Paul the name and title of Nero after they fake killed Claudius. No matter what junk or fictions the senate threw at Claudius, he continued to do his thing and did not matter at all to him the lies the Senate/Philistines told. Not unlike Fox news for the entire 8 years Obama was in office, they were outright demanding for congress to impeach that African American Muslim. At times some of the commentators were sure he was going to be impeached in the next day or two, when in reality nothing could be farther from the facts/evidence of the events.

In 68 ce everything changed. The Senate playing around and trying to regain control ended with Vespasian, he came in and put his tyrannical foot down and hard. He began to openly kill all who opposed him, forced changes to both the Empire and how the Senate operated. He ordered the Temple of Zerubbabel to be attacked, conquered, dismantled, shipped to Rome, reassembled on the former location of a Synagogue, the center of that synagogue is where the Great Fire of Rome started under orders from Nero. That was the location which took the brunt of the fire damage and reduced that entire couple acres of land to ashes and rubble. Vespasian and his line for the next several decades stopped playing with the new Christian thing, they went to full scale war against any and all who defied the rule of the Empire. Vespasian himself felt like he was Rome, and any defiance of him was the same as defying Rome itself. He crushed any and all challenges to his authority, with genocidal level behavior patterns. To him killing was simply a tool of crowd control. If you kill a portion of the mob, the mob will flee in terror and not reassemble. Especially if the ones you take prisoner you torture in the city squares in the most horrific and graphic ways. Sends the message of do not even think about questioning the authority of Rome. This is where the Senate sought to reestablish control over the Roman Empire again.

Vespasian based on a few interesting behavior patterns in the last several months of his life most likely was in Pompeii hunting down super rich Jews, and Romans who had evacuated his genocidal rage against all who converted to the philosophy and religion of Jesus. A pocket of Romans evacuated Rome and headed to Pompeii, A pocket left and traveled north east to a huge bay and built the City of Venice. Another pocket settled in Florence. Vespasian wanted to kill the super rich followers of Jesus in Pompeii, so he was in the city during the eruption. He did not make it out in time. The family hid his death till they could not hide it anymore. but they could hide the date of the eruption, and the location of the city itself. Anything and everything to hide the facts and the embarrassment of the city of Pompeii. A huge city with an even larger trading port of call with a sizable portion of the population of Rome having been to Pompeii and knew exactly where it was, within a decade the location of the city was lost. That is a serious undertaking to erase the location of an entire huge Roman City because the events which took place their were too embarrassing.

Example after example of the exact same behavior pattern, taking something huge and un erasable and working for decades, centuries, and millennia to alter the facts to fit the politics. Erasing the facts because you do not like the facts.

Unfortunately for them, tyrannical and genocidal violence will only last so long before the group decide. Well if he is going to kill us all, anyway, might as well go out with some dignity.

All of the information in this being correct, and every word is either completely verifiable or a statistical likelihood. That points to this would be the reason the Pyramids Ben Ben stones Fleet being erased from history, the descendants of Esau no matter how hard they try simply cannot function with the technology they demand to. They gain access to the technology and simply have less than no idea how to make it work, which frustrates and angers them to a point of rage. Said rage pours out and they destroy what they cannot control.

Terah, Esau, the Hyksos, Moses, Paul, Pauls entire organization, Mohammed, etc. each and every one of them demanded to have access to the technology and once they possessed it had no idea how to use it. They simply did not have any of the needed cultural or technical skills to make the tools work. Almost no amount of study would allow them to make them work.

So let us examine the functional evidence of how the Pyramids generated electricity.

Every single time you see the word compressed, the Limestone is releasing vast amounts of electricity.

In the description of the motions of the Pyramids specifically Khufu, you have to add the fact that that Pyramid has 8 sides.

1 and 2 push against each other

3 and 4 ditto

5 and 6 ditto

7 and 8 ditto


Each of the major sides has an inward angle from the center to the corner. As the side expands it pushes against both the corner and the middle. making an additional middle point from which to compress.

It is night, cold, and the limestone has compressed with no heat to expand it. The compressed limestone is giving off electricity all night.

It is morning, the first rays of the sun hit the east side of the pyramid.

The east side begins to expand.

Compressing the north and south walls.

As the sun continues to rise, the amount the east wall expands is significant. several inches to feet of expansion are measured every day.

The north and south walls begin to warm up and expand themselves.

which means the corners of the north east and south east are compressed even more.

the sun begins to touch the west side. warming it up.

as the west side begins to warmup it expands, expanding into the north west and south west walls.

the north and south walls are now being compressed to a rather large degree by being squeezed by both the east and west sides.

sonar the harder and stronger the compression the more electricity is released. at mid-day the compression of the north and south walls is intense.

after mid-day

the west wall being compressed and cold all day begins to warm up, and itself begins to expand.

That expansion pushes the north west and south west walls to a large degree east.

while at the same exact time the east not being in direct sun begins to compress is it shrinks in the cold. from after mid-day to an hour or two after dark the east wall continues to compress, to shrink with the ever-increasing amount of cold. To compress from thermal dynamics.

The west wall is not only still expanded, it is still pushing its corners with hard compression.

Sun set

the north and south walls begin to finally compress back into normal night shape after being squeezed all day, first from the east and then from the west. They compress back into their original shape. It takes hours to slowly compress back to at their coldest shape, compressed shape.

with the east wall continuing to compress for the next several hours till a couple hours before dawn, when the temperature is at its coldest, waiting for dawn to start the expansion process again. The Expansion compresses various aspects of construction.

the west wall will spend the next several hours after the last rays of the sun retreating past the horizon, will begin its own compressing process, shrinking down to its coldest compressed shape during the night.

Only to repeat the electrical generating process in the morning.

All day long the pyramids give off vast amounts of electricity by following the most basic rules of thermal dynamics.

why the old kingdom needed to generate that much electricity is a secondary question to why have the Hyksos culture who invaded Egypt circa 2100 bce spent every second from 2100 bce to present erasing every single possible fact regarding the pyramids from existence. They attempted on several occasions to destroy the pyramids, but did not have the technology to achieve the goal.

The name Hyksos means Lord of the Sheep in ancient Hieroglyphic it means both sheep, and of course the sexual slang insult. Whatever their actual name was has been in part lost to history. However when they built their capital city, they called it Avaris.

The Hyksos culture was conquered by the 18th dynasty in circa 1530 bce when most of their army and a sizable chunk of their people had moved out of Egypt into the Ǽgean. They did this in order to take advantage of the fact that the Cycladic culture had evacuated the area.

The Hyksos culture bragged for a long time that the Cycladic culture was so afraid of them that the cowards simply gave up and ran away from the battles. The Hyksos then claimed their prizes of land and the associated cities. Proud as peacocks about their conquests. They set up living in their new cities.

one day that all changed, in the course of a few hours.

The Mega Volcano Thera erupted, destroying more than half of the Island when it blew. It blew most of the north and south walls out from summit to several feet below sea level.

at least two million-person sized cities vanished from existence.

The Hyksos army in Egypt was only a token sized army to keep rebellions down, if anything did happen, a portion of the army was only a few months sail away in Levant lands and the Ǽgean.

But with the bulk of the army obliterated by a volcano. The 17th dynasty was left defenseless without a sizable enough army to defend the homeland.

A group of Cycladic from Italy soon arrived sailed down the Nile and seized power in Egypt.

Reestablishing power and ushering in the 18th Egyptian dynasty.

The 18th dynasty would last from 1530-1330, when the last pharaoh King Tut was killed in combat and died of sepsis 10 days after he was felled in battle. The Old Kingdom, the 18th Dynasty, ultimately the Ptolemaic dynasty, and the dynasty which is not recognized by historians post the Roman Empire collapse 250-620 ce all failed because there conquerors have no problem with genocide, the monotheists of those Dynasties not only have a problem with genocide they have an even larger problem with going against the 10 commandments. The enemy could not care less about those rules. They will happily kill anyone and everyone in their way to achieve their domination goals. They refuse to admit it, but anyone and everyone includes god. They are convinced through their own theology that the ends of all in the service of the lord justifies the evil actions they do to serve the lord. King Tut fell off his chariot in battle, trying to prevent Moses from taking his Jews to Troy to destroy those Jews. Trojan means descendants of the holder of the foot, in Sumerian holder of the foot translates as Jacob, the brother of Esau. Jacob was crowned Israel after he defeated the Fallen his brother Esau sent to have him killed.

That sending a fallen to kill Jacob ceremony is called the Hajj, and was recreated by Mohammed 620 ce.

The Hyksos are the descendant culture from Esau, and their hatred of Jews is in evident every single day from 2600 bce to present.

It does not matter what the Old Kingdom used their 100 gigawatts of electricity for. That part does not matter much. What does matter are the facts that the Hyksos and their enumerable name changed descendant cultures have not for a single second since 2600 bce stopped attacking the Jews. They have not stopped seeking out anything and everything the Jews did and destroying it. Or better infiltrate it like a cancer and then turn it into something they can use to corrupt the message of Jacob.

there are two most perfect examples of this corruption from within and then turn good into darkness

one is Joseph Smith and his Latter-Day Saints church, which B.Y. joined about 5 years after and used every trick in the book to seize power and control over the church, and kill any and all who opposed his divine right to be the supreme ruler of the church and its followers. He even changed the Mormon oath so that he is worshiped before Jesus.

The second is the more famous. Paul of Tarsus had less than nothing to do with anything associated with the church till a full 5 years after the Crucifixion, it took a couple more years for him to be arrested and be forced in chains to Rome. He had his vision of Jesus 5 full years after the crucifixion.

He began to teach his version of the events, was arrested and brought by chains to Rome. He offered the Romans a deal, which they accepted. They would not kill him then, he would build a rival church and compete for the followers of Jesus directly in the streets of Rome.

His followers would then alter the message entirely to that of the message of Paul and not of Jesus. They would also violently change the very foundation truths of what happened to suit their own needs and not of the facts.

The Crucifixion took place in Rome Proper, not 2200 * miles away in Levant lands. The Levant Lands story is worse fiction than the Pyramids being graves.

It is in truth easier to prove wrong.

Every single enemy of the state of Rome was brought to Rome and tried in the Forum. Every single one. Minus one Jesus. Who was actually the largest threat to the Roman Empire any of them could imagine. However he was not executed in Levant lands because he was a Roman Citizen, it was unlawful for him to be executed in anyplace other than in front of the Senators who he was challenging their position of power. The name Philistine is the name the culture assembled by Agamemnon took some time after the city fell and his death.

show evidence Jesus was a Roman Citizen, no problem at all. Every single story about Jesus has him being executed by blade to the Heart. That was a form of execution which Roman Law was about as specific as it could get, only and the law is not only specific to strictly enforced only Roman Citizens could be executed by blade. All others would be executed in other less pleasant ways, up to and including every imaginably more painful way. But as for Roman Citizens, that was strictly reserved for Romans and Romans Only!

Jesus was not killed by Crucifixion, he was killed by a blade stabbed through his side to the heart.

The Hyksos invaded and changed the story of the Pyramids,

B.Y. invaded the LDS and changed the story to fit his ego

Paul spent his lifetime attacking and killing those loyal to Jesus to replace his message with the message of Esau.


the Pyramids as an Array, a 4500-year older version of the VLA (Very Large Array) on the Sant Agustin Plain New Mexico due West of Socorro. Featured prominently in the film Contact with Jodie Foster. However the Pyramids are several times larger, the VLA is only a few miles square, the Pyramids are 5x 40 miles from north to south. For some reason as yet not even questioned by science, the Pyramids stretch north to south over at least 3 separate horizon to horizons. Horizon to horizon is rather important since that distance is key to being able to identify and measure differences in the Electro-Magnetic waves over the course of said distance.

It is not only realistic, but difficult to statistically prove otherwise, that Carl Sagan used the actions and adventures of Hedy Lamarr as his protagonist in his book Contact. He simply changed the context from a time machine, to a type of Alien encounter. However the time dilation concept was absolutely in effect, in the movie it was a simple few seconds, but for the digital recorder on the characters head, it record about 18 hours in that split second. That machine was in a very small and odd way a time machine. Carl kept some of the details intact, but had to change the rest.

Hedy perfected a Bat Man type outfit, which was hermetically sealed which decades later NASA used her design to build their space pressure suits from. However her suit is more like the Russian all in one suit with an easy access panel in the back rather than a suit like medieval armor.

The ATEN built into the Pyramids Causeways, and the VLA New Mexico which is a research campus similar to that of JPL out of Cal Tech.

The Pyramids with their 5 feet of Limestone and hundred feet of Granite which is also mostly quartz, is an extremely and complex Radar Array.

designed to among other things to take in even the smallest cosmos waves which crash into the Pyramids surface at a considerable velocity and translate those compression impacts into electricity.

The Electricity generated worked when the casing stones were in place and of course the closest metropolis was more than 10 miles away, or over the horizon. The reason the Ancient Egyptians did not built structures close to the pyramids, to not interfere with the sensitivity of the Array.

the Pyramids are giant sonar or what can be understood to be a fleet of satellite dishes. The same exact shape in direct reverse and instead of a round bowl, the Pyramids are 8-sided reverse satellite dishes. but designed for macro collection, not micro collection.

