The Foundations of Psychology through Wilhelm Wundt and the Ogle family


The more I dig in an research the foundations of Psychology, the more of an endless abyss it becomes. Wundt did not  invent the field of Psychology, it merely found the pieces of Psychology hidden in several different locations, with different groups of people, a couple captured libraries from the Ogle family, an epic clandestine sequence of wars between the British (Trojans and Old Kingdom) and the descendants of Agamemnon who formed their own culture name which they later 1300 bc – 150 ce proudly claimed and used openly. Then spent the next 1500 years hiding any and all evidence regarding a connection between themselves (Agamemnon’s Culture) and hteir self appointed name Philistine. The name became a problem with the rise of Christianity from the Evil Priest Paul and his more than 60% of the new testament was either written by him or by his followers. He turned against the Roman Senate after they turned against him and worked very hard to strip him of the power they had given him.

The descendants of Paul and the Roman Army from 50 to 400 ce were given lands in what would become Germany/Prussia circa 1100 ce. It was called Germany about 30 bce, but the point is the Prussian Cutlure forming in 1130 circa which si the point. The Prussians were Muslim first and foremost. In a rather strong way so was Agemenon.

The Descendants of Agamemnon after they called themselves Philitstine took on antoerh name 577 tyears after the gates of Troy were breached. That name was the name of the new commanding General of the descendants of Agememnons culture aka the Philistines in Central Italy. The Philistines was the name of the govering body of the culture. AFter the Commanding Geneearl finally was able to destroy the city of Samhain Army at Alba Longa, he was able to ride into the city unopposed. He renamed the city in his own Honor, Romulus, Rome. he proceeded to erase the 1000s of years of history the city had, and climaed “he built the million plus population infrastructure in a single day”. Romulus was long on ego and short on reality. A thing the Romans to this day still have an issue with.