This reverse and squared off satellite dish, is hard evidence that the pyramids were a type of radio antenna to detect the smallest cosmic impact waves from space.

Which points directly to hard physical evidence of the Ben Ben stone, the Kaern, and of course the job of Ptah standing on the Ben Ben * stone performing his Adam Garden of Eden Job.

The Ben Ben is a separate thing from Ptah. The Ben Ben stone is or rather was a direct connection between god and the primordial ooze the world was created from.

The Rays (the R and Array, the Very Large Array in New Mexico) of cosmic stuff pouring in through the earths magnetosphere, are in effect the primordial ooze the earth sails through on the decks of the pyramids. The Pyramids being a Fleet (reflection of Noahs Fleet, not one ship several) of ships the earth sails on through the cosmos. As it sails through the cosmos, the fleet absorbs cosmic Rays which translate directly or at least use to when the casing stones were still intact, back into various absorption reading points built into the Pyramid complex structures. Otherwise known as research laboratories. As the Cosmic rays impacted various portions and parts of the Pyramids and of course the connected temple structure and the Causeways, said impact would then be translated through the stones to an as yet unlabled research lab. Although said research labs are more than plentiful at each Pyramid, since every Pyramid complex literally has at least one if not several Temple structures which Egyptology has convinced itself based on the documentation created by the Roman Empire and their direct parent culture the Hyksos that the Pyramids were Graves. The Funerary Temples are in this evidence more likely to be research laboratories rather than the fictions they are currently labeled as funerary temples. Since the Pyraimds did not hold graves, there is less than no need for a funerary temple/room/chamber/building, there is an absolute need for research laboratories. The largest problem is repeat a lie enough times with enough social conviction behind it and you end up with the population convinced that the lie is truth and the truth is a lie. A more then perfect example is American politics from 2008-2019; conservatives convinced themselves that Barack Obama was a bad African born Muslim man with a fake birth certificate, and that the guy who replaced him is a good man. Every few minutes on their propaganda outlets, they repeat these same comments 24 hours a day 7 days a week for almost an entire decade. Previous Fox news hammered how great 43 was, and that any and all opposition to him was unpatriotic. During Obamas time in office, the same exact people who screamed for 8 years that even a single word against the president was unpatriotic, demanded the right to criticism every single move the next one made. That next one was the aforementioned fictional bad African born Muslim. He was not born in Africa, and was absolutely not a Muslim. So for conservative presidents conservatives love and support every single thing the POTUS does, for liberal presidents the conservatives hate every single action POTUS does. Same behavior pattern identical to why all of the information present regarding the Pyramids has been erased from history. The group think psychosis regarding things they do not like takes on a mental instability level.

They hammered mercilessly on POTUS 42, loved 43 with everything they had, hammered 44 with everything they had, 45 for some of them can do no wrong. The Hammering on the would be 45 the most qualified person to ever run for the office happened to be both female and the wife of 42. She won the election in both ways; however the conservatives did every single thing imaginable to cheat to keep her from being able to be appointed to the office. Up to and including committing high treason by working with a foreign country to sway the election toward their favorite. What does this have anything at all to do with the Pyramids, ask a conservative about the facts and evidence about the 2016 election and they completely and on a soul level believe all of their actions were just fine and wonderful. They will disavow every single nasty, illegal, treasonous, etc. action done by both their party and there illegally elected boy. Their psyche cannot stand or accept the facts as the facts. The Pyramid facts are exactly the same disavowed; the conservatives cannot mentally process facts and evidence which might contradict their theology. They have decided as a group what their theology is, and will fight to the bitter end anything which they feel might question their theology. Apparently the Pyramids are a huge threat to their theology.

The Pyramids turned from being a copy of the book of Genesis (the oldest still in existence) through propaganda into graves for the pharaohs of the Old Kingdom. The Old Kingdom was altered to a point of non-understanding, since the Old Kingdom at least the start of the Old Kingdom and the time of Jacob occurred at the same time. Not unlike the Julii family assisting in the creation of Christianity in Rome. There is so much more happening within the function and structure of the Pyramids and the original city of Rome, that it is close to impossible to explain it simply. Too many layers exist.

You have the book of Genesis which is an incredibly complex set of mathematical number sequences layered and detailed. Several things are happening all at the same time and place within the function and structure of how to decrypt the numbers cryptography to letters in the Pyramids. Then you have an even more complex function and structure of the Extremely Large Array {aka the Pyramids of Egypt} (4500-year-old VLA; which Carl Sagan theorized that Hedy Lamarr based on the information that what remained of the Thule Society inside the Third Reich aka NAZI Germany aka the Prussian Empire sent out the information they collected from both their own research into the Pyramids and other specific locations associated with the Pyramids including Rome and Levant lands. She collected all of that data and figured out how to build some type of ancient Machine design, built it, and then used it.

This part of the evidence is a bit on the difficult and complex side.

As will be discussed under a different topic, Leonardo Da Vinci was a super heavy duty legendary Genius. He was actually what would be considered too smart for his own good.

He learned secrets about things which the Vatican attempted on numerous occasions to try and kill him. However he was spared from said execution for heresy by two things, one his friends the Medici Family stepped in, and two both his mothers and fathers family based on the available evidence were likely royalty. His fathers family were likely descendants of the Julii family who evacuated out of Rome to avoid being killed by Vespasian, and his mothers family were Egyptian Jewish Royalty who had left Rome to go to Egypt under direction from Jesus.

Leo had figured out a way to conduct scientific expariments and then to publish their findings inside commissioned pieces of art. Those commissioned pieces of art became in effect cutting edge scientific papers on mathematics and of course scientific research.

Leo might not have invented his concept, but he perfected it, he also spent from his teens to the end of his life teaching his students how to perform said actions.

what does this matter in the smallest degree.

The Thule Society (operated under about 1000 different names from 1806 to present) learned of these hidden mysteries in the Renaissance art and began the careful examination of the art to decrypt the ancient codes in the paintings and sculptures. Those hidden codes could be done and presented to a wide audience, the most radically conservative pope could look at said paintings and not think twice about hidden messages of mathematics, and or scientific studies buried in the formatting of the painting itself.

When the Prussian Empire found out about this paintings thing, they chose to collect virtually every single piece of art they could find to work on decrypting said information. The NAZIs demanded to have access to said research. They were completely convinced that said research would lead to knowledge which would lead to better and better weapons of mass destruction. To kill the enemy easier and faster.

The NAZIs found out about this secret the Thule Society had kept, grew very angry, outlawed the Thule Society (which simply named changed to the 4 year plan), and went about collecting every single piece of art they could get their hands on.

They then went about the careful work to decrypt the Renaissance artists work. To find those research studies, and mathematical equations.

Himmler, Hess, etc. found out about what was happening and as they could they included what the NAZIs had found in radio communications which the allies had used Hedy Lamarr and Alan Turing to build Christopher to decrypt the enigma codes. Himmler was in charge of NAZI communications, he sent every code he could get his hands on to the allies.

Few scientists in the west aka the allies could understand what the Evidence pouring into them from the Reich. However, the American Government not being eternally stupid set up various think tank groups of scientists who could begin to understand the communications codes sent from Himmler.

Hedy Lamarr, Alan Turing, and a few dozen other upper end scientists and engineers were set to the task of decrypting the most cutting edge scientific and mathematic works the greatest thinkers of the Renaissance could think of.

Carl Sagan learned of this and created a fictional story set decades into the future from Hedy to not have a hint of breaking one of the most heavily guarded classified pieces of material the Allies possessed. Some of the research the nazis found was designed to sense the presence of Electro-Magnetic waves. The evidence can hardly be any clearer regarding the Pyramids did capture Electro-Magnetic waves from both the earth and the cosmos. And you have a direct reflection of Noahs Ark Fleet which is a representative of the Ben Ben Stone and of course the function and structure of Adam and the Garden of Eden. Which was built onto the Ben Ben Stone. The Ben Ben stone can be considered the bedrock from which the ATEN aka in a much younger language spelling god built the Garden of Eden on.

Jesus and his time as Emperor and Pharaoh occurred at the same time as the adjusted back to reality from the Roman propaganda machine as the time of Emperor Caligula.

it is difficult to determine who the senate hated more Caligula or Jesus.

The Senate/Philistines decided/demanded and worked hard to kill them both. They did manage to kill Caligulas body double a few days to a few weeks before Caligula himself evacuated to either Northumberland or Egypt. He said for years he was going to relinquish the throne and go to Egypt. His descendants in Egypt in basic flourished. One of his descendants could have been Leonardo Da Vinci.

Which is really interesting since if that entirely unprovable idea which at this point does not qualify as a hypothesis (no where close to enough evidence for it to be anything more than an idea. Statistically speaking solid evidence, physical close to impossible to find evidence let alone have said evidence tested) would have Heliopolis/Jerusalem moved from Egypt to Rome to become the Vatican, an idea regarding Leonardo Da Vinci being on his mothers side a descendant of the same man who brought Heliopolis/Jerusalem to Rome by ship, Caligulas possible descendant Leo was the architect of Versailles phase one which translates as Polytechnical University/College. That engineering parameters and basic architecture of phase one was modified with artistic flair very likely by Leo himself during the time he was painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (credited to Michelangelo, a punishment for being the master architect to the French invasion of Italy 1495-1499, while Leo was supposedly hiding in Milan painting the Last Supper, however all documentation shows that Leo was not on site for weeks and months on end during that 5 years he was painting that fresco. It did not take long for the Vatican to figure out it was Leo who was the master planner for that invasion and his punishment was to paint the ceiling {a task he had been asking to do since the day the Sistine Chapel was completed} but to not take any of the credit at all. It was either that or be executed for high treason.), after he completed his work on the Ceiling he was evicted from Italy and ordered to never come back. Leo spent the rest of his life living clandestinely at Versailles phase 1, publicly he was documented to be in a couple of the Kings homes miles away. Rule number one in security, do not be where the enemy can find you. If they cannot find you, they cannot kill you.

This all connects to Noahs Ark Fleet. A collection of ships which the plural was edited out by the descendants of the Hyksos. One of the hypothesized Noahs Ark Fleet ships was the main temple of Heliopolis itself its neighbor ship IWNW was built by Adam as a reflection of the Tabernacle of Adam System he used in the Garden. That ship from Noah was reassembled and moved from Egypt to Rome by Caligula with a huge amount of help from his Julii and the Lucia families.

Two other of the ships were the Lake Nemi Ships Caligula had reassembled and floated on Lake Nemi. A cut away section of a single Lake Nemi Ship. Originally the buildings were closed and the trees growing inside were hidden minus windows for sunlight. However the Windows were tilted so unless you were either directly next to the window and or up high you could not see into the window. The Romans Anti-Semitism was only a little bit less than the Reichs Anti-Semitism; and in truth the Romans over a much longer period of time killed millions more Jews than the Prussians did.

Caligula had the Lake Nemi Ships rebuilt from Egypt as a secondary Home to the bran new Christian Faith started by Jesus Christ. The original plan was for the Vatican/Jerusalem/Heliopolis to be the primary location, and this was to be a personal private palace and special Cathedral to talk specifically about the story of Noah. However the Senate became aware of the plan and attacked the Julii family, Jesus, and the new Christian faith with everything they had. They attacked the new faith so hard that it was three full centuries of attacking relentlessly that destroyed the Roman Empire from within. The rich and powerful in Rome decided that they would rather destroy the empire than let Jews be the Emperor and rule over Rome. or the worst fate, allow Rome to turn back into the city of Samhain as it was originally created.

The Romans had seized control over the city and the Roman descendants of Romulus decided enumerable times from 753 bce to 400 ce that they would rather the city be entirely destroyed than to allow it to turn back into the 752 version. An abusive spouse would rather kill the loved one and destroy the house rather than not control it. Consequently, the city and Roman Empire was invaded 3 times * and in part destroyed, the empire collapsed, which created both the Feudal System of Castles and the like, it also allowed the philosophy of the Evil Priest Paul to come in and control the Vatican. Which led directly to both the Dark Ages aka Medieval Times as well as the Witch Burning times from 300-1700 ce. Hunting and killing witches became a cottage industry in Europe, and allowed the Vatican to assert Genocidal control over the populations it ruled over. The Vatican was specifically created for Jesus and his followers to rule Rome from. However the Senate and the descendants of Romulus chose to give the city to the evil priest Paul rather than turn the city of Samhain back over to those evil/dirty Jews who founded the place. Which is in part where the legend of the destruction of the Vatican comes from, the Vatican will be consumed by light.

Electricity gives off light, both in electric light bulbs, but also an electrical ark also produces light. Although the Light levels produced are too much for the eyeball to deal with. Looking directly into light created by electricity can and over time will burn the back of the eye; it can in the worst cases cause blindness. However this Consumed by Light is another reference to the Ancient Jews before they were called Jews possessed knowledge of Electricity.

Said Electro-Magnetic wave harnessing technology the Jews and their ancestors refused to give to the Romans. The Jews would usually not use their tools as weapons. The only thing the Hyksos which the Romans are just one of an enumerable number of descendant cultures; had no use for the tools. There pure and only hard-core focus was and is on possessing the greatest weapons to force all humans to obey the leaders.

Would be an interesting Psychological application to study if the entire battle to control Samhain/Rome from 1330 bce present the most basic idea which led to all the violence and killing was over the basic idea of who controls the technology. Of course the Romans from Esau to present have no cultural understanding of what the technology is or can do. But that does not matter, the only thing which matters to them is to possess the technology, possession is enough. They do not have it know how to use the technology, they only need to know how to keep control over it. If they cannot control it, then they need to destroy it so that the technology cannot be used as a weapon against them.

For direct evidence of this; no need to look any further than the Alexandria Library and of course its Lighthouse. Said lighthouse was by all accounts some type of an Electro-Magnetic wave limited broadcast weapon. Could destroy fleets miles out to sea. The Romans had wanted to possess and or destroy that weapon since they day they found out about its existance.

The Romans sent in the Julii family Caesar to capture or destroy it. The Julii family in a rather complex set of plans captured the tool, sent it to Northumberland for safe keeping, took all the books out of the library, then destroyed both empty buildings.

the Romans figured out the plan and intercepted some of the books. For direct evidence, the Romans from 5 years after the burning of the library forward there increase in education/knowledge in all subject matters increased at a ballistic rate. The Romans discovered the steam engine 25 years after, steal a few years after that, the blast furnace just a few years after that, Electro-Magnetic plating about that same time.

700 years of a steady increase in education and technology, suddenly in 50 years every field of study in the Roman Empire had the equivalent of the industrial revolution in technology.

If they Romans had not of been suck jerks about the Jewish, Christian, etc. thing the Romans could have planted a Flag on the Surface of the moon about the time Hadrian was building his wall to keep the Ogle family from killing all of his troops in what would be called Northumberland in half a millennia. The Romans instead of spending all that time and effort genocidign any threat to their power. They could have started the Industrial revolution circa 20 bce. Making Rome into America circa 1840. Only 129 years later Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin put their footprints on the Moon.

20 bce plus 129 makes 109 ce and the Emperor and Pope of Rome could have had power and money beyond their beliefs. However, they chose genocide and ignorance. the next 1800 years Europe has had nothing but ignorance and genocide as its cultural guiding principles. *

Those three ships are what the Pyramids in Egypt were designed to reflect. Since there is close to zero evidence left from the original ships that we know of; there is no way to determine how old the wood from the original Vatican which Caligula had brought over from Egypt is, or how old the wood from the Lake Nemi ships is. Although there is a solid Hypothesis that the Lake Nemi ships are reassembled in a Koch family estate likely in Wichita Kansas; sent over by Erik Koch after being disassembled in the Lake Nemi museum and replicas created then destroyed by the NAZIs. But that is an extremely long and layered complex story, with dozens of separate people and groups performing numerable actions both independently and in conjunction with each other. The Koch family have been FreiKorp spy's for centuries. The FreiKorp itself is a paramilitary spy organization created by the Prussian Empire which itself is a mostly Islamic origination which formed as the Teutonic knights evacuated out of Levant lands to avoid being attacked and destroyed by the Templar Knights. The FreiKorp was renamed from a previous Prussian spy organization, in the year 1754, which was the year the Prussians started a rather complex named war. The French and Indian aka the Seven Years War aka the Samhain War. The problem with this war is that is was between the Prussians and the British, the real winner in this war was the English. The English were able to seize control over most of the British Colonies in America, then turn the Colonist against the British. The English and the British are two entirely separate cultures in all aspects.

The word Samhain in Gaelic is pronounced 7, same as the City of 7 Hills. Hence the Gaelic spelling of Samhain, pronounced 7. The Samhain War in America, the city of Samhain/Rome, was a war between the Prussians and the British. Interesting enough over the technology the Templars which are a British Knight Order found under the Temple Mound. The Muslims had complete control over the Temple mound from 650-1100, but ignorantly refused to learn anything. So when the British came back to the area, they simply picked up their library and money caches they had left in the previous millennia. Those library caches the Prussians witnessed and demanded access to. The British told them NO in no uncertain terms. The Prussians focused all of their efforts from then 1120-present on destroying the British culture and seizing control over those weapons.

The Legend is that at King Solomon's Temple, he harnessed Demons to build his temple. Since some of the carved stones are so large and heavy they were all but impossible to carve and move into place with any of the known technology, the ignorant cultures around decided that moving things with an invisible force was harnessing demons. The Prussians demanded to have and control the Demon Harnessing technology, although being hard core ignorant, the Prussians had no idea that it was simply Electro-Magnetic wave technology, which any 3 year old playing with a couple magnetics can understand. They do not want to develop the technology on their own, they want to steal it from there enemy, so they can have the pleasure in killing the enemy and taking it. Then use it to kill other enemies. King Solomon's Temple is absolutely within the 300 mile range of the northern Pyramids, the electricity they generated could easily reach King Solomon's Temple.

Since the Pyramids generate electricity and have Electro-Magnetic wave sensitivity and can reflect said Electro-Magnetic wave impact detections. That places some very interesting variables into the function and structure of Noahs Ark Fleet since B (the Pyramids) are a copy of A (Noahs Fleet), the Fleet itself was in some how connected to generating electricity and Electro-Magnetic wave detection. Which based on pictures and the 100,000 plus megaliths scattered from Egypt to the north pole Korea to America; electricity to build with is not all that outside the scope of reality. Using powerful magnets placed very close together created a sphere between them * , inside the sphere gravity reduces to zero. As long as the sphere is large enough, you can place large carved stones into the sphere and no matter how much the stone weighs the forces of gravity will not affect it, or have extremely little effect on it. The Evidence of Electro-Magnetic technology is around, academics and scholars have extreme issues with accepting the facts as they are.

That makes 2 of the 5 direct descendants from the Garden of Eden to purposely and with intent (of engineering and architecture) to generate electricity. Garden of Eden, IWNW, Noahs Ark, The Pyramids, Samhain/Rome, FreeMasonry, etc. The Pyramids are a copy of Noahs Ark fleet which is itself a copy of the Temple of IWNW, which is itself a copy of the city of Heirakonopolis * , which itself was a copy of the Garden of Eden. Samhain/Rome was a copy of the Pyramids.

Two of them generated electricity by the gigawatt. Since two were copies of previous, that statistically shows a serial sequence of events toward the previous also generated electricity. For what purpose is an exceptionally good question.

Each ship in Noahs Fleet was literally some type of a Satellite dish.

Several Satellites which in basic look almost identical to upside down Pyramids. Which makes the Pyramids upside down ben ben stones. Same exact mechanism at the VLA (Ben Ben Stones, a fleet of them), Several electricity emitting Pyramids (basically upside-down satellites are representations of Noahs Ark Fleet, Narmer Fleet oldest-images-egypt-royalty-pharaohs-overview-61640-600x450.jpgas show on the Narmer Monolith oldest-images-egypt-royalty-pharaohs-boat-61637-600x450.jpg(Narmer aka the Scorpion King,). oldest-images-egypt-royalty-pharaohs-boat-61637-600x450.jpgThe Five and a quarter ships drawn match the number of 16 day months in the Elder Futhark Sequence.

1 Imbulc ***

2 Mid Winter

3 Mid-Summer

4 Lammas

5 Samhain

6 Easter

These ships are also laid out in a very similar patter if not a flat out blue print of the Pyramids; which would not be constructed for another Half a Millennia, well from 2600-2100 bce.

just rotate it 90 counter clockwise with up being east

Not all that far away from the Narmer Monolith close to Thebes/Luxor is the city of Heirakonopolis.

That city was attacked without mercy at 3800 bce by invaders from Mecca. Although mecca * was likely not called that yet.

The residence of Heirakonopolis knew the invasion was coming and prepared for it. Knowing that they had a nice army and the like, but they were not blood thirsty enough for the task. The invaders would have less than zero problem in any way killing every last person they encountered. Dominance was the goal, not a fight over land, food, shelter, etc. Just fight to fight, kill to kill, and then bragg about the achievements.

The city of Heirakonopolis was for the most part disassembled, what was not movable was buried and forgotten for the next several millennia.

In that city was a building which had a mural painted on it. That mural depicted literally a map of the world on it. The Ancients of upper Egypt in a very odd way figured out the size, shape, and major details of the earth. How did they do that by 3800 bce is a mystery. A mystery which modern scholars refuse in all ways to study.

However the painting is a hard fact, the Monolith depicting 5 solid ships and a possible 6th is also not in debate. Minus the truly anal retentive devils advocate academics who argue against ideas for the pure sake of the argument. They have little interest in digging for the truth, only contradicting evidence presented to test the argument of the presenter. Which is how the scientific method is used for the most part wrong, the questions do not come from an academic standpoint, but from a measuring contest standpoint.

I remember a few years ago one of my first books I presented it to a person who was so dead locked on Electro-Magnetics that every question he could think of was entirely about Electro-Magnetics. Despite not a single word in the book was about Electro-Magnetics. His only interest was about that subject, and he could not care less about anything other than said subject. It did not matter at all that the book presented had zero to do with Electro-Magnetics. He kept asking Electro-Magnetic questions till I walked away. He felt justified because he was I am only asking basic scientific criticism questions. He forgot that questions need to be subject specific. He was using ridicule and humiliation to win a nonexistent measuring contest. Of course, he worked in a huge head shop so his perspective was based almost exclusively on being stoned.

One of the key details of the situation is that their have been found several upwards of about 5 or 6 ships found around several of the large Pyramids *. At least 6 that I know of were buried around Khufu. Those 6 ships were not funerary ships, taking the corpse to be buried, that is pure fiction. Those ships were representations of Noahs Fleet.

Making another strong connection with hard evidence between The pyramids, Narmer, Noah, The Elder Futhark (which by the way the internal architecture of Khufu built circa 2500 bce strongly resembles the Hebrew character of Shin supposedly created circa 1300 bce by either Moses and or his descendants.), and Jewish mysticism. However the Elder Futhark has several serious and substantial applications regarding being a measurement of the earth as it sails through the cosmos.

But Noahs Fleet is a great deal more complex than just a Fleet of Ships. Those ships are also a representation of the 8 Fixed points in the earths orbit around the sun. **

In FreeMasonry

each of the major jobs in a FreeMasonic Lodge

1 WM

2 SW

3 JW

4 Sect

5 Treasurer

6 Chaplin

the secondary jobs in a masonic lodge.







It would be a fascinating expariments for Fellow Brothers only to map out the floor work, and directly compare said floor work with how the planet moves on both a daily and a yearly cycle.

It would be interesting if there is a connection between the floor work and the patterns of the earths motions in its orbit around the sun.

However, that is strictly for brother to brother communication; skeleton like.

That would make Easter and Halloween to work together at the alter along with the SD to perform Ouija on the bible. A portion of said floor work was removed from FreeMasonry about 200 years Ago circa 1810.

The most G rated of the removed floor work was those 3 men going to the Alter at the same time to perform Ouija immediately after the Prayer both times.

Just a slight modification of the floor work which is already included in at least 2 separate states and 20 lodges wording. The descriptions are present, what is not is the actions done which are described.

Of course there is also occurrences where the WM and the SW come to the Alter for rather important announcements or important stated communications.

When the Grand Master comes for his official visit. In more formal Lodges, Past Masters sit to the east as well to the sides of the sitting WM. Depending on various and assorted situations, a dozen men could be down at the alter with a hand on the metal.




The Historian would be in ***charge of keeping track of all the details of what happened, what page of the Scroll/Torah (despite the fact that previous to 500 bce, the Torah did not exist yet), the whole scriptures at King Solomon's were not written in Hebrew and were not the Torah. Since the Jews had not accepted Hebrew fully and completely yet, they were still using older languages and or Ionian. But that is a very long and complex story.

The historian would be in charge of keeping track of the letters below the metal, as the metal slid around the pages. Not unlike what is described in the bible regarding the 40 days and 40 nights of Noahs journey. 40 lines per column on the right side of the page, 40 lines on the left side of the page. One side is considered light or day, and the other is considered dark as in night.

The metal moves around the Page, landing on various letters. Those letters were at least as far back as 1300 bce were written using Hebrew. Hebrew is a Cuneiform language, which all Cuneiform languages were built using the Elder Futhark as a Scaffolding. The Elder Futhark is both a Language and a Calendar. The Calendar was created by following the first rule of mathematics, measure too and from fixed points. Those fixed point are Mid-Winter Dec 22, Feb 2, March 22 (Easter), May 1, Mid-Summer (june 22), Aug 2, Sept 22, Oct 31 (Halloween). 5 of those 8 are 16 day months, the rest are 15 day months.

The Major floor work jobs in Freemasonry are specific fixed points the earth passes through in its orbit around the sun.

There is a huge amount more happening in FreeMasonry than what any of the books describe. Also FreeMasonry contains the secrets to decode an ancient science; that science had a direct interaction with the Pyramids, and how they were constructed.

The Chaplin does his thing, but instead of x action, he does y action with the two men who move next. The three of them meet under the ATEN; look UP!!!!!! What changes in the Ceiling from 5 minutes previous to right then?? Under the light, the three men. Touch metal. The Historian moves out of his chair to the North to see, and make notes as to where the metal touches what letters in what sequence.

The circle; is the daily rotation of the planet. Fixed points to understand when those letters are associated with real time. Measure too and from fixed points; nothing could be more important when performing the calculations required to properly sequence out the letters in a circle. Especially fi the metal moves more than once. Sequences of letters create words, words create sentences, sentences create Paragraphs, etc. The evidence is all too clear, however all of this was unacceptable to the Puritans who joined FreeMasonry in England and America post 1750. The more they grew in numbers the more they removed the ancient knowledge, to focus in on other things and not academics.

Frist degree = associates degree

Second = bachelors

Third = masters. How do we know this as a matter of hard fact Master Mason.

However almost all the learning, academics, and scholarly works have been removed from FreeMasonry to focus in on other stuff.

The Easter and Halloween positions and in comparison to the Narmer/Scorpion King Monolith.

the two on the side of the middle 3, and the one below.


This is not written using Hieroglyphics, this is a Calendar. The Calendar of the Elder Futhark and Noahs Ark Fleet seem to be at least in the most basic of measurements, connected.

The Evidence points to, within reason they line up.

Memphis is of course a guess as to its location in the Middle of the Nile.

However, the guess is close since a suburb of Memphis its location is known. So the city was within a couple miles of that suburb.

In addition.

The city of Memphis was designed to resemble A ship. One of Noahs ships.

So the connection between the top two Narmer Monolith Fleet ships, one being just over the other and strongly connected, is a sign of the east and west temples build into the more than 100 foot tall walls of the city. Which is almost identical to the shape of the Coliseum;

Where the Coliseum sits now was the site of a rather intense fire. That intense fire was set by Emperor Neros direction, it would be very interesting if that land formerly belonged to the Julii family.

That building or sequence of buildings might be where Memphis/Luz was placed. Nero saw no greater threat to his power as Emperor than the Julii family. He attacked them without mercy from the day he entered Rome in chains to the day he was executed by the senate for trying to take too much power away from them. His execution was close to the same time that Vespasian was killed at Pompaii, Paul/Nero might have attempted to make a political land military move to reseize power over the Emperorship again.

Paul supposedly died circa 68 ce, the problem is, despite how meticulous the Romans kept records of that time. Anything and everything they did not like, they did not record. Consequently Paul/Nero was simply written out of Roman hstory. One day he is their in Rome proper being himself, the next day he is not included in any documentation. As Vespasian rose to pweor, he was not interested at all in anything to do with being nice to the million Jewish slaves in Rome at all. His perspective was; everyone needed to know their place and if they get our of line punish them, and if they do not cooperate kill them. 10,000 slaves can be easily replaced in a very short amount of time. he had no interest at all in dealing with the issues which come from Jews and or the slaves. He was a tyrranical dictator who enjoyed genocidign anyone and everyone who questioned his authroty as a roman politician first and Emperor second.

He stripped Paul/Nero of his historical names and titles, then seized control over the throne. Then used Paul as a person John Doe slave from that point till the day he was killed at Pompaii forcing the Jews and Christians in that city to obey and to stop their rebellion.

Narmers Monolith a blueprint of the Pyramids 500 years later,

is also a rather significant blueprint for the layout of a FreeMason Lodge.


Was Paul's execution prompted by the sudden death of Vespasian, did the senate come down extra hard on their boy Paul to prevent him from creating a coupe detant which could have ushered in the Papal state two and a half centuries early?

something occurred at virtually the same exact time as the death of Vespasian, the first documented appearance of the word Christianity circa 80 ce.

The first appearance of the word Christian occurs within months of the death of Vespasian, who had a blood lust regarding fidign all chriatisn and Jews and killing them. He rose to the rank of Emperor by being a specifically psychopathic general. He was general in Britain and killed more than his fair share of the inhabitance of the islands for power and money.

he is in Pompeii killing Jews and Christians how had managed to evacuate out of Rome, when the Eruption occurred. His body may or may not have been recovered.

What is more important due to his combat death with a chunk of his best soldiers, did the descendants of Paul rise up and begin to push back against the Senate.

what is really interesting is the facts that the second Pope of Rome St Linus was elected to office the year Paul disappears from history. Same year Nero was also removed from history. Nero and Paul disappear from history at the exact same time as St Linus the second pope appears.

Linus is pope will virtually the say Vespasian is killed at Pompeii.

Linus is replaced by St Anacletus a Greek born in Athens. Anacletus 76/79 88/91 served as Pope with virtually no documentation at all. Historians are not sure this person even existed, and if this person did exsit, almost all details of this persons existence would be just as fiction as Germanicus the husband of the elder daughter of Emperor Octavian/Augustus sister, the father of the sisters daughter was Mark Anthony.

However Germanicus was a pure fiction. This person not only did not exist, this persons family was also a fiction. No lands, no hisotyr, and as soon as this persons life was over there is zero documentation about possible siblings, cousins, etc. in Rome. Despite 4 family members being Emperor, post 30 ce, the Germanicus family vanish from history.

You have to remember that the Senate and the super rich in Rome did everything they could to hide all the details of the fact their Empire was about to collapse. it took 3 centuries to collapse completely and allow the new religion of Catholicism to actually take over, but the writing was on the wall at the point of the Crucifixion; the crucifixion which took place in Rome Propper. Well just outside Rome Propper where the Vatican Hill used to be.

Vespasian had such a profound hatred for Jews and the followers of Jesus that it is difficult to determine that he and the evil priest Paul were not working together to destroy the foundations of the Jewish uprising.

Hence the point to destroy the city of Luz/Memphis, then bring the dismantled temple of King Solomon/Zerubbabel to Rome, assemble the Temple into the Coliseum, then kill Jews in spectacular ways for the next centuries in the Great Jewish Temple of Levant Lands.

The building is so large that it is a solid hypothesis that the stones brought from Levant Jerusalem King Solomon's Temple/Zerubbabels rebuilt and assembled into the Coliseum were assembled into an extremely similar shape as the previous structure built on that site. That being the city of Memphis or its old name Luz. Jacob traveled north west from Luz to the Light place in order to commune with god, he slept on a rock at the light place and had a vision of building a Ladder. He immediately ordered the construction of the Pyramids. The Megaliths present were remodeled from tiny structures like Stonehenge to what they were previous to having their casing stones removed.

Now this next part is also heavily interesting. The Vatican is North West by a few points north of 45 from the Coliseum.*

Caesar had the city of Luz/Memphis floated and moved to Rome, it is still in Rome on a former Julii estate. Where the Julii family had the city placed is an extremely good question. Just goes to show you have solid and substantial the violence towards the Jews and the Julii family was from the Senate and the powerful people of Rome.

Either than or it was likely destroyed by forces under orders from Paul/Nero; leading to the great fire.

oldest-images-egypt-royalty-pharaohs-boat-61637-600x450.jpgThe Two sides of the Ship of Memphis/Luz.


The Stuff on the deck of the Ships; could those things be half a millennia early 3200 bce versus construction begins on the Pyramids circa 2600 bce. Could those things and figures be representatives of the Pyramid areas. The Pyramid areas of course are the areas south of Giza.

But the depictions of the stuff on the deck. It would be very interesting to obtain close up high resolution images of each ship; so that the stuff on the decks could be more easily identified and possibly aligned with the construction present. Eg the Pyramids and the other support buildings and complexes around the Pyramids.

This whole aspect of the Narmer/Scorpion King Monolith and of course the very likely half a millennia previous blueprint for the Pyramids; throws into very interesting and stark contrast the other evidence of the Electricity Generated by the Pyramids. The documented facts of Jacobs Ladder, the fact that Jacobs ladder itself if you change angel to Electro-Magnetic waves; than the Pyramids are a two-way radio/Electro-Magnetic telescope. Capable sending and receiving Electro-Magnetic waves. Which is itself a rather extreme problem, since the Narmer Monolith is a direct reflection of Noahs Ark Fleet.

Makes the Pyramids an Astronomy Array; working close to exactly the same way VLA does. The Evidence is starting to mount up that ancient what have been assumed to be primitive cultures not only understood Electro-Magnetic waves, but harnesses the tools in their world like quartz and magnets to create various times of radio telescopes. however they were more like Electro-Magnetic waves telescopes to send and receive Electro-Magnetic waves from. Which places their technology similar to that of western culture circa 1960.

However this after evidence points hard and strongly towards if there is evidnece from the very ancient world say 5000 bce and back. The evidence is strong and substantial regarding advanced understanding of tools and equipment during the time of the Cro-Magnon and even farther back Neanderthal.

Presented in the form of cave paintings, and of course Megaliths like Goba Teka.

Lascaux France Neanderthal cave paintings

While doing this research over the last three decades I have watched a large amount of television and movies. I am dyslexic so when the brain stops being able to process writing, I have to take a break till I can read again.

Consequently I have spent a huge amount of time watching tv and movies. Thank whatever that the VCR was invented and affordable enough in 1980 to have one in our home. We recorded dozens of movies. We would not be able to make a copy from the video store for several more years, those first few years were very nice.

The point is that there are some universal plots which Western Cutlure has come to expect. A TV show and or a Movie must follow specific rules or the audience has no interest and the show either bombs at the box office and or is cancelled.

for example October Road where a man goes off to college the day he graduated high school. His girlfriend played by Laura Prepone from That 70s show and later Orange is the New Black, played his adult girl friend with a kid of approximately the same age as when the protagonist left for college.

The writters of the show decided that the kid had another father not the protagostinst, and most of the audience the second that was revieled dropped the show. Views instead of tuning inn in droves bailed and the show went from the top of the viewer list to the bottom. It was soon cancelled. The Network was actually shocked that the show make it past episode 12; but the audience loved it and wanted to see more. So the show lasted for 3 seasons. Despite the end of season 2 it was revealved that the kid was not the mans son.

Audiences expect characters to do specific things, and react in specific ways. ON the show West Wing staring Martin Sheen, he was supposed to only be on for a few minutes every few episosides if at all. The writer and show runner Arron Sorkin decided that he wanted to focus the show on his deptuty chief of staff a character by the name Josh Lymone. That Josh was going to have a long term relationship with his ex girlfriend a character by the name of Mandy played by Maira Kierny. However the chemistry between the two actors almost did not exist, within 20 episodes Mandys character was written out and Josh was left with a potential love interest missing. Which the Amerian audience loved because they got to see Romeo court several different females over the course of the next 6 years. Finally the writters recognized that the character of Donna Moss the actress and the actor Bradly Witford had profound chemistry and they were finally put together, as a long term committed couple.

The Audience liked seeing Martin Sheen as a good solid liberal commander in Chief and wanted to see Josh get married to the love of his life.

The audience wanted and received gratification for their commitment to seeing the journey of Josh play out.

the Gena Davis tv show Commander in Chief about a hard line radical conservative republiclan who courted the chancellor of a huge Univesity who had already won 3 nobels in different subjects. Had been an elected politician at least 2 times previous. He asked her to be his running mate as VP, and she accepted.

The show starts with the president having a full on hard core stroke. A stroke which 95% incapacitated him, he was unfit to remain President of the United States. The show was given a full season, however the plot flaws and mistakes in what the audience wanted to see killed the show by episode 5. The Audience wanted to see x, y, z the show writters and show runner decided that they wanted a, b, c and the show was soon cancelled. Despite the fact that the audience only dropped a liltte after the really bad plot lines were not played out well.

The Audience had for the most part situational blindness they expect to see and or hear x, but y is the reality of the situation.

Beam me up scotty is never actually said in the Original series.

There are about 100 famous lines from tv and movies which the audience did not remember correctly. Either the line never happened or the line was delivered differently.

Situational blindness.

the audience expects x so y becomes x, rather than the actual fact of what happened. which is interesting since eye witness testimony is so radically depended on in a court of law, however eye witnesses as has been proven conclusively more times than can easily be counted has not only proven to be wrong but proven to be the persons cultural prejudices.

How many police officers executed the suspect because they were 100% sure with zero doubt in any way the person had a gun and they needed to shoot before they were shot. The person was the absolute definition of not a threat but the cop pulled the trigger anyway.

Situational Blindness, the Audience being the police officer, other officers, laywers, and the court system see the same thing the cop saw.

Their was a video recorded of a black man who had a gun on his body, had a concieled permit. He was pulled over, he told the officer I have a gun and I have a permit, the officer did not hear a single sound after the person became a perp who was going to kill him. The man attempted to reach for his ID telling the officer here is my ID, here is my right to carry a gun. Tehh officer heard not a single sound. He saw the man move and shot him. The officer was so afraid that he was going to shoot the perp again several seconds after his last breath. The officer did not calm down till back up arrived and he was pulled from his execution position by his friends in blue. Only then did he relax. But the man was dead by several minutes and the officer was still entiriely convicned the dead man was going to pull that gun and shoot him.

Situational Blindness.

The audience perceives what they want to see.

IN the Cave Paintings of France and other locations. The artist paitned ?, the audience has determined that someone with a Bow and Arrow is attacking two adults and two children likely with a dog present.

However what is more likely is this is depiection of an announcement. The guy with the bow an darrow is not actually trying to kill the 4 people. The bow is more likely to be an announcement that the family wants to make.

The Guy with the bow and arrow is more likely to be what became known later on as A town Cryer. The news was relayed through people who stood on a street corner close to the middle of a square and or a town and would speak out the news and daily information.

The Bow is not violence, the bow is more like the Electro-Magnetic waves given off by a camp fire. The middle man is likely some type of community leader, placing a crown or some other type of symbol of leadership on the man with the walking stick and or staff. Those are not children, they are the common people. A relatively similar painting to his was done a dozen millennia later; where the Kings of Europe were crowned by either the Pope and or the Archbishop of the city the King was incharge of. See the crown on Staff Mans head; it appears the crown was just placed their.

of course this could also be the standing man hitting staff man in the head.

That is an unrealistic number of oars in the water. 19 Oars not counting the steering oar. 15/16 men manning the oars, or more likely the oars on the other side. 19 on this side, 14 on that side. Totally unrealistic.

however instead of being a ship on the water. How about a take off in an extremely ancient way of a copy of Noahs Ship, but not Noahs Ark but those are not oars but they are Electro-Magnetic waves. The ship is a Castle Salem Opolis, etc. floating through the cosmic journey the earth passes through on its orbit around the sun.

This could also be a very interesting interpretation of the T Calendar. 19 normal months 15 days(16* special) and 5/6 16 day months.

the carvings on the bow could be a representation of the *special months and their associated days.

Which places the origin of the Elder Futhark Calendar 1000s of years previous to the construction of the Pyramids.

Instead of being a Net, which is unrealistic to an extreme amount. Nets are not designed that way, however antennas are. This is more likely to be an antenna, or some type of Radio receiver/transmitter. The Bow and Arrow being a symbol not for violence, but of the Electro-Magnetic waves being detected. Either one or both ways.

Also there are 4 towers on this ship. 2 on the bow and 2 on the stern, the men are in effect standing between the towers. it is of course stylized, so the distance between the towers is metaphoric.

That mathematical formulation itself is directly reflected in the architecture of the Lake Nemi Ships. Two large ships; 2 towers on the bow not touching each other minus a possible sky bridge on the 2nd or third floor, and 2 towers on the stern x 2 ships. 4 towers on each ship, 2x2x2.


a full 1/3 of this painting is damaged. ****

However there are some defined areas which are of concern.

The guy to the left both arms are what appears to be backwards. some type of an oar or two in below. 3 Clearly in evidence people, with a possible 4th at the left side of the smudge.


Sleds, one huge sled and a smaller support sled.


The Character of Adam which translates as Red/Amber Earth, being a proper name e.g. a person is the code for the Yr Hen Ogle dd family, or the shorter version the Ogle family, and Ogle Kingdom. The Ogle kingdom was name changed after the Pictish revolt defeated the Ogle family from their homeland, the Picts then change the name from the Kingdom of Ogle to its English equivalent Northumberland. The code of the name Adam, is the same code found in the markings of the family of the Scorpion Kings, aka Pharaoh Narmer (who had a fleet carved into his Narmer Monolith not far away from Thebes/Luxor, which is also not far from Hierakonpolis where a World Map is located.) and centuries later the entire Old Kingdom used as their family symbol a Tall Flower with 7 petals around a large core, the Petals were colored Amber/Red. A flower is tall (vertical/north {previous to the compass North meant vertical as in up}) is in a specific location (land/ground), the Red/Amber (Umber/Amber; the code is North/Vertical Umber Land in English, in Gaelic the word translates as Yr Hen Ogle dd. Linguistically the Ogle family were the Pharaohs of the Old Kingdom. Making Adam one of the first named members of the Ogle family.

So why did the Hyksos the descendants of Esau work their fingers to the bone for 4000 years to destroy any and all evidence of this? That is an extremely good question, of the many answers. One of them is the Hyksos hate to a disgusting level education, which does not make them more powerful. Another is the hatred that Esau had over being passed over for being named King of Kings of the Tabernacle of Adam System. That hatred carried over into Esaus culture aka the Hyksos hating to a point of mass psychosis any and everything which might be a tool for god to tell the humans they are doing something wrong. The Hyksos would rather destroy the radio than to admit they have done something wrong.


What is the Tabernacle of Adam System, since linguistically Adam and Ptah have the same job, it stands to reason that the function and structure of Ptah and his Ben Ben Stone Fleet of ships, the Temple structure Adam built is the Ben Ben Stone fleet?

However the Pyramids have a built in Causeway leading in extremely specific directions from each Pyramid to the mm specific locations. Khufu bisects the summit of Everest 3000 miles away, Pepi I bisects the cave of the nativity, the Bent bisects King Solomon's Temple location.

The Causeways other function is they are a Calndar.


There is an infinity loop created between

Bent to King Solomon's

King Solomons to the Nativity

Nativity to the Pepi I

Pepi I to the Bent. It creates an Infinity loop.

They are also within 300 miles of each other. which is required for power distribution between a power plant and a location which requires electricity to operate.


Ben Ben stone; this stone is a function and structure of where Ptah stands as he bathes in the Rays/Electro-Magnetic Waves from the ATEN. The VLA and all similar Electro-Magnetic wave telescopes are designed using the ATEN as a solid and significant base of functionality. The Ben Ben Stone is itself a Satellite Dish, just squared off with the opening closed. It is more like a membrane to enhance the focus of the Electro-Magnetic waves coming in. ***

Almost exactly like a light fixture, the naked bulb shines against a screen, that screen allows for either a diffusion of light to make harsh into soft, and or a focusing of the waves to allow for clarity in observation. Not unlike a triangle glass, it splits the light pouring in to different spectrums. White becomes R O Y G B I V. Since the Pyramids have the degree of a rainbow, that makes the degrees of the pyramids the exact same Electro-Magnetic splitter as that of light.

Ptah; the Egyptian deity Ptah has been around and discussed since before Hieroglyphics was invented. The being Ptah is only kind of a deity, Ptah is more of one of the earliest pharaohs. Ptah just poof into existence after a lot of Indo-European language became translated into very proto-Hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics was not really a language till post 3500 bce, but from 3800-3500 it slowly took on a solid basis, but it took a long time to convert IE into Hieroglyphics. That same 3800-3200 bce when Hieroglyphics finished becoming a solid defined language is the same time when the culture from Mecca invaded and forced their primitive language to merge with those they conquered forcing the native IE to adapt to the more primitive. That more primitive and IE merged and formed Hieroglyphics. The stories of Ptah came directly from that war and merging of languages.

Ptah himself has a long and complex story.

Narmer; Pharaoh Narmer is The Striker was a man born in upper Egypt, he was born in and or around the city of Thebes/Luxor. Through his lifetime he conquered Egypt with his families army and ruled both upper and lower Egypt under his own leadership. He was credited by his conquered enemies as the First ruler of both upper and lower Egypt. The problem with this is that the people who he then had domination over, some of the cultures he conquered were mental cases. The culture lived by rules which create mental instability. Define Cognitive Dissonance which is the basic structure where most mental issues stem from. Suppressed childhood trauma, inappropriate actions and or activities, etc. something happens, and the individuals mental structure cannot deal with it. consequently not only can they not deal with the events they were connected to, they cannot deal with the memories of being involved. Suppressed emotions will come out hard and strong; when said suppressed emotions come out hard and strong the harder the trauma (e.g. the more the trauma goes against the individuals own moral, ethical, sense of righteousness) the harder the inappropriate to social rules of order actions done in response. The entire movie Good Will Hunting was almost entirely based on this set of concepts.

A math genius was beyond self-destructive in life because he could not get his suppressed trauma worked out. He could solve math problems most professional mathematicians could not tackle, but he could not hold down more than a day labor job. He could not stop getting arrested for dumb stuff. Esau and his culture, which his culture existent long before he was born and still exists now, they just use enumerable different names. Things happened at 4000 bce, which caused the Enemy culture to respond to the world and fellow humans in the worst ways imaginable. The had been in existence for an unknown amount of time previous to Esau. He simply became their new leader in his adulthood. The previous culture about 600 years before Esau was born, accepted that Narmer aka The Scorpion King was their new king/ruler/Pharaoh; however they could not get past their own internal junk regarding their humiliations of Noah and the Nephilim. ***

Noah and the Nephilim are mentioned in the same chapter and are in basic the same subject in Genesis Chapter 6. Many events in history which have a defined loser can be tracked back to their traumatic origins simply be reconstructing the self-destructive behavior patterns generation after generation to the origin of the trauma. The entire concept of Pharaoh Narmer being accepted as the first Ruler of both upper and lower Egypt is in itself evidence of Noah in Egypt. He course corrected at Mount Ararat. He did not stop at that location, he figured out where he was and then set sail for the temple of IWNW. He parked his flag ship next to the 1000-year-old Temple of Adam and civilization in Egypt began. Which is more than easy to prove. Around the called Mount Ararat, for the last 6000 years there has been all but zero civilization. The area is intemperate to more than just the most basic of survival. Some animals accustomed to living there do, but nothing large. Minus man, and that is because all of their supplies are shipped in. Egypt on the other hand you cannot throw a rock in the country and not hit a building or a foundation of a structure 2 to 6000 years old. Modern construction was built on ancient construction, ancient construction was built on even older, etc. from present back to the time of Noah. For evidence of Noah and his fleet look to the Narmer Monolith carved at around 3200 bce. 5 very large ships, more than capable of carrying supplies and several people each. However the Pharaoh list from 3200 to the start of the Old Kingdom a lot of battles occurred between, changing the family of the pharaoh back and forth several times between the different powerful families in Egypt.

Pharaoh; the word itself has the definition of Pha Ra. Which means Leader of the Long(tall) house of god. Let us break this concept down a bit into its base elements. The Code is found in this word as well. Tall/Vertical, God/Amber/Umber, house a defined land. In English North Umber Land, in Gaelic Yr Hen Ogle dd. Which lends itself strongly to the function and structure of several aspects of evidence that the Ogle family of Britain are direct descendants of the 18th Dynasty, the Old Kingdom (the builders of the Pyramids), Narmer, Noah, and their last name in Indo-European language is Pharaoh. In Gaelic it is Ogle, in IE it is Pharaoh. which causes one to seriously consider the function and structure of Jesus and all the events of his ministry as well as where exactly the Crucifixion took place.

We know two events took place at in basic the same time. Those two events are the Roman Empire was in chaos because of a Jewish uprising, presumably the uprising was caused because of Jesus. We also know that at the same time Caligula ordered the city of Heliopolis and the Temple of IWNW to be moved from Egypt to Rome, Well the swamp to the north west of the center of Rome Proper. Caligula and the Julii family spent a large amount on lands they had owned for a millennia to convert the wetlands next to their valley and the hill to the east which has almost always been called by the Julii Vatican. The wetlands were converted to a dry dock. That drydock is where Caligula had the city of Heliopolis moved to. There is less than no reason the words and function of Jesus entered Jerusalem. Those words can be just as easily interpreted as Jesus on board the Ship Jerusalem entered Rome. Palm Trees in Rome are not native, so they were owned only by the super-rich. Palm Sunday is actually a way for the Jews and the uber rich in Rome to Honor their King entering Rome. Based on the facts that the Romans were a direct descendant from the collection of armies and cultures that Agamemnon assembled to go and genocide the (Jews) Trojans. It is only reasonable to hypothesize the descendants of Agamemnon aka the Roman Senate were still lying about their actions against the Jews in a different location on a different continent more than a millennia after the Trojan War. As already covered Trojans means Descendants of Jacob, the father of the Jews. Same exact behavior pattern from Noah through Egypt through the Roman Empire, through England, through Prussia, to the Americas, to the Present. When that culture begins to commit crimes against humanity, they attack the media and science as hard as they attack their enemies. Those enemies are any group they feel superior too. The evidence is too plentiful to fully and completely cover how the Romans an Esau/Hyksos descendant culture lied their way through almost all of their interactions with both Egypt and of course the Jews. However modern academics was formed and put forward as a part of society by the Romans, borrowing a concept the Greeks had in part formed. However, the Greeks specifically the Hyksos/Dorians are who were the driving military force not to form academics but to control the flow of information which Academics became. Same exact culture which genocided the Old Kingdom when they used the word Hyksos to identify themselves, when they name changed to Dorian they genocided the Trojans and took the war to Samhain to conquer that city and renamed it Rome. Same exact culture reallowed Academics circa 200 bce, borrowing from the Hyksos structure of Academics.

All that culminated with Emmanuelle, Jesus, Simon Peter, son of Joseph, son in the line of King David, etc. All pharaohs were given a special Divine name from Narmer to present, although from Simon Peter forward it has only been one name and the Hieroglyphic spelling of Pharaoh was translated into Latin as Pope. The first Pope, Simon Peter

Pyramids and Sound; A solid (Peter) structure of a defined area, which resonate with sound (Simon). Build your church upon me. The next word is Simon Peter. The Pyramids as well as being designed to generate electricity, also generate sound. They also focus and amplify sound.

not unlike medical tools which use sound to heal, or sound to generate images. an ultra sound machine for example. Which is used every single minute around the world in association with medical technology. It is also used in marine craft, to help identify the shapes of underwater things. Compression waves are one thing, but sound is an additional tool. The Pyramids have both Electro-Magnetic and Sound waves.

When Jesus entered Jerusalem. the story makes more logical sense that Caligula has Heliopolis not dismantled and put on a ship, but had the ship of Heliopolis refloated, and sailed north east to Levant lands. Where the ship picked up Jesus and his followers. The Ship or more likely fleet was then sailed to Rome, Jesus on the ship of Jerusalem sailed up the River and docked to the west of the Vatican Valley. Jesus entered Rome riding on the deck of Jerusalem, as the not yet but soon crowned Pharaoh of Egypt and Rome. The Old Kingdom had followed the same behavior pattern of their ancestors in Egypt circa 3800-3500 bce and evacuated out of the way of the genociding army from Mecca (not the first or the last time an army from Mecca would invade Egypt with the intent of find and kill every single person they encountered who would not submit to their authority) and traveled to Italy. Founding the city of Samhain, and building a copy of the Pyramids in that city.

A wild but all too based on hard evidence hypothesis about the Pyramids, They are a collection of Noahs Ark Fleet which are Synagogues, but those 16 synagogues are also a collection of letters which tell the story of Genesis using cryptography. Cryptography where numbers became letters. 1 = F, 2 = U, etc. . from 0 to infinity. Although this language is a bit more complex than a single plus or minus number line. The original layout of Genesis is how the Pyramids were designed, which became copied to give the city layout of Samhain. A very small amount of that original architecture still exists, and it is possible to recreate the math's to translate through cryptography the original story of Genesis using the original city layout previous to the city being conquered and renamed Rome.

The Pharaoh names; from roughly 3150 to an extremely debatable 30 bce some version and or form of this title was used in Egypt. The largest problem is, Egypt was in basis for all of that time ruled by two predominant cultures. The Jews and the descendants of Egypt. The Descendants of Esau were for the most part at least in part Polytheistic, although that subject can be debated rather strongly by recently translated concepts via the Roman Senate translations.

The Roman Senate met in about 8 major locations throughout Rome Proper, several of those locations were rather huge like the Temple of Jupiter, or the Original Forum Building which lived most of its life from construction to the point the building was destroyed * at some point post 100 ce as a Temple. A generic polytheistic temple. Although originally that temple was a synagogue, but good luck trying to find anyone in Italy who will accept said as a fact. The meeting locations in Rome are a reflection of an ancient IE calendar mathematics, each god is a symbol of a different time. The Greeks and then the Romans misunderstood the concepts of what Paganism was based on the aftermath of several Hyksos created dark ages. The Hyksos created dark ages and then found it humorous to take a concept which they might or might not have known the truth and facts behind and presented their fictional understanding of it, then released said fictions to watch how many of their clueless followers would take it as gospel. The die to defend said fiction. It is actually difficult not to find evidence in the Hyksos culture of them being sadistic. The Hyksos and their descended cultures which have more names than can easily be counted, have turned being sadistic and sociopathic into an artform.

Each God is not actually a god, it is a concept of a sequence of time. Each deity rules over a given time sequence. Different time sequences as shown in the earths magnetosphere present various and assorted dominant and submissive Electro-Magnetic sequences.

The Horus, the entire concept of the Pharaoh is to be born again from human into being a demi-god upon being elevated to the position of Pharaoh. Hence the origin of His/Her Royal Highness. A position of divine authority. which comes directly from Adam being a normal and regular father knowing where the entrance to heaven was, would have journeyed back to the entrance and offered himself in sacrifice for his murdered son. Hence the appearance of Enoch, which can mean the one who returned.

the Sedge and Bee (nswt-bjtj) name,

and the Two Ladies (nbtj) name

two likely metaphor meanings

eve would be Egypt

Lilith would be Italy

The two ladies name could very well be a reference to the twin capital cities of IWNW/Jerusalem/ Heliopolis and Samhain name changed 753 to Rome. The ancients who built this extremely complex array had to have an equally complex mathematics. since the math had to come first.

The mathematics coming first makes the entire function and structure of the situation much more complex. Found in the name of Jerusalem, the Jeru part is the 12th character in the Futhark Language. The Futhark Language obviously possessed a Calendar of 24 months of 15 days, with a 16th day 5 times a year specific to the special Solstices and Equinoxes of which there are 8. Once every 4 years there is a 6th 16-day month. Which occurs February 2. In the Gregorian Calendar it is represented by the added date February 29.*

For additional evidence of this, turn no further than to the combined concepts of

the Senate Met in dedicated temples, more than one *

the senators themselves for a considerable amount of time from roughly 753 bce - 200 ce called themselves priests. Although this had to be altered significantly * when the gospels were written, to make it appear it was the Hebrew Priests The Philistines were the guilty ones, not the good Christians. The Philistines have been so badly translated by linguists the word and name meaning have very little to do with each other. The Philistines are what the descendants of Agamemnons cultural army chose to call themselves.

The Army that Agamemnon assembled after his humiliating defeat at Athens caused him to assemble the largest army he was capable of assembling. He called on every single city he could, he called on every single military leader, etc. to assemble an army so large that no matter what the city of Troy and those dirty Jews would see fall to his might.

More than a few of the participants chose to leave the area they were living in and joined Agamemnon as their new leader. They would create new lives for themselves in the conquered city of Troy and or where Agamemnon sent them next. Refugees always find ways to evacuate, and there are almost always armies needed to follow in order to seek them out and kill them on the run.

Hence the Ǽgean and his setting up Alba Longa and Samhain not prepare for the arrival of the Refugees from Troy. Also the city of Tier, some cities in northern Egypt were still semi-save for a short time, and of course Carthage and its impressive defenses and stand-alone military.

once assembled the army Agamemnon assembled which included wifes, children, the entire household, livestock, etc. they began to build a new life in the areas away from the main battles. As the army of Agamemnon seized more and more areas, the families brought with began to spread out and settle. Every time a new settlement, city, temple, etc. were captured the families of the warriors moved into the not destroyed structures left by the former inhabitance either being killed, running off, and or be taken as slaves.

it took a bit, but they eventually formed a new culture which they called themselves Philistinians.

They kept this name Philistinians when the younger and not yet sated blood lust commanders left the Ǽgean for Italy. by 10 years out, most of the good lands had already been taken by the older more established families. Agamemnon and his family had already claimed the inside of the main city, and had already promised large chunks of the inside to family friends. So the younger warriors would actually be worse off in the Agamemnon controlled city than they had been back home. They chose to follow the Trojan refugees to Italy and continue the fight there.

Where they could then continue the same pattern. Fight seize control over, and then claim the lands/dwellings for themselves. Unfortunately the next part of the battle took 577 years to complete. But after Central Italy was conquered at least the central city of Samhain, which was then renamed to Rome to honor the commanding general; the descendant culture of Agamemnon kept their old government structure name of Philistine. Which happens to be one of the closest held secrets of the descendants of Paul. That secret that Paul himself and his followers are literally Philistines, who were the primary antagonist to Jesus threatened his entire foundation for being the leader of his church. His church was and still very much is the anti-church of Jesus.

What does this have anything at all to do with the Pyramids, That is a remarkable simple answer. The basic answer is, the name Simon Peter the first pope, who was not a character till he suddenly poof appears right after Jesus performs the Passover ceremony. Which is was not actually the Passover ceremony, it is actually an acknowledgment of the Pharaohs and the builders of the Pyramids name and family function.

this is my body (land)

This is my blood (Amber/Umber/Gold/Life force)

Those who come to me (individual, North/Vertical/Standing up)

North/Vertical, Umber, Land; this is the code of the Yr Hen Ogle dd family, Ogle for short. The family who built the Pyramids aka the Old Kingdom. During that ceremony, Jesus was accepting the title of Pharaoh from the previous Pharaoh Caligula. Who had accepted it from the previous Pharaoh Tiberius, although his previous to being called Tiberius name was Caesarian, the first born and son of Cleopatra and Caesar. The Senate would from the second Caesar seized power in Rome to the present would rather die than admit these facts. And more than a few dozen times, the senators and of course the city of Rome itself was Killed/Destroyed because these facts were suppressed hidden.

The city of Samhain itself was built as a backup of the pyramids. The Pyramids were designed to be a cryptography numbers convert to letters as in the number sequences used in the architecture of the Pyramids converts to Letters. The letter sequences are the words used to write the oldest still in existence copy of Genesis.

the question becomes, is it possible to rebuild the original architecture of the city in order to rebuild the numbers built into the architecture. Find those numbers finds the original copy of Genesis. Although the original copy of Genesis tells a story vastly different than the currently accepted version in the Hebrew Bible. It is much longer, much more complex, and of course makes Jacob the hero instead of in ways painting him as the villain.

Previous to Paul coming into contact with the Senate and convincing them to back his infiltrate and destroy the message of Jesus/Simon Peter (Pyramid/Satellite)/Emmanuelle/Claudius in order to further bring the Jews and other Hebrews back into line. Their purpose in the Roman Empire were to be slaves and silence the message of Jacob. The events of the Julii family and of course Jesus himself was so radical that it forced the senate to take extreme, extraordinary, and radical actions to regain control. Which over the course of the next three centuries, the Romans no matter what they did, never regained control over there empire. It was a slow painful and decidedly nasty fall from being the power of Europe to being a virtually abandoned city.

In the early medieval times, you could have purchased a sizable chunk of the middle of Rome for a song. Just two centuries previous only the richest people in the world could afford to purchase even a half acre. The Fall is hard evidence of the early Christian Church Catholics from 50 ce to present working to find and destroy any and all evidence which pointed to the facts presented in this paper.

* Philistines the Roman Senate spent every single minute of their time in power working hard and strong to legitimize there rule over what was left of the Etruscan culture. Knowing the Etruscans were superior in every single way imaginable. Academics, language, mathematics, science, architecture, engineering, culture, customs, mannerism, etc. The not yet named Romans were in effect nothing more than a group of warriors who had no problem with genocide to achieve their domination goals. The people they conquered at first Troy, then Italy, then Carthage, etc. were a vastly superior collection of cultures. It could explain why the Romans did a lot of what they did, up to and including invading Egypt and then accepting whatever the still in existent Greek Scholars told them about what Egypt was all about and of course what the Pyramids were for. Those fictions have been carried forward for the last 2000 years without missing a beat.

One of the ways the Senate sought to legitimize itself was by adopting the title the Priests of Esau used Philistines. If they added the title of Philistines, than all of their actions were more divine and justified.

Makes the * conversation between Jesus and the Philistines, a conversation between Jesus and the Senate itself. Which changes the entire dynamic of the function and structure of the gospels, ever single word meaning, and concepts change.

But Paul was an insanely jealous man, he was so angry he was not part of the original organization he had what modern medical science calls having a personality breakdown, he suffered a personality crisis. That personality crisis was similar to that of Mark David Chapman suffered from, he convinced himself he was John Lennon. His conviction was so strong that when he met John, he asked Johns name, John told him. Chapman pulled a gun and shot him, reportedly after saying no I am John Lennon. The same exact behavior patterns occurred between Simon Peter and Paul, Paul ordered his followers to hunt down and kill Simon Peter. If you cannot kill Simon then find every one of his followers and kill them. They can either convert to believing I am their savior, or they can die following that impostor.

The problem is, that Simon Peter aka the new Emperor had the Pretorian Guard around him at all times.

Emperor Claudius *

Nero failing time and time again after 15 years of trying with zero success to kill Simon Peter, reverted to an even more radical solution. The Senate was convinced to on paper at least kill Emperor Claudius and install Nero as Emperor. Paul was Nero, the real Nero had evacuated out of Rome years previous.

Vandenberg *


Heliopolis; this word is Greek. which means this word is in no way, shape, or form possible to be the original name of the city in its Greek spelling. However its meaning in Greek does directly translate to Jerusalem.

Helio is Greek for new day. In the language of Futhark aka the runes. The 12th (12th son of Jacob was Judah, the father of the Jews) character in the sequence of characters is Jeru Jera, depending on several factors.

Helio = Jeru; both mean new day

Opolis is Greek for Sacred City, in Hebrew Sacred City translates to Salem.

Sacred City of the New Day, in Latin first is last, last is first, Salem Jeru becomes in other languages Jeru Salem.

The king David city was built as a copy of Heliopolis, in order to keep the will and the structure of original Judaism alive. After the Exodus the Jews suffered the hardest defeats of their cultural existence. From 1330-500 Judaism itself almost became extinct.

Heliopolis previous to 3800 bce had a different Name, that name was IWNW. The Capital City of Pillars. That Pillars Capital City is most notably regarding its reference to the construction of Kaaba. The Kaaba is a 3-story tent, held in place by 3 100-foot-tall pillars on the inside. However the Pillars have to be strong and substantial enough to hold up an amber room on the third floor. Amber is petrified tree sap, it is also mostly quartz. Tons and Tons of Quartz made into a 6-sided box.

By Legend the city of IWNW was built by Adam. So it is logical to theorize that Noah would have wanted to park his Fleet directly next to the main temple of Adam. It is also logical to assume that Egypt was supposed to be Israel. However the descendants of Esau hate this idea beyond measure.



Jesus Jesus standing on the Ben Ben stone. Modern equivalent a satellite dish, first satellite dish, *. The amount to say about Jesus and this given situation is difficult at its best. Not because there is not much to say but because there is so violently much to say. Almost every word will cause some sub-theology group to become angry and claim blasphemy. *

Nephilim; *

Quantum Leap *

Egypt the name of Egypt itself is literally the definition of The Tabernacle of Adam System. which in a very solid and substantial way makes Egypt Israel. although a better translation would be Egypt is the Kingdom of Adam.

Eg; Temple

Y; of

Pt; Ptah

VLA, Versailles, Vitruvian Man, Vatican, and the Flux capacitor. Quantum physics has proven Electro-Magnetic waves can be bent.

VLA is laid out almost exactly in the same structure as Vitruvian Man

Vitruvian Man e.g. Leonardo Da Vinci

Versailles was designed and built by Leonardo Da Vinci

Versailles itself translates to Polytechnical University. Take off the Uni since there are 3 campus, in the form of Vitruvian Man. Vers is a written defined thing, a collection of materials is also a verse. City is a singular location, illes is plural locations, as in more than one location working together to create a larger picture. Several written education facilities with multiple campus.

the Vatican is a direct copy of Leonardos Design modified a small amount of Versailles phase one.

For the those who the VLA itself uses electricity to power Electro-Magnetic sensors to detect the same exact waves which the pyramids design detects and release electricity in their identification. Instead of using electricity to detect, the pyramids create electricity in the detection process.

The Egyptian Pyramids when the casing stones were on, detected a very large array of earth and cosmic pulses. Those pulses as they impacted the limestone compressed the stones at the impact site. Those impact sites (Versailles), plural illes collect and change the waves and patterns of the already in existence compression factors in the power generating. Detecting and then reading the wave patterns in the already being created electricity, the different Electro-Magnetic electricity waves being created with the normal sun thermal dynamics are altered with cosmic rays.


The structures which match the engineering of a radio antenna; VLA, Versailles, Vatican, Washington DC (designed similar but from a pure ignorant perspective.), Radio Telescopes, the Pyramids, likely others.

The Old Kingdom developed a Radio Telescope, but instead of having 3 arms in the shape of the Flux capacitor, Vitruvian Man (Leonardo Da Vinci), Versailles, the Old Kingdom Built 16 arms of a few miles each bisecting locations less than 300 miles away. Which is more than close enough to transmit both the electricity the pyramids generated as well as the compressed Electro-Magnetic signals received from both the planet and the solar system.

Be very interesting if features inside older Masonic Temple research reveals machines and or other types of tools which were used in the sending out and or receiving Electro-Magnetic waves to and from the pyramids.

This concept was explored fictionally in the movie Tomorrowland, Starting George Clooney.

The Eiffel Tower in that specific reality was designed to pick up virtually every single Electro-Magnetic wave in all of the spectrums. Which it not only did, but did with extreme precision. But that is fiction, this is reality.

The Old Kingdom had every single component needed to literally have an operating Electro-Magnetic antenna. Which means, when the casing stones were in place, the Pyramids were literally a rather to extraordinarily degree complex sensor array. Capable of picking up Electro-Magnetic waves from the planet, the other side of the planet, Electro-Magnetic waves which impacted the other side which bounced through the earth, which is one reason the pyramids are squared off satellite dishes pointing down. Because it is much more difficult to hear in effect through the planet than it is to hear up through nothing but air and magnetosphere.

The compounds the walls and buildings around the pyramids are in extremely obviously comparison circuit boards. designed to capture some Electro-Magnetic pulses, arrange others, and sequence through others.

the arrays aka the causeways some of which are still in existence used to be miles long.

the Pyramids stretch over more than 30 miles. Those 30 miles is more than double the length of the VLA in New Mexico.

The Pyramids can be used as a different type of diagnostics tool. They can also be used amongst the above uses, they can be used as a CAT scan to reveal what is happening with the planet itself. since the 100 Satellite Dishes are pointed straight down to the planet itself. They micro listen to the Electro-Magnetic waves of the planet. They listen by when waves hit them from within the quartz compresses and gives off electricity; exactly the same in every single aspect to how quartz functions in sonar. Same quartz substance, the planet gives off different types of pressure waves, those pressure waves compress the quartz in a different but same way water does. Gives off the same electricity.

Reference to modern Electro-Magnetic scanning technology.





they all use Electro-Magnetics, magnetics, electricity, etc. to create images. Those images are converted to a digital format and shown on a display. However the above Pyramids and related structures show much more than a casual few variable similarities. Major structural aspects are shared between them.

The Mathematics of the Pyramids

16 Major Pyramids with a couple dozen smaller ones in key locations.

16 Electrical Generators.

16 collection areas for the Causeway Array lines. Each one a couple miles long.

From north to south

the groupings would be associations of the 16 days of each months.

The 16 days are of course organized into 8 locations.

What did the ancient Egyptians figure out about identifying and measuring the Array, which caused them to lay their VLA out in this exact pattern.

The Pyramids are an of course electrical generator; however they are also not only a generator, but they used the compression aspects as a way to identify and measure the Electro-Magnetic waves pouring through the earths magnetosphere.

Above is so much evidence that it is a solid Theory as to the Pyramids *and of course the original layout of Rome pre-name change were a huge miles by miles Electro-Magnetic signal reception and interpretation array.*

1.     Abu g

a.      1

2.     Giza

a.      Khufu

b.     Khafre

c.      Memkaura

3.     Abu

a.      1

b.     2

c.      3

d.     4

4.     Sakkara


5.     5

6.     6

7.     7

8.     8


Pyramid Brain

in a pure structure format. it is not inconceivable to suggest that the function and structure of the Pyramids could have been built as a representation of a brain.

Lobes of the Brain



Which pyramid area could be which lobe











Basil ganglia






Spinal cord






Corpus collosum



Medulla Oblongotaa



the Causeways the Nervous System of the Brain


Leonardo Da Vinci and the Brain of the Pyramids/Rome

He knew this and painted it into the Sistine Chapel


Satellite di

Image result for satellite dish

Subterranean chamber

The sub chamber is in the almost exactly correct position for a squared off 8-sided Satellite dish. The receiver chamber.

The Pyramids sit in a sand pit, on the edge of the Sahara desert. Sand is used in a compressed form as the green part of computers, the green coating is a very thin layer of glass, which the circuits are soldered to. Egypt and the locations in Levant Lands e.g. King Solomons Temple and of course the Cave of the Nativity there is solid amounts of sand/glass between.


Ptah Dancing

The Language built into the most basic of Hebrew structures. The Hebrew characters can be perceived as the body in dance motions.

If course there is absolutely no reason to assume Ptah is a male, only later misogynistic cultures chose to assign Ptah a gender of male.

The Hebrew characters are more reminiscent of female ballet moves.

each of the positions involved in Hebrew can be associated with a ballet Dance move.


The Pyrmaids as an XLA and the Eye

Do the Crows feet found in older faces allow Electro-Magnetic waves to be directed towards the eyeball. Allowing for a concentration of Electro-Magnetic waves to assist in eyesight. Taking Electro-Magnetic waves and focusing them to a point culminating into the eyeball.

some Sonar works by bouncing sound waves from another location.

Ultra Sound

there is also the concept of Ground Penetrating Radar

There is also a biological connection with how the Giza Plateau is laid out.

Female anatomy is laid out in 3 distance areas, you can fill in the details the top being north each of the Giant Pyramids correspond with a specific area of the female Anatomy. Khufu, Khafre, Memkaure.

This ancient knowledge might be why the Muslims in some locations, but extremely specifically in Egypt perform Female genital Mutilation; to remove the Khufu and as much of the Khafre portions of the female as possible. To remove means in some crime against humanity, pure disgusting way, the descendants of Esau in the renamed by Mohammed Islam they knew about this Pyramids Two Way Radio technology of an Xtremely Large Array and that Females have a biological connection to said technology and the males are psychopathically jealous of said biological connection between females and a two way radio to and from god.

In the Bible in Genesis

it is extremely clear that one of the wife of Jacob

Sat on the Temple Idols. A clear direct documentation of the above. Female and the connection between the religious practices of Jacob (to obtain gods attention the ?Jews? stacked stones; points to a stack of stones is what the idols were. in other words a collection of carved stones in the shape of the Ben Ben stone) had a considerable amount to do with carved stones. Since his father in law insisted that they stack stones in their meeting to discuss the future of their families. the father in law was trying to get more free work from Jacob and Jacob needed to go become the King of Israel.

The Temple Idols were in some from some type of Ben Ben Stone Fleet.

what is interesting about that encounter is the following

Esau put up such a violent temper tantrum that the parents and most of the community had to deal with the genocidal level violence Esau was more than willing to perform to ensure he would enharit to be King of Kings of the Taberacel of Adam System.

From the time he became aware of the power of the system to his last dying breath, he set his intent to have and control that tool. He was going to seize control over it, and turn the tool into a weapon. Destroying all of his enemies in the process.

once he had control over the tool, the world would shake to his power and authritoy. He was in effect going to be god.

God and Jacob had other plans.

Jacob was in effect kicked out of his fathers home to sooth the rage of Esau. If Esau felt more powerful, it was hoped he would calm down. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Every time Esau could get power he wanted more, he much preferred seizing power than having it given to him. He was a preditro, (hence his name animal) he felt that might makes right, and if the lord allows for phsycia domination to occur than obviously the physical docminating person is performing gods will.

Jacob had to find himself another tent to live in.

He chose Jeahs father. Where he met his future two wifes. he liked the second daughter, but the father demanded he married both the older and the one he chose.

in return for two daughters, the father in law demanded that since Jacob had no dawrey that he needed to be his indentured servant for a number of years. During those years, the father in law manipulated the situation to add a few more years onto the total.

at the end, the father in law had a plan to extend the indentured ervant for a few more years. But Jacob refused flat out.

Jacob left with his wifes and of course his portion of the flock.

The father in law followed with an army.

the two men to negotiate.

the father in law demanded that they used a Kairn to call gods attention; because the father in law was completely convince that Jacob owed him more money/time as in indentured servant.

what that man wanted was as much money as he could manipulate and or a couple decades of slavery. He vastly over valued the prices of things to improve his own position.

as Jacob and his children grew up, a couple of his sons had the same insane level of greedy nature as their grandfather. Those couple boys negotiated with the Phoarh of Egytp to sell the chosen Heir to him for whatever the price was. Jacob was more than a little upset about his chosen Heir was sold into slavery by several of his other children.

The whole sequence of Judah and the wife of the Pharaoh sets up documentation about a ritual which Esaus cultures, the Vatican, and Puritan Culture would rather never existed. They perform the destroying what they do not like behavior of Esau all the time to remove what hurts their feelings. Or worse makes them question their theology.

Judah was depending on what version of the story you read was seduced by the wife of the Pharaoh and that seduction almost got Judah Killed. Judah left the service of the Pharaoh and returned home to be crowned King Israel II.

That story is fascinating since that story is not all that different than the wife of the King of Knossos seducing and or being seduced by the Bull from Poseidon. Poseidon is not the god but the city which would be conquered in x years and renamed to Honor the ATEN. The city was name changed to ATEN.

In the centuries to come and of course dozen language changes as different armies forced their dominant paradigm onto those they controlled. Specifically the Dorians from 1200-700 bce. The Dorians hate education only slightly less than they hate Jews.

in that time frame the spelling of ATEN Added an H after the T and an s after the N to make it personal possessive. ATHENS is the result.

Yes the same city Ageemon was defeated at, formed a new larger amry and went to destroy the city of Troy and all of the Trojans living in it. They for the most part evacuated out of Troy and lived in Alba Longa. Alba Longa the city was on the coast west of Samhain. 577 years later both cities were conquered by the latest commanding general of the descendants of Agamemnons army/culture the leaders of which called themselves Philistines. The City of Samhain was renamed to honor the commanding general Romuls. And thus the city of Samhain 2500 year history is erased and is reborn Rome.

Translating the name of said Pyramids has its own very odd and unusual Jewish Evidence to it.

Memkaure was named for Pharaoh Mem circa 2600 bce, Mem translates to Father of All in Hebrew the word which means Father of All literally is the word Abraham.

A solid linguistic arguments can be made that Pharaoh Mem is the Hieroglyphic and or Sumerian name for the 1500 years later invented Hebrew Abraham.

If any of that material is high in quartz, 1000 miles long roads generated enough electricity in a say to power America.

The aqueducts 1000 miles long water and copper.

When were the aqueducts destroyed,


Electricity Generating areas

the above information is problematic because it leads to a Hypothesis conclusion that the each of the blow have a similar design/engineering/archietcure and they each had a profound amount to do with the production of Electricity. Two of them in the ancient world have all the engineering specifications needed to be a radio/Electro-Magnetic telescope.

A send and receive machines so large they can detect Electro-Magnetic waves for several horizons away. The Roman Aqueducts, the Roman Roads, both generated electricity but they also would do the same exact thing the VLA does all the other Radio Telescopes do, but like all Satellite based communication tools, they not only receive but they can also send.

Sending Electro-Magnetic waves out that is an extreme idea. The Pyramids and of course Rome were in effect custom designed for this purpose amongst enumerable other purposes. The largest problem, what type of Electro-Magnetic wave would be sent out and what was the intended target. Ultra Sound works by sending out Electro-Magnetic waves, then measuring the location, intensity, and time it takes for those waves to return.

It appears based on the tools constructed that the absolute minimum which can be proven is that the ancients during various and assorted ceremonies would say sing songs. Which would be amplified to a radical amount by the structures themselves, those Electro-Magnetic waves would be sent out into the atmosphere and the cosmos and said waves would echo back.

Those sent back waves bouncing off of cosmos objects might be detectable and allow the Old Kingdom to create a mathematical map of this solar system based on the Electro-Magnetic wave echos.

we know they had the tool

we know they performed rituals inside; which includes chanting.

we know these rituals were done regularly.

we know that most of the pyramids had people present almost all year round. clergy who maintained the structures. Where they clergy or were they scientists.

Garden of Eden


Noahs fleet



Electricity generating

Levant Lands city of Jupiter/Jerusalem

Reference to harnessing demons eg electrical use through magnetics


Electricity generating


Electricity generating



Chicago Worlds Fair

Electricity generating

Bancroft Park

Electricity generating

Manitou Springs Miramont Castle

Electricity generating




Additional Documentation Evidence for a Two-Way Radio

The Noachite Rite which is a lost and partially recovered portion of FreeMaosnry, rebuilt from the very ancient 4000 bce Noah and his actions.

He landed in Egypt aka Israel (although that name would not exist till the Hyksos invasion of Egypt and the name changes associated; what Israel was called previous to the Hyksos is an unknown) directly next to the Temple of IWNW, supposedly built by Adam himself. Or at least the temple was a copy of a Temple Adam Built himself.

The point is, that the Noachite Rite states very clearly that upon the death of Noah. His three sons argued over who would take over as the head of the family.

They chose

The concepts of Freemasonry reemerged into existence during the Middle Ages; thanks in no small part to the workings of the Northumberland Royals specifically Robert De MANNERS (Sir Knight). Born: ABT 1298. Died: 28 Sep 1355, who was one of the first to not only bring books and information to England but also to translate Arabic into English. Thus proving that books from Constantinople and Alexandria were being copied and sent to Edinburgh and the role the family of Northumberland played in the creation of FreeMasonry. Those books form the base of Freemasonry in Northumberland in the Middle Ages which centuries later are then taken into the grand Lodge of England 1600s.

Sir MANNERS would have access to both the Noachite circa 4000 bce rite information from the Ogle family library from the Sumerian culture library circa 2600 bce. As well as the widows son of Jerusalem 1000 bce. Having access to both but be able to translate the widows son Arabic ceremony easier than translating the Sumerian. This would be one of the reasons why the current Masonic ceremonial configuration is the way it is. Not to mention the names of the participants and the story itself date back to this time in Northumberland and the translations of Arabic into first Manx Gaelic then into English. Having the participants of the construction process perform this rite immediately before the final stage and consecration of the alter was to begin/take place.

I have a partial answer for the history of the widows sons ceremony; as well as the ceremonies place in the construction process of great alters to god.

The widows son has been associated with several major construction projects after the building of the Solomons temple Jerusalem. So if he was killed just before construction moved into its final stage of completion; how would he have gone on to build other things after. The answer is in the Noachite rite (not sure but I think those two words are redundant e.g. rio Grande river.) explains the ceremony of Hiram, it explains why it occurred right before the completion (a ritualistic sacrifice of the master) of any major project to ensure the society they were achieving the correct goal (population perspective; how many temples were burned to the ground, how many times were the jews and other monotheistic tribes displaced before the construction of Jerusalem, etc. "Are we doing this project for nothing or will it serve a greater good when it is burnt to the ground.). The noachite (Noah rite) was created and recreated when the monotheistic population felt a need to have a "god are we doing the correct thing hear?" ceremony; I think based on the description of the ceremony and when the ceremony was repeated.

Also the facts that the name Noah itself is a play on sounds from Enoch, the third son of Adam and Eve. However there is some mystery built into the most basic framework of this concept. Death and dying, reborn using the Tabernacle of Adam System. FreeMasonry as every single mason in the world knows, riding the goat (which I have not only done myself but also helped a dozen brothers ride the goat) has a huge amount to do with the function and structure of murder. All of this information together all but literally defines the facts that Noah or his other name Gilgamesh had a profound amount to do with the function and structure of the items Enoch left behind. Who could have just as easily been the renamed after death Able renamed Enoch.

How was the resurrection and or Frankenstein aka Headless Horseman occur. That would be in the Tabernacle of Adam System, which featured the Amber Room in the Third Floor of the North West Corner Kaaba.

The info comes to the modern world through the dark ages and the cultural warfare between still warring factions. The English (who have never liked the British), the British, the Italians, the Vatican, the Gaelic, translating Manx Gaelic, the Scotts, the pics, French scholars, and the scholars from the Constantine library (where the bulk of the info came from to create most of the guilds knowledge base), etc. A strong connection between the Teutonic knights, Northumberland, and the foundation of the Templars was glossed over into being founded by French Norman knights; but the Teutonic cross means they had to be initiated into that specific knight order. Northumberland, Norman, and Northern French; what is the difference just lump them all together?

The Noachite ceremony as referenced below predates the Hebrew translation of the old testament. Since Noah was at least 1000 years before Abraham was born circa 2600 b. c. e. this puts the ceremony and associated material written and in the society of the Sumerians. Which is also the area of which Abraham, his father, and brothers were born. Abraham was born by legend in the city of Ur; which is only 20 miles away from Eridu. Eridu is the city David Rahl asserts is the actual location of the Tower of Babel. Since Eridu has one of the largest and oldest of the kingdom of Canaan libraries. The library building itself was a large and imposing ziggurat. A ziggurat happens to have the same basic shape and height of a pyramid. A ziggurat and pyramid share one very large connection; Khufu. The Khufu pyramid by any stretch of basic scientific criticism is disqualified as being a mausoleum for Pharaonic mummies.

The left, west, or dirty side of the Nile between upper and lower Egypt could easily be the location Abraham placed his tents and began construction of an alter to god.

Abrahams grandson Jacob build at least one more alter if not a temple complex to god north of south of lower Egypt.

The Noachite ceremony was preformed to help guide the community after the flood, but also as a rite of passage; the rite of passage was thought to be bring either the person or the group closer to god. The closer to god it is thought would be closer to finding out what god wants the person/group to do.

Eventually the rite might have been restricted to only the group leaders, the highly educated, and a way for the population to trust the building of an alter to god was not a waist of their time.

copied from the original website





The Noachite Legend

The Original 3rd Degree???


The Graham Manuscript was discovered in 1936 and has been reliably dated as originating circa 1726.

It comprises two small pieces of parchment in very poor condition and is believed to be a very early form

of Masonic ritual from that period. The poor condition may be attributed to the likelihood that the

original single document was transferred from Lodge to Lodge over a long period of time. The original

text is (of course) in very old style English (dating to 500-1100 ce)and is somewhat difficult for the modern reader to decipher.

Below is a copy of a modern translation of the text -


"We have it by tradition, and still some reference to scripture for it caused Shem, Ham and

Japheth to go to their father Noah's grave for to see if they could find anything about him to

lead them to the valuable secret which this famous preacher had...

For I hope all will allow that all things needful for the new world was in the Ark with Noah.


Now these 3 men had already agreed that if they did not find the very thing itself,

that the first thing that they found was to be to them as a secret...

They not doubting, but did most firmly believe that God was able and would also

prove willing, through their faith, prayer and obedience, to cause what they did find to prove

as valuable to them as if they had received the secret at first from God Himself at its headspring.


So [they] came to the grave, finding nothing save the dead body almost consumed away.

Taking a grip at a finger, it came away... so from joint to joint... so to the wrist...

so to the elbow... so they reared up the dead body... and supported it...

setting foot to foot... knee to knee... breast to breast... cheek to cheek... and hand to back...

and cried out 'Help, Oh Father'...

As if they had said 'Oh Father of Heaven, help us now, for our earthly father cannot'...

so laid down the dead body again and not knowing what to do...

so one said: 'Here is yet marrow in this bone' and

the second said: 'But a dry bone' and

the third said: 'It stinketh'.

So they agreed to give it a name as is known to free masonry to this day...

so went to their undertakings, and afterwards works stood."


Members of the Royal Ark Mariner degree will be acutely aware of the significance of

the patriarch Noah, his three sons (Japheth, Shem & Ham) and

the Great Flood in the ritual of that degree.

However, it appears quite likely that when the early speculative Masons were formulating

the original versions of the ritual (of which the 3rd Degree was a later addition)

they chose the early Jewish legends concerning the story of Noah as a foundation.

These Hebrew legends are not part of the standard VSL and told how Noah, when made aware

of the impending destruction of the earth's surface made two tablets that contained all the

knowledge that the survivors of mankind would need to survive in the post-destruction world.

Not knowing the exact method of destruction that was coming,

he made one of material to withstand water and the other to resist fire.


The similarities between the version in the Graham Manuscript and

the later Hiramic Legend are very strong.

The raising from the grave, the five points of fellowship and the pact to record whatever

was observed during the actions in at attempt to recover lost knowledge.

It is very likely therefore that Noah was the Masonic figure raised in some early versions

of the 3rd degree and not Hiram Abif.


Having said that, some early Masonic scholars were somewhat fanciful in their interpretation

of such legends and the conclusions they drew must be seriously questioned.

The transfer of the English words "Marrow in the Bone" to an ancient Yiddish pronunciation

of the MM substituted words is difficult to justify logically.

Dialect scholars have been unable to come up with any similar known Yiddish or Hebrew terms

of the period that would support this notion, and the likelihood that the FC's who witnessed

the raising of Hiram Abif made their exclamations in English is fairly remote.


My thanks to VWBro John Travers (Mark Grand Lecturer) for providing the basis for this article.

The Encyclopedia Britannica says this about the Noahide laws:

"Noahide Laws, also called NOACHIAN LAWS, a Jewish Talmudic designation for seven biblical laws given to Adam and to Noah before the revelation to Moses on Mt. Sinai and consequently binding on all mankind.

In Matrix III, Val Valerian says:

" . . . the Noahide Laws apply only to non-Jews living under Jewish jurisdiction. Interestingly, Webster's Dictionary, New International Edition 2nd Ed 1950, states that a Noachite is 'one who has taken the 21st degree of the Scottish Rite (Freemasonry).'"

The entry Noachid, found in the ENCYCLOPDIA OF FREEMASONRY1 states the following:

"The descendants of Noah. A term applied to Freemasons on the theory, derived from the 'legend of the craft,' that Noah was the father and founder of the Masonic system of theology. And hence the Freemasons claim to be his descendants, because in times past they preserved the pure principles of his religion amid the corruptions of surrounding faiths. Dr. Anderson first used the word in this sense in the second edition of the Book of Constitutions: 'A Mason is obliged by his tenure to observe the moral law as a true Noachida.' But he was not the inventor of the term, for it occurs in a letter sent by the Grand Lodge of Calcutta in 1735, which letter is preserved among the Rawlinson MSS. in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. (See Ars Quartuor Coronatorum, xi., 35.)


Carl Sagan

 November 9, 1934  December 20, 1996

was born 2 decades after Hedy Lamarr, he did his gradschools studies under her and Alan Turings genius projects. By the time he was in gradschools circa 1950s, Alan was either dead and or was part of Operation Paperclip and was working to build better Operating Systems for Hedys new Christophers for the military all over.

Where Carl learned about the top end classified information regarding what the Thule Society sent by Himmler and other members of the society over the enigma machine codes is likely never to be known. however the facts that he wrote this information inside the function and structure of his novel providing a fictionalized version of the life of Hedy Lamarr is not in doubt. Hedy is the heroin of Contact which is not actually a novel about making contact with Aliens but using Electro-Magnetic waves and their structures to learn how to travel from point A through point B (Einstein Rosen Bridge) to point C.

However when Carl wrote it, and through when the Movie was filmed, their was all but zero tolerance in the intelligence communities for anything close to the truth being talked about. so they let Carl write about aliens, instead of time travel.

However I am under no said restrictions since I have had no access to classified materials, so I have no legal restrictions for what I can write about to talk about. I figured it out on my own, so I can talk about anything I want.



Goddess of Venus of Willendorf

the Ben Ben Stone of the external Pelvis and the line/lines extending from the Hip down the leg can be seen/observed to be an Electro-Magnetic wave detector.

The same idea can be found in numerous odd graphics and or course the huge lights pointing up from the Egyptian style Pyramid Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Image result for pyramids light top

Although in all hard reality, this Casino Resort is compared to the Flamingo Casino Resort is relatively bran new. The Flamingo was under construction in the last 1940s, this is a replacement of another casino which was removed for a variety of reasons. It was demolished and this was put in its place.

However the key detail to remember is this casino is packaged in to resemble the Khafre Pyramid with the sphinx directly in font. Khufu in Egypt is directly north by a few hundred feet.

Image result for giza light top

The most difficult aspects of this Pyramid Radio Telescope, however the Electro-Magnetic wave detector transmitter is more accurate. Radio waves are very limited, Electro-Magnetic waves cover the entire spectrum. Aliens just sound odd and interesting, but time travel is actually scarry to a lot of people.

The Pyramids being an Extremely Large Array is the point. Which they in a very small amount are, and were to a huge and gigawatts version were before their casing stones were removed.


Stretching over at least 2 separate horizon to horizon.




The Pyramids as two-way radios

Jacob and Jacobs Ladder

Jacobs Ladder

Em waves ascending and descending from Heaven is close to the exact definition of what radio telescope does.


King Kong


Pyramid sensor array over the dish, identical to the bedrock under the pyramids


It appears Noahs Fleet is a calendar of sorts.

of course everything about navigation is literally about time, navigating in a vehicle is relatively easy. navigating on water is much more difficult. Navigating using Electro-Magnetic waves is literally the most difficult challenge modern cultures have faced, most have lost the challenge. They cannot wrap their minds around the concept.